Well, I'll tell you. ...but you're gonna have ta pay for it. You pay for it with your self view - the cherished perception that you (many people) have of yourself; that people have of themselves as beings.
...We'll return to that, later.
Meanwhile, this is what Darien Taylor, the girlfriend of Gordon G., in Wall Street, says that she wants:
Yellow diamond from Tiffany's - good 'nuff.
"A Turner, a perfect canary diamond, a Lear jet, world peace, the best of everything."
Seany (Young) who plays Gekko's wife in the movie, is someone I have personally conversed with many times, over 'out there Cali matters,' although not very recently - a while ago now. I have a great deal of respect for Sean Young both as a person and an actor. But she doesn't have may quotable quotes from Wall Street. Daryl Hannah, however, has many.
Commoditization, is a part of Marxist theory. Commodification, is the way the industrial era economic system can function with production economies-of-scale, so that buyers buy on the basis of the price tag, not the underlying product differentiation. Even so, in 'commodification,' the demand is driven from the product's end usage.
In Commoditization, buyers buy to exchange - not to use.
Although the proposition was made that we should look at the question of investing to make serious money now - and perhaps using some access to very advanced thinking, let's just say - we have to also face a fact, namely, that we are living inside a Marxist economy.
It's not a pseudo-Marxist economy. It is a Marxist economy. Davos is the 'politburo' for social-political economics; in radical Marxism, society and economics are the same thing, essentially.
It's important to go over all of this, because if we run the initial question through 'AI Ronnie,' and Ronnie responds with something that doesn't make any sense to any of us, well, we'll have to think about how he might have reached such a conclusion, or such conclusions.
AI Ronnie drone-bot
Other Sean - Sean Penn - made this movie in 2011 using the words of the Talking Heads song from Wall Street: 'This Must Be The Place.' It's about an aging rock star tracking down a Nazi who 'tormented' his father; that's the phrasing of the movie's official blurb.
We keep up this narrative about the 'they' - those super-powerful other people, who are behind everything. And that is because, they are indeed behind everything.
They're playing 'god' see.
Now I'm gonna show you God in action 'cept it'll take a while ta sink in.
'Power is energy into mechanical balance, and sustained action, is the absolute effect of power.'
Next article, we go through a case study in investing, as part I (back to the 'crawling' stage, at least).
I was going to post up some Shostakovich by Hauser, but his histrionics will have to wait till some future moment!
For today, we talk about you.
How is everybody? How are things with all of you, some of you, even just one of you...
Marceau and Sean Bean
Shostakovich's famous Waltz Number 2, of course, is that thing they play in Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut. It has been used a lot in movies, notably in many versions of Anna Karenina. Helluva long story, that. It deals with themes. Themes of this that and the other damn thing.
Garbo played Anna K. Sophie Marceau played Anna, too.
The whole thing is this long saga about, well, about - life.
Now how about your life?
Karenina is about social norms, religious faith, secularism, love, womanizing, children, relatives, oh god - it's about everything. Goes from Russia to Italy, back to Russia...
Like I said: this, that, and the other thing; 'damned' thing.
The ending is about Kostya Levin deciding that 'despite his newly accepted beliefs' (I'm quoting from Wiki, of course), 'he is human and will go on making mistakes.' And somehow, this makes his life 'meaningfully and truthfully oriented towards righteousness' (whatever that means; because I don't know what it means, do you?).
'Making mistakes...' What does that mean? If Jesus sent us all a hovering drone AI thing-y, that advised us when to buy Gamestop, and when to sell it, we could all have enough material wherewithal to help others who needed help (which is more than usually of the financial kind, anyway), keep Princess Ekaterina in silks, and have liveried footmen so that we could go hob-nob with the social set - and take a turn at the Second Waltz of Shostakovich.
Tolstoy wants us to recognize that we are 'human,' and Jesus has already made damn sure of it anyway. Except Tolstoy, the Russian, is going to go on and on and on interminably reminding us of the fact.
An umbrella for the future...
Klaus Schwab wants us to own nothing, and to be happy. I'm not sure if he wants us to 'remain human' or not, because we are rapidly moving to toward H++ (human plus android) - so we're really not going to be 'human' like what that meant in the past.
This idea of a robotic floating/flying advisor is not new - Athena had a 'mechanical' owl that she lent to various heroes from time to time in order for them to accomplish certain difficult things.
How difficult your own life is depends on how sensible you are - the more sensible you are, the more difficult it will be, and then 'the gods embrace men of sense...' and reveal themselves... ...and you will get to borrow their devices.
