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Monday 5 September 2022

The Knights Who Say 'Ni'

So... ...You are about to learn a secret here, that sent many a knave to their untimely and horrible death.

You are also about to find out why someone like myself has no time for fools masquerading as 'scientists.'

...But just as an aside for a second, however: McCanard, McTrudueau, McKULTRA. And, 20 people killed, many more injured. Canada. Amazing.

Twenty people! Goodness me...


Well it is pretty dark
where we're going...

You're all very familiar with the Monty Python gag, now an internet meme, in which some crusader knights think they heard about an order of monks and nuns, who belonged to the Order of Saint Denis. Even Wikipedia, GD it(!) gets even this wrong now, and explains the story from half-way in: namely, that (by this time), the leader of the knights thinks they are the keepers of some sacred words including 'Ni.'

The peasants have already worked out that it must have been the Knights of Denis (pronounced 'Denise' in French) although some think the horsemen may have been intoning that they were the Knights of Saint De-nise.

And then though, the knights themselves - who have actually no idea what they are talking about - start to say that they are the Knights who say 'Ni.' 'We are the Knights-oo-say-'Ni.'

Anyway it's a complete mess. And that's the point.

One of our associates here had cause to speak with some of their more distant family members - who were about to travel to Malta where they had business, and would be starting some more companies there.

Lot's of money, lot's of tax issues. That kind of thing that none of us here have exposure to.

And this associate relayed first to me, because I hadn't heard yet, that the 'Pope' (fake Pope), was altering the organizational structure of the Knights of Malta.


Knights of Malta have three ranks - the top ones who swear an oath of poverty (in some sense, at least), the middle rank which swears allegiance to the Order, and the base rank, which doesn't swear anything at all but is nonetheless 'inducted' somehow.

The modern Knights of Malta have assumed a particular 'Order of Chivalry and Merit' established by a Grand Master of a secret Order, namely the King of Prussia, in 1811 - this being the Royal Order of Saint John.

I like the wooden thing. All you
vegetarians can look away.

Now it's hard to know which 'Saint John' this is meant to really refer to, but this is another place now, where you are going to see references to this word 'pseudo,' and in this case here, we are talking about the Spanish friar (Juan de la Cruz 1542 - 1591) who took his ideas, as far as academics go, from someone 'Pseudo-Dionysius' a Neo-Platonic philosopher of the 5th century.

A couple of hundred years before this 'Juan,' Philip IV King of France, got rid of the Knights Templar and tortured and executed their Grand Master. Every book you will ever read says that the King 1. owed a lot of money (to the Templars and to the Spanish Jews), 2. He wanted to find out the source of the Templars' wealth, and 3. He thought they were heretics.

And then all of the history (fairy tales) say that this Grand Master uttered the name of the demon they worshiped, who gave them all their money, and he drew an image of this demon which we all know today as 'Baphomet.'

Back to the 16th century and another one of these 'Templar'-style militaristic priests - Juan de la Cruz (aka the 'Juan' I was referring to earlier; who is also 'Saint John,' ostensibly 'of the Cross') - is also tortured, for what reason it is best left up to ignoramuses like Richard Dawkins to dictate to you what that really was.

Because he knows, right.

Woven into the modern mythology about 'Baphomet' is the legend that Alexander the Great went inside the Temple of Memphis where he saw the Goat-Headed God - same as the one depicted in the Templar's figure.

As you know, being the liguists that you all are, 'B' is pronounced 'P' by the Egyptian Arabic speakers, and 'P' is often also pronounced as 'B' by them. (Think wall scenes at Dendera).

I know, having conversed with a couple of you off these pages, that some of you are already 'onto it' or at least so close to the nub of what I am about to say that well, you'll more or less be able to put two and two together.

That's pretty tame, right?
Is not. Is dripping in cognac.

Certainly, you already know there is an Egyptian connection, there is an 'Alexander the Great' connection (this bit I will spell out here in a moment), and since they spoke 'Graeco-Egyptian' back then, you already are taking a close look at the 'met' component of the compound word.

So, it's 'meta' of course. Not just 'met.' But same thing anyway.


