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Monday 5 August 2019

White House Lawn... Anyone, Anyone?

Don't forget to check out:

Mandy Bombard just this week has maybe slightly put the nose of Peter Schiff out of joint a little, when she did one of her famous body language analyses on his recent public commentary on BitCoin.

Peter is no doubt a touch worn down by the failure of the gold price to reach its FULL natural dynamics free open market price... ...and that's because we do not have 'free open markets' and we have not had them for decades already.
Gold for Peter Schiff

It would be more than a little remiss for us to avoid mentioning that yeah, there is a lot of instability out there in the world today: Indonesia is on the verge of 'divine retribution' apparently, Hong Kong is going to shove Carrie Lam and Xi Jinping so far up against the wall they will choke and die, or fight like the cornered rats that they are, and that will be a real bloody mess. The Yuan is dead and falling back to Earth. Xi cannot see the signs telling him to back off - and so he will just go through the exact same old contortions every single lunatic dictator always has in their predictable profiles.

So... you're all probably not in the mood for singing and dancing and cavorting and havin' a good time an' all. Yes? No?

Half a million people are meanwhile, at least hopefully, according to organizers, amassing outside Area 51 in order to force the guys down there to 'open up and show them the aliens and their craft.' 

I used to work under a field office supervisor by name of Rick Sutor, deceased now, who as a young man was originally a Brit S.A.S. paratrooper ('ready for anything'), and who for quite some time, was a guard at Area 51 and then other places too moving around with the highly secretive at the time 'Blackbirds,' initially. He was the first person I ever heard use the phrase 'wobbly goblin' and that was wa-a-a-y before anyone had even vaguely heard of the F117 'Nighthawks.' Although the SR-71's were US secret aircraft, the reality is they moved through allied airspace and were positioned in places other than only on US soil. 

He claimed to be a kind of an atheist, in that he believed 'there were advanced aliens from other worlds' and that there was no evidence, at least not any to him, of any other 'supernatural' beings or a god especially not one who interfered with human affairs or who 'listened' to us.

So is god ever going to 'descend on the White Lawn?' LOL

Now that, would be most amusing.
Who's behind the masques? ...Or 'masks.'

You know, if 'the aliens' don't land there either, at least you all have me...

But the question is, are you all in the mood for fun?

The other day I was told by people just off a cruise ship, that the casinos there have a whole bunch of rules that completely alter the advertised betting costs and minimums before they got on the cruise - such as, you have to play for at least two hours at a stretch in the casino otherwise it is five hundred dollars table minimum. Wow.

I guess what I'm saying is that this money-grabbing world has taken virtually every ounce of liberal fun out of well, just about everything, and then manipulated and converted things we knew and loved from past days, and twisted them into cheap (IE expensive) plastic copies that are passed off to the kids as the real thing.

Buckle up.

The real deal is here at last.

Saturday 3 August 2019

The 'Hail Mary' Pass

Please don't forget to listen to this perspective too:

Sometime in the next two to three years there are going to be some massive debt defaults the likes of which have never before been seen.

The Fed has gone for exploiting the 'Goldilocks' feel to the immediate present US economy but in that they have trusted their own data which is all BS.

The public and small business have indeed rallied behind the President and his almost boundless positive forcefulness and energy.

But the world is in turmoil. China has become a real threat to world stability. Xi Jinping is quite clearly a dictator with a dictator's mindset and all the same old moves of that kind of mentality. France is a total basket-case with police literally murdering protesters and the global media not reporting these things at all.
The aliens are going to land on the White House lawn...
You'd better hope and pray they are, anyway!

Zero tourist dollars into France, zero into Hong Kong.

These places are being overpowered by lunatics. Xi Jinping and his cadre have the theory that they can exert effective or absolute control over the Hong Kong-ese...

Macron could not care less about the French people at large. He is a puppet of the Euro-globalist elite.

So where does that leave us 'little tiny' investors and well, just plain ordinary citizens?

I could not want for a better place and position, frankly.

Governments think they own 'money.'

They are deluded.

'Money takes fright when might conquers right.'

Further, Gresham's Law is that 'bad money drives out good.' But, we all know where the good stuff is or could be and what real money is supposed to be like. 

I don't have a problem with accepting what I am seeing on the world political and corporate/financial stage.

Good luck to them all. I can't predict what will happen to the suited people who believe they run everything - nor yet to those they shove around beneath them like serfs.

Wednesday 31 July 2019

'Richard Martin's Wake Up Call'

Very occasionally I get the chance to recommend something - another site or news service or as in this case, an esteemed analyst who has a podcast service.

The thing about pooled analysis of the kind that goes on in what are effectively social media control rooms belonging to GCHQ or the GRU or even the FSB, is that all those who end up with decent Intel-driven conclusion reports, started with a group of people around a large table, all of whom can easily have quite individualistic perspectives.

The point being, of course, that they all also have an adequately advanced mindset fully-equipped with good intellectual tools at their disposal.
It's 'old school' but it's not really old school...

I can say without hesitation the podcast I am recommending here comes with all those credentials, having been able to demonstrate them over decades in one form or another. 

Factually speaking, and I would say that it is a fact - today, none of the big agencies I mentioned above are only 'head-quartered' and centralized; they have distributed nodes of analysis experts 'out in the field' be it in the corporate city blocks of major financial centers, or inside research facilities of many different kinds - IE., Fabrica in Italy, other European design centers and especially also, in general academia. Almost all major masthead newspapers have editors who regularly sit on (government) Intel Committee panels.

And these basic government institutions now have a lot of 'competition' from big organized internet communications companies, to say nothing of how the Chinese government operates in the on-line and digital data collecting space.

Japan always had 'JETRO' and this was well-recognized as a benign and even a useful universal corporate intelligence dissemination agency - but of course, they definitely had internal analysis and policy directorates driving a Japanese government policy stance on things. And that's very fair enough, I would say. 
My school...

'Independent,' I would say - if you mean highest level, educated, independent analysis - probably fits neatly into the simple nomenclature of stock standard ethical old school, um, Alphabet stuff... ...that is, absent of sophisticated and surreptitious infiltration by political and/or particular moneyed interests, then your stock standard Harvard or Cornell or MIT and especially Brookings along with their panoply of orbital relationships - ISO and Amacom publishing - academic team-people, is what we would serve with the same set of defined characteristics and also report to at some point, that is, to the same democratically-elected policy leaders. Albeit, for all scrutiny that could be shone, independently.
Hey! Who's that? Now that's 'old school!'

I don't have a problem with that. I would tell the explicit and complete truth to the CIA if they ever asked (not that they will) and I probably would as well to quite a number of others not restricted only to US-led Western government authorities; unless I was told to shut up which I have been from time to time (LOL). And I would recommend the same stance to others to take; these guys are not nearly as bad as pop media and conspiracy thinkers make out. 

Boris Johnson is going to have a lot of trouble pulling the UK government and bureaucracy octopus into line though... I don't have much time for those guys unless I see enough evidence that the right people are back in charge there. The Five Eyes has been a big mistake. But... ...well, not my call there. We'll see what happens. 
We are heard in the courts of kings and princes, so let's
all be respectful about what we do and say and the way we do things around here, not that any of us
ever have been anything other than that... 

You see, how many of you know that the infamous Alexander Downer, was on on the board of Huawei...?

See what I mean?

Monday 29 July 2019

What Does 'Deep' in 'Deep State,' Mean

"THUNDERBALL!" Ghislaine Hoch took that pic above...

Now as I write this, there are not too many people in the world, who know or are able to say, where the much-wanted Joseph Mifsud, is.

Right now Joseph Mifsud is in the Kimpton Fitzroy Hotel in London, England. How long he will remain there I cannot say, because I do not know.

What I do know, is that very unfortunately there are connections between Harvey Weinstein, Joseph Mifsud, Jeffrey Epstein, Stefan Halper, 'possibly' Prince Andrew, the Clinton Foundation and so on of that vast spectacle of an 'elite' crowd.
Kimpton Fitzroy - a chintz-y, re-worked, fake 'olden days'
facade of a place... Kinda nice inside, but very fake.

And what I do also know, is that there has been some speculation by a few of the team members in some pretty highest level 'analysis' circles - that the person you are seeing who is called 'Ghislaine Maxwell' is not the person who was Robert Maxwell's daughter; Maxwell, as you know, having disappeared from the deck of his boat the 'Lady Ghislaine,' at around some time after maybe 4.45 a.m., on the 5th of November 1991, off the Canary Islands.

Now, what you may not know, is that, regardless of the information about Jeffrey Epstein owning an island, or several islands - there are in addition other places out at sea, where this particular group goes, can go, does go, is...

These are undersea structures - I kid you not - as well as floating sort-of 'ships' of a kind.

Maxwell's real name is 'Hoch.' And he was born in the Ukraine and all of the narratives about him claim that he is a Jewish person. Which would make him, it would seem, a Ukrainian Jew...

And I'm not going to tell you what that means, or certainly might mean.

What I am going to show you, is the place where Prince Andrew entertained that young gal who is currently in the news on account she is a witness against Epstein in his case.
'The Tramp' private club, in London

And I'm also going to tell you that the Ziff brothers, the inheritors of the US publishing group developed and owned largely by William Ziff Jr until his death in 2006 - were on Harvey Weinstein's board of directors. Until they resigned when the negative stories broke into the wider media. And the Ziff's donated heavily to the Clintons. And, blah blah blah what a sad tragic damn mess.

And so, we cannot go much further than that at the moment and we don't really need to and in all events it's all very sordid and frankly, boring.
Yep, that's Ghislaine, getting out of a sub

Of course we don't like what happened - must have happened - to little kids. And perhaps the law will take its course there.

Robert Mueller was intrinsically involved in the * of a lot of money from the Ukraine. I say '*' but there are all these other phrases that are also used like 'pur*'d according to my purview.' Okay I made that up. 

