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Sunday 16 January 2022

The Reasons Why

Anyone that studies the philosophical and religious ideas of Man, from our present-day position of having so much access to historical material and written texts and their translations - may at some point become disillusioned that anyone ever did 'work things out' at all, really.

And this despite history showing at various phases, movements of people who all gravitated around certain particular conceptions - thinking these or believing them, to be 'real and true.'

A relatively simple lifestyle...

Arguably though, we have ourselves recently lost the best vantage point for any such wider study, because the internet both atomizes people into special interest groups with inherent biases, as well as deprives everyone from actual access to libraries of actual texts. What we have are algorithms deciding what 'texts' or mostly though, which commentaries one may scan to decide whether to look into them further - leaving out what is really there in existence, as some kind of beneath-the-algorithmic-undergrowth mystery.

It is no stretch to tie the CCP Beijing people to places like Indonesia's 'Ring of Fire,' and to Tonga where they exert great influence via money, and then when you add into the mix stories about intense nuclear fusion reactors - the majority of CIA analysts will most certainly quickly reach the wrong conclusion that China has its own version of the HAARP Program and that it is using it. You might even find some 'discreet rumor-mongering' begin to go on in the general media against the CCP Beijing China people recklessly experimenting with advanced technology.

But even so, why?

Why not though, right? You have the technology, so you use it.

We've talked about 'something' going deep into the phreatic wells referred to in vulcanology, and developing the conditions for massive unexpected eruptions and then exploiting the water vapor and particulate matter rising columns in the atmosphere with static electricity discharges on massive scales to interfere with the ionosphere's rain-bearing cloud formation normal patterns.

Like Miguelito Loveless's 'Wizard Who Shook The Earth' or Meyer Dolinsky's 'Plato's Stepchildren' - anyone at the top of a super-powerful empire with all the resources nation-states have, and the (hypothesized) technology required, could easily 'shake the world.'

DJ Nuno from Lisbon blaming me (lol)

So what's this all about though, really...

Firstly, it's impossible to explain here.

Theoretically, if a handful of studious people were inside a well-appointed lecture theater and had the patience and the time, maybe -, all the fundamentals could be covered.

Structurally, one would be required to be firmly convinced first, of some key matters.

Otherwise you're never going to see the conclusion.

You need to accept that there is such a thing as actual human suffering, actual pain, actual hurt and harm, actual villainy, actual intentional wickedness - and that the human condition is not all wine-and-roses and that those who try to say that it is, provided that... (so-and-so whatever conditionality they are vending), are indulging in toxic positivity.

But you also need to perceive that there is an absolutely vast and complete spectrum of other things as well. It's the existential fact of the both things, that will get you to the functioning reality and to the functional reality that you have power over.

The Arabic philosopher Iamblichus, 
getting around in his chariot, and
thinking philosophical thoughts
from his simple vantage point.

You see, too many times in the admittedly great works (within limitations) of great people - as people go - their own position in human society has determined the spin they are allowing to go in in their own minds.

The historical Arabic writer Iamblichus (245 AD to 325 AD) is one such example. He was from a very wealthy family and he lived a very wealthy life. Now on the one hand that gave him the necessary luxury of time to think about things, but on the other hand, he cannot get away from the perspective his own social standing has forced onto him.

...He is not a homeless street-person.

He is not facing the pressure of solving how he will get his next means of immediate survival.

And so he imputes onto the Cosmos, the same idyllic framework for 'why' that he has the accidental luxury of actually living in himself.

Why it does what it does in the ways that it does them.

'It.' Although Iamblichus means 'them' - because he has posited in the running of the Cosmos a whole array of gods and demi-gods and all kinds of other beings too. 

He's not really all that much different to Swedenborg.

I mean I will try and point out a direction in which a more accurate and correct explanation lies.

And it is in the Norse narratives on the Existential Cosmos. There, we can hear about the Norn Sisters - Urdr, Verdandi, and Skuld.

See the thing is, going back to acceptance of the existential reality of intentional harm - 'Urdr' has a catalog of that. Verdandi has a live-stream of everything that is, going on.