Well he wrote his 'Mirror for Princes' expressly for Alexander the Great.

Did you see what I just did there?

In one foul swoop, I just tossed idiots like Richard Dawkins and all of that lot of fools and morons, into the intellectual bin. And forever - if you're smart enough to realize what just happened there.

Because they have clearly, zero knowledge in this direction, whilst loudly and rancidly decrying anyone who doesn't adopt their foolish nonsense about Aristotle's 'Nature of Living Things' (where Dawkins thinks he got his 'inspiration' as a biologist and evolution-scientist)

Look, if 'Pseudo-Aristotle' is so 'fabricated,' and 'Pseudo-Dionysius' so, well, don't-know-what -, then how come y'all have to torture their exponents all the time to extract some 'secret' or other concerning wealth? As in, actual literal material wealth?

Back to the 'structure' of the Knights of Malta.

No. Back to the structure of the Lyceum of Aristotle.

Ah, there you go.
That's pretty safe.
Isn't it?

You see, only one or just a small few people were designated to have the role of getting material wealth for all the others in the Academy or the 'Garden' as it was also called. So these guys (and women too) had to swear an oath to Apollo or Minerva or someone of those kinds of Gods, to not be swayed by a desire for personal wealth, and to distribute fairly what they got to the other members of the School. 

And then the main body of members swore an oath as well - because they were going to be given secrets to protect. And then maybe other associates did not have to swear any kind of oath at all.

The 'Pope' has no idea, Dawkins has no idea, Cartesians have no idea, modern academia has no idea, most Freemasons no matter how high in degree or rank have no idea. The only thing they know about is how steal from you, and torture you to get what they want if they are given even an inch to do it in.

These things like 'the Knights of Saint John of the Cross (Malta)' are vestiges of something deep in the past. 'They've' heard about something and have tried to pull it to themselves by force, which includes by force of propaganda against ordinary people.

But I've tied what those things relate to by telling you outright: Alexander the Great/Pseudo-Aristotle and the 'Mirror for Princes;' The Knights Templar and the 'demon of Memphis' aka the Goat of Mendes where Alexander went and saw this 'entity,' and the supposed/mythological source power of the wealth of the Order of the Templars; Saint John of the Cross of Spain, and his writings taken from 'Pseudo-Dionysius.'

The thing that ties them all together is that every single one of them had access to one specific item of knowledge or learning, preserved in specific books or texts which deal with very very important things to do with money and power and life.

You yourself have actually read that text.

Except you don't know it. You've never been shown how to interpret what you were reading. 

In external practical life and reality, people take something they see has power and at some stage provided someone - now long gone from the place though - wealth; and then they assume it for themselves and tell the naive around them 'follow me.' Sure they find out bits and pieces of things. But nothing that is the actual real thing.

This is no joke.
This is Malta - Church of Saint John.
And yes, gold leaf, but the stuff
made in Venice...
How 'bout that.

You put your idiot friend Richard Dawkins in a locked room and after ten days see what happens (to him). He'll be dead as a doorstop when you open the door. That's what'll happen to him.

It's important for you to have read this first, before you get to see the Drinkable Ink stuff.

Because at some point you will want to go into the ideas about money and wealth, from 'Pseudo-Whoever.' And you can, because you've already had the stern warnings and lectures.

And just always remember - 'they' will torture you and they will kill you too. Because they are jealous and cannot have what you can have. Not because they are rational 'sci-entists' and you are not. After a while you will see and understand how come they can never have what you can have.

...And, there's no point extending that line of thought further than that here, in case, well -, Christopher Wray. Which way are the canards flying now?

'Canard' - that's French for duck, isn't it? French. That would be 'French' Canada - where the 20 got murdered. 'Every key word counts.' Remember that here? When was that said here?

What I continually said was I was not going to be extremely explicit because it involved death and I 'might' draw the attention of the FBI. LOLOLOL. I'm not laughing at the people who got killed. I'm laughing at the FBI and all the smart alecs who think they know what's going on.

