About the worst thing that anyone can do right now is allow pics of cool things to be singing into their brains: 'buy me, buy me.' LOL
And we are certainly an instigator or culprit of that kind of thing around here.
There is a major issue in world economies today of inflation, but the source of that inflation is never going to be seen in the media. It is directly coming from governments themselves, from the sorts of government systems (well, there really is only one type of system obtaining everywhere today...) and from their central banks.
'Buy me, buy me.'
If you are going to be an intelligent person, you are going to have to face the fact that the concept of a capitalist system is something that is 'of the past' now and does not exist anywhere in practical reality any more.
Output of useful products and valuable services is the objective of economic production - but these are not genuinely what drives corporations (which are legal entities designed to enshrine ownership and proprietorship within the over all society and social/political framework) any longer.
What drives the 'growth' figure stated in official data is debt and the rising and/or contraction of that creates the illusion of growth and 'rates of growth.'
And although central banks continuously run huge, impossibly huge, official lines of debt (ten year notes and longer), it is moot really who the 'lenders' (IE what are they lending?) or true borrowers actually are (what are they borrowing?) in the ultimate analysis. Well, in fact, the 'lender' is the issuer themselves, and they are not compelled to call any (monetary) loans in ever with the effect that a so-called 'capital account' exists somewhere which is claimed to be or said to be what the banking system owes, and what governments owe in absolute terms (not yearly or 'current account' obligations).
So what this in the end means, is that the system has been corrupted and is a corrupt one, in which only those ever smaller groups 'at the top' as it were - of the political system, effectively - sequester themselves off from any obligations to return anything they attain (steal) and so they are the only ones who can indulge themselves in listening to the siren singing of materialism.
Which you and I cannot, or at least, ought not, to do.
The thoughtless lusting of the rich...
But can we get ourselves into a place where we too are immune from the ludicrous forces of a delusional 'economic and currency system?'
To achieve that, we must have liquidity and perhaps also an in-flowing of revenue - that overcomes the rate of growth of nominal debt and the rate of decline in the spending power of dollars.
There is a point to us thinking about wines (or cognacs or at the margin, even whiskeys) here. These are commodities after a fashion -, they can be held and they can be stored for a duration; and they can also be sold.
Yet at the same time it is not easy to arrange each of those steps at all, to end up with the desired result as a certainty.
Yes they can be sold but only to an ever-narrowing market at the top. And these guys are not going to buy anything from just any old outsider, at least not in such a way that you can be guaranteed of a sale whenever you want it.
To overcome the rate of decline in purchasing power of the currency (yes, this is virtually of any currency in the world today) you require to get eight times your capital (on paper) at the time when the present system collapses catastrophically, which will be whenever central banks are forced to revert to a realistic pricing of capital regime.
Remember, the true cost of capital is a function of the exponent of debt (the debt coefficient in the equation - which is exponential at this point) in the currency system.
You don't drink this! It's soap. Glycerine soap. And hey! You don't eat it either.
When Powell last week kept rates on 'hold,' he seemed to have forgotten completely what all ratings agencies have recently said about the US government and its economy and money - which is namely, that they all downgraded the credit rating. The currency is riskier, the government is a riskier borrower and the economy is also riskier. These things are all true and in spades.
So once we accept that governments and central banks are actively engaged in suppressing price discovery on precious metals, then we are left with only the fluctuating but nevertheless real marginal utility facets of the trading topography: oil, and vanity and personal indulgence markets which of course, pertain more and more so, only to the top end.
Not without reason do legends tell of Roman senators and Roman dictators dying of either suicide or assassination in their vineyards.
Wine is a thing useful to the ordinary and lusted after by the intemperate wealthy.
Down here we are extremely fortunate to be the beneficiaries of the continuing wealthy middle classes and politburo chieftains of Beijing's China - all of which either come down here to visit seemingly as 'tourists' or 'buy in' back home, the local Australian produce; the seafood, the wheat, the wine...
Bill Smith and myself and at least two others from the actual wine-making world, will be working on a 'white paper' - a new discussion paper with some details about how with a very little amount of opening capital, it will be possible to profit very meaningfully indeed, while at the same time the rest of the world is going to hell economically-speaking as well as in terms of politically and socially.
It will take at least several days, and probably more than a week to produce.
I'm afraid the reality is that when a national currency goes down in value - well, it is going down!
And it goes down because it is less valuable. Not because its domestic economy is strong and things are great, and 'inflation is beaten.' It goes down because things are bad.
And when it goes down imports cost more and so inflation rises some more.
Liquidity now is more a factor to do with relative flows and not completely just some concept about immediate exchange capability of a money token.
Takes some guts to wear the red shoes in the middle there.
With that aspect in mind it is possible to say that the main problem today is liquidity. There is a significant deterioration in the ability of the Federal Reserve to attain continuous pro rata liquidity when it sells whatever it has to sell to get the currency to buy up Treasury Notes against the market tendency.
So when the media says 'the market is up' (by which they mean to say the DJIA Index number is higher; thus that equities are 'up'), the truth is they are not relatively speaking up at all but that in lesser value dollars a certain nominal 'price' was made up to give the illusion of positive direction.
Profits are in fact lower, sales are steadily falling, returns to shareholders are meager or non-existent and it is not safe to buy into equities right now.
Because everyone has this idea that investment is about trading numbers on screens and moving in and out of various positions, there isn't any real investment actually going on.
Nobody in their right mind would spend money buying shares hoping to get no returns! ...Plus a declining overall value of their capital in exchange terms.
But because in fact people are spending money via computer screens to chase numbers pretending that this is 'investing,' then the next truth to face is that volatility is bound to bring losses. Risk is always defined as volatility (reaching to 100% volatility = 100 losses). And a sudden 500 point move so-called 'upwards' in the Dow = extreme volatility which is based on no underlying production and sales facts which can support such moves.
So where do we go to from here?
Well the basic reality is that the dollar is falling.
Takes some guts to wear an Ascot tie these days...
It is not true that the economy is good, it is not true that stocks are exhibiting growth, it is not true that companies are making profits and it is true on the contrary, that capital prices are now exclusively an expression of the coefficient of debt.
And debt today is too large of a multiple of real underlying inflows of money, and besides, that 'money' is in any case dropping in exchange value steadily.
What we are looking at is a situation in which the players are all going to self-destruct if they don't do something dramatic and do it very fast.
But they won't do anything.
You can't just 'magically' keep the dollar up like you can 'magically' enable a delusional zeitgeist when it comes to equity markets.
The fact that market leaders chose to make insane lunatic decisions to manufacture a sudden rise in equities this week means that they have created two serious channels of volatility: one being the Dow Jones Industrial Averages Index itself, and the other in the currency both ways - down because of the dollar's instant reaction to the interest rate decision, and then potential up with extreme turn-around-on-a-dime volatility if the government and/or the Fed try to do something next to prop up the falling dollar.
Drama pic of a good car.
Don't play around in highly volatile markets driven by irrational central bank and government policies; get out.
Winter is coming...
Not - 'rates are going to be higher for longer,' but winter is coming and it is going to be colder and longer and deeper than anyone knows.
The sooner you wake up to the fact that human people exist in a field - some inside very negative and even 'dead' energy fields, and some inside of alive, actually living fields of energy and pure life - the sooner you will see how to handle the problematic nature of today's mainstream social and also political, world; and be able to come up with your own personal solutions and the ways and means to achieve absolute success and meaningful material results.
This is a live version of what was basically a studio piece to begin with, and part of a studio album always intended to be just a studio album but then, there was too much of a living field going on for that to have remained stuck in such a narrowly-defined performance avenue:
But f-i-rst - one of our friends, Lachie K., is about to make a visit to Europe: going for several weeks each to Rome, Florence and Venice.
Lachie - in Florence (Firenze) there is the oldest pharmacy in the world, the Santa Maria Novella Pharmacy. Do not come back without going there!
Now, back to the normal program.
Rich kid, Lachie. This is not his house, but it is like his house.
Whether it is in the pursuit of some scientific objective via pure research that has no certain outcome, or whether it is a deep religious conviction that drives someone farther and farther into some misty territory of the mind and of the spiritual sensitivities, ultimately one either attains a hoped-for objective, or else one dies at last in the truth, at least, of a knowledge of the error of one's path if not of one's journey.
To seek via an authentic scientific method, is never a totally wasted endeavor. Because if a final decisive truth is discovered that a certain hypothesis is definitely not true, then this is of course a scientific success not a failure at all.
When it comes to ideologies and religious matters though, one is faced with a slightly different variable, namely, that the basis of internal satisfaction is not exactly to do with (some) particular defined truth as such a thing is able to be confined in a laboratory for endless repetitions thereby establishing its veracity to the faithless mind expecting failure and defeat.
For it seems that 'Cosmic' truth or truths matter to the seeker only insofar as they can meet internal and highly personal bars of human individual feeling, not lifeless equations separate from the very human observer.
And yet, it is almost necessarily the case that here is the place where actual truth is more important, more critical -, and self-honesty completely and utterly indispensable; because there are too many ways to defraud oneself in sensory matters...
The oldest pharmacy in the world Lachlan.
In other words, the outcome may feel right, yet it may not be right.
There are cults in Northern India, to do with Shiva, and in these cults, the standard practice is to imbibe heroin or other powerful narcotic substances. In the end, the cult practitioner may certainly feel that they are 'touching the face of god' - and nobody at an objective distance from this feeling and sensation will agree that the subject is really touching any divine living being's face.
Our good friend Lachie, whom we spoke of first here, might also go to some Florentine cathedral and feel in there a sensation of something 'sacred' and 'holy' and he would not have been imbibing anything stronger than some remnant wisps of incense and candle-wax, but still it will not mean that he is experiencing anything more unusual than the effects of particular kinds of architecture. Hitler's architect Albert Speer achieved as much with his stadiums and official government buildings.
This all circles back to this question of the Theodicy of god - why He, She, It, or They, permit the existence of evil.
Evil is a thing however, the nature of which only exists within some framework of a sufficiently advanced consciousness being involved, and is not something with any separate objective or mathematical existence apart from the feelings and thoughts of sentient beings who are able to apprehend it as the product of dynamic cause-and-effect functions where that sentience has adjudged a qualitative scale of beneficence and maleficence and the potential existence of an intangible spectrum of such polarity.
There is only one system of human thinking which provides an objective format along which pathway one is able to 'search' or to seek out, an ultimate result. This is the proposition that there are objective, virtually (or in fact really) mathematical, irreducible elements behind all of material reality, and that the dynamic interplay of those elements is what the reality of the Universe is, including that sentience itself also has irreducible (thereof) minimum core elements, the dynamic interplay of which becomes the equations or the formulae if you will, of moral and philosophical outcome (assessment by that sentience as to those things' status of qualitative 'benefit').
One of the best coffee places in Firenze, Lachlan.
When you proceed along this path, you will end up at the stage where it becomes clear that whilst much that is sentient is able to formulate for itself, what seems good to it, individually, beneficial to it without direct reference to any other - not much at all is as readily able to 'see' itself in all or any other external units of sentience; which is why ideologies and religions that become expressed as political practices and domination-centric or also self-elimination practices that are socially enforced (the correct way to put this is 'societal-ly' enforced but there is no real English word 'societal-ly'), cause evil.
Neither can a person reach to any 'ultimate satisfying objective moral reality' without passing first through the shared multiple sentience point, yet nor can one who has gone past there and reached actual final reality, go back and 'convince' anyone who is still living as a sentient island using 'proof and evidence...'
We have an example of such a 'thing' though, that is - we have an example in physics and material reality, of compound location.
It is found in nature in the thing known as 'time crystals.' These are not crystals like you will imagine bits of glass and gems and so on, but lattice structures that hold together, but whose atoms interchange - rotate constantly - but in exactly the same structural positions on each discrete pulse, making the whole thing 'solid' and having structural and material integrity yet possessing real internal movement and cycles.
Hannah Arendt, the German-American historian, in discussing the nature of evil, in context of Adolf Eichmann the Nazi official said this: "...an inability to think from the standpoint of somebody else."
"And the Devil took Him up to a very high place, and said: All the kingdoms of the world I will give you, for they are mine." And they are that to this day. Except the time is running short.
And again: "His motive was to diligently advance his career in the Nazi bureaucracy."
I would place a stress on the word 'diligently' in our modern times, because you will see it used over and over by academia today, by politicians, by accountants, and by promoters of the orthodoxy of society as it stands today - and you will be able to note how each of the people using that word and those kinds of ideas, are unable to see past themselves. Anyone familiar with, for one good example, the life and career of the UK top spy at MI5 for decades, Stella Rimington, will be able to detect the reflected values of this 'modern' vogue of society and how she is at pains to critique other people from out of some strata of academia, sometimes treating them positively and often negatively with the implied meaning of her own competitive worth.
'Productivity' not production; 'diligence' not success.
The self-honesty of all of these minds is literally non-existent.
The Pope is not self-honest.
Hamas is not self-honest.
And ultimately no one who cannot produce a 'god,' a 'Jehovah on the Mountain,' or a return of Isa ibn Maryam (there are many 'al Mahdi's') - is being self-honest; and yet all of them will cut your throat.
You do not need drugs to see god or to 'touch the face of God.'
All you need is to be able to live in another person's place.
This is also Florence, but it is not the same Florence, Lachlan. No, wait a minute... Might be the same Florence... Not sure...
Granted, I myself would not live in just any other person's place...
But that is not a condition. The condition is not that 'I' need to be able to be in all of the useless derelicts of the world's sentience location (aka 'see things from their personal ego perspective').
And it is certainly not that you or I ought to be jumping into the sentience spot of deliberately selfish and self-involved people.
If you 'search' as a Protestant or a Catholic or a Muslim or a standard mainstream Hindu or a Buddhist you will come to nowhere in the end. In the existential end, you will die; you will be dead.
If you search as the Pentagon for ET Aliens you could also get a slap in the face first while you're at it on the long road to nowhere.
We often forget to observe how complicated, how immense, how teeming - the Universe actually is.
It's also a hierarchy.
It doesn't matter what Stella Rimington thinks about how 'high up' she is. Same goes for anyone at the Pentagon today.
You can lie to yourself - and people like those lie to themselves continuously - but you will still end up where most humans end up, which is dead, and buried.
Therefore step one is stop lying to yourself. ...If that's what you are doing.
You need to, absolutely do need to be able to, place yourself in others' shoes.
All the way in.
Not part the way in.
You see, here is a pay-off for you in this: if someone goes ahead, becomes super-advanced, is literally let us propose, some kind of sentient being light-years evolved into the future, for sure they will care for weaker beings, but those on the path that is a shared path with them.
And they will reach back - to you, maybe.
And pull you forward.
And the number one best way to ensure that it happens, is for you to start out doing the same kind of mind-set approach to the life all about you...
Yes life is difficult these days on this planet, in this world. But it doesn't have to be.
The 'problem of evil' literally doesn't exist for those who have advanced into the future beyond the kind of 'stage of evolution,' let's call it, of the people who characterize the human world here today. The problem of evil is a problem that is existentially true only where there are selfish entities.
All of material reality is a set of profiles, a complex pattern of sine curves, Gaussian waves; there is a 'right-hand side.' There is 'ultimately advanced sentience.' And you, you as yet still ordinary human, are not it.
There is ultimately advanced sentience because it is an existential logical necessity of material nature by the Gauss Curve. You don't need any 'evidence' - or any other evidence - for the fact. What you do need to do is live and act on the basis that since it is true, well then you'd better start complying with the frikkin' rules! Otherwise you're never going to see any Aliens. Why would they let themselves be seen?
...By spiritual criminals. Human beings are spiritual criminals. All of them.
When you go to a judge, in a court, to seek justice - you are going to a spiritual criminal who is a self-liar.
That is how come there are wars and people get killed. This is all just a place on the Gauss Curve.
So where will you search so that you will not be disappointed? Now don't lie about it.
Not some future time to come where 'all will be revealed.' Not some threat or promise beyond the now horizon.
Not some place where it feels powerful and sacred because the architecture was from a more cultured past.
Not some place where you feel a part of a group because there are a lot of other people there doing what you are doing.
Listen to me carefully. In this world there are things that no media company, not only would not even dare to talk about, their people would literally not be able to psychologically handle the information if they had it.
This week Tennessee Representative (to the US Congress), Tim Burchett explained a few key things to several news agencies, following his participation in a 'SCIF' - which as I understand it, is not necessarily 'being read into' the top secrets, but under secrecy provisions being given access to a 'Secret Compartmented Information Facility' - in this case which was specifically to do with the current Congressional inquiry into whatever the government knows about Aliens and UAP's.
Quote, Rep. Tim Burchett: 'Americans should know what the government knows about UFO's.'
His direct statement to the news people was exactly what I have told you from several years back, namely, that there is known to be something, but it is outside of the FOIA process because the knowledge and details are in the hands of what he termed 'quasi-government groups' or companies with government funding who were essentially private now, if they 'even existed here at all any more...'
What exactly he meant by that I'm sure I cannot say.
And then he went on to say that unless someone stepped forward with evidence from those groups, it would be virtually impossible to force access through FOIA.
But why would anyone come forward gratuitously though?
Secondly, the whole aspect of 'with proof and evidence,' well what does that mean - that someone is going to give you anti-gravity technology, for example, for nothing?
What I mean by 'way too scary for children' is this: let's say there are some secrets which involve genuine, completely authentic matters to do with at some earlier point, official government engagement with beings not of this planet. (And we'll get to the key point presently).
...All of the currency of any kind of source opinion, of the very raison d'etre at all, of such beings coming here since the 1940's, or at least making themselves known, was always related to the nuclear bomb and what happened during the two major World Wars and the immediate aftermath context of a nuclear threat. No one from any quarter has ever posited another reason.
There is a small amount of factual basis to the insinuation that 'UFO's' were responsible for temporarily closing down some North American nuclear missile facilities.
But what is not made so clear by those saying that the point of their 'appearance' was some concern about nuclear wars - is not so much that they could prevent it, but whether they actually would do so...
Well there are no ancient tales about otherworldly 'agencies' preventing calamity; the stories are all along the lines that the calamity took place.
Sodom and Gomorrah, Atlantis, Tyre and Sidon - these were all ancient accounts of their utter destruction. Ironically, I guess, in the case of Tyre and Sidon, their stone remnants were taken and thrown by Alexander the Great into the sea to create a useful causeway.
You see the thing is this - the phrase 'the nuclear option' in modern parlance does not mean someone is going to use nuclear weapons to overcome an enemy in a battle; it means to blow everything up on the way out because they are actually losing.
When the nuclear bomb was first used, it seems to have been used to demonstrate to Stalin that the West had a very serious means of countering any Stalinist agenda and ambition in the West.
Iran does have nuclear weapons and very sophisticated delivery systems. So does China.
These places are in the first place ideologically driven -, not primarily driven by reason of actual threats against them.
No doubt both of them would argue though and say that 'regime change' is already an open goal by the part of the West that is led by the United States.
But 'way too scary for children' does not refer to these things.
Way too scary would be what you would find out, not so much if you were to see who, just who is involved with ET Aliens in 'private organisations and corporate entities or groups,' what they do, where they are situated -, but by the counterpoint, namely who are those opposed to such groups.
Because there are large scale, national 'arrangements' - some wealthy governments here and there, some 'philosophical' and ideological, even 'occult' you could say (and I'm not talking about Freemasonry in this specific context here) trans-global conglomerates - which are mortally opposed to anything that would give new and advanced power into the hands of a broad cross-section of the man-in-the-street human world.
We are not so much just on the threshold of major global conflict catastrophe, but we are rather close to the introduction of anti-gravity technology and also extremely light but strong materials technologies. These things would radically alter the topography of global economics and politics forever.
Over the next two years, you will see the stepped exposition in the public arena of various new 'advances' in technology (where they come from, who's to know) that will completely overturn governments and government systems all over the world.
Unless the overlords can tie you to a 'home,' they cannot cause you to fight and die for a homeland.
In the coming weeks, maybe month or so, not a hundred miles from right here, there will be a very special wine tasting thing being held - somewhere - involving a wine of exorbitant price and value. If I can get a cam into there, I will show you a person, or even some people, who are literally of the kind that Rep. Burchett was talking about.
Now just keep in mind, you are only a few people, who come here and read at this place. This is not widespread knowledge and it never will be.
And we can truncate it real quick if things got too 'complicated' for any of us. Not being over-confident either. I acknowledge that when one team takes the field, the other side will also turn up on the day.
As people who are generally supportive here of fairly esoteric training programs like the ones provided commercially by the Monroe Institute, and since I certainly talk about some of the elements of those things in detail here - it is very important to create some considerable distance between anything like what is being reported in the news about people who go off the rails and do some really atrocious things (the Lewiston shooter), and sophisticated controlled processes to better and more functionally engage deeper levels of the human mind.
It should be made absolutely clear that there can be no linking the 'hearing of voices' with anything that Monroe Institute-style programs, advisedly speaking, enable.
There's nobody in the world that can tell you this, other than someone who knows and can say - Karl 'may have been' for many years, not only just an 'asset' but an operative of MI6. But he might have also abandoned that at some point too... I'll give you the secret that is 'traceable:' it is to do with his shirt-makers. Fact. Inescapable. Ask Stella Rimmington. Anyway they were Savile Row... 'Not many peeple noh dat...'
There are also a large number of modern chemicals - for one specific instance any kind of methamphetamine for example - that speed up the signal traffic between neural networks and brain centers, and their connected afferent and fundamental sensory terminating point nerves.
By tampering with the speed of those connections, it is always at least potentially possible, to have the brain cell memories of words and even phrases triggered in the immediate conscious receptive awareness, before any actual proper physical sensory stimuli went off (neural semiotic signal threshold). The jumbling of neural patterns and afferent/efferent responses is common with chemical stimulant use (or abuse, of course).
This can give rise to impressions in the brain of disembodied words and phrases, even whole sentences, being 'heard.'
We should all be committed, intellectually committed, and intelligently fully committed, to the view that we do already have our plain existent senses, and these must be the natural pathway to 'seeing' and communicating with very advanced intelligent beings - and not some other, mysterious pathway that becomes impossible to verify by external and independent, critical observers.
That advanced Alien intelligent beings often choose to behave highly surreptitiously, denying access to verification by others, other people, that is independent observers - is not strictly speaking our etiological problem or even our or an epistemological problem.
The Monroe Institute has as its most basic process requirement in the programs, that there is always someone there with the subject who is meant to be doing the 'targeted visioning.'
That person ideally should be trained to follow rules of objectivity in practice.
This does not mean that the observer should bear a demeanor of continuous gratuitous doubting, such as you would always find with a person like Richard Dawkins - and also de Grasse Tyson. Because that would itself necessarily already defeat the premise of true objectivity: by which is meant that the person there is someone capable of dispassionately recording what is going on, and what was said by the program subject in the 'mind state process' time.
Karl was her stylist at the end of his life.
In the very first place, the point never was to 'see' what was not there, when organisations like Eastman-Kodak's Hawkeye facility and Bell High Altitude Photographics were having specially trained and 'augmented mind state' map readers look at developed film...
...It was to have them virtually subconsciously interpret the images in front of them using what was presumed to be their 'deep mind,' absent from the normal (normally conscious state) doubt fear and anxiety about getting things right or having to 'see' anything at all from the highly classified intel maps and images.
What happened of course, was that they discovered that most of the subjects reported a much clearer set of sensory impressions than what they would normally experience in the ordinary waking state - not a more vague or dream-like condition.
Like spectral colors that are additive primaries, when they all combine they create 'white' -, then in the same way intensified capacity to sense along the fundamental sensory pathways all at the same time together, as an actual meta-meaning (haptics plus semiotics) connected symphony, becomes something that is much more accessible in terms of a communication style, to super-advanced (possibly Alien) intelligent species.
And that is all that there is about it.
You're expected to hear their spoken voice coming from out of their 'ordinary' physical mouth. Not imagining something that appears to sound like a voice, or having some internal brain impression that seemed like you heard a word spoken or some snatches of words.
'Old school' stuff.
I can easily teach someone, one-on-one, to get to this state of play; but it is both impractical and very likely problematic to try and do such a thing simply on-line, via some 'cold medium' and some text.
It's also not the point that people just follow a process path that someone, no matter how good of a hands-on instructor they are, shows - when the core reality is to do with one's own deep inner outlook on the Universe as something they are living in, being actually present in.
Because most people today, and I say most and I believe it is that - are seeking to escape from their reality! So consequently it is just too easy for people at arms' length (IE on-line and at a physical distance), and un-monitored -, to try and use these kinds of techniques and ideas to get sensations just for the 'ride,' and also of course (flawed) sensations of 'release...'
I mean what kind of crazy person in any case, is hearing voices and then going ahead and following those voices -, when they say 'hey go kill a bunch of people!'
That's totally nuts.
Actually, it starts to become suspect whether such a thing was even true, or, to phrase it better - just what are we talking about here, when a psychiatrist reports so-and-so claimed to be 'hearing voices?'
Why would a person merely hearing a voice, then convince themselves that voice was more to be complied with than any other voice?
No I think we can discount that it was just a matter of someone hearing voices.
If it were even true at all, then what is much more important is what the content of those messages or instructions were, and what then compelled the person to follow any of them.
Even crazy people who are organized enough to carry out major physical violence using tools, are not so random that they fail to follow linear logic altogether. They have assigned a moral content judgment and given a moral value label to their victims. How did they do that?
This whole thing about 'hearing voices' needs to be elucidated better in the media if people are expected to accept that was the only thing that was going on in that crazy person's life and brain and mind.
It's specious.
Also 'old School' but updated. Though actually I just like the photo composition.
It's specious to think the cause of the deadly mischief was the hearing of voices.
When it comes to engaging with, or potentially engaging with; communicating with -, actual ET Aliens, what is the content of what that communication is...? What is it expected to be, from your side...? What are you seeking from them?
And that leads us all straight back to the greatest texts on morality and ethics and epistemology and mathematics and geometry and physics and aesthetics - the world has ever produced. Nothing less than that will do.
I'm afraid not. We cannot expect to come half-baked here!
Given that there is such greatness in the human background, why would you choose to leave it 'behind at home,' so to speak - when you were presenting yourself as a valid example of the human race to a truly sophisticated advanced other intelligence?
Who would you 'bring with you' as the paramount examples of humanity, to show to some incredibly advanced ET Alien beings: 'Hey, this is what we want to tell you that we are like at our best...' 'And we are not necessarily any single one of us right now as good or as great as that particular example/those examples, but that is our aspiration and our intention (to be like) and how we would like you to view us...'
; )
Did that give you a clue?
I mean did that just give you a really big clue?
Just remember - to avoid being hammered by the authorities(!) what we will sometimes do, is show 'connected' pics' but in upcoming, later, posts here so as not to make things too too very obvious. Just like what you will find in the below music if you bother to listen past halfway in...
Are you as to any doubt whatsoever that we cannot deliver here?
Matthew 13:52
Were not expecting that, now were you? Tell the truth now.
Trust you actually listened to the music clip in the last post here, right? Because...