You see, so many of the figures of myth and cultural tradition, are known to ordinary people only by their titles and not their actual names.
'Hermes' is a title, which means he who brings a beautiful message. And yes, it does have some punning characteristics to do with rocks and stones but most of these titles all do as well (have dual meanings).
In the Russian this name - well, title - is Uri, which is Evri in ancient Greek.
You are well-versed in the modern pop myth of Atlantis. This city-state was established by the sons and daughters of the Titan, Atlas.
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The 'lost' city of Prometheus, God who brought fire from Heaven to Men in burning embers hidden inside a fennel stalk. |
Now Atlas, in theory a Titan, had a brother who was somehow not a Titan but some other thing, only vaguely explained in any early writings. And this brother was called 'Prometheus;' but that is a title...
Prometheus created, with something called the Eudaemon Spirit, Man, and then, on command of Zeus, a troublesome counter-entity, aka Pandora. There is no implication in ancient classical Greek myth, that Man and Woman were created either equal or good. In fact, Mankind on the whole is wicked and Woman was made to destroy Him.
But then you've got to understand that in these accounts there is a huge difference between 'Male' and 'Female' and Man and Woman.
Man means humankind.
Up until the destruction by the Muslims, of the Great Library of Alexandria, there was a compilation of all the actual names of the Titans and the gods. This book has been sealed up until the time of the end - of humankind. Humankind cannot survive what has befallen the world.
There are claims that some pages from one of the compilations of a dictionary of ancient Greek words, by Hesychius of Alexandria, does contain the actual name of Prometheus, but it only contains possibilities for what it might have be written down as, based on what cult groups sounded it out as being.
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'Enterprise system personal transport.' |
Prometheus carried out the role of courier between the gods and the Titans in the Titanomachy - and it is from this role, that people say he was not ever a Titan as such, having on the one hand been the grandson of the first God Ouranos and his consort Gaia, and literally therefore being the nephew of Zeus, the then king of the gods.
'God' and 'god' have two distinct implied meanings in the ancient Greek tradition - one means the sentient and Supreme, Eternal 'Spirit'-like (was more than some invisible thing, but literally was the discrete force and the power over something particular) existential being at the head of a category of thing; whereas the other meant the existential absolute ruler over some boundary-defined place or people or things.
What makes all of this important for you, is that whereas the gods can have an interest in some humans at various times, only the actual creator of humans cares about them for all time.
Which is why when you pray to 'god,' your prayers are not answered.
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The temples where the real Gods really are, and to know them by their actual names, and see them in their real forms. |
Unless you know what the name and the characteristics are, of the sentient being/s you are trying to interact with - who have the kind of power you seek - then you will be addressing an 'unknown god.'
Nevertheless, even that is good enough in the sense of that the Turkey ruling elite just discovered that if you offend even the 'unknown god' formally, you will find out just what consequences will necessarily ensue.
All the greater then, if you consort with that being as known.
...Moving then, to Prometheus, the Creator of Man:
Never will the Creator of Man destroy you. Never will He destroy His messengers.
'Jibreel' is not a messenger of Prometheus, because Prometheus, being Himself a messenger and a deliverer of, and one who manifests, things from the abode of the Eternal Heavens, will not be so Un-Just as to betray the Divine Aspect Himself by killing His own messenger.
You do not know the name of Prometheus.
And therein lies your quandary, and the source of all your struggles and your problems - for you are, as it were, an orphan in the Universe of the Eternal Beings.
Were you to go to the real temple of the Gods, and see them as they really are, and know them by their true names -, you will find Life, and all good things.
How does this creation story fit in with the two in Genesis. Is this man the same as Adam, and is Pandora a Lilith, an Eve, or a third type? If I'm getting it right, Adam and Lilith were the male and female created as equals by the Elohim, and then Eve was created from Adam (by Yahweh Elohim?) as a replacement for Lilith, so this Greek creation story doesn't really sound like either to me.
