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Monday, 31 May 2021

The Bathos Of Modern Argumentation

So that was not any kind of clever phrasing - it definitely isn't particularly humorous. However I want to look at this word 'bathos' because it is the basis for my discussion here right now. 

Now we all at least know that the word is Greek and simply has one superficial, technical level of meaning that is simply 'depth.' Okay fair enough, that in itself is some irony right there: superficial but deep... I am trying desperately not to make stupid jokes but right now it has proven unavoidable for me!

What am I drinking, Bill? Nothing actually - just water.

Swiss clouds - screenshot from
the movie 'The Clouds of Sils Maria.'

Anyway, let me get back to the actual point.

There is no way I can hold serious sensible conversations in public these days, because people go look up Google-Search and there, they find 'TRUTH...' Right?

The Wikipedia entry on 'bathos' - if you take it all-in-all - says that this is a literary device that either deliberately seeks to create a ridiculous moment, or accidentally does so (and here is where I dispute with them all) by being ridiculous, abruptly and incompetently juxtaposing something that is common or vulgar, against something earlier which was lofty or grand.

The final example they (Wikipedia people) give is this, from a short narrative description by the English poet John Dryden:

"The cave of Proteus rises out of the sea, it consists of several arches of rock work, adorned with mother-of-pearl, coral, and abundance of shells of various kinds. Through the arches is seen the sea, and parts of Dover Pier."

Kindly, at least, I suppose, Wikipedia admits that what they are going to tell you, is that 'today, bathos refers to rhetorical anticlimax...'

Cartier 'scented cloud' in Paris.

...But then it never quite gets around to saying what it was, before, 'today.'

You see, there is definitely a way to apply the word albeit it is a droll way of applying the actual original word and its true ancient classical meaning - to the defining characteristic of American television humor: Frasier being an exact case example of it.

However the ancient Greeks who treated these things seriously though in very different ways than people do now (now, it's a box you tick on the way to a University English Degree), used the word the same way we use it to describe a 'bathysphere...' Namely: you go down deep. Deeper than you can naturally go, and maybe, deeper than you are really supposed to go, if you are in search of something in a given boundary. Therefore, you are really in fact, pushing a boundary the wrong way.

This has nothing at all to do with humor and it isn't funny, and it is never meant to be funny and it is, in fact, dangerous.

Many excellent modern movies - City of Angels, Clouds of Sils Maria, Siesta (1987) for three examples that spring easily to mind - draw intense emotions from the viewer because they are submerging them into an 'exceeding depth.' In both cases, the narratives have to resort to 'mystery' and/or supernatural and 'unreal' elements to get there.

In both cases, the lynch-pin of the human emotional depth - is death.

Siesta - movie starring Jodie Foster and
Ellen Barkin

In reality, you will observe, in fact we cannot, traverse into death - and get back from there!

Not actually. Which is the device then used to produce a completely false narrative about death, though one that we mostly all accept naturally. Mischievously, these movies convince people ever more so that death is genuinely a terminal, terminating, evil 'place/condition/event/outcome.' But, it satisfies the political system that thrives by making people full of fears or else refusing to confront reality in any actual, and practical, way.

Thus when people do not really know what lies in the depths there - Hamas can get away with inviting you believe that it is 72 virgins for the suicide bomber 'believer' (it's never the actual 'knower,' you will observe), and politicians can get you to behave yourself according to the notion that this is the only place in which, by our own devices, we 'might' (so long as you, behave yourself according to the laws they have made for you) create Utopia maybe for us in old age and mayhaps for those who come after us.

They all tell stories of the past and make promises for the future. Jam yesterday and jam tomorrow, but never jam today.

Eyes Wide Shut never made the descent to bathos - although in every possible way whatsoever, the whole entire movie is set up to do it - by having either one of the two key characters, those played by Tom and Nicole, die at or towards the end, or even at any pivotal point along the way.

Versailles 'Masked Ball' - 
definitely still on this year, and soon.

However I will tell you, you should imagine that one or both of them (the movie characters) is in fact, 'dead' and in absolute real terms too. This is not something I am inviting you to suppose as far as what you would say was standard film literary critique method in any way at all!

But it is what the occult perception will absolutely say.

If you take it as an outright occult manifesto about human life and the human condition, then that is what the movie is telling you.

We are entering an historic moment, at which the 'official' (means you will see Wikipedia tell you that it is so... And Wikpedia is the source archive of all truth and knowledge throughout the Universe) - position is that there are sentient life forms that traverse time and space.

And on that basis, I am suggesting to you, that the 'standard religious narrative texts' are that there is an 'identity' without known father or mother, who is not locked into one particular usual lifetime. Muslims say al-Khidr, Christians and Jews 'the King of Salem.'

But the problem is, the texts do not say this is a 'supernatural' figure you see only in your dreams and visions - but an actual real physical person.

So here is where I am going to tell you the problem with 'spirit channeling' people and mystical visions and 'meditation' and all of that. These are all about 'imagined' or 'envisioned' things.

And yes for sure you can 'see' something with your 'mind consciousness' and I will tell the secret why...

'The Green Knight' - by
Alexandre Chaudret

Light is the fastest thing our senses employ but it is not by any means the only sense pathway. Boeing engineers - pilot ergonomics designers - know that the human has what they call 'highly optically-claimed sense channels.'

If you go looking for what lies beyond death, and you go in a 'bathyscape' you will end up in bathos, and you will be emotionally dragged under. If you go in a 'impossibly' very fast space rocket you will run out of dimension. (Try it - draw a line with a laser pointer across a wall, and then imagine the wall retreats into Eternity and then tell me what happens with the speed of light across the horizontal 'line on the retreating wall' at some point...)

