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Thursday 16 June 2022

Silly Amplituhedrals

So the latest work of genius in the 'sci-entific community,' is that 'things' happen because of the 'amplituhedron' model of 'twistor space.'


This is some kind of notion that 'explains' how photons move through space, and, critically, it throws out 'time-space' altogether, and says (and this part at least is right), that 'things' emerge from out of an underlying phenomenon.

Not 'amplituhedrons.'

That 'phenomenon' complies with a set of geometrical rules which can be described as a three-dimensional form like a polyhedral with all of the 'directional dimensions' radiating from some source node: the 'amplituhedral' shape.

Now this all comes about because, whilst all particles without exception, when they collide explode as spherical amplitude waves, in the practicality of multiple (endless) collisions of endless particles including photons - what ends up happening is a huge complex range of motion as everything interacts with every other thing.

The fundamental matrix 'phenomenon' however, is obviously the radian...

Yet because there are so many particles in Cosmic space, theoretical physicists want to fabricate some kind of 'formula' from which I suppose, that if you stuck any of them in Las Vegas they would all want to go 'prove' that they can beat the house.

Arising from the (false) belief that the presence, the existence of particles - in motion - gives rise to 'gravity,' which they call a vector force, rather than a real material force; then the 'amplituhedron' is the de facto explanation of 'gravity.' I deliberately say 'of' gravity because scientists never want to explain 'why' anything, in other words, not 'for' gravity, but 'of' gravity.

They are reductionists, of course. Even while they actually employ Universal generic 'models' to describe what they at first tried to dissect into essential smallest parts, still they insist that they are reductionists 'examining' what is 'there.'

In the genius 'Zen' scientist's conception of the
existential Universe,
beauty doesn't exist. Not the way you think of
it, anyhow.

Jesus Christ attempted to, well in fact He did say things in terms of how people with that level of knowledge would be able to best appreciate things - He attempted to explain His phenomenological existence as God: 'it is expedient for you that I go, for if I go, then 'something' is able to be here...'

Today's theoretical physicists surmise that neutrinos have the smallest amount of mass but not no mass (and they are wrong there as well), and thus can move almost with the speed of light. They also have no charge so they are difficult to influence to get to move faster, or to even detect, certainly.

The stunning and you would think embarrassing contradiction not only to all of current theory and speculation about neutrinos, and the ridiculous confusion of the 'amplituhedron' model - is to do with the fact that neutrinos do not propagate in spherical amplitude waves, but go around in Einsteinian 'world lines.'

They cannot 'collide' as such because they have no mass and no charge and therefore must rely on gravity... interact.


All matter - Jesus included - are manifestations of phenomena from the Universal Field. The Universal Field is large but entirely self-contained within its own existential curvature; it is, completely curved at all moments. When some item of matter, congregates from the world lines of neutrinos, in a location, then those particles cease being smoothly in the continuum in motion along the world lines. If some fundamental particle - say, something even more fundamental and 'smaller' than the smallest neutrino (there are about three or maybe four kinds of neutrinos) - is 'intelligent' in that it conveys data backwards and forwards across all other lines of neutrinos, then as soon as it ceases being part of the continuum of all other traveling neutrinos, it no longer has complete and direct access to all data elsewhere...

Eastern Red Cedar - produces
blue juniper berries.

This is why 'curves are lovely.'

Everything is curved, even straight lines.

The Zen philosopher Basho once said: 'a flute without any holes... not a flute.'

Actually I think Chevy Chase said that and claimed it was the poet Basho he was quoting.

He went on to say, as he sank a golf ball into a hole by going around another ball, that 'in one physical model of the Universe the shortest distance between two points is a straight line - in the opposite direction;' disproving, by his magical action, that the straight line is always the right way to get to where you want to go. And at the same time establishing the tangent...

Endorphins are important.


Wednesday 15 June 2022

The Simple, Rustic Life

In Portugal today they still retain some folkloric memory of the ancient Galician peoples.

In the mythology of those ancient peoples they had some beings who lived in the forests, but reputedly, actually beneath the ground inside the forests. These people were called 'moura.' And some of the womenfolk of the 'moura' were 'enchanted' and seemingly held virtually in a hypnotic condition in which they stayed around treasures that had been secreted away by the menfolk of the 'moura' people, before they left for Mourama - the actual city somewhere away among the stars from where they really hailed.

What is there, in the cedar trees?

Moura are capable of giving humans treasures of gold or silver or both. But the humans are supposed to 'disenchant' the half-sleeping moura fairy, upon which she turns into a human and resides with the human thereafter.

There doesn't seem to be much 'dark' or threatening or negative about this myth at all. Moura people live quite comfortably with the rural peoples, sometimes taking milk from cows however - and that's about the size of their typical 'fairy' style activities. There's some addition to the story about dragons being around the treasure also, but again, there's no real big deal made of it in the mythology.

