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Tuesday, 21 September 2021

The Private Parties

So... I'd like to thank Paul and JES and Haliene and Kerli and Benny Wong and Ben Ho and Noah Liasam and Vivay and Vinek and especially Nadia S., and Claudia H., and Dragon Cloud and even that reprobate Cary Sontag.

I don't personally subscribe to this idea of 'sacrificing' anything - but the way these things go it is more a 'mystery of life,' as it were, and a feeling.

Anyone? Anyone?
Still no one, right? Next article - 
stay tuned. I have to post it soon/now...

Just came back from a private party on a boat with a bunch of rich people I don't know but due to one thing and another there was cause for a celebration about a certain contract.

Anyway, don't know these folk - not any of them - but I managed to get an exclusive livestream of the London concert by Paul and friends (onto the yacht) and there we all were, in the midst of the Fires of Hell, and Paul has to tell everyone he's an atheist because that's what they expect to hear from an ex-East German kid - especially in the 'modern' industrial centers of Frankfurt and Berlin and everywhere else where the big dollars flow.

This place where I am is a hotbed of weapons sales and moolti-funktion 'hard-points' and you would think, even harder-nosed people but it isn't. That is, they are not hard people.

It's a full two-and-a-half-hour show and those of us around the globe who are relatively old hands at these tricks know the difference between 125 bpms and 150 bpms real easy, and you can tell when the 'dark wave' is being 'set in' and every other trick under the sun.

These people, they don't just drink water - 
they drink... ...'rich people' water. LOL

And hey, who knows 'cause I don't - he fell from a stage down twenty meters some years ago and nearly died and lost almost all of his movement and it was the same surgeons and doctors who treated Michael Schumacher who saved him over months, maybe even years. In German television interviews they asked him: 'Did you see the light? Did you see God? Or anything?' And he said 'Nuh never saw anything at all. It was really sad. There was nothing there, on the other side.' Oh, he said he heard his wife's voice calling to him later when he was in a coma in hospital and that is what brought him out/back.

And the interviewer was happy.

For a master piano musician this is the worst kind of tragedy of all. Music is their whole life.

He 'made it back' - not sure even how.

...The beats per minute are climbing and you would not have thought there were any 'eckies' on this boat! Not with the sorts of people there.

People are using the hand sets and sending stoopid messages (posted up on the big screens) all over the place to people they don't know. The speakers are really loud, of course, so you have to factor in the sheer throbbing and the sweat from the moving bodies and the pheromones from the hot-shot males (all well over fifty, by the way). Virtually everyone has been into the brandy. Even the dames there. No one has thrown up yet. All 'seasoned embassy operators.' ...These guys. And gals.

There's no cameras/phone cameras
allowed on the boat I was on.

Tiffany Lee was the only person from the entertainment industry who reached out to Demi Lovato when she OD'd a while back. Lovato is fully back with a thriving radio and video show and she had a hugely successful stage performance this week a few days ago.

Paul says 'the show is nearly over and there is one last track.' And sticks on the Christian singer/songwriter Tiffany Lee aka 'Plumb.'

And there are tears streaming down the faces of these old men and women. 

I don't think they expected it. Plumb does Lana better than Lana does Lana...

It was kinda funny.

Hope the 'nuclear absurdity' doesn't get too far out of hand now.

; )

Monday, 20 September 2021

Beautiful Expensive Things

Karl Lagerfeld used a phrase once - 'beautiful, expensive friends.'


When you are extraordinarily rich, you have this problem, this new problem, see - one that only appears to those who are, truly rich with actual cash money.

I think I have mentioned here a long while ago, that when I was in my late twenties and early thirties, I used to wander around the city, with around eighty thousand dollars in my jacket pocketS! (Yes, it took several of them, but not much more than).

What would it even matter if you
wore this kind of thing around your neck?
Nobody knows and nobody cares.
It keeps you warm, though. It's nice.

It was the very early phases of the 'go go' era when everyone and his dog were 'entrepreneurs' on the way to making their first, second, third, whatever million.

In current affairs, there is this thing over here about the hundred billion dollar nuclear submarine contract. Well, back in the mid-Eighties, I made my first million dollars being involved in the very early digital linear signalling industry as a designer who could get around the 'capstan' wiring issues.

Frankly, I've lost all of that knowledge now, and I can't even speak Tamil anymore although I was literally raised by Tamils and spoke it as a young child! I hardly speak English properly anymore...

I know little to nothing these days!

My track-record of published academic research is not good, consisting of only one formal paper led by Dr. Tom Odgers (Edith Cowan University), on which I was noted as a research and analysis contributor.

