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Monday, 18 July 2022

A Simple Snack

It's midnight here right now. Middle of night, absolutely freezing cold. Southern Hemisphere - it's winter.

I believe in Europe they are having some kind of unusual heat wave with higher temperatures than ever before. Look, it's the End of the World, see. Everybody knows this.

What am I eating? What am I drinking?

(It's always about those things with me, no matter what, EOTW or not).

I'm eating dry bread, mustard and salt.

Let your life - and your lifestyle - 
be very simple.

I'm drinking strawberry and lemon juice and something else, dunno what exactly.

But you know better than that. Things are never going to be as simple as that around here!

The bread is oven-warmed bruschetta with oregano baked-in, the mustard is black truffle mustard, the salt is well you can imagine any kind of 'exotic' sea salt that you wish. I have several kinds here and am using just one of them at the moment. And, I have to admit, there is Swiss cheese and a few bruschetta pieces with tamarind chutney on them... Just to kick things up a bit, you understand.

And olive oil. The very best most strongly-flavored kind imaginable.

The drink is strawberry syrup infused with eucalyptus and other Australian wild-bush essences, fresh lemon juice and bitters maybe okay just maybe with also a touch of strawberry liqueur - and an air-dried orange slice garnish.

...I could have plain black tea afterwards. Possibly. Probably. Haven't got around to that yet. Still have the cocktail going in the champagne glass shaped like some French woman's breast. As the story goes.

Very very simple.

Meanwhile, Lee Stranahan said in own of his most recent tweets that he is 'back home by himself and wanted to use us out here as his only immediate source of conversation,' and that it was also 'around midnight' - whenever he shot that tweet off.

And then he added: 'No pressure.'

I quipped back something about Wilhelm Reich to him and imagine his head has exploded as the result.

Life is very simple with me.

How 'bout you?


What about that latest piece?

Here it is. The link (a link) is here.

My Affair With A Chinese Billionaire's Daughter.

This one not free, but contains the 'coin' thing:

This contains the ridiculously - actually, prolly quite horrifying as well - stunning reference to the coins that Elon Musk was trying to buy from my Chinese friend...

Er, he actually succeeded as far as I understand things and probably still is buying them up.

And good for him, too. 

I've already mentioned, haven't I (although maybe a while back now) that who really taught me about all of this nonsense with the cocktails was the key grip and focus puller for Helmut Newton when Newton was working in Sydney - who also happened to have been Lee Marvin's marlin fishing companion and some-time CIA um, um, um, you know, did bad things, guy.

Well, we do these things too.

I have him pinned for a notorious serial killing spree 'somewhere' and the cops have no idea. The guy they eventually 'got' was basically a bunny for this other person and yes, I'm sure he had something to do with things but he was not the 'architect.'

More or less everyone's dead now so... Besides which let me tell you, there was way more to what was going on than ever met the eye, especially in the media.

None of those things were quite so simple as either the cops or anyone else wants to know or believe either. I liked the murderer, actually. He was completely nuts, but he was also someone who very likely had done quite a lot to overcome his sociopath condition. Failing, though, certainly.

At the time I was much younger and was simply following who the rest of the 'big league in town' knew. You know, on the theory that if you hang around with nine other rich people, then the tenth rich person will be you.

I wasn't expecting to find that out of nine rich people virtually anywhere, all nine of them were or 'would be,' completely stark raving mad - and crooked. 

Most sensible people eventually get around to the 'I don't want to be rich rich, I just want to not have so many problems, especially those that can be solved with money.'


The drama, the drama.

I'll go along with that.

I was with the serial killer one time, and he wanted to have me go along with him 'fishing.' He caught herring. Only thing was, the herring were running and he never stopped catching them and that was when I really figured - this guy has no sense of boundaries at all. By the time he 'stopped' it was blazing hot, midday in the Australian summer sun (and that is hot!) and basically, well, the fish had stopped running. He 'let me' take off, and he himself stayed around still though. God only knows why at that point.