'I might draw the attention of the FBI...' Hah! That would be the day though, right. Right now it's just 'ordinary nobodies' who got murdered. Nobody at the FBI or anywhere else cares about them. Still, it pays to be a little bit cautious. And I care about the 'nobodies' because they are all somebody to some one. Did anyone cry when Nero died though? I dunno. Could have. We shall see. We shall see, in modern times, what happens. And we shall see what 'subtlety' is in store.


Sunday 4 September 2022

Roger Bacon, Doctor Of Wonders

Wikipedia, being the echo chamber of arrant nonsense that it is, states very boldly that Roger Bacon (1120 - 1292) is credited as one of the earliest advocates of the modern scientific method. 

And what is that thing 'modern scientific method?'

By the time of Descartes, in the 16th and 17th centuries - which is only around 400 years ago - suddenly science departs very radically from the methodology and directions of anything that Bacon ever did!

Why is that?

How can he have, on the one hand, been an advocate of the modern scientific method, yet at the same time have been literally an occult practitioner, a 'wizard,' an alchemist, and a spiritual religious philosopher??

If we get one of these, Bill, we'll
have to solve detective mysteries!

Well, my friends, by the time you have finished reading the 'add-on' text to the Drinkable Inks article, you will quickly realize that the works referred to in there, have never ever been read by Richard Dawkins or Neil deGrasse Tyson, and on account of which very obvious fact, they simply have absolutely no idea of what they are talking about.

You see, none of them speak or reads Arabic, or ancient high Greek, or Persian, and all that they know of the works translated and used by identities such as Roger Bacon, are things they have been told by others, who also, have never read the works either.

Descartes knew that the Vatican held certain important texts, but he did not have access to them! 'Modern scientists' have never had access to them!

So how could they possibly know what is in them?

Well of course they can't know and they don't know.

But they howl long and hard enough though, don't they?

There is of course, what one can only say is a deeply 'conspiracy theory' kind of reason for why there is such animus against particular kinds of understandings about what it is certain ancient books were saying - and we will go into this soon in here. It's a truly terrible and astonishing thing, and without seeking to draw the attention of Christopher Wray and the FBI generally(!), we must however, at least note that the reason the Borgias had the reputation of killing people - was because that is what they did do afterall. No doubt about it.

Then we'd have to eat some of 

All those who read these ancient classic works in their original forms and understand their meanings having been given the keys to the understanding of them - will necessarily also fall more into the category of the Borgias, than in the category of saints Joe Biden and saint The Pope and saint Everyone-else-and-his-dog-wokey-wokey-wonder-pronoun.

I will not explain explicitly what that means 'fall into the category of the Borgias.'

There is a huge antipathy towards anyone who breaks out from the cookie-cutter 'modern scientific method' mentality - yet that mentality is flawed and based on a false understanding of Aristotle's original arguments and writings. But, and here is where something quite sinister starts to enter into the picture, albeit Richard Dawkins, for example, has never read the 'Mirror For Princes' by al-Kindi, he may say that he 'knows' that its original source was the same book or text also titled the same way, by 'Pseudo-Aristotle.' And here is where the very deliberate 'switch' is being played. See, it's the other way around. Those works that are commonly attributed to 'Aristotle' are false, and virtually fraudulent items of propaganda spawned by those who were at the time very much against the Academy (of real Aristotle). 

Further, unless you are a student of the actual Academy (I mean that ancient one) you will not understand that the reason all the masters of the Academy towards the ends of their lifetimes have what 'seem' like unfinished, or half-completed works, is something to do intrinsically with the teaching method itself, that they were using...

Thus, for example, Plato's Letter to Dion, is intended to be completed by Dion himself (although he was assassinated before that could happen) or another one or more of the Garden School (Academy) - but how they are to be completed is something completely outside of modern science's insistence about anything, because... ...well? Are you able to guess?

...Wear things like those.

You all have been reading here enough already (those of you who have been into the pages for a few years now).

The fact that there are a number of books which appear under the name of 'Aristotle' around the time of his older age and eventual death, are exactly what was supposed to happen, officially. Are you getting what is being said here?

Star Trek had it quite neatly, when they produced an episode called 'Plato's Stepchildren.'

