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Wednesday 30 March 2022

The Dangerous Things...

Hold these words in mind now - 'Evil,' Immediate present reality, appearance, and existential power.


Of course the danger with these things is that as soon as someone gets wind of something that is genuinely and completely real, and works and has power for certain individuals, then, the poor innocents who are on the outside but in the vicinity of, get swiped at.

The Cathars were an exact example of this.

Ah, yer can't have that one either!
Thank god.

They had brought 'something,' no one knows really what in terms of mystical belief these days, but the main French Catholic leader (Philip II of the House of Capet) took an enormous aversion to those Catholics and Cathars who were influencing them in the South of France there and basically killed them all. By academic estimations anywhere between 200,000 people to as much as 1,000,000 possibly - were slaughtered over twenty years from 1209 to 1229.

Superficially, the story goes that it was the Pope in Rome who instigated the mass murders and no doubt he gave the official orders to carry out a 'crusade,' but behind it all we have to consider that the rival House to the apparent 'throne of France' (...although Phillip II was in fact the first ever to style himself 'King of France' as such) - the Angevins were located there and not far away and close to the Angevins was the House of Aragon. If the Cathars and the Southern French Catholics all swerved towards allegiance to the Angevins and Aragon, then Philip's hold on the throne was in trouble.

...But I don't want to waste too much time here going into all the history. I don't even want to delve deeply into whether or not the Cathars were some part of what is essentially the witch cult of the Magdalene. Suffice to say they came through the Byzantine world as merchants and traders and were heavily influenced by Arabic and Islamic scholars, of which there were still many in Spain and in the South of France by then, although the Hebrew Zohar had not yet formally been exposed in the Kingdom of Leon, which is in Northern Iberia, quite close by.

The question was raised, is remote viewing 'witchcraft?' 

What I actually want to do here, is go directly to the power of 'something' - something you can really see, feel and touch and use.

And that makes it dangerous. Just remember that.

This is Maxim's 'Blue Room.'
Except it isn't blue here of course.
But trust me, that's just an optical
illusion of lighting, because it
is actually blue, light 'powder blue.'

If we go back to the three-point filter of how to access or 'define' the numinous; the actual numinous experience, then it is this:

  1. Acknowledging the existential reality of a particular divine being;
  2. Experiencing the existential reality of that being;
  3. Experiencing and using the existential power of that being.
Without all of those things, then you are merely being involved in something deceitful and probably fake - although maybe one is just dabbling or being led by those who have insufficient knowledge.

Now one must understand that when the ancient Greeks talked about the 'death' of some god, they did not mean death like we use the term. A god who was killed - say, as in the situation of Uranus and Cronus - was removed from interacting in and with the Cosmos, and resided in a separate place for 'seven Eras.'

We should also understand from this that Uranus was not the whole cause of Creation as such, but only a key part of it; it was some very mysterious three other beings who made that.

These beings are weaving your immediate present reality, from knowledge of the Past, and the Forces striving to come into Being from the Future...

Unless that immediate present reality is in touch with the Past and the Future, it is Evil - because it has no concern for past wrongs, and no moral requirement to address them from the Future appearance of Justice, or a just outcome, a justified scene.

Again, don't worry about what other later writers claim, but stick to Hesiod and the Sibylline Oracles, because these are broadly-speaking correct.
Same place, still not 'blue.'

Jesus Christ is clearly addressing His Father - Uranus - in the Lord's Prayer; He says it explicitly. People try and work round it by implementing various phonemic variations of the word, but He is clearly saying 'Uranus.'

And this also clears up a relevant mystery about the perennial question of theodicy.

Because you see, Zeus 'handles' Cronus by truncating him into little segments, although he has not actually 'killed him,' and nor has he cast him down or out of rulership of the human world. For the human world was 'common to all...' And because Cronus could not go to Olympus, he was king here instead.

What that means is Cronus is 'separated' from Olympus, same as Ares also has become 'cast out' from there. If we take this even simply in a complex metaphorical sense, then it does make critical sense of certain important things.

Because now we are going to see the problem of evil, where it comes from and why it is not possible - as too many New Age people and others suggest - to just 'be One.' Even this abiding notion about 'forgiving one's enemies' is completely misrepresenting what is being said in ancient writings - even the Sanskrit ones; the Vedas, rather than just the Western Bible.

