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Thursday 7 April 2022

Can't Find Small Analogies

There is no small earthly, that is, more commonplace, mundane analogy for the god 'Skuld.'

The Greeks say 'Atropos' (the reason that it is so hard to get a flying saucer to just separate from its warp-drive thrusters and show up down here for you...), and in the Bible they also use the name of a rare Greek god 'Olethros.'

In fact, whereas most commentators don't know this, the whole of Revelation and quite a number of the Epistles are using specifically Greek terminologies about war and warfare to do with the family of 'War Spirits' aka the 'Machai.'

Eris (Strife and Discord) is specifically an actual goddess in the Greek system. And so all of her children are also, not simply 'personifications' as modern English academics like to say, but actual gods too, albeit they are considered minor.

The reason there are 'gods' is that in the perfect order of things, each element is also perfect.

Eris was also the key contrivance Zeus used to (slanderously, and I don't believe the story of Homer in this regard) to procure the Trojan War, which was fundamentally a joint affair of war literally between gods alongside those humans who fought on whichever side.

And this cannot be, since the gods do not ever fight among themselves.

I am talking about all of this to bring things back to getting some small private experience for you...

Because but if such Greek tradition words and ideas are being used in the Gospels and New Testament, then 'Caesar was a Catholic.'

That is to say, Catholics are of Caesar. 

And Caesar was of Athens as well as the Persians and the Norsemen and all others as well.

'Rome' is a Universal Empire in the way the 'Federation' is, but the Romulans and Klingons are markedly different though they have some mutual transfer of officers in rare cases and end up in the canon being part of the Federation anyway.

The Roman Catholic Church today is heretical, according to the most senior Catholic scholars.

You see, you want to see a space ship come down for you, or, at least sufficiently obviously for you to witness it and thereby satisfy the questioning. That is, you'd be happy enough if a lot of others saw it too and even interacted with the occupants.

And that, I am told, can happen.

Church of the Jedi Knights.
Star Wars.
Not. Or is?

But it will happen like this...

Actually we won't go there right now.

LOL Just kidding, we will have to go there.

The point of the Roman Church is that things are intrinsically an oral tradition - Jesus said something to some people, and then those people repeated those things to other people and so on.

But they are also a matter of 'Skuld.'

Skuld could in most practical circumstances, cut off the life of a human person and in an unbending, unyielding way, and yet, she is also a force from the unseen, invisible future, which decrees 'in absolute' - can never be altered - what must be at some point because it is (not merely 'represents' but is) perfect Justice; the rendering of what is right, the repayments of necessary debts, the re-ordering of disordered things. Must be. Not 'could be' or 'might be' but must be and therefore although the world does not readily comply, it (the thing, the perfect thing whatever it is) 'should be' - and therefore it is also an immediate, existential force.

This force influences Verdandi, who weaves the threads into the immediately experienced material 'now.' Skuld, Verdandi, and Urd, are the three Norn Sisters of the Norse Canon. But they are that in the Greek as well. And in the Vedas.

Thus, 'Skuld' is literally, the 'funny thing' that 'descended upon the Apostles at Pentecost.' This is necessarily so because in the Christian narrative 'God' is Perfect Justice, but only the potential perfection, is the one as yet unseen and therefore is the 'Spiritual' part... 

Today, we say invokes 'root privileges.'

That's a small enough
analogy. Right? 

There is programming which has integrity in the hardware and must maintain integrity, so it is never a casual matter to 'invoke root privileges.'

'Caesar is a Roman Catholic.' It is not an anachronism at all. Caesar would have easily accepted that 'God' comes to Rome, because after all, Rome is Everything. Rome is 'the Federation.' (Star Trek Federation, right? That's the idea of Star Trek, isn't it?). God was there at all times, not just simply because Western 'churches' using Semitic scriptures decided at some point there was a god who suddenly was there but wasn't known to anyone at all beforehand.

Now, those of you who have almost thrown up by now here, should move to this next matter and take it for consideration.

The Chechen Army of Ramzan Kakyrov, is prevailing massively against the Azov-led Ukraine Army in Mariupol and shortly will announce itself as having defeated the Ukraine Army there.

In this short conflict, hyper-sonic, so-called 'invulnerable' missiles were used. Weapons that the West does not realistically, possess in deploy-able numbers at this time.

And now, Iran, Hezbollah, others, led by commanders from the Chechens, will surround Israel.

Knowing, that not only can they defeat it, but can do so easily.

T'Pol's mom, I think.
Not sure, don't fully watch the show!

And that is in fact what they will do.

Everything about the 'Orbis Clipeus' reported by the soldiers of Julius Caesar is true.

