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Monday 4 November 2019

One Troil In A Million


You probably saw Krystal Ball, the one-time Democrat nominee for a Virginia Congressional seat (the Virginia 1st congressional district), on the television in the last few days saying a few words in support of Katie Hill and, in theory at least, anyone else who could be politically damaged by the 'spreading of pics and/or vids all over the net...' 

We all realize that political 'sides,' especially these days, more or less always rush to support only their side, regardless of the genuine hypocrisy of some particular loudly-trumpeted 'sin' and the fact that it ought to be the case that social and political hypocrisies are called out for what they are: acts of universal public hypocrisy.
Have fun with with, Pieczenik!

Of course, as I said previously, I don't believe the word 'troilism' that Steve Pieczenik and others have been using to describe the Katie Hill saga is really the right word unless you really believe they fully understood that it does NOT mean a threesome, but a scheme to show and expose the infidelity of someone's partner especially for political ends. Well in fact Hill is actually divorced and the thing going on in the pics and videos were with her current boyfriend and another (female) person, and she - Hill - had been 'out' for some time. This is not exactly a situation similar to the historical 'Troilus' from which the word that Dr Pieczenik seems to be using, is drawn, in any case.

So yeah; it isn't really the right word. But it is a fun word!

Hehehe. So let's just keep going down that path and see where it leads... my hands.

Well you see, to me, the modern media is way beyond just simple social hypocrisy. They are not entitled to carry on as if there never was a Bloomsbury Set, and before that the English Romantics (the Shelleys and Byron and all of them) swapping partners and openly cavorting among each other with absolute abandon.

Are they - the media - perhaps simply socially illiterate? And ignorant of what does actually go on among the idle rich classes? I mean we don't need to go into the sexual mores of the poorer classes - it isn't interesting. I find the media strikes me now (IE 'now' meaning today's media people) as extraordinarily middle class and parvenu.
Means little without the quality of people in the seats,
when the lights dim - because they do dim, when the flambe arrives.

Now I don't mean to be directing attention at specific people here in what I'm going to say - but I must render some glimpse at least of the lifestyles involved, and it is inevitable that some kind of example is given...

Is it a secret that the late Karl Lagerfeld may have had a very long long long-term relationship with some notable European aristocrat? I don't think it's that much of a secret. People 'in the outer' thought he was gay, of course...

I didn't think he was gay.

You know if you are one of these new rich from Silicon Valley or even Beverly Hills from Hollywood money, you go to these 'transpersonal meditation spas...' You know, to transpersonalize.

But if you are from the - as the Times of London just put it quite neatly, when attempting to describe Boris Johnson - vaguely Bohemian strata, well there are places you can go where there are only very wonderful people and some of them are not even from this world.

You think not?
Sharon den Adel. Opera singer. Neoclassical trance singer now.

The video I'm showing you here is the work of a group of classically-trained musicians, and the singer is a classically-trained operatic voice. And the two pics of different singers in the same 'modern musical genre' are both classically-trained opera singers - who have moved more or less permanently into the performing circuit of a very particular kind of musical style. This circuit plays from small acoustic music auditoriums, to really major amphitheaters and concert halls, and among the musical cognoscenti the movement is called 'the neoclassical dark wave.'
Justine Suissa - she's in the music video clip below.

But what you will not 'see' from most of the official publicity videos shot, is that the musicians and singers are, um if not exactly old, then they are a lot more mature in age than the general public that listens to their work for the most part, realizes. I mean Hans Zimmer is 62 and Lisa Gerrard is 58.

Some of the people you will see in this 'vogue' do look quite mature on stage, but some of them really don't look a day over 30. And those are the ones you need to take a second look at...

Transpersonal psychology is this sub-field or 'school' of psychology that integrates the spiritual and transcendent aspects of the human experience with the framework of modern psychology. (I got that sentence and description out of Wikipedia!).

But we're in the space age now. The people I'm talking about go into space, and integrate whatever they want into whatever they like.

And don't think I'm unable to make you the 'one in a million' that gets to glimpse into that world, or to even go there. You see... ...Katie Hill is not Mary Shelley.

Mary Shelley is Mary Shelley. And what's more there was a Mary Shelley and she was perfectly real, d'you see... Now. To be a 'Mary Shelley,' I mean to actually be one, you are doing a whole hell of a lot more than just 'transpersonal psychology.' 

Oh ye of little faith, my friends. It is what it is. And I told you openly, but you didn't believe it, did you? Not yet, anyway. Oh, but you will.

It's important you understand this: 'transpersonal psychology' IS a legitimate academic sub-field of psychology. And it IS the way that places like Imperial College are moving into the area of so-called 'strong AI' and from thence attempting to 'make things' and commercialize new developments via big computing corporates such as IBM.

And soon, they are going to make claims far beyond anything I just said...

Which one of us do you think is telling you the truth? Which one of us even knows, the truth?

Friday 1 November 2019

'Troilism,' Pieczenik?

In one of his very recent YouTube videos, Dr Steve Pieczenik puts out his view about the Katie Hill escapades - with the throw-away observation that as someone who was raised in Europe, he is well-aware of the private, adult behaviors of European people (you know, that they get up to these kinds of antics); and he mentions 'troilism' as the type of thing Hill was involved in.

