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Friday 9 June 2023


I'm going with the standard on-line version of this word, and I also know that I am going to murder the English language somewhere in this because it involves so much 'neologism' stuff that is inherent in the early formulations of modern psychology.

In fact I'm going to default straightaway to the field of psychology, though without restricting it to the thinkers of only the last two hundred years -, when considering this idea of why people are bored or become bored in life.

So why do I raise 'naivety' with reference to human boredom?

Let me start with an example of what adult humans mostly all do - and this example is to do with a very well-known actress, namely Jane Fonda.

You cannot say that Fonda has not been around. She is not young, she's had a lot of life experience.

You would suppose, that maturity in humans is what happens when they have experienced a lot, and processed those experiences and had enough relationships and then derived some synthesis about their relationships and how those are dynamically reactive with their own inner selves.

You cannot say that Fonda is unintelligent; she's very intelligent.

So... The psychological standpoint is that humans are happiest when they are playing among themselves and achieving growing, positive interrelationships that are creative and dynamic, sometimes unpredictable, but necessarily alive.

The ancient psychology conception about why humans go off the rails as far as genuine maturity goes, says it (the problem) starts at their birth and early childhood - because although they are dependent on adults, they do not in the cell memory of their conscious brains actually select the two people who are their parents, and they have no say in how they are actually raised either.

Consequently, if the parents are psychologically flawed or under some kind of pressure, it becomes a given that the children are affected in some way or in many ways, often profoundly.

Jane Fonda, in many fairly recent interviews, casually mentioned that one reason she left Roger Vadim, was that he was gambling a lot and was using her money often, to do it.

'Her money.'

In the same breath, she says that much of Hollywood's producers had only one conception about the female roles in films - namely, they (the women characters) validated the male figure, and then took their clothes off, and that was it.

Vadim never did that with Jane Fonda. Oh absolutely he was called an 'exploitation film' producer, but that is not at all what he was. Fonda's roles always and forever were the same: that of the ingenue. She was an ingenue in Barbarella, the film that put her on the map world-around, and she was an ingenue in Klute (produced by Alan J. Pakula) and she was always and ever that.

'Ingenue' has the meaning of not only an innocent and naiive person, but one whose decisions are based on moral idealism not pragmatism or genuine life experience and maturity.

Only a naiive person would have ever said the words 'my money' when they had been produced and directed by Roger Vadim. Vadim was the highest grossing filmmaker by actual global sales of any director/producer at the time. The logical flaw in Jane Fonda's perceptions of it all, is that if she was only an ingenue then 'her' money was like an act of professional body-selling, but even so she was in competition with all the other 'validate the man/remove clothes' actresses in the movies. Fonda is not narcissistic and would not be so narcissistic as to admit she was so much better looking than all those others! ...That hence why she made her money. In other words...

No. It's not true as a fact, what she said; her reading of it all is false. It is not invalid on a certain level though because what Vadim must have been doing was also wrong. But her perceptions and reactions were immature and naiive. 'Moral idealism' here means 'childish fantasy' ideals, not Universal Truth ideals.

No doubt at all, his gambling ways were a great fault if they were (as they indeed must have been) coming into negative contact with the people he had in his personal relationships.

But the adult mature experienced way to have handled that was to explain to him - 'Roger,  your role is to make films that sell, and to put important stories down into film. And it is reckless and irresponsible of you to waste too much time gambling significant sums in gaming houses regardless of whether you feel that some lucky streak might give you a bargaining edge over the studio money, and if you are doing it because you need the psychological driver of the feeling of high risk to spark some creativity then well, fine but you still need to put out films and have those finance your losses - which they can easily do.'

The naiive thing to do is stew on the thought that he is using your money. And that is on account of the fact that it is actually not your independently-made money at all; it was made via Roger's creative and directing power.

If Roger Vadim had have produced me and my cat, we both would have been enormously rich and enormously famous. And neither I nor my cat are enormously globally famous!

Same goes for you - you would be rich and famous too.

Jane Fonda never at all made the leap across from ingenue to actually life-mature woman.

A lot of people would of course howl and say otherwise but she is not mature and not wise. She is instead, completely stuck inside a loop involving her own ego, her own pride, issues coming from the fact her wealthy independent mother committed suicide (or so the story goes) when Jane was only 12, and a troubled relationship with her hugely famous father Henry Fonda.

Vadim and Fonda played together as human beings, but neither one of them 'went half-way across the street' for the other one.

There is a difference between the trick of sex attraction and the power and the force of the attraction of a liberated soul - as Charles Bukowski called it 'a free soul.'

You will never ever be happy here on this planet, among other people, if you are a soul enslaved - as indeed most of them all are too. Some people reach resigned acceptance and imagine it is happiness.

Bukowski utterly nailed it, and all he's done is echo the psychologist whose name must not be named, and CG Jung too and Freud certainly, absolutely: 'The free soul is rare, but you know it when you see it - basically because you feel good, very good when you are near or with them.'

...I am about to pull out a huge teaching that will astonish some and send chills up the spine of others - and if you have your brain switched on it will surely give your flesh goosebumps:

The power that each of you has, is to turn on all of these huge stars, these super-famous, super talented, super-rich people and look upon them as the naiive immature children that they all are. And to love them of course, and necessarily - but as you would love a child. We own them -, if not their bodies, then absolutely their living souls. The Devil has possession of their bodies. And only those, may die. Here endeth the first lesson.

Wednesday 7 June 2023

Must Address 'Boredom'

You will most certainly find, if you are in any way at all a thinker, especially a self-reflective one, that one major issue that becomes a very ugly one right throughout the normal human life - is that of becoming bored trying to chase other human beings down slippery slopes and rabbit holes.

Different if any of these were actually 'White Rabbit holes.'

The very mysterious art of
having coffee alone - 
in Rome (where I have not been).

If you talk with any practicing psychoanalyst who has some regular human analysis subjects (people who have agreed to subject themselves to scholarly if otherwise dubious templates about what a well-ordered human being should be) - then you will come away with one very obvious conclusion:

By far the most world-around issue with people is their own stubborn inability to see that they have placed 'what I want' ahead of the proposition that in a relationship 'what I want' always must exactly match with 'what they want.'

'So-and-so provides me with what I want.'

Well why?

And what happens as soon as they no longer do that or you can't get that out of them?

Why this situation is there at all is fundamentally because people do not trust other people on the whole.

So to get basic needs, they must exploit holes and gaps and vulnerabilities in the next person in order to meet a certain level of emotional and psychological return, but in the end, this leads the whole human race into a position of extreme pathology.

Not only that, it is a pathology that no leader is prepared to admit and then to act upon to resolve.

I know all of you - you are all too smart to accept anything less than the very very adequate. And by that I mean not in the way that it is just an objectification that meets low threshold criteria.

No you all want the optimum path.

That's Angelique Johnson
on the left: the most important
female stylist in the world today,
that you've never heard of.
She's been to Rome.
This pic is prolly in Florence 
She lives in France now although
she was born in the USA.

You recognize the possibility of your own potential flaws in the eyes of others, but you are also well-enough aware of your positives.

I'm afraid what the optimum path looks like, is not going to sit well with the rest of human society - especially if they all see that you are different, with a different lifestyle, with a lot of different things going on in your life that they do not have but that they want.

This issue is so important that it necessarily must become a whole series here - which is as of right now completely unplanned; I have no idea what will unfold or how it will but that it will is a necessity.

Tuesday 6 June 2023

Only Until You're Very Old...

...will a person come to some realization and more complete appreciation of how things operate on this planet. 

I know Shirley MacLaine. That is, I have at least had pretty long and interesting two-way discussions with her - even after she had already decided to retreat into a relative seclusion (I don't think it's any strict thing she has, but she steers clear of too much media now). 

My one-time boss in the Merchant Banking field in Sydney and Chicago knew her one-time boyfriend, the Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs Andrew Peacock very well. 

Miss MacLaine is going away somewhere. Um - has been already doing that for some while now.

She's old of course.

Thanks Bill. Nice pic.

But then, she claims to recall a lot of 'past lives!'

So if that is a true thing, she's very ancient!

MacLaine is not going to talk to anyone in the public now, that is to say, in the public media - because she does not see any point. You yourself know that the wider array of the human public, the human society in general, is composed of very flawed and psychologically twisted personalities. They are incapable of making rational decisions when things come down to the real core aspects of life, of human relationships, or even work and money and finance and 'ownership' and all that kind of thing.

...But you can imagine, if suddenly, the 'Shirley MacLaine' you knew, slipped her skin and instantly returned in an entirely knew one right there and then - the massive problem you'd have is the activation of malevolent cunning, and the under-handed motives that would immediately be at work in the minds of by far the majority of people who witnessed that kind of thing.

Right now today, the Pentagon and some arms of CIA and the cointel parts of the FBI, are floating this 'we have some Alien bodies/we have some crashed Alien craft and have been extracting and backwards engineering the technology' story.

Well none of that is a true version of anything.

There are no crashed craft and there are no 'Alien bodies.'

There were half a dozen scientists from the Shockley Labs and Jet Propulsion Research Labs military contractors who did claim that they were in contact somehow with 'non-human intelligent beings' but then all of them left government employment and military and government contract work altogether...

Bill's idea of taking off into 
'Gone Fishing.'

...some of them went off into hiding to right where Shirley MacLaine is living now!

Co-incidence, I guess.

This thing we call 'human life,' is all about the discrepancies between internal human characters and characteristics, compared to the surface impressions that are presented by people and by the whole of human society as a species. Or supposedly as one species.

In other words, 'people' - that is human people - all want to be taken as the same one thing; but they are not that. And it is important to find precise and accurate ways of separating out the actually human, from the only visually and superficially human.

Things are not so doom-fraught and dire as all of the global religious texts and traditions would lead one to think. Nothing is ever lost in the Universe. You can still do things with the completely messed-up.

And there are plenty of messed-up beings, masquerading as human beings, on this planet.

But indeed, indeed -, they are very messed up.

And messed-up though they are, they all aspire to power, want to have power, intend nothing else but to have power over you, and go to every length of lying and thievery to get that position.

What is the rationale behind that kind of determination and confidence, literally in the face of obvious and clear-cut deficiency and fundamental inadequacy?

Listen - you stick picked grapes
into a stone cave, they ain't
gonna come out 'Chateau Ausone'
unless they are pretty darn 
good grapes!

Well it's madness. They are actually crazy. The mathematical templates in their head, in their brains, in their minds -, are all broken: two and two does not add up to four in their heads, in their calculations. 

Sure they make calculations. None of which are correct, but all of which are tied to their other biological and psychological systems.

So two plus two adds up to seventy-fifty-hundred with them and that is why they must rule over you and over everyone else they see around them.

See the thing is, with human folklore, especially the religious stuff - much of it comes from somewhere.

Scientologists have this fairy tale (that the rest of us all think is a fairy tale) about some fantasy space alien leader who captured some planets-worth of people and stuck them all somewhere together in a group - and then nuclear bombed them all to hell in some way; meaning, more than just physically nuked them.

Not to worry, they all came back to life, somewhere -, and... ...but -, their brains are all a bit scramble-wired now.


You know the thing is, if there were some super-advanced race out there who possessed a ton-load of technology and knew themselves as 'spirit beings' rather than just short-term physical beings, then it is hypothetically feasible that if anything went wrong along the lines of some massive and profound traumatic species catastrophe, then those beings, were they to have survived it, might yet still 'know' they were pretty superior by 'right of history' let's call it, and expect to climb to power and ruler-ship wherever they were.

Super advanced beings,
are only interested in the 
decent stuff.

This is fundamentally not unlike the standard concept of Atlantis having mostly been wiped out, but then a remnant surviving and hanging around still thinking deep down inside, that they were the 'Sons of Poseidon' after all with some natural entitlement to rule the lower creatures of this planet.

Or the famous/infamous Anunnaki. 

Or the famous/infamous Nephilim.

Well it's not a 'remnant' though, is it? It's the whole damned bloody lot of them! It's most of the whole darn human race.

This place is overgrown with weeds.

You try and tell the human race that it literally is actually completely crazy.

Now you take that thought, and merge it with any concept of 'people' - human people - being welcomed or accepted or invited to 'meet' with not crazy foreign, as in ET Alien people/beings...

You take that thought, and give me some workable formulation for why ET Aliens would want to interact openly, with the US government, or the Pentagon, or any number of utterly lunatic, underhanded, war-mongering 'official' groups?

The day you yourself stop being crazy, is the day they will show up at your doorstep, alive and real.

Not being crazy, means being fully absorbed into an entirely different set of thought patterns, ones that conform to how the Universe actually functions. And leaving off the idiotic thought patterns and cracked misjudgments and stubborn insistent views and perspectives of egos that live for seventy/eighty years and then are completely gone.

They will show up at your doorstep.

Then. When they can trust you.

'When?' Over a few thousand years is for 'when.'

You think MacLaine is going to change her attitude in a few thousand years?

I don't.

Attitude equals altitude. That's not just a truism. It's true.

Sunday 4 June 2023

Tired, And Wearing Jeans On Board The *

This place here where you are reading, is where you will be told that no, 'second sight' is not some imagined/imaginary thing where people think they are sensing impressions or having visions or whatever.

Second sight is a real thing, it really is a completely straightforward vision; an ability to see clearly albeit when you gain it it starts out being for fractions of a second or only seconds. And that is partly due to the shock you will have from realizing that heck, this thing is true.

Your conscious awareness is strongly tied to your material cells and these are all part of a big organic system involving systematic patterns of awake-ness, alertness, thinking, and sensory signals from your physical nerves and bio-chemical processes.
Was not 'designed' by AI - 
but by a human.

Your secondary intellect is present in your electromagnetic processes - which are all part of the electrons and molecules and atoms both in your physical construction but also in the integrated patterns themselves, which are easily able to transcend the bodily state.

Right throughout all of human history there have been a handful of individuals with precise knowledge of these subjects, and who have been causing stories to be recorded and handed down, and society's memories of what are taken to be religious or mythic or folkloric and cultural narratives.

So, you're a housewife in jeans, tired, and just reading 'nonsense...'

The Welsh figure Merlin was linked to these cultural stories about snakes, or serpents, certainly dragons too of course - and between Morgana Le Fay and he, they both traded accusations that the other one was 'snake-born:' in the case of Merlin Morgana does not say Merlin was a foundling (as the people thought him) and looked like an old man at first and then became steadily ever-younger (living life the reverse of what humans did), but that he was hatched from the egg of a serpent -, and Merlin for his part called Morgana a serpent.

But in both cases, that is in the case of Morgana the Fairy and in the case of Merlin as well, neither of them are regarded in the myths as human at all. The common people did not think they were human and they themselves each roundly admitted that they were not.

Both Merlin and Morgana are sleeping somewhere in some mysterious crystal cavern in South Wales somewhere.

The folk myth says that Merlin shall awaken when the nation of the Britons needs supernatural help because they will be in mortal danger - and that is always linked to the invention of the Merlin engine, used in planes that fought against the Nazi invasion in WWII.

I mean to say, metaphorically, the prophecy came true completely.

No doubt there is the modern idea that 'King Arthur' was in fact several people, or a fictional conflation of a Roman general or mercenary and some other early local figure, some folk hero leader, whatever.

It does not matter what people believe, but at the end of the day, it matters what is really true.

What is really true is the following:

Anail nathrach orth bhais's bethad, do ch'el de'nmha.

This is the 'Spell of Making.' Or the 'Charm of Making;' whichever you want.

It means, translated accurately from the Gaelic:

Breath of the Serpent, spell of life, the song for the Maker.

'Nathrach' is like 'nachash' in ancient Hebrew, and means a kind of serpent.

And that does not mean a snake like the animal that you might see out in the wild or in the zoo night enclosure.

You can be dressed in jeans and you will still be taken on board a flying saucer and they don't mind what you look like up there.

The reason there are movies such as Ron Howard's 'Cocoon' is that someone somewhere has had an actual experience with these kinds of things, these beings, especially. Yes they have bodies of pure light but yes too, they can merge into physical material bodies and then when they choose to they leave those - just like snakes shed their skins over and over.

I hope this is making some of you scared.

There are several undercurrents to these pages here over the years.One is that nobody is interested to engage with anyone in any government or in any other 'official' organization - and consequently we never used the word 'death' or 'kill you' or anything so crude because it's just an invitation to attract the most pointless attention from the most pointless people.

But snakes are dangerous and Moses held snakes up and there were flying brazen snakes in that story and the Seraphim are serpentine and fiery.

And all the rest of it.

Hollywood and the people ultimately behind that are well-versed in all of this occultic folklore, except it is not 'folklore' to them.

The human being, each individual human's personality, is so complex, that once they know something peculiar is real, then they can reach out to that 'something' and interact intelligently and consciously with it - that is to say with those things, as well as let's say 'other beings' - but because humans are both intellectually complex and also constantly enslaving within themselves important living forces... ...then it is not advisable to openly tell everyone everything.

People enslave the spiritual force within themselves because they fear losing it, and in losing it, lose their actual life (which is true).
Morgana Le Fay.

Yet you cannot keep that inner spiritual component and not merge with an entirely other field of existence, far far distant from the ways human people behave and think.

The Monroe Institute techniques are an accidentally correct releasing of the muscular, physical and mentally willful clasping onto and holding, the light (means electromagnetic field pattern, self-integrating and coherent) body within the living human being.

As you know, part of the Monroe techniques (not mine; not anything I ever said) involve mindfully tightening each set of muscles in your whole body from your toes up to your head - and then when you finally fully relax, your mind unconsciously lets go of the other thing within those locations (which happens in part also because the Monroe techniques are using brain-wave distractions in parallel - both things are important).

This world is ruled - or has been for a long while - by an intelligent force, intelligent beings, whose tactic is to have humans lumbered with lots of sensory negatives and compulsions and 'urgencies.' Socially and politically these are presented quite literally as demands.

You must do this, you must do that; or else.

And the whole thing is an artificial way of having people become stuck inside a limited bio-mechanical structure until that physical structure wears out and dies. Just as the shock of genuine authentic realization about another body pulls you back into your normal material structure - the one you are used to - these 'demands' from common society are holding you to what you think are the only sources of your feelings. 
World's most expensive
available cognac.
Croizet cognac - an old one.

The reason they do this is because you can do incredibly powerful things, once unstuck from the mostly limited and limiting (if that is the specific case) structure - so long as you become integrated into a sound other 'composition' of other unlimited individuals.

Your mind is essentially not on its own a naturally limiting structure.

The world is not sound. Its present rulers are not sound of mind, and they are also not sound structurally - as in, not fully conformed into a truly solid and co-operating integrated group.

They fall, they become disoriented, they become exhausted.

They can be broken. Today, now - they can be broken for keeps.


Yes. And you know it, too -, as soon as it was spelled out like that. And once you realize your power, you can never 'go back.'

Friday 2 June 2023

Relax Among Friends

The world is a mess, it's in a maelstrom. 

Max Gunther's famous book on investing 'The Zurich Axioms' says something really telling about today's world - although, you'd have to realize it is a clear depiction of today's world to be able to make use of the statement:

'The most dangerous kind of chaos is that one which is presented as orderly.'

Ha ha.

Did you get that?
'It's the Jesuits, Don Jaime, who are
manipulating Queen Isabella.'

Every country on the planet is run by large swathes of accountants, followed by vast numbers of 'expert professional' attorneys and constitutional lawyers and judges.

And each year the whole damned (I could have said 'darn' but I said damned) lot of them produce troves of reports and documents and sets of numbers depicting, well, essentially - orderliness.

Everything is put into order.

Except that it is none of it any real kind of order.

It is fantasy order, fabricated orderliness.

Two days ago down here, the state premier of the world's richest local economy, sucking godzillions continuously from the Beijing China coffers (we do have all the rare earth minerals and strategic metals here, as well as iron ore, copper, gold, gas and oil, and wheat, sheep, and wool, and beef cattle and milk, and fish) suddenly resigned without any warning at all.


And nobody knows why he did, just that he claims to be 'exhausted.'

He was in the pocket of global pharma.

Gosh I'm not sure I can really say that. At least our version of the FBI is so stupid and so inanely big-headed that I don't think they could care even if someone literally openly advertised they were going to take someone's head off.

Anyway, I think there's a lot of heads coming off. What do you think?
Was fifty bucks for two dozen.

The top government kid that was in the pockets of Pharma in Canada literally died. Just unexplained causes, of course. Prolly just natural - he was also, 'exhausted' right before he dropped dead. But you probably have forgotten already...

