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Monday 25 July 2022

The Bible IS About Transgenderism...

Oh yeah by the time I've finished here though you will literally be as to no doubt about it at all!

Sorry guys. It is what it is.

Jews and Christians and Muslims all have a huge problem. A HUGE problem.

Genesis 1 says 'God' (actually it doesn't say 'God' at all, it says Elohim) created Man and Woman - that is, 'Elohim' whoever those people are, created 'humans:' male and female they were created after the image of (the) Elohim. Equally, created together, as equals, like the Elohim themselves.

Orpheus goes into the Underworld.
Movie by Jean Cocteau.

And then, the modern Zohar and even all of the more ancient traditional orthodox rabbinical literature says that a particular identity, maybe some kind of leader female, Lilith, 'disobeyed her husband' and he rejected her and she in any case left him.

And that was the big 'sin,' see. She, disobeyed 'the man.' And Yahweh Elohim (not the actual ruler of the Elohim, by the way, but a mid-ranking figure of the Elohim), well he was clearly pretty patriarchal and he got a bit miffed and so he tried to act against Lilith - and failed. Then, we have the second 'creation' story, this being that of 'Adam' and 'Eve' - who was formed from Adam...

Lilith was independently created.

Eve was made from Adam.

You - are part of a transgender exercise.

Lilith, who has been since then subjected to a massive amount of negative propaganda, is the actual female/woman. Lilith told Yahweh Elohim to basically, * off.

You don't like this?

Try and get around it.

He he he he.
A lesson on how to be respectful
of books.

The Nag Hammadi texts, some of them, have Jesus saying as much and pretty clearly and directly too. The standard canonical New Testament goes around and around the matter in circles but does raise the key questions about how come Jesus is assigning certain roles to Mary Magdalene and why He is showing her the respect that technically, Jews never even gave to ordinary women.

You continue to live your life with your root system all tangled up into the twists that were deliberately laid in there, and you will end up literally losing yourself and your life.

Neither ordinary 'males' nor ordinary 'females' that you see around you are actual, genuine and real identities as would have been designed and intended by an actual fully knowledgeable God. 

When you pray to this false 'god' figure that is portrayed everywhere as the real deal, nothing happens. Nothing happens for you.

This 'god' has already been cast down from his previous position of dominance on this planet.

Even so, the whole entire 'orchestra and chorus' from that group is doing everything it can to re-assert its power here and indeed does exert enormous and even socially-politically prevailing influence over by far the majority of the human race (such as it is any kind of actual 'race' at all).

The 'human race' is nothing but a mixed up, twisted, radically mis-engineered experiment in transgenderism, intended as a slave peoples for a clever and very sinister personality.

The reason none of your meditations, your prayers, your requests to any kind of divinity around here are answered is most probably because you want to be liberated from enslavement - but that false though still present 'god' is not going to allow that in any way!

Secondly, who are you though, actually?

Are you the mixed up 'Adam/Eve' transgender experiment?

Or are you 'original human,' in this case for argument's sake let's say - 'male/man' person...? Which means you are the one who thought to enslave the original female version of its kind.

So on what basis are you asking any actual deity for something?

Who are you?

Who are you declaring yourself to be, in asking (for something, that is, something supernatural, as it were)?

If you are an actual woman - original sort, woman - then you well and truly know exactly what I am saying already. But what you might not know is that if you persist in being the twisted root version, that is, by following along the dictum of external society, then the outside physical forces and influences will in turn wreck you internally by and by. And this is true whether you are an 'Adam/Eve' sub-species or the actual original 'human' type of person. 

You will not be the same person at the end of your life, as when you began it this time here. What you will be is a dumbed-down, dull-headed, slave.

And if you think 'God' is going to rescue 'you' after your death, let's say, when then finally, you 'realize' all of this - well think again. There will be no original 'you' at that point. That is, the original 'you' is gone - what is there is the mixed up one manipulated and changed over your life by life here, itself.

You're stuck now, aren't you?

...Something old.

Next time you 'pray' you will be asking yourself, well who am I praying to?