Sometimes in our modern lives, we should look back to the ancient past, and see the rustic ways.

...Someone reminded just earlier today, about the thymus effects of the LED laser 'energized' salt crystal - I was going to mention sooner that maybe there will be variations in immediate sensation (especially the 'fluttering' part) depending on how much intervening tissue there is in front of the thymus itself, in its position in the chest. It certainly occurred to me that there could also be higher fat layers with women compared to males, but then again, it may be that some people just will have a few more millimeters of fat tissue anyway - and this might inhibited the fluttering feeling.

Except, for sure the thymus will be receiving electric field stimulation at a level; doesn't mean you will necessarily feel it really obviously. It's not going to be like a freight train running through your chest, that's for sure.

All the same, the Autistic experience - what parents experience - is a huge long-winded path, a journey over many years; and this is exactly the same thing we all face when it comes to understanding 'life at a spiritual depth.' We are all, in a sense, Autistic, when it comes to our own metaphysical understanding of the human condition.

Like 'normal' Autistic people, we want to 'touch and re-touch the money,' so to speak, just to assure ourselves that it was ever there.

Some religious adherent, some monk or nun in a secluded place says to themselves: 'I want to see God, I want to touch God, I want to be touched by the numinous experience...'

And then, one time, in some rare moment, it happens.

And then, ever after that, they are not sure though.

And they seek that experience again and again.

It isn't an experience that you want though, after the first experience. It is the intelligent conscious and meaningful relationship. You want to know what it's all about, what you are truly expected to do, and what you might expect Divinity to perform in its role; besides keeping everything going the same way as it always was going every day, day in, and day out, always more or less the same inadequate, sometimes adequate, mostly painfully sad but still beautiful, way.

So you have this romantic partner, right. And they tell you, don't tell me about the world beyond, I want to have the world here before me, this material place, and I want all the wealth that it holds, so that I can be happy and satisfied.

This is the criminal insanity of youth talking.

'All the wealth that it holds.'

It holds no wealth, only decay and suffering.

The gods rule by subtlety. These human people, they are Tantalus. They tried to steal the nectar of the gods. And they also did great harm and caused death and suffering too, but yet they thought it would be up to them to determine who got the nectar of life...

And they get nothing.

The 'have' everything it is true, but they get, nothing and it is all taken away from them by-and-by.

'But Calvin, I went up the mountain and I saw no god.'

You didn't look hard enough.

Pepper steak and cognac cream
and pommes allumette.

King Arthur says to Sir Bedivere, after he tells him to toss Exclaibur into the lake: 'What did you see?'

And twice Bedivere lies to him and says 'Nothing.' Because in fact, he has not tossed Excalibur away at all. 

But, grieved that Arthur is quite insistent and seems to know that Bedivere is lying, this third time he throws the mighty sword and the hand of the Lady of the Lake reaches up and grabs it and takes it down, away.

There is really nothing hard about it.


Monday 13 June 2022

As The Markets Tumble

So what happens to you when the world, which is rapidly going to hell, starts to exhibit ever greater signs of closer-to-home social pandemonium and everyone feels it?

You won't be able to just sit quietly and safely at home and watch the real 'wars' happening elsewhere on TV - because the effects will be being felt right where you are.

Well obviously ordinary people will be more and more anxious, more and more agitated, and their general demeanor and behavior will show this.

Horstmann Blue Atlas Cedar.
A beautiful tree.

All the claims to 'human rights' and 'humane treatment' and all of this will go straight out the window - not that it was ever really inside that window in the first place.

Yet it's not going to be as simple as that though - as simple as just everything being destroyed, or a kind of widespread social self-destruction unfolding. 

Nobody should be surprised if some pretty 'bad' things happen. 'Bad?' Meaning what, exactly? Well, meaning things we are not allowed to talk about here because it is illegal to do that - talk explicitly about what is going to happen.

Everything for thousands of years has been about how the little guy gets squashed.

If there's a Depression the little guy gets smashed, if there is a war, the little guy dies, if there is a drought, pandemic, whatever, the little guy starves, gets 'locked in.' Always the little guy.

When was it not obvious that market prices for shares and real estate, propped up by false 'money' and no natural-need sales demand and thereby real profits, might experience a catastrophic fall? FED Chair Powell himself recently said in answer to an interviewer's question about whether they just print money out of thin air: 'Yes, we do just print money out of nothing.'

So here we are, 2022.

Zoe Johnston and 'Above and Beyond'
among the mossy trees.

What are the 'big guys' doing?

I don't really care about them or what they are doing, I don't care to know.

I want to know about how I am reformulating some kind of personal social thing.

Could I be happy in the middle of a city in flames?

You bet.

