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Sunday, 10 March 2024

I Will Name A (Real) God

Now that I have damaged the sensibilities and the sensitivities of everyone who goes by any of the standard popular religious ideas and books - the latter of which are in the forms of translations that we find around today - I'd better quickly move forward to saying what the name of a real god is.

Because I mean, hey, some people will want to offer their worship to something 'out there' especially if there really is something or someone out there in the ether, as it were - and then what is left if there is shown to be truly clear faults and failures and flaws in various sacred texts?

Let me wrap you in the aegis...

You'll be left stuck with no one to address any inward questions and requests to.

So I will now name a god, and you will find that as soon as you follow that being and request something of it, instantly you will get a response and mostly if you indeed follow the personality and character of that being, you will immediately get what you asked for.


Now there's something to be reckoned with, isn't that so?

Everyone else always asks you to reflect on some words of the past, which cannot answer you back if you pose a new question to them, and/or worry about the consequences in some unspecified ahead future.

And it's usually, indeed probably it's always the case that you must obey those words no matter what: in other words it's a form of mindless dictatorship that you are being asked to oblige.

I will name a god and it truly is a god. 

And there's several of them and you are not to think that any of them are anything other than real, material, physical 'people' beings just like you or me. They are. 

And that is because sentience requires it as a necessary part of the definition of full and complete intelligence. A computerized robotic thing cannot be a 'god.'

There can be machine-like androids and so on, that do have intelligence but that is not the same thing as what meets the elements of the modern definition of a 'god/divinity.'

Somewhere along the way in human history, scientists noticed that physics behaved itself everywhere in the whole Cosmos (and stop worrying about 'Black Holes;' there's no such thing in the meaning of some bridge to dimensions in which physics does not rule and prevail).

The gods seems as though they are
behind masks, but they are not.

And that meant that any human manufactured concept of god was already being led by the existential fact of the All-Pervading nature of the laws of physics - which men could see.

Hence, now people say that 'God' (the big title, meaning the underlying principle or principles rather than a human-scale, human-dimension limitation style of individual that is apprehensible to human senses) must at least be as 'big' as physics!

'All-Powerful, Omnipresent....' Everywhere, Every Time, No Barriers.

If 'everywhere' and exerting itself potentially directly, 'over anything and everything' yet compliant on the whole with obvious physics (must be so, because we do not see things regularly acting against physics) - then the 'thing' itself must be intelligent because it conforms to a set complete logical framework across all of it: it knows... It spans everything of physics and it is in compliance with that 'everything.'

To be 'compliant with' in this matter means to be aware of. Must be.

'Awareness' is a feature of physics in its most austere elevation.

A Neutrino is aware of everything along its world-line.

A complex Universe means that all of this Neutrino-style 'narrow' awareness is in fact eventually complex - infinitely complex; aka 'intelligent' and definitely self-aware.

Thus, any true and real god is a being, not very different to you in 'outward' looks - that is, has senses and thinking and is able to communicate with any and all other intelligent sentient beings, actually more things than just those, too!

Trance singer Julie Thompson,
in a tunnel, at the end of which
surely must be this fabled 'light at the end

When you are harmed by others, and you react with a natural sense of injustice having been done to you -, let's ascribe to you tremendous power - to hurt and to harm back...

So what stops you from lashing out and destroying those who have acted against you?

There is a process by which you can determine what is to be done (about the sample situation).

The process that the gods all adopt is singular.

It is this...

And 'it' is another god too itself; one of quite a small though meaningful number.

If you follow this god, you will become associated with it, and it will reward you.

If you ask this god anything, you will get an immediate reply.

And that's because, unlike those other figures you have been told, this one is real; the others simply do not exist at all except in the mistaken minds of men.

As I have been saying, there is this place, this location as such, somewhere, but somewhere very removed from ignorant humans and ignorant people and beings - where the gods literally do physically meet in Council.

Here is the name of one of them:


Not any old understanding the way a politician wants you to 'understand' him or her - but deep and full/complete understanding.

In these temples, these places, the gods really dwell there, and you can see them as they really are, and not as they are depicted by artists and religious bodies of human beings and institutions.

