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Thursday, 28 July 2022

Pirate Ship Slips Anchor

A famous Austrian psychologist once wrote that the way out of the exit to this world is found by only very few and most of those people slip anchor like a pirate ship silently leaving the bay in the middle of night when everyone else is asleep.

Otherwise, if people find out that you have found the exit - they will kill you.

There is a reason advanced ET Aliens keep themselves well hidden from the human race generally, and that is because humans will do to them what they do to every mystical thing once revealed: they will make a mess out of it.

Candle flame of the pirates.

So, this thing about the fake witches around everywhere these days and their 'candle watching.'

You watch the candle's flame, and you become the flame, right. Like Zakir Naik's 'if you eat pork, you behave like a pig...' LOL Prolly most of you are not familiar with this internet meme.

How, just how do you 'become one with the flame?!'

It's ridiculous.

It's impossible.

...Don't burn yourself!

'As above, so below. As within, so without.'

The Bible teaches the following: 'The Darkness does not perceive the Light.'

Humans possess 'God' within and God is Light according to just about everyone.

'The repressed unconscious is an artifact of the mechano-mystical.'

You release what is within you and you will have the Devil far greater than the Devil who rules this world and who does so with many restrictions and constraints; you as who you really are - knowing Evil - are totally without restraints whatsoever, once unleashed. That you potentially know Good is just the other thing that you know, it is not the only thing.

If you look at God and become God, then unfortunately, being the creature who knows Good and Evil, it is more than just possible that your exercising Evil will be at the limits of God - which is unlimited.

You are way worse than Satan.

Modern Bohemian.

He is afraid of you and what you might be.

That is why he cleverly has made you a prisoner here, enslaving you and chaining you by force of your own actual will - your stubborn willfulness.

Those who slip the chains - do so late at night, well past midnight.

'Slipping anchor' means dropping the anchor chain, cutting it loose from the ship rather than noisily lifting it up into the ship. Sometimes, the chain is tied to a buoy so that it can be retrieved later but as far as most pirate captains go, well they just let it slip silently beneath the dark ocean.

Super advanced ET Aliens have sound knowledge of the catastrophic and mostly completely terminal conclusions of wars and major conflicts where there is extremely advanced technology available to be used.

There have been plenty of ET Alien visitations here in the past - the Jain religious cultural texts have lots of accounts of 'Vimana vasin' - people who dwell in and then from time to time came out of the space ships residing in the Urdhva stratas, basically out in space. At the moment, ever since a major celestial war, virtually only the maharloka - which does contain humans and humanoids is still mostly intact although almost completely deserted. Thereare three other places that are perfectly durable and that contain very elevated beings - literally the gods.

Humans are gods. That is to say, they are designed to potentially be gods - but that means they have access to complete knowledge of Absolute Evil.

Your 'light' within has to be extinguished - according both to the men who live and rule here, and the Supreme Demonic entity many cultures know as 'Satan.'

Modern Bohemian fashion.

The candle has a flame - so too, do you, have a flame; but your flame is not like the candle's simple flame. It is 'simple' in that it is all-pervading and absolute. It is intelligent, sentient, and full of emotions and feelings.

You can really find such a thing within you. You can see it, and you can see by it, and you can transmit it. It has unlimited powers. Unlimited. It is literally God.

But then, being 'everything' it contains all possibilities without limitation - and therefore, Evil which has no limits. And this is the matter of concern to advanced beings, when it comes to unleashing any such aspects held tightly closed usually, within Man. 

As the flame outside consumes things, so too can the flame within you consume all things of the mind -, ignorance, false ideas and beliefs, tragedies, pain, suffering. And it can go into other people...

Let's say you have a romantic partner, and you are not sure of them, and they, equally unsure of you. They have this position, this idea, and you have that one. Light goes everywhere and mediates everything.

The modern pop 'witch' ideology talks about focusing and concentrating the mind, with the direct implication being that this is the whole point of 'candle gazing.' Well this is mostly nonsense - candle flames flicker around and they are not 'single points' of anything! Even the modern Hindus who claim they are telling you the secrets of 'trataka.' They are ignorant and making up things from other things entirely.

