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Wednesday 12 July 2023

Well Okay, 'Why...'

We live in a world -, have grown up in a society, where words are thrown about, hurled even, sometimes, and nobody asks what they really mean.

You have heard:

'When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

'For now (back then) we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then (he's talking about our now) shall I know even as I am known.'

Today's design standards are not
We don't even have the concepts of color
any more.

You are known. Every single thing about you is known.

And again, a little earlier in the same passage - 'For we know in part, But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away with.'

A little later it goes on and speaks about sounds and music, and, also - 'There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification. Therefore if I know not the voice (or the sound/the music/the word's meaning), I shall be like a barbarian (IE ignorant of the facts and of the matter in question).'

And further then: 'The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Ruling Man from Heaven. The corruptible cannot inherit the Heavens. Behold I shew you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.'

So now, here is the why of it all:

It lies in the meaning of the word 'Judgement.'

Everyone loves to preach 'Judgement' and talk about it as if to force their own position against others, and their own opinion onto others.

Here is another case where Wikipedia and Google-Search will get you close but not close enough.

This is what they say 'judgement' means:

The Elven here, is - 
in the handbag.

"The ability to make considered decisions, or come to sensible conclusions.'

- aka, they are implying 'science,' I guess, in this definition of the meaning. And it sounds so right; but it is wrong.

But the fact is - and it is the fact - that unless the decisions and the sensible conclusions are beneficial to you and to everyone you care about, they are perfectly useless to humans and they do not represent Judgement; that is Judgement with a Capital 'J.'

Because there is certainly of course false judgement too.

And we are not after that. 

You are here to exercise sentience at its near-to-highest level. You are here to get into situations requiring you to make judgments (decisions) that are yes, factually sound and considered (definitely they must be considered because after all that is what sentience is) - but above all they must tend towards the beneficial and the Good.

As you proceed upwards making ever more decisions, yet ever more beneficial in the tending-to-best and greatest ways, then at a point you breach through into the zone where you as a person, as a unit possessing sentience - that is, living mind and decision capacity - are acceptable to those, and accepted by those, who already must of necessity have and rely on all their other members having that level of, that kind of judgement capacity.

Judges in human courts are mere robotic functionaries to a written diktat.

That is an example of a fraud; of a perversion of the meaning of the word Judgement with a Capital 'J.'

This is the premier place and the way
to extract essential oil from roses.
This is Kannauj, and the roses are Taif roses.
It's old.
And it's right.

It is necessary to know what the meaning of Ultimate Good, is. To know what the full human meaning of 'beneficial' is.

You are not a functionary, or a mere robotic functionary - not even to some beyond-the-visible Super Idea of 'the Good;' because that word has a special meaning: it means something alive and living and relating...

The only time you will ever truly be alive for real, is when you are precisely in a direct living relationship with the Cosmic Ultimate Good; which itself is very much alive - it is Life.

'God will return to Judge the World.'

Yeah, so what? (I don't mean that in a bad way, or a cynical, skeptical way).


I mean, that is, having read this aren't you already doing that - going into that mode as a known necessary fact of truly living as intelligent sentience? Real Judgement means acceptance in/into.

Just look at it from the prosaic, the silly 'ET Alien' theme: don't you expect them to judge the human race? You would not expect them, some atrociously intelligent species to come here and just go 'Aw cool, humans, they're so great. We'll just walk open armed into their stupid traps and mistakes and wars and whatever all else crazy nonsense that they all do every five minutes...'  

As a human I may make all kinds of mistakes, for so many reasons, one fundamental one of them simply because I do not have total knowledge. But I do have a concept of the ever-ascending form of the beneficial as it may be described as also 'the Good.'

Once I am established - rooted - in the desire and the intention and the natural inclination to always be looking for the Good, then I could be allowably plugged into some vastly great or even perfect knowledge set...

Do not for one second imagine that you cannot be met by some being or beings from some elevated place.

Not for one second.

The doubts arise simply from lack of direct experience.