It was a public pier in a fairly public place although, if you were there at four in the morning there were not that many people around, depending on the time of year. In hindsight, I recall having suspicions about his talking about wanting to go fishing there. But you know what, he was a dealer-broker with a very prominent local stock brokers and I was raising capital at that time.

Some time later, not very long later, a girl whose relative had been on the board of an Australian Merchant Bank which was seeking a full banking licence (and never got it), died 'somewhere' - her car which had somehow rolled off that same pier according to some serious theories, being found in the sea fifty meters away. As far as I understand, her body has never been found.

Did I really like him though, or just find him 'interesting?' Well he was a human being all the same -, I don't like them as a general rule. So no I don't think I did like him as such. But I did learn many things from him. And that's one of the great issues with life - you learn stuff from the most absurd and unmerited places, often.

And you cannot really like someone who is not intrinsically or naturally safe.

Everyone thinks being a human is a privilege and that it implies that you are in this elite of intelligent sentient beings...

I dispute that.

When I look back and think about all of the ridiculously dangerous situations and places I have been - and probably you have too - and I have been in a real war-zone (although not as a participant doing 'war-fighting') and so have many of you... SMH

I want a simple life. LOLOLOLOL

Sunday, 17 July 2022

The Treasure is - Le Voila!

Surely you must be getting an inkling by now, that it is just not the right thing to do, to go telling people about where the treasure is buried...

In one or two days, I will post a link to something, in which you will find a brief reference to 'coins.'

And the immediate second that you see what this is about, you will quickly go - 'Oh hey no, Calvin. Don't say any more about this!'

Relax. It's coffee time again!

...So, this Chinese girl (I already told y'all about it here a while back now) told me about this, and we have been 'acquiring' these for five years straight. You just tell me then, how much we have here now.


It was literally sixty bucks when I first looked (and I told you that too at the time right here; so it's totally a matter of public record).

Anyway forget all that. We want to look ahead now, to the matter of rising interest rates and what that actually means for you.

But what I want you to do, is read the linked stuff later on, and then ask yourself, do you really want it to be the case, that we blurt the whole thing out here in public?

And no, you will certainly (no 'free-will' involved at all! LOLOLOL) say 'no.'

You will say no.

Because the first thing you will realize is that no one much knows about this, and that you want to 'get in' before the whole crowd stampedes, and, it can also be the case that governments and 'controllers' hit out against those with knowledge and simply just create absolute horrendous crises hurting millions - just to get at those who 'busted their silly little scheme.'

So... We are 'ignorant.' Okay. And that's one reason why I said that I am 'stoopid' before.

Hey for another thing it's just way too much pressure when some blinking aeronautical and space scientist and engineer billionaire, starts asking you questions! What am I supposed to tell them? I don't know! I don't speak the same BS language they all learned and think is 'true stuff!' I could say something to them and they will privately go to themselves 'Oh that's wrong;' whereas in fact I am totally right and they off their faces wrong!

Ah but French coffee is never just coffee,
is it?
All the best French are Russians: Vadim, Polanski, 

From my point of view they are primitive and incapable of getting up to speed fast enough.

Look, let me show you something - about a seemingly different subject, but I will tie it back in later here - which ought to be abundantly clear to any lay-person:

The reason that your consciousness is very obviously and very apparently present in your pain, fears, anxiety, and suffering - is because it is a practical necessity to make your biochemistry work palpably and urgently and very rapidly when the thing is a question of urgent fight or flight; it's a matter of your immediate physical survival.

Is that not obvious?

It is obvious.

But what makes it that every single lunatic ignoramus on the planet aka 'scientist' and 'psychologist' assumes that that is what consciousness is, and where it is located always - namely, inside your physical needs? And what makes the relaxation response the opposite of the fight or flight response?

Absolutely nothing at all. It isn't (the opposite) and they are all wrong.

Okay. So now look here at this example - something threatens danger and so your body gets into the mode of 'fight or flight.' In the short term.

