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Wednesday 12 January 2022

Yeah, Thanks Elves...

Well now what??!

It's not funny, you know, when stuff works.

What have we done?! Sold our souls or something...?

You know the story is they don't need anything, but I maybe should ask them if they want anything.

I mean I don't really have anything to give to them other than the silver they gave me in the first place.


...Now don't anyone tell me it isn't working for you.

Because it's sure as hell working for me.

If it isn't working for you, you are not doing it right. Or you are not doing it at all!

We're all still stuck with the end-game question though - just what do you actually invest cash into these days?

Nothing that I can think of.

I need to stay in touch with my personal elf friends. At least I hope they are my friends.

...Wonder what they might want.

I don't want to be greedy.

Hand-made - 'Arca' style.

But keep going boys - well, elves.

How about you guys? Anything to report yet?

It is certainly working for me.

I'm not being droll or silly here. I am looking at seven items of solid silver in front of me right now that I never had before. Correction, two of them I had but I never thought they were pure silver but they are.

So, hmn. Things that make you go 'hmn.'

I am not joking at all. I wouldn't waste my time doing that.

I don't really see the point of making up things like this. On the one hand I guess way back I was open-minded enough to investigate some pretty occult things seriously, on the other hand, I absolutely can tell when my hand is empty - and when it has a bunch of hard money silver metal in it that came from out of absolutely nowhere!

First few days there was only a couple of small(-ish) bits.

D'you know that 'sci-entists' do not
actually know why mushrooms glow.
They have a different chemical from 'normal'
bio-luminescence - it's called 'oxyluciferin.'
Very high speed reaction to oxygen takes
place and lets the fungi
glow all day and night. 'Cold light,' too.
Mushrooms are colder on the surface than their 'roots'
are deep beneath the ground.

Today however... There was a slight 'step up,' as they say.

Not sure if I feel guilty or something - last few days I've been trying to talk to some Hong Kong guys about them marketing some 'under the table' Cuban cigars I can get for very little from I cannot say where. But it's so difficult. Everyone wants 'credentials' and nobody wants to drift too close to law-breaking (not that it would be).

Meanwhile, my elf friends are just bringing me silver and I have nothing to give them in return! 

Sci-entists are so smart.


Anyway, we are living in a post-science era now.

Tuesday 11 January 2022

The 'Special People' Problem

The common popular narrative about 'Alien abductions' is that possibly millions of people have been abducted, but they don't remember it because their memories are all wiped.

But I am telling you, that at most there are about two hundred or so 'contact experiencers' - genuine ones - worldwide.

There is no one at all, in the original Professor John Mack Harvard study, who said they felt they were 'abducted' or taken literally against their will.

Disney Tomorrowland.
What it was.

There are family members of those people, who said 'abducted' and voiced major concerns about the matter, but none of the actual people involved said it.

Now a very very key reason why I have been talking about certain 'mind methods' is to have people with decent enough brains, actively using their existing capabilities, to consciously be able to manage responses to various stimuli: in the first place, to quickly see (IE notice) the stimuli when these inputs are there affecting the senses -, and then decide whether they want to react viscerally, or actually disable the visceral-only reactions.

These examples could involve fear, for instance. 

Or they could involve impulsive responses to pre-existing sociologically-patterned triggers.

I mean look, the silliest, literally the silliest thing people ever did, was think uncritically that funny-looking, big-eyed, grey-skinned scrawny creatures were actually the things really there... ...and not a 'mask image' covering what was really there.

People just never doubted, if you go by the common popular folklore narratives, what they were 'seeing.' But which people are these though? 

The problem with saying that a truly super advanced ET Alien species has been selecting certain human individuals, places that group of selected people, in a 'special' bracket.

You have to get around any further silly nonsense about manufactured fairy tale reasons for those selections, and examine closely the conclusions of those investigators like Mack. And I am not going to lead the result by saying outright what I think it is (the reasons for selecting certain people only and not others).

Soda Jerk place.
What it was.

Now I actually do not hold that what has been going on is about some disparity of intellect or capability or whatever between various human beings.

In the Quran, the word 'mutakabbir' occurs and is used in false translations (and they are mostly all false) to say 'superior' and/or 'exalted.'

In fact the word means 'arrogant.'

Allah is arrogant. According to the Arabic.

I do not believe ET Aliens are arrogant or hold themselves out to be better or superior to human beings at all.

But I believe they are utilitarian, practical - highly, almost OCD-level practical.

Which is the reason that I think it is a good idea to look much more closely at our existing ancient cultural folkloric teachings about various 'otherworldly beings.'

Old Ford T-Bird.
What it was.

I mean to say, what is the difference between the Apostles and the Disciples emerging from these 'enclosed upper rooms' at nine o' clock in the morning acting as though they were drunk (according to those who saw them), but they were not drunk - and some Arctic Circle people performing shamanic rituals and behaving in exactly the same way, but finding out precisely where the thin ice is ten miles away in the snow storm so that their family groups could fish and eat and survive?

There are no 'special people.' There are people with special capabilities and people who train to get them -, and then all those others who basically decide to dig their heels in, or bury their heads in the ice, and get left behind in the blizzard conditions, and die.

Very very old school production team, though. Can you tell?

Apart from that she is doing 'Britney.' It's much older than that (too), although it is that.

Here, for those who study David Ogilvy:

'Satisfaction' is what you want more of; you expected it, you know you already like it - and you just want more of it. 

'Arousal' is what is unexpected, and new, but you like it too.

Monday 10 January 2022

Qinghai Muslims

Xinjiang Province is not the only place where there are 'insurgent' Muslims that the Beijing CCP has taken away to 're-education facilities.' 

Since around 1954, the Beijing CCP has carried out various exercises to 'alter the outlook' of Islamic people inside Communist China - at one stage inducting large numbers of Hui Muslims into the Communist Military and then using these to slaughter Tibetans in the Beijing campaign to take over Tibet. The deal being, if they did not 'fight bravely' well then it wouldn't go so well for their relatives back home.

I should have added the 'blue mojito'
to the non-alc recipes in one of the titles
we put out about 'funny peculiar stuff.'
The one with the 'bin Laden' tract from
Marco Polo...
The London Muslims love this drink.
It's become quite the fashion there recently.
And there is nothing being intended
in 'covered language' there; they
just like the stuff for real.

Today, virtually a secret to the West, are facilities inside Qinghai, used to detain and 're-educate' Islamic groups living in the relatively sparsely populated and 'far away' Qinghai province spread across the high-altitude Tibetan Plateau. These facilities are buttressed by large military camps with lots of CCP Army soldiers.

Although you might not think it, there is an axis formed by the unlikely partnership powers of Japan, Taiwan (the Kuomintang), and the United States - with the Kuomintang Islamic Insurgency that still remains inside Communist China (which Insurgency still exists despite the Communist regime's claims over many decades that it was suppressed completely; that cannot be the case though, clearly, because of the Uyghur situation just to begin with).

 ...Not that anyone is necessarily going to understand the connection between all of that and anything that has been being foreshadowed here for a while now.

Bang spot on target though.



Direct hit. 

Xi: 'Where'd that come from?? I thought we had the hyper-sonic invisible missiles that come in at warp speed from out of nowhere!'

...Gonna do you slowly, Xi.

Isn't that right, Kitty?

Who's next.

Stop having talks with imaginary strangers, KP.

Stop have imaginary talks.

Anyway, at least the China people went to investigate that 'shed' on the Moon, and discovered that it was a rock.

'Aiy, you norty norty haraamis!'

Sunday 9 January 2022

Elves Who Give You Silver

 ...And gold; they can give you that as well.

You didn't know this?

Well it is firmly attested by Snorri Sturluson, the primary historical source of Norse folklore and tradition.

You can never go back.
Once you have seen!

This article, this one right here, is possibly more important than you might suspect. 

The reason why so many of you do not believe - is because those who claim to know, just don't know! And what you hear (IE read), you hear and read from them and they know nothing.

You hear these stories, these, these - fairy tales; and that is all they are.

Well you just try what you are going to learn now, and you come back and tell me what happened.

Nothing will seem to happen. But then, you will think that your eyes or your mind or both are playing tricks on you, because after a short while, maybe a few days no more, silver will start appearing and proceeding very decidedly into your hands.

Impossible, you say.

Ah, but then you're gonna get to 'Part 9' The Elves Who Give You Gold And Silver - the first part of that, which echoes a few things our good friend Cliff High recently just, oh just very casually blurted out...

...About what used to be housed in Switzerland - Cedel it used to be called back then in the good times.

The little red 'poison dwarfs,'
are now in Manhattan.

And now it is in NYC, isn't it?

And you are gonna go: 'Oh dear. Oh dear.'

Better listen to me.

And stop thinking I am being 'metaphorical.'

Elves. Real E-l-v-e-s.

Elves are real.

So are the Gnomes of Basel. And they are very real, as you already know.

The Amanita Muscaria Experience

Part 9 is the section in which you will learn about The Elves Who Give You Gold And Silver For Free. They do it freely. And it explains why in there.

Here, just listen to the music - the music for when it is cold very cold outside - and read what is at the end of the link provided above and apply what is in there that you read.

Do it. Just do it. Don't ask any questions. 

Saturday 8 January 2022

You Won't Believe...

Actually at this point, some of you will definitely 'believe.'

And by believe I mean accept.

Nobody needs to believe, anything. It's not a good idea to just believe something without a real basis.

The way people use belief is as an intellectualizing of a proposition for something that is hoped for in the future.

'Hela' - Blanchett in Ragnarok

Something hasn't happened yet, but they want it to, and they have hope, and therefore hope is built on belief that whatever is being proposed -, is true.

So here, with what I am about to say, you might very well and truly even know enough about it to say to yourself: 'Wow, those things all have happened, and the images and their underlying meanings we do know - but still, I can't believe, the explanation being given here.'

Remember the guy at the Capitol Building with the horned Viking hat (helmet, whatever), and the pole with the American flag on it - who just got sentenced for being an insurrectionist or something? 

Well he had a Nordic 'entwined triangle' tattoo on his chest there, if you recall.

And, well, we talked about that image here, did we not?

People say anything, and they all tell you outright they know the meaning of these symbols - but they don't know.

Just don't worry about what you read everywhere across the whole internet about what that symbol means; it's all wrong what they are saying.

...There are a couple of readers here who have been privately communicating and they know what it means.

I will tell you this, however: it is partly to do with the power that Odin has, to tie someone's mind up in knots.

And that is all I will say about it.

Here is the thing you won't believe...

'They' (you know those guys, the 'they' guys) - well, they have 'seers,' literally people who practice kinds of sorcery things, and they can get glimpses of what happens in the future, and so, what the elites do, is try to head off something they know is coming to get them, by grabbing the symbolism, and quickly subverting it first.

This fellow with the headgear in the Capitol Building is a plant. 

He told you outright he was a 'shaman' and he told you (at least the media gave you the 'wrap' about how to think about it) that he was Right Wing, and that the symbols he wore were part of that (side of politics, I guess they want to portray it as being).

Assume for one minute that what I'm saying is exactly how it is - that these people are all involved in occult practices, and that they have inklings of what is coming up for them.

Well have you considered not 'how powerful' they are - but what it is they see ahead, that they fear?

Bjorn Andreas cannot get onto YouTube now wearing a Norwegian helmet, now, can he??

Well I mean he can, but people are just going to dismiss him as another Right Wing thinker and that's all.

Capitol Building Man was actually holding a 'staff,' but he was disguising it as a stick for his American flag.

Yet, if you placed an image of a Norse shaman - a real one, or a Volva - next to Capitol Building Man, they would look kind of the same.

Well, you just be careful of a person, could be male, might be female, with something, maybe not as prominent as an actual long staff, but with a mistletoe twig on the end of it. 

And that is all that I am going to say.