'Trataka' is an erotic yogic technique of gazing in a certain way at someone and then 'tying' them to you. It's virtually nothing to do with looking at lights, or flames.

...If you think you cannot find the 'Light' inside, or see such a Light, you are wrong. It is really there.

Swirl some gold dust into your 'Love Potion' cocktail:

Wednesday, 27 July 2022

Don't Tell Anyone!

I always add an aleph to my Martini. Hey, without either an aleph or an onyo, it ain't a Martini!

The aleph I always use so as not to * off the JOOZ who don't like it that they stole the whole Bible from the Greeks, and so if you say 'olive' well that's Greek, see, and they don't like it.

Psalm 22 (nobody else on the planet knows this by the way, in case you were wondering) reputedly says "they 'k'aru my hands and feet."

'K'aru' doesn't mean 'pierced' as all the Christians say, and neither can it be something to do with 'lions' (k'ari) like the Jews say.

It means dug at, like as you would into the ground. Into Gaia.

"In the Beginning, friends, Aleph - Tav, and Gaia and Ouranon." Was never ever 'Aleph - Tav,' but 'Alpha to the Omega.'


They dug at the material physical body, which was the Gaia part of Human Living Creation. (Today we say 'geology' but it didn't mean actually that in ancient times, just the ground -, but the living Earth, with biological life).

(I beat up on the Jews here a lot because we have really rich Arabs reading with us, so - have to throw them something every now and then).

The absolute worst people, the ones who make the most fuss and carry on virtually hysterically, when 'they' abduct (well, they don't really 'abduct' anyone; it's just that the Earth brain thinks it is being abducted, while the parallel ultra mind knows exactly what's going on and totally approves) - are the women.

Not that I would personally know, right, because I don't go on these 'crewed missions' to pick them up and so on.

Anyway, they scream and carry on and you have to knock them out, more or less, most of them.

And why? Why do they behave like this?

Because they are invested in, heavily invested in, the Gaia part of things. Their whole upbringing consists of endless ideological programming to do with being mothers and having babies and looking after Earth human babies... And they think they 'like' all of that. That is, until they actually do it! With some it takes a lot longer to disabuse them of the pre-commitment to it all, overtly; openly. These guys will hang on to the 'oh yes I love babies' story. And then, you get cases of women who stab their husbands after ten kids, or stab themselves - while all along convincing everyone around them things 'were going great.'
Woman on a train - on 'le Metro' - in Paris.

For most, after the very first few months the reality dawns, then you get all the resentment, mostly the underhanded, hidden, unstated resentment against men, society, even babies and children themselves. 

Which all becomes a huge big paradox and a contradiction that women carry around with them in their adult lives. And then, thankfully, they all go through 'the wall' and then eventually, they die. So all the brain cell memories die with the 'Gaia.'

Except of course, as I have just recently said, there is this strong, powerful, lingering twisting in, twisting up into, the parallel ultra mind enclosed personal 'circuits' of the tendencies produced by the material physical experience.

Getting your daily bread is about those passages in the Bible to do with Light.

Inside virtually all modern era fully human people and plenty enough of the female hybrids (you think I'm kidding or crazy or something, right? ...You people, some of you still actually think I am spinning you yarns here! Hah! LOL Not!), the 'light' of their mind - combined heart and brain aka sort of 'the soul' is twisted up into this knot of social and political programming since way back deep into the ancient past of human history.

And this is why what they all do is try to cheat other people, emotionally cheat people so that they can 'take away' something valuable off the other person, but nonetheless disposable too though, so that they imagine they are going to be able to 'trade it' up somewhere along the future path.

This is how people behave. They don't tell you they are doing it of course, but they just all do it.

You hear 'aura readers' go on about how this person or that person has 'blocks' in their aura, and that it has come from some karma of a past life.
Glow-y in the dark stuff.

The reason you can't get past these twisted up internal mindsets and patterns and tendencies and well, just sheer underhanded deceitfulness - even with clarity of vision, or clarity of words and statements - is because they are so ingrained in that person (all those people). Their 'souls' literally are, darkened in the sense that nothing inside them is without hidden agenda to do with thieving spiritual force and energy. Actually, they like to thieve force, because after all, this is what produces effects.