But in the real term, your actual physical reality (and what your true needs are, in terms of what you must overcome for actual survival) is that you die.

Every stoopid psychologist knows
about the neural mechanisms
of seeing the color 'red.'
But this here ain't red, is it.

Well 'when' were you planning in your 'consciousness' to 'fight or flight' that?

Psychologists' answer to that question is: never. Because they claim to know there is a thing called 'general adaptive adaptive response.' Well is there?

Is that how dinosaurs survived, is it, then?


They must have all 'generally adapted' to being killed off.

There's no such thing.

How to make a 'little bit of money' is how you will see in this upcoming new thing.

How to make a huge amount of money is how to handle ten-year bonds when the panic/crisis hits - which it will, unless you all go advertising that 'Oh hey we know how to survive this!!'

So we all agree we're not going to do that, right? Right?!

All the Wall Street Bear Board old hands already know about how to mess around with bonds when it counts.

The new kids here have to just learn to 'keep their mouths a little bit closed' and let the politicians all go cut their own throats.

So, what's the tie-in?

Well, if you think that human consciousness is something fixed in, embedded, in survival fear and panic, well then you will just never see what the process is about how to make money while neither spinning nor toiling.

I promised to give you hints about those who are in touch with let's just say 'very advanced knowledge and understandings.' Again, the WSB people will probably know who I am talking about when I say this guy - someone who sold all of his property portfolio at the top of the market a year before the 80's stock market Crash, and has been doing that kind of thing consistently ever since.

Going for 'French coffee' is
always going to end up with
champagne, and this.

That kind of person 'sees' when others do not.

He is using a process that is absolutely not, this one about 'fright or flight.' 

Heaven, my friends, is just plain not for everyone.

So how does your consciousness work, at the top end - away from crisis, panic, fear, doubt, and permanent anxiety?

Physiologically, bio-chemically, your body screams at you when you are in danger.

But what does it do, when you are closing in on treasure...?

Nah. It's not 'joy,' 'excitement,' 'expectation.' This is not about some kind of 'manifesting' technique. 

What is the actual neuro-chemical response mechanism to do with these things, the same way as nociceptors exist for risk and danger; 'fight or flight?'

Don't know?

No. No Earth scientist does, either.

There isn't such a mechanism explained by anyone.

And I for one, do not personally intend that there is going to be either. But here in these pages I will give you every single possible clue to working it out for yourself; and, you will definitely realize at some point, that no, this is absolutely not something you want to be going around blurting out to all and sundry.

The guy who could not walk in the Bible was a physical cripple. But the whole human race is also a guy who cannot stand up on his two feet and walk - because it is an emotional, and absolute intellectual cripple.

Saturday, 16 July 2022

Why I Am Also 'Stoopid'

I am one of those people who can watch a movie one week, and the very next week watch it again (if I liked it the first time, of course), and 'pretend' that I don't really know the ending at all.

Over many years now, I have more or less trained myself to literally retain no recollection of the ending scenes - so I basically get almost greater enjoyment in subsequent viewings!

And, I can keep it going for, well -, I haven't reached my 'upper limit yet.'

Joe Bailon invented the color 
'Candy Apple Red.'
Goes really well on Corvettes.

For example I have watched 'Wall Street' (the movie) upwards of eighty times now; I stopped counting after sixty...

To this moment, I would have to drag it out of the deepest recesses of my brain what really happens in the end - all I recall is that Gekko whacks Bud Fox in the nose either right at the end or near there or something; I have no idea. And what that even has to do with the actual ending I don't exactly know.

Ice Station Zebra? No idea how that ends either. How many times watched? Impossible to tell. Could even be more than Wall Street.

So what I'm about to say now, should be taken in context of that.

It would be just wrong of me, and a lie to not tell you all, that I just got directly contacted by 'friends.' I have a vague understanding of why, but that didn't stop me from quickly checking all the world news to see if maybe something 'disastrous' or stupendously beneficial, happened. But there was nothing in the news anywhere at all.

I checked with a few Earth friends, even the surreptitious ones - same result.