Everything about this column, this Blog place, is all about how to work out what you really want, as opposed to what people advertise to you that you 'should' want - and how to get it for yourself and for your friends. ...Even how to work out what a friend actually is.

The wonderful thing about money too, is, it is just like Mandela says about all kinds of 'impossible' things: 'They always seem impossible - until they happen.'

Humans live in the realm of the constant daily lacking of everything they want, and the sheer impossibility of getting those things.

KP knows what I'm talking about under my breath here. He's not silly. He's working on it himself right now.

Our problem is what are we going to do with the money, not what the heck we care about how the world went to hell just now... Ain't that right, Mr. Cat?


Sunday 12 June 2022

Because You Are All Smart

So, as soon as you see, this stoopid short clip of me and a 'thing-y,' and when I tell you what it does and what you will feel, very very obviously, in that instant your brain will extend the potential uses across a wider range than what is being talked about here. 

When radar was first developed, they used Rochelle Salt Crystals as the resonator medium.

Crystals have a very high 'Q-factor' (stability) for maintaining the resonant frequency they emit under energy stimulation.

One of our contributors here, 'Bill Smith'
caught these giant prawns, you call them
'shrimp' - with his bare hands, no gloves,
from this river mouth - and brought them over.
And, he showed me his spiked hands
to prove it. Huge, unbelievable prawns!! 

Certain natural salt crystals because of their internal purity, are able to act as efficient Electro-Magnetic Field resonators and transmitters, but what is largely not exploited, is the fact that they also produce EMF transmissions from coherent light stimulus.

The vagus nerve in Autistic kids exhibits behavior which is not the same as what normal kids experience, but, in both cases, this nerve pathway is implicated in anxiety states and a whole range of other sensory-linked outcomes and effects.

Because in Autistic kids, the neural signaling traffic is so heavy, but so under-prioritized in terms of autonomic hierarchy of responses (cannot tell which thing to respond to first), there is a 'chaotic' jumble of frequencies going on -, no clear-cut coherence in enough afferent/efferent neural network connections.

So, by making the signal traffic slow down, calm down, with some of it becoming 'coherent,' suddenly, the kid starts to adopt more 'normal' patterns - and this allows them to begin to grow the proper communication networks and memories, and thereby, or that is to say, which in turn enables them to 'learn' what it is we are trying to 'teach' them.

And there is also this 'capsid arc protein' which travels around 'vaguely' too, the whole length and width of the vagus nerve, and that can restore genetic material... And can... ...well, I will tell you by-and-by how to get rid of undesirable Covid vax transient materials, entirely from your system. Oh yes. 

Don't forget, every single thing - a clue.
Saffron seafood...

Now this is totally not the same as saying, oh you just wave this magic rock over their chest when they are already literally having a huge meltdown, and everything calms down and they are 'cured.' For one thing, the hormones and signal traffic both together have already over-balanced into a visceral explosion and so, no, don't expect too much then.

There 'might' be some positive effect, but I wouldn't labor that or expect it generally. And certainly not 'instantly' anyway.

But - and this applies to all of you 'normal' people as well - most basic and easily-available large-ish rock salt crystals, when 'pumped' with ordinary LED laser light, and held just above your xiphoid process (the lower 'arch' part of the sternum), will send out micro-electronic frequencies of a frequency-locked kind, that will cause your thymus gland to vibrate; and you will readily feel that.

This stimulates the thymus gland to produce more T-cells, thereby increasing your immune response mechanism. Your breathing will slow and deepen and you will lose anxiety rapidly, if only for the time that the crystal is sending out these EMF signals.

Notwithstanding that every other commonly-known tool and technique still has its crucial place - EG pain killers where there is pain, anti-inflammatory medication where there is inflammation, and everything else that there is - still, this new tool because it directly activates the vagus relaxation response, has positive benefits also at the same time on the gut (which is part of the vagus nerve's pathway), which is a super critical element of the whole Autism thing. And this make it different to 'just' anti-anxiety medications - which will have if anything, adverse gut health side-effects.

Admittedly, there is always 'dynamic tension'
over what to spend money on...

...Because you are all smart, fifteen seconds after you try this and go: 'Hey, darn it, he's right this thing is going into my organs!!' you will start to figure oh but what happens maybe, if the LED laser is a different light frequency?

Hell, I don't know!!

That's what 'research' is for!

; )

I don't know, right...

Don't laugh. There is no way for me to be serious all the time. I just can't.

The only thing is that 'out-breath sigh' you can hear is a totally authentic, genuine response. It's basically an unavoidable automatic/autonomic response.  

Friday 10 June 2022

When You Can Practically Use Things

1 pm PST today I will be briefly on the JES live-stream music show on her Twitch television channel. (Sunday 4 am GMT+8).


That will be heaps funny.

