A warning...
No, not really a warning. There is no serious danger.
What there is, is this constant doubt and fear and anxiety springing from thousands and thousands of years of meaningless nonsense disguised as religious 'truths' and doctrines.
And then secondly and almost as significantly, is a simply excessive amount of Eastern or Asian/South Asian and Oriental 'guru/yogi' stuff which is utter fallacious nonsense - at best it is tiny little bits and pieces of something from somewhere long ago but never in the first place understood by the promoters (in the West, and now worse still inside Communist China as well!), and delivered as completely bland, pointless, powerless 'exotic experiences.'
Not really exotic though, and pretty mild when it comes to any 'experiences' entailed.
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It's getting colder in the Northern Hemisphere now... |
I am going to shortly - not today but in a day or so - put out something that will give you the literal 'shock of your life...' ...That kind of experience.
And so, one worry is that no one gets the wrong idea either going or coming away from it: all too many modern iterations of the Western Christian tradition indulge themselves in stupid nonsense about 'demons' and 'witchcraft' and all of those Hollywood fantasies (there are such things for sure though, just not where people usually think they are), and same goes for Islamic traditions - in fact any traditions that contain prescriptions claimed as edicts 'from God' about what you must do, and what you are restricted from doing or even thinking.
Here is the ultimate and absolute template for the benevolence and benign nature of what you are about to be told about - 'do unto others...' The exact underpinning meaning of this is that human beings, despite this widespread thousands and thousands of years' worth of tradition of everyone needing to 'be tough' and being aggressive to 'win' anything -, humans are in fact beings filled with sensitivities!
In no way at all are the 'superior beings' intent on forcing anything onto anyone down here.
Human persons need to regard themselves as children in the Cosmic sense; children are not lesser beings -, they are only smaller, younger, less educated, still growing.
Demonic things, demonic beings - are offensive. And they are oppressive and demanding.
And there is nothing here that you will find in that manner of being or of activity.
The key reason I am not saying 'Jesus said,' or 'Buddha taught,' or 'Moses said' or whoever - is simply because most people today have zero access to any authentic, genuine, original source texts in the original languages that they are able to decipher, to decode.
'Kundalini' is utter rubbish. There is no such thing in Vedic sources. Well, certainly not in any of the ways modern expositors (with maybe one or two rare exceptions) and practitioners (because there's plenty of those who run classes and all kinds of related things) say.
Even the etymology in Wikipedia is vastly unsound.
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You have to practice the method at night... |
The only reason I have spoken about the seven color layers, is that these are exact, precise, completely accurate and correct steps up the energy wave from material sensory inputs, past the 'ultra-violet catastrophe' into somewhere the energy went - that we don't physically 'see.'
These things are all over the place in the Sumerian stone etchings and in the Pyramids and they are described as 'serpentine' or snake-like, even being drawn as snakes. And they are explicitly described in the modern exegeses of the Upanishads and Vedas as being 'coiled up snakes.'
The reality when it comes to the Vedic ideas about so-called kundalini anything, is that they are tightly coiled up and are unleashed whenever someone is harmed, or when they are going to do harm. So, they are 'poisonous.' They are not 'asleep.' No one has to 'awaken' them or 'awaken' the chakras either. If your chakras are asleep you are dead!
Chakras are already misinterpreted whenever some 'expert' on the one hand calls them 'circles,' on the other hand says they are 'flowers with so and so many petals!'
It doesn't matter what method you are going to use to arrive at a particular state in which your concentrated personal essence, your consciousness, is simply going to project a question to the invisible space above and around you, mostly in front of you: 'Is there anyone out there?'
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Drink too much 'normal' tea and it will deplete your iron levels. Fact. |
But you are never going to get to that state - and all you have to do is watch some online YT videos of people explaining about chakras and kundalini - doing anything to do with yoga or breathing exercises and all of this. You might get a bit light-heated. For sure if you hold your breath or breathe deeply you will experience some light-headedness.
This following thing I will guarantee and it cannot be so banal a thing as 'feeling light-headed!'
When you get the text, and read through it, maybe you will be able to extract the correct ideas and everything required - you will definitely get a shock about one particular term as it is applied in the Book of Exodus and from which you will be as to no doubt whatsoever that as Ammon Hillman says, all of this was first written in ancient classical Greek - with ancient Pelasgian roots - and not in Hebrew.
Maybe you might not be able to extract the full process and then we will have to add a little bit more guidance. But inevitably you will get the thing and you will be able to apply it yourself and then this is what will happen:
You're best off doing it at night, because that way what you will see in the skies overhead will be more obvious.
But it will be so huge, so stunning, so clear and obvious, that you will run away and hide your head!
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Here's some heavy metal, anyway. |
But then, no sooner will you have had to face the matter, the reality - which you will still of course go through the vain process of second-guessing to yourself - than you will also realize that it means the access to this 'niche dimension' in which the Shangri-La place actually really exists, is available to you...
And what will you do about that!
And I don't mean a Chinese restaurant, either!
All the church-y stuff they have with the frankincense and the bells and all of the Kundalini stuff those other people do - it's all just a vestige of the real thing. It's fundamentally about 'enhanced arousal' yes, but it is not about losing consciousness, it should be about heightened awareness in full consciousness.
You are going to see from the key details that actual transmission of information or data, of messages as such - is a matter of primitive electronics. And since we do not have the money to go indulge in the kinds of materials originally that they were using in the past, we have to get to the sensitivity to receive the information via more profound means of the sorts that we do have cheaper access to today - but the results are the same.
Best headphones, and I challenge anyone to get to the profound depths of what the sound here itself is driving, in this, compared to Tibetan chanting, say for example; Tibetan chanting is 'old school' lol
To recap - the point of this preparatory section is to do with the concerns that people might have about how 'spiritually safe' this thing is - well, it's way more spiritually safe than anything you have ever read, seen, heard or encountered from your standard church or synagogue or mosque or University!
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