The way I am going to look at this is to give a practical example:

You can prove that 'the strength of your mind' and/or the focus of your will, alone - is not going to make 'unnatural' things happen.

Sure, women all claim to be able to 'hold' but why don't you try to employ the 'strength of your mind and the power of your focused will' the next time you need to go and *ss.

See what happens. This is magical thinking and it is stoopid.

Your brain and your natural mind has no power to do anything very much.

And that is because its job is to manage the physical senses in accordance with what they are themselves intended to function actually doing.

So unless you are able to access a totally different 'mind' and gain, as a friend here appositely said 'system root privileges,' then can do nothing 'supernatural.'

'Magical thinking' though, is not 'witchcraft.' Ah. Witchcraft is fantastical...

Magical thinking is false thinking. 'Fantasy' comes from a Greek word that means 'to appear.'

No, if something actually 'appears' then it is no longer false.

If it is simply 'imaginary' or an hallucination then it is not completely 'false' but it is still a much lesser 'reality' - it is something on a lesser level of reality than our immediate conscious sense of reality.

Uranus is the Ruling Light of the Cosmic Whole of Intelligible Reality.

There are some other identities who are the currents of your emotion and your life. So these are two - one is coming down from Above, while the other wells up in you from Below. 

You are yourself someone with an individual personal intelligent consciousness.

You sense and you feel things.

Having a strong feeling to pee is an immediate, biologically mechanical/mechanistic process and the sense of it is locked in the visible and material organic present. 

Having a strong feeling about some injustice is about the affairs and the trajectory of the past, meeting up in the existential present, being affected by the appearance of Justice in the Perfect Future. That is about the invisible past, and the invisible future...

You remote view through imagination. Or you can remote view through some process that accesses some different level, perhaps non human physical material, mind.

Or you can envisage matters from some peculiar idea that you have as to what even constitutes 'Justice' but sure as hell, many of you will feel things viscerally, inside your body with your actual material senses, organically, when you even merely hear about an Azov guy stabbing a knife into the eye and into the brain of some soldier, who then died.

Evil, is when someone is so cut off from the knowledge and the vision of a Future Perfect Justice, that they go to the Ukraine, like John McCain did, and foment some mass public action and emotional responses in the crowd, based on the need to grab some money now, and to have power over other human beings, disregarding that they have any right to the full truth and to broad knowledge. 

When John McCain told the crowd in Maidan Square that - 'This is about you, it is only about you and what you want,' he was lying.

It was about stealing money from the US taxpayer, it was about keeping illegal biological weapons laboratories open there and not telling anyone, it was about installing nuclear weapons technology, and it was about procuring 'regime change' in Russia, fomenting trouble in order to 'justify' the existence of NATO and therewith have the participating countries pay America money to have NATO at all.
Human beings, and elves too -
 it is never what they are, but
what they will be.

A Perfect Vision of a Just Future is that Russia does its own thing, Ukraine its own thing, and neither of them are armed with nuclear weapons and neither has any desire or need to possess such things at all.

Well that's quite easy to achieve, but it depends on people having intellectual access to the Future, to the Conception of Justice For All as a vision. And this is a heavenly vision. But then, that's the point. Without that vision you become Evil. And then you have plenty of justifications, but never actual Justice.

Well hopefully so far, we have taken people into a perceptual existential acceptance of an invisible but powerful reality, namely, the warp and weft of the Past and the Future, into the Fabric of the Now. But not just any future - as an Evil personality like McCain or Fauci will propose namely, one that benefits them ahead of others - but one that is materially, existentially, actually and truly Just: where you stand on the podium not just Fauci or McCain, and you, say what you want.

And the other people actually hear you and listen to you.

Now if you imagine that we are all stuck in the Earth's reality, and deal only with 'visions' and imaginary concepts, and thoughts alone, and so that 'remote viewing' is the only thing and itself is some vague or pseudo-hallucinogenic procedural outcome that CIA people messing with LSD and other substances and techniques have decided is the real enough deal... 

...and therefore it is what 'witchcraft' could be or is and was but was not yet explained as it is now by modern science - well then you are wrong.

I think I left enough out so that not too many people get into too much hot water with all of this.

There are great and treacherous, dangerous powers in this world. It is not safe here.