And Skuld points the direction to the future, based on the necessary settling up (things that should be; morally, and because of Justice) of old scores.

Every mythology on the planet, posits some 'leading actor' position, some role, some 'ruler,' some throne - and from which throne all power proceeds.

Ragnarok is over - I invite whoever's
left to some slow-cooked beef soup.

In the case of the Norse narratives, Odin is no longer there, because of the Ragnarok - the Twilight of the Gods, and the destruction of most of them. This is told to Odin by a Volva (female seer) and but then though - how does the writer come to know of the story unless all the events have already transpired?

Ragnarok is over. 

Ragnarok was caused by Loki revealing all of the 'sins' of the gods to them all as a gathered group and they ending up bickering and fighting among themselves on account of the 'evening up of scores' then until finally they are all so split apart that Loki takes advantage of their weakened state as a group and releases primal monsters that had previously been chained up.

And then mostly, everyone dies.

The Throne is Empty.

...This piece of music takes a good four or five listening-to's before someone arriving at it new will 'get it.'

And you might be at the present moment, in not quite the frame of mind to absorb the placid pacing, the calmness, the inherent resolution. You might be searching for quick, even instant solutions to very difficult and pressing material problems in your life.

I wonder how many people are going to make the 'intellectual leap' from the ending of the Ragnarok and the implications of the Norns.

Saturday 15 January 2022

Alberta Plains Mounds

I won't dwell on this because there are many other 'interesting' things happening right now albeit behind the scenes as far as the corporate media is concerned.

However, interestingly, or strangely -, not sure which(!) the BBC had a huge long article just last night about the pre-historic stone mounds of Alberta...

Why they wanted to cover it I have no idea. I know why I did.

Canadian 'barrel-aged' maple syrup.

Naturally the first thing they went straight to was what modern 'sci-entists' and archaeologists and so on 'know' that the mounds or medicine wheels as they are also called, were all about in those ancient times before science existed - however as you know they are able to go back in time and thus declare for certain what was going on.

Because they know. Right?

By the same token, and regardless that the Native Tribal or 'First Nations' people have a strong contemporary culture going on - it is not all that clear that even they know what was going on back then.

Theoretically, ancient Siberian people - hunters - from what is now termed 'Beringia' (starting from around the Lena River in Russia) would cross the land bridge and eventually ended up, some of them, staying in Canada and North America permanently as those places are called today. 

All the way across the other side of the world, the same ancient practices went on, in which people covered themselves in red and yellow ochre either during mysterious 'spirit' ceremonies, or when they prepared a body for burial.

I have to make brief mention of this, though - if you go search on the internet for the word, the Greek word, 'Herm,' you will find a formal statue like a short obelisk with the head of a man on the top. And this is not a 'Herm.' It has come to be called a 'Herm' because these statues were later on, much much later on, placed nearby the Herms, and they are presumed to be of the young God Hermes.

A very good use of black truffles.

But if you go to Mount Hermon in Lebanon - where the 200 Watchers came down and formed liaisons with human women - you will also find a 'Herm.'

A Herm is a mound of ordinary stones, onto which only the rightful king and his family are permitted to lay stones, and according to which ritual act, they hold claim to the land and to the manifestation of their kingdom realm - which is not of this Earth. And which is why they place Earth stones there... 

'Manifest your kingdom realm,' are in fact the actual source words that have been translated in the Lord's Prayer as 'Thy Kingdom Come.'

Now, these are just plain ordinary stones. There is absolutely nothing at all different or significant about them.

...Someplace else, in absolute secrecy known only to the rightful king and his usually very small group, there is another place, where there is another ceremony that takes place, parallel to the 'external ceremonies' that are made at the 'Herms' or stone mounds.

And, you can fake being a king all you like, but unless you have access to the other place, all your efforts against the real king and his people will come to naught.

'Human' beings are contested space. They are primitive, animal-like creatures, with a lot of intelligence and moral comprehension and consciousness. They are capable of being 'en-souled' - which is a much more complex phenomenon than you might casually suppose.

