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Sunday 15 January 2023

What People Don't Know...

 ...won't hurt them.

I have replaced any reference to money in the current list of owners of 'utility tokens' with 'units.'

It's probably not a good idea to say anything about money until we have actually detailed the ledger and publicized actual re-sales and buyers.

Coffee at midnight all by yourself...

Anyway, it's too soon.

Nevertheless, here is a link to the present list and it has been redacted in terms of actual full names and addresses but you will be able to see yourself in there - if anyone believes they should be on the list and are not please let me know ASAP. Also, if people want to update their addresses - especially since there will be some things being mailed out, and some already have been.

Digital Dirhams/Utility Tokens Owners List

These packages will still just be 'mini packs' because I want to see what the real mailing times and costs turn out to be in RL.

At the next 'drop' though, of information about this, it will be um... ...interesting.

As you know, the quality of the data in determines what the results out are going to be.

...Except that we have a way of getting 'living, dynamic information' from a distributed network of contributors; and this is really quite unique in today's world of people claiming to be using AI systems.

Real secrets are valuable because no one else has them and they actually do something. 

It doesn't matter that there are only two or ten or fifty people who are using the sling bag system, or who even know how to. 

It matters that what is in the sling bag is a simply mind-boggling AI program.

And then you people on the outside can scream all you like. Who cares.

You can even be Elon Musk or whoever else, it doesn't matter.

Believe me guys - if you knew what was already in the sling bags right now, and which part thereof of is in fact yours, your head would hurt.

Better that you feel broke and are maybe even starving for the present moment.

Look up at the sky, especially the stars at night - if you can see them.

For your salvation is at hand.

  • Seek The Challenge
  • Be Ready On Time
  • Everything Working Together
  • Quick Reflexivity
  • No Limitations
  • Equilibrium
  • Winner Takes All
For just right now it will serve everyone to think modestly and understand that it is all about the future... It is not really about what is 'in the box' now. Even though there is something in there right now.

Saturday 14 January 2023

The Base

Did you ever meet a guy who was wearing this swish, high tech sling bag around him at your local favorite coffee place...?

And he had some BitCoin in that?

'The Base' is this, maybe, mythical idea that there is a network of terrorists who are funded from some place that is provisioned by these super wealthy Saudis.

Or someone.

Black Ember sling-bag.

Maybe Elon. Actually let's say Elon.

The Base is not an actual location.

It exists as an idea rather than as any particular physical location.

But then again it's also quite real.

Nobody who ever used it in the past, believed that Osama bin Laden was the ultimate financier - because in fact he wasn't.

The story circulated back at the time that this was the mechanism bin Laden was using to arrange payment to those carrying out one or other of his terrorist schemes.

To some extent there was indeed something like it but bin Laden was not in control of the thing.

Right now in the city where I mostly reside, there is this media flap about these kids known as 'eshays' (I have no idea what that means) - and they wear red Nike shoes and are supposedly liable to do bad things. So a friend of mine - Michael Pages - who owns the Bar1 nightclub I told you about where my other occasional meet-up guy Toni-Ville Virtanen, DJ-ays -, banned anyone from entry who was wearing these 'sports' shoes. 

Recently a couple of them stole the Maserati of the CEO of a really huge energy producing company called 'Woodside.'

Something red for you, Bill...?

And if you believe that - that they 'stole' her car- well, there is nothing I can do for you.

They stole it from her front driveway, apparently.

According to the press reports.

The first thing I thought of doing for a few minutes, was rush out and buy me some-a them red Nikes.

But then I hate Nikes...

Michael Pages made it clear that he wasn't necessarily going to ban everyone who was wearing those shoes - just the ones for whom it was the particular 'signal attire.'

For you to get some money from the guys with the sling bags you will also be required to know and understand about the signals involved there are.

So what could they be.

Who cares?!


Only once every twelve years.

You make some up.

None of this is real is it, KP?

As all of you well know, the terminology 'AI' is somewhat misleading, in that the casual observer will often tend to think this refers to some kind of, well, human-esque form of actual conscious thinking.

Meanwhile, there are some advances being talked about to do with so-called 'Xenobots' - organic self-replicating, god, I don't know - things - which can perform various organised tasks if on the nano-scale level right now.

So at least in the Hollywood movies we will have Xenobots with AI.

