...Or maybe it was those who were Googling 'tax dodging and money laundering.'
I can't be sure what it is that most people really would like to see or read, since no one comments publicly here – and so, until anyone suggests anything I shall keep on my merry way roaming in any direction at all, I guess. There are quite a number of regular readers now – I get to see that via the site statistics. Maybe y'all want to see me burn a guitar on-stage or somethin'. Play the keypad with my teeth.
Okay I'll tell you what I'm really personally interested in myself: design. As a side-effect of working for a Sydney-based merchant bank in the hi-tech Eighties, for quite some time I had to gain the skills of a production manager in order to realise value out of patents and industrial know-how. I hired an ex-AMG (yes, that AMG) manager from Melchers Singapore – a German guy. Brilliant, really, he was. He never understood Australia but he was a decent production manager. An-y-w-a-y... turns out there are a hell of a lot of Masons (members of Masonic Lodges) in Singapore. I tell you that for no really deep reason other than to connect to the next bit of this tale...

Another friend of mine who sits on Youtube checking out every single Satanic conspiracy exposé and voicing outrage at all the obvious conspiracies that run the world, admitted the other day that he really loves watching all that accult stuff – he's really interested in it and is attracted to everything on the subject. He's big into the 'Masons are Satanic/Luciferian' and all that.
Here's where the Freemasons have it wrong: okay you have this 'Great Architect Of The Universe,' but personally I'm more interested in all the little designers of the Universe.
Design does, what all the pretenders only purport to being able to do.
Design whacks those lyin' Pakistanis with Predators. (Pic on right is from 'Deal of the Century' featuring arms dealing over Predator Drones...)
And by the way, while I'm beating up on the Muslims, why is there no reference at all in the Koran to Cleopatra and the Pyramids?
...And there are A LOT of Muslims into Freemasonry, as you of course know.
Architects follow, designers lead.
Is there a 'Great Designer of the Universe?' Well, it's a matter of personal inclination but I'm inclined to the view that there is a characteristic greatness to the work of some designers.
Architecture is a function, and lucky if that... Design – real design, is a jaw-dropping miracle everyday.
Don't you agree?
Calvin J. Bear
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