Soon, here, right here in this very place, there will be some matters arrive - which 'are unusual and likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.'
If you go Google-search the word 'esoteric,' you will find: 'intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.'
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I would cast this fellow as 'Q' and I just gave a lot away right there. |
Well I'm not exactly sure why they would be 'of interest to only a small number of people,' because in fact, everyone is looking for these things and cannot find them.
See one problem is of course, that no one really expects to find them!
The forward projections of science are just as filled with silly and often really quite trivial too, fantasies that everyone already knows cannot be fulfilled. For example, personal consciousness being transferred into your computer; some latest AI machine... Or, switching off all of the aging genes entirely and then, even integrating some kind of 'self-fixing' biological process into a living human body - so that, when your flying jet-scooter crashes into the side of a building you 'didn't see coming(!)' all of your physical injuries will self-heal in about twenty minutes.
The jet-bikes will happen, the other stuff will not.
But still, today's scientists are pulled on by the adventure of thinking and talking rubbish and fantasizing about an impossible future.
And then, big-noting themselves to all and sundry about 'how much promise science holds.'
Science is limited by geometry.
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This is 'M.' |
Actually, the correct wording is 'delimited.' It means having fixed boundaries.
People fantasize about finding certain things, but they don't have genuine hopes of realizing on those things.
Let me give you a banal example, though one which is timely, and one that I have been rolling around in my mind for years now:
The Bond Producers cannot write an authentic contemporary 'Bond villain,' see. Never mind that they have been living off those villains that a long-dead Trans-Atlantic Brit invented out of an era that...
...okay, partly, I come from that era. Let me tell you what would have happened to a woman in high society who told her mother, aunts, female friends - that she had been raped (whether by Bond or someone else).
They would have slapped her face.
That is something you, if you are from today's generations of youngsters (I mean people younger than sixty at least!), would not even begin to have the first idea about why that would have ever even been the case.
Trust me, my friends, there were no dumb women in upper class society. Not as a general rule. Sure there might have been dumb women, but I never met any.
But there are dumb women today. Plenty of them.
Kristen Stewart is not one of them.
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That is a proper Hebrides wool tartan on the right and a 'certain' armorial family colors on the left. And none of it, is by accident. Poor Andrew. LOL |
All of you who have been reading here for a very long time, know that I am a Stewart - as in, literally that kind of Stewart. So is she.
Those of you who have read that book of ours 'How She Should Make Love - The Witches Of Demeter' should have just fallen off your chair then, unless you too are pretty thick, which I know you are not.
When you watch the trailer for the just-released hit flick 'Spencer' you will hear K-Stew deliver the lines 'Here in this house, there is no future; the past and the present are the same thing.'
For those lines alone, she should win the Oscar outright 'by panels of fencing,' as they say.
I am an aristocrat make no mistake, and an authentic one. The Windsors, in our eyes, are middle class people - they are not aristocrats. They never came from aristocracy and they have never been aristocracy.
K-Stew is the very epitome of aristocracy.
LOL - got it yet?
I'm not sure because I haven't Google-searched it (Google is truth, Google is God), but I think last year the twenty-five year embargo period on the Crown Coroner's ruling and the summing up in the trial of Dr Stephen Ward was up - but the UK government slapped on a further twenty six years to keep those things secret from the public.
Now why would that be, d'you think, if they had nothing to hide? There is no 'Communist threat.' There is no 'Soviet Union.'
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This is real 'liminality' here in this pic. Very good photography. ...It's turning to evening now, see. Time when the monsters come out. |
I mean of course I could tell you what the 'Profumo Affair' was really all about. Same as I could divulge secrets about the government of say, Singapore, for example, that would curl your eyelashes.
But I'll not do those things.
Just yet.
Another problem with the latest iteration of the Bond films, is that they know perfectly well the villains are the UK 'secret services' themselves which are all linked up to global banking and finance and the top tier accountancy firms, not so much the lawyer firms which are American-based albeit with 'global head offices' in Switzerland.
Deep down inside people's souls, they have this disquiet that 'if' the UK secret service somewhere, killed Princess Di and Dodi, then they - the audience, the public - cannot whole-heartedly give their support to Bond.
So yeah, I want Orlando, Katheryn Pereira's wife, to be the next Bond, but then again, I really don't want him caught up in all of that saga. I know he's working out heaps to get a 'buff' body and all... He wants the role.
...See how I neatly took y'all away from the esoteric matters that will soon crop up here.
Bond is playtime, nothing more.
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Oh yeah he can do it, all right. Don't you worry 'bout that! |
But nothing less though, either!
Maybe just one time more, before we go into the esotericism here, you can all indulge me, just one more time - as I set out for you what a really good 'Bond villain' would be like, in the next exciting article.
And hey, if you have ideas too about that let us know.
And if you hated what I just posted, well, as Brie Larson... Nah nah, you can let me know that as well.