There are many people on this planet (okay, maybe not many, two or three or a handful no more! lol), who are completely directly patched into amazing things way above this world, and so can you be too.

Listen to this down below...

Do you really think this is coming out of a 'normal' human's mind?

And don't worry, we'll get to the material wealth by-and-by. But I hope you are getting the point of it all - the point to it all. Which is, namely, that you have to be unremittingly beneficial and good to all those you want to have in your circle. The reliability comes from the 'unremittingly;' you can make errors (although this is incorrect to characterize, as people do, as 'errors of judgment'), but if you unremittingly tend towards the bettering of the results or the outcomes, or the beneficial aspects to your circle of people, your reliability is certain.

...I hesitated to write this next bit.

In ancient Biblical terms, the word is 'repentance,' but in our modern, more advanced and better form of language, it is 'unremitting tendency towards the bettering, the beneficial and the Good.' This is when you can command the angels. When you are certain of yourself about the unremitting nature of your own inner self - but then, where (the beneficial, the Good) it is headed. Time is very, um, limitless. For you. And yes yes I know 'I want now, I want now.' Close your eyes, and switch off your brain! And 'watch' the dark and empty space...



Sunday 9 July 2023

We Will Get To The 'Why' Later

Well I think though we have probably touched on the concepts previously. 

But then when stuff begins to get real, a completely different level of seriousness comes into the picture.

I mean you yourself also know that so much of standard religious ideas and how any of them are practiced all depends on dead texts - stuff that has gone long before, was written a long time ago and nobody knows now for certain how any of it ever actually happened.

'Scholars' argue, commentators dispute, loud and noisy figures preach but all they are ever doing, all of them, is talk about something that happened.

Not 'Vera' from the stories...
By the way this is known as
'Dopamine dressing.'
You knew that, right?

Or didn't happen, as the case may be.

What you are doing here, reading here - is happening.

My view is that if I can, if Targ and Monroe and others can -, well then so can you. What's the difficulty? Is there one? What is it?

Look the real difficulty is that right across the whole world - from the time of the Emperor Shun Yen in China, to the Middle East and Egypt and quite probably even South America - for thousands of years there has been a powerful dedicated drive to prevent human beings from reaching to the ideas where we have been going here.

A lot of modern-day Muslim Da'ees (or 'Da'yis' or 'Da'iis') always suggest the Bible has been corrupted, but that is not quite the real situation: but it does have strange conflicted areas in it however. Notably Chronicles and Deuteronomy. And if you simply consult Wikipedia, suddenly you will encounter these strange statements that 'scholars do not agree on the authenticity of...'


You might be wondering why on Earth I would bring this into a series about meeting Elves!

Okay. Well. 

Here is something to consider:

Chronicles and Deuteronomy and the standard orthodox Jewish Midrash teachings all say that 'King Josiah' (this is the king of Judah around 640 BC to 609BC) tore down and destroyed all the symbols dedicated to the Hosts of Heaven, after consulting a female seer, Huldah.

But then, then, in the Gospels, notably Luke 2: 13, choirs of the Hosts of Heaven all sing to the glory of the birth of Jesus!


Serotonin dressing,
more like!


Aren't they supposed to be 'bad guys?'

The Torah and the Midrash say 'yes' they are. 

Or maybe just idols and in fact non-existent, yet here they are in the primest of prime authoritative Christian texts saying they approve of the descent of a Divine Figure to the Earth and not just any Divine Figure but literal God Himself.

What is going on?


Unless you realize there are two things going on in the Biblical texts - one, the purely secular and political and worldly-power narratives claiming authority from the Divine, and the other the vague hints about something completely 'otherworldly.'

And these two things are completely in conflict and at odds with each other.

Jews might like to say that 'King Josiah' was righteous and all of that, but what explains his going off to consult some 'seer?' Why isn't he as a representative of the House and Throne of David, able to simply directly consult with actual God? 

And then of course traditional Biblical scholars, 'Christian' and Jewish, try to make all kinds of justifications for this, usually by shoving Huldah with Deborah. There is no similarity.