Sunday 27 March 2022


So, our friend Heinrich Himmler, right...

That's this guy the Fahnenjunker auf der Bundeswehr, und Reichsfuhrer auf der Nazi SS.

Fun and games youngster.

That's it.

1900 - 1945.

Bit down on a cyanide pill and died. And that was the end of the fun and games.

Well anyway, long before he suicided, and when the fun and games were only really just beginning to get into full swing, he compiled this work on the treatment of people who lived their traditional cultures, and specifically, he went looking into how the English had been treating witches.

Red, and velvet - very favorite
colors and substances of witches.
This is PureDistance 'Rubikona.'

This compilation of records and accounts was called 'Die Hexenkartothek' aka the 'investigation into witch trials' - with a view to establishing that the Catholic Church vos zeeking to eliminate the German heritage und zpezifikally Aryan womanhood. 

Vich it prolly vos.

Today's conception of even what a witch is, is riddled with a whole bunch of historical documents and writings all blended up into a nice little gluten-free syrup via the wonder-workings of Hollywood screen-writers.

Julius Caesar, whose accounts of various peoples and places I have a completely high regard for, observed that the English druids seemed to follow a practice whereby after a while, they required the sacrificial death of the chief druid, and his secretaries wrote quite a bit on the Gallic and English druids. There is a lot of connection between British Isles traditional stories and French ones. In fact, Merlin is supposed to be 'buried' in the Broceliande Forest aka the Paimpont Forest in Brittany.

Ah. Now. Here we come into the mischief of mixed up pop cultural ideas.

Because for one thing, 'Merlin the magician,' was not a magician, but a witch.

There are very few witches, even in popular culture that you know about.

What you know about - that is, if you are not already especially learned in this area - are names and figures and identities and stories and so on, that involve weird and mysterious things and that have been caught up in a coverall and usually false nomenclature of 'witch' and of 'witchcraft.'

The whole story about 'covens' is nonsense.

This is to keep your feet on the ground here!
Well, you know - it's late at night, you're reading
all of this stuff about witches!
You might be a millie and get all anxious.
Unless you're a glowie...
Even so, pizza is pizza, right?!
I mean, come on.

What you should understand about what you have heard, is that - everything is right, and everything is wrong.

Yes the terms you have heard and been told about are mostly all correct, but no, they are not about what you have been told they are about.

I mean, let's step away though, from all of this modern Wicca stuff; that is not what I am talking about.

I am talking about a 'witch.'

An actual witch. Not a pretend one. Or a made up one.

Some wags on Quora rightly pose the question, look, if witches are not humans, then just looking at their DNA would prove it but no one has ever been able to show that!

But witches are not humans. They are cambions.

And this means they move between - like a cam-shaft - the world we see and know, and another one in which you require to have a totally different type of material body to even exist there.

Witches will consistently have one or both natural human parents missing and they cannot die - and so, they do not actually 'reproduce' like humans and they seldom are married therefore. That is to say they cannot and do not proceed along this usual way that all humans go, of having children and passing on their estates when they expire and their souls being extracted or 'disappeared' and lost or evaporated or thrown back into a blender or whatever the Jewish mystical scholars prognosticate.

Here we can meet another matter, the reason why the Greek gods generally really disliked the kind of sorcery that involved the killing of living things (fauxi; harvesting their blood with a sickle), in order to take their disturbed or confused souls and cause them to inhabit unsuspecting humans for some purpose.

We actually see an example of it in the Gospel account of the herd of pigs. You see, this is the 'closing' of an earlier story: the person possessed by a whole lot of demons, well, had to have had those 'demons' come from somewhere beforehand, and that would likely have been from satanic magic or black magic ritual slaughtered pigs; which is why Jesus sent them back into where they were more appropriately 'housed,' which was in the herd of pigs round there, who then cast themselves into the sea in order to 're-boot' the en-souling of a bunch of materially existing, living pigs so that each individual little piggy had the right level of piggy 'soul' going on with it.

And this is not to confuse 'spirit' with 'soul' here. We're still talking a whole complete 'structure' and not some power capacity.

I'm not going to show you witches, but
I am going to show you people who are around
them, real ones; close to them. That's Carlos -
he passed away
sadly, last year -
and Cecile Zarokian. Cecile made

So why did the churches and the state around Europe and in America pursue 'witches' and kill them or torture them?