Mozambique raw rubies.

I know why they made contact. It was extremely brief but it was certainly 'interesting' and still for me rather exciting even now, or in fact, especially now. When I was a tiny kid it was nothing to me at all - just plain run-of-the-mill stuff that was to be expected, and always in exact line with 'times and schedules' that somehow I seemed to have 'prior knowledge' about. And when I say 'prior knowledge' I mean full prior knowledge.

Frankly, I'd have to say I pushed myself through this same stage of 'pretending' stuff, likely in order to fit into everyone else and their perceptions and views and therefore expectations.

The basic thing has always been like some kind of 'way-point' signal: 'you are on track now.' 

Beforehand it's like you have to push with effort, against the abject thickness of opposition to the flow that you are directing.

And then though, eventually, the opposition just breaks down. At every moment before that, it was a massive wall that appeared as if it could never be broken down or broken through. It always breaks.

The fundamental idea that I have been circling around over the last few days is this: human beings have very clear-cut neural systems in-built, that signal certain kinds of danger to the brain. The active parts of this system are known as 'nociceptors.'

Just because of the colors!
You don't go out and buy and drink
the stuff, for heaven's sakes!
You just look at the colors. Nice colors.

So, your hand has some conception of when a strut is about to break under strain or pressure, for instance. Your skin has a good conception about when something is 'getting too hot.' 

I can see from the site data here, that a reasonably large group of the same readers stop by and pay some attention to what is being said.

So that group of people will be the only people in the whole world right now, who will shortly become aware of the human neurological systems of 'euciceptors.' And these are neural and neuro-sensory/chemosensory systems which deliver knowledge (acutely reliable information) to the brain about when you are in the vicinity of some highly valuable thing that is capable of and also about to be, being accessed by you.

Most people wander around whole entire large and fairly concentrated numbers of people (for example, in cities), as well as theoretical or hypothetical or commercially-offered resources, and have no knowledge of whether any of those things are actually available to them in reality, or whether what is being represented to them on the surface, is even the thing they are after underneath that in any case mostly fabricated surface.

Virtually always nowadays, you cannot make money gambling at a casino, because the rules of gaming and betting have evolved to take into the picture all the known historical methods of having the player have a bettable chance to win. You can 'place pressure' on a gaming table and it will not break in your favor.

The same goes for the stock market.

Yeah, even on a 
good day, I'm not
going to be Kimy though,

You can 'chat up' some model at Davos in the face of George Soros but you will not overcome the size of money that will be used against you, if even simply to block you from prevailing, and not even to get that other person into the sex-room with ugly George for any money; simply to block you.

And this is because neither you nor George have euciceptors enabled and functioning. George is using money to overcome direct practical competition. And you don't have any money to do it back to him, but that would be your plan anyway...

Let the word 'euciceptor' and the concept of it roll around in your head for awhile.

Don't let it be that people are spoon-feeding you too much. I know you guys, if the super advanced ET Aliens come down here and spoon-feed you, your eyes will fall onto the spoon, and seeing that it is shiny like silver, you will knick it! 

Oh I don't need to eat the contents - I just want the spoon...

What I mean by me being 'stoopid' is that this is still all so much fun for me. And it always will be. I should know how it all ends, and I do - somewhere in the mind there... ...Somewhere. Right now I can't see where and therefore I don't have in my consciousness what the ending is. I think it's good, though.

...Is in Romanian. You'll still be able to understand it, because - euciceptors, and pronoia:


Friday, 15 July 2022

What Is So Valuable?

Oh dear, oh dear.

This is risky, this stuff.

Aaaeeeeer... Had to sort of alter where I was headed at the beginning here, and I'll give you a clue why by asking this question:

What is really so dangerous in any book or set of them, that you have to burn the whole entire damn lot?

Scallops and blueberries - and flowers.

Okay we saw that this was done at the Great Museum of Baghdad, previously, and then several times at the Library (or libraries) of Alexandria.