Why would anyone have to do a Monroe Institute full course or something - to 'see,' that is, to really encounter al-Khidr? Where does it say that in any of the standard narratives?

Well my answer to the ordinary person is, well it will get you to the 'seeing' part, at least.

But some of you are not ordinary people. And you want the whole nine yards.

The first thing is probably you feel the throbbing and understand it (this is music), then the truly clear thing is seeing, and that is via light, and because it is the quickest thing to get to your mind.

Olfactory sense is not, about chemicals, as much as it has been standard theory to date to say that - it is about electron spin polarity. And that is because if it were just about the movement of tiny chemicals through the air, then it would be dependent in the discrete 'brain labeling' function on atmosphere, and air-current or movement or flow, and it isn't. It is dependent on whatever the data signal is that compounds carry with them - and the chemical 'keys' are just not sufficient by a great magnitude to account for olfactive functioning.

al-Khidr always dresses in green and we can adduce from that, that 'somehow' we are being told to look in the middle, and not at the ends, or in the depths or even in the heights.

Unless you completely substitute your standard passing physical sensory and brain/memory pathways, with something that is not weak and failing or subject to external disorder and chaotic and random interference - you will never see al-Khidr.

It isn't 'orbs of light' I am suggesting people go after. It is geometry, and algebra, and trigonometry, and music.

You can do no better beginning right there.

You watch our very good friend tell us right away that standard symptoms of schizophrenia includes hallucinatory olfactory experiences. And yes it does - but these are not experiences in keeping with waking reality anyway: these are kinds of synaesthesia but where well, a lemon exudes the odor of - a gherkin...! For example!

Unless you have a good firm grasp of reality as you are in your existential mediocre sense state - how are you going to perceive actual reality; that is, permanent existence?

This is about toddlers walking and getting up on their trikes.

Your new steed-of-war - 
by Aston Martin

Senses are trained. They can be nascent but to use them functionally as 'adults' they have to be trained. A baby cannot really 'comprehend' vinegar. Sugar in the form adults consume it, tastes like poison.

If you see god you die.

And that's really, a fact. That is, it is a fact unless your senses are trained and are strong enough to accommodate what they are 'holding.'

And that is also the reason for so much subterfuge: 'for some have entertained such beings unawares.'

You, however, will not be, unaware. Because you are in training now.

Aren't you?

An ordinary person, average in all ways except maybe too average, too symmetric, not a 'grey-skinned skinny creature...' Even in vocal tone. Fairly pleasant. Calm. Relaxed. Unperturbed by what perturbs ignorant people.

Comes out of clouds as their only known source of being here at all, steps back into clouds and disappears again.

This kind of thing is presented in the Clouds of Sils Maria but as a metaphor for death.

That is bathos. The surgeon Maggie Rice dies in City of Angels and that is bathos.

Well, I am sure I 'could' entertain Meg Ryan too, but I absolutely assure you it would not be 'unawares!'

You want experiences, you want reality, and you moreover, you want agency too - the question is, do you know how to entertain?

And that is why you train. And that is the only reason, kids. And I never use words casually.

Friday, 28 May 2021

Three Measures Of Meal

No doubt there will be quite a few who will quickly jump to say 'someone' sold their soul to Satan, joined with the Illuminati, all of that stupid nonsense -, if we blurted out here that oh, well, we just made a couple of million dollars...

But thankfully for both me and thee - I haven't made a couple of million dollars for a very long time, so I have nothing to report along those lines at all right now. (Chuckle).

Camps De Luca - french 
bespoke tailoring.
I think the English bespoke styles
have gone off the rails for the moment. 

I remember one time during the phase where I was really making a significant amount of money - which was a long while ago, admittedly - that I realized it wasn't the immediate stage after the cash was all in and counted in the counting house, where there were any feelings of excitement and satisfaction at all. It was the immediate moments prior to actually raking it in, when your thinking brain realized that yeah, the game was wrapped. That was the real point of satisfaction.

So for me it was always just an intellectual exercise. It was about specifically what you were doing, not that, you were doing it, or even doing anything at all.

John McAfee, who is still locked up in Spain for his US tax matters - recently tweeted something about how someone else inside there just had an impassive, cool discussion with him about the best and least painful way/s to commit suicide...

McAfee wanted to come down here where I am and stay with me for awhile and spend all the time jet-skiing here. That was a couple of years ago now - just two years ago. We used to converse via the internet and now it's impossible to guarantee you'd even get through to him, one reason being his messages are all clogged up with well-wishers and several haters too. He's never been so directly popular among the millennials, I don't think. It's due to his 'crypto rebel' status. I used to deal with his very first companies way way way back. And he came here more than once although I never took any notice of him at all - it was all the female secretaries that gravitated to him and one particular local senior (female) manager of the Ed Department.

He claims he's lost everything today.

Cifonelli - still french bespoke.

Where would have been the point talking to him about 'space Aliens' back then - not seriously anyway. I'm sure he would have been more than willing after a few hits of whatever he was on back then.

Where would have been the point saying the word 'encryption' to him...

You think?


Not the way I would have wanted to use it.

You see, the word is in Matthew 13:33

Isn't it?

What is human life all about? What is the point of it? Where are we meant to be headed, if anywhere at all?

Well, it is like a woman who has 'enkrypto'd' some yeast in three measures of meal (about sixty pounds, so that would make a lot of 'loaves of bread'). The word is not 'hidden' - that is, it doesn't really say 'hidden' which is something like 'conceal' (keuthein) or 'kalypsi' or even 'klepht,' but 'enkrypto?' Nah.

Yeah okay maybe Gieves & Hawkes still...

That word means to strategically entangle.

Actually... ...we know what it means today: it means 'encrypt.' And we have 'en-crypted' things all over the place. We have seed crypts in the Arctic Circle - and although some people refer to these as seed 'vaults,' they are actually crypts, because, well, even some peoples before the ancient Egyptians had them. They placed 'sacred bulls' into those crypts, so that, when Poseidon came, he could revive those special bulls. A crypt is a storage place you put something that you intend to grow to life later on.

So, if someone has 'encrypted' something into humans, well then, that is just exactly what is meant.

As far as what we are going to spend all this money on, the pressure is on from at least one actual kid, and one other grown-up kid for something like the latest Aston.

Trust me, Satan does not have a monopoly
on wicked things.

Lots still left over though. 

So what else?

That's a good question.

A Turner, World Peace, the Best of Everything...

No doubt, no doubt.

I hope you realize that these 'books' that are being written, the music tracks are most of them showing up here first...

Monday, 24 May 2021

Amma Baad... ...Wa-Layla

So, the next night comes (amma baad: 'and so, onto the next thing'); another night.

'La' equals 'no;' 'Lay' equals 'light.'

'Heylel...' The Devil. 'Lah-'Heylayl...' One of the 'divine' lights.

...So the next night comes, and the Ruler of Lights of the World, is about to spend his last night with the beautiful Scheherazade, after which he must cut her head off, because of his oath to kill all his wives after spending just one evening with each of them.

Now... I happen to know that there are a couple of well-connected 'Industry people' who stop by here or have their girl-Friday's plow through all of this nonsense because this is effectively one of the places that goes into the Vigneron & Johnson Brand Index analytics, though not for any reasons I wish to disclose right now.

When I say 'Industry people' I mean Hollywood. People actually in Hollywood call it 'the Industry,' they don't call it 'Hollywood.'

GUCCI - Park Avenue NYC

Anyway, as far as luxury brands, the erstwhile current top listing order is: Porsche, GUCCI, Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Chanel, Hermes, Ferrari, Rolex.

Rolex, for one of them, has said they cannot say if or even whether they will really be holding 'Basel World' in February of next year, when it had been postponed to from this year's dates.

The Masked Ball at Versailles, however, I have been assured will definitely be going ahead...

Complex hybrid Iris species flower...
This event is 'masked' in more ways than one, though - it is impossible to discover who really is behind it, and superficially, it is the Versailles Museum Trust with its vast array of global sponsors and the simple fact that it is a marketable brand in its own right with a massive commercial demand for its venue capabilities and many other 'selling points' that the place possesses. However, one can penetrate a little to see people like the commercial backers of Australia's Kylie Minogue and then from there there are 'thin strands' which trace back into French Arabic and French Egyptian billionaires whose names I shall not mention. There are oil sheikhs participating, certainly. But they are not alone in it all.

Well okay, it's not 'impossible' but not advised to go too far down that rabbit hole.

We probably have the old one-time TAG owner and McLaren Racing identity Mancur Ojeh's money in there somewhere in the mix... You remember him.

Anyway anyway, I'm going too far off to the side.

I wanted to mention to the 'friends' that without question at all, the number one top female actor in the mainstream full-length feature part of the Industry - is Kristen Stewart. 

It's all very well to have a family in the Industry but that doesn't make a whole lot of difference if you can't 'carry it off' in the first place. Kristen Stewart can, though.

Something there in the Iris flower patch,

She has the enviable reputation among directors of being 'easy to work with.' OMG

For me, she is a born-and-bred big screen actress - you can tell right away from how her body has only micro-movements in front of the camera with its 'red light on.'

She doesn't flail her hands or limbs -, or throw her head about like so many do these days who never listen to the training that someone tried to give them.

You can't let her slip away into 'retirement' just because she is no longer going to be the Ingenue. Okay, so, y'all have absolutely no idea what a good script or screenplay is...

I'm sad for you.


You still think you know though, right? 

You have no idea.

A new property has to have the quality of making people's jaws drop and you just ain't got it!

So sorry. 

What are you gonna do? I know, go chop your girlfriend's head off. No wonder she's gay (that Kristen).

I will be spending a lot of time going on and on about the stylishness and acting ability of Kristen Stewart over many many coming articles here.

'A hot-house flower that blooms in a day, is gone in just as short a time.'

Kristen Stewart is no 'hot-house flower.' Both her parents have extensive careers in the Industry, and they both know what they are doing and the kid knows too.

Not a kid of course now, in most people's eyes though not in mine. Still a kid. Theoretically, her best acting moments remain ahead of her - but that is now all up to 'the Industry.' If that Industry wishes to even exist into the future from here they need to start getting their own 'act' together. All of the top chiefs - including Barbara Broccoli and Kathleen Kennedy - imagine it is other people's heads on the chopping block of history down there. It isn't. It's theirs. Their 'Industry' itself is on the chopping block and without the magic - without the Jinn powers - they are nothing.

And they can slap their arms and feel the 'tingles' all they want, it isn't going to matter. Without the true Jinn force the carpet will not fly, without the 'Chi' power, the cinema goers will not go through the ticketed doors, much less through the walls.

You see but if you make bargains with the Heylayl, you will end up 'seeing lights' all right, but they will be the ones that fall onto egos, and spotlight those, and make out the ego has the center stage - and then no one else cares.

And that light is always just positioned on the biggest ego - which is usually the producer or the combined 'producer/director' and especially the director who thinks he is the producer.

Kristen Stewart down here in Oz,
in Sidney. She's actually more or less
from Australia, I suppose you knew...

Most of the non-fiction and biographies about this part of the industry almost always make a big song and dance about the producer who thought he/she was the director - but the issue is the other way around. Directors regularly have absolutely no respect for the money.

And so for me, and it should be so for everyone in the Industry production side, it is that those actors - George Clooney, Tom Cruise, Samuel L. Jackson, John Malkovich, Gong Li, and Kristen Stewart - are the ones who are working for the Industry and for the making of good films, and not working simply for themselves or working against the Industry. Say what you like, Tom Cruise makes successful films.

These people are entitled to some decent material every now and again. And guys (and gals) out there in Industry-land, you just ain't got it, have y'all?

...Here (below) is an example of how to write a song. You have to be patient for the first couple of minutes in, and turn the volume down while the thump thump does its thing.

Saturday, 22 May 2021

Alf Layla Wa-Layla

Now you have to say it like this - in Arabic you say the connecting word 'ow-wa...' Or, 'aou-wa.' So it's Al'f La'y-la OW wa-La'y'la.

That's how you say it.

Who authored it seems entirely lost in the mists of time.

Al-Mas'udi, the 9th century Arabic Historian, refers to a much earlier work existing in Persia, and at one time cataloged in the Grand Library of Baghdad, known as 'the Thousand Tales' - which the Sassanian aristocrats liked to read in the evenings and at night.

Precious Oud

The British East India Company printed a version (entirely the same as the 'common' Arabic versions) in India from 1825 - 1838. This is not the same as the Richard Burton translation, which was first published in 1885 and contains a similar 'earthy' language as the actual Arabic language versions.

The basic text that was written about for the first time by an Arabic historian - Al-Mas'udi - is known as Kitab Hadith Alf Layla wa-Layla (The Book of the Tales of the Thousand Nights and One).

Scholars of modern Islamic knowledge, will note that the word 'hadith' actually... ...yes, means 'tales.' Not 'reports' or 'authentic accounts' - but tales.

Sahih Bukari - as Mufti Abu Layth points out, is not so 'sahih' actually.

Sahih Bukari, however, is the book upon which the whole entirety of modern Sunni Islam rests for its popular fantasy 'beliefs' and rites and rituals. It is not the Quran itself, since no Sunni Muslim actually possesses any original copy of the Uthman Quran - and this only appears as a 'fact' (supposedly of history) more than two hundred years after Muhammad, spoken of in a 'hadith' said to be by ibn Ishaq, its recension written by a known liar according to the Arabic science of trustable sources and people, whose name was ibn Hisham.

Ballet of Count Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov;
one of his ancestors was a lover of
Catherine the Great.

There is no historical evidence whatsoever, of the existence of any 'Caliph Umar' (aka Caliph 'Umar ibn Al-Khattab) - supposedly a companion of the prophet Muhammad, and the second Caliph.

The so-called 'Treaty of Medina' is a fraud, because for one thing, there were exactly no Jews at all in Medina at the time, and one of the terms of the said 'treaty' was an agreement by the Jews, that a person, previously unknown to them and an Arab, was agreed to be the sole intermediary between them and God; this is, mind you, supposedly now agreed to by the followers of Moses, who actually met God, and who led the Jews out of Egypt away from the oppression of Pharaoh. 'Treaty of Medina' - fraud. The Jews already had an existing caste of priests who were intercessors and entered the 'holy of holies.' And now suddenly they just voluntarily agree to shoving all the Pharisees and the formal, by-birth keepers of the Torah - which apparently Muhammad himself claimed to verify - into the ditch on account of some Arab that wasn't even in Medina that long and that the Arabs there themselves did not all accept... So, did Muhammad himself keep the Torah scrolls then, after this 'treaty?' Where are they, the Torah scrolls that were in the Ark of the Covenant which contacted God inside the tent 'holy of holies' if he was now the sole intermediary/intercessor for the Jews of Medina (whoever they were)? Fair enough though, at least this was only afterall the Jews' holy scriptures and therefore not so important, right? Because, well, fair enough, Muhammad was not even capable of protecting his own precious (really really important, Allah-sent) Quran in total since his pet goat ate one third of that when he died.

I mean seriously. Yet, people are absolutely certain of the things that come out of their mouths when it comes to what they 'know' and what they 'believe' and what they are going to tell you marks the difference even between sanity and insanity. And they are going to push very hard to have you believe what they say too. Because they are sane. And their brains are fully functioning with perfect thinking and logic. Oh, oh, and not to forget, also with 'science.' Science is this thing that guarantees they know stuff.

Treaty of Medina. Never existed. Never happened; there is no original, no copy, and no signatories to it made on it (supposing that it ever existed in the first place, which it didn't), or recorded by anyone as ever having been on 'the written treaty,' later. When you have the words 'Arabic' and 'history' in the same sentence, watch out. The first exposure of this 'treaty' is hundreds of years later, by no one who was ever there at the time. It exists in no one else's recorded history at all. It is, thus, a hadith...

Truth - like sugared orange jellies,
is both sweet and bitter.

To be honest with you, people believe * anything, and with astonishing self-assurance - and they tend to want to believe the most absurd utter rubbish, too, and they will throw it in your face with idiotic scoffing about what they are absolutely sure of, while laughing at you for being so stupid as to suggest something else.

Now. Let's get back to who wrote Alf Layla wa-Layla.

...But first (anyone who picks up what was just done here gets a glossy pic in the mail of something nice), people say anything at all about books and things of the past:

A great Islamic orator repeated what thousands of people, nay probably millions say: 'God said to the Jews...'

He did?

Where? When? How did He manage this - did He have 'Radio YVHV' possibly and transmit His message that way to all the Jews who all had early forms of the transistor radio, tuned into His station, mayhaps? Is this recorded in the Bible anywhere, that He spoke to ALL the Jews? On loudspeaker, maybe? Which chapter which verse, Zakir?

Similarly, one of our very good friends here, just commented about a 'dissociative state.'

Well, KP - just go look into a mirror, and realize that what you are looking at, doesn't really exist in a stable temporal, or an absolute, or even truly 'pinned down' sense;' a hundred years from today, it will be gone. So, tell me again, what is it exactly that you are insisting on clinging on to, in order to 'associate' yourself with this thing ('associative'), versus being 'dissociated' because of some other thing? How does this work?

Cartier - perfumed clouds

We are a long way from being exact in our communications, even with the casual communications we feed ourselves, that we feed into our conscious brains, which give us emotional feelings and emotional 'certainties,' and from thence, to our minds.

But let us return to the internally described 'inventor' although not the chronicler, of the al-Kitab al-Hadith Alf Layla wa-Layla.

This person is 'Sheherazade' sister of Dunyazad. This is an actual name, whereas the sultan who is the conflicting counterpoint to the women in the story, has a most generic sort of name: 'Shah Zaman' which simply means the 'ruling light of the age.'

There are many 'sultans' and this one, is simply the most powerful of them.

As I have said many times, 'Scher' is Zahr, is Saga, is Za (which is the name in the Zohar used by the Kabbalah Hebrew scholars).

And now, we shift once again, as the light shifts through its many colors of the pinkish hues of the early evening, the vastly illuminating orb of the whole sky setting, and entering as it does, even itself, into the dark realms of mysterious night...

Giving but a wan glow, in one corner of our room, is another book, by the previously-mentioned Al-Mas'udi - 'Meadows Of Gold & Mines Of Gems.'

All the skepticism of the world of mortal men, falls like chaff before the pronouncement, that consorting with the Ze'ir Anpin, by those who greet the Light Beings from the Starry Heaven...

...leads to meadows of gold and mines of gems.

The night consumes the sun.

The magic of Alf Layla wa-Layla, begins.

A plume of smokey frankincense. A flickering flame of the Zhinn lamp, charged with sweet almond oil...

Thursday, 20 May 2021

By What Authority

Let's revisit the narrative of Lot.

Because people have become so familiar with these stories, they don't actually read them anymore with a critical mind, and think about what is being said - and then, for another thing, the language is in fact rather terse, leaving out explanations and just relaying a kernel of the main ideas being communicated to subsequent generations. And, there are repetitive phrases and expressions which are intended to mean something very specific, but we read them like simple strings of transparently explaining words.

Why are we escaping the flesh again?
'Yes, my lord Bassanio, why?'
Asks my lord Balthazar... 

Now there are two - 2 - things I want to draw out from the Biblical narratives overall that I am looking at here:

1. Recognition of different beings (which recognizing is just slipped into the narrative with no explanation at all as to how);

2. The Sine Curve (or Gaussian Curve, I'm not sure which is the best way to think of it).

Now Lot.

Lot - which name means 'veiled' - is the nephew of Abraham, the guy who started this all, or at least, who appears to be the bridging point between archaic myth about 'Adam and Eve' and some 'turn' in the trajectory of Mankind. As far as the Judaeo-Xtian thing goes at least.

As these beings Abraham automatically has addressed as 'lords' and with whom he has eaten beef and bread and drunk some sort of alcoholic beverage, get up and leave for Sodom, Lot is somehow 'waiting at the gates' of Sodom. Whether he always just 'waits at the gates' I don't really know - but nonetheless, he too, Abraham's nephew Lot, immediately recognizes these beings as 'lords' addresses them that way right away, and bids them quickly come back to his place and once again, eat and drink and stay the whole night because he actually fears for their safety.

Both Abraham and Lot address these individuals as 'my lord' and yet, at least two of them are very young 'people' - especially in the case of Abraham you would have to suppose that Abraham is an old man. So, while we all down here these days have become used to thinking of 'wise' being equated always with 'old' this is evidently not the way the actually old Abraham, nor even Lot too, thought of it in terms of the beings they were talking with.

Shakespeare is onto this too.

Jesus! JES -  is that you, Portia, I mean

He makes the incredibly knowledgeable, and indeed factually 'at law' powerful, lawyer in the Merchant of Venice a young person called 'Balthazar' whom the story at first makes out is an 'apprentice at law from Rome' but who is in fact the female Portia masquerading as a young lawyer.

Some phrases about this 'young apprentice at law,' Balthazar, say he is from Rome, whereas in others, it is specified he is from Padua, which is a province of the Venetian Republic, and not a constituency of Rome at all. Nevertheless, Rome is still being upheld as a center of 'Law' anyway, and then Padua, gives this gentleman the right to address the court as a Venetian.

And then again, 'Balthazar' is also telling you that this is something to do with the Biblical identities bearing that name.

This name is completely obscure both in the Biblical narratives, as well as in the received folklore that we have today...

The name is attached not only to the strange prophet Daniel, and to his mysterious and nor corporeal-behaving physical aspects and 'events' that attend his life, but also to one of the 'Wise Men from the East' (somewhere, a place once again, we are not really being told where that really is).

'To the fruit of the wise, unbidden comes.'

Portia (the real person underneath 'Balthazar') is young and wise. And there is much more to this character but we won't need to go into it here for now.

Anyway my question is - how do Abraham and Lot recognize these 'Balthazar's?' Or in fact, these 'Portia's' really, because not only are they young, but they are extremely wise, and very good-looking!

...So. So then, additionally, one of these repeating phrases used is like this: 'after the time of life/in the time of life/according to the time of life.'

What does that mean?

The townspeople of Sodom, go to Lot's house and shout at him from outside, and even threaten to do a 'home invasion' (See? You're in good company Abu Layth) because they know he is harboring these good-looking young people who are 'strangers' from outside of the city.

Well see, here's what I am going to conclude about this, but I am going to set it today; in our time now, today.

Most probably, these 'strangers' are coming to Abraham and Lot (and some others too) all the time. They know exactly who they are, as well as what they are - because they are engaging with them quite regularly.

I think Cate Blanchett and 
Kirsten Stewart have played 
a Merchant of Venice thing. 
Yeah I think so. I haven't seen
 it though.

It's only the US government and the Pentagon who have no real interchange with whoever is inside these 'vehicles...' Same as the rulers of Sodom, had no idea...

But someone is having contact with them all the time.

They know exactly who they are and what they look like, as well as what they are.

Tao raised the important question about 'the flesh.' 

A simple, simplistic in a way, answer is to have a look at the first three of the Monroe Institute's on-line YouTube videos that are now on YouTube (including the 'orientation' introduction piece) and these are very basic (believe me, there is a lot more that goes on if you are ever actually in any of the several Monroe Institute physical locations and facilities).

Most people can achieve some kind of 'experience' after following along with those videos.

However, the Book of Corinthians - and even, would you believe, the Pyramidion etchings - give you authority to think about it a little differently...

Corinthians is very explicit (it's in 1 Corinthians 15:35 all the way to the end), except it is using language as best available at the time, to tell you two very important things: one, Man started out as base matter, and then was upgraded in a process (after the time of life), and attained a different kind of 'being-ness' and then even the mortal animal can be upgraded (it literally does say all of those things).

So - first you achieve a non-Earthbound intelligent condition ('maybe' you can access this using the Monroe ideas, some people have done), but then, there 100% is a prospect of some kind of 'superior' physical - fleshy - nature as well. And this, we may adduce from the narratives about who or what Abraham and Lot were interacting with.

This goes with the music below...

I don't like to go into details about actual methods that I consider are better than anything publicly available via things like Monroe Inst. material - or even the Vedic chakra ideas (which can be exceptional if you know which ones) because I think this requires dedication, and practical facilities and modern technology and some reasonable 'free' time. Because it is a process. Life is a process. It's not 'a static thing.' It's a curve.

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Luxury Erotic Watches

I grew up in a relatively wealthy family, albeit there were constraining circumstances in a country being re-built after World War II and attaining its independence from the UK Empire (I refuse to ever call this place the British Empire because it is not that, not even technically, and not legally either - same as no one in English-language Western ambassadorial circles has actually formally changed the name of Peking to 'Beijing' but they have simply adopted the convention that the CCP insists upon...).

Having expensive things is a slight matter to me.
Shangha Tang... shame it wasn't
called 'Beijing Schwing.'

At the same time, I also had the remarkable juxtaposition of a life literally moving and grooving with young friends and also the parents of trainee teachers from my dad's college down the back streets and bazaars of South East Asia. And in the actual deep jungle as well.

I have personally met J. Paul Getty - when I was but ten - and he spent much more 'slow' time and said more words to me than he apparently did to the adults there at the time! He was a quick-stepped guy when it came to the world of business, industry, and elevated society and government in which he was a lion. He moved around briskly and efficiently, as far as I seemed to notice and recall even now.

Richard Mille, this Swiss watch maker (a good one, too) brought out this 'grand complication' watch a few years ago, though not that long ago, which goes for around $600,000 (that's USD money...) - and the 'rich' people buy it to impress their girl and boy friends.

Me personally, I still lust for the Christophe Claret Sonata Winchester Chimes minute repeater, which is a mere $60,000 by comparison.

Still, what the hell; let's have both, why not?
Richard Mille 'erotic watch' - USD600K

...But you know, like I said, I have had a very strange juxtaposition of very different ways of living, styles of life down through the years - so, I know where the real erotica stuff is for adults. And it is not with the stoopid rich people. Even though they want to believe that it is.

The Richard Mille watch is still rather cute though, I am not trying to take anything away from it. Basically, it has three rollers, which can be set to spin at different times during the day or on different days of the week, upon which action, the barrels will show three segments of a phrase designed to be erotically inspiring.

And trust me, what the watch 'says' is truly disgusting in many instances of what it is the rollers display in words as a short phrase. 

'Erotic time-pieces' are not at all new - they were quite the vogue, especially in the courts of Catherine the Great and also several of the French kings.

Many of the rich folk pride themselves in their erotic prowess, imagining that their money buys them the pleasures of sex and sensuality beyond any that can be attained elsewhere...

The fabulous Gong Li - 
married to a Paris guy these days.

Our most prolific comments poster here (ever, of all time, in fact) is not impressed with long legged ladies, expensive cars, or - what was it else - I forget just right now. But he (I don't know who the person is - it might be the actual 'KP' Katy Perry herself who has been here before once or twice or maybe regularly I DK, but that is very unlikely since she is a really really nice sweet person) still did want to inquire, at one point, what was 'in it' to behave himself/herself/themselves towards the ET Aliens and their wishes and desires.

For USD600,000 you get the Richard Mille erotic watch. For USD60,000 the Christophe Claret Sonata.

Now on the off chance that young Prince Salman is stopping by here because Moh Hijab called him to check me out as I hurl abuse at Salafi Muslims everywhere - like I have already said a couple of time previously - doesn't matter that you own the most expensive yacht! You ain't gonna be able to get the slim, long-legged females down from 'up there' onto it, to entertain you...

...But I can. LOLOLOLOLz

Does not matter, how much you think you have; you have, nothing.

And you are going, nowhere.

And that's nothing at all to do with choking Jimmy Khashoggi. It has to do with the attitude. Salman does not live in Mecca and I'll tell you why. There's no sewerage system in Mecca. He lives 600 kms away.

At least though, he has built Shaytan a new Shaytan house there if you have noticed... The 'house' in which Shaytan lives, that hundreds of thousands of people chuck little stones at, as part of their annual pilgrimage religious ritual, was recently given a complete make-over - the King of Saudi Arabia built the Shaytan a new Shaytan house. But he never built any sewerage system and he didn't build any new houses for the poor people - just for Shaytan, the evil king of the Jinn, because, because, well because tourist attraction, see?
NYC shop

Something I also need to make a comment on that cropped up a couple of nights ago - my favorite Islamic scholar, Mufti Abu Layth had his home invaded by 'hooded thugs' this week shouting and hurling stones there too, and even breaking inside where only Abu Layth's wife and young daughter were home alone. Apparently, Moh Hijab has declared Abu Layth is 'outside of the fold of Islam' because he refused to more fulsomely condemn the JOOOOZ.

So yeah, are you listening Prince Salman? We love you but there is much to do as far as 'reformulating Islam' is concerned, to bring it into the modern era. I fancy I actually recognized one of the voices screaming at Abu Layth's house in the darkness as being one of the 'Seeta/Geeta' Bradford 'opposition' Muftis!

And, my friend, the girls upstairs have said lose the ajwa dates belly fat otherwise they will not be coming and cavorting for your putative 'najima harem.'

Well, some of them are 'girls,' and some of them are, um, just very weird I suppose you could say. But they sing well. A bit high-pitched, but...
The 'Forbidden Place,'
prince-y, is where I 'could' take you!
And you can't get there on your own
for all the money that you have.

This music track below is something written by a young 22-year old Swiss kid (he was 22 at the time when he put it together) and it is released under the 'Morvan' EDM trance music brand, with the support of Armin Van Buuren and several other much more senior musicians and producers. But you can see how stunningly accomplished this '22-year old kid' is.

A thing about Switzerland, is that it has the best private security systems for residents on the planet. Even the notorious, sorry famous and glamorous (the CCP prolly thinks she is notorious now that she has refused to do just whatever the hell they say) Miss Gong Li is edging ever closer to ye olde Schweitz-er-lande, where the Helvitic Nerds hang out.

Can't stop the Tic Tacs though, from 'breaking in' if they want.

So yeah. 'What's in it for us?' There's nothing in it for us - 'we,' cannot even afford the USD600,000 but Salman can afford the what, how much should they ask for an evening with the girls?

You all think this is a joke, right?

Anywhere. Anytime. I told Tucker Carlson this morning my time, the reason the US government has kept these matters secret for so long is because they were told to their faces, we don't trust you, nor any other government on the planet, and we never ever will. That's something they'd want to 'keep secret' from all the voter schmucks they have been taking for a ride since forever... Isn't that so, would you think?

185,000 dead in one night. Just keep that rolling over in your mind though, when you think I'm being 'funny.' You play around with that kind of opposition and you are taking a lot for granted that maybe you shouldn't be.

'You' - I just mean someone who thinks like that. 'Bring out your visitors that you have in there for we want to have our way with them!!' 

Yeah okay. Not a good idea but you have had enough warning. Go for it.

What was that old line in Wall Street? 'Your body cannot cash the checks you are writing.'

You know people do think this is all a great big joke. But when you afford yourself the brain-space to take a step back and look at the cultural folklore, the actual real recorded history according to the cultural memory (which is completely real history in its own specific kind of way -, it's just that pig-ignorant nobodies with big heads try to pour scorn on things they cannot personally control, and they do it all the time about anything in fact to aggrandize themselves) - the actual real recorded history says that people from 'up there' came down, and they were real good-looking and people wanted to * them and they turned around and smashed the whole place up and you can still see the salt that was left behind to this day that was all that was left over afterwards.

Well, you're certainly playing around with a helluva lot of heavy-duty stuff you don't understand if you keep this crap up about being so all-fired smart that you think you are and that none of this could even possibly be true. 

Except that it is true. So now what?
I prefer this place...

And you're playing around with other people's lives that you really don't have actual responsibility over because nobody asked you to lie as comprehensively to them as you have been doing - while you want to dictate what is truth in the first place, and what forms of government there should be and that everyone else should have, while you are swanning around in Lake Tahoe on taxpayer money effectively (and anyone that thinks Zuckerberg isn't a paid employee of the shadow government that IS the government and that runs the government is a worse * idiot than I had already thought they might have been).

Zuckerberg. Lives where? Lake Tahoe. With a Chinese honey-trap dame for his 'wife.'

And you think the CIA looks after you?

Sunday, 16 May 2021

'My Hand Beats Yours'

Except it's not a game. And - no, we won't be closing the comments section just yet.

But let's just look at the current war in Israel.

There are idiots all over the whole planet - and we are talking really well-credentialed idiots, 'scientists' among them as well no doubt, most of them wokey-wokes (well, actually all of them), who have never seen any problem with Biden being in the White House. And they are telling you, Iran-backed and funded Hamas, is throwing a few rockets at the evil Apartheid Israel.

I don't wear 'Pringle' cashmere, unless
you include when I spill Pringles crumbs onto
my German brand cashmere.

This is like when Ken Russell brought out his 'sexploitative movie 'Crimes of Passion' and people thought Rick Wakeman had really composed the melody in the theme song 'It's A Lovely Life...'

Where is the border between Iran (which is currently under massive embargoes and restrictions enforced by the USA and NATO) and 'Palestine?' ...Such that the totally broke-as-a-crack-addict Iran, can transport ten thousand missiles to Hamas-controlled Gaza?

With the memory of a two-day old swamp bug, all the wokey-wokes are wailing about the poor oppressed Palestinians, and the evil Zionist JOOOOOZ.

Even my very good friend Moh Hijab went on a tirade this week about the history of the State of Israel and how their leaders had associations with the Nazis and how they killed people blowing up that hotel and all of that. And how the six million present Arab population of Palestine all possessed that land since when the Arab Abraham settled it for them. And when the Arab Adam, was given his commission by the Arab Allah, after he was kicked out of the Arab Garden of Eden - but that was when Allah had a turn being an evil JOOOZ ('royal plural,' right, same as when Allah says 'we'). Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander.

Arab population in the whole of Palestine 1947 including the present-day land area of 'the State of Israel:' 470,000 maximum.

Present population of Arabs: 6 million. No slavery in Islam, right? Because that's not who has been shipped into there from every Arab place on the planet.

A private salon - 
private means only some
get to go in there.

Do you think, that cousins of the Sultans and Emirs of the Middle East, would be allowed to live in the squalor that the 'Palestinian' Arabs are being forced to live in?

Of course not. 

Meanwhile, the wokey wokes are telling you 'Iran,' right?

And where were the CIA and the FBI when China unloaded the missiles from 'Ever Given?' Because let me tell something for no money - 'sex toys from China' do not get shipped DOWNWARDS from the Mediterranean going OUT of the Suez. This ship was heading the other way - to Gaza.

The war is being mounted by China, with the supine compliance of your friend in the White House, China Joe Biden. 

It's not really the time to indulge people with cavalier attitudes to global security. That kind of thing is apt to mislead people into complacency due to the deliberately contrived atmosphere of sarcasm and idle banter.

We are in deep now with all of this - it has completely escaped people's attention what is really going on. China is taking brazen shots at the West, is what is happening. And they have all too many enablers.

If I do these apparent wild pivots in these Blog articles - well, actually, they are not.

They are to inform you, that other people, with better information generally speaking on a daily basis, than you have... ...know something.

David Solomon. Current CEO of Goldman Sachs,
also, regular EDM trance music DJ at
public live performances and festivals.

And there are also many other people, who have already told you bluntly, they are only in it for themselves anyway: 'what is in it for me?' And they say that enough times for you to get the message that they have absolutely zero interest in you or anyone else gratis -, at all, or your welfare or your safety or anything about you.

And that is because they have the game beat, see. Whereas they are quite sure that you do not (have it beat). They are sure they will survive, and thrive, and that you will by the same token, most probably screw up.

They don't have the game beat. It isn't a game.

Other 'they' are here. And those 'they' will help you. (Some of you caught what was just deleted here - lol) 

War. If war many die; you die too. Better face this now.

Friday, 14 May 2021

Hush! ...Secret!

Right, so that was Fab Morvan from Milli Vanilli, doing the music and total production of that last music vid. Brilliant genuine musician.

Who can doubt the authenticity of The Monkees? Mike Nesmith wrote and produced songs for Michael Jackson, Lionel Ritchie, and others and is still active in the business now at 78. The Monkees were almost the exact reverse of the Milli Vanilli situation, because they were designed as no more than a television program group of actors play-acting a pop group. And then a large market actually gravitated to them knowingly anyway - and it turned out they really could sing and play very well which made them a huge commercial success as an actual live performing act. Their drummer was not originally trained as a drummer, but that didn't stop him becoming way good enough either, along the journey.

...So, the point was raised 'but why should any truly advanced ET Alien group coming here, and possessing so much more advanced technology than we have right now, require a contract, or need to have any kind of contract with us?'

Well okay, let me say this from my best best and direct 'understanding' let's call it - they don't really have a contract that they intend or need to abide by from their side of things. But yes there is an actual agreement, and some circles including in the military who have very great power and a wide brief well know about it and align many things they are doing up with their side of that particular specific bargain.

Laura Eisenhower is not completely wrong...

But she hasn't answered the basic question either. Okay maybe you're telling us 'the truth' Laura, as you know it, but still - why? That is, why the agreement/contract at all? We could not possibly deter them anyway. We could not prevent them doing whatever they wanted to do.

There are two parts to the full answer, one part I will submit to you all now:

Close up of the stage set design from
the pic earlier above.

Let's say for some reason, the whole world just took a poll, about who to give the 'red button' to the most powerful weapon, to. Literally was only one person given that 'button.'

And the officials had placed everyone's name into a large hat -, and pulled out KP's name.

Now I am not saying this intending to animate the lyrics from ABBA: '...the gods rolled the dice, their minds as cold as ice.' I don't say we are dealing with a random type of gambling. Advanced beings are not indulging in some kind of gratuitous 'throwing of the dice' here or anywhere.

So anyway, now we have KP with his hand on the button. Is that okay with you, KP? Everyone else okay with this? Yes? No problems there? Everyone happy?

So we're all happy, right.