Okay, yeah I did find around 13 million dollars of China money too for some land development at the campus then but hell, so what, really, in the wider scheme of things.

I mean, hey - what do I know, right?

Kid who made several million starting from age 23...

A couple of national newspapers in the business sections, one national business journal...

Today, it takes a PhD to fit a Shimano Di2 Groupset to a bicycle.

Above my level of expertise, that's for sure.

Electronic automatic gear-shifter.
Yep. What it is. For bicycles.

Yeah nah, I can't do much now.

When I used to wander around, ice cold in the facial expression, butter-would-not-melt-in-mouth-either - for all the people chasing bucks in the main financial street back then, not one single time did anyone ask me for any money, and nor did any women realize that the guys they were chasing at the nightclubs were the ones coming into my offices in the week asking for loans and investments.

Maybe it was that I was very ugly. Maybe, oh no, wait - it could have been that I was habitually a wearer of French double-breasted suits and that's a no no down here, clearly! No French stuff. Hell no. 

Funny thing, I will tell you this - I think it was something I was doing though, and totally on purpose. 

There's this guy who is the head of the Australian Securities and Investment Commission. I know him well, and he knows me well. 

He used to ask me, when we were debating in the local Oxford Union society (a mini local outpost of -  and formally linked with - the real deal) 'Why do you go to sleep before it is your time to speak?'


These guys are 'Future Sound Of Egypt'
(aka Aly & Fila) playing in Prague though.
Actual Egyptian kids. Well, they're not kids anymore.

Well because it's known in the business of higher psychology as 'playful arousal...'



It isn't me who would have been 'asleep.'

I might have looked asleep, could have even mildly snored too...

We never lost a debate, not a single one, ever ever. And there was one point where we advertised that we would take on 'all-comers.' And we did. Including with the eventual Federal Minister who took a couple of 'king hits' to the head, face, and jaw over the first 'submarine contracts' which he never sent the US's way.

So you're talking when we were pretty much still just kids and the others - most of them at that stage - were already adult members of the very high and mighty. And I can guarantee you there were no holds barred and no prisoners taken and there was a point where even a local television channel put up some 'rewards' to anyone who could take us... Never happened. Completely independent adjudicators - as is always the case for Oxford Union standards.

And it was around about then, towards the end of all that, that I realized, hey, better put a sock in this. You just ended up with enemies.

Anyway, the long and short of this is - and you know, Rose McGowan let it slip too, the same kind of thing: that she was a student of the histories and exploits of Alexander the Great, and Napoleon, and Genghis Khan!! When she was but eleven. Kind of tells you why she's winning the game now.

...An important 'lesson' in any war strategy is to never let your opponent know that you are coming. Hopefully too, it's good if you even get away with having them swanning about thinking that you are not there, when you are right there.

And it's at a certain point, that you are actually in their office, and they just simply won't believe it. So they don't do anything about it. 

'Beautiful expensive things' is one thing. Beautiful people are a whole other thing.

I want them both.

How about you?

[Music below is 'Future Sounds of Egypt' with Dan Stone and Ferry Tayle. Bigger than you know, and more important than you could possibly imagine... If you're just an 'ordinary' human being.]

Saturday, 18 September 2021

Having Exquisite Things

This rich young man came to Jesus, and he said: "I have obeyed the law the whole of my life, I have wronged no one and I have worked hard and amassed great material wealth. Teacher, what good thing must I do (additionally) to gain eternal life?"

And Jesus said to him now - , since this time it was 2021 and everyone had already heard the one about selling everything and giving the proceeds away to the poor(!) - the following:

"How many women have you impressed already this week with your 'beautiful expensive things,' sonny?"
'Ah, you're such an interesting fellow.
Show me your beautiful things.'

Now bearing in mind the young man said 'eternal life' there is not much point regaling you (or him) with some story about how female moths 'see' the capacity of male moths to provide them with the proteins and nectar packs and other complex nutrients using far infra-red sensing...

Because the moths are only interested in the next generation of moths - breeding these and providing them with enough material support to begin with, and then having them 'move ahead' under their own steam from then on, so that the same whole thing is repeated over again in the succeeding moths' lifetimes. Because the moths are all programmed that way.

Female moths are hardly likely to want to use far infrared to perceive the nectar-for-breeding-storage capacities of male moths - if there is going to be no need to survive as a species in that way.

...Okay what if I said to you, the way to 'make' a BMW for yourself, is to spin a cocoon and stay inside of it, transforming yourself into the machine itself. Or, say, not a BMW, but a flying bike - which is pretty much just like a butterfly or night moth. And then, when you emerge, the only substance further you will need is sufficient to fuel and run (IE 'fly') the bike. You won't need any further substance to keep 'building the bike over and over every single day' after it has been already built the first time for you.