Was there some attendant volume which actually explained what was really being depicted there on the Metternich Stela?

Well see, the 'Metternich Stela' is, down to this day, shown a lot of the time as just this particular panel with a youthful Horus and some snakes and stuff. Whereas in fact the stela is as shown in this pic down here below -, a whole big thing with a lot of hieroglyphics on it. Now I am among the very few people who think we don't actually know how to translate hieroglyphics. So I don't believe we know what these things on the Metternich Stela, say. These glyphs in the first place, were only made known to initiated priests as to their full and complete meanings and - how to use them!

The 'Metternich Stela' in full.

These are what the Vedas would describe as 'yantras.' They are not actually words like we would use to render us a memorializing of a sound, and then with a meaning for that sound.

If you have a sound with no meaning, then you just have noise. 

But if you have 'noise' with a function -, an objective and a purpose, then theoretically you could have a 'mantra.'

If you have a geometric design or a pictograph which is an aid to memory of a sound with a function - then you have a 'yantra.'

And nobody has ever 'translated' any hieroglyph from that perspective.

Well, I did once here re the capstone of Amenemhat III, albeit I never gave the sounds entailed away.

A human being is a kind of a book.
And certain types of them have
red Moroccan coverings with gilt...

So I do not think anyone out in the academic public knows what the Metternich Stela actually records on it.

I am theorizing here, that someone, probably Amr al-As back in the 7th century, destroyed a text, in other words some scrolls and books of writing, which said what the nature of what we now call the Metternich Stela, really was.

In the same way that, if you look at this recent phenomenon with Kate Bush's song 'Running Up The Hill' and its rise again to No 1 in the UK, on account of Stranger Things (which I have not seen) - then to me it is the same thing as what Amr al-As did. Which is namely, to try and obliterate the meaning of something.

'Stranger Things' has as its story skeleton, that the government has some secret project to work on what the info calls 'the supernatural.' Well in fact, the government does not have anything such thing at all, never did, and never will.

I know very well what the original 'Stargate' programs were all about - they were about having certain naturally-gifted people (who were then trained up) stare at photographs and try to interpret the shadows and the light that they saw and come to supportable conclusions about what was on the actual photographic image.

That's like me
on any give day.
What sort of book covering...

Subsequent to that, some people went off and developed other things, because they realized that some high altitude photograph readers were able to 'do other things' besides see what was on the image. They were able to close their eyes and 'see' actual places clearly, with movement and everything. And those people stepped out of government.

The government, even were it to discover that people could do various strange and unusual and useful 'supernatural' things - would seek to block that. Same with academia. They wouldn't do it. Whether secretly or not secretly, they just wouldn't do it at all.

'Running Up The Hill' was written about the child of a person, whose books were all burned - by the government. Your government. Not 'Amr al-As' fifteen hundred years ago.

Well but what was in there that was so important, in the sense of being 'not important for real,' but important as in significantly dangerous...? And who would it have been dangerous too?

'Stranger Things' is in no way realistic in terms of its basic underlying proposition.

But is it functional to obscure something, though?

And what is that something?

Surely if something having been committed to writing is just plainly silly or foolish or wrong factually, then you just leave it and everyone laughs at it. And that's that about it.

Why go to all these exorbitant lengths about destroying them all; literally, all of them.

Well of course, just like Amr al-As failed to actually achieve his ends, although in the short-ish term he succeeded, in the same way those books burned by the US government are readily enough available today, if expensively so.

This is the only thing they'll
let you know about.
Only the bad parts though.
This'll all make sense when you get to
see the new thing, soon.

Let me tell you it is a lot more complicated than you might think. What you might be thinking is that, well, these books hold some interesting stuff about 'supernatural' phenomena and whatever, and they were promoting some kinds of unrealistic ideas that were nonetheless presented quite attractively, and therefore government wished to put a halt to having people be misled by them (the books).

This is the sort of thing the Beijing CCP does with the Falun Gong people, except there is more to that too, than what meets the eye.

But that is not the main 'problem.'

Now I'm going to be able to tell you about the details of the 'main problem,' in something coming up very soon, and I won't pre-empt that by talking about the specific content, but what I can say is that human beings have haptic sensory features that are able to discern risky things (nociception) - like when something is going to structurally fail against our weight, or when something is getting too hot... ...But those haptic sensory systems go beyond just 'touch' using the hand, and they go all the way into things like olfaction and then, maybe to other sensory channels as well. But they still rely on the actual physical material conveying of something, even if it is on the molecular scale of things - which seem like they are 'invisible' but they are not 'invisible' as such to all of our senses when these are functioning in highly elevated states.

This is most acutely demonstratable (and Luca Turin describes this in his books) by comparing the neural reaction differences in people who are smelling synthetic fragrances, versus the same people smelling real natural fragrance molecules. Well it all goes a lot further than just the olfaction side of things..  

...I don't know whether you are starting to get an inkling of where this all goes from here now.

 But if you do know where it is going, then you will instantly be aware that human beings have been being blocked and cut off from these totally natural human capacities of awareness - literally for thousands of years. And you will however, also realize that we should not just be spreading this kind of knowledge around carelessly, because you know for sure that it will be exploited, and people manipulated by extremely malevolent forces like those always found in power politics and also by people using the forcefulness of governments to get what they want at your expense and exclusion.

What could be that bad for these guys, that they don't want you to even know about it??

I want to stress very strongly here, and I've said it before - when I say 'ET Alien,' I mean explicitly and completely without any equivocation whatsoever, beings that are real, physical, material, and travel here from extremely far away. Now notwithstanding that, sure, there could be, and there mostly always is, quite a lot of 'preparation' required and this can certainly involve using your mind and your thoughts and arranging how you think and respond and react - nevertheless we are talking hard touch reality things here and not myths, visions, metaphors, hallucinations, 'lucid dreaming,' or any of that. 

Lot of nice books.

You're going to really understand this and find this out, when you get to see the upcoming new stuff, and are then able to put into operation, what you learn then. 

See -, you can't just go into a city, for example, and meet a generous bank manager on simply any street corner, but if you did in any event, you almost certainly would not be able to detect that person because there are so many other things and people there that absorbing your attention. (This is already a clue because we all know 'bank managers' are to be found in offices, behind labels which say 'bank manager...'). Maybe, though, that is not how you want to find your bank manager.

This is why you 'don't see it.' Not because 'it' isn't there (what you are looking for), but because there is so much there! And all of it has the wrong label on it.

...This track is a thousand percent (yeah I know, no such thing as a 'thousand percent!') better than when you hear it the first time. The first time you'll go: 'Ah yeah, so what? Pretty much nothing special there.' Hah!

Thursday, 14 July 2022

To The Most Corrupt Places

The most corrupt people go to the most corrupt places.


In the ancient Vedas, in all the skandhas, and basically as the underlying philosophical dichotomy (as explained in the Bhagavata) of all the living beings in the Universe, is the concept that the majority of beings consist of those who are under the belief that it is possible to annihilate Shiva in particular, and the Trimurti as a whole group thereafter, by literally denying Shiva's existence, and by continuously taking and then exerting absolute control over all material things, all matter - which they see as 'without mind' and thus able to be subjugated.

This is how I remember Malay women,
when I was growing up. Naturally,
it wasn't always exactly like this,
because they did more things than 
play around in water all day long.

This dichotomy is understood as a war which is going on. And which war never fully ended with the Mahabharata.

So these texts describe 'demons' but the concept of 'demons' in the Vedas is much more complex and detailed than the social-cultural and folkloric concept about the word, in the West.

'Demon' is not always just a Titanic monster as it is depicted in Jewish traditional literature, and it is not even the case that Titans, Reptilians and/or preternatural snake-beings (the Nagas), are all 'demonic,' but only that kind are -, who are 'a-suras.'

And this means those who totally abstain from wine.

'A -' not (having), 'sura,' alcoholic nectar.

'Nectar' you can get from 'Surya;' the Sun.

And I previously told you how.

The greatest of the Asuras was Shalva.

He possessed a massive space ship which was like a whole city. However there was only darkness inside there, with some kind of glow from crystals and jewels. But otherwise there was no light, and absolutely no entry points for sunlight - or starlight, or moonlight. In other words no light from natural objects which gave light from their existential dynamic 'heat' - because, in fact light from crystals is on account of entrapped electrons that are released. The 'dynamic potential action state' of the crystals - if they were acquired from Nature and not synthesized artificially - is pressure and the entrapment, containment, and 'holding up' of electron flow potential.

All ethnic Malay people, men as 
well as women, wore a batik or 
gold or silver threaded batik
form of folded headgear called 
'tanjak' or more generally
'tengkolok.' Some of the women
wore only combs in their hair and 
no headgear at all.

A lot of people in the 'New Age Guru' business have recently been asserting that 'grey ET Aliens' are demonic, malevolent, and bad/evil.

They are not, however, and it is easy enough for someone to ascertain whether anything masquerading quite possibly as an ET Alien, is not in fact a demonic thing: they will not imbibe alcohol. 

And this is attested to as well, in Timothy in the New Testament - 'for such (people) forbid sex and enjoin abstinence from certain foods (and drink), giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons.' 

Some modern Vedic scholars suggest that 'Asura' means a being who resides in a different dimension, in the 'aether', on account of the fact that 'sura' can also mean 'the essential spirit' or the 'ethereal' - but that is not correct because directly stated in the Vedas themselves, is the idea that 'Surya' is partly also composed of 'aether' which is because it is itself ('svayam' - means 'itself' or 'himself' or even 'yourself') also existing in the ethereal 'world' at the same time that it is here with us in our plane of material existence.

'Asura' means a being, a person, an entity, who does not imbibe alcohol. And this is also why you will find atheistic materialists all claiming to be 'realistic' and rationalistic thinkers, and never 'out of their minds' - and they are the very first to point the finger at anyone who disagrees with any pronouncements they make, as 'crazy' or 'out of their mind;' whereas they themselves never are that. ...Are they.

Even when they use medications, it is because of 'mental health' and not because they are refusing to face reality...

I have never ever seen women
attired like this in Malaya when I was 
growing up. This is Arabic, Middle-Eastern
desert clothing. It is not Tropical
attire at all.
When I was growing up, and you 
went to rice fields where there were
bullocks plowing, often these were run
by Malay women (and women and men both planted
and cut rice) - and they were bare from the 
waist up. I mean to say, entirely. And that
was also the case in the fishing villages. Not always
because it was not always hot and humid,
there were Monsoons too.

Or if they ever indeed 'use drugs' it is because they are doing so 'recreationally.'

Their strategy to control material things and the material Universe, and to compete with each other and never to share anything unconditionally, is demonic, and leads to their acquiring a lot of material wealth and material power.

Material wealth itself is not evil or bad, but it is in fact the only form of viable external 'negotiating' power that an atheist may have. And that is why they must have it.

Often a person who is exploring the psychology of economics on this planet, will experience and also witness incredible 'controls' being imposed on the flows of all dynamic forms of energy. And this is necessary to make a 'franchise' out of atheistic materialism. You can imagine, for example, if you were to be able to simply -, 'toil not, neither spin' and yet somehow have wealth and make money.

Yet you will see, albeit not so commonly, and you have to look for them very hard to discern them - certain types of people who live materially quite successful lives without serving the obtaining system of strict atheistic materialism. These people often, if not almost always in fact, disguise their lives - and they make themselves look like one thing, whereas they are something else entirely.

But then again they only disguise their lives from the foolish and the ignorant. They are, if anything, out there, hidden in plain sight.

I wonder if I can find one or two examples, in coming days, perhaps identities who are not with us today, because we don't want people heading off and annoying anyone now, do we?

Anyway, for now, back to the normal trance programming and away from all of those tears: