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Saturday 14 September 2024

Why Are People Reporting Inability To Sleep

Dumb question.

You'd think the obvious answer would be acknowledged by people and then they could just work on the actual problem.

Let me fire away at some lunacy that occurs down here - but that will be repeated everywhere else across the globe:

Pharmacies sell Melatonin here without a script for upwards of fifty bucks over the counter, and because it is not scheduled as a 'PBS' (Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme) drug even on a doctor script it will cost the same. 

But why are people buying this stuff at all?

She cannot sleep...
Wonder why.

There is so much ambient UV light in this region of the planet that everyone gets heaps of Melatonin made inside their own bodies everyday. Moreover, there is a clear-cut diurnal pattern of light versus darkness and so, their body's natural body clock works easily. And this is not something debatable for ninety-nine percent of the population. 

The story goes along the lines that because someone is a so-called 'fly-in/fly-out' worker, who goes up the North West and is outside in the extreme heat and sun either on the mine-sites or maybe even on fishing boats and whatever else, and that these work phases are over more than ten days straight and then they have a week or so off back at home -, their sleep patterns are disrupted.

Well. Okay. So what? 

You sleep when you are tired. The end.

But no, these people 'cannot sleep' or they have complaints about the quality of sleep that they experience.

And then there is everyone else who lives and works around the main cities, and they just have broken sleep and are tired when they 'have to get up.'


That's what happens when you 'have to get up.'

Melatonin is not going to change anything there.

Our cousin is here right now, Bill.
Can you imagine? 
Not resting though.
We would, she doesn't.

You'll still 'have to get up.'

Okay so people don't make enough money easily enough to get adequate sleep through having adequate time for sleep.

Some health and wellness practitioners offer 'real sleep therapies.'

That's great. So -, they are real.

 What people need though, is authentic rest.

This is the same stupid nonsense that goes on with the medical racket claiming to be able to solve 'back pain' and 'joint pain' and arthritis - by administering pills and carrying out surgical adventures into the human body and nervous system.

Doesn't matter which way you cut it however (pun intended), unless you are breaking the speed limit you will not be able to transport a vehicle down a highway in less time than what it takes the normal traffic flow to make that journey each day.

You cannot physically really move metabolites and used dead cells around as waste through the body and filtration system in under the natural time windows it takes the cell and tissue regrowth/regeneration process to perform its function.

Yes you can block pain receptors and that will not solve the source of the pain problem.

By the time some situation has become so chronic that no amount of temporary pain relief is going to hide the underlying mechanistic reality, surgical procedures and nerve killing become a necessity - which means true restoration of full original function will never happen.

There's not much point someone such as me saying oh you can 'see' optically for real with some natural inner faculty of the mind and brain and nervous system, if the person being addressed is in a state of complete physical exhaustion!

Seems to work incredibly hard.
This is not a body double.
How is it possible?
Millions of dollars...
...could be one answer.

And what would be the exact profile and process of any genuine 'fountain of youth' cell regeneration suite of substances (because in truth there are many relevant compounds that all act in concert) - if a person is already having their natural patterns aggravated because of very adverse lifestyle conditions?

A long time ago we sent out to a few people a composition designed to increase and enhance nerve signalling acuity - this was called 'The Persian Aura' preparation.

Next up will be the Utopia Blue composition, which comprises the exact ingredients of what the servant of Alexander the Great found being used by some Siddha-Ayurveda practitioners in ancient South India. This will literally give you more pronounced effects than all of the latest science-researched things like the sulforophane from Broccolini, which switches off the aging gene segments.

But to pre-reveal some of the context for what ancient Ayurveda (totally different from today's 'modern' parroted rigmarole about 'energy' and the various 'types' of bodies and 'humors') provided to surround the main ingestion compounds, it will come as a total revelation indeed, to note the fundamental Siddha method includes this - and to list here all of the synchronous positive medical/health effects is a major task:

The hydroxy-citric acid component alone is a superfood in and of itself, way outgunning this vaunted 'wonder drug' called Ozempic which has extremely toxic side-effects.