Yahweh, the guy who demanded however many virgins as sacrifice or tribute, or something?

Allah, who literally tells you outright you have to be a slave to him...?

Or some set of divinities, some of whom are male, some of whom are female, with possibly, some kind of ultimate representative of both things at the top there...?

Myth stuff, you think?

Every single political system on the face of this Earth, functions by the means of governing the sexual dynamics of people - these systems enforce regimes of consequences against you.

Jesus is not a stupid guy: 'Woman, who is there here who condemns you?'

He knew that the people at the top are just as subservient to this system of holding something over them, and always it is on the matter of sex that this extortion is conducted.

This world, my friend, is about sex extortionate power.

'Consequences' means someone has assumed the role of stoning you...

Maybe you did do something wrong, maybe something very wrong, and maybe that could even have been in the order of some sexual matter.

But who is this standing over you ready with the stones?

The Pope?

Something new.

The President?

Chief Justice So-and-so?


"Every scribe instructed concerning the Kingdom of Heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old."

Don't argue with me. I am right. You are wrong.

Do what I tell you. The Kingdom will open up before your eyes.

Sunday 24 July 2022

The Missing Parts Of Genesis

What? There are missing parts?

Oh yes, sure.

But not only is the fact that there are missing parts a problem - but that Jewish scholars, who have made numerous explanations and interpretations about those 'missing' sections, are in any case completely wrong.

Facing the fact that it was Jewish scholars who compiled the Septuagint (Old Testament in Greek), it was they too we are able to adduce, who left the parts out - and but then those same scholars, thinking that since they were the ones who had control of the information, they must necessarily know, what those passages were saying in the first place.

Mushrooms and chestnuts soup.
See? Vegetarians? See that?
You see that?!

Which is just not the case.

Since forever, all Bible scholars have had difficulty making exegesis of the dual 'Creation' narratives in Genesis. 

And this is because, of course, there is something missing. There are parts which have been deliberately extracted.

Much much later, Jewish Talmud debaters develop whole expanded narratives and these find their high point in the Spanish Zohar writings.

Fundamentally, the Jews say that the first 'wife' of 'Man' - and they incorrectly say 'Adam' instead of Man, although actual Genesis 1 says 'Man' and not 'Adam' - was Lilith, not Eve. 

But hey hey, wait on, how are we going to tie this into Russian women and the Soviet Era and all of that? ...And modern politics?

Well, KP - you know, don't you.

It goes like this. Allow me to quote from a Nazi propaganda slogan against the Bolsheviks:

"German women!

"Have you any idea..."

This is the actual 'Garden of Eden'
story right here. But they don't know, these
'experts' and scholars. They have no clue.
Lion-like creature (appetites); Medusa-headed
snake thing-y (knowledge of suffering and pain
and gainful poison); winged eagle (foresight, after-sight); 
and, other stuff, 'fish' and water and things.
Hah! Not to mention 'the shin of Allah!!' 

And then,

Item 6: "Every man is required to report a woman who resists him."

Which was not at all untrue of a statement, because not only did this kind of statement have complete currency in Bolshevik Russia, but leading Communist feminists such as Sofia Smidovich set down a scheme of sexual morality in writing:

(And I am translating a very tiny bit loosely to save space rather than put the whole thing in here word by word, but it is completely accurate and faithful to the original text).

Point 2. "When a young girl, whether she is a University student, or a worker or just a schoolgirl, is desired by a man, she is obliged to yield to this desire, otherwise she will be looked upon as a bourgeois girl who cannot pretend to be a genuine Communist."

You see, the hugest problem with the Judaeo-Christian narrative, and by a kind of a blind extension, Islam too, is the missing parts, that are to do with sex.

Islam attempts to get around it by literally covering complete licentiousness with some fabricated 'ritualistic' 'permission slips:' temporary 'marriages,' multiple 'wives,' endless * size in 'Jannah' and absolute sexual access to slaves.

The Zohar outright says that God made Man and Woman equally, and the female He made at that juncture (IE 'Lilith' although they are not allowed to mention her name, but only the letters Lamed Lamed Tav) rejected the rules that He set, and counters Him and prevails against Him to this minute! Not only that, 'God' (this is presumably 'Jehovah') has no power to stop her, nor to do anything at any time to her, not now or ever in the future till absolutely forever.