It's not really an 'lol' thing, is it.

All those of you who are already in touch with us here privately, that is, by private contact via email and so on, are already getting some additional 'inside stuff' that is probably quite valuable. And we need to be most quiet about it all too.

The world has never been in a more dangerous, and frankly vile, place, when it comes to the big leagues of the money business. No one else needs to know, what you will come to learn and to know. And to have.

Our very own 'Russian friend' is leaving for Moscow in the next two/three weeks, and they have the brief to acquire some Russian er, er, some Northern Snow Marten glandular secretions, and some Siberian Musk... And maybe a sable hat or two.

Sable hats are very useful when you are out in the cold. And they're even useful when you come in from the cold, and get to say to the idiot across the table: '...Meanwhile, I have the sable hat, and you (still) don't.' And I hope you're all whip-smart enough to know the ins and outs of the movie scene from which that saying is taken.

Here... Here is a pick of a guy I once knew, not long ago passed away, who was a fishing buddy of the great Lee Marvin. That guy (not Marvin) taught me all I know about Martinis. His name was 'Martin,' as it happens. And he was a Fisher.

That's Martin, there, Bill, on the right next to Lee.
Obviously it was taken when they were both 'young enough.'
And by the way, thanks for EVERYTHING Bill re the little 'episode'
recently. You know how grateful we all are.

Sunday 28 July 2019

Why The Future - Because Nostalgia

What are we working towards?

What is the vision we hold in our minds, that we are endeavoring to construct some material components of, in order to realize that vision in the physical now?

Am I nostalgic? Yes. Of course. I experienced the high life in an elevated as-yet-still Colonial and then yet again, privateer, corporate social milieu - and that was many decades ago.
I think this works as design - it's modern, slightly futuristic,
but it's also authentic as a reflection of what it's supposed to be.
And I do think it is 'luxury.'

Those parts of it that I have an affection for, were very good parts indeed. The only things I saw that were negative - for the most part - were the unbreakable (and insane, as far as I was concerned) intent that quite a lot of people had, to engage in political and financial corruption in order to 'get ahead;' but not just 'ahead' as in what the modern middle class does or attempts to do, but 'ahead in the upper echelons...' They wanted to have the titles, the social position, the reverence that a handful of others appeared to command. And I most certainly saw the poverty of the outre. 

There was ugliness - as there still is. But there was the simply glorious, too.

Today, for me, the thing which stands out the most about the 'glory,' is its authenticity. If you have a lot of money today, and you are from the recent decades, you may not even know, what authenticity is... You see you can't substitute a synthetic simulacrum for something that carries a name, and a description of what it is - or is meant to be - and a manifesto of what function it performs, simply because the modern volume demand means there is not enough of the real thing to go around: you can't use a substitute, and pay the price of the genuine article, and think you are experiencing the thing.

'White musk' - is fake, you see. It isn't 'musk' at all. It's a synthetic chemical molecule made in an industrial laboratory.

And why is that a bad thing? Well it isn't a bad thing - it's just not the thing; and also it can't do the same thing, that the original genuine article can.

The characteristics of life style, of living, in the world, is changing, and will continue to change, and at some point widely deliver an experience of human life, of human society, of modern life style to many people that is a direct reflection of technology and advancement.

And there will be plenty of people with lots of money who will only assume they are living the high life, and they will not be - but you might be (living a very high life)...

One simple case example is to do with modern fragrances, aftershaves, perfumes (and by extension flavorings in alcohol and wines and other food and beverages). You see, yes, the modern chemistry lab can render amazing molecules that mimic sensations and feelings and memories about places and things. But no, they are not the things themselves. And they are not because modern industrial chemistry has a long way to go to comprehend the mechanisms of sensation, and memory especially emotional memory, and the electromagnetic dynamic mechanisms of molecular communication systems. The revered perfume expert Luca Turin (worked for the US Military under a research grant at some point...) has the best grasp of what these mechanisms are, and he is just about the only individual whose work reaches the public; others are under wraps by big industry and the military.
'By the fireplace'

You'll be paying BIG money for a European brand name men's fragrance product - such as for instance something from Maison Margiela's 'Replica' line. I cannot even say that a large component of that price is going to marketing, because I don't think it is. Maison Margiela is a brand which produces fashion for women, some fashion for men, and only has the fragrance line 'on the side' even though it is regarded as a really important modern perfume and fragrance brand. But it's not their main thing.

So, you can have a bottle that literally does smell like 'by the fireplace,' or 'at the jazz club,' or 'at the barbers.' And very clever it is, what they do; no doubt about it at all.

And you will encounter many reviewers talk about these products the same way traditionally people did about complex perfumes and French Fashion/Designer House fragrances.

But they are not the same kinds of thing; these new things are molecular constructions that are simulations of something else. And so the experience you will have when wearing them, or using them, is different by great gulfs of sensation, when compared to the real thing.

But what is this 'real thing' you are speaking about, John?

And we'll talk about that side of it in more detail in the next article.