Well, I think he probably means the French thing 'Troislisme.'  Which is pronounced 'trehwa-lees'm,' and not 'troy-lism,' as Pieczenik keeps saying.

Troilus was a character - a very young man - in Homer's Iliad, who was murdered quite inexcusably by Achilles. There is some vague reference somewhere in literature about inconsolable loss being akin to the loss the family of Troilus felt when he was killed. 
Glittering magical mysteries in the dark...

The Shakespeare play 'Troilus and Cressida' is not at all well-understood even by the highest Oxford scholars, fundamentally because even the ancient Greek story is 'obscured' deliberately to kept its lessons from being understood by those not considered 'initiated...' In other words, it forms part of the 'Mystery religion' cult rites, sometimes also called 'the Rites of Orpheus' or the Eleusinian Mysteries. The Eleusinian Mysteries have their place in the Christian Gospel incident of the demons being allowed to enter into a herd of pigs - that then rushed headlong over a cliff and into the raging sea and rocks beneath.

Last week's resignation of Representative Katie Hill is capable of being termed 'Troi-lism' on account of the fact that her husband did watch her participate in some amatory carryings-on with another young woman (Troilus was forced by Ulysses to watch his betrothed Cressida flirt with Diomedes). However Dr Pieczenik never explains that this is what he means by employing the term: on the other hand I believe he is slightly misleading in that he mentions European 'Menage a trois' (three people in one romantic relationship), and appears to conjoin the two ideas. But let's anyway grant that his main point was not concerned with what the thing occurring actually was, or what the term for it ought to be - but that Hill was compromised more by the goings-on happening on government time, and perhaps also 'with government employees.'
That's the world's greatest modern living fashion designer,
on the left there - the French Julien Fournie.
I give you gold, don't I, Pieczenik? Even you, get the gold, from le moi, my friend.

'Troislisme' is simply just three lovers being involved together with full knowledge of each of them; it contains no undercurrent of misadventure or corrupt purpose in terms of 'leverage,' let's say (IE Achilles was forced - or tricked/seduced - into the war by his own ego being challenged by Troilus; Troilus is a noble figure in the story). 

But the story of 'Troilus' cannot be understand except only by the most highly enlightened on some fairly 'dark and obscure spiritual understandings...'

You see - Diomedes never died. He was 'favored,' to put it mildly, by Athena, and eventually in the Homeric narrative, attains Mount Olympus where he lives eternally. So it could not have been that Cressida did wrong when flirting with a divine being. Regardless of that she had an Earthly lover. And therefore both Achilles AND Troilus had jumped to incorrect conclusions. 
Fournie's work - on the actress Audrey Fleurot;
his 'usual' catwalk girls are rubbish - you need to see his
work on, or with, actual clients. It's brilliant.

'Jumping to incorrect conclusions' is partly the 'moral of the story' but as far as the Eleusinian Mystery part - well, I'm not going to tell you because it is a 'mystery' but all the Oxford scholars slander the truth by always saying 'the experiences (of the Mysteries) came from psychedelic drugs.' What 'psychedelic drugs?!' 

In fact there is so much nonsense written even in esteemed academic literature about the Eleusinian Mysteries that one wonders why they are so intent on deceiving - and frankly, to me it has the feel not so much of deceiving but innue that they don't really know, and so they are lying to feign as if they do know. 

I mean one could hardly be more obvious about it when they insist in translating Telesterion as 'Hall of Initiation' or 'Completion!!' I mean the word obviously, to any Greek speaker means a place of transporting to some far distant place - like a portal or in our modern era an airport. Literally it means 'to carry you far way.' What TF has that got to do with 'initiation?'

And there's never been any discoveries about any kind of psychotropic substance in the 'kalathos' and the idea that pennyroyal (which has been found in these lidded baskets) has psychedelic effects is laughable. 

No. The Eleusianian Mysteries are about transport to another 'world' and the rites were passed on to high-born young women (Parthenoia) so that they could protect themselves by knowing how to incapacitate people who conspired against them, but also to assist in the physical 'birthing' of spirit beings of particular types during ordinary childbirth, and how to transport that person during death: 'Eileithyia' being the patroness of the Eleusianian Mysteries. And 'mystery' in any case, coming from the pre-Egyptian, likely Sumerian 'Mes' which are similar to the Golden Sutras idea in the Vedas, being the several dozen 'words of power' that were benefactions to the human race when it was first installed in the planet.  

The German poet Schiller was an initiate. 

And here is a modern German band called 'Schiller' whose music is put to the lyrics derived from some of the poet Schiller's work, and re-created in a modern idiom by Xavier Naidoo - and whose work is instructive in the way that all great art is:

'Sehnsucht' means a great longing. 

Tuesday 29 October 2019

Festival Of Lights

Right now where I am located, it is exactly in the middle of the five days of the ancient Sanskrit 'festival of lights.' 