These things take days to work through the body.

I just love the quality of the pic!

Collagen takes weeks to go to layer bones and also enter the dermis widely.

I think it is going to take the average person even equipped with a strong mind and good powers of focus and brain control at least four days to get to the stage where their whole body system will be ready to 'go to the other level' where it becomes possible to do all this 'Monroe Institute' kind of remote seeing and so on.

Four days of which the first half will be simply to get over the lunatic cadence of a badly-structured modern lifestyle and attain authentic adequate rest and be in a state of restfulness in which it then becomes possible to focus the senses into this single multi-channeled input line or pathway acquired in the individual's brain that sees all of the available data around them and is able to make sense of it in their consciousness.

How are you going to do that??

There's politics.

And the need to earn a living.


We must make the time.

And that's all there is about it.

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Some Recapping...

The University of the Western Cape South Africa this week produced a study proving that a combination of gold flakes and red wine was very quickly (within 72 hours) able to heal chronic wounds.

Well this is something we spoke about here a long time ago and also privately to those of you who have been receiving some information over the past few years from here.

As I have also mentioned recently I think I am well behind in the schedule of sending out some important additional information and also 'things' maybe and I find I am really becoming reluctant to put out into the public space - even here, which is quite 'not-all-that-public' frankly - in particular certain matters to do with quite literal 'fountain of youth' stuff...

Gold-infused jello.
Already told you about this.
Said 'Aliens' like the stuff.
Well they do!

One of the bugbears with me, or I think 'mental hitches' is that I worry a lot about people being able to live and survive through the present times and the comings (that I know are coming).

You will have to find a way to 'survive' virtually in hiding in a manner of speaking, from the normal daily world. And that could mean keeping a low profile right in the middle of some urban area or even a city but all-in-all it means stepping away from ideas and lifestyles that cannot bring you anything but trouble and physical stresses. and health-wise, things are only going to go from bad to worse as far as most of society is concerned.

It is really true what Dr Suneel Dhand keeps saying, that the food intake largely is now a 'pro-inflammation' source for too many people - who basically just refuse to stop doing this kind of insanity.

But then, they do it because it seems in their minds that they have no choice.

What does it really matter how much money you think you are making when the cost of living is killing you just to stay where you are doing the job/s that you are doing, and the food and lifestyle entailed is literally organically damaging you?

At the same time it's pointless for someone like me to just seem to be sitting on the sidelines and presenting no positive solutions.

And this brings me to the 'problem' - such as it is.

You (and not me either) will never be able to derive solutions from standard information and data sources and social and technical/technology systems as they are available to the public generally. The system is designed to block you from attaining clear-cut positive and beneficial results.

Right now I am trying to work on a set of filmed full suite expositions of technologies and natural chemical compositions that give truly stunning, amazingly interesting effects on any given subject.

Pear and citrus.
And gold flakes on top.

But at the same time I am really pointedly aware that I don't want ideas and processes stolen and have fall into hands that will turn things into banal commercial and 'professional'/academic and academia-led dumbed-down virtual nonsense...

Last week I watched the graduation ceremony for a local University's Medical and Pharmacy Faculty, and I personally knew half a dozen of the people receiving their plaudits in their gowns and sashes. One or more had discussed with me the filming thing I am talking about in some paragraphs above here, but I am stepping right away from anything in that direction (with them or using anyone from that arena).

No I think we'll be taking what we know away rather than be introducing it to the whole entire world at large.

I mean on the one hand it should be perfectly obvious in any case that red wine (resveratrol, anthocyanins) and gold flakes (anti-inflammatory) might or would, have beneficial effects organically (and the skin is the biggest organ) - but it is not obvious that there really would ever be some naturally-occurring 'fountain of youth' compounds anywhere. So let's let the Big Pharma industries and the med-science and bio-med research foundations and all of that jazz work it out themselves!