I hope you're getting it now.

Believe me, you are going to be reading some things (in this latest 'add-on' text) which are so astonishing, that you will wonder how it was possible to keep those matters from the wider public for thousands of years.

I will be showing you, for instance, where in the Christian New Testament, the writers expressly detail the Vedic chakra system.

And this, you will grant, is knowledge that the whole entire world of the New Age-y people would give their eye-teeth to know about.

But I will also be showing you how such knowledge is used to kill (as is also detailed in the Rig Veda), and also how it is used to control which people find their way to you and remain there.

And you will clearly see though, how the system itself instantly precludes those who do not accept one simple condition, or let's say it better, set of conditions.

Luckily, all of this is complete nonsense.

And open jars of jam.
Jam today. For us.


Because if it were not, and I were silly like, say the reporter, journalist, and writer Tracy Twyman, who started off softly enough writing 'Mind Controlled Sex Slaves and the CIA,' but who ventured into problematic territory when she threatened to divulge who actually were the pedophiles who frequented Epstein Island - I could end up getting myself killed like she did a year or so ago.

I mean I wouldn't though, get myself killed, because I have some 'facilities' and 'access' that she did not have.

Certainly I don't have any kind of pressing need to 'expose' anyone. When there are real crocodiles in the muddy water, believe me, the ducks just disappear from the surface and no one knows anything beyond that simple fact. I know this must sound like a canard.

And every particular word chosen counts.

We shall see though, what we shall see.

Meanwhile, for you and me, our immediate mission is simply to draw those to ourselves that we want, lock out those whom we will, and mess around with those that we must before the end of the whole tale is completely through and the fat lady has stopped singing.

We - you and I - are not the big league leaders; we might be some of the big league players though, that's fair enough to say. 

So let's play. Because with us the fun never ends:

Saturday 3 September 2022

The Inks Extension Text/s

Ah so, it's basically completed. And I'm really happy because I was able to extract the really crucial aspects of how and why these preparations really work. See that - really really really.

I'm not sure whether we should go even one step beyond where we're at right now (not that you have seen these latest pieces) - and I probably will, now that I think about it.

See there's two very interesting aspects of the strands of thinking that have been (luckily) not lost to us, and brought to us by Al Kindi and then later by Ibn al-Haytham and then on through Roger Bacon.

It's fake, it's modern,
but it is atmosphere, you
have to grant that.

Bacon was a stupendously brilliant scientist, but he also had the reputation of literally being a wizard - whatever that means. In his day he was referred to as 'Doctor Wonderful' or more like, if I translated and interpreted what they meant:  'Doctor of Wonders.'

He made a translation of the major Arabic occult work 'Sirr al-'asrar' (Mirror of Princes) and there is no way people then or now, in the general run of things, never mind if they were from academia or not - would ever be able to understand what is being said in those works.

There is just far too much overhang now, from 'sci-entists' who are really intent on keeping the value of the highest ground of knowledge to themselves for mercantile reasons - to gain any intelligent discussion from open public sources about either Roger Bacon or his best written works.

Whether you actually believe a person, for instance, like Immanuel Velikovksy, or not, it is more profitable to examine why he was coming to the conclusions that he did come to, but then advanced as his propositions about religious myths, really.

All the modern-day scientists who would even be prepared to render an opinion on Velikovksy always default to the standard 'he made things up' as their fundamental criticism. And that indeed he did, too!

But it was not why he was being moved towards that kind of 'sci-fi/fantasy/myth explanation' direction in his thinking. He wasn't 'making things up' because he was pathologically creative.

He knew - as in actually literally did know for a fact of language and etymological science - that for example, the Book of Revelation explicitly contains the Vedic chakra system, fully intact and exactly as the Vedas themselves say.

You didn't know that, did ya?

So in the same way, it's more profitable to look into what sources Roger Bacon had, and acknowledge that he, rather than say Richard Dawkins today, actually knows, reads, and understands the ancient languages in which texts by Aristotle and Parmenides and then Al Kindi and so on - were composed originally.

