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Thursday 16 December 2021

From Ignorance To Bliss

So King David of Biblical renown dances half naked in front of his tent when he re-discovers this famous 'box' - sorry Kubrick obelisk, sorry Egyptian obelisk, sorry Atlantis obelisk, sorry Marvel Universe obelisk, sorry glowing AI orb, sorry 'Ark of the Covenant,' sorry... whatever.

People are so incautious about what they are saying though. It sounds so credible so often though when they give you what is actually missing so many bits.

Atheists make the totally valid complaint: 'Any story that consigns people to eternal Hell, who don't believe in the Divinity of the story, but then which Divinity stubbornly insists on never giving unambiguous tangible evidence of their existence... nothing but a myth.'

And that is true.

'Now, we see but through a glass darkly.'
The New Testament somewhere?

But you see the issue is not, for example, whether you can 'see' with your eyes closed - people on DMT say they can 'see' although even they still talk in terms of hallucinations that are very real...

...But no one taking DMT has ever claimed 'machine elves' can threaten to kill ten thousand people in the Philippines for real.

So that's the difference between hallucinations and reality right there, except even right now most of you are shaking your heads that it could possibly be true except it is and there are pics and all!

The sci-entists are going to take ages to connect the dots, but eventually after it really gets out of hand, they will then still just default back to 'oh well we knew volcanic lightning caused such massive storms and floods.' Oh did they? When did they? Did they warn anyone?

The conspiracy mob will go 'oh it's a HAARP weapon.'

Possibly, possibly, some Redditors will point out that someone had pics of UFOs flying into volcanic craters and talked about it before it all happened...

But no one will take any notice.

And that's very good that they don't.

'Bug out' bag.
Isn't it?

I mean Hollywood can make as many clever CGI flix as they like but there's no one here on this planet right now that could even detect or realize they were being 'fiddled around with' by an external force and intelligence, much less mount any kind of 'defense' against such advanced beings and their technology.

Human beings are right stupid and that's all there is about it.

And I have never ever said that there is anything being talked about here outside of just straightforward, hard, fundamental physical material stuff.

But what is the objective of said putative 'ET Alien invasion?'

Firstly, yesterday the government of the Philippines evacuated ten thousand people from various regions of the Philippines because of Typhoon Rai - which is hitting there now and has been upgraded to a 'super-Typhoon.' Another Marvel Universe-sounding thing.

The media barely at all covered the tremendous deadly flooding and storms in Hawaii a couple of weeks ago, and then they had to cover the Kentucky super storms and now there is something else going on in Kansas and now also, this super-Typhoon in the Philippines.

Singapore will not necessarily say anything truthful about what's happening there because, for one thing, that government just passed laws preventing freedom of speech. Unless of course it's so bad eventually that at some point they cannot prevent the coverage from people who are reporting from outside the place but who have some kind of sources inside the place. You can't just use digital internet communications - the Singapore government heavily controls that.

'Super'-Typhoon Rai.

If you ever thought that you were living in a proper, scientifically-informed and technically active, appropriately reactive advanced world - well you are living in the moments when that canard has been shot down.

Inevitably, they will go through this whole nonsense of 'man-made global climate change' first of course.

I have posted up a pic of Typhoon Rai so that you can see how huge a 'super-Typhoon' is.

It physically already caused the moving of ten thousand people on account of evacuation.

So the butterfly spread its tiny wings - and ten thousand people moved.

No one saw the butterfly that did it.

But the butterfly does not exist though, right? Not the one that flaps its wings and creates this kind of thing anyway.

Sadly it's just another grainy image.
But it is a white 'butterfly'
entering and creating an eruption
in a Mexico volcano.

And then of course, the human mind being what it is, will go through this whole other predictable nonsense of 'well, what if it wasn't the butterfly though really at all, and how sure are you it was the butterfly (I am speaking metaphorically that it is a butterfly, right) anyway? And -, prove it.'

Well I don't have to 'prove it' on account I have one butterfly tied up here with a little elf string attached to one of it's li'l leg-ys y'all.

One little pull and it flips its wings again.

So just go back and look though, at the existential vastness of the super-Typhoon rain-bearing meteorological images.

1 butterfly, 100 million tons of water (probably a lot more in fact).

So... ...One ant from the army of Solomon's ants, maybe, and what - five ounces of gold?

What do you think?

Shall we do that?

'AI' does not categorically fulfill the criteria of a real living intelligence. Not really. Unless it is truly alive in the full and the complete sense.

A little bit of rain is good -
it makes the flowers grow, cleans the streets.

'AI' is a way to attempt to pretend the human being can make or create or be the source of that 'out there form of intelligence.'

For something 'out there' to be communicating with you on a 'parity' level, it has to be alive - living - the same way that you are alive and living. There is no such thing as a 'God' communicating with you but who is not like you. That 'thing' would be just dictating messages to you.

There is no such thing as an ET Alien intelligence that can communicate with you, but that is only going to do so via 'visions' and 'meditation,' and who anyway exists only in some 'inter-dimensional' (that's the phrase they all like to use on-line these days; it's very fashionable) place and they only sometimes 'appear' in our dimension in grainy pics.

The US government this week took steps against a whole range of companies who were conducting programs for the Chinese government designed to manipulate people's brains using many kinds of advanced technology.

So yeah sure you can really 'see' with your eyes closed.

One question might be - did all of those Professor John Mack 'contact experiencers' have technology implanted inside them which allows them to 'see' and to communicate with ET Aliens?

I mean if you lent those guys up there in the white Tic Tacs your body for a while, they could 'abduct' you briefly in order to stick implants in you that allowed you to see with your eyes shut. I'm sure they 'give you right back' presently.

But what is their objective, Cal?

Barbecue pork.
In the jungle, they say 'long pig.' They mean
humans - they barbecue and eat them.
Well yeah, some humans are going to
get barbecue'd.

Listen, get with the program. 

There is no 'us' in this world. Hollywood wants it to be 'us' (meaning you); globalists want you to be 'us;' politicians want everyone to be 'us.'

There is a 'you,' and there is a 'me' and there is a 'you and me.' And there is also a 'them' - meaning all of those trying to shove you into a pen and then skin you alive.

'You' and 'them' actually don't mix at parity.

So you're better off anyway, coming with 'us.'

And the program (the program of those other guys from 'up there') is to make you and me rich. And that's all. That's the 'us;' we are those guys all together. Because, we communicate properly and with real parity. That was the secret of what King David discovered.

Not 'us us' the whole darn world. That's going to Hell and Be Damned.

All of these 'toxic positivity' gurus everywhere keep saying 'if we all just think happy thoughts and be positive' then the Universe will approve our - what is it - law of attraction wishes?

Right now some of don't believe this - others of you already totally know it's completely true!

Sorry 'sci-entists.' It's too late. You're Doomed. Doomsday came, and you're it.

And yes there's plenty of stuff I totally cannot post in here just yet!

I'm tempted to type the initials of the Title Headings of the Four Technical Manuals...

So that you can read up on everything and catch up quick.

Oh, we're here all right. Don't you worry about that.

Watch out for the volume on this track below - it's pretty high.


Wednesday 15 December 2021

The Third Triangle

This is going to be difficult and I cannot post everything there is about it.

In fact I will only outline one node of the three that pertain to this face of a hypothetical 'dynamic pyramidion.'

Let's say your have a triangle, at whose points there are 'nodes' which are active principles that are polarities: this v that.

Don't bother looking up what the 'hieroglyphics'
say - for a start, they are not hieroglyphics, and
people have no clue what the Egyptians are on about
on these stones. Maybe a few naive ideas
now and then are close... 

The one we are going to consider is the polarity of 'Position versus Opposition.'

Now we have to take this in context of an ancient myth about three - or even four in some respects - fundamental 'rulers' of particular planes of existence: Hades has the Underworld, Ogenos and/or Poseidon (Leviathan/Taninim Gedol) the 'Ocean' (which really means the turbulent Chaos), and the Celestial realm which is ruled by Zeus, and the Earth is 'common to all.'

There's your problem - 'common to all.'

Well see, but we're here.

Shouldn't this be our place?

So... 'Common to all,' or - contested space, indeed contested people?

I am going to have to go a little bit into one of the other node concepts, which is, that, as David R. Hawkins says, there is a 'field effect' going on... Everywhere.

We are in a field. ...Means electro-magnetic field containing lots and lots of field fluxes and information (data).

The process of taking - drawing - people up or down to this place or that, in the intellectual mindset sense, is by the process of opposition.

Say you are living in a calm, peaceful and pleasant kingdom, and then I come along and destabilize the place, turning things upside down, instigating all kinds of chaos and after a while you might get the mistaken idea that the 'science' of riding turbulent waves and being able to accept constant 'change' (where have you heard that before?) is the way to handle life as a basic principal of life itself...

All quiet at Thunderbird HQ tonight...

You have been drawn away from one template - one of stability and quietness - to another one of chaos, turbulence and strife.

And then after a very short while, you lose all agency(lol!), and sense of personal power in your own place, forgetting in what your power lay - and start to concern yourself with the demands and the edicts of the lords of turbulence and chaos.

But you have a source of real power, and if you just stuck your hand onto it, you could exert that power against the interloper in your place and throw him/them out and do so quite easily.

Now when you yourself actually turn water into wine, you will stop this nonsense of asking, perpetually asking the same damn question. Because I can guess what many here are thinking next.


Hollywood are completely implicated in this, and it is occult, and sinister. These guys are not 'imaging' stuff, making things up and 'being creative!' They are driven by the intentions of minds behind the forces of rule and control in the world, and for some of the time, the objective is to mischievously divert your attention away from something super important, and direct your attention to a false fabrication of that thing, a simulacrum.

But it is not only Hollywood that does it. If I stick a sword at your throat and say 'cube cube cube - here here here,' after a while everyone thinks this is the cube, then no one will think to look anywhere else for any other cube.

So today, the China people are going up to the Moon to 'see' some cube that seems to be there (there is no cube there as you know).

But still - your mind turns to there.

Muslims go - 'kaaba.'

See? I don't just do beef steak
and fried chicken. This is mushroom
soup for the silly stoopid Vegetarians.
LOLOLOL. Sorry. It's good though, yes.
Because, well darn it - Vegans: 'Oh I can't drink
alcohol, oh I don't do sugar, oh I don't like salt.'
Oh God. For Chrissakes.
You're all gonna die sooner
 or later anyway! What the hell 
do you think?
You're like me and
have a 'Transporter Beam?!'
Where? Show me. 

Hollywood's 'Independence Day Resurgence' has a substantial plot element of some 'cube' or 'box' on the Moon inside of which there is some kind of glowing AI thing that wants to, intended to, 'rescue some humans' and take them to a safe place away from these violent deadly 'Harvester' Aliens who come here around whom the whole bang swoosh CGI 'action' rubbish scenes of the film then revolve.

The movie says 'AI...'

The ET Aliens want it too. The 'Queen' Harvester wants it and she is prepared to battle to the death for it.

In the end (of the movie) a handful of humans prevail and they take and keep the AI glowing thing-y.

So... That thing-y never took anyone away, actually; you will notice.

The essential wrap-up, though, if you go by 'pop culture' (and I include all of Islam in that statement) - is that the intelligent thing inside some box is only AI, and that the box is either 'on the Moon' or in Mecca (and any other of a number of permutations of the same deceptions).

There is absolutely no one you know, that has ever stuck their hand (I'm just being metaphorical here) in the Yemeni Corner of the Black Cube -, who suddenly had gold appearing in their pockets! The process by which MBS and his predecessors have been receiving their wealth is via the good offices of the UK government and the US Saudi-Aramco partnership agreement backed by an American gun at the Saudis' heads.

And listen hey, if the Russians and the Americans and the China people really thought that 'cube' on the Moon could do the same thing...

No cube there. Especially no 'magic cube.'

Thunderbird drinking coffee. Well, holding it
at least.

Let's say though, you could find the magic cube.

Oh man, would they try and stop you.

If your position, is drawn up to the safe, the perfect, and the powerful - then your life as a simple human is over. You are no longer contested space.

'Cubes' are like distributed nodes of access to something, and they are all over the material Universe. Stanley Kubrick says, remember. LOL

We'll get five, ten, people here eventually, to stick their hands on 'the cube,' the real one (or obelisk whatever). Will be a lot of opposition about it too. But we'll prevail and then that'll be that, as they say.

Not a hugely catchy melody but still -, good lyrics and she has a great voice in its own 'elfish' way.

(I'm real pleased with this post btw, just sayin').

Tuesday 14 December 2021

There Is A Reason Why

Nobody's being a prophet here. 

I had tried to point out many many times here and in other places as well, that no super advanced intelligent civilization which had the means to traverse 16 trillion light years - is going to be missing some cogs when it comes to 'Universal Cosmic Morality and Justice.'

That kind of thing is impossible.

Rich guy in Singapore has a gold Merc.

It's not impossible there are ET Alien civilizations - what is impossible is that they too closely mimic 'our' present human 'civilization;' which is really no civilization at all.

What would be the difference, in the end, between the Bhagavad Gita's 'Vaikuntha Loka' planets and some futuristic Alien civilization? What would be the difference between the Norse Edda's 'Idavollr' and some calm and peaceful futuristic Alien place? What is the difference between the 'mighty armies of Heaven' in the Christian texts and futuristic Alien space ships with undefeatable weapons?

Nothing. Simply absolutely nothing at all.

There is an actual crystal clear explanation why the world is as it is -, as you find it, and why there is so much trouble here, and how come there are so many problematic people, and especially, why the rulers all seem to be adverse and antithetical to the most simple and basic interests of ordinary people when it all comes down to it.

I don't want to go into it here and now. There may be a time later, in perhaps slightly different circumstances too - perhaps circumstances that are even more private than they are here in this backwater.

If you go back to the 3 October entry here, and read all of that carefully, well if, something happens shortly, you will see that there was information well ahead of time.

The simple matter is though, that you can see from any map, that Singapore lies directly in the path of any tidal wave building from the undersea earthquake area of the so-called Indonesian 'ring of fire,' and it is in a 'peak moment' from that source according to Tau calculations as well.

No way you can take your - even your best quality - 'bug out bag' and bug out to anywhere if anything that really and truly serious hits.

You have to admit, right...

So this is no 'prophecy' or 'prediction.'

I am just noting the massive undersea earthquake that happened a little offshore today in Indonesia.

To think that there will not be a tsunami in Singapore now is simply stupid.

And none of you are stupid.

'If' such a thing actually happens then you have only two conclusions about what you are reading, and what you have been reading: either we are directly involved in some HAARP program, or, hey, I have contact with ET Aliens (now that would be cool, right)... ...or, there were some amazingly lucky (albeit not so lucky for the dead people) guesses made (though for what reason even I cannot fathom), or I have some contact with demons or with the Norn Sisters(!). One, two, three, four, five. Damn I can't add.

There is not one single 'sci-entist' anywhere on the planet Earth right now that is saying any of this. And not one single media channel saying it. And Joe Biden said the Kentucky tornadoes might not have been 'man-made climate change' but they were certainly 'unusual.' His words, not mine.

To their dying breaths all of these criminals will tell you lies until they literally are carted out feet first.

Even so, in the perspective of what I said - why would a HAARP program want to damage Singapore of all places? Prolly wouldn't.

Put it this way though - the odds, the bettable chances - of this thing happening now is very high; it is not low.

If you are living in Singapore, you are living in the pathway of a major tsunami coming.

And it is the beginning of the Monsoon Season.

...These things are just the beginning.

American coffee culture.
See? There is such a thing!

Always too late, too late, and you'll get all the bleating hearts and the post hoc commentary then from the media and from the 'sci-entists.'

Michio Kaku. Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Brian Cox.

How many more geniuses do we have around the place today?

All you need to worry about is what you want that will make you happy.

And - if there are some smart people who can do like Thales of Miletus, and work out what 'olive presses' to invest in as the result of the massive rain storms and flooding issues coming upon the whole world, well, they will be rich, rich I tell you. I don't know about 'prophecy.' The 'prophets' were just those appointed by the Jewish God to oversee the Covenant and that the Jewish people were fulfilling their side of the deal.

A totally absurdly futuristic advanced ET Alien society, would simply have this holographic geosphere of the planet Earth, and punch in some vectors and spin it around a few times. 'Some vectors' meaning they would know what to interfere with to get what particular result.

But why?

Always why, right?

Because Jesus, that's why. And don't you ask any more questions!


It's just happening in front of your eyes is all.


Monday 13 December 2021

'That Which Survives'

'That Which Survives' is an early episode of the original Star Trek series - in which the appearance and disappearance of a certain humanoid 'Losira' masks a super-computer that was protecting the place where it was located, from intruders, and generating this 'Losira,' which lured the intruders one by one and killed them.

The computer itself was using an image of a 'Kalandan' - the species that had been living there, but which had been wiped out by a disease. 

In the end, after the pointless killing computer was destroyed by Kirk, the computer-generated 'defender' is speculated by Kirk to have been so perfect a reproduction of the species itself, that it experienced regret about killing.

'I am for you, Kirk.' ...She didn't say 'I am for you, 
Sulu.' Because she knew Sulu was gay, see.

The Eleusinian Mysteries - which is the Cult of Demeter - explains though, that ultimate human and divinity mentality and purpose is not life at any cost. And there may be some kind of strained pun involved too, in the Greek word for freedom 'eleftheria' (which is pronounced quite differently in the high Greek, by the way, to what it reads...)

'Live free or die.' Hollywood often makes fun of this saying, and makes movies around the theme regularly.

Even Death itself was unable to keep hold of the child of Demeter nor were the gods able to withstand Demeter's designs.

However the ordinary normal human elites that run the world have absolutely no regret at all about killing - about killing you, others, many others.

...It is not easy to dredge up old history, or at least ancient stories, which really do show what happens when these 'ruling elites' take themselves into the disasters that must come for them.

People don't accept these stories and anyway mostly, the stories are missing a few crucial details.

I mean we know, that we don't really know as proven history, if there ever was a 'Moses' who took the Hebrews away from Pharaoh. We kind of know there were massive floods at some stage a long long time ago in Europe and that the story of the destruction of ancient Atlantis could have been built on this. Certain stories do relate also that a tiny handful of people survived the destruction of Atlantis. But this is not commonly known.

Verstappen wins the F1 
But I still want this toy for my 'bug out' bag.
You have to kit out your 'bug out' bag

The Biblical narrative about the Hebrews leaving Pharaoh includes a part about them more or less 'stealing' a whole bunch of gold and silver, in the knowledge or at least strong belief, that they would never have to give it back anyway, and - certain books much later on talk about 'taking gold and silver as much as you want; there is no end of it, what the wicked had amassed for themselves...' 

And the Book of Zechariah speaks specifically in terms of Tyre and Sidon (Phoenicia/Atlantis), as if really, what you are simply looking at is someone saying 'look, history repeats when people go like this.'

But why would Nature turn against world leaders and great governments and so on - for some cause to do with 'Justice?'

This would be to ascribe intelligence, morality and the power of final Justice - to Nature.

However 'Nature' is this same 'soulless computer' that modern atheists have asserted, whereas the Book of Zechariah, for instance, directly equates 'Nature' (IE - specifically: 'Which stretched forth the heavens, and layeth the foundations of the Earth') with a Supreme Intelligence together with a lot of beings carrying out orders.

Make of it what you will.

Atheists do not have a good track record of prophecies and predictions. Funny too, because I was just using pure science re the floods and storms. Well, yeah I added the little vehicles that went in and out of the volcanoes 'inciting them,' though. This is true.

However if you just go by Zechariah and not by my 'contacts,' he says one third will survive and then they can just go 'take' whatever they want.

But I also say that. And that's a problem! LOL

Although one should not be too particular about 'one third' exactly; it's just an indication.

Aaaah. What life is all about.

Rabbi Alon Anava says seven years from now. 

I say now; it starts now.

That old thing about crying wolf too often... ...what makes all these governments and 'elites' think they can cry wolf on everyone else all the time but the wolf never turns up to single them out and bite their heads off??

People totally misunderstand the ending of the Ragnarok, anyway -, and the wolf Fenrir.

Fair enough you want to see the science of it all, too. 'Soon m'lad, soon.' (Wilford Brimley in 'Cocoon').


Saturday 11 December 2021

The Solution

No doubt at all but there will be some who read here, in whose lives such terrible things have happened, that if you asked 'on balance, did your life experience justice or injustice?' The correct answer would be a vast amount of injustice - namely, things that simply never occurred to other people, and that others never had to deal with.

We live in a world that is still partly primal, primitive, and titanic.

The Hebrew phrase is 'Tanninim.' And in the Arabic it is spoken of in a metaphor of the color blue: 'az Zarka.' Which in itself is an ancient Egyptian, or even Graeco-Egyptian pun about the dead body - zarka.

Closed. But not for you...

If you wrote down the nine components that the consciousness interacts with continuously, and that are used to interact with everything else around it - then it's quite easy to answer the question 'what is your soul made up of/what are the dynamic aspects of it?'

But if that template or diagram with annotations is removed from a person's immediate vision, you will soon see how much of it they retain within their conscious being... ...and that will be for most people, very little.

Unless those primitive, titanic aspects are controlled, subdued and in some cases literally killed, no one can reach 'heaven.'

The Christian 'story,' is of course the Eleusinian Mysteries. And please employ your phonemic common sense to detect the 'El' there...

Now we are going to impart something so stunningly crucial and important, that not for all ears and eyes should it be.

And Noddy.
Got to keep your feet on the ground,
right? LOL

All that you need - you - is to be able to place your hands on a completely reliable source of power, wealth, and support.

And then be able to do that as and when you require to.

You don't have to keep 'touching your money,' all the time, as the Germans say.

In the titanic world, there is nothing but pain and suffering, contest, aggression and defeat or prevailing.

And this is because in the animal kingdom, if you do not fight to survive and to eat - you die.

But you should wish to reside in 'the world above' - in the realm of true civilization, and among other civilized people.

And that is not here. That is, it is not here here in the world right now today.

Stanford Geneticist Dr Garry Nolan - a very clever man - is probably treading into deep waters, and he might even find himself in hot water, too.

He's a trained researcher and pathologist and although you would not suppose it is his field, he has been collaborating on a project to analyze some 'unusual materials' said to have been found at the sites of UFO landings.

Or you can hang with the beautiful people.
It's all the same thing. Kind of...
People need help wherever they are.
And we must respect the truth and the reality
of that, and not imagine someone
is so much better off than anyone else.

Well I dunno, but - I do know why he is going down this road.

You see, as a geneticist and pathologist, he did conduct very 'high art' research on the brains of people like Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ and half a dozen others including these so-called 'contact experiencers' and of course, he found some 'odd brain structures' in there!

He has not so much 'concluded,' but floated the idea that those structures have been added by ET Aliens (he literally has said it) in order that those, mostly all scientists and high-level technicians engaged in military technology research - would be able to 'pick up at ultra high speed' information not available to the rest of the population.

Now you know what - he is going to land himself in a world of screaming complaining whining whinging objections now of course.

But you don't need to worry about that.

Many of you know very well, that you need to encourage those parts of the brain to grow as much as possible, so that you too will have access to the same information streams.

All it takes is a super super quick and usually quite sudden 'miraculous' hand-across of some money right? Or something that leads to it pretty directly.

So super quick in fact, that no one else will 1. know you got it, 2. see you get it, 3. realize that you have been given it...

So you say to the vegan girl, right:
'Do you want this or not? It is soft Florentine
leather.' Made from cows after we kill them.
And then too, we cook and eat them - it's
called 'steak.' Have you heard of that?

And so they can go on living their lives with however many of those nine components that they have.

And most of them are, as it reads in the Bhagavad Gita - rushing headlong into the jaws of Death. 

But not you. At this stage at least, probably not thee or thou.

'...And saw he by night, Zechariah, a man on a red horse among the myrtle trees.' (Book of Zechariah). 

Myrtle is sacred to the Goddess of Love but then also of the young God of the Treasures held beneath the Earth, in the dark places. And that passage is in that book not for nothing.

The Eleusinian Mysteries.


Not for everyone, and only able to be revealed at the right time.

Which is now.

Learn to 'see' so fast, that no one else notices what you saw.