ReplyDeleteWestern culture - advanced modern Western society - is based on geometry and physics (atomic mathematics/atomic number), and fundamental intangible principles, not rules or laws. Why would anyone choose a Jewish narrative as superior in fact or logic or even in truth, to the basic lineage of what we rely on to live today? 'Einstein' stole everything he became famous for from an Italian mathematician Olinto De Pretto and a German physicist Max Planck - and he came thousands of years after Pythagoras and Democritus. Much of classical fable about gods and men is just that - fable - but the key reliable things are in there from the very ancient past. ...In any case, figures such as 'Lamadu Lamadu Tav' (Lilith) are even in the basic Hebrew occultic narratives not anything like a human, nor an 'angel' but some completely other kind of being altogether albeit visually compatible with humans - 'Lilith' cannot die for one thing, and rules an Underworld or 'Shadow world' at least, in this world, co-equally with the 'strong arm of evil sent by Yahweh' aka 'Samech Mem Aleph Lamed Vav' (Satan); and in some respects she is much stronger and completely outside any control or authority or even power of Yahweh. ...Which for one thing, calls into question that Yahweh is even any kind of actual Supreme Deity (real 'God') at all.
DeleteSecondly, I'm glad you commented, because I was a bit worried there as to how far I would have to go to incite some trouble around here!!
However, be that as it may, I will try to explain what is going on in our human existence... And you might not like it when I say it. Actually, I won't say it explicitly because people just don't like to hear it. The 'Bible' story is a Graeco-Egyptian one, and not a Jewish virtually at all, except that after the manuscript culture got going following Ptolemy II (again, IN ALEXANDRIA!!) -, which is why there occur such phrases as 'the Ancient One of Days' in the Apocalypse, which was written on a Greek island. This is Ouranos. Jesus PRAYS literally to Ouranos and so do you, if you say the Lord's Prayer in Greek - except of course modern (fake) 'scholars' try to find ways around this FACT.
I mean to say that Lilith was clearly more powerful that (the) Ha Shatan, although it's possibly open to argue that yes, she is also way more powerful than Yahweh.
DeleteListen (figure of speech, I'm not being high-handed here) - the other thing is the proof of the pudding is in the eating thereof. You can name and pray to any 'god' you like, nothing will happen.
DeleteIs that so, or isn't it so?
But you start turning your mind to the true gods - and to those living, alive 'persons' embodying permanent and existential and eternal (or 'Eternal') principles - and everything happens at once. Truth is a God, Love is a God, Goodness is a God - these kinds of things are Gods and nothing else is at all. And all stories are just stories unless they have the quality of Euclidean Elements...
Well, I'm not choosing any of the creation stories over another, I was just going by what you posted here in July 2022 about the two stories. I simply want to know the true creation story, or stories if creation happened more than once. And I wouldn't mind if you explicitly said the part that we're not going to like. Maybe it's the part where some of us think we're praying to "God" but actually are praying to Satan, Yahweh, whatever, the rules/laws guy. Knew that already. Maybe it's that we are in the Underworld. Suspected that, been thinking about what it is I might have done to get down here!
ReplyDeleteThe Genesis narrative as you say, tells two versions of what appears to be the same thing, but of course, isn't: because one is a linear account of a kind of actual material, including the essential human part, 'evolution' as you might say 'things actually happened.' And then, alongside this is an account (which is chronologically the first account in the Bible) in which the terms and labels are metaphysical at minimum. In this account all things are good and beautiful and God was pleased. Should be 'The End,' but isn't of course and we next have the 'in the garden of Eden' version and all of that in which, as Paul Wallis rightly points out, although we and even the Jews translate things as 'God' this and 'God' that but those are incorrect translations. ...For, there are many 'Els' all of whom are also 'god.' Whatever 'god' is being intended to mean here. ...But let us leave off that stuff and I would readily just give over to people like Wallis and '9Nania' to interpret those texts - which they do pretty well enough. And go to what is THE TRUTH OF OURSELVES. Next up then -.
DeleteMaybe it's the inability to reply in-thread. Punishment, one lifetime of toil and mediocrity in suburban America.
DeleteThe 'reply in thread' is too hard for me. The 'toil and mediocrity' we can easily fix. (God, with technology I don't even know how to operate a camera any more! You learn on one piece of junk and then another iteration of that junk comes along and takes over the scene. At least here in Australia, our China-made cameras all work by themselves. Nyuck nyuck).