But you know, let me tell you this -, you might think 'having stuff' is great, it's what people want, but after they have been around a bit, they are looking for a certain kind of people, not a bunch of more other 'stuff.'
'I don't got no beautiful things.'

The stuff they have already seen. The certain kind of people, they have not seen too easily anywhere in the whole darn Universe.

Any fool can have 'stuff' they think is 'good.' And it may indeed be stuff that is very expensive to acquire. Sure.

But truly valuable things are the exquisite things that come out of your brain.

What does it even mean 'having' exquisite 'things?'

You already have them. They're locked up inside your head, inside your mind. Unless they are not there, and you haven't got them. And if that's the case, you are a defunct sentient being.

So okay, let's say, for argument's sake, that you are a defunct sentient being, but you have nuclear weapons.

Well I'll just leave that hanging in the air, so as not to provoke the * morons who think that something other than what I have been saying here for a long time is going on - that is, that what I am talking about is not going on; which is what they would like to believe.

Oh it's going on all right.

But maybe let's try and get some of you 'into that space,' to that place in which your brain is going to start firing in very new ways... (Some of you are certainly already there).

Surely there are people you know, and who know you.

What do they think about you?

Do they like you? Or are they just tolerant of you?

Well, hey, you can no longer afford to look 'underclass' in any way, my friend.

Because you are going to be in the 'survivors.' Others will too, but they will not have had the advantage of having been told, every step of the way, what is going on. Ah well, I admit, not 'what exactly' is going on - but that something is certainly going on.

I could not possibly openly state it here.

You will get broad hints through here, soon enough.

The situation is utterly exquisite.


Thursday, 16 September 2021

Cannot See The Dance

There is a word in Sanskrit - 'katakasha' - which means, people who are just a sarcastic form of creation.

That is... ...almost everyone on the planet.

In the sacred traditions of the Vedas, if a higher being slaughters any one (or, millions/billions, even) of the katakasha, there is no penalty for it.

The thing that makes an individual, not a 'katakasha,' is when they directly manifest 'karakudai;'  'tara kasha' powers. 'Star powers.'

You can see the sand, though. But only
through slits in your face covering, or through
advanced 'tactical sunglasses.'

We have words from the exact same root word - astral; star, and so on.

In the Greek they also have this word with its same precise meaning - 'asteron.' Which, as I have said previously here, is the true underlying meaning for 'peri-asteron.' That is not 'dove.'

...Anyway, forget all that. The point is this: katakasha do not have the faculties of perception necessary to be able to see the particular pace, timing, moment - that confluence of things in life, which clearly denotes death.

Not death in the sense of someone simply dying.

But death as in major, widespread suffering, total destruction of many things, and the termination of an era, of a mindset, of a whole suite of 'beliefs' and beliefs systems.

The great Gichin Funakoshi once wrote that his karate teacher, Anko Itosu said to him, before World War I: 'There is going to be a war, Funakoshi.'

At that time, no one thought so. Even modern history books talk about the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and the so-called 'July Crisis.'

They even clearly depict 'the decline of the Ottoman Empire as having left a power vacuum...'

Yet, Turkey was solidly behind the German war objectives, and vice versa (ostensibly, from the German point of view at the time) - with German commanders at various points actually commanding Ottoman troops.

The real cause of World War I, was the Ottoman Empire's defeat in North Africa by Italy in 1912 - leading to a high echelon of Turkish strategists plotting to both totally take over the Ottoman throne, at first from Mehmed V and his son (who 'suicided...'), and then re-assert the power of the Turkish Islamic 'Empire.'

And their plan was to simply induce the Germans into seeing the Italians, British, and French as Germany's mortal competitors who were intent on crushing Germany, terminally.

...No doubt the CIA's data teams have movement energy maps of the Turkish envoys carrying briefs of 'many things to talk about' - over the last ten years or so. How many times they were right there, in Xi's place, how many times they were with Merkel jawing about the Nordstream project and the long term potential of 'belt and rail' and the Afghan route for oil and gas.

Because after all, no doubt though, right...?

How much money and support the Turkish provided the Taliban.

How much interfacing between China, Pakistan and Turkey.

How much involvement Turkey had with attempts to destabilize the Saudi leadership and recruit the Shia population there with the complete support of Iran.

How many Turkish, Pakistani, and NoKo nuclear scientists are in the Iran nuclear bomb program.