Well obviously, and we all can acknowledge this, this was a 'brand battle' between systems of beliefs and rituals.

See but it's 'only' about beliefs, not about science - as in, real knowledge.

There are three levels of knowledge about numinous things, or you could say, numinous 'realities:'

1. acknowledging the existential reality of something, or some one, a god;

2. experiencing the existential presence of that thing, or that being;

3. the real existential power, of that being or thing or person.

A: Jesus is God;

Experience His real presence in the bread and the wine;

? (Churches - Believe and follow, or else I will kill you).

B. Allah is God;

Experience the Holy Quran of Allah;

? (Jihadis - Believe or else I will kill you).

Even C. JVHV is God;

Experience 'the Glory' as it passes by and burns fire on the mountain;

? (Take you wandering lost through a desert 40 years, feed you snakes, kill you).

A 'witch' by actual definition is a supernatural being. And I have said they are not humans at all, but some other species.

However that also means one has to feed them through the 3-point filter as above. And this is rare in historical narratives, actually.

You see (and I'm sure you completely do see!), if it were really true that some 'witch hunter' had even captured a real genuine witch, then they would have to explain how come they had power over that witch so that they could capture it and hold it. 

This was easy of course, because, as with any 'false flag' or straw man or 'false positive' you can say just about anything about it and your power over it since the thing is, well, false and not the real thing to begin with, with any powers or characteristics.

Ah. Tea.

You could produce a cure for a disease, for instance, and if the disease were not real in the first place, well, who could say you were wrong about your cure?

Mullah Nasruddin already demonstrated this, with his experiment of the bread crumbs and the suburban garden tigers. Bread crumbs scare away tigers. This is a scientific fact. I heard it myself from Richard Dawkins. Who confirmed the Arab's earlier experimentation.

From this we can see that sc-ience, is so true...

Whereas witches do not exist.

And Quora says so. 

The mixing up of druids and magicians and sorcerers - especially with shamanic individuals, gives us today's wrong ideas about who and what witches are and what their rituals and practices are.

'Coven' simply means 'meeting' it doesn't imply an on-going group of people.

Shakespeare gets it right here with his Scottish play rendering, and he even gets the numbers right:

"When shall we three meet again?

In thunder, lightning, or in rain?"

Act 1, Scene 1. That play. That one.

The main reason for 'witch hunts' simply has to be the contest for brand supremacy.

'A' reason could be, or might be, because someone in power wanted to head off another person who had the power to harm them from a distance, unseen, and unobserved; in the shadows. But presuming the worried person was not in fact, crazy, then this would equivalently presume that such persons - as in say, them being real witches - actually possessed such powers. Which they do not, because in first place science and Quora say that no such people even exist.

As a human, you want to get together with some other person, start a family, and leave a thriving estate.

When two humans get together, what you will find is that they nod in agreement with each other if they want to get on, or they fight and argue if they couldn't care less.

Neither party is preparing concerning what it is they are going to proffer to the other party, so that the discussions are over new and very well-considered things, with the prospect of further active thinking and objective debate...

Those whose occupation it is, to conduct such deep inquiries and carry out the subsequent formulations of positions, do not take kindly to the presence nearby of time-wasters or those unable to add positively and beneficially to the demanding efforts. 

Can a human being become a witch?

My grandfather's sisters actually
owned this place, before WWII.
This actual place.

If they physically went through some changes then yes.

Human children go to schools, where they are obliged to 'learn' either social compliancy or some kinds of 'science' nonsense, which is simply the current standing of particular knowledge at the given time. But then after that bout of 'learning' they get together, generally in intimate pairs, and nod in absolute and total superficial agreement, neither one caring about whether a thing is really true or not, so long as they get from the other what they want.

So humans never attain 'Wisdom.' Consequently they can never be 'witches' - who are wise individuals. Human children start off with the potential for Wisdom, and when that potential is very high in them, they can become 'swapped' as into one of these so-called changelings: cambions.

These phrases like 'drawing down the Moon,' these are all true but you will not ever see their proper explanation anywhere.



Friday 25 March 2022

Flamel Turns Dross Into Gold

As I understand it, the oldest stone house in Paris - 51 rue de Montmorency - was owned by the Alchemist, Nicolas Flamel, and still stands there today, and is a so-called 'high French restaurant' of certainly some positive repute even now.

