I was resisting talking about this for a long while.
This is going to be like a long and extremely fine cotton string - it might be too long for some of you, too fine to keep together; it might break and the logic be not connected.
The matter is not a simple one at all. People have strong ideas and beliefs which they have had ingrained into them from early childhood, and even if the basis for these ideas might be roughly-speaking sound enough, there are many technical aspects that today, we should be viewing through a modern lens, and not through the eyes of people who never had the slightest dream about the things we know of today, in terms of technology in particular.
When Hesiod tells the myth of the baby Dionysus being torn apart and eaten, by some Titans, primitive (in the sense of technologically not as advanced as we are now) people would understand the story in terms of its violence and its sense of horror that it inspires in listeners for the wantonness of the act, and the primal evil that was the chief characteristic of most of the Titans.
Today we have no idea who or what a 'Titan' might have been, and most people think of it in terms of fable, although some psychologists use the terminology to talk about deep inner dark parts of human nature.
The Jews have the mythic story of the primordial sea serpent Ti-taninim ha-gadol, the Norse have Jotunn Jormungadr, and the Ancient Greeks, Typhon.
The Greeks say that Typhon was so fearsome and dangerous that even the Olympian Gods hid themselves in large 'towers' in Egypt and disguised themselves as various animals and birds...
The original Greek narrative is not that the monster and also those Titans who dismembered the baby version of Dionysus - were killed, but that they were attenuated, and since they had eaten the flesh of the God Dionysus, then the myriad split up parts of Typhon and the other evil Titans, also now contained parts of the God Dionysus; and it is from this combination that the third iteration of human/humanoid beings on this Earth has come.
We, are that Typhon and those other evil beings.
And those humans who retain a very large part of the Titanic make-up in themselves, have a tremendous enmity toward the two or three major Gods who incapacitated them in their fullness of primal evil power, and some of them even retain a consciousness that has a full memory of the primordial events, and scheme to one day re-join enough of their split parts to once again rival the power of the Olympian Realm.
These beings in human form reject the Dionysian heart - since the heart was the only part recovered and restored to life by Athena and Zeus and Hermes.
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I could be wrong but I'm not. |
If we look at the human genome, we are told that until recently 98% of it was thought to be 'junk DNA' but now they say that some of that has functions to do with health and recovery of cell and tissue damage.
But today we are not likely to think of a modern myth-story in terms of someone eating a life, but combining or absorbing some DNA. Of course we can still indulge simplistic horror stories about cannibalism but those stories will not have the same story-arc purpose in terms of synthesizing a combination life-form as the result of cannibalism.
'Death' is about the attenuation of Titanism.
Humans, are or at least the majority of them can be and many certainly are, incredibly devious, dangerous, duplicitous, heartless, and wantonly violent, murderous and selfish. In short, these are all the traits of the 'mythical' Titans.
Except humans are not mythical - they are perfectly and existentially real now.
The only way you will ever be able to make open direct contact with any truly advanced non-Earth intelligence - because they will certainly already have a fair idea of what humans are like - is to allow them a proper basis on which to trust us. Never forgetting, that the way the Titans dismembered the baby Dionysus, was by tricking him with delightful things and sweet speech. Humans are also naturally deceitful.
And very good at it.
I wonder if you can tell the objective physiological and psychological point of having humans get drunk on wine...?
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Titan wickedness, plus heavenly heart. |
And I'm not encouraging it, because some of you will go over the top with it!
In any case it's the principle at stake not the material numbing of reflexes.
And either you are, or you are not, deadly, treacherous, and violent.
So you see, this is a real conundrum - most of us, and I am one, do not wish to simply just 'give up' these capabilities.
So how do we convince the advanced beings, without coming across as the most expert Cosmic tricksters ourselves -, that we are at least safe if not always benign.
One thing you will find out early this coming year, is that 'if' it happens that there is an 'appearance' by some kind of advance contingent near us, my goodness, suddenly you will discover just how angry and violently-disposed and hate-filled, are so many 'human' people towards these visitors that we should not, technically-speaking, know even anything about (what they are like)... Why are we angry towards them?
Note this down. It will happen.
The reaction is the important, interesting thing; not the 'sudden' appearance.
In the meanwhile, you can give a lot of thought to how one might prove one's safe nature to an outsider. And believe me, although I think you already can see it - that is not going to be an easy thing.
I'm sure all of us has had the occasion of being 'entertained by strangers' - who tried to make us very drunk... Watch your step, if you find yourself in such a situation. What a benign, generic type of 'warning.' LOL