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Thursday 12 November 2015

The Owl Is An Elegant Fowl

Max Keiser does it again - on today's Keiser Report on the RT News channel, Max looked to history once more to give some perspective on today's situation. This time he brought up the name of Carl Menger, and asked the rhetorical question 'what would Carl Menger do?'

His guest suggested Carl would die of shock.

Well, I mean, given that Carl has already died and may, if we credit the religious hypothesis for a moment, be living in heaven - if he had the choice of remaining here while the Fed takes us all to its own vision of a kind of heaven for the chosen few, or return back to some abode in the clouds and to the sky above... The choice is clear.

Now this reminds me of something I often wonder about the modern era of religious thinking. With just about every other thing, one can locate a 'First Class' or Premium version or edition, except not with religion. Although maybe the muslims have this one to themselves with the '52 virgins' thingy. This at least must appeal to quite a number of men it would seem, who risk their mortal lives in various escapades to do with 'jihad...'
Travel to heaven First Class...
What does that mean?

Still, it isn't really what you could accurately call the 'First Class' section of the religious airplane, is it?

It surprises me why religions don't realize they are missing a segment of the market.

Such was not always the case.

In the realm of ideas, we should consider all forms of thought - financial, economic philosophy, psychology, and religious - in order to get a full perspective on the society in which we find ourselves today, and the exact nature of the era that it exists in.

Yes, we have a lot of technology stuff. This is true. But there is a strong undertone to do with expectations of failure, and a lack of faith in the ability of just about anything to 'deliver.'

And it's a sort of circuitous argument to say just that 'money gets you money.' Carl Menger, according to Max and his guest Sandeep Jaitly, from 'FeketeResearch,' (who's a bit of a genius getting some intelligent words in between 'old Hyper-Max') would say that today's debt-based money has a certain illusory quality, in that it seemingly cannot buy production, real output, real employment, real industrial growth, and even for that matter, real earnings based on sales and sales growth in accordance to the number painted by the DJIA. 

No, there's a 'thought' gap going on here. Ideas, thoughts, and I would say, particularly, beliefs seem to be on the impoverished side of things compared with other ages and eras. And yet there are so many esteemed authorities on various things who say the most stupid and incoherent and even irrational things and get away with it, which leads to this abiding sentiment in the public of doubt over all ideas generally as a result. 
The Fed is a magic show

One could easily jump to the conclusion that this is all by design - a very meaningful propaganda that goes on in official manifestos of anything, really - which demoralizes the public because of continual failures of the ideas once they are put into practice.

People regard themselves as 'realists' and 'skeptics' and even clever cynics, when they dismiss every idea with the baton of the evolutionary materialist, except the idea that existing power, existing position, and existing money prove the inevitability of the status quo, and the inevitability of public failure against the 'elite.' Which of course, is a word everyone uses now to describe 'them,' not 'us' - since none of us are the recipients of the Fed's (or in fact, Treasury's) trillions of newly minted coin.

You may have seen today's news item about the apprehended European ring of terrorists. And here, one may see propaganda at its very best. It is of course, nothing more than the fulfilling of the latest fiction story by the ex-spy Valerie Plame. It is a 'news story' straight from the plot line of her book 'Burned.'
'Vanessa Pierson' aka Valerie Plame

Notice how this propaganda shows a success story. Terrorists, were caught.


On the other hand, you're never going to see in the general media, Philip K. Dick's unwritten last novel 'The Owl In Daylight' in which his real life theophany becomes a fulfilled material fact (according to the supposed or originally proposed storyline) of people's lives. Because, as Richard Dawkins knows, there is in the first place, no such thing as 'Theos.' And therefore Dick was hallucinating or deluded.

Dick's story, or at least the one his wife wrote, or 'finished' on his behalf, describes the protagonist relishing a microchip implant inside him because it gives him a talent he wanted, but never naturally had. He refuses to have it removed when he has the choice to do so.

In the same way, I am of the view that governments, banks, finance monopolies, have all made, what is for them, a tragic mistake, in behaving in the way that we have seen them all behave. They assume they have categorically 'won' against the rebellious 'people' and can organize and manipulate and control them to advantage. 
Originally, this thing had wings

What they don't understand is that the human race is a failing species. It is its destiny, to fail.

And it is only the hubris of the 'elite' to think they are themselves somehow not human. They are human. Human people love to fail, they love to find an excuse in order to fail. They love to experience this 'cosmological fall' thing - the moral decay, the ethical incoherence, the fantasy of sacred cows... All this kind of thing. That's what they are like. They do it all the time. It's an inertial force. The Fed cannot fly. The US government cannot fly; Kennedy could fly and he was shot dead. What the rest all want to do is build bricks up to the moon. 

Things are happening undetected by the 'elite' under their very noses.  

Bet, on the failure. It is certain. But like the riddle posed by Phix, which is the name of the being which is represented by the hypo-style statue in the pic above, this statement is a riddle, and not one that can be easily penetrated. But you will easily understand it when you see it happen in front of your eyes. Because everything is easy when you know it.

Sunday 8 November 2015

Cherry, Pink Lady And Champagne

"The Kinky Butterfly Martini" - Chapter Two, I guess.
She has a perfume out now called 'Dazzle' -
it's Cherry, Pink Lady Apple, and
Champagne scented

The real big secret about today's Western Alliance covert intelligence services and covert operatives teams, is that there is a huge fight going on internally. Every so often, over here in the one-time British Commonwealth Nation, and now pseudo-independent republic, of Australia, there are attempts made, quite formally, to unify or at least create a crystal-clear joint services or inter-departmental communications body to ensure that 'secrets' held by one department or agency or service, are shared with all the other official groups doing closely associated tasks.

There is another one of these attempts formally afoot now.

But what could have spurred this renewed attempt is the mess over the 'Five Eyes' fiasco, which internally, I may tell you, scratched some open wounds and touched raw nerves to do with miss-allocations of very large sums of money. Why it was so necessary to hand over more millions to the (rogue? - I'm being most kind) MI6 team that took poor young Jamie Packer apart so that they could take over his Macau Casino empire and crash that into the ground by shepherding his high-rollers over to the green fields of Cuba once the doors were opened there once again. I'm sure the Cuban authorities had (but they do now) no idea that this 'Australian' casino king was after all, just the same old Jewish London Mafia that got kicked out of Cuba by Castro in the first place.
McClory's Bond has to take his girlfriend's car -
and that would be Torsten Muller-Oetvos's new
RR Dawn cabriolet

An ordinary desk analyst could tell, watching the recent Leveson Media Inquiry under Lord Leveson, that some people very very high up in the intelligence services had thrown their weight behind British Labor MP John Watson (now the Deputy Leader of the Opposition, catapulted there from Nowhere'sville after Rupert Murdoch got kicked out of town following the Inquiry) - and that this, would not have been exactly approved of by those weirdos who had managed to hijack the services since the time of Thatcher.

It is not by any means simple co-incidence that Thatcher's son was formally implicated many times in mercenary activities in Africa, and fitted out, when he ran around there, with top of the range British taxpayer-funded military gear, inclusive of helicopters and machine guns and shoulder-fired RPG's. No, no. This is all your contemporary UK government 'James Bond' stuff right there.

It's just that they're not any good at it.
And he'd have to be allowed onto one of the 'new'
stealth personnel transport aircraft...

Which makes me wonder what type of fictional movie one could make, if you took the 'turn-coat' spooks who are in the ear of Watson and company, and gave them access to what is really available out there at the high end - and not what only the severely dumbed-down and otherwise aspirational Middle Classes, like film director Sam Mendes, and his flat note-singing theme carrier, Sam Smith, can think of to give audiences a wizz-bang ride. Or what a decent Lefty politician might make of some real high end glamour and luxury gear...

And then if you took some frothing-at-the-mouth West Coast erotica wordsmith with millions of voluntary, and un-marketed to readers to turn the phrases and supply the sex.
On board of which there'd be specially-trained,
uniformed crew

Well, I did notice that the recently-released Spectre says on the front titles: 'Ian Fleming's James Bond.'

Here then, this is where you'll find Kevin McClory's James Bond - McClory, as you know, being the actual writer behind Thunderball. Er... And my father's cousin...

I think I can say this is THE OFFICIAL Kevin McClory James Bond story place right here. He will not be turning in his grave as much as Fleming, that's for sure.

So let's do that, eh.

Saturday 7 November 2015

The Coming Dark Ages

To some extent it might be the case, that the reason there is so much negative, or 'critiquing perspective' commentary all over the internet, is that there is always less risk in pointing to a problem, than gratuitously handing over a 'solution.'

I would simply love to be able to post in this place, one detailed specific investment situation after another, or some specialist business 'angle' or important insider info, that gives readers endless opportunities to make money for as little risk as possible, or in fact, no risk at all! Wouldn't that be great?
At the Temple of Luxor - you cannot understand the meaning
unless you have a mental age of um, twelve? lol

If we look at the well-known financial 'winners' - the usual faces, Buffett, Soros, and so on, really what you see is a one-time genius, frankly, who got carried over by the 'system' once a certain tide-mark of wealth was made. Buffett has done absolutely nothing exceptional in years and neither has Soros. Neither has any particular insight into the mechanisms that will inevitably force changes onto the Fed, now that the down-angle interest rate policy has reached its literally ground 'Zero.'

And so it is with a degree of reluctance I make the next statement: the internet has disclosed its own fatal flaw over the flow of years till now, namely, that it consists largely of tribes of iterators of common misconceptions, disguised either as 'secret' or 'learned' or 'expert' and authoritative spokespeople and narrators or writers, on one subject or another.

I'm not sure why it is the case that so many human beings possess this un-self noticed tendency to desire knowledge about some particular subject or area, and then this regular accompanying assumption that by knowing everything publicly written about the subject, and being able to repeat it, immediately implies correct knowledge and expertise. Of all the things one might be wary of, it seems that the arcane and the occult typically are the areas where this applies most obviously, and yet why would it ever be the case that the publicly-stated notions, of the categorically secret, are at all likely to be correct in the first place?

And so I say this - which is something you probably already know, but: you will see almost endless repetition of commonplace misconceptions, each time you Google on a very large number of subjects.

One of the underlying reasons is that seldom do people ever actually read the direct original sources. For instance, 'it is illegal for US citizens to have contact with Extraterrestrials, but not with Aliens'...(!) This is an example of the more clearly incorrect and misinterpreted pieces of 'information' out there.
The only surviving statue of Khufu - two Germans
defaced his cartouche inside the Great Pyramid to get some
mineral samples

Another: Herodotus reported that the Egyptian temple priests said that the Pharaoh Khufu built the Great Pyramid. But did Herodotus really say this? This type of thing you even find in the most austere and elevated University literature. Whereas the fact is that whoever is saying this, and if whoever they are, has actually read all of Herodotus, clearly cannot understand non 'literal' language, or cannot understand that people often write in subtle forms in order to divert attention away from the valuable center of meaning, due to political or other reasons pertaining to the time they wrote in.

What does this all mean for the person looking to make serious money in today's era?

Well, I am sure everyone reading here realizes that innovation is coincident or even perhaps the cause, of social and political change, and changes in the power structures - this has been the case throughout history.

Only genuine world-changing innovation will alter today's global economics. Today, the temptation must be very great, for the Fed to continue to nominally prop up a non-existent financial economy, and force the Dow well beyond 20,000 points - regardless of whether they fiddle around with the official interest rates in December or not. And I say 'fiddle' deliberately. They cannot raise them.

The temptation must be very great, for the Fed to push on, indeed, to manufacture the altogether most absurd surface numbers and depictions for public consumption in the public media - and there is no real reason for the 'bull market' to end at all! We are witnessing history - as in, grand history

And then one day, like in the most ancient of times, something happens, and everything changes in a second, and nothing remains of what was there, and no one recalls and no record remains, of what actually took place.

The Pharaoh Khufu, built the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which reached to the sky, and the Twin Towers, previously destroyed by an angry God out of the skies, was rebuilt, and the new WTC skyscraper, like Nimrod and his works, was mighty in the face of God.

'In God's face.' Right up in his face. And with a finger stuck upwards.

And so, back to the Dark Ages for most of Mankind. Well, that is going to be the case as far as I can see it.

For you though, you should bear this in mind, great historical fortunes and wealth and entirely new societies were made when these sorts of events happened.
The insides of the Cathedral of Siena

Take for example, the Cathedral of Siena in Tuscany. The wealth of Florence and Tuscany and Genoa and eventually Venice, was all amassed out of the most darkened of times in human history. And even to this day, no one that you know, explains to you why the Cathedral of Siena is like the temples at Luxor, and has references to the Great Pyramid, and even has supposedly pagan figures in the mosaic flooring - which area, by the way, is fully uncovered only once a year, at a very special time.

And trust me, you will never have heard or seen any explanation about all of this on the Discovery Channel. It has nothing to do with astrology or stars or cryptic hidden meanings or special occult texts. It's all there explicitly spelled out; but no one looks, no one sees, no one comprehends. 
A section of mosaic on the floor at the Cathedral of Siena -
it has a 'slightly' metaphorical meaning, and is not, what the common
literature claims is depicted.

Sell everything you have, take only as much as you need, and give everything else to the poor, and go to Siena, and look at the floor.

Well, today, you live in times of great luxury. You need do none of that; all you need to do is look up some images of the mosaic flooring of the Cathedral of Siena - and you will learn a great secret about wealth and how to make it. It's actually spelled out in pictures on the floor.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

I Will Though...

Well now you see, here's the problem: earlier this week, Racing Victoria's Chief Steward, Terry Bailey - a nice young man who has aged visibly in recent years - was shot at, in his family home. Well, I suppose you could say his family was shot at, or his family home was shot into.

It is very unclear to me who might have done this regardless of rumour and innuendo concerning arguments with local identities.
Half Moon Street -
underhanded things went on there

Horse racing has never been free from incidents and criminality and even violence from time to time too, but that is what seems to attend anything where large amounts of money are involved. 

There is no way nowadays that the Australian racing industry can escape being part of the world racing scene. That is just a fact of modern life. 

But Australian horse racing is not quite the same as what goes on in England, in particular. I have said that before. There is a cynicism that I have observed in English horse racing in which the welfare of the animals is, to me, at least, superficial whenever it conflicts with a financial aim that someone has conceived.

Australian jockeys, when they 'pull' a horse - and they can and do, I'm not saying they don't ever - do not exhibit the kind of brutal viciousness that I have witnessed English jockeys exhibit. It's almost as if the English jockeys need to make it abundantly clear to whoever paid the money, that indeed they were 'doing the job' as it were, that they were paid to do.

The English racing industry is, I'm afraid, riddled with criminality that is virtually never apprehended by the authorities... why? Or why not? Well, it's positively condoned, as far as I'm concerned. Big money in Europe is a sneering, clever-dick, kind of underhanded and arrogant attitude thing. I don't like it. It doesn't impress me. 

And so for me, if you bring big European and Middle Eastern money into town here in Australia, for horse racing, you will bring with it, all the same things it entails 'over there.'

I have not seen, not for many a long year, a cleverer, more audacious and brash, as well as brutal exhibition of horse race fixing, than what I witnessed today in the Melbourne Cup of 2015. 
Remember this?

And I doubt whether the real story will ever come out. 

And all of the people involved were from overseas, and simply none of the Australian riders were involved and if you read some of the post race reports from the jockeys, there are questions that have to be asked - and probably won't ever be - about what those jockeys meant when they used phrases like: 'do I get a prize for staying on...'

Now that phrase can mean two things; it can mean being able to stay on during a bumping or rough incident in the race - or it can mean 'getting off a horse' that you were originally booked to ride but had to stand down for because a foreign jockey was meant to get on, and pull the horse up during the race. In other words, if you 'stayed on' you didn't pull your horse up and were honest, and deserved a prize. Trust me, jockeys are as good as the best barrister at diplomacy or legalistic double-speak. Oh they know what they meant all right. It has to do with a jockey who got off a horse so that another, foreign jockey could pilot it.

In these big money industries, people are often warned to shut their mouths. And these warnings can come from the authorities themselves sometimes by way of fines or suspensions or threats thereof.

Frankie Dettori was fined and suspended. But I didn't see him do anything. He is not the jockey I am thinking of who has questions to answer.

I am not in a position to know who is ultimately the villain here, but one question that I have is this - would Racing Victoria risk its own future with international visitors by laying down the law to them over what went on in today's Melbourne Cup? I doubt it.
She knows how to ride a two-mile race all right.
Here she is with the late Bart Cummings, greatest
ever Melbourne Cup trainer. She won on merit.
Nothing wrong with what she did. It was the other things
that went on in the race that are troubling.

As far as I'm concerned, questions remain over today's race, and I know that what I believe will never ever ever be discussed in the public and people have too many ways of covering it up after the event so to speak.

I have not bet on the Melbourne Cup in recent years because of various problematic factors that I believe have developed over this race during that time. And they're not going to change any time soon because Racing Victoria is convinced it needs to pamper the foreigners with all of their vast wealth and so on.

Big money can be very exciting, but it can often not be, um, wholesome of a thing.

Horse racing in Europe is not about always winning, as much as it is about breeding, and doing 'secret' and 'funny' deals with rich people 'in the know.' It's all planned a long time ahead. And I don't approve. They should keep their schemes away from public events.

I mean, why is winning important to people who are so wealthy, they have their own private race tracks, BETTER than anything anywhere in the world, and where they hold PRIVATE races, where there IS NO GAMBLING? It isn't - not the way you or I understand 'winning.'
There's a clue in this pic from the Bond movie
about crooked racing in Europe - but
probably only knowledgeable modern racing
people will get it 

That is to say, they aren't going to gamble with ME OR YOU, because we ain't rich enough. And they couldn't care less about the ordinary public when it comes to whatever scheme they are carrying out. I know I talk some cryptic mambo-jumbo a lot but how could you possibly not think that the Chief Race Course and Racing Steward being shot at during the week of the Melbourne Cup has literally no connection with or bearing on the outcome of that race? It's insane to think not. I am a long-term - a very long-term racing man. I've owned winning race horses. The only horses I've ever owned in fact were city winning horses - which tells you I know something about the game. I did not bet on this race although I had been given information which turned out to have been very accurate. And I saw something during the running of the race which I did not like. I told you about the cynicism of the foreign owners and trainers weeks before this race. 

What can I possibly say? The authorities will say nothing and they will pretend nothing happened and they will get away with it because the public only knows what they are told to 'know' by the general media. But it was absolutely pathetic and every horseman knows it.

Why these people do this kind of thing I really cannot fathom on an intellectual basis even though I get the point the rich and powerful people do whatever the hell they want any time they want. I get that. It's a pretty sad morality though. I don't care how much money they have or their fame; these are not not people I want to know. It's a shame they are treated as equals on Australian racetracks. But then, for how much longer?

Monday 2 November 2015

The Pirates

And so we have history being made today in Australian horse racing lore, in that the first ever female jockey has ridden the winner of the Melbourne Cup.
Prince of Penzance

Prince of Penzance, ridden by Michelle Payne, outstayed all the rest to win - at the lucrative odds more or less of 100-to-1 (it was an extreme 'outsider' in the field).

But the horse itself didn't know it was an outsider and won anyway.

There is so much more about this level of horse racing than I am able to talk about here.

And so, I shall leave the darker side to different places and other occasions...

What you don't know won't hurt you. On the other hand though, what you don't know is the thing that will hurt you if you are in the wrong places at the wrong times.