What is 'the oldest stone house,' though? What does that mean? Does it mean an actual 'house' as in a physical structure - or does it mean a certain place with a name as an establishment or personal residence? How is it 'the oldest...' LOL

Asterix and Obelix might have something to say about it!

This is good stuff, this.
Not allowed to be called 'Tokay'
anymore. But it is definitely 'tokay' though.

...I think they mean an 'inn.' The oldest inn.' aka 'House.' Not so much 'Public House' ('pub') because in France they had the 'gentilhomme' class system, and so, not everyone would have been permitted to stay at a 'House;' aka an inn.

Look, to be honest though, modern 'high cuisine' is rubbish. I think.

Good byistrait or brasserie food is the only way to survive in Paris or even Marseille for that matter.

'Byistret' of course, is Russian. That is where the damn French get 'Bistro' from.

Anyway back to Flamel.

He was thought to have actually discovered the Philosopher's Stone, because a hundred years after his 'disappearance' from this world - because although the internet says 'records show his death' they actually don't.

There are no records of his death.

The French Revolution of 1789 saw all Paris records burned by the aristocracy so that no one could be executed by the Revolution protagonists.

Flamel was born in 1330. He was not himself a landed aristocrat as such - not in the sense of owning a farming estate or a castle or anything - but still considered part of the 'gentilhommes,' especially because he was a scribe and if anything that would have made any who were related to him and who had inherited his wealth, subject to the 'wealth distribution' policies of the Revolution. 

Chicken Kiev.
What else?

What there is, is a tombstone he designed for himself a year before he let's say 'died.' He was in fact, in the habit of designing stone-work frames and monuments for churches and cemeteries and all kinds of places.

More than a hundred years after his death (or disappearance) works slowly began appearing, published by well-known publishers, supposedly having been written by Flamel himself.

And in these, are the 'secrets to immortality' and also, how to 'turn lead into gold.'

Every five minutes or so in France, there are these kinds of books coming out. You will remember the infamous 'Holy Grail' books that were en vogue, almost at the same time as the last really big Nostradamus flap.

Flamel is another writer who is repeating much of the secret internal literature of what is known as the Spanish Zohar, whose arrival on the public scene is placed at around 1200-something AD.

So, one thing we must note, is that there certainly appears to have been some currency of thought going on to do with Hebrew or Aramaic mystical writings and ideas around that particular time.

Russian soup.
Very bad. Don't have this.
A never-ending 'lol' time this, we live in.

The whole thing about standard mainstream religions - the Catholic one today being another typical example, seeing as how we have just been speaking about the Pope and his 'globalist' ideas - is that it is always a case of jam yesterday, and jam tomorrow, but never jam today.

This is true virtually of all your typical middle-class religions everywhere.

Not so true of the Ukrainian 'witches' apparently, however, since they are going to 'have a coven' soon, in order to to do away with Putin.

This is being advertised in the media as a three-step ritual to oust Russian President Putin.

They are using a Germanic term 'hex' to describe what they plan to do.

I actually don't know what that means 'have' a coven. You are generally in a coven, and that can only be because a Witch Queen summoned you to be in one and then, only because you were an adept anyway with some natural powers that she has tested. You'd already have had to have been initiated as a witch. A coven is a special thing above and even beyond just being a witch.

Santa and the reindeer are a coven.

And they can fly.

There we go.
A place you can still really get some
decent food!

Fair enough the 'Ghost of Kiev' can apparently also fly. Not only that, he recently single-handedly destroyed ten thousand Russian tanks and armored vehicles and destroyed seventy thousand Russian soldiers right there in Donbass.

Also, he caused the top people in the FSB to be detained by Putin under house arrest because they were planning to oust Putin and have a coup on the orders of 'the Ghost,' except they were discovered by the Ghost hunter pursuivant of the Russian Federation, who himself is of course, a major black witch.

Ukrainian witches are both Germanic and good, and Russians are evil and bad and black as well as red (because they are Russian). Unfortunately, this does also conflict with the German WWII SS Nazi brigades colors of black and red, but that doesn't matter now.

Russia bad, Ukraine Nazis good, Charlottesville Virginia Nazis very bad, Biden good, Saddam's non-existent WMDs extremely bad, also Assad's chemical weapons that never existed either also very bad, Biden's biological gain-of-function weapons laboratories in the Ukraine that actually exist and that we never got told about by the government good, and George Soros and his money also very good, the five hundred civilians killed in the Maidan Square incident deserved it, fuck them because after all, they are not Nazis, and Slava Nazi!


The cut up of all of this is that the witches of the Ukraine would have to be very good at holding one single thought in their head and projecting it as some kind of powerful force of 'negativity.' I believe that is the premise for how these things are meant to work, if you go by what these particular Ukraine-leaning witches are saying.

French entrecote with red wine.
Dracula, never drinks...

It is not how I understand things work in these affairs though but then, how would I know?

Besides Jews are not supposed to have witches, although the Bible does not say that, although people, especially Jewish people, think that it does.

And Zelensky is a Jew and so is Ihor Kolomoisky who funded Zelensky and Hunter Biden. Soros says he is not a Jew, although I think he is a Jew.

So. Jewish witches in the Ukraine good...


Nazi Jewish witches in the Ukraine ever better! CNN says so, so does Joe Biden. And they all must...

They wouldn't know anything. Utter morons leading the world down the drain very fast.

Meanwhile you and I, right... ...we should be working on that 'Philosopher's Stone.'

Soros is no black magician who has discovered his own version of the 'Philosopher's Stone.'

He is a dragon. He kills people to amass his wealth and then he hordes it.

(I have no idea WTF Henrik is saying in this. It's possibly some Japanese or even Maori! Could be 'this is HUGE/powerful.' Or maybe it is the Maori phrase for 'energy'):


Wednesday 23 March 2022

Nabi, 'Nevi'im'

'Prophet' is of course a Greek word: 'Before/in advance' and then 'Telling' (pro + phesein).

Nabi is the original language text Hebrew word that is used in the Deuteronomy texts.

And from that usage comes the widespread idea that the Hebrew religion, and specifically the whole of the Bible itself, especially in context of seeing it as a by-now Western matter - has to do with Jewish prophets and this god identity 'JHVH,' to a very large extent because 'prophets' have been apparently accurately 'telling the future.'

'Enter into' the place of

But 'Nabi' does not mean 'prophet.' It has been taken to mean prophet and it just plain doesn't.

The US Secretary of State, or those guys who went in physically to decide whether Saddam had WMDs - those people are 'Nabis.'

They are spokespeople for the Power in Existential Effect.

The Jewish Nabi was the enforcer of an agreement that had been made between Moses and a very materially powerful entity, and the Jewish tribes.

'Nabis' had certain specific traditionally laid-down processes they underwent, in order to be able to be 'spokesmen' for JHVH.

Which is why 'Daniel' was not ever a 'prophet' to the Jews; he was not a 'Nabi.'

Strangely though, the great king Nebuchadnezzar accepted Daniel's pronouncements and not the Jewish Nabis who were there also. In one very important instance, only Daniel 'saw' whatever it was that he saw, while the Nabis did not see 'the vision.' They saw nothing.

Se really, we have a problem if we assume that 'JVHV' is actually 'God' god.

Because this 'JVHV' was not able to have his 'Nabis' see what some Daniel was able to. And the big point people miss about this book of the compilation of books we call the 'Bible,' is that Daniel was not in fact forcing anyone to do anything - he was not enforcing the Law of Moses...

When a 'Nabi' spoke for JVHV, then the powers that JVHV clearly wielded, saw to it that whatever retribution the Nabis threatened, happened.

Our problem today, whenever people think 'religion,' is this question of theodicy, but also, why miracles don't happen quickly, when the miracles of the Nabis all pretty much did happen at least quite quickly.

The food of the rich elites.

Yet the whole point of Daniel was that Daniel's access to some Divine Identity or Divine Council (because it is referred to in that book similarly to the way the Elohim are talking about, namely, as a group; and this is reflected in the Apocalypse, where the Council has been extended to include a number of human beings who had attained those roles over much long history of the human race) - was about a very long time in the future, and therefore was nothing really to do with immediately enforcing any current behavior.

Nebuchadnezzar accepted Daniel's word for it, ahead of anyone else's, albeit on the basis of other things to do with Daniel, including that he was not able to be killed in some furnace or other.

The major difference between the Moses material and Daniel, is that those who follow the Law of Moses are 'o-be-dient' (surrender to the Na-bo; the summons, or the summon-er), whereas the apparent teaching of the Book of Daniel is to do with the benefits of learning Wisdom.

And certainly, regardless of simpering pretense, the real reason for Jews being 'obedient' is to avoid the destruction and harm being threatened them by some much more powerful, but definitely not actually Divine, entity.

The New World Order purveyors, are under the clear understanding, that they are 'JVHV.'

And this stems from occultic practices that they all engage in, which give them the impression that there is in fact, no one, actually sitting on any 'throne of God.' And that therefore, they can attain to it themselves, in the form of some 'apotheosis being' which is assumed to be the human as 'evolving,' or an evolutionary Cosmic entity.

They all hold there is such a thing as some kind of 'Cosmic' place, some kind of 'dimension source of immanence.'

Lilac tea cake - 
serious, but subtle..

But it would take another bout of Alex Jones going somewhere, with some video equipment and a mic, for you to see, what it is these lunatics actually believe.   

Because take this from me if nothing else, these guys believe something, believe in something, in just exactly the same way as the most adamant extreme mega church religionista believes.

They are fully convinced. It takes more than a simple personal individual lust for money and material possessions, to consign innocent civilians to a massacre on such a grand scale as what happened in Yugoslavia, or Iraq, or Libya - or as today, in Mariupol. It takes a number of people, all acting together, all in absolute agreement, to arrange that kind of thing.

Billions of dollars, of defective, out-of-date, even Soviet era stockpiled weaponry, being air-freighted into a war-zone, takes some doing at an organized state level.

It's easy enough for me to point to Dr Peter Duncan and say, well, he is a psychotic, but to suggest that five hundred or more senior bureaucrats and top politicians also all are not just psychotic but at the same time uniformly leaning into the same, one singular delusion, is ridiculous.


These people all 'know' something, the same thing - and that is because they see or have seen something; the same something.

And here marks the difference between those who have even an ounce of Wisdom, and those who do not: when something pushes me around emotionally, I don't necessarily think that what pushed me had the actual ability to carry out what it threatened, otherwise I would be a prey and a slave to any kind of empty threats...

See I can go watch a movie and get moved emotionally. 

Yeah yeah. Go on, waste yer money like I told
you not to!

But then afterwards I have to think about what it is I really hold to be true, rather than just pick up the very last, the latest, 'hot potato' and think 'here, here is truth.'

The most sinister thing about the Borg Elites, all of those caught up at the higher levels of Eastern Sun female Freemasonic lodges, or in the Illuminati or at the higher reaches of the world of Freemasonry generally, is that they are not fundamentally incorrect from certain readings of history and of ancient texts. Except they lack the one thing you need absolutely, in order to be able fulfill the 'apotheosis' that they all seek.

Careful planning, high craft, shrewdness, cleverness - these things they all have plenty of -. but of Wisdom they have nothing at all. 

Monday 21 March 2022

So, I Never Said 'Purple,' Right?

Well I never did! Tao said it.


Last night I was having this conversation with JES on-line, while she and a bunch of other DJs (Steve Helstrip, Nightcrawler, others) were doing an all-day/all-night thing for Red Cross - and I just happened to mention French vanilla cake with vanilla creme and lilac piping icing. For no reason. (Wasn't quite and it had to do with Ukraine stuff which we cannot go into here).

And she suddenly says 'lilac - a serious color but at the same time subtle.' And I said well, I often wear lilac socks to the races to show off and annoy people. And she says - 'wearing good clothes isn't showing off.'

So then I tell her, the last place Prince ever went to o/s before he died was right here a few yards away from where I live! He can go and show off wherever he is now, because we're not letting him back here to get at you, JES!

Was he ever subtle? Might have been. We'd have to ask Kim Basinger about that but I don't know her, so -. Can't ask.

I'm not going to ask her either, anyway, because she is all against the fur trade and fox hunting and so on! 

...Okay so I'll go along with her on the fox hunting stupid thing that the English do. Crazy people.

Maybe I'll ask her half the question: 'Was Prince serious?'


Tell you who is not serious - me.

Remember that company I told y'all about several years ago now? Garrison Bespoke?

It's a Toronto, Canada company. Makes expensive - very expensive - ballistic clothing in the form of suits and overcoats and jackets.