Not fake at all.
Also modern.
Pretty atmospheric, 
you also have to admit.

Dawkins has no such language knowledge or background. And neither did Descartes for that matter. So why are you believing their stupid nonsense??

...As opposed to anyone else's stupid nonsense?

Dawkins doesn't know what he's talking about. He acts as if he does, and he can sound convincing to the ignorant, but he's an egocentric charlatan with a big platform in a modern era of 'platform-ism.'

Look. Let me give it to you with both barrels here.

The reason it is called 'The Secret of Secrets' and 'The Mirror of Princes' is because it is the complete methodology and actual practical guide and steps to doing those things for which 'Pharaoh' was accused by the JOOOZ of Moses, and earlier Nimrod in Babylon when he tried to 'ascend the tower to the Throne of God in Heaven...'

And what were those guys accused of being able to do?

See the thing you have to get around just in terms of logic, is this - Jews all agree there was a Moses (of the exact type of identity they all claim; I don't agree with them but I would only be splitting hairs about it with them anyway); archaeologists all agree there were Pharaohs and they were politically powerful and hugely wealthy and they all agree there are 'pyramids' (which were built by ignorant primitive Egyptians idiots with no machines or instruments and just slaves, right? LOL).

But then so what of it anyway?

The Jews' story is that Pharoah was no more than three feet tall and had magical powers. Go ask them. Go and ask any actually learned Jew in their own traditions, in the Talmud and the commentaries of the Torah, and see what they tell you.

He had funny grey skin, big black eyes that transfixed people. And this is simply according to actual Jewish writings.

And he was a 'wizard.'

This was made using 
a recipe of Al Kindi.

Logically you have to get around the fact that he was so bad, that the JOOOZ all wished to escape his clutches. Nimrod was so bad, that Abraham or the proto-JOOOZ wanted to escape him and 'God' actually smashed up his 'tower.'

So why are you believing the other end of the fairy tale but not the seminal causative part?

You want to 'demarcate' between 'sci-ence' and 'wizardry' why...? Because now you tell us 'wizardry doesn't work...'

B**ers! You are a liar.

You 'sci-entist.'

You are scared that people will do to you what Pharaoh was able to do. What Nimrod was able to do. What Aristotle said (if you presume he wrote the 'Secret of Secrets' - the real book of that) that the actual knowledge of Hermes was able to do.

If 'wizardry' as it is being called by the malefic 'sci-entists' is so pathetic and non-functional why not just let people try it, see that it doesn't work and is nonsense, and it will die its predictable natural demise?

Oh oh, but but, you will waste so much time and energy er, er, er, wasting your time, chasing all of these crazy ideas and notions. So, jury in, Roger Bacon is wrong. Never mind we've stolen every single one of his practical ideas. But he's just, just wrong. Now stop going there. Don't look in there.

Sorry that's not good enough.

But but, people will exploit the naive, and use propaganda and lies and the media to, to, er, to get their way even though it will not be based on sci-ence.

And, as Fauxi told you 'we are science.'

Listen. What these fools know about science is nothing at all.They know about lying and politics.

The flames are slowly starting to burn
the crepes...

The minute one 'Bacon' somewhere just whimsically 'takes out' some prominent identity, then you will find the headless chooks all running around the chook-pen, squawking.

Me personally I'm trying to focus and concentrate on making you guys some money here.

That's what I'm focused on.

It's very difficult too, because I don't even know what 'money' even is right now!


Look if the modern 'sci-entist's' dichotomy of subject matters - the so-called 'issue of demarcation' were genuinely and honestly being rendered by those 'sci-entists,' then you would not be left with the same problem of the reality of the opposition to Moses; the reality of the anti-public stance of Nimrod; the reality of the psychology of what those 'sci-entists' fear.

Because they fear something. And that fear comes from its reality, not its fantasy, because after all, the 'sci-entists' are the last to 'believe' in phantasms and unreality anyway.

The opposition is both real and its power is real. There's ya problem right there.

So what's real about what I am telling you?

How about everything.

My friends in the Islamic community always ask me to produce a Djinn for them.