But all of that is movie-land stuff.

See the problem for the mainstream typical super-negative-about-everything-except-what-
Uncle-Joe-and-Step-Dad-Fauci-told-him thinkers, is that we have been operating for a while here, and all of you have been very patient, and what that really means is that 'things have been building up.'

And they are not going away.

So, if your kids and grand-kids were bequeathed a million bucks each, so what, right?

Some of you are already on the inside. You haven't been told anything much yet but that will happen.

Human beings consciously feel bad things, they feel discomfort, and they can also feel euphoria and everything in between. Machines are as yet unable to have this kind of dynamic structure for deciding when to use energy to retire, retreat, or advance.

Energy is accessible to machines designed to have and to use it.

Which one, the painting, or the car?
Which one, AI program?
Tell me.

But conscious feelings are not accessible to them. Not in the human world yet, not at any kind of complex human-style level of emotional processing.

For AI programs to be able to deliver to you, accurate statements about what human economic systems are doing -, and liable to do next and next and next, then they would have to have the means to understand human emotions; and they do not.

Even a Xenobot thing with AI would not necessarily have the range or complexity of human empathetic emotional access.

And that does not mean people around the would will not be completely sucked-in to the idea that there are AI programs with emulative human emotion and which can make accurate predictions about economics and finance for them.

In fact it's guaranteed that they will. Those people around the place everywhere you well know and you have seen them and heard from them and read their 'ideas' (or what passes for intelligent ideas, at any rate) -  those people will immediately believe everything that the designated lie sources they are already fully beholden to, tell them.

And of course they will scream loud and long about how they are 'critical thinkers' and seek 'proof' all the time - which is why they believe only what is true. And they know what is true, and they 'seek proof.'

Walking the Dystopian streets at night,
looking for the guy with the right 
sling bag.

Except they never do that because they never can envisage the basic problems at stake around which the specific proofs should center.

Do we have an AI program that can swim under human systems, and 'see' what people are doing in economic and sociological spaces?

Yes we do.

See it would be different if this thing were just now starting up and everything was at 'zero-line/line-ball.'

But it isn't. Some of you gave me money a while back.

And as you know, when BitCoin first started, it already was in the open public space at over $2,000. But then it went up, and then some more 'up.'

If you take a hundred human beings, most of them have seriously flawed psychologies. And they cannot be 'fixed.' And yes I am being judgmental. 

But they are stuck being who they are, although it is more correct to say 'what' they are.

The demons who were sent into the herd of swine and jumped off a cliff, never learnt anything about themselves.

But if you notice in the narrative, at all times they were loud, aggressive, confident, sure of what they wanted to do, sure of who they were, who they were 'going to be...'

They never said 'we do not want to be demons or pigs.'

The ultimate justice of the Universe is that you can be what you want to be.

You can be the guy who stepped into a coffee bar, and found someone with a sling bag, who gave you a few thousand dollars.

Every time.

Oh yes you can.

What do you have to do?

You don't have to do anything. As Robert Pante says, 'it's not about what you do, it's about who you be.'


Monday 9 January 2023

Everyone please, REALLY calm down now...

What am I saying?

Well I'll tell you.

I watched another one of these post evening news documentary segments about these old guys who lost a hundred thousand dollars or more, each, 'trading' in cryptos.

I mean talk about nuts in the first place. But still...

See the thing is, you will find that after you read what I am going to link here, you will start to lose sleep at night thinking about stuff.

Eo voglio una red Ferrari, per favori.

Difficult to control this aspect of one's mind -, the 'expectations' that are built on some vague potential that is or seems at least, realistic.

The worst part about what is coming up the turnpike - for you - is that if you keep your head, keep a strong hold of your wild impulses, well you will actually realize (as in, make) the high side results.

And there will be some of you who will go round and round in circles trying to work out ways to say that what you are reading is somehow 'not correct' or cannot be correct or whatever.


Don't waste your time. Literally, just don't.

What your mind will briefly and initially tell you is the person you are reading about, well, that is what it is.

But listen I really want to stress this and I know many of you will know this is true too: if, you and me and thee and thou and us, just STFU in a sense, and play it all out, slowly, methodically, mindfully, then for sure it will turn out as all the indications are that it at least logically should.

And what is that?

Just calm down and drink the coffee.