If you want to worship something and acknowledge that you are just a mortal human living in ignorance for the most part, and especially so because you are living in the midst of ignorant people, and in need of true knowledge and definite correct directions - then worship Understanding.

This is in any case, named as the God, by Solomon in his part of the Bible.

All the gods are permanently at peace with each other, so it's not as if 'Understanding' alone is God - just that it is one of them.

One of the real ones.

And which live, by the way. They are all alive.

They never left us or went away anywhere. It is humans that went far away from, for example, the god Understanding.

When you can see and know everything that motivated someone to do something very bad, you will understand what to do about them.

Julie Thompson sings:

Saturday, 9 March 2024

The Claims And The Fairy Tales

The Government of the United States is now claiming that 'likely,' the recordings and sophisticated electronic tracking intercepts of these so-called 'UAP's - are 'some secret tests being made by ultra-secret government people.'

LOLOLOL - triple-bypass - ROTFLOL

No one in the West can locate what remains of the hostages taken by Hamas, and yet they want everyone to think they really have this oh-so-darn-amaaaaazing futuristic technology...

...Somewhere, locked up, hidden, only to be used in dire circumstances, right.

Not a fairy tale despite 
being in several of them.
...I'm talking about the martini.

If real ET Aliens exist, and they are here, and they have this really cool technology, why don't they just step in and help save the remaining (whoever is still alive) hostages?

Even if they give the information and render the help by some covert means.

I mean let's face it, anyone with a thirty-foot white-ish, slightly silver-in-the-setting (or rising) - sun air travel and space vehicle that defies US military interception endeavors, could easily find out the exact precise location/s and say where they all are.

The capacity of the human race to tell lies (tell itself lies) and spin narratives that simply have no basis in fact at all - and that are even totally irrational when examined in the slightest - is astonishing.

Most of the rest of this is just me mirroring what the long-time Vatican scholar (no longer there though) and academic Mauro Biglino has been saying recently.

Today's widespread theology, across all races and ethnic divides and social systems, is built on a yarn that the Jewish 'Bible' contains categorically clear words about 1. the existence of 'God,' 2. the truth of the existence of only one god/one deity, 3. the sinful shortcomings of the human race, and the chance of attaining a better, and also an eternal life in a perfect place, so long as you all do as Muhammad/Paul/Jehovah/the Sanhedrin/the Pentagon/the White House/the UK 'Crown'/Zelensky/Taylor Swift ORDERS YOU TO DO!

Why can't you all just buleeeeeeev????

Unfortunately, even the most recent of these epic dictatorial systems - Islam - begins its own narrative with the appearance of a totally non-human (aka Alien) being, who approaches like a star-looking object in the evening or night, sky, and then stands a certain distance off and addresses the suicidal man (Muhammad was just a few moments earlier considering killing himself) - following which amazing incident the whole sorry saga unfolds.

All along, this intervention to re-start murder and mayhem was not really necessary, since Jehovah had already previously been very successful at having one particular segment of the children of Abraham, literally kill off to a man and in several instances, all the women and babies too - their own immediate blood relatives (the Amorites, the Moabites and so on, are all cousins and in one case the people were even Jacob's twin brother's family!

The gods have flying shoes...
Oh yes they do.

Foolishly of course, only Jacob was actually worshiping a real god-being - 'Yahweh Elohim' - whereas his stupid brother Esau was only worshiping a pile of stones and some other weak being: 'Kamosh Elohim...'

Apparently Esau was so stupid, that he failed to see that his brother was talking to a real guy, while he was just addressing a pile of dead stones...

That is what the writers of that part of the Torah want you to believe.

Do you believe such a thing can be a reality?

That Jacob was addressing a real, manifest deity, while his brother did not notice it??

Or were they both addressing some beings, but one was more powerful than the other and took his property. After all, they are named, and named distinctly different, yet both are of the Elohim. So who are these beings? 

Elohim does not mean 'god;' it means beings (plural) who come from above.

And so on and so on right throughout the whole compilation of texts whether they be the Jewish canon texts or modern Christian canon 'Bible.'

Modern theology - and by saying that I include the supposed monotheism of Islam - has extracted a fairy tale that any of these things were ever talking exclusively about 'one God' or even that they were talking about actual divinity at all in the way it is defined by people today.

Jehovah is a criminal and a murderer and so is Allah.

There is no basis whatsoever to say that any of these figures, claimed by religions as 'God' - are moral, or that they have fixed, eternal and absolutely perfect messages to give to the human race about goodness -; either what it means objectively, or that they have the slightest real power to generate anything other than murder and destruction and a very sinister deception into a dark place for humanity and for the individual human being.

That is why Plato openly contradicted the state religion of Athens, when he said that unless and until kings become philosophers first, knowing and loving real, actual, objective truth, they would never see or understand God, any kind of god. And that they would be misleading themselves and others, if they continued on doing what they had been doing - which was to manufacture state 'gods' and enshrine false rules and 'laws' and have friable templates of 'Justice' which were always able to be corrupted by money and power.

'To go to temples where the gods really were, and to see them as they really are.'

These are the words of Plato.

VISION Club, Dubai.
No Jews allowed.

He did not say 'to look up these specific ancient books, and to read therein words of pure unadulterated truth, of which you could not argue against; and buleeeev unsupported nonsense and fairy tales.'

These are some figures from the past, in the Western tradition, whose bodies were never found, and who were written about that they literally 'went up somewhere and were taken away:'





...And of course there was Plato too. He 'went missing' having rowed out to sea off the coast of Syracuse in the Mediterranean, to around a distance of about eleven or twelve miles, after which the people standing on the shore were no longer able to make him out in the distance. And he never was found again.

The disciples of Jesus speculated that the other two figures seen with Jesus on Mount Tabor (which is the standard tradition of what the location is/was) were 'probably Moses and Elijah or Enoch.'

Now listen, all of these characters were messing around with flying craft and otherworldly people in flying craft - Enoch, Elijah (fiery chariot), Moses (the Kavod), Jesus and the 'hosts of the armies of heaven' and Plato certainly had a close friend who constantly 'looked up at the heavens and spoke as if to unseen people there...' (IE Socrates).

And I hate to tell you this, but none of those guys were saying the same things at all, as those others - the so-called 'prophets of Jehovah.' The Bible is categorically not, one amorphous text and set of ideas all of which are compatible. It never taught 'monotheism' in its original language/s forms: Jacob's Elohim was a different being to his brother Esau's Elohim. But they were both categorically termed 'Elohim' by the Bible writers - though this is never what is translated by modern-day theologians...

You cannot jam up Enoch with most of Jewish fairy tale religious folklore (which is what it all is).

You cannot jam up the Revelation with anything that Paul says.

You'd have to think that a truly 
advanced society could manage
to have a few almost indestructible
android type beings.
Probably even being operated by
a real person or people elsewhere
than where the in-coming stuff was
happening! ...Better still, with
actual consciousness
and sentience inside of it which was
rapidly transferable (back) when it
 had done its mission.

You cannot jam up Jesus with this guy 'Jehovah' who demanded 32 virgins as sacrifice that he was going to 'holocaust' (burn up in a big fire) and feast on the 'glazing fat thereof...' (And it means that Jehovah got young women who were burned alive).

Are you trying to tell me that an All-Powerful, Omniscient, All-Good Supreme Ultimate Deity needs to burn up some young women? For what logical reason?

There is no 'sacrifice for the propitiation of Original Sin' in the Gospels: The Old Testament says Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden because the Elohim feared that the humans would stretch forth their hand and take and eat of the Tree of Life and live for a long time like them and rival them.' (And it doesn't say for 'Eternity' either. It says something that nobody understands).

Any current-day dictator behaves like these guys did: 'Do this what I say, or else! You will die!' While behind the scene it is all about the fear of someone rivaling the dictatorship.

And then, 'You can have this beautiful garden to live in, IF you just do what I tell you.'

Modern theologists have interposed some grand notion that 'Elohim' aka 'A' single monotheistic God-being 'knew better' than the stupid Adam and Eve, that's why he was dictating to them... But it isn't in the actual Bible. Besides why couldn't perfect, All-Powerful God, have made Adam and Eve know better too?? Obviously he is not so 'All-Powerful' after all!  

Jesus said He would die to 'take your stupid Law to its absurd conclusion, and then rise from the Dead to show you how stupid you are.' Which is always falsely translated as 'fulfill the Law and the Prophets.' ...Never actually says that.

In your daily life you will encounter many kinds of people, on many different levels and at varying stages of intellectual and inner-most intellectual development.

On the whole you will not be able to have this kind of discussion with any of them, because they will all be firmly fixed (fixated) on pathways and objectives that they are already certain have perfectly significant meaning to them.

And you cannot turn their heads to look at something else that they already have decided they don't want to look at.

Cartier, Li, and the Great Wall
in red lights, at night.
Stand here, over to here a little.
Now just stay there -, okay
turn your head.
Blah blah blah.

You have to deal with all of these sorts of people in daily life because you need to make a living.

Yet the lilies of the field toiled not... And they made a good living.

You are a DNA experiment.

Which was subverted to be put to the enslaved service of other beings not of this place at all.

Now you can continue being a dumb slave if you wish.

Some things in ancient accounts are true and correct, some things are very not true!

'What is God?'

Okay here's a different question:

What if I can take your DNA and digitally register the whole lot of it, and regrow you again and again in a kind of a speeded-up cell-division laboratory - like an environment room for paint durability testing, you know the kind of thing.

And what if I can transfer your consciousness over and over.

So if I'm this really breathtakingly advanced Alien group, and I'm looking at all humans that live, and deciding which ones to take and which to throw back into the pond, where does that fit in with ideas about 'goodness' and absolute benevolence and true moral right and wrong and so on...?

I think this was also a Cartier thing;
at Lake Como somewhere.

Clearly, these are all ideas and structures of thinking and ways of thinking that have an objective reality not limited to just human words and human grammatical sentences.

Naturally, being human, 100% absolutely you will require an emotional dimension to it all too.

So yeah sure you can kill a person but how do you - I mean literally you and Joe Biden and Anthony Blinkin and Nuland and Judge Whoever-the-heck and Marwan Barghouti and Netanyahu and Zelensky and just anyone and everyone, Muhammad (SAW) absolutely included, restore the people that you have killed back to life?

Can you do that?

Very arrogant and self-opinionated little bastards if they cannot.

So you all want to see some power, do you?

Anyone who thinks there will never be a decisive show of power and absolute strength is very very much mistaken.

'And the Four Angels (held up till now in the Euphrates) are sent out to all the parts of the Earth, and gather up all that are fit for the flames.'

There's plenty of Doom's Day prophets around all the time.

I am not one of them. There isn't any 'Doom' for you. Even if you limp into the right frame-of-mind you will still beat the obvious and imminent danger of this present world. 'They' know who you are. 'They' know where you live and what conditions you are surviving under. Why are you the person they want to know. What recommends you?

Monday, 4 March 2024

Not A Metaphor

1. And the Sorcerers who use their Pharmakeia to deceive the whole world...


2. And from the Smoke of the Pit emerged as it were locusts ('akri' - destroyers; men who only know how to destroy), arrayed like warhorses for battle, with long hair like women and teeth like lion's teeth and they took such as did not have the mark on their foreheads, and held them for five months and the pain of their stings was like that of the poison of the desert scorpion; that men wished they would die but could not. And they had a demonic king over them, whose name is 'The King of the Realm ('Dunya') of the Abyss (M'abus).


But still this was not yet the end.

You'd be a brave betting men to go against all of this at this point.

Worse is still to come.

None of this is, nor ever was (it), simply a metaphor or metaphorical speech.

But what you should know now is what was kept sealed up in the book until the time...

And here is what was 'sealed' (kept held back) in the 'book' or at least in the passages in those writings given to those to write down but whose work was kept back from everyone until now:

Tacitus: (Writing in 70 AD) "...There were flying machines over Jerusalem."

Pliny the Elder: "During the time of the Cimbrian Wars (113 - 100 BC), when Gaius Marius was Proconsul, an air battle was fought over Umbria, and those flying machines which came from the Eastern skies prevailed over those that came from the Western skies."

And Heliodorus, and Strabo.

Pliny the Really Older...

And many others.

This, so that all conjecture may be removed from your mind.

Turn your mind to the full material and conscious wide-awake understanding that there are spacecraft.

And there are space-people.

They are much different than people (generally) imagine.

The gods rule by attenuation, by splitting up into small and finely-spread pieces. 

The wider human race - is a disturbed thing. Ruled by Lies. Tries to rule by lying. Argues with fact and with Truth. Most unwilling to face facts.

It is that which is being conquered.

People ask 'why does god permit suffering to happen?

Because humans are not all that peaceful.

But you, you who understand all these things, you must go up to the mountain.

No harm will come to you.

Step into the Light. It will not harm you.

Step into the Light...

There you will find peace. There you will find people that you can at last fully admire and be at one with in all things.

...It's just that some of them have six fingers or six toes!


But otherwise they are quite 'normal.'

Here, look here. None of this is metaphor. And now you know the time-frames too -, because you are able to gather so from the chronological distance between Item 1. (as first mentioned above), and the end of the time for Item 2.

And therefore between now and when the absolute and methodical destruction involving multiple armies takes place, you can, instead of crying for a physical meeting with an ET Alien who will bring you all sorts of technology goodies for you to mess with like some Cosmic, Galactic eBay deliverer, you can try your best to first become a friendly being with a broad mind and a great heart and a sound critical mind but not with a stupid ignorant 'perma-skeptoid' one whose clear purpose is simply to be an affront to anyone in your path. In order to overpower them? Though not with actual logic and good thinking, but with a stilted and fractured willfulness substituted in place of real thinking.

How can it be that they were so sure all of these things would happen exactly as they have happened to date and will go on happening according to what looks like a script?

Well hang on, any kind of half-way decent detailed-enough scenario planning and computer modelling will show you that type of projection.

Together with a bit of hands-on manipulation...

It's really no big deal.

The big deal is getting you to the stage where they will accept to meet with you f-t-f.

Look at the problem at hand: yes the end of the world is probably at hand although it may seem like a while still to go yet -, but no, there is not so much time left for us all to get with the program! If we are really going to work on it for real.

Sunday, 3 March 2024


In just a couple of weeks, up in the Northern Hemisphere, it will be the season of the year in which the days are as long as the nights.

This is quite an important matter, because the humans who are allowed to go to (and also to reside in, because there are residences there) the Miticam - which is the highest place of the living gods - are only there because they have within them the capacity to grow; but that itself has a double meaning or at least, an extension of the basic meaning.

Critical decisions are often questions of great subtlety which lie between two possibilities: in other words they constitute a dilemma.

On the other hand it is
about to be Winter down here
soon... Soon.

Again, to go back to the concept of human people actually living - being formally - within the Miticam, in fact when they are alive on the planet Earth, they are held inside the same kinds of 'hypersleep tubes' that are depicted in the Alien film series.

Inside these tubes or chambers, they receive communication via light. And using the energy imbued in them by that stream of photons which also carry information, they develop.

'Let There Be Light' is a thing not confined to material visibility only, but is applicable also to the gashes that are made in the dark voids of intelligence and intellectual space, as it were, and into which energy and information and subsequently human knowledge springs from and develops.

One of the things you can do without risking any damage, is when you go to sleep, turn your mind to creativity - just the open-ended capacity to allow it - and then trust that a supernal light enters into your mind; it has to enter through your highest mind...

Although the standard kinds of written exegesis on Greek myths and mythology regularly says that the siblings Athena and Dionysus are at odds, even that they literally are poles apart, this is completely untrue!

Athena sprung from the head of Zeus, while Dionysus came from 'His thigh' (a euphemism), the reality is that this is an excellent example of the Equinox idea: there must be a balance of two opposite things in order for perfect order to be obtained.

Zeus is perfection; 'God' is perfection - and in the framework of the human dynamic existence these things (perfection and imperfection) are part of moving time and objects in ordered motion in which the intelligence of the human mind participates in the experience of it.

The world today is in a state of great travail - it is tiresome to watch as human people ever increasingly act from enraged psychological conditions even beyond the merely hysterical.

It is more tiresome for divine figures to observe this. 

The very great Patricia Crowther.
Beyond just 'Findhorn.'

They will not engage with human beings in this state.

You can take rage into the Miticam area. But you cannot take false ideas and beliefs that entered into your mind from rage and hysteria and expect fully-informed divine beings to accommodate your reactive desires therewith. A person would be acting out of darkness in doing that and then requiring a super well-informed other being to go along with nonsense and stupidity.

That will never happen.

Why God or the gods do not intervene in these wildly violent and rage-filled episodes of Mankind, is that humans are of the family of the divine (beings) and by right have their own pathways to find and to decide and devise their own actions on.

One can certainly ask for assistance - and then that takes us back to the Miticam and the rules of being in there: you can straddle the opposites but you must move forward with what the ways of divinity are - they are ever-new, ever creative, ever moving towards the best.

On the other hand, a human can decide to depart entirely from the ways of the human world and live and reside forever only in the pathways of the gods and of the perfection established by the Father of Perfection.

And that means resisting becoming involved in human stupidity and moreover, in human insanity.

You cannot go there unless...

Why cannot a show of power suddenly just occur and by that means warring sides will know what is true and which side they must be on?

Because then that way power and force become the rulers of the Universe, and such is not the case.

Power and force are parts of the dynamic mechanisms, but the Ruler Of It All requires other things to lead the ways ahead.

Other things have the right of ultimate and of absolute rule.

And unless the human recognizes them, what they are, and lives by them, then they cannot go to the best places of the Universe. 

You are going to the end, one day at a time:


Monday, 26 February 2024

Sizzling Camembert


...One of the benefits of 'having' to go to outside meetings with rich people, is that sooner or later someone brings out a large dish of sizzling baked Camembert with Turkish bread. The red wine tends to have been already brought out, more or less right away as soon as everyone is there.

You know, 'rich' - is a debatable proposition in my hands.


The kind of real place where 
we really live.

You should have seen the jaws literally drop (they actually did drop) and the mouths stay open when the document with qualified numbers like '300 million' was opened and the key points referred to in the verbal discussion.

These guys are all talking in circles all the time about how the 'Chinese are naturally conservative,' and how property is a 'defensive' investment. And then the numbers they talk are a few million and how so-an-so (someone they know personally) is maybe worth fifty million.

The global (Western global) property markets are wildly over-blown and fraught with all kinds of risks that no one ever talks about.

Inflation is well-and-truly afoot in real economies everywhere and there is no such thing as a 'defensive' investment right now.

What we are looking at, is a political system beyond its use-by date but with no obvious process for how to fix the problem.

It isn't at all obvious that violent revolution will achieve anything other than ever greater and ever more radical suppression by armed thugs.

This week in Australia the media is full of a story about one gay police guy murdering two of his former gay associates and 'disappearing' their bodies - with the deliberate back-drop in the media about cops not being permitted to join in the Sydney Mardi Gras (gay and LGBT parade) because of the killing by this gay ex-cop.

Champagne jelly cake...

The apparent motive for the killing was that his previous associates had been trying to evict the person from some residence they owned...

No doubt a dwelling place is a socially necessitated material acquisition of most people's lives - although to the stunned and wordless continuing amazement of my erstwhile dinner table business colleagues, I said that I would happily pack my Code-Of-Bell sling-bag and live in the streets with the poor people to show fellowship with them, albeit I would still have my Fiji Water in said sling-bag.

They thought I was probably joking - on one level they thought that - but on another level they were taking note of my document inclusive of its '300 million end-users and buyers' and subconsciously thinking 'who-the-f* is this guy with permanent cash on him and a Code-Of-Bell sling-bag with bottles of Fiji Water in it...'