There are many other beings, who 'sharpen knives' against both human beings and the kings who arrange the affairs of human beings. And their knives are blunted and their plans come to nothing in the end. According to the times and to the rituals undertaken at the secret Herms...

Friday 14 January 2022

People You Don't Suspect

So, the US government literally just medevacked one of their Geneva Embassy officials back to the United States because of Havana Syndrome.

I have this - as I was telling y'all this week - box of twenty five hand-rolled Cohiba cigars from Switzerland, well, actually, they're from Cuba originally of course. They are 'second hand' but unopened, so it isn't illegal to sell them second hand.

Don't suck on them. Just burn them.

Very expensive as the whole entire lot, but I could ask if they would be prepared to break the pack.

Soon, I will also have some expensive cases of wine from Paris too. But that will be way out of the league of most people.

...Hang on, just wait a second, sounds like there's someone at the front door.

Nah. Nope. Just the neighbour's cat.

Anyway, I was planning on posting Amanita's latest video (which I linked in a reply to a comment in the last article here), but it can wait. Good video though, no question. She's an ex-chemistry teacher gone to play among the fairies and the elves.

Not something I don't think, the 'dark board's' 'Thomas' (Cornell chemistry professor Dave Collum) would be contemplating, despite his most recent excoriation of the Fed and the condition of politics and markets in his Twitter account.

What the hell they tryin' to sell there, on the
plate?? ...I think it's cod. Might be cod fish.
Cod fish is not known for warm blood, ya know.
(That would be Gary Cooper, who said that).

Meanwhile, as per the post-Science Era in which we do all live now, 'JASON' the independent group of elite scientists which advises the United States government on matters of science and technology, mostly of a sensitive nature...

...says that 'Havana Syndrome' is probably just a bunch of 'Indies Short-Tail Crickets' making some noise and then people just keel over and require to be medevacked. And I was very tempted to post a pic of an Indian Cricketer here too.

But I will resist the temptation.

Who dat?
Don't look like no 'grey Alien'
ta me.

No, I will post a pic of an extraordinarily normal-looking person -, their face... Well, in this case it is partly obscured - their mouth is not visible behind their raised hand.

Click Click. Click Click Click. Nictitating membranes. Good singer though.

This is her singing in the music down below - doesn't sound much like Indies Short-Tail Crickets to me

You still don't believe me, do you?

Just don't drink the liquid 'blue pill.'

I mean hey sure, you can drink the liquid blue pill, but you will wake up in your bed (hopefully, it will be there) next morning, or next day whatever, and you won't remember a thing.

If the FBI ever gets around to interviewing someone they don't expect right now - it will be too late.

Liquid 'blue pill.'

Because by that time the wine will have been flowing lots and lots already, and everyone will be off their faces, and when the genius doctors and scientists administer the Naltrexone or whatever they've got these days - strong Havana coffee(lol) - it will be hard enough to remember even 'Arturo Sandoval' by that time.

(By the way, 'someone' literally is trying to disrupt this article's upload. Silly silly, very silly...).

Thursday 13 January 2022

The Post-Science Era

Let's say, they pass a law, that says no scientist can be paid any money at all, and that they have to work just 'for the good of the community' and that's all.

Like real genuine artists and creators, for instance, who have no backing from politics or politically-driven publishing houses and galleries and agents.

I mean you gotta laugh really.

The truly contemporary 'modern' world.
London city lane-way. 

The Standard Islamic Narrative - in which over 2 billion people believe and adhere to its tenets - says that 'Muhammad' was born in the year of the elephant, which is claimed to be 570 AD but in reality, in actual historical fact it was 552 AD because that is the only actual written evidence both in inscription and in documents by the Roman historian Procopius, about the year when the guy who supposedly owned the elephant in question - Abraha the Abysinnian - went to anywhere even near Mecca. Which meant that 'Muhammad' was in his sixties when he went around conquering people by the sword... Literally across thousands of miles distance.

Is this stuff for real? 

Strangely, Buddha was also born in the 'year of the elephant' when his mother saw an elephant in a dream - and so, Buddhists say that was 'the year of the elephant.' She died shortly after the Buddha was born (and so did Muhammad's mother, strangely).