So in fact, the more you are unwittingly gifted with the ability to use spiritual (mental and emotional) and intellectual force, the more of a target you are.

I was going to play Haliene's latest song about 'Underneath My Skin' and in it are the words 'close my eyes and see a light along my veins' but I'm instead going to play a very excellent work by Jackson Browne which shows the problem very clearly.

Here is a guy, who you can hardly say was not pretty good-looking to women all of his life, and very successful -, tremendously talented.
Are you?

He is looking back and ruing certain relationships where at the beginning he thought he loved this or that person - and was mistaken about what he initially saw! It seems as brutal as that what he is saying.

But hey, how about all those people who cannot even look back and ever say that they actually had such outwardly 'fantasy' like' romances and relationships at all??!

They never broke through to the girl on the train, not even the one time.

It's all very well for Jackson here!

He's near-enough-is-good-enough to the 'perfect' example of a guy, of a man, and even he couldn't 'get it right!' What about all the poor others, way down the ladder of 'giftedness' since birth?

God, they must have absolutely no chance at all.

Meanwhile, we have the female of the species, carrying around this atrocious attitude that secretly they love being 'looked at in that way,' but overtly that this is obviously rude and disgusting and such an indictment of the males of the species. 

And at the end of their lives then, what?

What are they looking back and ruing? That they spent so much time thinking their beauty and attractiveness outwardly, physically, was something to do with them themselves? That it was all so really important that people looked at them? At how simply wonderful they were? That maybe they didn't spend enough time 'getting rid of things which didn't serve them?'
Old, ugly... ...then dead.
This is 2022.
You don't just get your 'daily bread;'
you get your daily bread, and butter, and
raisins, and custard, pudding.

Meanwhile, up here in our little thingies - we have taken all the DNA bits and pieces and grown them all back up, and now what? You take the same dunce person and confront them with that and say 'Oh yeah you think you wanna go back into here - as you are??'

...As you have come to us now with all of your stupid ignorant, literally insane ideas and beliefs?

Do not hide your light under a bushel.

The witches at least they have this thing, they're smart enough to know that if you stare at a candle flame, and just stare at it, after a while your stupid brain will cease all of its nonsense and insane 'oh but-ing' and if you are really clever, you will literally 'become one with the flame.'

And then, with this tiny weak little 'flame' switched on inside of you, you will encounter the next person -, but Jesus, you think with that simple little light you are going to be able to break through, cut through all of their idiotic twisted up nonsense???!

Which part of anything I have said here do you think is even microscopically wrong or incorrect - or made up?

The reason these slender guys with their long and slender arms, hands, and fingers, wear long cloaks and hoods and coverings when they take punch biopsies of your flesh down and to including some bone, is not because, as some women who have been taken think it's about risks of 'infection' - it's because their skins glow and light up depending on what they are thinking and reacting to what you are thinking and the 'Prime Directive' if there is one at all, is to do with cultural interference.

The human race is far far off from being able to have glowing veins organically just right now, and if they try to do it using implants and that, people will say 'Oh Book of Revelation/Mark of the Beast/Demons/Satanic-Reptilian-Luciferian whatever.'

The only 'beasts' around here are you ya dumb bastards. Meaning, the Pentagon of course, not you you.

Jesus was up on this mount with two of his closest disciples, and he was there with two other figures who came down from out of the clouds, and they all glowed brightly...

'Oh that's metaphorical.' No it's not. That part of the story has never been metaphorical; it is not regarded as, or taught as being metaphorical by anyone. Light. Glowing light. People whose bodies glowed. 

Which bit am I lying about?

Any of it?

At all?

Even at all?

Your job is to practice glowing.

And if you cannot glow, then what chance do you have that extremely advanced ET Aliens will want to come down here and visit with you specifically, and hand over a bunch of their junk...?

Well, might happen though.

You tell me, now, be serious, have I not just handed over to you something to do for real?

Some of you have talked to me about 'as above so below, as within so without' except none of you actually do it.