See the criminals, they know what they are planning. And they all have guilt or at least 'worries' about the consequences of what it is they are doing at the very time that they start out doing it.

Don't they, *?

Garrison Bespoke.
Canadian company.

In modern times no one with serious and subtle weapons comes after anyone with guns or knives.

Garrison had only one client. That's generally what 'bespoke;' at least real bespoke, means, because none of them can rely on you deciding one day to waste money you haven't really got - to buy 'bespoke.'

Gee Hillary really committed a serious crime there with what her face did to that purple lapel.

I have to say.

Been trying to get something posted up here to indicate some good things that are about to turn up in the public eye. But it has been impossible. It's basically housekeeping talking about, well, who is wearing ballistic jackets and overcoats right now - and has been for a couple of years already. What the hell were they planning though, eh? That they thought people would shoot at them? 

It's like you have to ask the question, what on earth are they trying to do?? The Pope just said the world is going to be bombed back to the Stone Age and 'we' will have to start all over again. Oh, and he said he had a plan so that everyone could get along and not sin - by which he meant, for them to not shoot politicians or religious leaders, I think.

He must think he's God then, I guess. No, he thinks he's better than that! 

God never ever bothered to try.

Actually, I know exactly what the Pope and Sadhguru and the Dalai Lama and Klaus Schwab and all of those complete morons are trying to do. Funniest thing ever.

You know they really believe certain things, don't you?

The 'Frankenstein' display.
Right next door to where Klaus Schwab lives.
The place where Mary Shelley wrote the book.

They have these ideas that, if you were told about them, even by Alex Jones, you'd say Alex Jones had certainly lost his mind (more than he already has with all of that 'bone broth'). 

Here is the problem with Jones going to Bohemian Grove and actually photographing that 'Moloch' whatever it was there - it's what else the weird people say those guys do, that he never photographed, and because of which (the fact that you never saw it in a pic), you don't believe that it's true about them (the other part).

Except it is true.

Pay me money and I'll tell you what it is. And by the way, you've never heard about what they do. Trust me, you never have.

Maybe one day soon, and you won't even have to 'cross my palm with silver.' 

Take my word about this though, Jones just said the Russians are worried 'someone' will assassinate Joe Biden to create a reason for WWIII and nukes.

Nobody that I know is going after Joe Biden though. That would be retarded.

Of course we all get the point about why the Russkies would say it, but even they don't believe it.

No. Here is the bit that is insanely sinister:

Pope says he has a plan, they, they the globalists, have a plan whereby you won't do violence anymore and there will be 'peace,' and so on...

Well if that's true, why did Jesus have to die then?

Cathay Pacific first class stuff they give you.

Even Muslims say Jesus was informed by God, if he wasn't actual God Himself - Christians say He was/IS God.

So why did He 'have to die,' if a little bit later on up the road, Pope and friends can come along with this 'plan' and everyone will be happy and peaceful? ...aka - God is stupid and wrong?

Pope and friends are smarter than God and God is just plain dumb and stoopid. Right?

You know any time in your life when someone told you 'you must be happy' but you didn't want to be happy but they 'made' you happy anyway somehow; without serious bribery?

I don't remember such a thing.

So how come they got this plan now?

When did they work it out? Before, or after they dropped the bomb and went to the Moon and invented cornflakes or whatever else was the greatest discovery Mankind has ever made?

See you cannot realistically say you have never seen a whole bunch of incredibly, globally, well-known 'prophets' - all of whom are utterly nothing but false prophets. Because you are living right through it right here and now!

So when did they come up with this work of genius whereby you would be happy and not do violence, but also, they wouldn't twist your mind to achieve it? Anyone can snap people's brains and get them to 'imagine' they are 'happy.' That's easy.

So there's no real plan, is there? And they are lying. Wouldn't matter if Jesus, no Jesus/God, no God - they are lying. And they are lying to you.

Relax. At this juncture most discussion enters the 'so what are you going to do about it' phase. But not here. Because we know exactly what's happening every single next step of the way. You don't have to do anything!

Sorry, no 'back to the Stone Ages.'

That ain't gonna happen.

Just sit back and enjoy the music - takes to just past 2:45 to make any sense though. And by 'make sense' I don't mean there is any 'message' in there! Well, not any verbal messages, anyway.