The Buddha died from eating poisoned meat.

So did Muhammad.

Elephants have no sweat glands.
They need a lot of water and mud.
They cannot live in the desert. At all.
They will die within days.


The eastern Persian regions were filled with Buddhists who converted to the ideology of Umar, the dictator ruler... It wouldn't have been that they shoved in mythology about their own earlier 'spiritual idol' with some titular new 'Praiseworthy One' ('Muhammad'), would it??

Nah, Because then, that would be too obviously the case...

And, it would make 2 billion modern-day people, well, um, what - misled?

But not to worry, they believe an elephant traveled to the Hijaz where there is no water.

The Alberta stone mounds are over five thousand years old - much older than Stonehenge.

What were they?

Who put those stones there?


I mean they are just plain ordinary stones, right?

Five thousand years from now, your scientific skepticism will not matter one bit, because you will be long dead and gone.

There will be no 'computer monument' to you, your name, or anything about you.

There will be no 'technology' belonging to you.

No wealth.

This is called the 'Chinook arch' in 
Alberta, in winter.
In summer the place looks different.
The 'Chinook arch' is the cloud bank.
It never comes down into the plain, though.
Around here, is where the Alberta stone mounds
are - over 5,000 years old.

No histories. Nothing.

No 'property,' no 'real estate.'

And you won't even have a stone on a mound.

Your 'sci-ence' has brought you to this point.

They say, that history is written by the victors. It is not.

It is written by the people who left the stones.

And it is written to the people of the stones. These are the children of the stones. They existed always.

Their vine runs through the stars. 

The human race are weeds. Fit only for the flames.

And in the summer, the fire comes.

This is the Estonian elf, Kerli, and the Australian composer, song-writer and producer tyDi - who is sick in self-isolation right at the moment.

Wednesday 12 January 2022

Yeah, Thanks Elves...

Well now what??!

It's not funny, you know, when stuff works.

What have we done?! Sold our souls or something...?

You know the story is they don't need anything, but I maybe should ask them if they want anything.

I mean I don't really have anything to give to them other than the silver they gave me in the first place.


...Now don't anyone tell me it isn't working for you.

Because it's sure as hell working for me.

If it isn't working for you, you are not doing it right. Or you are not doing it at all!

We're all still stuck with the end-game question though - just what do you actually invest cash into these days?

Nothing that I can think of.

I need to stay in touch with my personal elf friends. At least I hope they are my friends.

...Wonder what they might want.

I don't want to be greedy.

Hand-made - 'Arca' style.

But keep going boys - well, elves.

How about you guys? Anything to report yet?

It is certainly working for me.

I'm not being droll or silly here. I am looking at seven items of solid silver in front of me right now that I never had before. Correction, two of them I had but I never thought they were pure silver but they are.

So, hmn. Things that make you go 'hmn.'

I am not joking at all. I wouldn't waste my time doing that.

I don't really see the point of making up things like this. On the one hand I guess way back I was open-minded enough to investigate some pretty occult things seriously, on the other hand, I absolutely can tell when my hand is empty - and when it has a bunch of hard money silver metal in it that came from out of absolutely nowhere!

First few days there was only a couple of small(-ish) bits.

D'you know that 'sci-entists' do not
actually know why mushrooms glow.
They have a different chemical from 'normal'
bio-luminescence - it's called 'oxyluciferin.'
Very high speed reaction to oxygen takes
place and lets the fungi
glow all day and night. 'Cold light,' too.
Mushrooms are colder on the surface than their 'roots'
are deep beneath the ground.

Today however... There was a slight 'step up,' as they say.

Not sure if I feel guilty or something - last few days I've been trying to talk to some Hong Kong guys about them marketing some 'under the table' Cuban cigars I can get for very little from I cannot say where. But it's so difficult. Everyone wants 'credentials' and nobody wants to drift too close to law-breaking (not that it would be).

Meanwhile, my elf friends are just bringing me silver and I have nothing to give them in return! 

Sci-entists are so smart.


Anyway, we are living in a post-science era now.