...If someone glows for real, we can see them from a long way away.

'Oh but my childhood; oh but my karma; oh but my past life; oh but my ugliness; oh but.' Bam! Light hits it. 'Oh but...' Bam! Light hits it. The question is, but what light?

I've given you the practical way, the solution. As Martina Navratilova says 'if you can't see the solution, increase the parameters of the problem.'

Now look at this, and tell me, what will we do with this guy:


Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Je Suis La Porte...

So, when 'La Belle' goes through the magical halls of the castle, past strange magical arms and hands holding up candles to light her way, she goes at first into the main dining hall of The Beast, and she is just too scared to even think about eating the feast that is laid out there for her - and she quickly runs up some stairs, and then along a gallery with curtains blowing until at the end she finds large doors which speak to her (they are magical doors of course):

"Le Belle, je suis la porte de votre chambre."

I am the door to your room.

This is the greatest movie on occult magic of all time ever made, and many other directors, like Vadim have copied it in so many parts.

Cousin (cousine, I guess) on the left,
Nicole, Baroness de Rothschild. 

Cocteau, who made the film, was supposed to have been the Grand Master of the Priory of Sion for some time, according to many legends. He was no such thing, of course. Yes he was a Grand Master of something, but not the 'Priory of Sion.'

On the one hand he did seem to provide a factual basis for the myth about this 'Priory' on account that he suddenly gained access to these odd little almost private chapels in the South of France - one in particular which was owned by fishermen, and still is. He used to paint all the inside walls of these places, and they are now effectively museums or at least attractions to a lot of tourism traffic. You will no doubt be aware that Mary Magdalene was supposed to have gone to the South of France, and she is the patroness of the fishermen there to this day.

And it's this implication that she came with vials of blood or something, or maybe even children in the family line of Jesus. That is in no way 'non-orthodox' Catholic teaching, since the so-called 'Desposyni,' sometimes known as the 'Despina' or 'Despini' are well-attested in Roman Catholic Vatican official records and they have archival records of where that family went - although this was for a long time deliberately hidden, the usual narrative being because of major conflicts going on in the Middle East after Constantine. 

But I am going to reveal to you two things.

If you reverse the characters - the roles of the people - in 'La Belle et La Bete,' then you get to this matter of Lilith.

The other tiny little, I guess you could say, 'secret,' of sorts, is that Jean Cocteau's money came from Nicole Stephane, not the Priory of Sion.

The Princess of the Underworld,
according to Jean Cocteau (in 'Orpheus').
This is not Nicole Stephane though,
this is Maria Casares.

Ah but, well, on the other hand still though, this is Nicole, Baroness de Rothschild.

And she was a great film director in her own right, and originally acted in I think Cocteau first film 'Les Enfants Terribles' - but she had a car accident soon after that which forced her to take up directing and producing, and to leave acting.

Cocteau was a great friend too, of Picasso and Charlie Chaplin.

What is the real answer to this riddle of who 'Adam' (the original 'Man') and 'Eve' were, and who the children are, and whether indeed, these must be, genetic experiments following the extraction of DNA literally from Adam to make Eve...?

The Jewish Zohar scholars even say that these angels who 'fell' (none ever did), were seduced not by 'us' (meaning that 'us' ordinary humans are supposedly the 'legitimate' offspring of Adam and Eve; although that simply cannot be true since Eve was not Adam's counter-partner, but actually him himself in a female form!) - but by the Lilim (the children of Lilith).

Now you will note, that pretty much all of everything in every single modern religion around today, always talks about 'things that happened in the past,' and 'things that will happen in the future' - because you either did, or didn't do, something ('good' or 'bad' according to their lists of crimes and sins).

But I will say to you, that you should be able to remember, to recall, at the moment when you were growing from virtually nothing, a moment at which you realized that you were about to turn into a male human, or remain a female).

Your daily bread.
From the rites of Serapis, Egypt.
Haven't got a pic of wine, but that
went along with it.
In Egypt. At Saqqara. During
the time of Ptolemy I Soter, ancestor of Jesus.