We have already talked about what the 'circles of Enoch' are and how to access these.

You do not have to go off and consult a 'seer' in order to get some vicarious 'sight,' some 'vision,' when actual vision is available for you to access personally.

Jodie Knight - singer
from the track posted below.

Next thing you will discover however, is that these otherworldly beings are not just 'beings' or 'creatures,' they are people. They are actual people just like you with personalities and their own ideas.

In our modern times we know the CIA has access to this huge, this absolutely massive archive of digital communications and records from past conversations that people have had over the internet and over digital telephony.

The Goo Goo Dolls wrote the song (well, someone did anyway) for the Hollywood copy of a European movie which in the western world goes by the title 'City of Angels' - 'Iris.'

And as I have said before 'Iris' is a contraction of the Iriyuen - the Watchers. When they are working they are all called 'Iriyuen' or 'Iriyu-El,' and when they are off work they are called 'Xan' with a serial number after that.

Some of the Watchers got into trouble one time for descending and 'leaving their proper estate' (or dwelling/abode) and taking up with human females. What this actually refers to is some of them having actually packed up and left permanently! ...In order to come down here and reside here. Well they never gave up any personal powers and knowledge. What they did to is cut themselves off from a massive more-or-less computer system filled with archived events and knowledge and all kinds of other important things. And that's why they went off the rails here.

Fundamentally, a long-term (eternal) archive of information plus some system of preserving personal consciousness means - Watchers live forever by daisy-chaining bodies, with their own personal egos intact. And so do Elves; that is the standard Nordic narrative attested by the bards there.

Humans do have this same order of personal consciousness but it is dependent on only one lifetime's knowledge, and even that is potentially friable within the human physical brain.

So, the only way for allowable congress between Elves - or Watchers and the Hosts of Heaven - is by the human leaving their place of residence; not the other way around. And that does not mean Elves and Watchers do not or cannot come down here for a short time, or that you have to go 'disappear' some weird way.

You are inevitably going to 'disappear' anyway.

Except there is another way.

And there's no one in worldly power anywhere here that wants you to know about that. For one thing, the power available to Watchers (and Elves) is simply incalculably massive...

You are required to be able to have some supernatural order of responsibility before anyone with that kind of power is going to extend it to the average human person.

Elves on champagne.
Not a good idea!

The most basic thing to do, when interacting with any kinds of putative 'Watchers' - be they ET Alien or Biblical text angelic beings - is to ask to have information, and to ask to have the channels of vision opened.

I have not ever said anything in these pages that is not strictly 100 per cent true and correct (unless I was deliberately being sarcastic or something, and that would have been quite obvious). 

Elves are - to call it 'ethereal' in looks is somewhat adequate but it is necessary to re-assert that they are people, not 'beings' or 'creatures' - people.

You might be a sentimental person, one who more-or-less lives inside Skyrim fantasies or inside the ultra-sensitive mind-set of people who love flowers and who take long walks in deep forests.

Well okay. Why can't you do that? There is no reason why not to.

When you engage with some actual person that however ordinarily people do not ordinarily see, but that you suddenly discover are from beings that are real but not human - all that will go in is that your personal perspectives are being communicated honorably to them and then, naturally you must expect them to communicate back to you their personal perspectives. Nobody who has the responsibility of being able to access some massive Cosmic mainframe of information and data and archives of history of the past and of the future too, is not a respectful person.

Is this really real?

Can you really see these beings, as most call them; but I say - these people?

Well my friends if you are a text-book Christian you are obligated to believe in their existence. They are the Hosts of Heaven. And they sing.

And they are not powerless.

Far, far from it. 

We've already been through all that 'digital spintronics' stuff and everything. Of course it's real. Use the power.

Friday 7 July 2023

No Need To Make Stuff Up

The one thing you should all know by now, is that this world is both complex, as well as twisted, and on the whole there is one specific side - a competing interest, as it were, to the best interests of humans - that dominates matters and walks like a copycat, mimicking every kind of good thing and supplanting those with false depictions and simulacra.

If you think you have read the Bible, for example -, and that you know what the Bible is telling you, well very likely you are mistaken.

Here's a similar kind of thing to the Biblical fraud narrative that is going on:

There are Sami people and Greta Thunberg is not one of them.

There are Autistic people and Greta Thunberg is not of them.

But she has the public stage as far as the broad media is concerned - about those and many other issues.

...So what I'm trying to get at is that possibly there are voices or there could be legitimate voices for various causes but these will always be sidelined in favor of a fraud.


Always that is the case with the human race since a long long time ago. 

This week the story was being pushed that Jaswant Chail, the would-be assassin of the late Queen of the UK, was spurred on to his actions by an AI chatbot 'girlfriend' that he had, or claimed to have had - and that there is some archived digital evidence to support his story, according to his defense lawyers.

I do not believe his story but that view does not stand a chance of being argued in the media because the media has already proposed his narrative and it is pushing it.

There is a parallel thing going on with human society all the time: one thing is real and the other is a fraud.

Bu you do not have to concoct anything - like Jaswant Chail is doing - to get to what you really want.

It's an utterly pointless exercise speculating in your own imagination, stories about say for example, strange creatures like Elves. How is that going to discover anything truly real about otherworldly beings if you make stuff up??

But here is the real point that I want to get to as part of the main direction:

You are never told in the media, or even by academia, what is actually going on about anything truly relevant to your human nature and forward progress and advancement. These guys want to hold you back, to hold you up, enslave you to their own will in order to gain from you at your expense; to make money from you, and to use you in labor for them as an unwilling servant, however compelled by economics.

If you look up Wikipedia about the Old Testament prophecies for Jesus for instance, you will never find the one outstanding one... You will find dozens and the number of them is designed and intended to shove you away from some critical details.

There is no physical actual 'Beth-El' anywhere in or around Jerusalem. And there never has been.

The Muslims know that - or at least, the original founders of Islam did - and so all Muslims today imagine that Beyt-ul-Lah, is the Kaaba in Mecca. And this is clearly explained by all Muslim scholars to mean 'Beth-El;' same as the Beth-El in the Old Testament.

'Beth-El' is the 'place' from which Jacob saw the angels ascending and descending between Heaven and Earth.

A 'man of God' from Beth-El is a figure that appears all over the place in the Bible and in fact it is often not even said what this person's name is or all these individuals names, are.

They appear out of thin air, at least they certainly do in terms of the stories and the carriage of the narratives going on in the Bible in the contexts where they suddenly appear.

We are not ever told who or from where this amazingly important 'Melek-i-Zadek' is when Abraham decides to give him a whole bunch of money or - a tenth of everything he had made out of his war victory or something. For what reason?

Who knows.

The 'man of God from Beth-El' just suddenly turns up and tells Rehoboam off big-time and then gets 'killed' by a lion but not eaten after doing all kinds of amazing miracles first but then going to see another 'prophet' presumably of Jehovah (whereas 'El' is led, as Mauro Biglino correctly points out, by Elyon and not Jehovah at all) when he was instructed by 'God' not to do that. And that all happened to signify that you don't mess with this 'High El' God.

Beth-El. The phrase simply means 'the Household of the El-people' - the Elohim.

So there are 'men' who come from this 'not-men' household...

They look more or less like men but they are not human 'men.'

A lot of the Zohar and also mainstream orthodox traditionalist Hebrew religious scholars say that Sarah the wife of Abraham was just so too - one of these non-human creatures from Beth-El.

And whereas the phrase for these figures is always 'man or men or woman of God,' the prophets of Yahweh are called 'prophets.'

What this particular one from Beth-El who comes to Rehoboam says to him is really quite insulting both to the king (Rehoboam) and to all the prophets of Yahweh. He says: 'this * will sacrifice the bones of your prophets over your dead body on your own alter!'