Everything about the Emperor Constantine to do with these same 'flying shields' might have been true... ...but at least absolutely certainly for 100% sure he (Constantine) knew this was some kind of super super important 'sign' to the minds of those around him.

Why did they even think that? Surely intelligent people should have considered anyone saying such things had gone mad?

Tuesday 5 April 2022

Why We Are Here

Seriously competent 'remote viewers' who have had a strong enough guidance somewhere along the line, will realize sooner or later that they are only permitted to 'see' under a very organized and powerful 'hand.'

Others who have various 'gifts,' let's call it, go around anywhere at all, and peer in on anything at all, except those things that are hidden by extremely clever parties. 

Consequently they think they are accessing hidden or distant knowledge and start to think they know it all, or at least, can know it all.

Are we.

You can't take someone into a space craft in full view of other people and not expect massive changes in the ways ordinary mundane people start to function.

Just look at the 'walk in' inhabiting the body of Cat Stevens now: his story that he repeats to anyone who will listen is that he almost drowned at Malibu or something and made a deal with 'god' that he would 'work for god' if he were saved...

Well that's bribing god.

What I am meaning to point to is the way human people start trying to negotiate for benefits they decide are good for them. And you cannot convince them to stop doing it.

They will always do it whilst ever they are mundane human beings.

Logically (assuming there is a God), by definition God (even small 'g' god) knows more than you do. So why are you jumping the obvious step of saying 'well, okay, what's good for me, God (IE in the eye of God)?'

How come people want instead what they decide is 'good for them,' out of their own vanity?

Well they don't all do it, but there is this underlying hint of the thing most of the time.

'Human beings' are on a path of learning, a really long path.

It's really complicated to start 'invoking root privileges' with human people.

The minute you do it, all the rest want what they want from the impression they would then get that there is indeed some kind of 'system override' potential.

Are you.

To some extent, and from a distance from the real human context, it's quite funny to see people referring to things like the book 'The God Delusion' as if this says anything other than 'I want what I think is good for me, based on my own arrogant and foolish groundless belief in myself!'

Well I'll tell you where you get off, Mr Dawkins...

It's when you kill a whole lot of other people because of your own abysmal lack of intelligence.

No problem when you kill yourself (which is what he will do, by the way). 

Big problem when you shove everyone else down a road which ends in guaranteed nuclear warfare.

Give it a rest, Mr Kitty.

Time has come.

This is how it will be:

First, 'someone' does the same thing again, testing, not so much probing, just a test run - take out a small fish.

Are we.

See, you can't just eliminate some super dangerous, and albeit very very malicious but in the larger scheme of things, small fry like Justin Trudeau. This is, nevertheless, what the people meeting out in Alberta Plains are going to do. But it's not the big game.

The big game can only be played when it becomes clear to a broad swathe of the human population that the manipulators behind the Trudeaus of the world, are right up to the point where they are shooting off actual nuclear missiles.

And that's when the moral calculus becomes very clear - in a manifested, existential way; not in a theoretical 'thought crime' one.

The fundamental mistake in things such as 'The God Delusion' is that they do not perceive how extreme is the Universe.

Those way out there on the extreme edge of 'intelligence' are not going to kill you if you only shape up as if to kill them - you will have to actually kill them first, and then afterwards, comes the consequence. After the fact.

Not on the 'theory' only.

Or the guess.

Or the prejudice or because of some animus that you hold. That's what you do, human. That's why you get into wars.

In fact, you can think what you like. If there were some kind of Cosmic governor on your thinking, you would not have independence of intelligent thought.

So Richard, you do have total independence (from God) of intelligent thought.

What are you doing with that independence?

It doesn't take 'remote viewers' to see inside the Ilyich Iron & Steel Works.

It takes a few tiny flying things with cameras and audio equipment and you can see and hear everything that is going on in there.

Well, that kind of is 'remote viewing' but it is just advanced human technology doing it.

No. The real remote viewers are watching how, why, when, where and who, are lying to the Western public in particular -, although they are also lying to the Eastern public too but in a slightly different way.

They are leading the whole world into a 'nuclear conflict event.'


Monday 4 April 2022

Remote Doers, Not Viewers

We're not quite there yet.

If we double the daily numbers of reads for these kinds of things on e-readers around the globe, well, we will be there. 

And you can sit around in coffee places all day, on your Kindle or portable computer, and press buttons and make money, no problem. That is, unless the Russian army invades your coffee place, or unless Victoria Nudelman releases some bio weapon stuff around there and you choke and so on.

Transfer pricing (how to)

Nevertheless, there you will be, somewhere in empty Chelsea, and Kensington - in the Royal Borough of Chelsea and Kensington, musing on the motto of the place: 'How good it is to dwell in unity...'

Well I wouldn't know.

Recently, in a genizah in the South East of France, underneath a wine-selling premises, a fragment of a Hebrew Zohar commentary on the Book of Esther was found - and this is quite interesting, since there are no commentaries on the Book of Esther in the Jewish commentaries at large.

It's only a fragment and I only even heard about this at all via Dr Justin, but in all events the fragment says that 'Esther' is actually Ishtar.

The Hebrew 'religion' or let's call it the JHVH worshiping religion, is quite the helluva mess, really - it's full of weird, unexplained things, and many contradictions. Esther is one of them.

One the one hand, the Prophet Jeremiah hates Astarte, or 'Ishtar;' on the other hand the Zohar commentaries say that the only ritual celebration that Jews will perform after the Coming of the Messiah is the festival of Esther (what they call 'purim').

The Jewish religion is riddled with this same one particular 'contradiction.' Clearly, prior to Moses there are only the Elohim, and Abraham is from Sumeria somewhere and is more or less Ur-ic with family members all with Sumerian names and titles, but after Moses, there is 'JHVH...' And then Daniel, the only guy that actually gets everything correct, is not even regarded as a 'prophet.'

Well, I mean...'s hardly at this point a BMW e46,
is it?! 
LOL. You want one?

So what's going on?

Well it's the same thing as the modern flaw in Vedic 'religions.' They also want to maintain this fantasy about Shiva and 'Nada' and 'Brahma,' without detailing what the Vedas themselves actually teach:

Oh sure, 'Nada Brahma' is how everything material comes into being.

But what is that?

'Na' = vibration all the way to and even beyond white light;

'Ma' = calm vibration which is a spatial reflection of that light like a mirror effect, like the moon;

'Shi' = going into, between;

'Va' = the Void;

'Ya' = a manifested thing, 'it happens.'

Or maybe 'just' one 
of these ones. Still new - 


Surely, I could be wrong.

; )

But without even researching into things at all, I'm prepared to take Dr Sledge's (Dr Justin) word for it about Esther-, the man simply doesn't lie or make things up. And besides, the Biblical Esther story is virtually the same as the Sumerian Ishtar one anyway.

And so is the story of the son of Amenemhat I - Sol-Amen... Although of course that is a later story which has nothing to do with ancient Sumeria, but is to do with Egypt.

Stories stories stories.


Actually they're not just stories. They are reference points for when you meet one of the Safra Bank owners in a coffee shop in Chelsea.

...After having met all of the mothers who were separated from their children in Mariupol.

Or for when you have met neither and are not going to meet either one of them.

But still you have to live in this material world, right?

Same as those other two have to.

You do not have to live in the rubble of downtown Mariupol, and you will for sure not be residing in Cadogan's penthouses anywhere in Kensington or Sloane Square...

You 'could' be in the coffee place however.

Even you. Even me.


Saturday 2 April 2022

My Files, Versus...


No contest.

Besides I'm cheating.

So. ...I have to post this now because things are moving very fast.

The Ukrainian government, army, whatever - are constantly laying claim to every bit of stupid nonsense that they can but suddenly, they DAK on the helicopter strike on that fuel storage facility in Belgorod.

Darjeeling. Where Joanna Lumley hails from. 

Russian analysts themselves are leaning towards the idea that since the Ukraine army has virtually zero capacity to communicate between its various placements of troops because of the kinzhal missile attacks which took out the entire military communications installations all across the Ukraine - some senior officers isolated in the north eastern zone near Kharkiv made the mission decision on their own and their helicopters carried out the successful attack.

Except there are no helicopters out there and anyone watching the attack itself will realize this was some pretty outstanding flying even given there are good flyers in the Ukrainian air force.

Nowadays, the Russians will go back through continuous satellite vision of the whole area and work out where actually, the helicopters came from.

There has always been a third hand at play here... 

You will recall that in 2014 when the head of the French oil company Total Oil, Christophe de Margerie, was killed, I suggested that he had been murdered in a clandestine operation. At the time, Total was the single biggest foreign investor in the Russian energy sector, with significant two-way trade going on and much closer partnerships being planned.

You will note now, that 2014, was also the so-called 'Maidan uprising' - which was of course a coup d'etat.

And you will further note the pathetic attempts by the Borg to pretend they can stop Europe from buying Russian oil and gas.

I went into here one time in bare feet.
But that was because Edward Green next door
told me I could while they finished my shoes.
Burlington Arcade. You're not supposed to
walk around in there in bare feet - they
have a Beadle who will throw you out.
Except not me. And not you either, 'cuz
you know the rules.

Anyway, not to avoid talking about the ways of aristocrat 'glowies,' I will address that now: (and please don't listen to Gonzalo Lira's idea of what 'glowie' means - he is wrong. He is slightly right in that of course there are such things as CIA 'glow-in-the-darks,' but his idea that this means he is able to tell who is a CIA operative because they 'glow' is rubbish. He's just observing what anyone can do, when it comes to people such as 'James Vasquez' and Stanford's Ryan Perkins).

King Solomon was not tricked or confused by the Queen of Sheba turning up at his court in bare feet and wearing the dress of a servant. Now was he.

If you recall the story.

So then. Back to the helicopters.

My friends, when you look at the world's richest bankers today - the Safras and the Rothschilds - one must consider the antecedents.

Those guys started the Crimean War.

Sean Penn is not a glowie in the sense that he is neither in the dark nor is he particularly in-obvious to those without UV lenses. He is pretty obvious to all and sundry or at least he should be. And as Adnan Khashoggi once observed - 'war is good marketing (for me).' And Penn is part of the marketing world generally.

Penn said this week that 'a couple of billionaires could easily end the war.' Well, no; they cannot.

You can buy these new again today, you know.

But they can have started it and they can do quite a lot to keep it going.

And then afterwards, they can sell money to governments for reconstruction and all kinds of things. Maybe they think they can even steal gas and oil and everything that isn't tied down.

And you think you want to go eat with these people in London Town or New York City?

I wouldn't. I'd go there in bare feet and bohemian floral cotton quite deliberately in order just to be observably directed away from them. 

Friday 1 April 2022

The Risky People Of London City

Like all empires, in the end, the criminal classes always commit the murdering of the top layers of whoever is trying to run things.

This is why ET Aliens do not make themselves apparent here. They are here but they are not obviously seen anywhere.

The human race is this mixed up grouping of many different kinds of personalities, some of which cannot ever be retrieved from the degradation of their inner natures.

Like wild animals they are motivated by the instant reward only. 

'The Firebird.'
Leading diamantaire, Laurence Graff bought
it from ALROSA, the Russian
diamond miner.

They do not look ahead very far, and they cannot see ahead very far at all.

In the human world they can often tend to rule - fundamentally because they will kill their opposition to exert power over the rest of the people there.

These characters take everything that is left over, left lying around, after they have done away with whoever it was they had murdered - who actually put it all together.

And then, they build tombs thereafter, of which they are the 'pharaohs.'

...If you look at the death of Edmond Safra in Monaco in 1999, you will observe many strange things. And too much money.

Today, the Safra Banking Group is huge. 

So is the Cadogan empire. Cadogan - the earls of -, own more or less all of Kensington, Sloane Square, all of that and much more too. These places are all empty right now. The merchants are gone, the shopping is dead, the Russian oligarchs have been dispossessed of their properties and their football clubs...

But still, you are meant to believe they are 'wealthy.' 

The rest of the criminal classes in London town, of which there are many - from senior academia, all of the politicians without exception, the most senior police, and the weapons business, which naturally includes the secret services particularly - all look upon the Safras and the Cadogans and their apparent obscene money, and lust after it.

And then of course, you have the 'art and PR/marketing elites' there, hanging around, as paid servants of the super wealthy (such as they are styled): the Saatchis, all the art galleries - the Serpentine Gallery's (lol) boss Julia Peyton-Jones, who is the UK's oldest mother at 64...

That kind of thing.

This is Paris, though.
Not London. Because in
London, there are no tailors left.

When the spies of London go out looking for people to recruit or at least parasite off of, or exploit in some way, they try to take on the attitudes and the lifestyles (so they presume) of those above them who are their masters.

They wonder at and cannot understand why you would not 'bite' say, on the juicy fruit that they offer.

But there are 'rules of class' and these individuals don't know them.

Safras might know them, since they were bankers to the merchants of the Ottomans (but then, that too makes them murderers and accomplices and accessories to murder), and Cadogans you would presume should know them but who knows what has happened in the intervening years between the era of the Romantic poets and now.

Lady C, apparently, does know.

Bo Bruce 100% does know.

And the rest? What do they know? Can they really 'recognize' another aristocrat? Or are they following the fakery of modern times, after they, the Londoners, committed regicide - and possibly did it again with Princess Di.

...So LSE and Imperial College have people inside the secret services going around looking for 'remote viewers' too; oh yes they do!

Bo Bruce occasionally wanders around in dirty bare feet.

But the London secret services field guys (they mostly all are men, and mostly gay but pretending not to be - think Alexander Downer...), they want to show you Tricker's shoes or Church's shoes and try to impress you with those, and then they act all domineering and quite rude to serving staff and this is their idea of what the high aristocracy does, you see.

There is an old Spanish saying about household staff being one's 'unavoidable enemies' and I do not ascribe to it personally, but the idea has some salutary merit.

Lady Brudenell-Bruce.

Lily Safra would never - as in not ever ever - be seen in bare feet with a dirty face, anywhere in public.

But I would, and so would, I imagine Bo Bruce; and Diana Spencer should have except she was not taken into someone's confidence at a young enough age and had to grow up on her own, like mold.

Oh it is not that we are unable to dress, or to dress ourselves.


...There's this tremendous play, written for ITV Sunday Night (live) Drama on television in the UK, called 'Married To Death.'

It doesn't seem to exist anymore anywhere on film as far as anybody knows, and only those people who saw it have some recollection of the thing at all. The BBC archivists destroyed all the copies of it.

Anyway, in this play, which was written by the incredible John Mortimer, Robert Culp, in his best-ever performance I think, plays a minor aristocrat who disappeared in Australia, presumed deceased, but who returns and then no one recognizes him -, but his wife, played by Diana Rigg, after a short while insists that it is indeed he, the missing husband, and albeit everyone else within the rest of the family remaining quiet but skeptical, kind of lives happily ever after.

In this live performance play
in the UK, called 'Married To Death.'

Most commoners think the story is that the wife prefers this 'new edition' husband, who is probably better in the bedroom 'now,' to the old one.

But if that is not the underlying 'story' then, how does she recognize him as the legitimate m'lord?


All I can tell you is that most people who have viewed the thing, when pushed really hard, because they are all intellectuals, right, since no one else ever watched 'Late Nite English television live drama plays...' ...when pushed hard on what was the backing music being tinkled out on some studio piano, say that it probably was one of Chopin's Polonaise pieces.

It wasn't.

Although partly it was, because there was a coda from there in it.

It actually mostly was 'Dans la lande' by Cecile Chaminade, a woman composer of the 19th and 20th centuries.

So, the next time you see Charles Saatchi with his 'new' (ish) long term girlfriend Trinny Woodall (grandfather was the controller of the whole of the UK steel industry during WWII), you can always walk up to them in bare feet, even sporting a dirty face, to ask politely if they know which piece of Chaminade's was played live during the missing episode of ITV's Sunday Night Drama featuring Dame Diana Rigg (not yet a dame then, of course).

If they say 'shoo' to you well then you certainly know they are of quite low class.

And but what's the point of class?

One of the main ALROSA mines in Russia.

And how would that even affect something like one's ability to access what is or should be, rather a natural faculty of people, namely, 'remote viewing?'


When the Shekinah descended to Earth, and she lowered Herself, down down down (those are the exact words of the hidden Zohar texts about it), she was 'visible in pants, with little apples tied to her cuffs, and fur around it, and with the goat-skin tassels on her aegis...'

Now if you know what that all means...

...Meanwhile, some clown from 'Five Eyes' comes up to you and says 'do you want to be in our private club, we have a reciprocal agreement with the Tanglin Club in Singapore. You can stay there overnight or even for a couple of days!'

You consider it for a moment or two, and then you have to say, because you (mostly) always speak the whole truth:

'Oh they won't let me in though. 'Cuz sometimes I wear no shoes. So it's okay. I'll just stay out here, with the peasants.'

'But what about our London private bespoke shoe service?!'

'What would be the point of it?' You mutter, sadly. 'Sometimes I wear no shoes.'

And then of course, sooner or later they go stupid and say something like, 'phwoar, look at her *s. She works for us, you know. You know. Nod nod wink wink.'

This is a brand new car. Brand new.
And it is a real car. Real.
'Heritage' body made new
from the original molds.

And then you say 'I'm gay though.' And the guy sits backwards because he is gay and he knows that you are not.

And he's perplexed. This is one of the 'glam boys,' right - of Imperial College. He's one of 'the chosen few.' And I don't mean anything to do with Moses.

He knows you are not as smart as he is, because no one is that smart and you certainly are not, but he never figured - given what he'd been told - that you were that dumb either.

There is an angel with a flaming sword, and a great big wall of fire all around...

So, yeah, remote viewing.

Guys like Safra and even Cadogan, are living in a Fool's Paradise. ...Now to get into the real Paradise -.

Now stick with me on this, 'kay? Because I will explain the resolution to the puzzle - if you haven't already worked it out, or you have, or think you might have and want confirmation. Next article.