Yes, it is a 'Tiffin Sambar' but -,
that piece of vegetable, next to the round
red thing, and that looks like a piece of celery 
but isn't, is clearly Tamil 'murungai.'
'Drumstick.' So, this is pretty good stuff... 

Man - you crazy guys (and you know who you are) can call the FBI all you want about 'Calvin's planning to kill someone!' LOL

I am a long long way off needing to do that type of thing. You guys are going to succeed totally in killing yourselves off all on your own.

But now... ...let me see though; who is going to be 'Archduke Ferdinand' now in all of this, this, this new stuff. Because what do they say - 'new stuff is just old stuff witnessed by new people.'

The Dance of Shiva is on.

Even right now this second as you read, I will lay you London to a house brick, that there are clandestine Turkish operatives planning some false flag thing that can be sheeted home to the United States for the 'obvious' people to blame.

...You know if I really pushed myself, I could prolly come up with where, when, and even against specifically whom.

Ain't no one paying me to do that, though.

Listen, Rocket Boy FIRED his rocket this week. He did not 'refrain' from firing his rocket into the Japanese waters.

He fired it.

And the Beijing air-force went into Taiwan airspace. They did not refrain from entering in there.

Yeah go on. Bet against me.


The only real question you need to bust your head on, is, who is 'Archduke Ferdinand' going to be?

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

The Symmetry...

The 'vicious cycle' which draws you into misguided thinking about (IE 'your') powerlessness, and failure, and inability to control your material circumstances or acquire things others have but which you haven't got - is the standard psychological control mechanism behind how human politics runs.

The process works like this - whoever is controlling you, or attempting to exert control over you, shows you a continuous flow of negative outcomes concerning things that you participated in. And they present you next with images of imminent 'external threatening forces,' which situation, naturally, given your obvious track-record of persistent 'failure,' means that you should not rely on yourself even just to survive; but naturally, must rely on them, and also do whatever they tell you to do.

This, of course, is not a pic from sometime recently,
or from anywhere 'real.' This is a pic
from the 2010 movie, 'Contagion.'

The fundamental fallacy of this narrative, is that it covertly asserts that you do not possess any tools at all, yourself.

Of course, if you don't know they are there (the tools that you have), then you will never try and pick them up to use them. And in an extension of this fallacy, the thing basically turns straight into the '21 black crows' fallacy: if someone has just seen 21 black crows in a series, they might easily conclude the next crow they will see, is also going to be black.

Even more sinister, is the implication that even if you have any tools, these are inadequate or even worse, broken.

...In the modern world, it is very difficult for many people to convince themselves that they are highly capable and possess a lot of power.

It is only after they use their power once, twice, then a third time in succession, that they are able to feel inside that this is, yes, something inherently available to them as a natural thing.

Except of course, it is not entirely just a natural thing, but something that can only 'appear' in the person once that individual has 'seen' things beyond the opaque 'wrapping' that is there all around their consciousness and their awareness of things.

LOL - just sticking this here
for exactly no reason; just to be
irritating to Muslims... How Muhammad
got to be in a place that had not been
built yet, who can say? And, I do hope
those who painted his face were killed.

And all of politics, all of what is in the media, all of what is in the common popular 'culture,' specializes in preventing anyone from seeing beyond the false wrapping that is persistently around them.

In a very short while now, there will be things seen on the world stage, and they will be characterized as one thing, but they will be another thing altogether. And, rather than do what so many others 'crying wolf' do all the time, I will immediately set out that we are talking 'death.'

The trouble, as you all know, with 'crying wolf,' is that the wolf comes. 

You should take what was just said here, in context of the idea about 'symmetry.'

It is not going to be the case that death is at all bad, here. But exactly, how, it is happening, who can say.

Human beings love 'sturm und drang.' They love to witness the big explosions, to hear the noise, to feel the power.

...Otherwise, things tend to be a bit meaningless. Even when they are stuck very openly in front of people's incredulous eyes.

Still in all though, people will never see the magician's hand in any of what is already happening, in fact.

People just get themselves from the big bangs.
Everything has to have a 'big bang'
otherwise it isn't real. According to people...

Who will the politicians blame? Who will the judges send to jail?

Well, that all depends on if there are any of those left alive.

You see, my friends, what made 'Goldfinger' a serious villain, was not that he stole all the gold in Fort Knox - it was that he didn't have to.

I guarantee you - as you yourself will well understand - that there are many people reading this, who will be saying to themselves - 'no way!'

'Way.' Oh yeah. Sorry.


Many readers have dropped off since I put out the challenge to say what the three schools of medicine are.

For those who stayed, here they are:

1. The Dogmatic;

2. The Alexandrian;

3. The Empiric.