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Tuesday 6 August 2024

The (Primordial) Titans Today

The dispute between Prometheus and Zeus is a fight between two insanely intelligent people (IE 'beings' if you wish).

All of the commentaries since forever, about the account of Heracles (aka Hercules) killing the Eagle of the Caucasus Mountains which ate the enchained Prometheus's liver each day, tell that the reason of Heracles's action was that when he saw what was going on, felt sorry for the Titan who had given such a great benefit (of the Divine Fire) to Mankind.

The accounts say that Prometheus was chained there for thirty thousand years.

...Remembering, Zeus even owed Prometheus something at least, for his having allowed Zeus to enter into the court of Cronus in disguise as Prometheus himself acting as cup-bearer to the king of the Titans.

Soon, we will ascend some 
'stairs' to the object.

But Zeus knew that the real motive behind Prometheus's treachery against Cronus, was even further treachery later on, this time against Zeus.

Most people who are aware of these ancient stories are not told what they really mean.

They are only told the superficial moral lessons that attach to the tales, but not told of the existential facts or any kinds of actual material realities - especially not on any terms of practical human personality reality; although you could say the Jungians have some clue about this.

The Titans are completely equivalent to the Jotuns of Norse scripture. 'Jotun' is said to come from a root word that means 'to eat voraciously/to consume without limit.'

This is the same sense of meaning that all of the standard traditions have about this category of being - the Ancient Serpent Typhon which Zeus slew, has an equivalent in the Hebrew tradition, the Taninim; the Primordial Darkness contains some creatures that are virtually limitless in their powers of destruction and voraciousness.

The way that Zeus dealt with Typhon was to slice it up into small parts - and He does that also to the Primordial Spirit of Void-Time, thereby creating our linear time which is made up of regular, flowing, continuous discrete bits.

Prometheus is the Ancient Primordial Consciousness that possesses full intelligence...

There is no deficit to his understanding nor to his potential for subtlety.

And Zeus knows this.

The narrative accounts say 'chained to a mountain,' and 'eaten by an eagle,' and so people assume this is about 'mountains' and 'eagles.' And naturally they therefore do not think the stories can be really true because there is no actual gigantic being chained up to any mountain anywhere - that had his liver eaten each day - this circumstance is not in any historical record, nor is there any archaeological evidence for any such thing.

There are many true 'heralds'
of the Higher Worlds here on this planet.

Although there is plenty of ethnic folkloric legend hints all over the place about some 'Hercules' person travelling around and doing astonishing prodigious things, yet there is no means in any of those to base some idea about a real gigantic creature with attic god characteristics literally being chained up on some actual mountain-top anywhere.

Just for the moment we shall consider it along the lines of the moral tale aspect - Zeus realized that He was dealing with a completely Supernatural and Supernaturally Powerful thinking being. Hesiod says that the liver is the seat of the soul in the person, be they god or man, and that it is immortal and regenerative insofar as it is the spring from which new dreams come which have the power of life in them.

Zeus is thus disrupting the Titan's source of the immortal creating of desires and intentions and reminding him that it was his evil ambitions that were his downfall, and would always be his downfall if he continued to feed these evil plans.

Superficially Zeus allows Heracles to kill the eagle and thereby halt the painful suffering of the Titan - and this seems like some kind of basic act of mercy.

But that is not so.

Zeus knows full well that the Titan actually purposes to place in his liver, a 'poison' to turn the eagle (that is eating his liver) against Zeus or against the humans as virtual hostages to himself until Zeus relents and frees him and then ultimately leading to a next phase during which he will unseat Zeus as the Ultimate Universal Ruler and King.

Zeus permits Heracles to kill the eagle thereby cutting off Prometheus's plan.

But we have jumped a step in the understanding of all of this...!

The heralds appear as men,
but they are not human mortal men.

Zeus, just as He has done with the Typhon Serpent, 'cuts' up Prometheus and puts him in a condition in which he presents less harm to the family of the Divine Beings.

He places Prometheus inside of Man.

We see the real Prometheus every day and most people deny that it is so.

The 'mountain' is every tall skyscraper that the lunatic property developers of the world are hell-bent on making and owning. And they are all chained up to that concrete hard fantasy. 