Of course, most people say they are unable to recall, and this is only because after the first year, your brain is pushed away from its standard electromagnetic communication vogue, to the matter of using human mouth words and sounds and brain cell memories that are only just then being acquired.

And then, after about two years, most children forget their earlier conscious awareness of things.

You may find on-line still somewhere today, Jean Cocteau giving his 'message to the people of the year 2000' in which he basically declares that all poets never die but pretend to in a kind of a masquerade for the sake of others.

However, however, the point I am trying to get to here - is that there are all kinds of 'people' on the planet right here and now.

So what if some are 'Lilim,' or some are Adam-Eve humans, or some are ET Alien hybrids from very far away?

The point is you should know what kind you are.

You should have a good sense and a feeling, inside of what you are. Be that gene-manipulated from the time of Atlantis, or Dwarka, or 'fallen angels' from Mount Hermon or Babylon (Harut-Marut, for the Muslims here), or just simply 'Adam-Eve' people.

Dogs get the crumbs,
cats get the vanilla 
champagne and lilac cream.
(Goes with the pan-friend
hot melted buttery toasted,
Thanks be to God.

Nevertheless, spiritually, you absolutely will have been epigenetically affected because of your experiences of this human society - that is, all of them you have been in already for several lifetimes. It is epigenetic because whether you like it or not, just the way you choose to use your actual physical senses is severely affected by your internal experiences...

And, use of your physical sense is, I'm afraid, a physical material matter, not a genuinely 'invisible' meaning metaphysical and woo-woo 'spiritual' thing! In other words if you are always tending, leaning to using some physical senses in certain particular ways and not others, that becomes a material consequence thing, an established material pattern; thus it is actually epigenetic. And the neural pathways, the neural network connections are 100% physical and mechanistic/mechanical. So you cannot say 'not physical;' it is physical. It's just not external.

So epigenetics is a fact and an important fact for humans.

So what I'm trying to say, or rather to finally get to, is that 'moral behavior' must be from the basis of at least having a firm awareness and understanding of who exactly, you are!

Basic ordinary commonplace human law says that if someone doesn't actually know who they are, they are not held fully responsible for what they then do. And often, they are not held responsible at all then!

Whereas all these stupid and completely fake 'religions' want 'you' to behave according to what they list down, what 'they' say and no god has said - I want you to decide right now, in the immediate present, who you are.

Do you know?

Because you could be from the biggest line of evil nasty demons, let's say, and but you behave decently in this life to all other living things. Then what? Who is going to accuse you of anything? Who is going to judge you because of your father? Or the brand of test-tube you came out of? (Could have said 'Made in Atlantis' on it, right?).

Nicole Millar.
Another Aussie trance singer.

Joke: Greeks go to the Gates of Heaven see, and ask to be let in, and Peter says to them 'Oh sorry, you have to be Jewish to come in here.' And the Greeks say: 'Go back inside and tell your master, that when He was hungry on the beach that time, we did not ask Him who His father was before we let Him eat some of our fish.'

This Samaritan says to Jesus: 'Master, please heal my sick daughter.' And He says to her, 'The bread is for the children and should not be cast to the dogs!' (Oh, nasty...) And she says back to Him: 'Yeah but even the dogs are able to eat the crumbs on the floor.' And He goes: 'Erh, hmn, okay.'

After you decide who you are, we will move forward, onto the crumbs. Or the bread.

Monday, 25 July 2022

The Bible IS About Transgenderism...

Oh yeah by the time I've finished here though you will literally be as to no doubt about it at all!

Sorry guys. It is what it is.

Jews and Christians and Muslims all have a huge problem. A HUGE problem.

Genesis 1 says 'God' (actually it doesn't say 'God' at all, it says Elohim) created Man and Woman - that is, 'Elohim' whoever those people are, created 'humans:' male and female they were created after the image of (the) Elohim. Equally, created together, as equals, like the Elohim themselves.

Orpheus goes into the Underworld.
Movie by Jean Cocteau.

And then, the modern Zohar and even all of the more ancient traditional orthodox rabbinical literature says that a particular identity, maybe some kind of leader female, Lilith, 'disobeyed her husband' and he rejected her and she in any case left him.

And that was the big 'sin,' see. She, disobeyed 'the man.' And Yahweh Elohim (not the actual ruler of the Elohim, by the way, but a mid-ranking figure of the Elohim), well he was clearly pretty patriarchal and he got a bit miffed and so he tried to act against Lilith - and failed. Then, we have the second 'creation' story, this being that of 'Adam' and 'Eve' - who was formed from Adam...

Lilith was independently created.

Eve was made from Adam.

You - are part of a transgender exercise.

Lilith, who has been since then subjected to a massive amount of negative propaganda, is the actual female/woman. Lilith told Yahweh Elohim to basically, * off.

You don't like this?

Try and get around it.

He he he he.
A lesson on how to be respectful
of books.

The Nag Hammadi texts, some of them, have Jesus saying as much and pretty clearly and directly too. The standard canonical New Testament goes around and around the matter in circles but does raise the key questions about how come Jesus is assigning certain roles to Mary Magdalene and why He is showing her the respect that technically, Jews never even gave to ordinary women.

You continue to live your life with your root system all tangled up into the twists that were deliberately laid in there, and you will end up literally losing yourself and your life.

Neither ordinary 'males' nor ordinary 'females' that you see around you are actual, genuine and real identities as would have been designed and intended by an actual fully knowledgeable God. 

When you pray to this false 'god' figure that is portrayed everywhere as the real deal, nothing happens. Nothing happens for you.

This 'god' has already been cast down from his previous position of dominance on this planet.

Even so, the whole entire 'orchestra and chorus' from that group is doing everything it can to re-assert its power here and indeed does exert enormous and even socially-politically prevailing influence over by far the majority of the human race (such as it is any kind of actual 'race' at all).

The 'human race' is nothing but a mixed up, twisted, radically mis-engineered experiment in transgenderism, intended as a slave peoples for a clever and very sinister personality.

The reason none of your meditations, your prayers, your requests to any kind of divinity around here are answered is most probably because you want to be liberated from enslavement - but that false though still present 'god' is not going to allow that in any way!

Secondly, who are you though, actually?

Are you the mixed up 'Adam/Eve' transgender experiment?

Or are you 'original human,' in this case for argument's sake let's say - 'male/man' person...? Which means you are the one who thought to enslave the original female version of its kind.

So on what basis are you asking any actual deity for something?

Who are you?

Who are you declaring yourself to be, in asking (for something, that is, something supernatural, as it were)?

If you are an actual woman - original sort, woman - then you well and truly know exactly what I am saying already. But what you might not know is that if you persist in being the twisted root version, that is, by following along the dictum of external society, then the outside physical forces and influences will in turn wreck you internally by and by. And this is true whether you are an 'Adam/Eve' sub-species or the actual original 'human' type of person. 

You will not be the same person at the end of your life, as when you began it this time here. What you will be is a dumbed-down, dull-headed, slave.

And if you think 'God' is going to rescue 'you' after your death, let's say, when then finally, you 'realize' all of this - well think again. There will be no original 'you' at that point. That is, the original 'you' is gone - what is there is the mixed up one manipulated and changed over your life by life here, itself.

You're stuck now, aren't you?

...Something old.

Next time you 'pray' you will be asking yourself, well who am I praying to?

Yahweh, the guy who demanded however many virgins as sacrifice or tribute, or something?

Allah, who literally tells you outright you have to be a slave to him...?

Or some set of divinities, some of whom are male, some of whom are female, with possibly, some kind of ultimate representative of both things at the top there...?

Myth stuff, you think?

Every single political system on the face of this Earth, functions by the means of governing the sexual dynamics of people - these systems enforce regimes of consequences against you.

Jesus is not a stupid guy: 'Woman, who is there here who condemns you?'

He knew that the people at the top are just as subservient to this system of holding something over them, and always it is on the matter of sex that this extortion is conducted.

This world, my friend, is about sex extortionate power.

'Consequences' means someone has assumed the role of stoning you...

Maybe you did do something wrong, maybe something very wrong, and maybe that could even have been in the order of some sexual matter.

But who is this standing over you ready with the stones?

The Pope?

Something new.

The President?

Chief Justice So-and-so?


"Every scribe instructed concerning the Kingdom of Heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old."

Don't argue with me. I am right. You are wrong.

Do what I tell you. The Kingdom will open up before your eyes.

Sunday, 24 July 2022

The Missing Parts Of Genesis

What? There are missing parts?

Oh yes, sure.

But not only is the fact that there are missing parts a problem - but that Jewish scholars, who have made numerous explanations and interpretations about those 'missing' sections, are in any case completely wrong.

Facing the fact that it was Jewish scholars who compiled the Septuagint (Old Testament in Greek), it was they too we are able to adduce, who left the parts out - and but then those same scholars, thinking that since they were the ones who had control of the information, they must necessarily know, what those passages were saying in the first place.

Mushrooms and chestnuts soup.
See? Vegetarians? See that?
You see that?!

Which is just not the case.

Since forever, all Bible scholars have had difficulty making exegesis of the dual 'Creation' narratives in Genesis. 

And this is because, of course, there is something missing. There are parts which have been deliberately extracted.

Much much later, Jewish Talmud debaters develop whole expanded narratives and these find their high point in the Spanish Zohar writings.

Fundamentally, the Jews say that the first 'wife' of 'Man' - and they incorrectly say 'Adam' instead of Man, although actual Genesis 1 says 'Man' and not 'Adam' - was Lilith, not Eve. 

But hey hey, wait on, how are we going to tie this into Russian women and the Soviet Era and all of that? ...And modern politics?

Well, KP - you know, don't you.

It goes like this. Allow me to quote from a Nazi propaganda slogan against the Bolsheviks:

"German women!

"Have you any idea..."

This is the actual 'Garden of Eden'
story right here. But they don't know, these
'experts' and scholars. They have no clue.
Lion-like creature (appetites); Medusa-headed
snake thing-y (knowledge of suffering and pain
and gainful poison); winged eagle (foresight, after-sight); 
and, other stuff, 'fish' and water and things.
Hah! Not to mention 'the shin of Allah!!' 

And then,

Item 6: "Every man is required to report a woman who resists him."

Which was not at all untrue of a statement, because not only did this kind of statement have complete currency in Bolshevik Russia, but leading Communist feminists such as Sofia Smidovich set down a scheme of sexual morality in writing:

(And I am translating a very tiny bit loosely to save space rather than put the whole thing in here word by word, but it is completely accurate and faithful to the original text).

Point 2. "When a young girl, whether she is a University student, or a worker or just a schoolgirl, is desired by a man, she is obliged to yield to this desire, otherwise she will be looked upon as a bourgeois girl who cannot pretend to be a genuine Communist."

You see, the hugest problem with the Judaeo-Christian narrative, and by a kind of a blind extension, Islam too, is the missing parts, that are to do with sex.

Islam attempts to get around it by literally covering complete licentiousness with some fabricated 'ritualistic' 'permission slips:' temporary 'marriages,' multiple 'wives,' endless * size in 'Jannah' and absolute sexual access to slaves.

The Zohar outright says that God made Man and Woman equally, and the female He made at that juncture (IE 'Lilith' although they are not allowed to mention her name, but only the letters Lamed Lamed Tav) rejected the rules that He set, and counters Him and prevails against Him to this minute! Not only that, 'God' (this is presumably 'Jehovah') has no power to stop her, nor to do anything at any time to her, not now or ever in the future till absolutely forever.

It doesn't actually formally put things like that so clearly, but that is indeed nevertheless what it does say in a round about manner.

All human political and thus also mainstream religious systems lie and deceive on the basis of the sex aspect.

They take and exert control by exploiting a pre-existing internal dysfunction of the human being, which is the belief that there is retribution for any actions against one single 'ruler.' And sex is either the direct analog to that power relationship, or it is the means to power trickery.

There are only two times where Lilith is almost directly spoken about in the Bible, and that is in Isaiah, talking about creatures and their mates, and by Jesus who uses the exact same phraseology as Isaiah, but He says 'where the flesh is there the eagles gather.'