Well, just make sure you read the up-coming new text:

(Do I ever let you down with the music? Nope. Never do. ...You got to get to about 2 minutes in, using the tools given by this new text. Meanwhile, however... just listen).

Friday 2 September 2022

Not 'Die' - Die Out

If I showed you a device, and you turned it on, and all of a sudden you looked really, and I mean really stupendously attractive...

See the tactic after that would be to just go hand around places. OMG. They - the people - fawn all over you.

It doesn't say 'and if you eat of this you will die' in Genesis. It says 'and if you eat of it in that day your kind will die out.' And one day is like unto a thousand years.

Am I right?

Give. Me.
The keys.


Know what I'm talking about, some of you here?

The existential reality of the US Navy's multiple high technology tracking and recording equipment is that UFOs exist - they do materially, physically.

Where no moth destroys.

Why not?

What's up there? What, are there no moths? I happen to like moths.

There's moths. 

We just plain don't 'get' what human life is all about. It is an iterative replicating process with multiple new and different outcomes all the time.

The fact that most of you, or at least many of you/some of you - don't remember your past lives is not my problem.

Linear time is a 'here' thing. It's not a 'there' thing. No such thing as simple linear time if you're travelling 16 trillion miles at least, in just a few moments.

You do need to start living in two places at 
once from now.
You do need to find yourself
some time, to concentrate
on steering away from
this world.

I can meet you, see you along anywhere at all of your time-line. I don't need to set a time next week, schedule some exact moment, where we can all go 'up there' and just hang out for a while. It's up to you to get up there in the first place.

We'll be there. We'll already be there waiting for you.

You catch up. 

The serious philosophical problem 'if' Navy's Tic Tacs are actually really really real - is that this makes whatever is inside of them, whatever the conditions are in there, also existential.

Jesus says 'no moths.' Well He never said that, He simply said they don't destroy your things, your valuable treasures.

The claim is always made by prominent atheists that early Christians thought some 'Second Coming' would happen in their life-times and that this was a failed prophecy of Jesus. 

Someone please tell me why that is a stupid nonsensical challenge.

We always want to know mechanisms, and material physical structural codes and rules and engineering stuff - which is why there is a lack of serious focus given to 'storing your treasures' somewhere's else, other than in your Wells Fargo bank vault.

We want to know how things are 'kept materially together' out there in invisible UFO 'space.'

I listened to Charlie Munger's recent interview. He doesn't even know what the future will bring. And he's probably the best of the post-WWII overall era investors. He's doing the same thing everyone else always does - 'Oh this is bad, this is terrible, this spells TEOTW, et cetera.'

Yeah but what's the solution?

We all know things are bad. They always are bad! They always have been bad, even terrible, and often.


So what?

Don't the f* worry about how things are kept together. They are and you know it.

You know it now because you have actually seen it.

So are you having a walk-in dresser with hot cloths up there 'where no moth can eat the cotton and the cashmere?'


I laughed my head off earlier this week when an Australian Opposition Party spokesman on economic matters rose in the House just before the Treasurer was about to give his address.

Shades of the speech-writer of the great Paul J. Keating, I thought... This is what he said:

"The Treasurer is about to come in, bare-footed, robes flowing, the incense burning..."


...I am trying to go as hard as I can to get this additional part to the 'Drinkable Inks' texts.

It will be finalized soon.

Are there moths in NYC?

And then, I will expect more than just the one of you who we saw up here just recently. Don't lie. You got here, one of you.

What I really want though, is the 'money shot.' Ah yeah, why not? We need to see the 'fields clothed in grass.' And you know where that comes from.

I mean that your streets should be paved in gold.

Luca Turin is the guy who enunciated this idea about the brain lighting up like a constellation. He linked it to music, not simply or not merely color. The spectral colors are just an heuristic thing that helps you to do what you have to do. Sure 'someone' can send this tuned EMF transmitter and extract you right out of your human body and jeez then you will see what your eyes really look like. Mine are frikkin' scary, man!

They are long and dark and sharp and truly very very frightening.

Which is why - that person who managed to get up here - they turned you around so that you were facing away from the eyes. Those eyes...