It doesn't actually formally put things like that so clearly, but that is indeed nevertheless what it does say in a round about manner.

All human political and thus also mainstream religious systems lie and deceive on the basis of the sex aspect.

They take and exert control by exploiting a pre-existing internal dysfunction of the human being, which is the belief that there is retribution for any actions against one single 'ruler.' And sex is either the direct analog to that power relationship, or it is the means to power trickery.

There are only two times where Lilith is almost directly spoken about in the Bible, and that is in Isaiah, talking about creatures and their mates, and by Jesus who uses the exact same phraseology as Isaiah, but He says 'where the flesh is there the eagles gather.'

Both people are speaking about some place of eternal rest, not retribution, and frankly, there is no possible way church or Bible scholars can have the least understanding about what is being said, fundamentally because the Jewish exegesis is utter rubbish and nobody else ever had practically-speaking, access to those missing sections of Genesis.

The biggest issue independent thinkers have with Christianity is not the 'Resurrection' - it is the reason, if any, for why God would knowingly enter the Earth, in order to be killed...

The mainstream Christian exegesis is in order to 'procure Salvation.' Which makes no logical sense whatsoever. 'Procure,' from whom? God is All-Powerful. He does not need to 'procure' from anyone.

However there are two facts that are never looked at.

1. It was not God who invented killing - you did that all on your own, by yourself. Naturally, if your 'unseen' roots were now entwined with a visible physical body, then for sure 'you' will certainly die, on account 'you' are being defined now as both the inner being and the outer physical part together. The grand lie that all churches dispense, is that when you die, 'you' become something different to what you were when you were alive. And that will then be why you will no longer have all these problems of money, body, jealousy, power, and sex.

2. Eden, it's location - must have always been inside, within 'you' and then, you externalized that interior, to become the physical human being that it is, and which has developed steadily along some line into the eventual ditch (Evolution). Nobody 'evolved' anywhere. They went straight to Hell and Damnation from the place where they first started out (which was not 'Hell and Damnation!) and from which potential of future place they might have gone to, had they pursued the right trajectory - but never did go.

The biggest slander ever against the Greek gods and goddesses of the Parthenon too, for another example, is that they are 'a-sexual.' Biggest lie ever. If 'Wisdom' is truly a Universal Divine facet, then there is Wisdom to be found in everything everywhere. It cannot be sterile and a-sexual. Cannot.

Laws, rules, obligations, edicts - you must have the right to abortions, you must not have the right; these are two sides of the same coin. This is how politics uses emotions to manipulate the masses - and not argumentation.

They all will give you the opportunity to get in trouble with the LAW. Just this LAW or that LAW; one side's LAW or the other's. Because you, are just a nothing, slave... Right? You are not a perfect creation of actual God!! Allah forbid! You are a nothing. You just do as you are told! We will rule you and take your Bentley. Ain't that right, Mr KP? And you want 'agency.' How did you figure you wanted that? Nobody else is actually giving you it! They are giving you fraudulent conversions of it all day long, and you are swallowing it all day long too. Or else, if not swallowing, then apt to become overly cynical and a resister and hater of offers and new ideas. In other words, a reactionary.

The Ukrainian Russian dancer,
Maya Plisetskaya.
No body, no Maya.
No 'Maya-tryoska' cells in these glass
tubes either...

Dangle out a bit of temptation at you, and then wham! Ah, sorry, you broke a law...

The Tree of Knowledge is a manifestly invisible, but forceful thing, which animates, drives, virtually always in the subconscious and not the open wide awake consciousness at all, and contains bitter fruit along with the good.

The Tree of Life, is a manifestly invisible, but supremely forceful thing, which animates and gives life - to all Eternity! And you don't have access to that Tree and you don't even know where it is.

The Tree of Life is Supremely Forceful.

...Where the flesh is, there the eagles gather for the feast.

I never said that. Jesus Christ said that.

God did not kill Himself. You did that.

The trouble is though, it's all you know how to do. You do not know how to give Life.

Hang on a minute though.

If Eden is inside, and has been attempted to have been made externalized, manifested outside (this is what Richard Dawkins, and Charles Darwin, and David Attenborough, want to achieve - sometime, at some theoretical future moment, humans will be able to attain immortality... Right? Scientifically, by sci-ence) - and the Tree of Knowledge of brutal killing is just an idea, a human-invented idea but with massive physical consequences, whose actual source is on the inside of each and every human person... 

...then where and what, is the Tree of Life?

...Being Supremely Powerful, as it is.

People always go 'prove it, prove it.' No. No way. You prove you have more with you than just the Tree inside that kills - only. Body and soul. I want it all. Your body is dying slowly, and you have only half a soul. "Behold, lest he (the Man) reaches out and takes from the Tree of Life!"

Awesome words.

You've been lost! All these centuries.

Saturday 23 July 2022

The Principle Of The Lake

'Lacunae' and 'Lacuna' are from the Latin root for a pit, a hollow, a pool, or a lake.

Now this man, see -, well he was 'bearing a pitcher of pure clear water...'

In the Vedas, the Goddess of Wisdom is the Divinity who presides over clear and still lakes.

When you place that proverbial seashell to your ear, you can hear the sound of the sea.

Ideas are a material force.

When you go down to your favorite late night city coffee place (that's prolly not going to be any place in the USA right now...) - you can hear the cicadas. By which I mean you can tune out everything because it is all just so much meaningless noise.

It's easy enough to see when something different enters the picture.

Not so easy to actually get it to do that. (Get something new to enter).

All the same, you should hear nothing, see nothing, to begin with. That is to say, everything that is there on account of its normalcy, is part of 'white noise.'

Most of the descriptions online as to why some glacial ice appears blue uses very non-scientific and meaningless language: 'the light hits the ice; the light is bent; the ice absorbs lower frequencies of light...'

Meaningless, if not completely nonsense.

What happens is that photons meet densely-packed electrons (matter) and are therewith, affected in a variety of ways.

Some astute thinkers have observed, in the past, that ideas have material force - and therefore, also material effects.

Ideas do not come into existence, however, spontaneously all by themselves alone, or on their own and on their own account.

Ideas spring from water-y sources within the being - and these are not at all conscious sources, they are subconscious, often totally unconscious. 

This is what makes politics and politicians extremely sinister: namely, they do not say which bits and pieces of propaganda are working on people's subconscious emotional tendencies.

Despite what you may suppose, politicians never use argumentation to sway people and thus also, things - structures as well as society at large. 'If argumentation produced power over humans, then politicians would employ it, but that is not what achieved power in the first instance, so they never do (employ it).' Adolf Hitler.


Politicians use mysticism, whilst telling you on the other hand, that mysticism doesn't work, and is 'not a real thing.'

'Sci-entists' totally use mysticism these days.

The human society and social-political system is mystically mechanistic, with the human being not having distinguished the difference between himself and the machine.

Why is it 'mystically' mechanistic? Because it is meant to 'work' without any animating force...

Animating, as opposed to driving.

Modern governments and politics and societies - are all totally absurd.

But people willingly are enslaved to utter absurdities.

Glacial ice is blue because it transmits blue light out of it, and keeps the red light by transferring the energy of the incoming red wavelengths to the atomic structure of the crystal lattices. And this is fundamentally because water frozen under great pressure, forces out of itself, oxygen molecules, and so, there is no substance in there, that scatters light as a rainbow - which oxygen does do.

Is this mystical? Well, yes it is, except that we do not consider it mystical because we know what the process is.

'Mystical' simply means 'concealed.'

Well, what happens to energy when it traverses the ultra-violet catastrophe...?

It engenders ideas.

You think not?

Hey by the way - anyone had a visit from an elf yet? You know, bearing some silver?

You haven't? I have. What's wrong with y'all!

You have no faith, you see. You need to go down into the street, and observe the man with the jug of pure clear water... Actually, it's not so much that you have no faith, but that your society, your education, has twisted you from your root system, and you have lost touch with reality at the source.

The Elves, the Fairies, the White Room.


Thursday 21 July 2022

The Beautiful Sounds

The Northern Hemisphere right now, and from all reports - especially so in Western Europe and the United Kingdom - is pretty hot.

In summer time across the globe you have cicadas and crickets and katydids, and these all have the remarkable ability to tell you the temperature.

I think the calculation is the number of beats per fifteen seconds plus forty, will give you the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.
Lamborghini will never make another car
 like this - or like these, at least - and the company
will never be the same again. It's all
over. It's finished.

There are really detailed and much more accurate calculations available too and these are also able to be specifically designated to whichever type of insect is making the sounds that are being heard.

...Don't see why some clever kid could not give us an App for our smart phones so that we can have the temperature displayed according to the sounds of the crickets.

Cicadas don't make any noise below 55 degrees Fahrenheit, or above 100 degrees F.

And being cold blooded, they need quite high temperatures to be active, and they won't fly unless their body temperature ('MFT' - minimum flight temperature) is 65 degrees F or above.

This is another living thing which hides away when it is cold - Blue Nilgiri flowers do it (hide for twelve years, tulip bulbs do it (maybe up to five years), and certain cicadas can do it for an amazing seventeen years.

In a few places around the world, Tropical countries particularly, there are lots of these insects which make noise at night, as well as during the day. To say nothing of those giant flying beetles that just make a hell of a racket flying and crashing into bright lights and window shutters and glass windows and just, well anything and everything.

In deep winter, there are no such creatures around - everything tends to go hide away from the elements, and hibernate. You can hear the wind maybe, or the rain or the snow, and sometimes, things are eerily quiet. 

I love it sometimes, when the air is still and everything is super quiet and then it lightly snows, and the flakes float down in a kind of a virtual silence, although if you listen carefully, there will be a soft, regular whispering hush and if you listen really close, there will be tinkling sleigh bells and... ...ah, naw, not those! lol

...Ah, but still, wait just a minute there.

What I want to do, is have you hear something, when everyone else hears nothing at all.

I want you to hear those little tinkling bells.

I especially want no one else to hear.

Here is the point - summer rolls around, the cicadas all start up. It's all very clear. The air is warm, the sun is bright, the grass is tall and turning burnt yellow at the tips in the heat.

Autumn comes, then winter - and everything is covered in frost and things all go to sleep.

When things sleep they dream, and there, they 'may' see the elves and so on; in their dreams.

But you, you should not be asleep. You should be wide awake.
Things you can see in the

For the wolves also hunt in the snow and in deep winter.

And you are required to protect whomsoever you will protect, that is part of your tribe, dwindled though it has become, down down down, to these last remaining few.

You see, humans become distorted inside, from the conditions of their life and of the prevailing society and all of its economic and political forces. People become materially altered.

Invisible, intangible, ideas have material force.

Ideology becomes material force - this is a basic example of how and why people can become changed physically because of the effects of a bad society, and a bad social system and a bad social structure.

If something has been so twisted for so long, it becomes impossible or impractical to untwist it. The human beings of today cannot, practically-speaking, be untwisted and they are grossly distorted beyond saving.

People who accept or acknowledge the spiritual paradigm - all presume that there is a fundamental 'core unchanging' soul that is hidden, almost as in 'hibernation' as it were, if the outward aspects, the human society for instance, is repressing it or acting as a negative force during any given epoch. And that is not true.
Come with me.
Follow me.
Into here...
Where there is nothing
and no man goes.

The human soul is in fact ever-changing! It is tied to its material physical circumstances!

It becomes, what society is seeking to make of it.

Servile, docile, suppressed, repressed, damaged, self-contradictory.

Take all those things away from the average modern human being and what have you got left over?

You haven't got the same person.

You might as well kill the person altogether.

This is what the Christian Bible teaches, without equivocating about it. This is what God is purposing to do.

'For the weeds shall be seen then, and the angels shall then be sent to all the parts of the whole world - to all the four corners, so to speak - to gather up all those weeds into large bundles, and prepare them for the flames.'

