Nagas, in the Vedas, in the Sanskrit language, are not the only serpent beings in the Vedas from out of the most ancient times, from the origin of the Universe, in fact.
Nagas are only just one of the Uragas.
Now when we look at the Vedic understandings, we must realize that all the original beings (primal beings of the Universe) are the sentient embodiment of various objective geometric and mathematical relationships (IE physics, I guess). These do not constitute a 'cause-and-effect' situation where the primal geometries plus energy cause the actual eventual effects, but they are the structure created by the Ultimate Creator Divinity, and thus the unfolding of certain things always in certain ways must happen as the dynamic symmetrical relationships of tied things inside a field. In Sanskrit the relevant words and concepts are 'adhidaivika' and also to an extent 'adhibhutika/adhibhautika.'
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If you think you are not on the pages, where it is to be learned how to manifest genies and any other manner of things - you are mistaken. Read to the end of this very page and see. |
Some Deva can no more force the behaviors of 'weaker' beings it seeks to goes against than ice can force a fire to go out - instead, one thing is part of a necessary tandem relationship with some other thing or with many things: gravity is literally tied to mass. It isn't that gravity effects certain behaviors on mass.
It isn't that 'the sands of time run out' - it is that time is a function of motion.
So, Uragas are primary or you can say primal and Titanic discrete concepts (to begin with) - whose fundamental characteristic is that of something moving subtly over a breast to drink from the breast milk... (Actual technical Sanskrit meaning).
'Uraga' also directly implies what we in the West call 'fate,' although what the ancient Sanskrit sacred writings' meaning is - is 'essential structural necessity.'
Thus the serpent, the subtlest of the creatures, goes to material and temporal sustenance, and tells it ('her') that she cannot die, but if she knows at greatest depth Good and Evil, she will become like the gods and then live forever.
And the necessary outcome of that - when the relationship is actually joined - is pain and suffering.
The Biblical 'Book of Genesis' is nothing but a bland and tamed-down version of the most ancient Sanskrit Vedas, none of which exist in their first forms and most of which were all 're-composed' at some time much later on from which versions the ideas a large number of Vedic scholars have, have been constructed.
The immediate existential outcome of the Knowledge of Good and Evil by Man - is suffering and pain, not death.
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The shining, subtle, beauty - of silk. Tread carefully here. |
In other words it is a fraudulent construction that Biblical scholars have all made, to say that the existential outcome of Adam and Eve's decision was death; that is easily disproved even from the actual Bible text itself when we see that it was Abel who died, and yet he did not do any wrong or create any mischief, but Cain who committed the evil act of murder and not only did Cain not die, but he went on to live a lengthy number of years in diverse places fathering a lot of children!
Again, there is a certain wicked serpentine reasoning that makes the leap between natural bodily death and some prior act of volition of the Man - as a metaphysical consequence of 'sin'/sinning.
'Serpentine' here meaning very very subtle.
Were you to be able to transfer your sentient consciousness and your entire personal ego self from your brain and your living body - into a newly-grown, flawless other body, you would hardly say that you ever 'died;' really.
And yet we stand today on the edge of just such a technological possibility.
Okay we can all argue about how realistic and practical such technologies actually are or might ever be - but we are thinking about it as neural scientists. We are conceiving the technical solutions bit by bit in theory and seeing the ultimate possibilities of it all.
Nagas are any number of beings - even people who are Nagas by spirit beneath the human skin - and many of them are incredibly good! But by nature they are incredibly subtle.
And that is all (that could be deemed their 'fault' or area of potential flaw).
Satan is a Naga being. If you are a human, you cannot best his subtlety.
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I myself, was personally raised by 'Naga' and 'Malla.' |
Satan's knowledge and malice aforethought is so immense - well, it is like this -, no and not just like this but here is what he did and still does exploit:
Knowing that there are process codes to all of the primary Universals, to these tandem-object fundamental relationships, he appropriated them at some point and is using those to hold you (that is, the human world at large) in ignorance. But not in ignorance of science and material things and many other even speculative kinds of things about which we do know quite a lot and are learning more and more every day of human history - but in ignorance of ourselves and our experience of ineffable wonder and happiness...
How many of you can truly and honestly say that today, you experienced some moments of ineffable wonderment and exquisite happiness?
By subtle but actual interference using those codes, you are quite deliberately prevented from becoming rich through normal general ethical effort, for instance.
Such subtlety may simply be the using of malicious people to for example, modify the distributing of lotteries pools, so that almost no one wins these things and 'arrangements' are made that only certain 'others' (not legitimate participants is what is being implied here) win.
And yet it can also be the very real 'magical' as in, invisible and seemingly unscientific 'occult things' that take hold of swathes of the public's mind at a given time.
Uragas are both actual beings as well as the 'software blocks' of codes that enable various material interactions and dynamic relationships: aka in the Western Mind 'fate.'
If you really were to 'Know' Good - then indeed absolutely you would be 'like' God; who certainly does Know Good, for He is Good/ness itself.
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Ssssssssss.... What you don't know won't hurt you. |
You personally could get some glimpses of 'Good' for instance again, if you had five million dollars - in this material form of world; and it is only logical that you would have to have some wealth in order to be sure that you were not fabricating your own sense of 'Good' via some fantasy of the hesychast's mindset: convincing yourself of the 'Good' and that it needs be, is always accompanied by human poverty!
Neither the 'permissibly' rich person, nor the self-convincing poverty-afflicted monk, 'Knows' what is truly the Good.
And yet to Know the Good means to literally know God.
So the logical reality of Knowing God is that you must be rich...
For God is rich.
And if you are a friend of God then you too will be rich through his good offices towards all of his friends.
The Nagas, many of them, attend to humans who seek Divine Assistance, because of their desire to balance up the score with the primary Subtle One, who did much Evil to Humanity and in the world of Man. The Nachash devas of Zohar teaching and Jewish folklore, are Nagas. 'Shining Ones.' Nachash.
In Sanskrit - Dewa-nagas. The Shining Serpents.
And now I will demonstrate to you that this is true to a fault.
Sanskrit means 'the science of natural name.'
When you intone or 'speak' the word, the mantras of pure Sanskrit, each manifest material thing equating to that 'word' must 'Uragas' (arrive/attend).
One of the letters of the Sanskrit and Tamilian alphabet is the 'Pambil S' - or Serpum S; from which we in English get the word 'serpent.'
If you intone this letter sound - it is the fastest to manifest as a material reality. And a snake will appear in manifest material reality as a fact in front of your eyes.
And it is by this time scale, that you can determine how fast any other things that you manifest by mantras, will appear.
'S' is the fastest letter.