The Divine Eagle is the wings of their mind that could take them all the way up to the true Heavenly Abodes - but these are cut off and destroyed by strong (Herculean) forces.

Now for a long time I have been trying to make short-cuts and have all of you literally see the Divine Places, and see and maybe even meet advanced beings - and certainly it is my intent to have them help you. 

At the same time it is probably better and more meaningful to go first via these explanations like the one here above - because that will give clear-cut reasons why the Divine Councils are so disdainful of humans and seldom appear here formally with individuals or even among groups.

Prometheus chained to the mountain...

They stand at a distance not so much because they fear humans, but because they are wary of what the human is comprised of - which is partly, Titanic primordial cunning and device and unworthy ambition to overpower, also extreme treacherousness and callousness in the harming of others for personal gain or advantage of any kind often.

But it is possible to find some access so long as this is on the right terms.

I find that once a person comes to terms first with the real Evil that is here, on this planet, in this world, and sees it for its real Supernatural presence and material actuality, then it is much easier to look around also for the Good, and that which comes from Above and is fully connected with the Upper World - Upper Worlds - and start to have exchange. 

It is much easier to see the Evil. It is still not so easy to fully understand it and see it for its real depths and overwhelming swirling power to drag under.

But once that is appreciated then the reality of the existence of that which is Supernatural becomes obvious and accepted by the previously forever doubting human mind.

The evil of the rapaciousness of the Titanic human mind cannot be satisfied, and so people must die; that is why there is Death for humans.

But in this is the clue as to how one may overcome the edict of the Gods against all mortals.

Power over all is not a condition of your personal satisfaction.

John in the desert, they say, was
satisfied with yogurt and wild
And so we are still today,
are we not?

In no way at all in fact can such a thing grant you satisfaction.

Methylation of DNA is the pathway to turning off the 'death' gene encoding. We are not so far off from the technical understandings of how actually to do it, as humans. There are species out there that already can do it, and they also have the technical means of re-growing discrete individual 'persons' from so-called autologous DNA samples.

But they are all of them well acquainted with the 'power-trip' risks of the human-esque mind, so to speak.

It is quite interesting to me, how artistic creators and Sci Fi movie envisioners like Julia Phillips in Close Encounters, appears to characterize the ET Aliens almost as children, with a lot of humility and group social emotional connectedness -, like a group social empathy of some advanced kind was always going on among them.

It is almost never the case though, that groups of humans gather in some place and then groups of ET Aliens actually turn up and literally 'meet and greet.'

And now you know the reason why not.

You cannot find a large group of human beings without there being a significant percentage of them all secretly harboring mal-intent; wanting power, wanting advantage over others, hiding incredible arrogance.

Like children you must be. Thus it is written literally in the Bible about the matter, and thus it must be because it is true after all of these affairs.

Like little children you will enter the Kingdoms of the Heavens. 

The Apple Isles. Avalon. The troubadour poets knew it.


Sunday 4 August 2024

The Human Basic Problem

The fundamental problem with humans - and there is one, as any of you with an ounce of perception and focus and attention and who lives among people will know - goes way back and persists to this day.

Okay, yes of course there are many problems, but there is one fundamental one.

You will seldom find any account in any writings, ancient or contemporary, of exactly in what way Prometheus assisted Zeus to defeat Cronus.

Don't worry, you can live in
'high places.'

But I will tell you what happened.

It is in the first place important for you to realize these are real people, and the matters all about real events.

All of the myth traditions say that Prometheus, whilst later on being the subject of Zeus' wrath, actually helped Zeus gain victory in the Titanomachy, and so it would seem like Zeus is not showing any kind of gratitude to who was the most key partner in his victory actions.

The 'modern' Bible - that is, the Gospel accounts - regularly place the Devil as a being residing in the high atmosphere of the air above the Earth. This is broadly the same as the Veda account of the being who 'gave fire to Mankind' being someone in fact who is 'of the air:' Matarisvan.

Air feeds fire, we all know this.

So anyway, here is what happened:

Zeus is seeking to release his uncles from inside of Cronus, and gets Prometheus to allow himself to be replaced by Zeus in disguise as the cup-bearer to the god-king Cronus.

Zeus is after all himself a complete master of disguise; the disguise is not the issue.

Prometheus was the actual normal cup-bearer, and a Titan, and also the chief of the heralds of the Titans against the Olympians.

Anyway, Zeus poisons Cronus, who disgorges the hundred-handed ones. And they completely overpower the warring Titans.

Prometheus appears to have betrayed his side - the Titans.

I like to live in the dark, to attract
no attention...

Prometheus though, knows in advance the entire future and first and foremost wants to be the literal Ruler of the Cosmos himself, supplanting both Cronus and Zeus, and he even tells Zeus that at some future time Zeus will be replaced as absolute Universal Monarch.

Prometheus does not object to Zeus defeating Cronus. This is just step one of his (Prometheus's) own plan.

Prometheus thus does indeed 'betray' the erstwhile leader of the Titans.

But then later on, and although many narratives claim that Prometheus 'formed' Mankind, he simply was the last one to endow men with something from the realm of the Divinities - he steals creative fire of Athena from out of the workshop of Hephaestus, and installs it in Man.

Zeus objects to this and chains Prometheus up forever on a high mountain place, and has an eagle eat his liver during each day.

Hercules later on still, kills the eagle thus somewhat releasing Prometheus from the fate.

Remembering that Zeus' own wife Hera, initially fought on the side of the Titans, being a Titan herself -, as things eventually unfold, she relents from her hatred of Hercules and adopts him as her own son, despite that Hercules' real birth mother was a human.

But this is all by-the-by.

Prometheus is a deceiver. He is primal cunning. His intent is eventual Absolute Rule.

Zeus realizes that Prometheus was engaged in his own machinations when he appeared to side with Zeus, and that Prometheus' end game was to de-throne Zeus as well.

When the Devil takes Jesus up to a high mountain, he is both taking Jesus to where he the Devil lives, but also seeing if he can capture the Divine Eagle that was killed by Hercules.

Pandora - in Vegas.

This is the basis of the saying in the Bible - 'for where the flesh is, there the eagles gather.'

Mortal flesh is mortal; but that which can go to the higher places is immortal and goes there conveyed by 'an eagle.' Now this obviously not an Earthly bird!

Prometheus's original plan, was to have Man defeat all the gods, and eventually de-throne even Zeus himself, and have the blame fall on Mankind if anything of the plan went astray. 

Prometheus has given men the power of Divine Fire...

This power is completely obscured in most of Mankind.

The assent to use this fire comes only from the Highest Cosmic Authority however.

You can use it if you can find it, but you cannot employ it unilaterally.

To disrupt the human intent to ascend to the 'heavens' (meaning into Heaven), and take the ultimate throne there, Zeus causes Man to be given a gift that possesses all the gifts of the Earth, but is also the source of all of human suffering: He gives to the Titan Epimetheus, Prometheus's brother - Pandora.

Pandora is the 'Eve' of this strand of the ancient myths.

The Gods regularly are re-running this system, and the other ancient story along the same lines is to do with Paris and the Goddesses having him choose which of them is 'the most beautiful' at the same time as the Goddess Eris has brought the Golden Apple of Discord to the 'party.'

Man cannot live happily or peacefully with the descendants of Pandora (Eve).

Divine fire...

Yet Man cannot live all that happily without them.

This is a quandary for all men.

But the solution is straightforward. Man is not on any account to attempt to unseat the God who Rules Eternally.

Man is not on any account to display the main characteristic of one of his primordial artisans, namely Prometheus - that characteristic being treachery; the inclination to betray for personal gain.

Humans talk a lot about 'love' but they fail to see the most obvious fact about it: it is impossible to authentically love that which dies. Atheists discover new and ever-more lunatic ways to get around this matter of logic every five minutes - just like the eagle that picks out the liver of the Titan every day.

It is a combination of the intent of Prometheus (who, remember also knows all things in advance, maybe), and the decision of the Gods at a point, to truncate the years of the life of men, so that they will not be able to gain so much power that they can really threaten the heavens.

But for a human being, whose end is clearly death, there can be nothing more important than to overcome Death.

How is this to be achieved?

Monday 29 July 2024

Spock Feels Deeply

The whole proposition of the Vulcans (Star Trek), concerns the idea that they had at some point as a society decided that feelings and emotions were the things that caused violence and social disasters of most kinds - and so they eliminated them.

Consequently we see the character and story arcs of all the Vulcans, fundamentally based on the idea of the emotionless, and objective, personality trait being the pivotal counterpoint to the humans in the scenes, and also to other types of Aliens who were regularly also in the episodes.

We start here...
Look at the sky...

And yet somehow, it is the very objective nature of the perceptions of highly intelligent characters such as Spock, that sees him able to raise the values of relationships to the highest peaks, and his material mortality - much like that of Obi-Wan in Star Wars - becomes a very poignant tableau scene that will persist throughout the future stories in the canon.

What makes the intelligent objective viewpoint matter - when it comes to deep emotional subjects?

Well because the intelligence seems to be able to transcend the sheer finality (or so it would otherwise be) of death.

In well-known popular mainstream stories, the literary devices commonly used are usually the one about 'dreams,' and then also the idea of some unseen but nonetheless felt, spiritual presence (to use the typical phrasing for these things).

Caesar lost many books, the most notorious occasion being the supposed time that he burned down the Great Library of Alexandria to create a major diversion in order to personally escape virtually certain capture and death.

We have not seen any true 'Caesar' since the time of actual Caesar although there were many pretenders - inclusive of Augustus who I call a pretender although the standard Western historical narrative of the ruling elites say that he was a great man...

We go to here...

The cyclical nature of human life and its reality of friction and loss with some rare triumphs, does not have a true Caesar repeating.

Not to my reckoning.

Yet on the smaller, the individual personal scale, we all have had our 'burning of Alexandria' moments.

I am endeavoring to reach to an idea about the depth of poignancy (deep sense of sadness and regret) of life and the overwhelming sadness of its ultimate personal conclusion (of an individual's death) when confronted by the consciousness, being in some ineffable way though still clung to as a 'truth' by the hopeful mind, and the cause of a kind of immortality. 

Atheists believe this kind of thing.

That is to say they believe in the extreme bathos as a 'sad beautiful thing' that is 'rich to the consciousness.'

This is such rubbish, but it is what people are left with when their minds are delusional albeit they have insisted that they are being 'real' and realistic and objective and self-honest and 'knowing of the truth.'

If you really saw a cyclical kind of example of a true 'Caesar' or a true 'Marilyn Monroe' or a true and returned 'Enoch seventh from Adam' (lol), then your emotions would indeed overwhelm but not because of utter abject sadness of actual loss; rather, of the shock of the truth of actual gain and the reverse of loss!

We stop and focus here.

I said true Caesar/Monroe/Enoch and whoever else you can think of. 

Not imitation. 


When Chris Martin speaks of how he wrote this song - which is in a rhapsody format (IE a short segment of an epic, designed to be recited and/or sung in such a way in order to induce an ecstatic expression of feeling) - he is quite self-effacing and humble about it and it seems, just as Socrates had said of the poet Ion of Ephesus, that he has no idea of the extreme consistency of the poetry and of the ideas entailed, with a real set of past events and a whole entire and very specific artistic historical context.

He just is inspired by, as it were, some Muse or Muses, who are doing all the directing.

And yet here is a very good example of a cyclical phase of a specific subject of art - namely, the stars above in the night-sky.

The number of coincidences to do with Chris Martin and the art in question and its original creator, bespeaks this whole idea of cyclical fields in action.

If you are Spock, or T-Pol at heart (and in soul) then this video clip will give you a certain reaction...

You see Spock is not dead. You think he was just a fictional character but he became alive from that anyway, and now he is not dead at all.

It will take you a while to think around the point that Kirk actually eventually did go into space, and if we don't all kill ourselves and the human race lasts another five hundred years then no one then will care that Kirk was 'not actually real initially ' as such because to them they will only be looking at the whole concluded picture and not as we do now, the experienced linearity as it goes along.

So you see what I'm saying is that some deep expressions of feeling inevitably turn into objective material realities that resonate with those original pure human mind creations.

Just because I like technology.
And reflections of light and color in 

Now you don't know that kind of thing as a fact, unless you experience it and it is an existential reality to you.

What we are doing to you here is drawing you along, though in highly systematic and technically-structured ways, into having things happen.

Kirk did go into space. For real.

And you will attain to things that you never really thought were possible or scientifically factual possibilities. There is a 'you' that lives in the future; how experienced reality simply folds back on itself from out of future time is a mystery to us today...

Sunday 28 July 2024

Without Being A Luddite!

Ah. Well. We're the last people here to be accused of being Luddites. That's for sure.

Luddites were people who in the early 19th-century in Nottingham, England, destroyed textile machinery in organised raids, taking the name of the mythical weaver Ned Ludd (probably based on a real person, one Edward Ludlam) to signify themselves.

A modern-day Luddite is someone who is against phones and computers and everything electronic and technological.

And that is not me, certainly.

I am certainly no Luddite.

What I am saying though, is about not placing too much emotional investment in the total reliability or absolute necessity of gadgets and devices and available commercial merchandise that is technical.

There is simply no connection between advancing modern human technology in the form of gadgets and devices and other hardware or even software - and what you can do in your own brain using its fundamental natural capacities and abilities and powers of intelligent perception, to break out of the stultifying structures of mundane life and its very temporary and limited form of 'living' that seems to be what is 'ordained' from on high (meaning by the ruling strata) for the ordinary individual person.

It is difficult to escape the conclusion also, that your mainstream Western so-called 'Judaeo-Christian' (and that also nowadays means the Arabic Islamic standard religioso-political narrative) religion has at its core and at its very real ideological base, the demand upon all of its constituents, to serve unquestioningly some quite drastically violent regime and 'god' - invisible, unseen, but definitely around somewhere, or so you are given to believe.

Yahweh and his followers killed all of their rivals. And there were many other gods in the Bible, so it cannot be held to be a book of monotheism: I can think of half a dozen names of gods written in there that were all given the title or description 'Elohim' - Dagon Elohim, Milkom Elohim, Asherah Elohim, Baal Elohim and so on; and this is all quite literally in there written like that... So, absolutely no monotheism!

When Samson pulled down the temple of the Philistines, it was the temple of the Elohim Dagon.

Yahweh, a jealous god... So -, how many other gods then were there for one to have been jealous but presumably not the others or not all, others.

I am not a Luddite but regularly I am
pretty backward-looking.

Yahweh killed and he caused to be murdered. And he demanded sacrifice to be presented to him in the form of killing - even of some of his own 'flock.'

This is hardly something an all-loving, all-powerful actual Deity would need to do.

Allah enjoins his followers to do the same, even to their own deaths, after which they will get 'pie in the sky when you die.'

Of course.

It's always something later on.

But we are stuck with these flawed ideas about god because of the mainstream narratives on every which-way around us!

Enoch says before he disappears (at that time in the ancient long-ago of the Bible), that his guiding leader will be coming (back) with ten thousand (the word is plural in the Hebrew, so maybe it means orders of that number) of his 'angels.' Enoch never worshiped 'Yahweh.' He had never even heard of such a name or word.

So now, today, at the moment of human history when the Book of Enoch and the prophecies of Daniel and all of those kinds of things are suggesting this 'time of return' is around about, very soon indeed, or exactly now maybe - we are looking at 'ten thousands of his angels' arriving.

That's a lot of superior beings.

Close to the rain, nighttime windows
on the rest of the world...

Real beings, if you take the Enoch story for real, then real; they are real beings.

But if you take the ordinary world today and the ordinary normal people living in it, then what you are looking at is people who are all going to die, if given the standard natural way of things... They are only temporarily 'real.' 

It is a meaningless thing to 'get close' to something (someone) only to have that something disappear from out of your hands because they die, eventually and naturally as apparently all must though not our friend Enoch of course. He is around somewhere. And that is according to all of the standard narratives.

Which could be wrong, admittedly.

If you just take the narrative as isolated from your own personal knowledge and experience. Then it could be wrong because no one in the mainstream media treats any of this stuff seriously.

...Yet despite they are all going to die, still they desire connection and closeness, but what they desire is bound to fail them. They can only get temporary connection, temporary closeness. It is grandiose when it is carried out on the level of some massive stage, some global public arena like at the Olympic Games!

They struggle to attain some peak things, some hypothesized great experiences, and then they all fade away in old age and die.

Not sure if this is how to seduce 
your common variety super-advanced
ET Alien...


A cause for celebration, and a point of deep despair and abject pain because it will all end permanently. Kind of like profound schizophrenia. 

But if you, suddenly, found a strong, even an unbreakable tie, to some external thing, some intelligence, and some place, some literal dwelling place, some abode in Biblical language - and you realized that your core consciousness is not going to die at all (it could but it won't), then the whole thing is the other way around, surely.

People will need to get close to you, not you need to get close to them. They are in the state of potential impermanence, you, permanence.

You have the key; they have nothing only death. But they have need.

They might not even have desire but they have need.

It's a big mistake to keep on using this word 'spiritual' as the standard religious narratives use it, because today we know stuff about science and we know that some things that we cannot see, are not not-material.

Some of those 'invisible to our eyes' things can wipe out the whole darn planet! 

When you live, are alive, there is an electrical current running through you and it goes through a bunch of bio-chemical electrical gates and pathways. 

You turn the electrical power off and then yes you are dead -, but that is only if you never had any sophisticated discrete structural electromagnetic field forms that were able to switch over to other field containers and no format for doing it.

...Other field form containers that you could easily access.

It may never have been that you personally originated the power to easily gain access, but once you do gain the knowledge of how to, then you can unilaterally initiate access at any time.

Of course there is the matter of ethics involved.

Vincent when asked to 
play 'Starry Night' again...
It is what it is, isn't that so
Chris Martin?
Nod nod, wink wink.

We live in a sea of photons, electrons, and neutrinos. But we are frequencies and vibrations.

The ambience of our world is where we live, how we want to live, what world we want to live in.

Look, it's very simple.

Returning from the slaughter of kings, Abraham met a man (a real, physical material person) with no mother and no father, no land and no descent, having no beginning of days or end of life...

But he was real because they ate cake and drank ale together.

The question for you is simply this - what type of ale do you prefer; what type of cake...

It is about ambience and thus it is and it must be about ethos.

You have endurance because in fact you have permanence.

Permanently conflicted?


Permanently sound and secured and contented, with an anchor for your soul.

All the world makes its way to your door.

All the human world of people - the ET Aliens require a touch more seduction.

It was Joni Mitchell who said that music and song-writing was a little different to painting art, because when you painted something, there it was, just being seen then afterwards, or stuck away in some attic until you died, but no one asked Van Gogh to 'play Starry Night' again after he had painted the set.

I think one of the problems that you will be encountering, is that of time and timing. You do some mind tricks but then nothing seems to happen.

But you have to confront reality away from the standard mainstream narratives. They are all brutally wrong.


Thursday 25 July 2024

It Is Time Now...

 ...To go into certain matters more deeply. To bring our often winding-way discussions down to a more grounded spot; not just to make things more clearly 'down-to-earth,' but have us arrive at a completely practical set of intellectual tools and understandings.

[This will contain the subject of 'Azazel' later on in here down the page].

It is rare that I refer to someone specific in the general external media -, though I must add that here I mean what we can find on the basic platforms like YouTube, rather than on legacy television media sources albeit this particular gentleman has been interviewed by Dr Phil.

I am talking about the military field propaganda officer Chase Hughes.

Contemporary 'classic' sports car

Now you can spend a lot of time going over a tremendous amount of material made by Mr Hughes but I would suggest simply taking some time - and it will be virtually over two hours or more although you need merely scan through the video and focus on the key parts to cut how much time is required to get the lessons to be had there - to watch the recent discussion with interviewer Leon Hendrix:

Chase Hughes and Leon Hendrix

Leon is a young man and not by any stretch some kind of austere and experienced interviewer, but he is all that is required for someone like Chase Hughes to cover vital territory and do it almost by using Leon Hendrix himself with his minor insecurities, as the test case subject.

At some relatively early point in this particular interview, you might start to realize or at least gather an appreciation, that if you are in any sort of encounter with for example, a literal advanced ET Alien person, the basis of the verbal communication involved even if it proceeds like ordinary speech of the kind that we humans use in common daily society regularly - will have just so many signals available to the truly super-advanced and pre-planned individual there and that we would be best served if we by the same token were properly guided and had planned ahead.

I move to the esoteric and rare subject of this figure known as 'Azazel' now, but place the discussion firmly in terms of a modern intellectual framework. 

'Golden Age' Italian
sports car and sports GT
'classic' design.
This is the Ghibl - a name of
a hot North African desert wind.
'Zahara' is a North African Desert.
'Zahar' is the brilliant and blinding
morning sun.
'Zahar-El' is the angel who wields
the most sharp and gleaming
Divine weapons.

So I think when we look back at myth narratives from the past we almost by default just accept the stories themselves as having a certain narrative integrity at least - that in fact they may not really have in terms of actual history...

'Azazel' is typically spoken about in Jewish folklore and also in some of the esoteric traditions such as the Kabbalah, as something to do with the sacrifice of a goat that is led out into the desert and let loose to go who-knows-where although the hypothesis is that it is being sent to this possibly malevolent 'angel' called 'Azazel.'

In the deeper Zohar teachings, a lot rests on the esoteric meaning of the letter 'Zain' ('Z').

This is indicative of a force that is like what the letter 'S' also represents, but is cutting, jagged, super-fast, like lightning - and all of the folkloric traditions say the 'angel' being is brilliant and blinding like a hot desert sun or like the super-bright rising sun in the stark and waterless desert.

Azazel is held to be very powerful, whereas frankly, none of the so-called 'Fallen Angels' under their commander Semyaza, is necessarily quite all that particularly powerful in the whole scheme of things.

Because of the fact that the dangers of the desert are deadly, the folklore ended up to the effect that 'Azazel' is an, or even the, Angel of Death.

Actually what I am trying to assert here, is that it is not valuable to go around worrying or even caring that this or that being is powerful, or at least more powerful than any of us.

By getting the point of what Chase Hughes is saying, we will see that it is actually much more important that we know how to be 'the same powerful' psychologically, if not materially and physically and in terms also of practical technology and so on.

There is nobody coming here 'from the stars' that is a negative or an evil being as such - no such beings exist in any successful form of society and civilization able to reach to here by planned journey or by intentional design.

Ergo, there is no 'Azazel' who is either an Alien being, or what the past scriptural authors construed as 'from the heavens/from heaven/from the heavenly stars' - either here or coming.

There was and still is however, some reality behind the idea that there were beings who took up residence high up on mountains and were thus referred to as 'of the lofty (mountain) abodes.' And this means 'zebul;' that's where the root meaning comes from.

The Zahara - it is hot and dry and
there is nothing much there.
It is difficult to traverse
and many things die that go in there, and they
never come out.

From those high places such beings were able to 'look down' at the humans on the slopes and in the valleys and to monitor them and be 'overlords' to them.

Hughes is making the telling point that what we are in our non-public lives, leaks out subtly and gives alert people the exact description of who we really are at any given time when we are trying to relate to the other person, to 'put the best face on' for them, as it were.

Okay so maybe you will soon meet an Alien person right here in full living material reality in your 'ordinary' daily lives... But after watching Chase Hughes you will - you certainly should - take all steps to change up to be able to meet them on an equal footing.

And which you will be able to achieve.

But watching and coming to terms with what Hughes is teaching will also have you realize why they do not and will not show themselves to just anyone -, to any 'ordinary' person.

And that is because they are not evil, and will not manipulate people or take advantage of them. Humans are easily taken advantage of. That is one thing Chase Hughes very fulsomely proves even though he only does it merely through what he says alone. One way of looking at it is to say that when he speaks he is extraordinarily content-rich.

But it is time now -, that precise moment is coming very soon, when you will be ready to encounter something face-to-face, that seldom people expect to see, and that most people deny even exists and that far and way most people really think is only myth and story and ancient religious fairy tale.