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Friday, 24 May 2019

You See, The Problem With MI6, Is This

Now you will see in the media - as a direct result of the upcoming declassified transcript documents relating to Alexander Downer's taping of George Papadopoulos - that the UK government will claim that it only knew of some of the matters regarding Russian interference in US elections, and compromising material uncovered by Christopher Steele (this latter of which is entirely false material, as we now know) around 2016 just AFTER the election of Donald Trump. And the UK government has itself just begun the 'backgrounder narrative' of its 'story' (fairy tale) by releasing to its own home media, that memos were received by heads of its Intelligence Services, and the relevant ministers including the Prime Minister, at that time (IE, 2016).

The problem with these lies, is that they are pathetic attempts at covering up a depth of lying that raises a lot of serious questions:

Sir Alex Allan, was the UK High Commissioner in Western Australia even before 1999. He was previously, a personal private secretary to UK Prime Minister John Major. Major owns several businesses in Western Australia, establishments I have personally been to to meet with UK spies. And, there are several of our friends who read here and sometimes contribute articles, who were themselves also there or who directly know about those instances and circumstances. And that would have been before 2010.

Allan was the Chairman of the UK JIO, which gathered and analysed information from MI5, MI6 and material from GCHQ - he was/is himself a computer communications expert in his own right. I have met him a few times. I found him, frankly, a very nice man on the surface.
Foreground, extreme left - Joseph Mifsud.
Interesting robes...

The trouble with the current 'official' story is that it is my personal knowledge, and it is also reflected in mainstream media reports at close to the times in question, albeit somewhat buried now - that Sir Alex was a personal friend and colleague of Alexander Downer, this latter individual as you all now know having been the AUSTRALIAN High Commissioner in London and evidently the person who taped George Papadopoulos, or at least one of the key people who did.

...And you all who have been here from the start KNOW FOR SURE that I am telling the truth 'cuz I posted it in here back near enough to the times in question!

So who am I then, eh? Anyone, anyone? ; ))

Who are we, Bill? Ssshhh. Don't answer that. Not fully, anyway. Not yet. Coz the show ain't over yet. LOL

Fun times in Carson City. 

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