What allows you to stay is that you have all of the right qualities.

Down in the planet, there are plenty of reasonable-looking people, but they are DNA lines that are running out, and beneath the superficial 'looks' is a lot of nastiness and not in any good way.

Thursday 1 September 2022

From Our Perspective...

From our perspective today, we want answers for our thinking minds - not just 'money' or material things to satisfy various sense. Although yes, of course we still want that, nay - we actually need it.

'Your Father in Heaven knows what you need.'

We don't just 'want' stuff; we need stuff.
Meal planning for the Elves

It's all very well for the relationship expert to say it's a red flag when some woman says: 'A real man would...'

I mean what are you gonna do, the two of you super-brilliant 'emotionally-balanced/non-narcissistic' people - just sit there holding hands across an empty card table?

Looking lovingly into each other's eyes. For hours and hours. Having nothing, knowing little, 'needing' less - because 'you have each other...'

Well that's just stupid.

Meanwhile, I've been having some conversations with a few of you privately, and although we are not going to explain everything in detail out in the open here, at least we can say a couple of things that will radically alter this business about 'having things' - more to the point getting things.

How many people in the world today are familiar with the word 'visualization?' 

Ten million? A hundred million? Maybe much much more than that?

Well 'red' light is 620 to 750 nm.

That is not a 'visualization.' That is a specific, discrete amount of actual energy.

All of your neural circuits are bio-electrical.

As Luca Turin puts it, when your brain recognizes a Beethoven symphony, the neurons - all networked together in your head - light up like a constellation.

Music develops neural network connection firings in wave formations, with energy, frequency, and cycles which are Gaussian.

The 'ultra-violet catastrophe' of the Gauss Curve for spectral colors are exactly the same: IE Gaussian.

You cannot 'visualize' the color 'red' and expect something special to happen inside your neurology.

But you can make the red energy happen at your neural network nodes, sufficient enough to provide the first line of the ascending spectral Gaussian Curve.

Spectral light is not something Isaac Newton discovered. He stole it from Al-Kindi's Optics (9th century) and from there anyway it was taken by Ibn al-Haytham (10th century). Al-Kindi got it from having worked with Greek books of Plato and some others. ...And then now we come to me. And to you.

Well let's say we take this concept a long way further up the garden path here (just keep thinking of me like some innocent little child leading you by the hand, don't worry...), all the way to uncovering whole entire systems and structures and discrete bio-electric energy patterns, so large and so complex that heck, you can identify one of them as some person you know.

Well I tell you what -, you harmonically entangle yourself at the quantum level with say, um, Adolf Hitler, then. Go on. Is that what you want to do?

Is it?

Let's 'give it' that he killed six million Jews, right?

And Jesus made six thousand (only six thousand) loaves and fishes.
Just scale it up, li'l kid.

The story says there was a young boy who had a basket with some loaves and fishes: apparently five loaves and only two fishes.

Now the difference though, between Jesus and say, Howard Hughes, was that Howard still did a whole lot of work to make anything at all; whereas Jesus did nothing.

Both of them are still part of the Infinite Field of David R. Hawkins. The question for you is who do you want to communicate with by harmonic resonance - given that we are not talking about some simplistic form of it, but a highly complex and sophisticated form of it.

And as I was saying before, communication is this minimum 'four way' freeway, not a two-lane back alley, or a two-way side-street.

So no problem. Now we have real live ET Aliens here. And we have that because US Navy says so, give or take.

Well you for sure know how to get into their minds...

Not US Navy's mind, that's a sheer impossibility. That isn't a mind - that is a bunch of filing cabinets and only FBI can do that, even though it would be completely illegal in most circumstances, but they still 'can' do it. Whether they get the right command structure permission or not is irrelevant, they can and they will if they thought it would undermine democracy with some escapade like that.

You have a lot of people, a lot of organized groups against you ever realizing how far you can go with all of this.

...Nevertheless, we begin soon.

From right here.

And no one will see a GD thing.

Today our minds want to know 'how it all works.' That's why it takes us so long to get anywhere.

Where do you want to be?