Go you down to the broad streets, to the market square, and there you will observe a man with a jug of pure clear water...

Accost him, and say to him - take me to your upper rooms, for we have need of them this very evening.

What does that really mean? Are you meant to be rude to someone and just domineer them into something?

Watch these pages over the coming days. All will soon be revealed.

This, seems simple - until you get to near the end, and then you find, it was never that simple to begin with:

Wednesday 20 July 2022

Seashell Resonance...

So, don't worry - no one's going to pay any attention to this post.

Nothing special.

Nobody cares about kids holding seashells up to their ears and hearing the ocean.

Here is the free first part of something that contains some ridiculous things in it:

My Affair With A Chinese Billionaire's Daughter

My objective here is to get you to have um, a lot of things that you want and that you do realistically require too - but in the simplest possible ways and with as close to no money at all as can be achieved. We have to think that sitting down somewhere and having coffee costs something though. You know, all the accountants and auditors among us will factor-in the current price of gas -, or your bus ticket! To say nothing of that expensive French pastry. At least the coffee you made from the pulverized coffee powder that Doug Casey encouraged you to stockpile all those thirty years ago now and that he said would last in its sealed tin.

Which it has although, Bill - we went through ours oh, um, a couple of years back now! Correct?


If you can hold a seashell up to your ears and observe the similarity of the sound of seashell cavity resonance cancelling out audio energy inputs, and leaving the 'shzzzh' of millions of little tiny acoustic air wave tops... ...with the sound of millions of tiny ocean wave tops - then you can discover the hidden human faculty of 'euciception.'

When you have a standing wave situation, waves cancel each other out - in terms of the increase of net propagation of energy. In other words, there isn't any.

All of the world - social, political and economic - is just noise beating against objects but none of it is resulting in a standing wave (coherent reflection of waves in precise counter-sync) forming.

A standing wave can have a beneficial function because of its ability to attain a consistent output effect.

Something which is consistent, is predictable.

EG If a price rises consistently, and the conditions remain the same over the course of any give future period - then you can predict that actual nominal future price.

And -, you won't be able to do that in the modern world, because things are incoherent across all bases and not even 'predictably' chaotic, either.

Are we going to do this, Bill?
Are we going 'Paris - Dakar?'

The German government today, is literally going to have its own citizens freeze and starve this winter. That is not 'chaotic;' it is dysfunctional and incoherent in terms of beneficial public policy goals.

The result is that the government itself will be thrown out - at some point. So it is also incoherent in terms of the presumed objectives of individual politicians.

People - understandably - end up forming conspiracy theories about 'why,' this kind of thing happens at all.

...So, all of you who have been reading assiduously and paying close attention here over the last say year or so, will know that I already mentioned something about an Australian coin that was going for sixty dollars when my Chinese lady friend first told me about it.

Well, I'll just let y'all look on-line for what its current price is.

Cavity resonance detection is something you uncover in the way your brain is able to process information.

One of the greatest books on money ever written (it's a kids book) outlines the case of a small but ancient and rare coin, that 'everyone' in that particular small township (where the coin originally was in a museum or library or something) wanted to recover and that had appeared to have been lost or stolen - but which ended up being discovered to have simply been a well-made counterfeit. 

Everyone goes home, sad that the thing was worthless all along.

Cavitation resonance.
Nothing special - much.
You know they've already built
these things with turbines instead of
wheels and they fly - don't you?

One bright lad realizes, however, that someone or some people could have been making these counterfeits on an industrial scale and extracting a lot of money from a lot of people - not just in this one little out-of-the-way township.

You focus on the first line of logic and you'll end up - in this world today - being lost in the incoherence and the noise.

The question, my friends, is not how many of these valuable coins I have right now, but what do you suppose is going to happen in the future - back at '2 dollars' and then again through 'sixty dollars' and so on?

So. All of you here who have been thinking that 2 dollars is a lot of money.

What was that present price again? Tell me? Out loud...

When your brain is really starting to 'see' and to think in advanced ways, everything is virtually perpetually quiet: