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Thursday, 3 August 2023

The Next Example: Benefits

As much as we all want to go back to 'a happier time,' or what seems in our memory as such a thing, we are all in a process of moving from one state of being - to another.

And that earlier state is one of a temporal curve with an ending. In that condition we are always materially changing, adding bone and tissue and sinew: a woman at fifty has an underlying fifty-year depth of literal layers. 

No matter what you do to your outer appearance, at fifty there is a certain kind of specific substance beneath the surface.

It's just olive oil...

Pictures of a person at any given age are just snapshot cross-sections of the whole being in view.

Great ancient religious and philosophical texts attest to the fact that people have to change from the terminally changing 'thing' that each of them is, to an immortal one. But each 'snapshot' image is still totally a valid expression of that person, that individual - and yet, who they are as a complete being, is something quite different to just any one particular snapshot taken in time.

When we wish to steer away from relating to reflections and representations of individuals, we have to accept not to try or try to simply 'go back.' Because you can't go back in that way - not back to the mortal condition.

Representations (of people which they make themselves through manufactured self-expression) are tricky things to the psyche because they are really like the person in question; after all they represent that person. They stand for that person.

Humans grow either towards the new, materially different, and completely real - or else they just go ever further into the representational only; which is death in the end. That's why people talk about and cling onto memories at funerals.

When you look at by far the majority of all the people that you meet in the course of the day, their 'self-expressed' personal image is false - it is engineered by society, which itself is driven by falsehood and the worshiping of advantage. That someone is born with material advantages tells us nothing about the person themselves.

That someone rises to positions of advantage tells us only that they met certain necessary conditions of a given historical moment.


To express yourself as you truly are, is not just a representation of who you are, it is who you are.

To meet the conditions that take one out of the dying and transitory material trajectory what are the necessary elements?

Plato sets them out.

LOL - Oh yes he does.

Some Vedic scholars have an insight into them.

Parmenides did too but crucial verses of his written work are lost.

The Biblical word 'Apocalyptic' - as Paul Wallis correctly explains - means that someone is reporting an experience so strange to them, so lacking ties to the previous 'usual,' and 'normal,' that some kind of revealing of truth is required. So it doesn't actually mean that in the Biblical text itself where the passages are 'Apocalyptic' things are being revealed; it means they will be revealed when there is better information later.

This is why when some disciples who met the risen Jesus on the road to the Hot Springs (Imwas/Emmaus) - and did not recognize him - He 'revealed to them the Scriptures that previously no one had understood.'

They only recognized Him - even after having had these mysterious passages' meanings revealed to them - when He broke some bread; which was the key ritual they knew that was to do with His dying and leaving them.

He must not have looked visually the same as what they had been used to seeing, prior to then, in their old material lives.

Right now some of you might be thinking, okay well, armed with a lot of new(-ish) and quite interesting information and psychological techniques, I will just (would like to just) meet some cool people and they will get on with me and I will get on with them and we will all have fun together because we are all so amazingly good now, at relating.

So then fine but what happens when y'all get lots of wrinkles and sick from old age and then all eventually die? No problem, right, because everything being so great well you'll just put up with it and feign obliviousness and live like every other schizophrenic human being on the planet.

...You can't go back. 

But let's go back to an Apocalyptic passage:

"And the Ark of the Living God was opened for the first time in heaven."

"And light shone from it and thunders pealed and lightning was witnessed and voices and great hail."

"And the nations were angry, and thy wrath has come."

(It's probably not in order because I'm quoting it off the top of my head but it's all roughly in the same place).

...When those of you who have been able to go to the White Room, do that, what you are doing is using only one of three dynamic internal mechanisms that you have.

[So I've just removed the technical details of the rest of the matter, but -]. 


When you think about what you are meant to be looking for, it's a huge door, that opens outward from left to right - not completely wide open, just enough to let out an impossibly glaring bright light and inside of which, inside the door, is where you are supposed to head.

Don't think about anything, what you want, who you want to see or meet or anything. Just go into the light.

And listen.

Talla and JES have a visualizer that goes along with this song which they posted onto Spotify and I'm trying to get them to stick it onto YouTube (because my PC gets stuck with Spotify!) - but their visualizer is basically pretty much what I have been talking about here except they have the colors upside down! Red at the top (very funny, guys). WATCH OUT FOR THE VOLUME ON THE TWITTER VERSION WITH THE VISUALIZER CLIP - very loud...!


Monday, 31 July 2023

Cannot Talk Technicalities In Public

Personal consciousness of self is divided into two things: one is a doorway through which most people never go.

The other is a system of the organic brain, that relies on brain cell memories of experiences perceived via signals from the material senses - which are held to then represent personal consciousness.

In this paradigm things go like so - "I was here back then, and I was here and here -, I am here now."

However even 'now' is a brain cell memory created at least 1/20th of a second earlier than the brain-aware statement of 'now.'

And this paradigm also dominates the whole of human society. 

There is a reason the mainstream establishment including academia largely decries it or dismisses by feigning obliviousness about the discipline of psychology, and that is that all psychologists from Freud through Jung and Reich and anyone afterwards concluded that the world is dominated by the narcissistic psychopath mindset.

What this means in practice (this pathology) is that people seek material objects from which are derived material sensory stimulus: a person is an object, a social group is an object, the products of high craft are objects...

All of modern economics and economic value is based on the practical exercise of money in exchange for objects of perceived benefit from the acquisition. There is a pill that cures pain/infection/diabetes/cancer; or purports to do that.

You take an object, you acquire an object, and then its possession procures for you the brain sensation of gain and betterment and even just simply sensation for its own sake alone - as in anti-anxiety medications and beta-blockers and 'serotonin stuff.'

If you take melatonin, then it will allow you to spend more time during the wrong hours, working to acquire material objects - instead of sleeping or resting during those phases that naturally the human body requires in to be authentically productive. 

This mindset is completely sophisticated, very wide-ranged, totally superficial, socially overwhelming, utterly pernicious - and completely misleading.

What you are looking at are people insistent on getting brain cell memory experiences from instant sensory signals from their perceptions of material objects - all the while literally advancing inexorably towards their own complete physical and actual deaths, in the bodily, in the material sense; without giving a second thought to the effects of natural aging and the incapacity of their thinking mind to plan and strategize away from anything that is not purely instant or relatively immediate gratification of a nervous response.

'My under-eyes are puffy.' Says the person with a massive gut overhang and no rotational movement in their lower torso where their kidneys are... The kidneys being organs without any muscles to force them to move to do the work they necessarily have to do to flush fluids - and so the person seeks a pill to do what exercise is the only means of doing. They cannot imagine doing any actual real work; they can instead only insist on 'going to work' in order to have the economic means to acquire objects, and sensory stimulation from objects.

A person is also an object (in this paradigm). And so, the whole of society has set up this grandiose arrangement, in which people go around observing how others react and what they respond to, and then they portray those triggers in order to acquire (as possessed objects, in essence) the reactions of those people they have targeted.

Governments do it, Big Pharma does it, advertising agencies do it, the medical fraternity does it, 'romantic partners' do it - and in our modern times they have all learned to do it exceedingly well.

But there is a philosophical 'mind-trap' involved with all of this, a metaphysical reason why society went this way at all to begin with: personal consciousness of self is the only thing in the Universe that scientists cannot observe as a first order matter with a third party observer control.

Something new(ish)...

That is, you and you alone are having the sense of, the feeling of, 'personal consciousness' (of self; if you need to add that).

No one, no 'scientist' can honestly say that they are truly 'observing' or feeling what you are exactly feeling.

So it's easy for fools to turn around and pretend 'well okay, your personal consciousness of self does not exist' (and therefore I can manipulate you, and have no actual empathy with you; only a fabricated, a reflected portrayal of what can be passed of for empathy).

Scientists cannot measure it, so it's convenient for them to act like it does not exist, or at least, does not need to exist in a healthy human society.

...And which is the reason all psychologists say that there is no sane and mentally-healthy society in existence today.

And naturally then, the reason also why the rest of academia hates psychology in its purest form.

There is no obvious 'scientific' proforma for anyone literally and actually 'getting inside the heads' of another individual that is not themselves.

Human empathy, in the modern world, is hypothetical. And not real. Not genuine at all.

So what does the converse of this picture look like?

One of the problems for me discussing this in any way openly, to a 'general public' audience, is the sheer paucity to begin with, the poverty, of those tools that should be available to advanced intelligent people - and are not, in the framework of the modern human race.

The leading current neurophysiologist and computational neuroscientist (notice how he does not say 'psychologist!') Christof Koch when attempting to explain consciousness, goes off on this wild goose chase, misleading everyone about how the optic nerve is not the actual 'place' where sight and vision take place, and talks about the energy of the stimuli and the electrical energy in the nerve pathways and so on.

Koch wants to imply that vision is somehow key to consciousness. Which it is not.

But the authentic fact is though, that the whole of modern human society has been skewed off into this lunatic fantasy mentality of material stimulus by acquisition - because they have all put a price on sensation and sensory entertainment.

Look, look - frankly it's just entertaining for 'you' to go to your doctor and get 'prescribed' some nonsense in the form of a chemical or substance that will give your biological system a process interruption, disruption, modification, or even do nothing at all organic - whereas it is very hard work indeed, to throw in your job, run twenty miles every day (and/or night), suffer the psychological pressure of the disdain of your 'friends' and the continuous marketing pressure by governments to have you one of the 'fully employed...' 

Which is - 'employed for them,' of course.

Oh I certainly can get in behind your eyes and see what you are seeing and feel what you are feeling.

And but then I might detest how you deal with what you are seeing and sensing...

And I might then choose to go behind the eyes of those I have a higher regard for.

But what does that mean 'have a higher regard for' (that is, meaning how they think, and not of course what they think)?

I do not want to necessarily go into your head!

But well why do I respect that person? Or this person, this certain individual, as opposed to any other one or lots thereof (of human beings)?

And so we go back to this thing about 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you' - but that categorically takes us away from 'do unto others what will make them act in a certain way towards you...'

But then isn't that what the whole world is doing at the moment? Causing fear and panic to make people jump in certain ways, inciting anger and emotional responses to issues requiring cold strategic thinking, inflaming basic sexual responses to convince audiences of highly commercialized 'sex positivity?' 

Where are the empathy equations?

These are few and far to be seen.

Personal consciousness of self is the only thing in the Universe that cannot be observed by a third party as a scientist observes a germ in a test-tube to identify and know and understand everything about that germ, every mechanism of the germ.

Except it isn't.

Except Christof Koch is not the person that will ever find that out. 

He has a completely arrogant and opinionated view that is endemic to all modern scientists

He cannot find it out.

Everyone knows what they're doing...
Okay correction - someone there
in each place knows.

He simply cannot understand that what he is only speculating about the energy running through the nerves linking the optic system in the human - is in fact testament to his ignorance about nervous energy and neurons; not testament to his science and science knowledge.

It's testament to his ignorance of science, all dressed up in peer esteem as therefore serious knowledge.

There are many completely precise and accurate objective external tests of the sense perceptions and feelings of an individual, as opposed to speculative opinions (as Koch gives) about what so-and-so is feeling.

And the fact that there is (or are) discounts totally his theory that people cannot know what another person's personal consciousness of self is... So why did he ever even propound such a fatally flawed position?

And the fact that there is or are... ...can extend forward as a trajectory of reasoning, to the idea that consciousness is fundamental; namely, it's an actual thing. 

Are you an actual thing? That is, one separate, individual, thing? 

You know numbers are things, and each of them is composed of sets of the same exact 'unit thing' but different by ascending arithmetic proceeding to the order of 'one added (same) thing' each time in the linear arithmetic sequence to Infinity.

So could I exchange with you, on the assumption that you have some 'things' of which I also already possess some of those things too - some 'thing spaces' in your mind? 

I mean if you and I had the same, or more or less the same, number of 'thing spaces' but a different number of filled thing spaces, then maybe I could spare some, or you could spare some - especially if we both had some redundant sets. Or maybe even there were some sets that would benefit me to have, and benefit you to have less of. And vice versa.

Oh but my friends, human beings are nothing if not extraordinarily complex creatures.

So why make things hard on yourself?

Why go for just anything when you could work on something (I mean someone) truly personally opulent.

Actually let's go another way to make the point. Why are you wasting your time doing anything less??

At least be the person who could, who would, who can. 

Men die. Mankind is grown only to burn, to be burned -, to ashes and to dust blown away in the wind.

Only the gods live forever.

And therein, as they say...

'Oh but I am so weak.'

Uh-huh. Whatever.

...And when you see things through new eyes:

Saturday, 29 July 2023

The Scale Of Things


One of the 'problems' or at least let's just say 'issues' with the latest pronouncements by officialdom that the US Navy recorded some objects of various tracking devices and systems, is that nowhere does anyone explain exactly what was different about these new pieces of technology that allowed them all to start capturing many UAP's all over the place - and which they still are doing; same as the China Beijing government is also doing since it has the same equipment.

Well look it goes like this: The Russians have way the most advanced radar and combination sensor technologies in the world and they term the way these are used for military purposes as 'net-centric' by which they mean any effective military 'field of operations' whether for defense or attack, is a net formed by the active electronics systems linking all the materiel components together in a dynamic cross-talking network. In this way multiple means of 'seeing' some enemy are formed up by ultra high-speed computing into one single screen monitor 'signal' available to the pilot or to ground and sea weapons.

Because 'stealth' technology dating back half a dozen decades now caused the disruption of incoming signals plus the temporal 'scattering' or phase-shifting of actual sensor data - the technology was structured then to try and unpick the electronically and otherwise artificially phase-shifted signals by searching in specific periodic cycles (micro-seconds).

Your brain gathers only the visual data available around 50 milliseconds cycles - that is, you 'see' static optical information every 1/20th of a second, and then has your mind pretend it is seeing everything smoothly as 'motion.'

Anything which is existentially materially actually there in cycle gaps of smaller than 1/20th of a second, well you just don't see it.

So what does material existence even actually mean??

Is a thing 'there' or is it not there during the moments (in regular discrete cycles) you don't gather any optical data?

Are there things actually physically there but you don't ever see them because your brain is not functioning fast enough - even though it naturally can do, although by organic nature does not do -? 

Because you are assuming (as well as most people do) all material things have constant continuous spatial presence, and therefore existence. Whereas for sure you can project electrons as radio fields in exact precise phases (temporal cycles) and 'they' are not actually 'there' even for the percentage majority of the steady flow of time...

This kind of thing is a material hologram with form and substance.

It is nothing to have 'you' removed out of your organic mortal body and project you all over the place.

'Heels and Horsepower' - Houston
private exclusive club for
women who own expensive
sports cars...

Right now you are trapped within an organic framework with a specific frequency-locked phase shift of perceived material existence and in that way also 'consciousness.'

The truly huge scale of mass human destruction events like Sodom and Gomorrah and Hiroshima/Nagasaki fits into the order of 'hundred/hundreds of thousands' only.

But the idea that killing people (that is to say human people) in the order of magnitude of 'great numbers' somehow automatically means that those left behind alive would change how they thought - is foolish reasoning.

You will have noted, as an adult of some life experience, that most people are dominated by their own pre-existing beliefs and almost totally by a view that they are themselves the ultimate arbiter of all truth and completely know better than you or me or anyone else including 'God' what truth is all the time. It would only ever be because someone lied to them, or gave them incomplete information, or something external like that - that caused them to ever make any mistakes and actually, they never make mistakes.

So. Killing people would not alter that total commitment to their own perfect capability of judgement.

This is not, however, the teaching of one 'Jesus Christ of Nazareth.' He taught that only those who were 'poor in spirit' (IE who realized they had little or nothing within themselves alone, to rely on to make absolute judgments) would possess the 'kingdom of heaven.'

So how would some super-advanced intelligent species approach the problem of getting human beings to accept and to realize that they were basically and fundamentally dumb?

And requiring external engagement with something vastly superior, in order to justify that they were 'intelligent' creatures in the accurate sense?

Haliene stuck this pic
up on her FB page to coincide with
the Congress testimony about us...
Er, sorry, I mean them, about them.
...Some people think it's
marketing of course.

Leaping to some damn stupid conclusion that AI is somehow this instance of a 'vastly superior' intelligence is exactly the kind of ridiculous and arrogant if not even completely lunatic position that one expects from humans all the time.

If I can manifest, say, one small 'miracle' by an authentic and legitimate physics means that is empirically true (always repeatable) - then the scales of things need only be whatever was framed by whoever could control those necessary physics mechanisms and processes (logic and systems): you could effect millions and billions instead of just kill a hundred thousand.

And this does not say or imply that 'effect' means completely change or alter them from their lunatic attitudes and prejudices to something higher and better; especially not something so functionally higher and better that they can 'enter some unearthly domain!'

But what you can do is turn the tables on all the idiots walking this planet and running the place - and show them the power and where they all get off.

And if you think nothing is going to happen soon, or that killing thousands (or even anyone at all) is the way to impress these idiots well just get that out of your mind.

You can't really 'impress' these clowns. They are clowns - painted-faced pretenders.

Things are going to happen very soon that will blow your mind; that is if you have a mind!

So how you can tell the difference between marketing, or the government running some game on its citizens to take their eyes and minds off the ball - and persons and things that are here also masquerading but not in any clownish way?

How can you tell an old school Rolls Royce or Aston Martin from a piece of industrialized junk pretending to be high quality and then being 'sold' to you for extravagantly expensive prices?

Evelyn & Crabtree's
latest set...

Well, because real quality is palpable. Whether it comes at 50 milliseconds cycles or at only 1/12th of a second intervals, or at some vastly higher speed, the functional effects and quality is real and genuine; sensed, felt, and used for its value.

Hidden in plain sight is a well-known aphorism.

And sometimes you get so close to a thing you take it for granted that it should be there and that just anyone can make it happen like you're experiencing it...


Know what I mean?

Nudge nudge, wink wink - say no mo'ah.

The rest of that old advert about the 'Nudge chocolate bar' - also an English thing like Evelyn & Crabtree - went: 'Do you know Plato?' '...Knew 'is wife.' Nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more. (Was pronounced 'mo'ah' when Eric Idle delivered those lines).

Wednesday, 26 July 2023

David Grusch Testimony Under Oath To Congress

As you know by now, David Grusch, a well-credentialed Intelligence Officer, just gave his sworn testimony to the US Congress re these 'UAP's', which he outright characterized as 'Alien' and confirmed directly in so many words, everything we have been saying here for a number of years now - namely that the US does have some ET Alien technology and that his official research while he was a government intel officer tasked to work on that matter, for four years - into government files and archived material - causes him to conclude that there has been a multi-decades cover-up about it.

In the texts we have been linking to here over several months, the Eastman-Kodak 'High Altitude Laboratories Program' and photographic technology and data center ('Hawkeye Facility') were detailed as key places whose heads and senior engineers and technicians were directly among those most involved, and that the basic program was run under Thomas C Schelling.

This is only sci fi fantasy art.
There are no military groups on
this planet with anything like this
for real.

These details are not covered in the Congressional testimony just yet but they lie behind the furtive words and phrases being used there - although, to be fair, all of the three witnesses categorically say 'ET Alien;' and most tellingly, they asserted that the evidence and the existing files (much of which Grusch and the Congress Chair admitted were currently classified and not able to be divulged in the testimony right now) clearly and conclusively showed these craft and their pilots were not of Earthly origin. 

That is the first time anything like that has been said as testimony under oath in Congress by any officials or retired and ex-officials in the relevant fields.

David Fravor also noted that the key reason for the 'recent' confirmed and tracked sightings was because all of the radar and sensing equipment there had been upgraded in a certain particular way - where those sightings and trackings happened.

...Now - I guess in some ways everyone reading here is pretty fortunate to have been well ahead of the information curve as it has been delivered now officially, but then in one way not so fortunate because now we are stating that there will be an abrupt change in the tone of these types of inquiries, since there is soon going to be a very much more 'problematic' (to the security of countries and governments) set of 'incidents' related to this fairly 'out there' matter.

Superficially, and albeit people like Fravor and a number of others have pointed out the electronics jamming that these craft undoubtedly were engaged in carrying out against US military deployments and operations, is in all other cases technically deemed to be 'hostile action' - whatever incidents of actual material encounters that have occurred seem to have been quite benign, they are of course anything but that.

These are gold-inlaid chopsticks.
I use them to pick up small bits of 
But that's only a ritual you see in the 
And no one has told you what it means.

Personally I am not in any hurry to witness any clearly hostile actions by people with such advanced technology and clear advantages of technology and skill over humans, and so I am myself reluctant to attach a future time-frame and a co-ordination of time and location.

What I can tell you is but for a lot of other activities also going on in parallel to the planned ET Alien 'fly overs' - the main thing could happen at any moment from right now.

There are a couple of you here with some access to the information-stream as well and as soon as several agreed reports all basically concurring come in, well, we might as well all go hide somewhere strongly-built straight away. ...If that's what your first move would be, although it would not be my first reaction.

And if you want to be 'realistic' about things, then it is a serious matter for NATO or top leaders from there or anyone in the Washington Administration to go mouthing off about sending a military fleet into the Black Sea! Albeit they will find it impossible to resist when they discover that Putin was smarter than they have been and is quite able to use proxies of his own to, for instance do the unthinkable and make 'incursions' at least, into Poland territory or else, where the Poles think they have some 'claim' right now.

How serious?

Well, it's very serious because it will be the US that thinks to use some kind of nuclear weapon in this conflict, not Russia - and that is because it has basically had its ass handed to it in conventional warfare and cannot find any other viable strategy going forward. So it's the US that is 'nuclear biased' right now, not anyone else.

'Eating deep-fried prawns
while Washington burns.'
Won't literally be Washington
I use different implements for these; 
not gold-inlaid chopsticks!
...Which is not to say I couldn't.

So yeah we are on the verge of actual manifested nuclear warfare.

And there is only one 'lesson' that Washington can learn that will stop it from being as bloody stupid as it has been over the last several years...

The Sanhedrin using Rome as its proxy, crucified (killed/murdered) Jesus Christ and now it is going to crucify you. Meaning millions and millions of ordinary people.

So you'd better hope like hell that I am right.

Otherwise you're just gonna be 'crucified' and then incinerated in a huge mass nuclear conflagration. F* the 'Holocaust.

This is going to kill way more than 'just' six million.

Unless someone steps in now and de-fangs the snake.

Russia outstrips the US by a factor of forty - and has done for many decades - in the production of military equipment and missiles and strike-weaponry including general ammunition. And the US equipment standard is well behind and much of its weapons systems do not work in the modern conflict situation.

So you're basically talking idiots and lunatics driving the world to an armed conflict with a far superior military power - and the only actual potential competitive weapon is a nuclear one.

There are forty-plus Onyx 'unstoppable' hyper-sonic missiles stationed at the mouth of the Black Sea. In one opening salvo half the entire Northern Allied Command in the Mediterranean would be wiped out instantly if it steps foot into the Black Sea in Russian territorial water with menace on its mind.

The US is going to attempt to use nuclear weapons. It's the only thing it has left.

These are purpose-built for picking
up burning frankincense.

Super-advanced intelligent beings are not stupid at the same time as being smarter than humans!

Flying little white thingies off Virginia Beach was to test where it's all at.

That must be pretty clear even to 'Blind Freddie' by now in this affair. Except it's not and that's how dumb humans are.

Oh yes, my friends; there is going to be a 'fly over' all right. Don't you worry 'bout that.

Humans are so frikkin' predictable. That's the sad thing.

'Let us go down into the city, into its streets, staying there overnight to witness for ourselves the evil of those people...'

I'm just guessing, right. This track is called 'The Future Becomes The Past.' 

Tuesday, 25 July 2023

Exotic Timeless Present

Spinoza is the relatively modern voice from the world of well-known philosophers, who is accorded the position of having set down some sort of Universal - as others have now called it - Panentheism: the idea that a 'thing' of some kind, very much beyond the limitations of material characteristics including the intelligence of living natural beings, must exist both outside of all matter and materiality, as well as through all of it.

Without going so far himself, the logical extension of this trajectory of thought, is that such a 'thing,' must stand outside of, and beyond, and yet also within Time encompassing all of it.

The reason for these kinds of constructs is that very clearly there is consistent rational order based on mathematical and geometric rules and therefore it is those rules themselves which 'exist' in any truest sense of the word 'ultimately.' But since all of the Universal rules follow intelligible systems of material (aka 'physics') conduct, then rationally, there is also an 'intelligence rule' implied and thus also necessarily an Ultimate Form of the Intelligent (being; I suppose you would have to say at this stage of the argument, that it simply must be a kind of a being).

But of course such ideas are not in any way at all 'modern.' They come directly from Parmenides and from Plato. ...And, from the Apocalypse.

Yes. For here we absolutely clearly see in several places, the philosophical statement regarding the ending of Time as it is known about and perceived in the mortal human world.

There and in other places in the text also, we see another statement which impinges on the material consequences and the moral and human implications of these ideas within the complete Biblical narrative: 'God gives to individuals according to what their work will be...' 


It is written in very peculiar language, because it appears that the person speaking is speaking in the 'now,' but yet He says it about something that is to come in some future. It is contextualized expressly in the famous 'Alpha-Omega' (all of Everything, outside of Time) statement:

'"Behold, I come quickly (a 'natural time flow' thing) and my reward is with me (an existential permanent now thing), to give every man (when?), according as his work shall be.

"I am Alpha and Omega."

Chinoiserie - is the juxtaposition
of the ancient cultural and the
relative modernism of Paris 
circa Silvia Beach and Chanel and 
all of this.

Well this is Parmenides straight out.

He uses a term 'Aletheia' which is the opposite of oblivion - and it means disclosure, or revealing -, in other words 'Apocalypse.'

And in his verses, he describes the concept of the Final Ultimate 'Godhead' as containing everything from Beginning to Ending (of everything including Time). There are some parts of his poetry which are no longer extant but I happen to know they literally say 'Alpha and Omega.'

This is Parmenides.

But here is the point - let's say all of these guys (and some gals who wrote this kind of stuff way back too) are right. Then when you go pray at your mosque or you follow the liturgy at your cathedral or church or whatever, these are all distractions, time-wasting diversions from what you should be doing.

You work is good (means you are a moral person; doesn't mean that you cannot do wrong, or have failure/s, or make mistakes), and so there is a Supreme giver of benefits because your 'work' is good. And since that Supreme Giver exists above Time, but yet exists in the permanent and Eternal now, then there is absolutely not only nothing standing in the way of you having the beneficial possessions from that Source now, but in fact that is when you 'get them.' 

Spinoza was cheered by the modern atheists because he outright asserted categorically that no actual personal being existed in the form of what he was calling 'god.'

But that was not what Parmenides said.

You see Parmenides is right and Spinoza is wildly irrational here.

There cannot be an intelligent thing outside of Time and material space without it being intelligible; and amenable to other intelligent living 'actors' (in the Cosmic arrangement).

But how, how is it possible to have something always exactly the same, yet outside of Time, intelligible, and intelligent, and then again able to 'happen in Time' too?

Chinese 'fake' lacquer-work from 
the time of Queen Anne.

Well, if intelligent then alive. If alive and intelligent at this level then it makes its own decisions. 

But as for all the rest well I will personally on my own account perform a 'miracle' here and now and show it to you, that is, not simply describe it but literally hand it to you as an experience.

The answer is something you already well know and are quite familiar with. The process is music and the thing itself is a song.

aka - you go to the Sonata Cafe and you listen to a rendition of Beethoven's Fidelio, which is actually a whole entire opera and the only one he ever wrote.

You are dealing with an alive 'thing.'

So don't repeat stuff, just mindlessly parroting things and avoiding the immediate and instant consciousness of the concept of something intelligent, alive, and existentially now.

You say well but when, when does stuff actually happen?

You know when things happen in a song.

And sure they kind of still take you by surprise too though.

...I am preparing you for the 'fly-over.' Believe me it will be a lot more shocking than people imagine, coming from their militant continuous position of 'skepticism' and 'rationality' which they all think they are being and doing. LOL What a laugh.