Both people are speaking about some place of eternal rest, not retribution, and frankly, there is no possible way church or Bible scholars can have the least understanding about what is being said, fundamentally because the Jewish exegesis is utter rubbish and nobody else ever had practically-speaking, access to those missing sections of Genesis.

The biggest issue independent thinkers have with Christianity is not the 'Resurrection' - it is the reason, if any, for why God would knowingly enter the Earth, in order to be killed...

The mainstream Christian exegesis is in order to 'procure Salvation.' Which makes no logical sense whatsoever. 'Procure,' from whom? God is All-Powerful. He does not need to 'procure' from anyone.

However there are two facts that are never looked at.

1. It was not God who invented killing - you did that all on your own, by yourself. Naturally, if your 'unseen' roots were now entwined with a visible physical body, then for sure 'you' will certainly die, on account 'you' are being defined now as both the inner being and the outer physical part together. The grand lie that all churches dispense, is that when you die, 'you' become something different to what you were when you were alive. And that will then be why you will no longer have all these problems of money, body, jealousy, power, and sex.

2. Eden, it's location - must have always been inside, within 'you' and then, you externalized that interior, to become the physical human being that it is, and which has developed steadily along some line into the eventual ditch (Evolution). Nobody 'evolved' anywhere. They went straight to Hell and Damnation from the place where they first started out (which was not 'Hell and Damnation!) and from which potential of future place they might have gone to, had they pursued the right trajectory - but never did go.

The biggest slander ever against the Greek gods and goddesses of the Parthenon too, for another example, is that they are 'a-sexual.' Biggest lie ever. If 'Wisdom' is truly a Universal Divine facet, then there is Wisdom to be found in everything everywhere. It cannot be sterile and a-sexual. Cannot.

Laws, rules, obligations, edicts - you must have the right to abortions, you must not have the right; these are two sides of the same coin. This is how politics uses emotions to manipulate the masses - and not argumentation.

They all will give you the opportunity to get in trouble with the LAW. Just this LAW or that LAW; one side's LAW or the other's. Because you, are just a nothing, slave... Right? You are not a perfect creation of actual God!! Allah forbid! You are a nothing. You just do as you are told! We will rule you and take your Bentley. Ain't that right, Mr KP? And you want 'agency.' How did you figure you wanted that? Nobody else is actually giving you it! They are giving you fraudulent conversions of it all day long, and you are swallowing it all day long too. Or else, if not swallowing, then apt to become overly cynical and a resister and hater of offers and new ideas. In other words, a reactionary.

The Ukrainian Russian dancer,
Maya Plisetskaya.
No body, no Maya.
No 'Maya-tryoska' cells in these glass
tubes either...

Dangle out a bit of temptation at you, and then wham! Ah, sorry, you broke a law...

The Tree of Knowledge is a manifestly invisible, but forceful thing, which animates, drives, virtually always in the subconscious and not the open wide awake consciousness at all, and contains bitter fruit along with the good.

The Tree of Life, is a manifestly invisible, but supremely forceful thing, which animates and gives life - to all Eternity! And you don't have access to that Tree and you don't even know where it is.

The Tree of Life is Supremely Forceful.

...Where the flesh is, there the eagles gather for the feast.

I never said that. Jesus Christ said that.

God did not kill Himself. You did that.

The trouble is though, it's all you know how to do. You do not know how to give Life.

Hang on a minute though.

If Eden is inside, and has been attempted to have been made externalized, manifested outside (this is what Richard Dawkins, and Charles Darwin, and David Attenborough, want to achieve - sometime, at some theoretical future moment, humans will be able to attain immortality... Right? Scientifically, by sci-ence) - and the Tree of Knowledge of brutal killing is just an idea, a human-invented idea but with massive physical consequences, whose actual source is on the inside of each and every human person... 

...then where and what, is the Tree of Life?

...Being Supremely Powerful, as it is.

People always go 'prove it, prove it.' No. No way. You prove you have more with you than just the Tree inside that kills - only. Body and soul. I want it all. Your body is dying slowly, and you have only half a soul. "Behold, lest he (the Man) reaches out and takes from the Tree of Life!"

Awesome words.

You've been lost! All these centuries.