Without Hillman there is no way we could do these kinds of things and not be thought of as 'so impossibly way out there.'
Hillman is a credentialed utterly mainstream-trained and taught academic. He is literally mainstream, despite that he was denied tenure in some places because of the scariness of what he was propounding - not because what he was saying was false.
I will underscore that you have to be circumspect with taking on board too much of his natural biases - because he is really still coming from a modern perspective with all of the baggage that that has with it. It's forever the case with public figures generally, that they have positions which deny the sincerity of the beliefs of others and especially of the general public at large.
Just because a human being is ignorant, that does not mean they are not deeply sincere and starting out from the proposition that they want to 'possess truth.'
Time for strong coffee. |
Truth is well-hidden by governments and rulers though!
Anyway let me get back to what I wished to convey here:
The word 'mystery' when applied in ancient sacred texts does not mean something dark and unknown, that we have to employ detectives to maybe, find out, discover.
It means that there is something which cannot be satisfyingly communicated or understood using words, and the performing of certain prescribed acts and actions are the way to experience its reality as a thing known - not unknown!
'Satisfyingly,' not 'satisfactorily' which simply means adequately. Satisfyingly means you are filled up, full with the whole thing and feel it that way without any further need to have anything else or anything more.
The fact is, and this is the fact of it - vast numbers of the world of human beings will never be permitted access to the mysteries!
So, you cannot really have an authentic 'Christian religion' as a dominating global system of true understanding by billions of individual people because they will simply not be allowed into the mysteries by the 'beings' who gate-keep those things on the supernatural level. You can have dogma; but that is nowhere near the same thing.
Sure you can make money and wield power by owning the minds of billions of people. That's how things are now.
Inside the secret palaces... |
Hillman's strength (combined with the existential modern fact of the internet and its reach) is in his delivering of factual language knowledge - which makes the task of people like all of us here possible, not easier, but merely even possible at all!
But let me just go straight to some exorbitantly 'unknown facts' which are still facts nonetheless, about what the actual 'closed circle' meanings are:
1. 'Symbol' is the English word - 'Sym-bolon' is the actual original language word and it is a technical word. Just like 'Diabolo' is 'Double' plus 'Audible sound out of your mouth' (IE double-speak; lying, deceiving), 'Sym-bolon' is signal plus response. It's an electronics concept. Or a typical kind of process in any other of the mechanical systems active dynamics concepts and principles based on physics. Don't forget 'b' is also sounded 'v' in Greek; this is where we get the word 'volume' from.
2. 'Parable' is not a word in the original language texts. 'Para-bolon' is and it means some intentional meaning that walks along side-by-side with what usual meaning superficial word is being 'sounded out by your mouth.'
Thus, the 'seven stars' that Jesus 'holds in his right hand' which were being related to the 'seven ekklesia' does not really mean in the parabolic meaning 'churches' even though we are given real geographical locations for these seven 'ekklesia.' In fact in any case 'ekklesia' does not mean 'church' - this is entirely a 1331 AD translation and religious interpretation meaning.
'Ekklesia' means a 'concentrated force' that is 'called out.'
The ekklesia in Thyatira does not mean 'the church in Thyatira' (although on one level it does mean the assembly of followers in Thyatira) - it means the color purple.
Tyrrhenian Murex shell dye. Sometimes more pink or lilac than actual purple. Depends how strong and deep you want to go! |
Oh yes. Lydia of Thyatira was called by the epithet or title of 'Purpuria' which means the one who traded in the Tyrrhenian Purple.
Don't worry we're going to end up seeing that these 'seven lamp-stands' with 'seven stars' that Divinely light them are, on account of their 'ekklesia' qualifications in Revelation: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Purple... Oh oh yes.
You send out a signal, and get a response.
You call out a concentration of force, and this creates a signal, and then you get a response back.
You get a response back.
You do.
What sort of response you get back more-or-less but not always because they can decide whatever they want and over-power you and overwhelm your natural expectations quite one-sidedly and quite suddenly... ...But what response you get back largely depends on how sophisticated your full signaling is.
Call sign is one thing. Mind trace is another thing.
A simple call sign is relatively uncomplicated.
What would satisfy the man or woman who owns the latest Corvette Zora? LOL I don't know... |
Your personal internal mind is very complicated!
To be inducted into the Mystery - initiated you have already been - is to get a satisfyingly decent response back.
The only person who knows what is going to satisfy you, is you. That you will be satisfied, is guaranteed. By whom is it guaranteed? Well these things are written on walls in Egypt of ancient pyramids my friends. They are inscribed on Akkadian and Sumerian stone monuments. They are in Homer and Ovid and Orpheus. But the only people who really know what all these scratches on walls and letters on papyri and hidden in rolled-up scrolls actually mean are 'those on the inside.'
Performing the necessary actions that entail 'the Mystery,' means going through an existential experience for which words are not enough to explain what happened.