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Friday 26 January 2018

The Baudelaire Thrust

Charles Baudelaire's name turned up in the recent video of a great Parisian style leader, the redoubtable M. Hugo Jacomet, of whom I have also made mention once or twice here previously.

Hugo is a wag of the finest kind. He commented that Baudelaire, whose poems and writings were well-known to French people, would likely not be known to Americans. 

I fear he was making a dig there, at the sheer general disinterest in anything truly cultural and not simple-minded these days.
A 'modern' thriller or detective story
or 'noir' piece must point out its cultural

Baudelaire is important for many many things, one of them being that he invented the term 'modernity...'

Another, being that he was the first to translate Edgar Allan Poe into French.

Even Americans 'of modernity' should known Baudelaire - he was featured in the stage performances of Jim Morrison of The Doors, who would quote his poems in French to the backing of heavy rock music from The Doors.

Yes, so so many things.

You can really create a kind of a 'perjury trap' (smirk) for smart-asses - if you happen to be speaking with one in the company of a decent objective judge (IE friend) - by raising the subject of Baudelaire, or at least, injecting his name into the conversation somewhere...

What kind of 'trap' in specifics? Well, you know those types who always want to gainsay anything you say, and make out they 'know things' (that is, are smarter than you), have been to institutions of 'higher education' and all of that... Well, you see Baudelaire is someone whose impact on modern life is a lot more significant than anyone much around these days is really aware. And you can expose the fraudulent who claim they are educated and intellectual with a little of Baudelaire...

Music is by Veeshy - 'Aural Ambience'

Thursday 11 January 2018

Mueller's All Twisted Up

This story about 'Russia whatever' is becoming more and more twisted up and basically, the players behind the story are tangling themselves up in their own lies.

There is no 'Russia collusion' story of any fact.

We have to ask the question as to why on earth the DNC elite ever even conceived of some inveigling of the government of Russia into the Donald Trump campaign - it makes no sense at any level unless you wish to impugn the Democrats with bizarre and illiterate racism on account of the pseudo-Russian (well, Slavic) nationality of Trump's wife. 
Spies like us

Once each of these shady customers from the FBI have to front the Congressional questioning you will see mass slaughter and self-immolation of parts of the senior management of the FBI!

People like Ohr and Strzok will never be able to contain their own hubris once challenged by heavyweights. 

I think someone ought to start penning a new book about the day the FBI was routed, and it might well be called 'Ohr and Strzok.'

As the informational air-hoses were all cut off within the Secret Intelligent establishment that backed Trump (that is, cut off by them, those who support Trump - cutting off general informational leaking, which usually happens all the time), suddenly all the narratives the media have been pushing have turned into crackpot, lunatic, self-involved gibberish that exposes just how opinionated, ego-driven, and nutty the FBI and the up-till-so-recently 'ruling elite' was. And only those not prepared to listen to instructions were still leaking... Leaking what they didn't know because they were in fact, no longer the loop in the first place, where they once had been. Q-Anon fits into this category; Q-Anon is a problematic source. 

As the saying goes 'not time yet, Morgiana.'

So nope, you won't be getting' nuttin' from me just yet... LOL

Do I know? 

Sure I know.

You who have been reading here for a while must have gotten a tiny shiver run up your spine when the 'old darling,' 'the salmon that jumped onto the hook for you,' (phrases of the great Oz Prime Minister Paul Keating about Downer) ex-Aussie Foreign Minister Alexander Downer claimed to be the original source for George Papadopoulos' claim that the Russians had something on Trump.

I have told you all many times that Downer would come down to my restaurant in London Court, a place that Downer shares ownership of with current Foreign Minister Julie Bishop. Downer literally would be wearing pantyhose and eye-shadow out in public; he was a very weird bloke. It's no secret to you - because I have been telling you this for years - that the British Secret Service used the place as a launch pad for what it was 'doing' vis-a-vis the so-called 'Five Eyes' underhanded nonsense.

You see, there's the dog there - same dog, same leg-action: bugging people, listening to confidential conversations, high level political stuff...

I just accidentally owned that restaurant...
Bacardi - 'Casa Elegante' cocktail

Like I told the local head of the Australian 'Federal' something or other, not allowed to say what - 'there's often more than just one animal in the forest where you think you were going hunting bunnies because you though you were the big predator.'

World's a big place, a big sea, lot's of fish; some big, some little...

Where will we be off to next, d'you think?

You know - where's the next big game play...

Time to open another restaurant somewhere else, d'you think.

I'd love to do Japan - Yokohama. Maybe a Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Bar. The second-best Intelligence gathering service in the world was always JETRO - the Japan Export Trade Organization. They were even better than the Germans. And they can keep secrets.

Now they're co-operating with the CIA bigly. It will be interesting.

Tuesday 9 January 2018

Everyone's Gone To The Moon

Like - wha-ah?

What happened? All of a sudden there are no wealthy spenders left in the world?!

Seriously, I was told by a friend in the London diamond business that all of the wealthy people who used to fly in and shop and spend money and everything - have all just disappeared now that Donald Trump has taken the White House.

It's not actually that I find it hard to believe, because over the same six months and a bit, I noticed all the luxury magazines I used to get turn into the standard basic cheap trash selling clothes and 'fashion,' instead of the kind of glossy pic spreads filled with expensive product placements but alongside the occasional very decent high-brow article. They're not even trying any more.

It's bizarre.
Where'd all the wealthy people go?!

But in a way it kind of confirms what I had believed for a while - namely that the pretend wealthy people who were making their way to the public eye at least in the 'lux/glam' venues, were all just fake and had their 'money' from theft and fraud sponsored by this so-called 'Global Elite' circus show.

Third rate, no class - big-mouths with big heads and lots of money from obscure forms of 'business.'

And now all of a sudden the money's stopped, has it?
A sad unhappy rich person. Poor man...

Trump cuts taxes bigly but you can't make money? ...Means they never made money in the first place; they thieved it. And they thieved it with the support of government and politicians and the backing of the vast media conglomerates.

So what happens now?

Now that everyone's gone to the Moon, apparently. That was of course, a song written and performed by the Decca Records artist and later on, the incredibly successful pop songwriter and producer, Jonathan King - who was the subject of a lot of police and court action over the last ten years to do with his personal life. King was also a very highly-educated literature scholar who graduated from Cambridge when you really had to have some academic ability to achieve that. 

King's story is much more complicated than that of Jimmy Savile - Savile was part of the political establishment, while King was detested by it, on both sides. 

Thursday 28 December 2017

Lightly Touch, And Leave It

I really think it's impossible to discuss anything that is not going to end up becoming friable in the hands of the public - when it comes to 'extraterrestrial aliens.' There are so many expressed opinions already out there, and then there is also a lot of what academics themselves claim is 'scientific' discussion or evaluations of the phenomenon.

You know, here is one of the major problems with so-called 'science' as it is being presented widely today: of course we accept that science is based around the repeatable experiment; but what is too often over-looked, is that all events in the material realm fall somewhere along a standard deviation curve of periodicity.

That is, some things happen a lot and thus may be tested for a lot, and some things happen less frequently, and some things happen very infrequently, and some things don't occur at all.

Alien visits to this planet, should, by reference to the great distances required to be traversed (boundary limitations issue), and the incapacity for normal travel to be the means of traversing the distances, be extremely infrequent. And consequently, it will not be possible to 'test for' particular occurrences or repeat performances with any reasonable order of frequency.

When the assumption is made that therefore, a different means of travel over time and great distance is implied, it is clear the technological advances possessed by whatever 'alien' culture is doing the travelling, will be far ahead of anywhere that we are at right now. Once that assumption is made, it might be more reasonable to think then that the occurrences of alien visits is more common than it possibly would or even could be using anything like 'ordinary' travel methods.

Which leaves us with the question of 'why?'
Do aliens eat ramen noodles?

And here we are greeted with all of the irrational and nonsensical speculations that attend this area: on the one hand they are more technically advanced, on the other hand they are unable to attend to their own DNA 'problems' (as is regularly posited by the folklore).  

Going by the evidence of inherent sociological and psychological 'stuck-ness,' human beings are quite obviously functionally terminally flawed - they cannot use the potential of their brains virtually at all beyond the iterative social/cultural functioning of almost countless ages of the same repeated cycles of birth, conflict, suffering, and death.

It's more logically able to be posited that human beings are incapable of evolution because of something perhaps terminally defective in their brain, rather than the usual Darwinian/Dawkinsian argument that we are part of some 'evolutionary' path at all. We may be capable of survival, against competitor evolutionary species or just on our own, but we cannot represent what is the peak potentiality of sentience in the Universe; not even close.

Now if aliens wanted to help us, then perhaps they might have done so already... Hasn't happened though. So the conclusion is they don't want to help us.

And a further conclusion is the 'human race' itself is not what it is usually taken by science to be - namely some monolithic or amorphous biological phenomenon of its own exactly characteristic (all the same; a species) kind. 

My position is that 'human beings' too, exist upon a continuum of sophistication: some relatively primitive, albeit outwardly 'modern,' others less primitive, and others still - having exceeded the boundary conditions of the structurally-flawed and intellectually limited and primitive median range grouping. It is not logically conceivable that 'repeatable proof' and 'evidence' will be able to be passed backward to the less-sophisticated types of human, from those who possess it since they are specifically and 'only' meant to be its recipient.

No one is ever going to see this and nor will it be promoted widely across the internet or anywhere so you might as well have it:

There certainly are aliens, and they are sometimes present on the planet and they interact with a small handful of people, none of whom have ever been heard from publicly and nor will they ever be. And one thing is absolutely certain about it - these aliens will be more like the most perfect average of what superficially represents the human species; in age, in visual appearance, in every material and physical respect, because qualitatively, this is the peak of the biological category, not some bizarre theorized strange streamlined, sinusoidal 'grey' creature thing. The 'grayness' of aliens represents the mystery to the ordinary human, of what an alien, or advanced being is. It is a visualized metaphor.

The peak is the SD curve peak, not the outlier condition state.

NASA has never encountered aliens or extraterrestrials or any of their technology. There are no aliens from 'Zeta Reticuli (oh, well, there may be, but I'm not aware of any) - what there is are people who have misheard and misunderstood the phrase 'reticular neural system') when tests were being run for standard functioning processes being obtained.  

Tuesday 26 December 2017

What Is The Mission Of The Aliens?

The iconic conception of extraterrestrial aliens who manage to get across the distances to come visit us, is that they have somewhat superior technology than we do, but they have gotten it a cost to what we all like to call 'human values,' which is not necessarily meant to be the exact same thing as 'moral values.'

And so the typical basis of trade and interaction in most of the sci-fi or fantasy movies and books that you will encounter - is that we want their technology, and we get it by somehow 'giving back to them' their own lost plangency and inner natural values that they 'evolved' away from over centuries or even thousands of years.

'Human values' in the hands of the myth-makers and film makers, is sentiment, or something along those lines.

And 'moral values' are generally linked to religious ideas and ideologies and are less significant, in the mind set that is encouraged by the popular media - that is to say, less significant than some simpering and childish expression of 'what it means to be human.'

In our typical atavistic way, we seem to simply have to begin with seeing something that someone else has, that we can 'get.'

But is that how 'the aliens' see things? ...A bunch of coldly logical, exquisitely technologically equipped intelligent beings, sitting inside 'cloaked' and invisible space ships just outside of the Moon, watching endless re-runs of 'Lassie Comes Home' and 'Shane' and seeing whether they can re-ignite their lachrymose glands?

The mission of NASA is straightforward: get more funding.

And the 'mission' of humans is also easy to apprehend: get, basically, anything that will be of benefit. Wow, technical superiority, advanced weapons, energy devices, blah blah blah.

And so the factual reality is that the very first thing an intelligent species not from here will be able to ascertain on the whole about humans, is that - hey, these people are childish, desirous of things without due consideration for consequences and how these will be met, and, well, they want things; they are almost permanently desirous.

We shall soon explore what might be the actual mission of 'the aliens.'