There are several things you can do when you are relaxing among real friends. You can drink wine.

And then, it will be truly excellent wine.

Something like Domaine de la Romanee-Conti.

And the discussion will be without any emotional pressures... It will just be all matter-of-fact. If you had to keep the investment wines in the cellar, well that would be completely fine.

Because, as you know, the other thing that Max Gunther says is not to try and predict the future, but simply to react knowledgeably on the facts as they exist right in the moment.

If you go to a casino you can try and 'predict' the numbers seven or eight or even ten times in a row knowing that if you just doubled at each go, everything merely from a starting stake of a thousand dollars, you would get to a million dollars at the end - in fact just before ten goes.

Max Gunther would not try to do that kind of silly thing.
Was a hundred bucks a bottle...

He would be far more prosaic about it all. He would have bought two six-packs of Cooper's Vintage Ale a couple of years ago at 30 bucks each six-pack, and now that they were two hundred bucks (you won't get any for the on-line suggested price of a hundred or so dollars) he would exchange that all for half-a-dozen bottles of inexpensive VSOP cognac and without trying to predict the future he might target a further price up the road a little piece, of double what he was paying for the VSOP now.

And turn that into a bottle, maybe even two or a few, shared bottles (with close friends of course because you do not partner with unknowns, ever) of Angelus - and when these went to four, five or ten thousand dollars per bottle, well, you would however by that time anyway be looking at the arrival of 8%+, maybe 10% discounts on bond yields of Risk-Free (Government bonds)...

And so you would have several hundred thousand in your hand, correct? 

So are interest rates going up? That far so soon?

Who knows. Max doesn't in his book, and neither do I. Because neither of us actually cares.

We can drink the stuff we actually already have with friends.

Or not, as the obtaining situation called.
God only knows what this could 
turn into in dollars.
Was a thousand, and you could have
snipped a few at five hundred.

But wait a minute. I started with fifty bucks.

Meanwhile, the State Government of Western Australia wants to tell me about all kinds of fancy things to do with mining and China buyers, and 'growth' and laws and rules and accounting procedures and all other kind of technical stuff I just don't understand. 

'Cuz I'm not that smart, see.

...Some of you - and I know this - would not be so totally relaxed around friends, even around actual real friends, unless you knew you had your hands on some plenty cash, right? Some maybe hundreds or so of dem thousands of de dollars. So that then you could relax.

I mean a million is taking things a bit far. And it attracts attention.

In case there is some idiot AFP guy staying up late and reading this nonsense and talking to his FBI opposite number - I did not do any Jedi dark knight tricks on the state premier, okay? Idiots. Fancy even thinking such silly foolish nonsense.

Me, at least I am not exhausted and I only got fifty bucks or so on me, whatever. That kind of money.

Let's see...

Who else falls...

Dunno. Can't predict the future. It's not what I do. I do not predict. I just do.

'I find your lack of faith... ...disturbing.'

Darth Vader said that.
All old-fashioned stuff today...

Could we be that dark though?

Well sure we can, if rulers and robbers and brutal stand-over merchants and thugs masquerading to the simple folk as 'absolutely above reproach,' and moral and good - keep up their pretensions to order when they are the very soul of chaos itself.

You know this kind of talk is likely to worry a few of those reading here about the sanity of what was just now said, but I could tell you a few things that would knock your socks off and that would make you go to a church and fall down your knees and pray like heck.


You lock up the heavens if the rulers can be taught, or constrained and moved to act in decent ways.

But if they are that 'clever' to background things with 'man-made global climate change' when it's really something else - and they know that it is - well, then y'all in for a ride that you never would have imagined or even imagined possible if you had been told it outright up-front anyway!

So far we haven't said anything that confronting 'up-front.' 


This is a place for friends to kick back and fill their pipes, slowly, and calmly and patiently.

Oh oh there's a long way to go yet.

Those of you who are pressured by having your personal time taken, and finding difficulties in making a living without wasting a bunch of time - just an ordinary common living - need to understand that as a man, a human, a human being if you are a woman, you cannot handle time. But there are other powers in the Cosmos that can control time and manipulate it.

The genie is in the bottle, because God put it there.