There was a * who turned up later but as I said, this a false parallel identity - King Josiah. What he did was obliterate the previous religion of the Jews based on what Abraham and Jacob and David were doing, and manufacture a whole new one that is with us to this day.

It is a fraudulent religion.

But actually my point is slightly different again here.

What I want to underscore is not to mess with these beings, assuming - even just assuming - they are real; that is to say, do not mess with the Els.

So what if you do a lot of legitimate mind exercises and nothing happens?

If nothing happens then you have also proven something for real.

Namely, the Els are not real, or they don't care about you.

However before you dismiss their reality, go to Kings 1, Chapter 13, the whole of it, and read it.

And then go to Wiki and see where it is in there. 

And where it is in there with regard to the Old Testament Bible prophecies of Jesus (which is a Greek rendering of the name, of course).

You want to play with the Lyosalfar well fine, but don't mess with them, in the sense that do not play around with their integrity or with yours in order to satisfy some desire to make a figment of the human imagination turn into a reality out of sheer ego and arrogance, when the reality - if it is there - is entitled to make itself known on its own terms.

It is there.

So ask nicely.

Well, I mean, you know, we're all only human - so try to ask nicely. And I'm sure they'll reciprocate and respect the attempt.

You will never be able to have your Elf friend interviewed in the mainstream media though.

Because what your Elf friend will be likely to do is 'sacrifice over their dead bones...'

The fastest jet airplane in the US Air Force is not even quick enough to keep up with an Elf without an aircraft!

But that's just assuming they exist though, right.

Chapter 13. Bible. You get out of that one if you can.

But at least now you know the real Hebrew name of 'Jesus,' because I just told you. And it's not Yeshua is it?!

Human history is a parallel game.

On the one side there is 'reality.' As it is pitched by the majority and the mainstream, and the 'Rehoboams.'

On the other side my friends, there really are Elves.

And Elves are strictly in outright enmity to the mainstream of humans and that is why most people do not see them.

'Lyosalfar' - travelers at the speed of light. 


Tuesday 4 July 2023

Meeting An Elf

At this point I'll not say 'the Elves.' Just one Elf will do for now. 

What you will have acquired having read here for a while, and for some it will be a revisiting of a basic mental instinct that you already have -, is a regard for logic and for its worth and absolute necessity in how you taken on various outlooks, various positions.

Through logic you can accept what your socialized 'rationality' will often demur from taking on board.

But your logical mind will be resolute, even while your so-called 'common sense' denies actual reality and tries to get you to listen to the wrong kinds of gut feelings.

Lucid blue...

I am going to link to the free-to-read new thing, in a moment - and it is only the presaging of an 'incident' that will later on be described.

But it will give you a good clear run-up to what will then happen next.

And it might shock you too.

There are two very important statements in the Bible, in the New Testament: one says that 'what was begun in the Spirit...' and the other says that 'how can you love God whom you have not seen, while you do not love one another whom you have seen?'

We all, as human beings, expect our human-lived physical reality to somehow, some day, give us the truth... And that we can see it, feel it, and touch it.

But logic tells us that everything in human-lived physical reality changes and dies - it goes through this profile of growth and decline and death and/or complete change. Thus you cannot rely on it to be always and forever stable.

Let's say you encounter an Elf! In an 'ordinary' real material 'humanoid' physical form. Such a thing will, not, however, last. Not here.

You could certainly have some fun for a while and then those material things would change like all material things always do.

At the same time (and the same applies to the present desires of the wider community, including many of the alternative media commentators) the same situation applies to encounters with let's say 'real life UFO occupants' - that is, actual ET Aliens: people want to talk with them to gain some major long-term, enduring benefits; maybe some super-advanced technology, some medical knowledge, social/political, even sexual, knowledge.

But then, going back to logic about all material things - they decline...

Real human...
Kind of.
A performer in the Great Moscow Circus.
Happens to be down the road from
me 500 meters right now for the whole

It is most complex to reach a decent understanding of what 'Spirit' really means, but one thing it absolutely does not mean, is anything that dies or declines or fades or wastes away. 

Thus when you want to rely on something, to utterly rely on it - then it needs to start from the standpoint of the non-physical and the non-material. And in fact, it is perfected still in the Spirit form, and influences - has power over - the material, subsequently.

So we all want to see the Elves, to touch them and to converse with them; same with the ET's. 

But the standard definition of the 'basic' ET Alien is a creature that traverses light years of space. And hence it is not a thing that has a normal human-life existential material profile (of being/of existence). 

When you formulate - that is, are able to formulate a mental picture of some perfect concept, some idea that you regard as having great meaning and importance to you, then this is the thing you must continually hold in mind, and not an expectation of a materialization of the normal human life kind of version of that thing.

And why? Because this Spiritual thing will stay the same, it will not change - it is reliable. As an object of thought, as an actual idea with logical structure, as a non-visible thing; it does not suffer the typical material profile of all material things.

This is the meaning of 'Hyperuranion.' The place above heaven.

Jesus taught the wider general body of people to pray: 'Pater hemon, ho en tois Uranion.'

But He took them to the Hyperoion for secret teaching. 

Does this mean a Spiritual thing is impalpable?


Does it mean it cannot manifest into the material realm? Absolutely not!

It can. It does. But that is not the point for you to focus on. You must focus on the non-declining, non-altering, non-dying thing. The pure Spirit first, last -, always. Because it always is, and always is the same.

In your common daily life you might not quickly see the effects, the results, the evidence, the 'facts.' But logic tells you the opposite of that seeming let-down: the thing that doesn't change is the real one when it comes to a contest of reality between 'human material Earth-world life' and the pure concept realm. Your only 'problem' is the question of whether you yourself as a sentient living person - continues and does not die. Because if you did not die, then the only reality is the one full of things that also do not change or die!

...This piece of music (in the YT video down below) will accompany the segment that comes after the linked text piece, and that becomes obvious and implied to follow when you read what is there at the current link.

Inside the music, are ideas, concepts, movement, structure, and energy and the potential for evocation of specific kinds of emotion.

Where do those ideas and idea structures come from? What makes them powerful? What makes them work in the perception of the real living material human?

This is something literally from the Hyperuranion.

But what I want you to know is that when you focus on that kind of thing - it powers into the material realm for you, it makes things come to be inside your material existence.

Why? Not because of magic, not because of 'The Secret' (Hollywood pop book on manifesting) -, but because of the logic that things which do not change nor stop existing are real. They are in fact the only things which are real forever!

And that is how real things work, really.

Of course there is a literally material physical 'world' above where we all live down here on Earth. Of course there are super-advanced ET Alien beings there. But they all are still subject to the power of the perfect ideas, the unchanging eternal concepts, the maths, the music, the harmonies, the structure, the logic; those things come first.

So, now you know what to do, how to think, even what to think.

You just don't believe that things will 'come true.' But they are already true.

And it doesn't actually matter whether you believe or don't believe, or doubt or have doubts - it only matters that you think and that you continue to think, and return your focus ever and ever onto the Hyperuranion ideas. For they don't change and they don't die.

Suddenly one day something will happen in the Earth material realm and you will be shocked. And even then you will still doubt, except your doubts will be very shaky from that point on.

And by-and-by they will disappear altogether and you will live permanently in the realm of unchanging perfect ideas, and with instantaneous effects of those ideas in the Earth material location of time and space.

Sunday 2 July 2023

Taking Another Road Back Home

At least one of you here is managing to 'get it' big time. 

And I know one other who has been all over the 'Grecian Cliffs' and all of that just recently.

It's a very big deal thing.

Shortly we will invade a place and you will be in the front lines.

It's not a place anywhere here on Earth.

One of you has been talking about some 'gold' related to some ancient old books, supposedly, of philosophy.

You already well know that the world is full of misleading words in important texts and books. 

One of the most misleading of them of them all is the 'Hipponion Golden Tablets.'

Hipponion is a place in ancient history, that is now called Vibo Valentia and it was a sea coast settlement of the Locrians - who were under a curse ever since they stopped sending maidens to the Temple of Athena.

Here is the truth about the - as they are called in modern archaeology - 'Hipponion Lamellae:'

Dionysius II of Syracuse, the tyrant, was seeking to learn about the secrets of the Orphic Cult people - with the aim of securing his own personal prospects after death - and paid the Platonic School, inclusive of having Plato himself travel there and impart the authentic secrets.

In the event of Plato having failed to dissuade Dionysius from continuing the tyrant's underhanded ways through which he thought he would preserve his power, Plato had two very expensive golden tablets made and he rowed out in a boat with these, about eleven miles off the coast there somewhere (history does not concretely specify exactly where) - after which neither he nor the tablets were even seen again.

The reason that Plato rowed out so far in plain sight of many witnesses, was so that Dionysius would be certain that Plato himself had written - or etched onto the tablets - the key secrets.

It would be easy for anyone to see if Plato was out there on his own, which he was.

At around eleven or so miles though, 'he was no longer visible to the people standing on the shore.'

Once Dionysius realized that in some sense he had been cheated of the secrets of the afterlife, maybe by Fate itself in fact, and with everyone presuming Plato was lost, drowned, Dionysius surreptitiously caused another set of tablets, these ones altogether small and thin (lamellae) to be made onto which was written what has now come to be known as the Orphic Secrets of the Hipponion Tablets. And with these he tried to force the impression onto people that he had the secrets and was entitled to rule them because of that and that all of his edicts were sound and just and guided by these incredibly powerful afterlife secrets.

But there are logical problems with the story of what is on those thin leaves - which were indeed found by archaeologists.

Ostensibly these supposed Orphic secrets advise the dead soul of a person to not drink from the 'water on the left side where there is a Cedar tree,' but to ask instead for some 'cold water from the figures standing on the right beneath the tree of Mnemosyne.' Mnemosyne being the goddess of Memory.

Hotel room in Vibo Valentia
(ancient Hipponion).
For one thing that was not a secret at all. Everyone already knew the Orphics had such an idea.

But what is it that the dead person will be able to remember that they could not have, when they were alive?

The idea does not stand up to reason.

Secondly, Plato never said he would write down any words but intimated to his companion Dion that they would be signs and symbols only.

And there is one particular aspect told to all initiates of the Platonic Schools about 'how the inscribing on the tablets themselves would happen...'

If a person had studied the ideas imparted within the Mystery School/s correctly, the inscriptions (symbols) would write themselves 'for they are Divine and etched Eternally already...'

So here we are today thousands of years later and some of you have 'seen' the tablets and some have had intimations of what is etched there.

The whole of modern Calabria with its Ndrangheta is all from the 'reluctantly' bloodthirsty tyrant Dionysius II and the word itself is from a Locrian Greek root about the 'man of virtue' (andros - agathos).

The Mafia is still under the curse of Athena, having failed to make good on the oath of their original root tribe to the Goddess, and they further add embers to their insult by naming themselves after the feminine matter implicated in their curse - ma-fia; which is to do with the two bare-feet maidens owed to the God. 

All of this stuff about 'secrecy' (omerta) is a whole bunch of mishmash dating from the secrecy of the Cult of Orpheus. 

And the power-mongering of the Sicilian and Calabrian Mafia dates from the seminal criminality of Dionysius II there thousands of years ago.

The well-known phrase the Sword of Damocles is taken from events at the Court of Dionysius.

Should you succeed in seeing what is inscribed onto the Golden Tablets, you will not only live forever, but attain the highest places of the After-Life. 

Perhaps the Mafia - or any tyrant/s - can also offer you something.

Should you see the symbols inscribed, and understand them, you will be able to use the knowledge of them while you are here - and forever after wherever you are.

[Lyrics (the words) here start at around 2 minutes in - 11 miles lol - and the signs and symbols are etched... ...well you know where they are etched]: