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Monday 19 November 2018

Front Running In The Media

The numbers of directly killed 'fighters' (armed militia, state soldiers, external brigades 'helping' the so-called Houthi) in the Yemen war are upwards of 13,000 up until statistics were stopped being counted by the United Nations.

These numbers are completely fraudulent. They show massive casualties and deaths by a ratio of 10:1 on the side of the 'government' and Saudi-backed defensive war-fighters - and no more than around 1,000 ISIS and Ansar Allah brigade deaths with more than 2,000 additional combatants captured.

These numbers also explicitly detail the presence of armed professionals under the command of 'Academi,' the private contract professional army - who are assisting, advising, and literally also fighting with, the Saudi-backed official Yemen government army.
This is just Hamas guys, in Gaza...
They are just praying

Now going on the official UN estimations - this would make ISIS here in this theater, some kind of amazing war-fighting machine; they have ripped apart their opponents at the rate of greater than ten-to-one.

Moreover, there is the acknowledged employment of Reaper drones against the ISIS and Ansar Allah brigades.

According to published estimations by monitors of these things - there are more than fifty thousand (50,000) civilians dead from the events of this war.

'Ansar Allah' in this case, is also presented by even independent sources, as being led by, and funded by, and peopled by, Iranian trained militia. 'Ansar Allah' is a term used for a variety of (other) groups not confined to just the Yemen so-called 'civil war.' 'Ansar Allah' is also the term used in the Koran for the disciples of Jesus in ancient times!

So this would make the Iran-backed militia here some helluva decent fighting force that clearly has fighting skill supremacy on the actual battle-field... The Saudis have the best equipment and funding, and they have US backing and they are getting whipped, apparently... But there are so many problems with explaining what is really going on and how it is happening - for example, on the one hand there is no way Ansar Allah is actually gaining any entry into the main central Yemen 'cities' (such as these are), but at the same time, it very much appears that they have indeed strengthened their hold on the port region, including the actual port itself of Al Hudaydah - where there are 2.5 million people living in that vicinity.

Because of control of this major port, Ansar Allah receives extensive and on-going logistical traffic from a number of Shi'a sources. The US has never backed Shi'a anywhere, and it placed heavy sanctions on Eritrea not long ago that damaged that country in many ways. 

Now... Meanwhile... Considering that Saudi Arabia views the action of Ansar Allah in Yemen as a direct threat to itself, and that via Yemen, Iran is seeking to establish a pathway of military access to materially attacking Saudi Arabia in actual acts of war, it isn't even open to question, that the Saudi Arabian rulers regarded someone like Jamal Khashoggi as quite literally a traitor who was an agent and operative of Iranian interests. 

Quietly, not too many people do regard the Saudi army is anything other than a bunch of privileged fat Saudis - but having said that, they were clearly sustaining a severe battering, if you go by the UN figures.
And this is a well-equipped fighting force
Very well, equipped... And trained.

And while this was happening, no one in the media was considering the strategic outcome of an Ansar Allah/Iran victory, and as if butter would not melt in his mouth, Jamal Khashoggi was systematically firing away at the Saudi ruling elite in the Western media - driving the point across that the Saudis were self-interested, and prospectively to be run by one inexperienced and egocentric, young and probable 'tyrant.'

And in all of the fog of it - the Turkish government has a recording, in fact now we are told two separate recordings of two phases of the events, of what transpired INSIDE the premises of a foreign Embassy.

This famous recording that no one in the public has heard, is very gruesome. But the only thing I find objectionable, is that the Western media is trying to tell me which side to pick, and that there is only one side in this saga, and they are quite deliberately being 'oblivious' to Iran's position in the whole thing, and the sheer impossibility - under the circumstances - of Jamal Khashoggi being just some honest, objective, independent journalist.

So... Foreign unfriendly governments have the capacity to make covert recordings of embassies, do they?


Is violence and murder and brutality in war also objectionable? Of course it is. That is why I don't play this game of picking sides and pushing propaganda designed to assign an opinion onto the general public dependent upon what media you get given to you.

Saturday 17 November 2018

Just Factor This In...

Every single news media outlet I have seen over the last week claims the CIA says that Crown Prince Salman ordered the killing of Jamal Khashoggi.

That is the tilt on the narrative.

What all the reports actually specifically say, however, is that 'a reliable source' at the CIA says the CIA has given the White House a 'high confidence' report to the effect that Salman ordered Jamal Khashoggi's killing because there was a phone call made by Salman's brother, to Khashoggi, inviting him to the Saudi Embassy in Turkey.



Okay here's some 'insider information' about the SOP (standard operating procedure) of the CIA is when it comes to making analysis officially available to the White House:
These two guys get on really well personally -
Salman stayed at Murdoch's estate in April 2018

The CIA - through its Director - produces at minimum three/four(I'll explain in a moment) report files per 'substantive national issue' - one being a case fact assessment, the next being a 'high confidence'/'best case' report from the adversarial stand-point, and the third being an 'open file' for circulation to the JOINT CHIEFS OF INTEL for their assessments to be inserted as advice to the President - and there may in some special sorts of events, be a 'minority' or 'dissenting view' report. The White House makes conclusions, not the advisers.

FACTUALLY - Jamal Khashoggi is not around, there is no body, and there are no recordings publicly made available of his 'death or killing.' He has been presumed killed and therefore of course, dead. I am not aware of any single instance where a recording or purported recording is available in any public arena, and no one in my circle has any knowledge that such a recording as described in the media even exists - and this includes the Egyptian Military Intelligence to which I have some superficial access, and they are absolutely opposed to the Muslim Brotherhood and if there were any 'brush fires' to do with the Muslim Brotherhood that needed to be watched (like an actual recording) they would circularize all of their assets about the extent of damage.

Any news media report you read with the form of words actually saying: 'the CIA has concluded blah blah blah' is a deliberately false report.

So why are they doing it? Nobody in any official capacity has 'concluded' anything.

The BBC has also been pouring scorn on suggestions that Jamal Khashoggi was even a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and yet over their very own channel in the same few weeks the heads of the Muslim Brotherhood themselves were given air-time eulogizing Khashoggi and extolling what he had done for Saudi dissenters (which is nothing, I might add, in fact; he is a 'power elite' establishment figure).

Here though, is a fact - the oil price has gone down a lot.

The Jamal Khashoggi 'story' that is being spun in the media has got some problems.

Thursday 15 November 2018

Only For The Few

I watched a conversation recently between several distinguished University types - over the philosophical potential of 'time travel.' One clever person proposed the old standard 'thought experiment' about why no one from some enlightened future came back and 'took out' Hitler or prevented some catastrophic pandemic and all of that.
The output - mipperi ('coming to manifest fruition'), of this
channel - ates - ('tree') is for getting back to space - sawdeh -
from the axis ('middle of the field'). If you go on either side of the axis,
you die.

Literally absolutely no one at all in the group having the discussion, could see past their own prejudice over some presumed (and in fact non-existent) primacy of 'group think/group well-being/group benefit.'

What makes it necessarily so that the real Universe 'regards' the well-being of larger numbers over that of smaller numbers? Nothing. And quite to the contrary, it is more manifest reality that there are ascending hierarchies of lesser and lesser numbers as the qualitative differences increase in any standard of continuous gradation.

I guess what I am really trying to say to you all here... that we just might embark on some 'mysterious' (to the rest of the planet) adventure soon that will result in all of you 'stumbling upon' some 'box of antique device' - lol - the opening of which shall present you with riches far beyond the dreams of ordinary mortals.

Would you like that?

"Years later, the shipwrecked Odysseus, on his homeward way from Troy, landed on a Phaeacian beach, where he was discovered by Alcinous' daughter Nausicaa, who had gone there to wash clothes. At this time, the city was surrounded by high battlements, and had two harbors, the Phaeacians being excellent navigators. The king's palace was a splendid building with doors of gold and walls of bronze topped with enamel tiles. The entrance was protected by gold and silver dogs that served as sentries, and outside the courtyard there was a large orchard where there grew pear, pomegranate, apple, fig, and olive trees that gave fruit of the best quality at all seasons of the year. The same was in their vineyard, for while some grapes dried in the sun, others were gathered or being trodden, and still others were unripe. The Phaeacian chiefs enjoyed their great food and wine in a large hall, where youths of gold held flaming torches to light them by night.

This blessed realm, where the gods used to show themselves without disguise when attending the Phaeacian banquets, was the last foreign land Odysseus visited before returning to Ithaca. It was here that he found assistance, and King Alcinous, after bestowing gifts on him, sent him home in a Phaeacian ship, constructed with superior knowledge, for the vessel had neither steersmen nor steering-oars, and knew by itself what the crew was thinking and proposed to do." HOMER, the Odyssey.

So Where Are The Apples?

One of the most genuinely obscure, mysterious and fascinating texts is the original Ptolemy II compilation version of the Book of Genesis. Being put together by largely ethnically Hebrew scribes, it has been widely assumed that the book itself was both originally a Hebrew religious book, and written in ancient Hebrew.

The factual reality of it though, is so much more complicated, that it makes any such conclusion very dysfunctional.

For one thing, regardless of whether you want to maintain that it is an ancient Hebrew narrative or not, there are too many non-Hebrew words in it, words that have literally NO OTHER COMMON HEBREW usage as actual words - for the thing to have logically originated from the Hebrew culture.

An 'Apple of Eden' from the movie 'Assassin's Creed'
written by a highly-learned French Algerian.
I must admit, this is a very beautiful piece of art and design. 
Secondly, all of the key words - like, 'garden,' 'tree,' 'eat' - and some others, have so many duplicate meanings in Hebrew, that unless you have a concrete logical reason to employ one meaning over any other of the possible meanings, you cannot presume you know what your are saying/translating.

So where are the apples?

What we have today is a common myth or child's fairy-tale version of the actual Book of Genesis... Once upon a time/innocent 'newly-created' man/woman/beautiful garden/trees/fruit/happiness/problem/things change/snake/scary/bad/and the moral of the story blah blah blah.

The exact word in the original text we all think is 'apple' is mipperi. It definitely doesn't mean 'apple' and maybe it can mean 'come to fruition.'

However there is absolutely no such thing in the Book of Genesis as 'the knowledge of good and evil.' The exact compound word is tov-wa-ra. Tov-wa-Ra is something you could encounter in an applied physics research laboratory in relation to a sine wave.

You see... there are very highly sinister people in the world today, who know exactly, what is in the Book of Genesis. And sometimes when they set out to manipulate people through schemes, they can tend to give things away, but I suppose only to those with sharp, prepared, minds.

You would be just as well-informed, entertaining yourself with the 'Assassin's Creed' movie, in which there are these things called 'the Apples of Eden' - as having some only moderately-skilled person such as myself try and explain what the Book of Genesis actually says.

By the way (maybe I should say this, maybe I shouldn't...) 'Si-Tov-Wa-Ra-Nit' is 'Sutekh' or 'Set' or 'Suty,' our modern language - Satan.

Monday 12 November 2018

He Reveals The Profound And Hidden Things

This is a quote from Daniel 2:22.

And how!

If you could just go to some museum, or gallery, and just see the truth of what is otherwise and everywhere else completely hidden...
This is Muhammad's bow, his sword, and
his walking stick - all at the Topkapi

Maybe then people would not have to 'dispute' among themselves about the meaning of this or that particular obscure thing.

Alas, though - maybe not. More than likely, they would - some of them, maybe many of them - still want to argue and hold completely ridiculous ideas and beliefs and maintain these long and loud and hard to anyone passing by; nay, they would even grab people by the collars and drag them to listen.

One of our close associates here just sent me some pics of the palace of Topkapi in Turkey. I think he wants me to forward these to Crown Prince Salman, so that, in place of the sword (Ref: Sahih al-Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52 'know that Paradise is under the shades of swords.') Salman can produce an innovation and stick a plastic bag onto the new Arabian Flag, and also change his name and the name of the country to 'Plastic (petrochemical) Bag Arabia.' I'm sure Erdogan of Turkey would approve, seeing that he has this audio tape of Jamal Khashoggi being suffocated (quote: "I'm being suffocated!") by a plastic bag being pulled over his head.

Crown Prince Salman can even create some calligraphy for his new 'tughra.'


When you take a word like 'paradise' that someone lifted off the compilation of sacred global writings made under the orders of Ptolemy II of Alexandria, then you'd better be cautious about what that actual original word is and what it means in the language you found it first in that place. (Not forgetting, that the actual orders of Ptolemy were to compile a single archive from ALL the sacred writings of THE WHOLE KNOWN WORLD...)

The word in what we today call 'the Book of Genesis' is not the Hebrew word for heaven, and 'paradise' is in any case - the way we say it, and translate it into English - a Persian phrase with a meaning like 'eternal gardens.' And that is not what it says in Genesis at the part where 'Eve' and Adam' are said to 'enjoy Paradise with the Elohim...'

The word in the Book of Genesis, is - 'gan.' And it is a Sanskrit word.

When we look at the Muslim narrative account, we see that 'Heaven' - or 'Paradise' is divided into several strata, one of them being the 'Jannat al-Adn:' aka Garden of Eden.
And... here's a box of jewels from Topkapi

Why we all say 'Eden' I don't know because none of the original texts actually say it exactly like that - what they say is: 'a cultivation which is permanent and eternal, that is known to us FROM THE PAST OF TIME.' 'From' or 'In the East' (which everyone says, be they Muslim or Jewish or Christian - namely, that 'the Garden is situated somewhere IN THE EAST') is incorrect. What it says is 'from out of where PAST TIME COMES' or 'is.'

So - 'Gan - Ate (that's the correct Hebrew word for 'garden'/'Ates') al- Nud,' or, as it is in Egyptian 'Neid' or 'Nud.' We even say this today in the English vernacular - 'in the land of Nod.'

Since 'Adam' was apparently ejected from this 'Garden of Eden' nobody can 'know it' anymore as a direct experience, but only as a remembrance of the deep and distant mythic past.