Anyway, in the ancient mythology, there was this king one time, right - Tantalus - and he was a bad bad sort of guy really; did a lot of bad things. But when he stole nectar from the gods, in order to bring it back to his people and make them immortal, the gods sent him to Hell where they 'tantalized' him in many endless ways.

It's not mind-reading, is it, if I said 
someone here has been having dreams of
purple mountains...
Because, we have been going on about
the 'ultra violet catastrophe' enough.

Personally I don't think this story is told accurately, because it might not have been so bad if he seriously had the aim of making his people become immortal... On the surface that seems fairly altruistic.

He did a lot worse things though, and I think it was more likely that he was taken off the scene for those crimes, rather than necessarily for aspiring to do something seemingly beneficial for his people. If it were really true that he had no other purposes behind his enterprise to steal the nectar then you would think he was a benevolent character after a fashion.

Of course, it is also quite possibly true that the gods would counter 'Oh, but Cal., it is not a good idea to give immortality to humans.'

And then I would say, 'What do you mean? You gave it sometimes yourselves. Do you mean not a good idea for all humans generally as a species, and but then some are different or something?'

And here we come to this thing about Jesus next...

Did He intend all humans, or only just some, humans...?

I tell you what. It's like this.

'Technically,' that is, according to the ancient myth narratives, the gods themselves drink nectar, which arrives every morning early, carried by white doves, from no one actually knows where - and it is this, which allows them to sustain themselves as 'immortal.'

Now that's a funny thing though, isn't it?

Does not mean you have to rush out and
buy it, though, does it?
Just stop it.

Are they actually immortal, or must they consume the nectar in order to sustain their existence?

Like I said - I'll tell you, but, please bear in mind the implied warning over the Tantalus case.

By tomorrow, here, in this Blog, we will be explaining practical tools and technologies, that will significantly and rapidly upgrade the neurological network functioning of people with Autism. And this 'thing' will be categorically straight out, material in nature. It's not a metaphysical thing; it's material and scientifically mechanistic. Now, the truth is though, its extended functioning/s can achieve so many utterly amazing and futuristic results, for anybody and everybody, that it's almost like a whole 'new frontier' about to be opened up for you.

So what I want you to consider, is that while you will be looking at a materialistic thing, with scientific materialistic functions, you should be able to draw from what you are seeing, lessons and ideas about metaphysical things which are related to how waves or particles travel.

Sure all of today's scientists and physicists are caught up, possibly even attached to, this pop idea about the 'double-slit experiment' and how no one fully understands what is going on there... ...but I wonder whether really, if that could truly be the case. Or, instead is it that a handful of them who are well onto it, are not prepared to talk openly.

Anyway, it doesn't matter one way or the other. 

What matters is what you can do with what you uncover.

And here is where the real problem lies that was sort of intimated at, with regard to Tantalus, the evil king.

I posted this just for you, Nuno.

See, I can let's say, give you a material physical 'mirror' of what the Divine Nectar of Olympus, is.

And you know this yourself: all you really want is some simple thing, that you can eat or drink, which will restore your sense of well-being, both emotionally and physically, and that will 're-charge' your human batteries, as it were. And then, if such a thing existed, or were possible, well, you'd go to sleep at night, and wake up next day, no problems, plenty of worries of course, but you would possess the energy and the will and the determination to tackle all of them until you dropped from exhaustion, because, 'no problem' - you could just take a step back in the evening, and drink some 'nectar' which will make everything right.

Well there is such a thing. There is such a thing in this 'mysterious place' that none of you, apparently, can see, and which remains hidden from humans, but where the gods all reside: which is namely, the actual 'nectar' stuff over which Tantalus got into a lot of trouble.

But then again, if we go to the Jesus narratives, He was not wandering around in 'Mount Olympus,' He was in some place 'Kana' or something and He made some wine...

And this is intended to convey a story about a real place, and a real wedding and some real wine that real human people really drank.

Now like I keep saying, there is a problem and it lies inside the human character itself, namely, that many of us don't know when enough is enough... LOL I don't even want to begin to say 'Vagus neural system,' do I?? You'll see the point there by tomorrow.

See but if you mix, just two other ingredients
with the wine stuff in the other pic,
well, you get...
Yes, that.

'Gee that's good wine, Jesus? Just what exactly is that? I know it's wine, but what wine?'

There is a twenty dollar bottle of stuff that you can buy today, which has three hundred percent more anti-oxidants and a bunch of other stuff, vitamins and things, in far greater quantity than 'normal' wines have - and, and, it contains masses of serotonin! You know, the 'make you feel good' neurotransmitter.

And sure if you drank that real thing...

But if you thought well if I just drink more and more and more...

You know what I mean?

A little is enough, and you don't need to go telling everyone about it because it will stop being only twenty bucks.