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Tuesday, 21 January 2025

The 'Jaded' Rich Venetians

One thing you would have observed, had you been there, back in the 12th century, that the custom of the people in the Republic of Venice was to move about with some languor.

In theory, that is to say according to modern historians, much of manners attributed to Venetian custom was on account of a strict and rigid class hierarchy - one of the most strict in Europe ever. That is according to historians...

The reality is not that at all.

Or let me say, so that people's contemporary sensitivities about all things 'weird and wonderful' may be put to rest - at least for the sake of their superficial mentality; which only ever goes so far and cannot see what is going on beneath the surfaces of things - that the reality was not that.

Behold! ....An angel out of the east
comes hither.

If you watch people going about their daily activities in any modern city, you will see people walking very fast. 

There is no time for them, and they have no time for you or for anyone else other than themselves and what it is that they have construed to be the thing of paramount importance!

But what is the fact?

The fact is that they are broke. 

They are poor.

....In mind, in material supply, in spirit.

The Venetians were rich.

And extremely so.

Now there is a reason that I have been suggesting from a while back, that people here keep a little small black book, in which they write down various things.

I have been keeping some things up my sleeve, as it were.

Over time, as matters proceed here, and you look back and consider, you will be overcome with a sense of shock.

Today's level of accessible technology

For time and time again, a thing was said, well beforehand, and none or few would have even remarked to themselves as to the meanings -, and later on something occurred that dove-tailed back to the originally-mentioned matter.

So now again, we will simply underscore a certain phrase in that wonderful Finito La Musica text - the Apocalypse:

'And an angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God, cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,

Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed upon them (certain people) in their foreheads.'

And you will not understand the meaning of this, until a little later, though not too much later from here.

When someone is impossibly rich, almost at that moment when they become so, they are struck with lassitude and the sense of being jaded.

This means to have become bored, tired, and not enthusiastic.

Well I mean, and why should they be - they have everything, can possess anything; whatever they want or please...

Nothing out there beyond their scope exists for them to admire or to desire.

Let me tell you something and it is somewhat of a warning but not of anything dangerous.

In a while you will, all of you, and despite your best efforts to belay the moment and your best efforts to deny such things are real - have many experiences that are literally out of this world.

Oh yes, it is so.

All the tools and techniques mentioned so far are just preliminary things, and designed for those with the time and the sense of application and determination, to try and gain a foothold into the faculties of the mind, that are most of the time in our modern world, discarded, or forgotten, or pretentiously denied as to their existence.

Yet it is so simple - a certain note is a pitch, which when increased in frequency of wave motion, attains the octave distance from the original note

These things are matters of measure and distance and speed and energy being applied.

They are science.

Nothing you read today in modern literature is science so much as it is social-political; in fact it is not science at all.

When there is style, one cannot
be jaded.

The reason some mechanistic things still work is not due to current fundamental science, but to habit, and currently traditional ways of doing things with tools and machines.

What some of you may not be appreciating right now, is that when you get an experience of something totally outside of the standard pattern - it will shock you beyond what you are expecting right now.

You think it will be 'good' to see ET Aliens, especially the good ones, the really advanced ones - but if that ever actually happened to you you would almost lose your mind, albeit I think only for a certain duration.

Days, perhaps weeks.

And then, next, having seen the amazing levels of technology and all the things that now are become attainable to you via those advanced people holding out their hands to you - after the phase of shock - will come the feeling of being jaded with the rest of the human world.

And you will walk around languidly, not under any pressure at all any longer.

And you will indeed become inclined to wear masks.

Because you will then know who and what is behind every face that you encounter from that point on - and those who are the real thing, are already known to you anyway.

And neither you nor they will want the rest, those outside the door - to know what is going on.

It is not yet precisely the time to hail the Serene Republic. Once again.

But it is very very close to that time.

And you will be in it, and the others will not.

Friday, 17 January 2025

How 'Safe' Is The Inaug.

Yes - the step change up in that last music video was at 55 seconds. Exactly as one person said they 'got.'

...Anyway, I'm harassing the skeleton staff of 'our friends' last whole week or more, and finally, I get a vague story about something.

There are philosophers around, both ancient and more modern, who talk about 'reality' - or at least our experiences - and the basic idea is that actual things that happen, are from what is almost like a fountain of incipient 'reality.' This is not merely potentials, but a set of flowing material forms in concert, that emerge like the top of a fountain, going up and down at the apex or peak all dependent on gravity and inertia and cross-currents and bumping effects along the way.

What eventuates as 'fact' and is experienced as seen fact, is only the edge of those upward flowing forces.

Just a skeleton crew
left 'back home.'
And home is where
the hearth is.

And so what this means is that although there can be overall averaged-out force and direction, there are many variations on the inertial-guided edges that emerge; or converge.

Reality as human experience is therefore emergent. It is not pre-planned in exact specific 100% micro-detailed events and detailed outcomes even though it is pre-determined on the whole by the force and direction and circumference of the material linear flows.

In other words there is pressure.

And right now there is contrary pressure to damage and alter the present direction of so many things in the human world.

Now none of this matters to those who cannot accept that there are hidden or unseen things going on all the time.

The only reason they are 'unseen' is because that is from the human limited sensory perspective. They're not unseen to anybody else who has greater ranges of data inflow.

Human material reality is a 'plane' of senses. It has integrity within itself and provides the ground for all the things we do and can do and have achieved as human beings. 

If you start fluidly jumping in and out of this plane onto some other more complex 'world' then you lose the boundaries that are the very reason that people - human people - can achieve anything at all. Which is fundamentally because of the 'always emergent' reality, the fountain's edge, as it were.

No planets supporting sentient life are anywhere near to Earth in the sense of very quick access via Newtonian propulsion.

But then, those that are near enough and available by these 'cholesteric liquid crystals' embedded in nano-tubules in graphene 'skins' and so on, which can develop electro-gravitic time-space 'bubbles' around them, are so far ahead of Earth technology and social systems, that automatically they disrupt the particular 'emergent reality' fountain here.

It's a game where
players are moved...

You can fire radiation into micro-bubbles packed with gold, and the electrons shot back out would provide an electricity source so great that only a very small amount (of micro-bubbles) could supply power to New York City for ten years. 

The human social structure is not designed with those really advanced things as the typical known, ongoing energy and economic backdrop.

Which means that as the Earth increases in technology, the human social structures will change.

And as I have said many times here, humans and the Earth are 'contested space.'

As long as there is a sufficient supply of brainwashed zombies here who have been manipulated into using a broken Boolean logic gate in their brains and in their mind, well then another, completely different, and far far more advanced super-culture could easily just control this place and use the people here as slaves.

...If it came here via a non-Newtonian 'galactic' distance traveling system.

Well they are already here and have been for thousands of years and have always been intent on maintaining a pool of brainwashed slaves. They've done that very effectively.

There is this 'story' doing the rounds right now about mainstream astro-physics scientists noticing what could be a 'large craft' on its way here, supposedly to arrive by 2027.

And this I guess means this craft is not exactly 'non-Newtonian' although I do not have enough details from sources to say why they think this 'object' is some kind of actual life-form bearing 'vehicle' but then still 'traveling' like a space rock or something instead of a gravitic tunnel craft.

Well but even so, let's just say some aspect of the idea is true and correct, namely that 'something' is going to get here openly, in 2027.

Just one empty chair left...
Soon, the music will stop.

Well then it's not the hidden groups already here then. Or it cannot be aligned with them because those boys are well-happy with how they have controlled all humans till now, more or less.

What's much more likely is that the 'hidden hands' who have been here all along, and are extremely destructive to human true liberty, and very anti-pathetic to human welfare and advancement - are themselves in danger from some source.

And that means they are going to fight back.

They are going to fight back as if their life and power depends upon that fight.

As parts of the 'emergent streams leading to the fountain's top' (or vertical edge), it is abundantly clear they (the malicious-minded people) really are existentially a fact; whether you care to see them as some preternatural different set of beings, or just another, if wildly errant human mindset that has been part of all of human history all along to date.

The 'show is thus not over' until it is actually over - and that means not until after Jan 20. In the first instance from here.

So we have a concentration of a lot of minds working on what is to unfold on Jan 20.

Why would supposedly super-smart if very malicious minds, think they could create a disaster come Jan 20? Because there is a chance that they could.

Because - good photo.

For them that chance is worth taking and then after that, they will engage in creating chaos anyway.

A small, almost just handful strong skeleton crew of minor but also very fun people, are the only ones left on the outside of the maelstrom.

But boy are these guys fun though.

As you will see...

Does this all sound like 'space opera?'

Well you should be used to that because you've all read the Bible and that's what that is.


Tuesday, 14 January 2025


God I have to thank Ammon Hillman - he just keeps blithely handing out stuff and now people believe it where previously if someone like myself had have said it, it would have been quickly dismissed.

He's a problem for most people because he's so crazy and monomaniacal.

If or whether or when you might think of some Christian Church thing, a rite or 'service' or mass, you will have in your head the same images that everyone else carries today.

But for those of you who have been out to one of the Music Festivals that we talk about here every now and then, that, is in fact what the early Cult practices were actually like.


It's easy to suppose that a speech to a thousand people on some mountain-side was just because the speaker was someone somehow they all wanted to listen to before the famous 'Sermon on the Mount...!'

Doesn't really make sense though, does it.

Okay if He lifted some dead guy from the grave, and made the guy alive, sure maybe the word got around - except in the instances of that happening Jesus explicitly told people not to spread the account; not to tell anyone.

Naturally, this sort of thing is liable to get talked about whether you tell people to shut up or not.

'Psalm' is not a Hebrew word and has never been a Hebrew word. It is a Greek word with a very specific Ancient Greek meaning.

The story of David with his lyre is just exactly that - a Greek story.

'Psalmos' means to strike a string with your fingers or a plectrum and start the hypogeous thunderbolt.

This is described by various Ancient Greek poets and poetry 'reviewers' of the time as a force of energy that is initiated by the Goddess of the guitar, Kotys, and then quickly augmented by the Phrygian drummers who send out a sound that is like many thunders emerging from beneath the ground.

This, is actual outright Medea Cult
This is early Christianity.
And there is no getting away from it
and no denying it.
Salome was a bad example 
of the thing though; but she was
a clear-cut example.

Today, in geophysics there is a term for a thunderbolt that happens inside the Earth's surface - the hypogeous thunderbolt. There are such things and you can look them up online.

The 'sound of many thunders' is specifically a phrase that you will find in the New Testament.

Whatever words are intoned along with this music, or lyrics which are sung, are sung in two halves of singers, just like you would have two audio speakers today, just like you would arrange two directions of slightly different sounds to create a stereo effect.

Now this does not necessarily mean the Sermon on the Mount was really a rock concert that was taken over by a prose speaker all of a sudden.

But everywhere you read 'they sung hymns of praise' anywhere certainly in the New Testament, you absolutely are talking about a Mystery Rite cult practice which involves much more complex activities than what modern people today all suppose.

In the Middle Ages, the English translators totally toned down some of the language that goes on in these texts. And the Victorian moralism only made things worse by refusing to correct the record - even though the Oxford and Cambridge linguists certainly did know what was going on (in the texts).

But let me explain in a practical example just how incredibly complicated and knowledgeable these early Cults were - they knew and understood things that are not even taught anymore: they knew why iambic pentameter gave one sensation and why hexameter gave another emotional feeling. They knew exactly what the chords and melodic note formations were doing, were meant to do.

This is about the Kung Fu of lifestyle...

This is about a whole way of proceeding, an entire ambiance that enters you and is part of your pattern of life - before you can meet up with actual 'angelic beings' or go anywhere from this Earth place.

See if you can detect the precise moment when this piece of music below, alters your internal state, and begins to allow in tiny little surges of energy that will last you at least the whole next day...

Again, total best quality over-the-ear headphones are necessary.

There is actually a precise moment and it is quite early on:


Sunday, 12 January 2025

Sleep, Dreams, And Embers

Some of you I know have clinical experience with 'sleep assessment' using modern tools and brain-scanning equipment.

You will know that the human brain never stops receiving and sending neural signals. What happens in 'sleep' is that the brains sends out other signals which interrupt the constant traffic acknowledgement in the consciousness, of whatever sensing is going on, and whatever neural action responses the brains is sending.

These 'other signals' are called variously 'sleep spindles' or 'M-waves.'

'Traumnovelle' is a 1926 German book on which, partly, Kubrick's EWS was based.

So this translated, is 'dream story.'

Sleeping with the doll.
(That comes to life).

Where I want to go over the next few discussion points here, is somewhere close to being able to give people a format for gaining incredible emotional and 'psychic' energy during the day.

Mostly when people use adrenaline for reacting to stressful situations, especially when this is for economic objectives, they will end up with adrenaline burn-out.

The standard approach is to take supplements, do exercise, hydrate, go on doctor-prescribed drugs.

I had the benefit of personally knowing at least three people who were formally-trained and pretty high-level psychologists, two of whom were inside the Jungian, so-called 'Swiss School' of psychotherapists.

None of them are with us on this planet any longer. Which is pretty sad because this is another instance where I would always bounce these ideas off them first.

But I do know that none of them favored the 'standard mainstream' or standard medical approach.

And that is because they well understood, and far better understood. the internal process mechanics as well as the structure of what goes on with human psychology and the neural network traffic implications.

During any given day, when you are walking through your life, you will encounter problems and obstructions including obstructions from other people.

Your neurology likes to send out immediate action signals as responses to the problems.

In fact, it does send them out and social programming often makes us block those ourselves anyway. And then, we have to 'go for a run' or a walk and so on. Otherwise the neural energy signaling builds up and creates psychic dysfunction, and potential on-going chronic dysfunction which is termed 'neurosis' by most of the psychology schools of thought.

Sci-fi hyper-sleep chambers. 

When you are a normal person, and when you sleep, then you will dream in those cases (of daily obstruction incidents) and your brain will consolidate memories and formulate a short scenario, and send those powerful signals calling for action, into 'dream embers' which smolder and go out (in the brain).

And that helps you avoid neurosis.

You might not like the feelings of a 'bad dream' but it is a tool the mind uses to assist particular real-life conditions that are not fully favorable.

One of the hidden understandings not yet fully uncovered but slightly known to the high-end fragrance artists, is that certain short half-life scent molecules - such as lime and lemon - have electron spins which undo the over-surge patterns from the 'bad dream' cycle process.

And here is where I am going to take off into what is 'uncharted' knowledge in the human race right now. 

It is uncharted but it is not completely unknown. A lot of artists and creatives know about it and have known about since forever.

The Universe has what I am going to term 'emotional field standing waves' although that is probably not the right physics terminology.

Alice sleeping with the doll mask.
Behind which something/someone
is real and

I mean it is right but not in terms of what the present paradigm wants to teach.

'Standing' means it's always there, but not simply as potential only - actual and fluid and moving; except it just goes around and around forever everywhere in an incredibly huge, in fact, eternal ellipse.

Each day if or whenever you encounter someone that you can think of in this way: I feel as if I intend good for that person - well then you should consciously say that in your mind.

What happens then is that you hit one of the high positive Universal Field lines and it augments inside your psychology - you can say 'psychic' body.

And then this overcomes the other occasions when there are blocks or barriers, within your central processing automatic control system. 

But not only that, the Universal Field's flow, increases through you (because harmonic vibrations engenders lower friction) and this is where you get those energy reserves that you want to have - rather than from drugs or artificial and non-realistic 'sources.'

You will not get so tired or become tired out from the usual ways of trying to deal with the world.

It may not even be that those other people can or will fulfill the absolute best outcomes for themselves in their own lives, but they will have added 'optimization' - which is the way the kids into computers and programming say it these days.

After only a short while doing this you will realize just how intricate, complex, vast, and also 'virtually automatic' everything is.

Sleep is a metaphor for
'not usual' - magical.

The set-up and the entire structure is automatic or even automated in a way.

You are an energy agent within a huge field structure.

Generally speaking, the public and all of the scientists and so on, are unaware of the hidden hands in all of this. Even religions have stilted views.

People expect 'Jesus to return,' let's say, but they none of them see what was going on already in the ancient past which is the same as what goes on today.

They know there are many cultures where some supernatural or even a Divine Figure hung on a tree - we celebrate the Nordic Yule each year in the Solstice using the exact same motifs that people already did for many thousands of years. Odin was hung on the Yggdrasil. Jesus in the Cross. Dionysus was sentenced to death by King Pentheus but Dionysus hung Pentheus on the death tree instead - and Dionysus himself was previously torn apart and carried on the end of a dead piece of tree as well.

Zeus often uses an eye-patch when he walks among the human race, Odin does as well.

The English have the Green Knight or 'Green Man.'

But before any of these turn up, they always send their heralds first.

Enoch, Elijah, Drosselmeyer, Nick Nightingale...

They are magicians, and when they are here, there is magic.

Friday, 10 January 2025

The Power Materializing...

Those of you persevering will encounter great difficulties and when you get something, at first it will seem so slight, so quick, that if you blinked you missed it.

Today, I met with Bill and my cousine from Schweiz - im Zugerbug (I call it that because of the 'bugs' of Switzerland...), it's Zugerberg, obviously. We went to the Perth Mint, as all good Zugerbergers must.

You like?

And then, we went out the back (really, as far as the architects were concerned, it is the 'front' of the building) of the City Council main office building, and took some pics for the Autism project.

Earlier this week, one of my compatriots in the Kung Fu Academy (basically this is the same 'school group' as the one Guy Savelli went to - think, 'Men Who Stare At...') turned back up from a long stint as a private security and personal safety/defense consultant to very high level clients in London and France, and announced he wanted to, was going to, and had already started to, re-start up the old school. 'Round the corner from where I live.


So that's pretty cool. Literally the revered Lacey Brothers (Northern Shaolin) had this big dark 'hall' with wooden and iron dummies arrayed on two sides and you would go down it and were supposed to beat up the dummies that 'jing jong' - magically came to life. That is the actual meaning of the Cantonese phrase 'jing jong' although in modern times it has simply come to be used for 'to play against the dummies.'

Jing Jong is actually a magical term.

The number of masters who know how to make the dummies come to life is exactly three, or possibly four if you include the mysterious old guy who is sometimes glimpsed gliding through the depths of deep forests. ...But he might not be a real human person so we'll leave him to one side for the moment.

Altitrak, for telling how high a drone
is flying.
Kids can easily use that.

What pics for the Autism project?

Well, these would be the ones where the kids have partly solved the New Jersey drones mysteries.


Ah hah. Oh yes.

Am working on the Press Release and will eventually, not yet right now but this year sometime -, send it out to just about everywhere nationally and it will get massive coverage.

So. Interesting materialization into fact of theory. Say, 400,000 standard circulation coverage and that's just the one main local newspaper.

But if we go back to the recent lines of discussion here, that was about Ancient History and tales of long ago.

The elements of the Death of Socrates are mainly in 'Crito' and 'Phaedo' not in 'Apology.'

And it is in Crito, that the reference to a flute girl at the time of the death of Socrates (not Plato) occurs.

This recent deciphering of part of the Herculaneum Scrolls cannot - simply cannot - be about Plato for real because it was always and originally a part of the way-preexisting story of the death of Socrates. Philodemus is making a completely false claim for propaganda purposes and trying to say that Plato was more supportive of the Epicurists' School rather than the Stoics or all others. And this is just Philodemus stealing an already-existing story about Socrates, rather than Plato.

The local City Council
main building.
This is regarded by experts
as one of the greatest 'grid-pattern'
modern architecture style buildings
ever built (in the world).

Bluntly all of these so-called 'academics' who are peppering the internet with 'shock stun amaze' accounts of the Herculaneum Scrolls are liars and knaves.

When you follow the Orphic Rites, you will 1. have friends and relatives turn up from out of nowhere (or Switzerland) and help you make photographs, 2. have friends and long-time associates arrive with capital and plans to continue the legacy of truly great people, and 3. (the bit I haven't told you about yet), encounter the old man in the trees (or as in my case it's usually a moderately 'young' female) and the rest is all about the jing jong and I will get around to describing that more fully probably in a longer text sooner or later; it won't be to do with sex!

It will be to do with those hyper-sleep chambers (the sci-fi movies call them cryo-sleep chambers but there is no such thing) with half a dozen of the almost exactly the same person inside each separate unit.

You will never be so shocked or amazed as when you are standing, looking down at the same person - except there are six of them not just one individual; or maybe there is only the one actual complete individual but with six separate 'units' as bodies that they can use selectively. Or as in this case because we are talking about humans not 'demi-god' like super beings from somewhere else, someone operates them selectively...