Well, let's just leave the silly guys to their fate - if they want to risk stupid sums in stupid things, well let them. No one could have stopped them anyway, persuaded them away from the craziness.

The thing that pushes these guys is the mythic belief that there is always someone else but not them, who has the inside run, and that therefore all it takes is for them to be with those 'special ones...' There is no one they know who actually is a 'special one.' And never never but never can they themselves be a special one.

But we are making the rules and the running here.

As you will now see.

Apart from everything your thinking mind will 'piece together' from what you are about to read, I will be posting up somewhere, a partially blacked out ledger of who holds what with the Silver Dirhams.

And then next after that a few letters will be sent out containing stuff.

That is just a test run to see how much the mail really costs and how fast it all gets to different places. And then there will be more mail going out after that.

And then after that we should all go 'dark.' Oh there will be 'ways and means' but not anything any outsiders will be able to see.

This is all going to take months and years, not five minutes. 

So rather than preempt what your own mind will be able to calculate for you, let's just cut to the chase. This is something that I haven't edited at all and it is just 'as is' so that it can get to you as fast as possible. (You know to place your cursor over this next thing here, right?):

What Lies Beyond Crypto

Meanwhile, let's talk the Flanders Red Ale!

The taste is not sour like actual fruit lambics, but sweet like ripe cherries and very ripe plums, with just a hint of tart that makes it have a slight acidic edge there.

But then there's this really 'out there' soft, esoteric(!) mallow taste... Marshmallow.

There's no fruit it in at all. The whole flavor profile comes from red malt and the kind of fermentation used.

...Anyway the link is to something that contains everything but the actual coding. Which I have.

Saturday 7 January 2023

Still Avoiding The Expensive Stuff!

There is an idea in Tai Chi, that when you make some effect with your body that appears as though it is or at least should be some kind of 'strike' - a punch or a kick and so on - that half way it 'evaporates' into seeming nothingness.

And what's the point of that?
It's just salt...

Well the intended action moves into invisible space, see. That is where the conclusion of the action takes effect.

But of course for those highly trained practitioners who have received authentic instruction from someone who really knows and understands what the thing is all about, when you perform those whole sets of actions that you can easily see in public parks and on-line now, that 'second part' of the particular individual action becomes a key focus of your mind when you are doing it.

We live in a 'reality structure' that is constantly going 'forward,' moving past some target point of our own devising: past some place we wanted to be, some moment we were looking for, some material thing we wanted to grasp. But then as dynamic motion inside our material reality takes place, our consciousness itself moves past those points and into the next places with 'memory history' telling us different versions of the original 'instantaneous' experience of the sensations caused by realizing that particular 'target point.' ...We are tying our consciousness to the material things; it does need to be tied, but we do that.
We are built with bio-chemical sensory systems that give us force and intensity levels to our conception of 'feelings.'
It's just a shawl...

It is these bio-chemical things which are stuck in momentary 'reality' though, while our actual over all consciousness is not (stuck in that material and linear time aspect).

Most people find it very difficult to think past the seeming 'logic' of connecting cause to effect, say for example, in matters of attaining great wealth. The actual existential reality though, of what their brain does to them if they enter some phase where gaining some very large sum is a fact rather than a fantasy - is that the feelings they have are totally different, totally confused too, because then the options, the choices become presented in visceral ways.

You absolutely need to 'think through the current material reality' and into the Tai Chi invisible place's reality.

Because otherwise you will not be prepared, even though from some distance you always imagine that you would be.
It's just the place (kind of place) 
I go wearing my shawl
and eating dinner and stuff.

I am saying these things not because simply anyone and everyone can attain to a lot of material wealth, but because you here have already entered into a 'zone' where the information itself alone, is several grades up from what the general public gets...

So at some point, it will literally hit you, what has been happening. While you were dreaming.

What is the most outrageously expensive thing that you could want, that you can think of right now?

Put it into your hands.

Put it into your hands. See, I already have put in my hands what I want(-ed). I'm just not posting pics of stuff here yet!


Thursday 5 January 2023

You Won't Believe This


Okay you are indeed totally not going to believe this.

I had this meet-up with a person.


You know what kind of person this is.

Anyway, I'm looking around me and they say to me, 'Do you know why Asians eat at this (tiny) German restaurant?'

So I go: 'No. I've noticed it though. Why do they?'

'Well because Asians, particularly Chinese, eat a lot of pork.'

Okay. So that made sense though.

Anyway I'm not so sure about this particular place though because the proprietor knows  the names of these Asian people - Japanese, Chinese, whatever - who come in there and buy bratwurst and German beer...

And they all carry on with the guy as if he's their 'main man' in the city - which for Chinese people, you'd have to agree, is somewhat 'out of the box' here.

While I'm pondering this my companion suddenly says to me, 'You know, if you have a get-home bag, this proposes that you already have a home to get to in the first place, right?'

Now my head is really pondering!

Where are we 'getting back' to?

Yeah she's right though.

What does that mean 'get-home bag?' All across the internet and especially in short YouTube videos there are all of these people talking about 'prepping' for some hypothetical catastrophe and for which they are putting together a kit-bag of items that will help them survive a couple of days in an urban environment until they can 'get back' to somewhere better stocked and providing more stable long-term shelter.

But now as a result of what my 'friend' told me and provided me actually with, I'm going to give you another scenario.

You could have a small sling bag that will help 'get you back' to um, say, five hundred thousand dollars.

And then after that sure you can have physical disaster 'get back to somewhere better' bags and all. Sure, why not?

See the whole thing, the whole proposition people are taking off on is a misreading of the present actual situation - it's already a complete and total disaster except they have all been boiled slowly and are not immediately aware of exactly what it is. They just have this disquiet, this foreboding and this expectation about something else going to happen.

If you don't like alcohol, this is the best
thing you're ever going to drink:
'Karamalz,' German-brewed malt (not hops);
is very sweet like the best Coca Cola,
and just plain wonderful - not bitter at all
like beer and not alcoholic. Has vitamin B and

But what would be the problem if there were a massive 'snow bomb' to happen where you were?

Or a huge flood or fire or even anything?

Literally the US House would be carrying on about some split vote for 'Speaker.'

Ten trillion dollars of un-repayable 'your money' has just gone to a failed and now non-existent 'state' called the Ukraine but who in administrative bureaucracies even cares? Not the much-vaunted FBI.

Certainly not the IRS. That's not 'their job.'

You are living in a failed state right now.

You cannot 'get back home' to anywhere; there is no place that is acceptably what you sensibly would call your home under the present circumstances. 'Your home' might have Alexa in it and that means that the NSA is monitoring every single audible word that you say in there. Same with your 'normie phone;' even while you think it is 'switched off' with no electric power running through its circuits.

This is all not going to end well and you have to start thinking about things a little bit differently to the way other people around you are thinking.

Why, what -? Do you think my 'friend' does not have such a 'get home' bag as I am talking about??


Oh they do.

And I am going to give the thing to you. That is, in most cases because I cannot trust the international mail services I will simply quietly tell you the things inside it and you can put it together yourself. Easy. Easily.

And at some point, when your mind stops reeling from the fact of its reality, then you can thank the 'friends upstairs.'

Which you will.

You don't believe me, do you?

He he he.

You'll be sorry though that you don't right now (thank them), because then afterwards you will recriminate about how come such an advanced 'intelligent' being like a 'human' could be/could have been, so darn dumb.

I am on public record which has not yet been obliterated by the way, explicitly warning about these snow bombs/rain bombs, and that is even despite that I got blocked and banned on the s/Reddits where I first posted about it. Why did I get blocked and banned so abruptly??

Hmn. Amazing.

However at the same time as I was being blocked and banned on those, I started other s/Reddits that I controlled, in which I posted the exact same things so that no one could ever say I hadn't done it!

'Can I have a British sports-car
with me in the space ship?'
Line from 'My Stepmother Is An Alien'
movie. LOL

Trust me (just a figure of speech!) I could tell you some things right now that are about to happen that would warp your minds!

One step at a time though. This, I have been warned about. So I'll just proceed as I am told!

They're a lot smarter than me, and lot better informed.

They're also good people so everything's good.

Relax. It's already 'all over.'

A lot of days have passed since that meet-up. Just then I had smoked trout and lemon pickelled caper-berries and Rodenbach Flanders Red Ale!

By the way all you Muslim rich kids reading here, you are not allowed to buy Mercedes or BMW - they are made by people who eat pork. Is haram, brother. Haraaaaammmmm.