This is a celebration of the victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance. It is also the festival of Opulence (of Parvati and Visnu and Saraswati). This celebration happens in the Hindu month of 'Kartika' - who was/is a son of Parvati, which is one of the reasons Parvati appears in the festival 'pantheon.' She is the source of material wealth and opulence, Lakshmi the source of energy for prosperity, Visnu the most absolute ruler and owner of everything and so he is key to true and complete 'opulence,' and Saraswati the source of learning and wisdom and hence the victory of knowledge over ignorance - and the opulence that ensues as the result.

Christianity is itself essentially a Sanskrit religion and most people in the modern era don't understand that because they are rarely told that the Septuagint was produced by distilling and compiling 'all the sacred books and knowledge of the WHOLE WORLD ('Kousmos'), not as is commonly believed, of the religious writings such as they were then, of the Hebrews. However it is a fact that Jewish scholars predominantly compiled the 'Septuagint Bible.' Yet even so, this book, especially the 'Genesis' part, is actually full of Sanskrit words that are for the most left untranslated or incorrectly translated. 

There is a secret rite among very learned Christian scholars of the Dark Ages, which consisted of their locking themselves into a closed chamber, usually an 'upper room' (because that is how the narrative describes the 'Pentecost' incident) and practicing what for all the world is a Hindu meditation of invoking a spiritual 'light' into their bodies, and which then extends outwards across the world, maybe even 'into the Universe.' And, as these practitioners perform this rite, they create a 'row of lights' across the world - which is basically the Sanskrit texts' conception as described in the ancient Sanskrit mantra word which also means 'row of lights.'
The design on the left arm is the swan of Saraswati

In the ancient Sanskrit Vedas, this 'row of lights' then overcomes all other powers acting in the world. Unless these ancient style of Sanskrit 'wise' or 'holy people' do this rite, darkness and evil and poverty pervades the Earth.

Sunday 27 October 2019

'Obligation' And Psycho-motive Energy

I know I said I was going to post something about the digital utility token... But I'm not.

Sure, sure it's all happening and the silver backing is going up and all of this; but don't worry about it. It's not what is important.

What is important is 'how many angels can dance on the head of a pin and what dance are they doing?' This is the question that, in 1453, when the 21-year-old Sultan Mehmed II attacked the main city of the Byzantine Empire and overthrew it, the local scholars and religious theologians were fully absorbed by.

Now well we don't really even scientifically have any widely-accepted clue as to what an 'angel' actually is and of course most scientists would laugh at the direction of inquiry anyway - but what I can say with some confidence, is that human being's psycho-motive energy fluctuates a lot and in the post-modern world in which we all do live now, such a large number of people complain of a lack of energy and that their time is at a premium that we are forced to consider all those 'conceptual spaces' in our way of life to see if there is something wrong with the structure of our lives, almost as if we might have sleep-walked into something rather tragic and now require to make our way back and out therefrom.

'Angel' in all religious texts and mainstream religions has the characteristic of something that, whilst normally invisible, can have impact on the physical realm in which we all actually live and of which we are obviously conscious. 

It is a word which, when stripped of a brand-name religious connotation, can easily mean some aspect of the mind that bridges between the sub-conscious, even the totally unconscious, and the openly conscious. Although by standard definition, it is also required to have intelligence; to be intelligent - an actual intelligent being.

As we embark on our Brave New World adventure in which we will all soon have humanoid 'strong AI' on display in front of our own blinking eyes, it is possibly time for us to consider how tall our minds are, how deep, how wide.

...When you have a feeling of obligation that you have to do something, automatically you will experience tiredness. Your bio-chemistry is telling you it doesn't approve and is not backing your plan for action. And action, is a key.

When you see great opposition, you superficially think that the levels of action required to overcome that opposition, is going to be equivalently great.

Sultan Mehmed II may have also thought so, or he might not have; I don't know. 
Almost invisible until imbued with light

I know that the reports are that when he entered into the Temple of Angels in Constantinople he was greeted by a 'vision' following which he refrained from defacing the inside of the temple - a thing he had previously purposed to do, in the mistaken belief that the depictions of 'gods' and 'goddesses' and 'angels' and other 'spiritual beings' in there were idolatrous images, against the express teaching of Mohammed. Which indeed, they were and still are.

So... You have by now all seen the last several video clips. So... How big are angels and how many did you count that you saw in those clips, especially the last one?

And when you next purpose to 'achieve' something of a physical material nature - say like making a lot of money - are you going to do it with the power of a bolt of lightning or several of them, or can you even think of something bigger and grander?   

Friday 25 October 2019


We've started to get ourselves a little stockpile of digital crypto-currency to work with over here, plus some silver bullion. And as you know, gold and silver are moving, for whatever reasons I don't know...

After this article now, I will post something to do with our/your free digital utility tokens that are now available and active.

Here is the promised 'step two.' It's long and for all the impatient, maybe the two most important segments run at from around 1:53 and then at 5:30 and finally at 8:06. 

G, A, F, F lower octave, C.

"Ideas happen energetically first before they can take physical form. You need to feel and sense (understand that way) the vibrations as your path and purpose align." 

IE - Don't try to 'de-code' it.

Feel, it.