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Sunday 26 May 2019

Arabism, Orientalism, Modern-esque...

Jones - is this your dad here?

You didn't know he was a famous Paris DJ now, did you...
Claude Challe

This is Claude Challe, a Tunisian who started, along with the Romanian interior designer Raymond Visan, the hugely successful 'Buddha Bar' establishments, virtually right across the globe now.

The absolute 'best-est' one though, is the nightclub/dance-floor, cocktail bar with restaurant, and ultra-private dining rooms - in Monaco.

Most of you will be at least vaguely familiar with the phrase 'Buddha Bar' because it occasionally comes up on your Foxtel music backing between when you are couch surfing and channel switching to try and find (foolishly) anything actually worth watching.

The 'Buddha Bar' LP music is indeed compilations put together by Claude Challe literally from either the Bucharest Buddha Bar or the Monaco one and at least earlier on, his Paris dance clubs and studios.

Buddha Bar menus are all pretty much upscale 'Asian Fusion' food, but the local establishments do also tend to reflect the general local standards too - and consequently, it is the Dubai and the Monaco Buddha Bars that are far and away the most exciting and high quality when it comes to what you are served. 

Paris is today unlivable and the prices are beyond the simply exorbitant. You are better off going to Dubai or Monaco... ...where not only will you get real value for money, but the quality of service and the general atmosphere and interior designs and decor are absolutely stunning. There is a thing called 'Secret Gateway' in Monaco, which you will give you privileged access to the ultimate... ...and quite special... ...moments.

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