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Tuesday 17 May 2016

The Angel Gabriel

"And they beheld a stranger in their midst; for he had the appearance of a strong man, dressed in white and with a powerful and confident demeanor, though not attired as one who is of the local custom."

The great Muslim scholars say this saying is one 'of the strongest hadiths,' - which means that its narration is sure, and with many unbroken chains of narration from the time of those who were present at the occurrence.

And the man came and went of his own accord, and no one had seen from whence or to where he goes, but that he goes and comes swiftly.
A messenger from God

From the clouds he comes, down through dark skies, deep in the night, to the predesignated place of meeting, there to give increase to the needy, and resolution to the afflicted.

You will have by now, heard about the 'air-droppable missile system,' developed by Russia and tested on the border between Syria and Turkey.

Of course, like all little stories in the press, you have to draw on a few strands of twine to tease out the fuller picture. And the fuller picture here is that what may be air-dropped at night, through cloudy skies, and reach its GPS location target spot of a few square feet, may be a lot smaller than a missile system.
'Air-droppable' air defense system

The noose is closing around the neck of the King of Saudi Arabia. Not only are the Russians on to him, but so are the Americans. There are sayings that abound in the intelligence operative circles: 'limited hangouts' (Lionel Nation loves that one), 'hunting dogs,' 'bird dogs,' 'the eagle flies on Monday,' and this one: 'if a tree falls in the forest, does anybody hear?'

No, nobody hears, because nobody is listening.

That recent Panama limited hangout has nothing to do with revenue services closing down tax havens for individuals or rich people - it has to do, as all CIA matters have, with sovereign interests. Some people, say that it was to give the alert to those who funded and used Panamanian channels to carry out 9/11. And some say, it is to actually catch and block Saudi money being used for nefarious purposes around the world.

I cannot say. LOL. But what I do know is that if Donald Trump ever gets in you will see a lot of rats jumping ship. Except the ship ain't going down.

There is likely to be a lot of 'plank walking' though, if they don't all jump first.

I mean it's not all private money in those Panama accounts, is it. You see, it's easy for the US to find out who's moving money through any US-permit holding banks - HSBC, Wells Fargo, Chase, anyone. Not so easy if it is the State Bank of Saudi Arabia. And the cash was going through 'out of town,' let's say, in Panama for instance. Panama, as you know, doesn't have its own currency and uses the US Dollar. A very very dangerous state of affairs unless you have a grip on things over there.  

 Song and Music by Uppermost - 'Passion.'

Friday 13 May 2016

The Fall-Back Position

Believe me, this is the calm before the storm.

Will they let the cat out of the bag or will they let le Donald steamroll forward, threatening everyone who has been preventing America from 'being great,' in a great big fog of disinformation regardless of how hard he presses.
This is not a clue, it is just an expensive Guinness;
unless you think being Irish is a clue about something
important to do with the President of the USA. In that case then
it is a clue. I wasn't really planning to give any clues.

He's not stupid though and he's well enough advised and informed. He'll have to make up his own mind about how to deal with what he learns once that file called 'if a tree falls in a forest' is opened on his Presidential desk.

I can't say too much about this, but there are secrets - you all already realize this. But I can say this: a friend of mine remarked on the subject of this recent Panama tax haven and money-laundering thing and I just had to suggest that organisations such as the CIA do not care about little people or small things, they play at the level of sovereign interests and I added that I did not consider anyone like China or Russia or even North Korea had any bearing on what happened with the release of information, regardless of what Fox News believed.

Sometimes it is those things we just plain don't see, or perhaps they are so close to our noses - even closer than well, my god, even closer than Israel - that it escapes our grasp unless we are really led to it. But I have always said that I won't fail to alert readers if I knew of something genuinely imminent. You have to understand something about the nuclear threat however - the cat is already out of the bag and the USA did not prevent that wrong country from acquiring nuclear devices which work. 

And so we are certainly in for interesting times.
A man's order - beef and Guinness pie

That friend also mentioned something about using those times when there is a slow down in cash flow or a temporary failure in liquidity to plan, for when you have money! An amazing insight, I said. And yes, I agreed. For instance, just look - I said - at our mutual super-wealthy friend Andrew, every day at lunchtime he just suddenly, out of the blue, without planning blurts out: 'hey let's go to lunch.' By which he means somewhere they serve Lamb Korma and Kingfisher beers.

Well - I said to my friend - you are so right; even now I'm planning for when I have a lot of extra money, and then lunchtime rolls around... ...I shall certainly be different in my approach. I'll shout out: 'hey let's go to lunch!' 

And my friend said, but what's the difference?

Well I'll have planned to do that. Of course! SMH... (Shake My Head).

Have you ever noticed that when a male orders lunch or dinner it's mostly never what a woman would order? And then have you ever noticed they steal stuff off your plate??!

Sunday 8 May 2016

Better Stop Doin' This

Oh gawd...

Talk about putting the pressure on myself.

If you've been reading this blog from the start a few years ago now, you'll know that the racehorse previews here have been on the money A LOT. 

It's hard to do this because, the real theory behind handicapping is something along the lines of 'a high percentage' of results, if you ran the same race over and over ten times, or a hundred times - a high percentage will have the same horses in the top places if you've calculated the weights and times correctly.
These are staggeringly good musicians and I
shouldn't make fun of them which I'm not and anyway -
anyway it was NYQUIST, wasn't it, not NYQUIL.
But there's a sick joke about: 'Nyquil, the reason why
Doves Cry...' (That's Prince's 'Wendy &Lisa' above)

The fact is though, there are a lot factors involved - and they are quite complex; for instance, some experts feel conditions such as the light level or even presence of birds (this is a fact, by the way, that is, a fact that experts take bird flocks into consideration...) have a bearing on the possible outcomes or on how the race is run.

Anyway let's put up for you the results of the just-run 2016 Kentucky Derby:

1st     Nyquist

2nd    Exaggerator

3rd     Gun Runner

So, let's all realize that despite any amount of 'successful' predictions on these pages, horse racing is still a risky business, and there is a lot of stakes' managing that goes into what it takes to be a long-term successful professional gambler.

Sydney horse racing expert,
typical dress code...

Friday 6 May 2016

Madras Jackets, And Real Style

Of course you know that Madras Jackets are one of the traditional style favourites for men who are going to the Kentucky Derby.
Perfect style form for the
Kentucky Derby

They're fun more that 'just brash,' and they do have that outlandish 'sporting' flair that goes very well with an insane event like the Kentucky Derby. This is a touch race for tough horses. This year's field consists mainly of horses who sit and the rear of the field and flood home at the end. That is, all except for the 3/1 favourite Nyquist who races close to the lead or even in the front. 

The top five horses for me are, in order: Gunrunner, Exaggerator, Creator, Nyquist, Brody's Cause.

But if you don't want to focus too much on the race, there is always the fashion. And by the time you've mixed a few Mint Juleps, not a lot will really matter.

I make it a rule never to mix alcohol with horse racing - or any sort of gambling - with the exception of the Kentucky Derby. This is a race with too big a field of starters, and too much atmosphere, and too much colour and excitement going on all around to worry too much about the horses.

I mean to say, horses are part of a very hot-blooded 'composition.' Dueling, hussars, women... ...all that kind of irrational stuff. That's what horses are all about. And money too, certainly. That's a heady mix! 


Sunday 1 May 2016

Obama's Tie

Even the BBC had to comment on it with some deprecating sarcasm: 'Obama at the Washington Correspondents' Dinner - eight jokes in eight years.'

Obama is a stand-up comedian. And that's all he is. He's a good professional. A good professional stand-up monologist or comedian can learn the material, and deliver it whether they are in the Catskills or in Riyadh.
I'm not going to show you the front view -
it's just wrong! It looks fine to the unschooled eye.

But ultimately they have 'material.' Successful agents procure the deliverers of material for particular venues. 

Now of course all of the above might just be an impression that a few people have, not just me, and we could all be wrong, and Obama actually possess a single idea of his own that he really believes in and has pushed during his time as the leader of the World's Most Powerful Nation...

Now I'm going to tell you about a matter of 'old school' dress code - real Old School

And, I shall not be leaving this section in here for very long, not more than say two days.

It relates to the cummerbund. This item of apparel as you know, is a tight satin band fitted around your waist - with the pleats upward, so you can stick your theatre tickets in them. There are all sorts of explanations for their invention and how they originated in the British Raj (India) for military officers attending dress functions. Some reasons given for their invention is that silk or satin are cool and the band covers the waist where the shirt can sometimes crumple or hang out if unattended. Or else, that it looks neat.
I know he thinks he's being
clever and transgressive...

Yeah well right, but the real reason is that Muslim conquerors used to make Christians wear leather belts to signify that they were not of the Islamic faith - and typically, the British, subtle as they were when of the old school, next invented the idea that part of the dress of the only army that ever defeated the Mughals - namely the Sikhs - (that part being the tulip band silk, aka taliban - of their headdress) could be used to disguise the waist so that no one could know what was really the ultimate allegiance of the person at any State function. The cummerbund is a sign to Muslims that their scheming is known about. Even whilst the smiles are paraded for the plebeians.

And now there is another matter to do with Obama and his disport: his bow-tie is problematic. It is too narrow across its lateral, that is, its horizontal plane from the front on. There is such a thing as a bow-tie which may be not touching or does not cross the lapels - but this is day wear, such as a spotted bow-tie. If you wear a bow-tie the way Obama wore his at this year's Washington Correspondents Dinner, not only will you look like Malcom X, but English people of a certain kind will assume that you are the help. Well of course, or that you simply are American and don't know or care any better or different than that.

The King of Saudi Arabia, as you all know, refused to meet personally with the leader of the World's Most Powerful Nation, last week, and there is a kind of a 'flap' on about whether or not the Kingdom is going to be sued for doing 9/11. Well of course it didn't do 9/11 - Cheney and Bush and the Carlyle Group did 9/11. As indeed the same people did the Bosnian aerial bombing that got rid of those criminals - you know, Karadzic and Milosevic, not to mention Count Dracula. I believe that had they been given sufficient chance, the Western Intelligence Services, especially the CIA and the NSA, would have eventually pointed the finger at the still living Count Dracula - that mischievous bastard who is always killing Muslims. What a swine.

I understand there is a secret facility that has been built with a terra-trillion US taxpayer Dollars (but of course, great value for money) that can securely detain Count Dracula at least until such time as a legally-prescribed stake can be contracted to poke through his heart.
Old School, but exactly correct -
and it actually means something; let's not go into
the 'straight across' pocket hanky...

And so now, we have the world's brightest Intelligence Services trying to convince the silly taxpayer and voter that we have a problem with Muslims. Alas it may be a touch too late to avoid a very serious mess. What kind of a problem with Muslims though? Recently, the French Secret Service and the German Secret Service advised that there 'may be sleeper cells' of radical Muslim terrorists all over the place.

Well. Fancy that. I say. Really. Who would have thought.

Ooh they are very clever the American Intelligence people you know. They were on to that a long time ago. That's why they redacted stuff from the 9/11 Inquiry Report. And it was all about Saudi Arabia. Fancy that. All what, exactly, about Saudi Arabia?

And here we were, quite prepared to conspiracy theorize the Jews, and the Zionists, and my god, did I just hear Obama red herring everyone with a joke about Orion and the Lizards??