Next article, a lead into a hovering AI thing-y...
So, there's this huge massive bushfire happening down here right now. I mean, when we have bushfires, well, they are huge!
And, we have a five-day, hard border, 'lock-down' in place as well, which has a few days left to run - until whatever their next plan is.
So, I go downstairs to my local Asian-Chinese restaurant (I'm in the middle of 'food central,' really) and I quickly slip on the mask before entering the door that now says 'take-way only, today.' Which is good because I only want take-away.
Brisbane radio broadcaster, Alex Hirschi aka 'Supercar Blondie.' Someone needs to feed her up a bit... She still does a good show, however.
And the lady that manages the shop, young woman, although I noticed last week she was training a young boy too, must have been all of eight at least -, says to me: 'big bushfire.'
I go: 'yeah.' And then order my normal bee hoon (there's lot's of different styles of 'bee hoon' that people make all over the world, so I won't go into which one this is; it's real good though).
She says: 'What else - spring rolls?'
I go: 'Okay, spring rolls.'
I whip around the block and get some Asahi Dry Black and return, and the whole thing is ready.
The bushfire smoke has totally covered the whole entire midday sky, and that's good because where I am, it hasn't fallen to the ground level and the air is clear and the temperature is mild and not seeringly hot like it would be this time of year with a clear sky overhead...
So inside the shop I say to her: 'It is the End of the World, but... ...don't stop cooking!'
And she looks up at me and goes: 'We will cook until the last minute.'
You've heard of that. Because it's on the news media everyday, right. And besides, just look at what Wikipedia says - Wikipedia, as you all must know, being 'supervised' and 'monitored' by the tyranny of 'evidence' and 'proof' of lots and lots of professional students on campuses everywhere, and University librarians with science qualifications, and of course, most certainly, actual credentialed academics:
They have the audacity to say 'law' and 'formula.'
Problem (Wiki's heading, not mine):
'The ultraviolet catastrophe results from the equipartition theorem of classical statistical mechanics which states that all harmonic oscillator modes of a system at equilibrium have an average energy of kT.'
Solution (again, the Wiki):
'In 1900, Max Planck derived the correct form for the intensity spectral distribution function by making some strange (for the time) assumptions. In particular, Planck assumed that electromagnetic radiation can be emitted or absorbed only in discrete packets, called quanta, of energy. Placnk's assumptions led to the correct form of the spectral distribution functions.'
Now all of that including the diacriticals (brackets stuff) is quoted directly from Wikipedia.
Talk about going round and round in circles and saying nothing but pretentiously pretending that you had.
...theorem ...form ...assumption ...statistical.
All bullshit.
This is at least more honest, because the left curve says 'experimental data.'
The 'ultra-violet catastrophe' refers to the fact that with a regular logarithmic increase in energy, there is a sine curve (appears 'going backwards,' as it were, because simply the 'x' axis line goes from high frequency to low frequencies) of increasing energy (and heightening frequencies), but around the green/blue wavelengths, the curve suddenly drops off into the ultra-violet spectra, where you would otherwise 'predict' that since the energy is still increasing, the curve should keep ascending.
So. Bullshit. No one has 'solved' anything. People have DESCRIBED the regularity of the packets of energy (we already knew that stuff except Planck - and I love Planck - pinned it down to a number: 'Planck's Constant) using statistical apparent data.
I say 'apparent' because, well - where did the energy go?
No one... ...has solved ...anything.
But we have BILLIONS of dollars wasted on wastrels at Universities, all claiming that they know something they don't know, and clamoring for attention all of the * time and wanting to be feted.
As intellectually 'special,' even 'geniuses.'
Oh yes, the hubris. The ego. The mindless, self-involved utter stupidity.
So - a hundred years have all passed since people actually went into widely-spread print 'noting' that um, er, maybe there was an area of IGNORANCE that required to be thought about.
And what have all the *'s come up with? 'We've solved it and here are some bullshit notations that you don't need to ask any questions about.' ...The first derivative (function) doesn't even work out!
Where are all the missing bits of energy?
Oh, just gone, gone somewhere, they were never there in the first place EVEN THOUGH THE POWER WAS BEING SYSTEMATICALLY INCREASED TO RENDER THE INCREASING FREQUENCIES - but don't worry about that FROM STATISTICAL DATA GATHERED we know they are not there now and you know what, the bits still left behind are also in average energy quanta packets...
Yeah? So what?
'Allah is the Allah and Allah is his name and Allah, well there is only one Allah.'
Okay so 'Allah is Allah and Allah is - there is only one Allah.'
And what am I supposed to take from this, exactly? Allah knows best, but 'SCI-entists' know betterer. Or gooderer, so that you get the point.
I mean for one thing, the 'problem' statement in Wikipedia cannot even be remotely true because 'classical physics' didn't know anything about Planck's Constant until Planck came up with it. Until then, there were still prevailing notions about energy 'trajectories' and certainly virtually everyone thought energy moved in a continuum, not in packets - that's after all, what made Planck's presentation so ground-breaking in the first place. So there could not have been a 'statistical theorem of equipartition' anything otherwise Planck wouldn't have had to invent it! My god. What utter bullshit you find in today's 'modern' 'science.'
Not to worry -, Planck, since he set out the discrete packets of energy (Planck's Constant), could now be pinned for providing the idiots and morons at Universities with a decisive calculus to count up the packets there in blue light, and in the ultra-violet light (and presumably send a monthly recording tally to the campus accountants, no doubt) and into the nothing light - but then alas, boys and girls, where still did the energy go, you know, all that stuff that is 'not there' compared to the AMOUNT OF ENERGY GOING IN??????!!!!!
Now any idiot, that comes up here now, with some trite nonsense claiming that this is what 'academics' say and that they have 'proof' and 'evidence' because their pygmy brains all held hands over it - and expects me to treat that with respect, can go and take a running jump in the lake.
Let me, however, give you a real quote from Herr Planck himself, about a certain moral thing:
"If you are able to gather today 30 such gentlemen, then tomorrow 150 others will come and speak against it, because they are eager to take over the positions of the others."
I'm not going to spell out any exact, precise 'answer' here to what happens to the energy - a lot of you guys and gals here are smart enough to figure most of it out yourself, or at least realize where the fruitful direction points.
The world is about political and social and economic power.
This world, is about political and social and economic power and nothing else at all.
It's 100% NOT about science and knowledge.
Functional science and knowledge belongs to that province where reside people far less venal than what today's crowd have all become.
And functional advanced science - is able to do things that appear indistinguishable from magic...
One gets into the 'normal social world,' sooner or later, where there are your typical 'school yard bullies...' And then there are the adults who want to tell you about morality and the 'Brotherhood of Man.' And what is it? 'The network of consensus...' The what??
Why is it that there are lots of human beings who want to assert that they are anything but animals? They do all the same things that wild animals do - but then they arrogate to themselves a moral superiority or the, I dunno, glistening alba candida (or 'candidior,' if you go by different people) luster, or glow, of the brightest of the angels. Whose common name we all know...
The work of sophisticated animals.
You see, the thing is, if you start out from the humility of being on the same 'natural footing' as ordinary animals, at least you will not expect the hunters to say 'I beg your pardon' when they too, do the natural thing, and kill you. ...Which is what they do, as hunters; which is, namely, to kill you. Unless you are a hunter too, then there is a question of contested space.
Just because one 'knows' what moral good or evil is, does not in its own right give one the attribute of moral superiority.
And just because someone might have moral superiority does not absolve that person from being cautious in wild areas where they are not necessarily among their own.
So here we are, back to the stage of not even crawling.
So let's do that though, why not?
The network of consensus. This is the thing, that allows a mistake to transform into a commonly-held belief, and then to become an acknowledged science 'fact,' and then to be recruited as a reason to try some stupid nonsense, without regard for real consequences, on account, no one by that time sees the consequences because they all have bad information and are most intent at looking across at one another, and like the pygmy minds (apologies to actual pygmies) they are, all hold metaphorical pygmy hands together in consensus with their brother and sister self-involved, self-approving pygmy minds.
Seriously. Can't believe these people. This is from an Emirati Airlines brochure that I got sent.
Is that what that is, 'network of consensus?' You explain to me why it isn't that. And please don't come with your crap about how 'peer review' ensures that mistakes are not proliferated.
And then, while you're at it, Doctor McBride - not to mention one Stephen Fry Esq., - why don't you mount that other canard about 'how come bad things happen to good people...' While you are contemplating the limbless victims of the Thalidomide fiasco...
Well I'll tell you part of the answer: you ain't 'good people,' sonny.
So you want the super duper advanced intelligent ET Aliens, to turn up in your living room, so that they can discuss with you - 'network consensus.' How about they kick your ass, instead?
Okay, how about they kick someone's ass, pretty much in front of your eyes, to give you a salutary warning? Would that do any good? Never has in the past...