Moreover what's the point living physically 'in a more youthful condition' and yet be working - that is, over-working - your body to death because of society and economic forces and conditions.

So here's some economic directions, at least:

The Dollar (USD) is weak because of Central Bank-caused inflation and currency devaluation through over-issuance. Gold and Silver are strong also because of that setting. The more the Fed lowers interest rates at this time the more it causes (price) inflation to happen.

It does not matter how much either stocks or real estate appear to rise across the board as capital values, because the costs of living are also rising but this latter thing happens as a transaction (sales, velocity circulation) every moment, whereas you sell your house only once over the term of its capital when held by you. Institutions 'can afford' to hold actually worthless assets that depreciate over the long term and require maintenance (costs to keep) over the short term - you cannot.

Looks much much better in real life
than in the pics of it.
Is low and sleek and pretty in reality.

As the Dollar weakens and inflation rises salaries and wages cannot keep pace and hours worked must be piled up in order to gain even a reasonable living. 

Companies fail to make good profits because their boards only have to meet or slightly beat fake low-held 'risk free' interest rates. 

The picture is grim.

You might have to still own a property but you must not be in the position of holding stocks at this time.

You might not (be able to) own property but you must be holding gold and silver. At this time.

There is a lagging effect on the trickle down of dollars from errant Central Bank debt issuance and the time or the moment when these dollars start chasing limited goods. Prices must rise. And they rise a long while after the excessive debt is raised.

So in this climate what would be the point of suddenly regaining a meaningful amount of physical organic 'youthfulness' if you are unable to economically make use of it?

...Will we still tell you about the 'fountain of youth' stuff?

Maybe. If you want it and some of you have a right to it too because you have been powerful financial supporters along the way. 

Red wine jello

But correct me if I'm wrong but you also want a way out of the wider world's economic mess, right?

And you should want that before indulging in this 'mythology' about what Alexander the Great's servant found when he went out to get some spice supplies in South India - right?

Right? Or not right?

Which one do you want?


Monday 9 September 2024

The Bleedin' Obvious...

If you wonder why you come and read here at all, then sooner or later things will arrive at a particular theme that is common enough in terms of the question involved, not so common in terms of any satisfying answer.

You will get, however, the answer here.

It isn't a light theme and it of course will seem very grandiose and opinionated to suggest either that there even is an answer or that someone, anyone, especially not anywhere hereabouts who really are just plain nobodies you wouldn't think, has the answer.

The answer has eluded people down through countless millennia.

Enoch went to other worlds and he seemed to have encountered very advanced civilizations that have been construed by most people as giving some insight into the divine, or 'god' matters.

'Morning comes. The snow is falling....'

I guess it is too late in the day now, to listen to the most credentialed modern academic scholars re-translate these old writings and render the vehicle that he went up in as having, not 'wheels with a whirlwind' but literally the word 'turbine' (which did have equivalency back then because quite a few early engineers had the concept in terms of dynamic geometry). 

But you see, regardless of that, it doesn't really help anyone understand all that much better, what the 'meaning of (your human) life,' is.

Nobody is born with any clear knowledge of anything prior to their birth condition (inside the womb and then outside of) and the emergence of their clear consciousness holds barely any even vague ideas of what was there in their ego selves beforehand.

And nobody comes back from the dead so obviously and physically that there are any blanket uncontested 'true,' authenticated (human) reports back from some 'other place' beyond the human mortal world.

So 'what does it all mean?'

Where did you come from and where are you going to?

Yet as soon as this is revealed very clearly, it seems like it is obvious and should have been obvious all along to everyone.

The theory that space aliens who are - who must be to have come here - truly advanced -, when they come here in overt ways, will therefore reveal themselves to everyone and then the whole human race can 'progress' by benefiting from new knowledge of advanced science and technologies, is a non-starter as soon as you take into view what will be said next:

Look around you. The human world is not amorphous -, it is not that socially, sociologically, philosophically, in the matter of religions and ideas-and-beliefs; even though there are similarities and commonalities between various peoples.

I have said over and over that everything follows the rules of physics - things have inception, commencement, growth, peak, and decline, then diametrical opposite change.

Everything turns around the axis of its sine wave form.

'The riddle...'
Dave Bowman in the White Place
in 2024.

There is continuity even if there is periodicity (stops and gaps).

But here is the obvious, the point that should be obvious to everyone and isn't:

No one social grouping is going along the exact same intellectualized sine curve profile leading to the exact same end of wave-form rotational change.

They're all different.

A Muslim might indeed well go along his path, whose claimed trajectory leads to 'heaven with 72 virgins' (or translucent-skinned grapes...) and an Eternity as a perfect slave to an absolute God-Overlord upon whose finality of personal decision one may have no authentic power.

And a Messianic Hebrew might suppose that a new kind of 'fully-divinely empowered' King David will appear with a massive and unconquerable actual militaristic 'army' to take over complete rule of the whole Earth and all its peoples - that is the end of the putative trajectory there. And in this case there will be perpetuality of 'sacrifices' and eternal bureaucracies of 'priests' and practitioners of 'LAW' (THE Law - aka 'of Yahweh'/'God').  

A yogic practitioner might suppose that they will become existentially tied to the ineffable flow of the Cosmic energy of the Milky Way... And find the Cosmic Cow.

Everyone though, starts out the same, with no sound knowledge at all.

The thing is equal.

But surely the place (the human world) is quite obviously a choke-point, a filter that leads to a variety of eventual paths and different conclusions.

You can pick any kind of path you please!

Just look at the sands at your feet - there's countless numbers of grains. Look at the stars in the night-sky: you can't count them.

'Wonder if, wonder if;
asking me, asking me...'

There's all kinds of ground, all kinds of earth, some of it fertile, some sandy and dry - and so on.

There is no reality to a uniform, amorphous, seamless living world - it is composed of vast, huge, countless numbers of different things; different living things. They share the characteristics of being alive and not much of anything else!

How would it in any way be feasible for a truly advanced intelligent species, to come here, and present the same one-size-fitted-all conclusion therefore (that would be implicit in openly presenting itself/themselves) to all of everything that is here and that is also intelligent.

Muslims would never agree that these creatures had a right to sovereignty (to their own ways) and Jews would also not accept if such beings had never heard of 'Yahweh...' For example.

I am just using those two systems as a way of describing opposite positions and perspectives.

But you could just as well pick any of thousands of human idea-systems.

An individual conscious intelligent entity (a human) comes into here, and goes along some pathway of ideas and concepts and acceptable tenets, and ends up along a trajectory which leads to some particular conclusion; all of them are inclined to be marginally or radically, different, but they are all different.

While you are alive here, you have the power and the right to adopt any path. Some people say 'oh this one is the path; and there is no other.'

Nobody much says that there are qualitatively ascending and descending moral and ethical strata (of paths); most people say "mine is the best (or the only 'true') path."

The fact is this is not existentially the case; there are obviously many paths that people adopt and go along. It is not that this one 'leads to Hell' or that one leads to Hell and only this other exclusively 'right one' leads to Heaven - or as in the case of strong atheism, all paths lead to nowhere at all. Rather, each path leads to its own conclusion, which might be right (in terms of where it thinks it is headed) or it might be wrong but nevertheless it reaches its own internally logically inevitable conclusion. But they don't all lead to anywhere even near the optimum results.

The absolute ineluctable logic reality is that certain paths must be more sound in their moral and ethical and therefore social mechanisms by reason of mathematical and scientific functionality and the veracity or validation of those particular social patterns that are observed there (on that path).

But the planet Earth, being a literal choke point for intelligent conscious beings, means that each individual selects a path by their own personal sense of volition - and because of that choice, they find themselves wherever they end up, eventually.

Some, will go to places in the stars where there truly are advanced societies and civilizations; that is the whole implication of the Enoch story.

And therefore only those 'some' can have actual real fulsome contact with actual real advanced ET Aliens...

This place is a choke point, a filter point and a filtering process, albeit in part governed by the will of self. One is in tune with something, or not in tune with it.

'Tell me why.' Or, 'tell my why everything exists.'

Or 'what is the meaning of it all.'

The meaning of 'everything' is that it contains everything; everything is there. It's not there is only one way and nothing else besides - there are countless ways but they all lead to different places but inside the same wholeness, the same completeness.

It's up to you whether you want to end up in some completely good place.

Is it really being 'good' to you if the only good you ever get is if I give you what I decree is good (for you)?

You're just an underclass being then.

Over an 'Eternity' you will end up suffering from an eternal psychological problem of self-worth!

It was right what someone asked for here a while back - they wanted 'agency.'

But it might have been wrong to assume they for sure knew in detail what things they wanted to have agency over in order to enact them as effects of reality.

It is definitely not wrong to go on a trajectory of working those things out though.

If they're on the 'right'(-ish, path, because it's always just a tendency towards the 'right' in a dynamical sense) trajectory, sooner or later they will encounter subtlety and complexity.

Extreme, nuanced, subtle things. 


'And the Serpent, who was the most subtle of creatures...'

Complexity is when you realize just being subtle alone does not mean being right.

The Serpent said if you know Good and Evil alone (eat of the fruit of that tree) it will not on its own account cause you to die. But choosing Evil over Good will most certainly cause you to die! And learning what 'Good' even is in its most subtle and complex sense is not so easy.

And this is where the encounter with truly advanced, upstream (as it were) other humanoid/human-like beings is a great challenge to both your sensibilities and to your equanimity and what you have been propagandized to and habituated to, is 'good.'

A lot of the behavior/behaviors of humans in their 'normal' human society is not good.

But all-in-all, what are you doing here? Why are you here on this planet? It should be bleeding obvious. This is a choke point. You are going some place else. Some, of you, are.

The path and its trajectory are what determines the eventual where. You want to be a slave you will go to a slave place. You want to be a tyrant you will go to a tyrant place, and compete with all the other little tyrants.

You want help you have to ask for help and seek it from where you envisage the kind of help that you want, is. There may be no such place.

Or there may be and then you will find it too. And then you will have to deal with that reality as existential fact not myth.

Once you are sure of the path (because your mind has envisaged where it leads and you like what you 'see' there), it does not matter what I or anyone shows you thereafter, the first principal is that you will have become sure of yourself for real.

You will also have fully consciously and intellectually and intelligently encountered yourself, but it is also a new 'self' - for the very first time.

Do you know what you're doing here now?

Do you know why you were born into here at all.

Saturday 7 September 2024

To The Wire: Delusion Equals Death

This is quite hard for me to write...

Possibly you will have observed that most of the day-to-day people around you, wherever you are, are stuck inside a net of very strong and powerful ties which keep them held to whatever job they are doing, whatever seeming means they use to 'make money.' 

They are not making money - not in terms of getting to keep any of it - but they are moving along in a human social stream of value exchange which takes something from them whilst keeping them alive.This is called parasitism in organic (biological) science terms.

But the delusions they are under are extremely powerful and hold total sway over them.

If you tried to convince any of them to deeply consider what it is they are doing, and then to change their actions and behavior - well you just wouldn't be able to; it is what keeps the planet (of human beings) going along the same path to nowhere that it has been going on for thousands of years.

These are not them, but
one expensive brand makes 
a 'Kubrick' style of eye-wear.
We'll be talking Kubrick a little
down below here.

This is not all happening by accident or by mistake; there is an animating spirit doing it.

Means there is an active intelligence at work here. You can't necessarily see it physically, not as a person or a sole individual human being.

Someone is benefiting from all of this and it is not you or me.

There are people acting under the belief that the capital value increase year-on-year of their home or real estate investments are making them wealthy. 

But net aggregate demand is driving inflation through the roof across all modern Western Nations - and in large part this directly comes exactly from unearned income (as it were) emerging into the domestic economies either through borrowings against equity, or the simple banking fact of M1 driving increases in the quanta of liquidity necessitated through the Central or Reserve Banks (read the Fed if you are in the USA) because of those real estate valuation increases.

So-called checkable deposits are compelled to be available as liquidity to banks when mortgages are rising. The Federal Reserve makes such liquidity available. 

Actual net aggregate demand though, is a function of daily velocity circulation - rather than some theoretical/hypothetical once-in-ten/thirty year actual sale of any given property.

So - inflation. Your spending power goes down the drain and you need to buy groceries and gas every day.

When it comes to this seemingly ridiculous idea about super-advanced not-from-Earth intelligent people (aka 'beings' as others say), I can tell you they never act or interact with humans living and growing here before any critical moment - it's always at what looks like the absolute very last minute.

I'm very 'old-fashioned,'

They take things down to the wire.

In Biblical terms it's like this:'We gave Jezebel time and space in which to repent but she did not.'

Look the whole world is in the thrall of a very evil creature, a very evil let's say type of creature, whether you want to still think of it as a human mindset, or as a paranormal malevolent mindset or even actual individual being like a Satanic Figure which sits on a throne somewhere in some gated estate in California(!).

The Trump-Harris Debate is on in two days...

The contest between natural human mind potential, and the deluded human mind is still very much on and is a contested space.

What makes anyone think the live debating skills of someone like Harris can suddenly zoom up and be so markedly different (better) than at any other - previous - time?

This debate is going to be a disaster for Kamala Harris and the present-era Democrat group.

Doesn't matter how many 'rules' you want to toss in to even things up the reality is different to the delusional beliefs that somehow she can speak clearly with accuracy and substantive content in a live speaking context.

Two days.

You will not see anything in the media to show the disquiet that any non-delusional person who is supporting the Democrat group at this time ought to be consumed with right now.

These people are deluded.


Not forgetting that in the last election, the world all-time record vote that the Republicans got - was 'trumped' by an even bigger vote from out of somewhere that went to Joe Biden. LOL

Over a million 'dead people' votes were last week purged from the Texas voting register...

Only someone who is able to see into the future will be able to say whether some amazing new rabbit will be pulled out of the hat in November 2024. 

What you are up against is a power, and a force, and an intelligent mind-group, that wants to hold you to your 'job,' to your low pay, to your 'lifestyle,' where you have no time to think about the kinds of stuff that is talked about in here - and that will see to it that you are well-and-truly dead after a working lifetime.

Slavery lifetime; put it more accurately that way.

Someone is benefiting.

And what could be more perfect of a system of enslavement, when the slaves enforce the slavery on themselves.

It's easy to fear changing your life to one away from enslavement.

There is nothing the slave loves better than his own chains.

There is nothing he fears more than breaking them.

...But let's upgrade Kubrick's vision for the ending of everything in '2001 A Space Odyssey.'

Oh yeah sure there you are on that bed, in that baroque bedroom. Maybe it's all being run in a sensory simulation by an AI entity somewhere behind the scene. Maybe it is the 'God-Mind' giving you an amenable way out of physical organic reality, strictured by its rules of gravity and entropy: maybe human physical organic reality is a mistake of some 'Engineer' (a very poor movie, in my view - 'Prometheus').

But we have uncovered that we can 'upgrade' that scene's dynamics.

I am completely in line with one of our number here who suggested recently there was a name for a 'hidden way' up through the space wall - something called the Saratri. I'll go along with that 100%.

'Seeing' the Green Fairy is not
delusional at all. It is an effect of chemicals
inside the brain which creates impressions
on the senses and in the optical frame
of sensory perception.
To believe more things about those
impressions than what is really true,
is delusional.

Kubrick's model gives you the idea that David Bowman in that ornate room at the end of the movie appears to be able to 'encourage' the super-imposing intelligent mind that is arranging things, to supply him with a variety of appealing experiences.

My experience appears to have no limit though to the dangerous, the risky, the aggressive, side of human intentions...

I happen to know that one of the 'bargaining' items demanded by Hamas to Israel (but really, to the US government) was the release of Abu Zubaydah, the one-eyed Palestinian citizen born in Saudi Arabia and held in Guantanamo. This demand backed by the offer to either release hostages or to kill them (some of, them) was prefaced by the demand for 'proof-of-life' (of Zubaydah).

But Zubaydah is dead.

So we have a lot of problems in the world today.

I also, like David Bowman, could be in that White Room. So could you be, and some of you certainly are. Unlike David Bowman, whose entire personality seems to contain only thoughts of peace, my thoughts are much more sanguine.

And yes, I know there are a lot of egos out there in so-called 'elite world.' They would all want to doubt any kind of power that stands against them from some 'occult' or at least let's call it hidden, place.

No doubt some of them are less evil than I am painting them. I don't fancy any of their chances though, against the Overall Mind in the White Room.

No one and no thing, can enter the supernal state -, who or which is under any form of delusion.

Because any real, any genuinely Absolute Truth condition cannot admit of falseness within its personal entity space. 

What goes on forever cannot 'die;' what cannot last forever, dies. Delusion in the minds of humans, is what causes their deaths.

Underneath the place of Absolute Truth exists the ordinary, the mundane world. And in here we all wait painfully for the decent kinds of advanced technology-possessing intelligent visitors to turn up. To show. To be on show for everyone. To physically have literally come from far away across the galaxies.

They will. At the very last minute.

Meanwhile, you must cut your ties with burden. And that is not a Harris-ism.



Monday 2 September 2024

The Theory Or The Practice?

So, I'm way behind with all of you on the practice... ...well okay, by my standards of what should be 'on the money.'

'Way behind' for me in this particular context means a series of postponements for something fairly, I guess, grandiose if you knew what was in my mind about this.

But I can give you the theory.

It's not even my own enunciation of a set of current timescale or current focus beliefs which I am prepared to declare are valid in relation to all of the accessible facts (from whatever sources). The theory can be heard from Eric Weinstein.

This implicitly speaks of the time 
necessary to appreciate beauty.

I think he's a genius and he I think he's right; about modern or 'right-now' contemporary society.

Without me getting into a full description of exactly what it is we are doing over here, one of the salient aspects to me of what I have been encountering (and I simply mean encountering with plain ordinary other people), is that it strikes me as not even closely possible that a genuinely rich person could be having such a great time living in today's world.

Oh sure, Davos and all of that crowd of insane 'silent generation/Baby Boomer' people are going to rail against what I just said and howl loud and long about how great life is with them but I doubt it.

The person with the absolute best library that I know - and that I guarantee you will not be rivaled anywhere on the planet at all right now - is me it's not Jeff Bezos or even Elon Musk.

Musk would get a fright at what I could I show him...

I possess documents - and they're all ordinary copies not anything like 'collector originals' or anything like that - that no one else has. Period.

Or if here and there some people do have (one or two of them), they don't know what they mean. Not in terms of ideas, not in terms of value.

Unless you are this,
literally, although it cannot be
seen by others in this obvious
way, you are not truly

Nobody else has all of them.

I have all of them.

I have lost at least four whole libraries in my life; once through a war situation, and once in a race riot. And the others for other reasons not important right now.

Sheer envy was one reason, no doubt.

I had a prominent local chartered accountant literally steal a small set of hard back books one time... LOL

What do these books do?

They will resolve every single inter-relating/relationship problem you ever had, they will lay out knowledge about chemistry from basic and available things that will do anything and everything 'Science TM' pretends it can do (which it always 'can do' for money, though; if you notice), and it will 'open doors' to places others can only dream about (going).

There is simply nothing across the whole internet that can rival this 'codex.'

And that's just stating a fact.

One other thing it will do is show you how to get paid what you are really worth in absolute terms, while the economy run by the Davos crew is trying to expand the labor pool so that all average labor is worth less (er, worthless, lol).

I cannot understand how a truly cash rich or 'wealthy' person can live going on like everybody else right now.

Let me give you one example.

Fifty years ago my grandmother and my mother too, wanted to start a 'Turkish baths' by which they meant a health resort with teaching on food and lifestyle and with highly-trained people able to do actual therapeutic massage.

There is a difference between the
fantasies of a stuck-in-the-mud
mind, and someone who has the
practical powers required.
Power is energy into mechanical balance.
Most people today are unbalanced 
because their lives have no time.

The implication back in those days whenever anyone said 'massage' was that there was an illicit intention pure and simple (well not pure, I guess). 

Today, there are thousands of massage centers around the city here and all of them are more-or-less accredited via government-backed 'authoritative' academic colleges or whatever you want to call them.

They teach rubbish and they know nothing. Well, of course that is not completely true but everything they do 'know' they have stolen from traditional sources that would not have ever been open to converting to a Western(-ized) industrialized 'McDonald's' version of an art-form.

So what the pseudo-rich people here in the city have easy general access to - is rubbish.


Well are you happy with that, idiots? Idiot rich people?!

Are you supposed to be rich, are you?

One person said to me today, vis-a-vis the subject of Oseltamivir (the pharmacy medicine) that 'there must be something more to it than... (just what I told her it was derived from) ...because, she knew the guy who 'invented' it and he had the molecules sent up on a NASA space flight and tested out there with the specific proteins to see what exact compound would 'catch' onto the disease components and so on.

And I said to her how long did she think the human race had been surviving on the Earth just now? 

I'm not completely sure she got what I was saying.

Even this - which is close to
good - has too tight sleeves.
But this is close. To reasonably okay.

But she actually shut up though and her mind was considering things because her original complaint was that it was late, everywhere was closed (meaning in situ doctor places) and so she had to go to one of these new 'phone consults' and get a non-subsidized script (meaning it would cost some decent money), because her daughter was immunocompromised with a form of cancer and undergoing therapy and so on and needed the drug right now within a day or things would go from very bad to a whole lot worse.

And I had said, well, when it's late sometime again maybe and you can't find a doctor at the hour and all of that, better have this stuff handy in your kitchen.

The fact is it's actually a whole lot better than the pharmacy/doctor medicine.

Good luck though, if you're one of these idiotic 'rich' people who cannot comprehend that a real massage, for example, is going to take you a whole day - even just 'coming back down' will take you six hours at least.

He he he.Good luck on your hour-and-a-half long, five hundred dollar 'accredited' BS massage though. If that's what you think is 'real.' Pay the money.

This is the same kind of stupid nonsense that is going on with the car business, and with men's clothes: the Rolls Royce Spectre is disgusting and even so-called 'hand-made bespoke' men's suites are too tight everywhere and short at the ankle; both things look ridiculous in RL and this is all now a matter of 'the Emperor's New Clothes.' 

I do not know one single person here where I live whose brain is not consumed each day with the price of properties...

If there were elevators now, and there were elevator boys, they'd all be preaching about how to make a million in real estate.

And y'all know where that leads and when.

We have watched Central Banks wreck the money markets now for thirty years. And so it is easy to think that they will never be called to pay the piper.

But listen, if you happen to be actually rich and you want to know what a true traditional massage is, well I will arrange for you to get one - it'll cost you a whole weekend of time and ten grand in money. And you cannot get such a thing for less anywhere.

This is 'for an example' of what money ought to be able to buy the actually rich.

But there are no or very few 'actually rich' because those who think they have large positive digital figures in their accounts, have no brains, are completely uncultured with no intellectual means to appreciate good things personally (in silence and without showing off to others as the point of their spending of money), and do not have anywhere like the time needed to enjoy themselves fully and deeply.