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Thursday 11 May 2023

Simple, Earthly Things

Some of you will know for sure, because you keep up to date with all of the latest things in pharmakeia - that what your mother told you about broccoli and cauliflower has not only been confirmed by latest science, but extracts are being marketed under the name 'DIM' (not very auspicious you wouldn't suppose, but there you go anyway...).

DIM stands for di-indolylmethane, which is something and something else and sulforaphane, the last one being the generally-understood main substance from a number of vegetables that gives protection from many kinds of internal cancer.

I am personally of the view (although a lot of experienced pharmacists also agree) that eating the fresh items could be even more beneficial than ingesting the isolated chemical extracts.

Most people are of the view that if you overcook these vegetables, you are basically leaching out most of the important active ingredients - but one of the exceptions to this is in deep frying, say, with a tempura batter. In this process there is an air-gap made by the heat and the expanding of the batter, and the vegetables are hardly cooked look enough anyway to destroy the useful substances.

So, next time you go out and see deep-fried broccoli and um... ...truffles and mushroom soup - you can forego the beef bourguignon jaffles for another day and have the 'food-as-medicine' instead. 

Say - along with the Grand Cru Rodenbach, although I prefer the fruitage version, frankly.

And what happens to you when you eat all of these good things?

Well, nothing. And that's the point.

Now... Moving on - what can I tell you about the Temple of Dodona, that no one else alive today knows?

Well there was a stream that sprang up inside the cave at the roots of an old oak tree, which was hydrogenated with ionized water from a process of having bubbled up through crystalline rocks.

It isn't the hydrogen or, as most scholars think, any kinds of 'gases' that exuded from these rocks and crystals, but the effect of harmonizing electron spin polarity in the brain, that causes a person around there to be able to 'see' into the past and into the future.

The priestesses inside the Oracle Temple at Dodona (the very oldest oracle of all), were not called 'sibyls' which is a later title given to them based on what they were called upon to do, which was namely, to prophecy the future - they were called peleiades, grey doves.

The chariot of the goddess Aphrodite, was, as you know, drawn by a flock of grey doves.

This is not something that you are ever likely to encounter being talked about by the Pentagon's current committee supposedly looking into Alien UFO 'evidence.'


So many things in ordinary, standard human culture are remembrances of important incidents but whose actual witnesses are no longer here to explain properly once the stories get all twisted up in legend. The myth of the grey ladies and even the kinds of garb modern-era nuns wear, is based on something but not anything most people have any accurate knowledge of.

What I wish to impress upon people is the necessity of living in the physical material world, and not simply escaping via processes whatever they may be.

Necessity, not just 'importance.'

Now yes people go off the rails all the time, from where they are supposed to be headed. But the idea is for them to become assimilated into the Universal Field, not the other way around.

Sure you can arrive in the Field proper itself - as Enoch did more than once, and is destined to show back up again here around now - but once there you are absorbed into what is already there, which is stuff finalized, not still nascent. You, are still nascent. You must go on from here, becoming.

And yeah okay, like the sibyl at Cumae and Albunea, the sibyl at the Tibur, it is possible to step out for a while and then to return.

The point at which one is able to self-pronounce that enough of the complete you exists, is when you have amassed enough knowledge into your material brain cells, that no one has to force you into believing things that are insisted upon if you ever were to join up with the Eternal Borg Elites(lol), with their shared, group mind.

Because right now, the chances are, you believe a bunch of nonsense.

And also: I want I want I want - right?

Okay, so then you will get too. 

Nobody says that you cannot have.


  1. Apparently if you slice your broccoli and leave to sit for at least 30mins before cooking it activates more sulphoraphane via some enzyme oxygen process. Same goes for garlic

    1. Good point re garlic. I know some really smart people who swear by this 'kyolic' - aged garlic. Might get back into it myself. Used to have it when I was teaching MA.

  2. Yay cool I’m glad I could help you out for a change considering all the times you endured my questions here. Even if it’s only by bringing aged garlic back into your life :)

    I used to chop the garlic and let it sit before cooking but I’ve gotten lazy and crush it straight into the dish. Am gonna have to take my own advice now, lol


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