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Monday 13 December 2021

'That Which Survives'

'That Which Survives' is an early episode of the original Star Trek series - in which the appearance and disappearance of a certain humanoid 'Losira' masks a super-computer that was protecting the place where it was located, from intruders, and generating this 'Losira,' which lured the intruders one by one and killed them.

The computer itself was using an image of a 'Kalandan' - the species that had been living there, but which had been wiped out by a disease. 

In the end, after the pointless killing computer was destroyed by Kirk, the computer-generated 'defender' is speculated by Kirk to have been so perfect a reproduction of the species itself, that it experienced regret about killing.

'I am for you, Kirk.' ...She didn't say 'I am for you, 
Sulu.' Because she knew Sulu was gay, see.

The Eleusinian Mysteries - which is the Cult of Demeter - explains though, that ultimate human and divinity mentality and purpose is not life at any cost. And there may be some kind of strained pun involved too, in the Greek word for freedom 'eleftheria' (which is pronounced quite differently in the high Greek, by the way, to what it reads...)

'Live free or die.' Hollywood often makes fun of this saying, and makes movies around the theme regularly.

Even Death itself was unable to keep hold of the child of Demeter nor were the gods able to withstand Demeter's designs.

However the ordinary normal human elites that run the world have absolutely no regret at all about killing - about killing you, others, many others.

...It is not easy to dredge up old history, or at least ancient stories, which really do show what happens when these 'ruling elites' take themselves into the disasters that must come for them.

People don't accept these stories and anyway mostly, the stories are missing a few crucial details.

I mean we know, that we don't really know as proven history, if there ever was a 'Moses' who took the Hebrews away from Pharaoh. We kind of know there were massive floods at some stage a long long time ago in Europe and that the story of the destruction of ancient Atlantis could have been built on this. Certain stories do relate also that a tiny handful of people survived the destruction of Atlantis. But this is not commonly known.

Verstappen wins the F1 
But I still want this toy for my 'bug out' bag.
You have to kit out your 'bug out' bag

The Biblical narrative about the Hebrews leaving Pharaoh includes a part about them more or less 'stealing' a whole bunch of gold and silver, in the knowledge or at least strong belief, that they would never have to give it back anyway, and - certain books much later on talk about 'taking gold and silver as much as you want; there is no end of it, what the wicked had amassed for themselves...' 

And the Book of Zechariah speaks specifically in terms of Tyre and Sidon (Phoenicia/Atlantis), as if really, what you are simply looking at is someone saying 'look, history repeats when people go like this.'

But why would Nature turn against world leaders and great governments and so on - for some cause to do with 'Justice?'

This would be to ascribe intelligence, morality and the power of final Justice - to Nature.

However 'Nature' is this same 'soulless computer' that modern atheists have asserted, whereas the Book of Zechariah, for instance, directly equates 'Nature' (IE - specifically: 'Which stretched forth the heavens, and layeth the foundations of the Earth') with a Supreme Intelligence together with a lot of beings carrying out orders.

Make of it what you will.

Atheists do not have a good track record of prophecies and predictions. Funny too, because I was just using pure science re the floods and storms. Well, yeah I added the little vehicles that went in and out of the volcanoes 'inciting them,' though. This is true.

However if you just go by Zechariah and not by my 'contacts,' he says one third will survive and then they can just go 'take' whatever they want.

But I also say that. And that's a problem! LOL

Although one should not be too particular about 'one third' exactly; it's just an indication.

Aaaah. What life is all about.

Rabbi Alon Anava says seven years from now. 

I say now; it starts now.

That old thing about crying wolf too often... ...what makes all these governments and 'elites' think they can cry wolf on everyone else all the time but the wolf never turns up to single them out and bite their heads off??

People totally misunderstand the ending of the Ragnarok, anyway -, and the wolf Fenrir.

Fair enough you want to see the science of it all, too. 'Soon m'lad, soon.' (Wilford Brimley in 'Cocoon').


Saturday 11 December 2021

The Solution

No doubt at all but there will be some who read here, in whose lives such terrible things have happened, that if you asked 'on balance, did your life experience justice or injustice?' The correct answer would be a vast amount of injustice - namely, things that simply never occurred to other people, and that others never had to deal with.

We live in a world that is still partly primal, primitive, and titanic.

The Hebrew phrase is 'Tanninim.' And in the Arabic it is spoken of in a metaphor of the color blue: 'az Zarka.' Which in itself is an ancient Egyptian, or even Graeco-Egyptian pun about the dead body - zarka.

Closed. But not for you...

If you wrote down the nine components that the consciousness interacts with continuously, and that are used to interact with everything else around it - then it's quite easy to answer the question 'what is your soul made up of/what are the dynamic aspects of it?'

But if that template or diagram with annotations is removed from a person's immediate vision, you will soon see how much of it they retain within their conscious being... ...and that will be for most people, very little.

Unless those primitive, titanic aspects are controlled, subdued and in some cases literally killed, no one can reach 'heaven.'

The Christian 'story,' is of course the Eleusinian Mysteries. And please employ your phonemic common sense to detect the 'El' there...

Now we are going to impart something so stunningly crucial and important, that not for all ears and eyes should it be.

And Noddy.
Got to keep your feet on the ground,
right? LOL

All that you need - you - is to be able to place your hands on a completely reliable source of power, wealth, and support.

And then be able to do that as and when you require to.

You don't have to keep 'touching your money,' all the time, as the Germans say.

In the titanic world, there is nothing but pain and suffering, contest, aggression and defeat or prevailing.

And this is because in the animal kingdom, if you do not fight to survive and to eat - you die.

But you should wish to reside in 'the world above' - in the realm of true civilization, and among other civilized people.

And that is not here. That is, it is not here here in the world right now today.

Stanford Geneticist Dr Garry Nolan - a very clever man - is probably treading into deep waters, and he might even find himself in hot water, too.

He's a trained researcher and pathologist and although you would not suppose it is his field, he has been collaborating on a project to analyze some 'unusual materials' said to have been found at the sites of UFO landings.

Or you can hang with the beautiful people.
It's all the same thing. Kind of...
People need help wherever they are.
And we must respect the truth and the reality
of that, and not imagine someone
is so much better off than anyone else.

Well I dunno, but - I do know why he is going down this road.

You see, as a geneticist and pathologist, he did conduct very 'high art' research on the brains of people like Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ and half a dozen others including these so-called 'contact experiencers' and of course, he found some 'odd brain structures' in there!

He has not so much 'concluded,' but floated the idea that those structures have been added by ET Aliens (he literally has said it) in order that those, mostly all scientists and high-level technicians engaged in military technology research - would be able to 'pick up at ultra high speed' information not available to the rest of the population.

Now you know what - he is going to land himself in a world of screaming complaining whining whinging objections now of course.

But you don't need to worry about that.

Many of you know very well, that you need to encourage those parts of the brain to grow as much as possible, so that you too will have access to the same information streams.

All it takes is a super super quick and usually quite sudden 'miraculous' hand-across of some money right? Or something that leads to it pretty directly.

So super quick in fact, that no one else will 1. know you got it, 2. see you get it, 3. realize that you have been given it...

So you say to the vegan girl, right:
'Do you want this or not? It is soft Florentine
leather.' Made from cows after we kill them.
And then too, we cook and eat them - it's
called 'steak.' Have you heard of that?

And so they can go on living their lives with however many of those nine components that they have.

And most of them are, as it reads in the Bhagavad Gita - rushing headlong into the jaws of Death. 

But not you. At this stage at least, probably not thee or thou.

'...And saw he by night, Zechariah, a man on a red horse among the myrtle trees.' (Book of Zechariah). 

Myrtle is sacred to the Goddess of Love but then also of the young God of the Treasures held beneath the Earth, in the dark places. And that passage is in that book not for nothing.

The Eleusinian Mysteries.


Not for everyone, and only able to be revealed at the right time.

Which is now.

Learn to 'see' so fast, that no one else notices what you saw.

Friday 10 December 2021

Finding The Solutions

If someone spends their whole life just looking -, for 'solutions' to the numerous problems of life, when do they actually live in the mode of actual solution?

What a person is really doing by always 'looking,' is just looking to find problems not solutions; they're are not looking for the fluid path at all.

Lake Baikal. Very cold. Problem or solution?
Kim - do you need me to go out and get you some
vegetable soup...

When confronted with a problem, a barrier, or obstruction, that is an entirely different matter.

We do live in a 'world with problems.' There is no sense denying it. So of course we can be confronted by a problem.

Human beings are apt to find problems everywhere, and mis-characterize them.

Alec Baldwin once said his previous wife Kim Basinger was 'beautiful but exotic and also peculiar.'

Now, hey, the word 'exotic' coming from an American's mouth is mildly funny to me at least. I'm sure he would know 'exotic,' right? Not.

None of us can be that arrogant or over-confident that we are unable to notice just how austerely complicated real relationships can potentially be...

I am personally very arrogant superficially, but I do realize that in the face of what the 'intelligent Universe' might be trying to tell us, I am endeavoring to maintain some perspective in that respect.

We all here, have to give a lot of serious thought to what to hand onto other people; I'll not say to 'next generations' because I know better than to say that.

Kim - all bow-ties start out white.
Kim: 'No, really?'
Yes Blondie, they do. The class ones do, anyway.
They really do! And I can show you. Not many
people can.

Someone 'might' at some point in the future, extract a glass tube-grown 'human' from some specific DNA lines - and then what will you have? You'll have a superficial organic item.

That item will neither be 'peculiar' nor 'exotic.' ...Those characteristics are all 'from within.'

People are always seeking, 'proof and evidence.' 

Well can y'all stop doing that please? And come up with something new, something new out of your own mind, and consciousness. Something thrilling and amazing.

You know, because when you are stuck in front of Kim Basinger Mark 3 Serial #5703/A - and she doesn't want 'diamonds and furs' but wants to send you out for 'vegetable soup' from some particular diner when the temperature is 20 degrees below... can't keep characterizing that kind of thing as a 'problem,' Alec.

Socrates was saying something about maths (although he was specific about geometry above and beyond just arithmetic) and music being intrinsic to how to make war and to win those activities.

And we saw that he had said the purpose of life was war. Of all things.

But let's do what he says though. He's smarter than us.

You want 'peculiar,' Alec Baldwin?
French design is peculiar: it is often beautifully
crafted, and otherwise perfectly stoopid.

Me personally I am too subtle to ever throw down a gauntlet that obviously.

I would not depict who the target is, or how I was proposing going after them, or at what time, and when.

When the tide is right, and the ambience is right, and the fruit is ripe and the vine is full...

Let's just 'go for it.'

No one will expect it, they won't know a thing that is going on even.

So tell me - whose side are you on?

Go on. Tell yourself very bravely that you are on the side of human beings.

Are you? Really?

And you want 'proof and evidence??!' Seriously? You cannot surely be asking for proof and evidence of just how stupid the human race is?

Oh no. We know, stuff. We have 'sci-ence.' We are so smart. We can sit in judgement of anyone and anything. We know what proof and evidence is. We can see things. And we can tell what is true.

Ya think? 

Here are the lyrics to this, down below (and by the way, it's only when you know of someone who literally had their ears surgically altered to look 'normal...' lol. No more clues):

Do you fancy your chances?

As a human in this affair...

'Little girls come out to play

In a garden full of black flowers today

For their hope has run away

So they chase it through those black flowers again

Little lies we tell ourselves are killing time we do not have

Will we look around and then suddenly just open our eyes

When the veil is torn and the sun is gone will we realize

Realize our mistake

There's no garden laced with flowers of white

There's black flowers now it's too late.'

Wednesday 8 December 2021

Melting Moments

So, sometimes things happen and you are taken completely off guard.

Things are unfolding in front of you and you realize you haven't got enough information.

Things are moving too fast and you are aware the opportunity will slip by you - but, you don't even know in what the opportunity really lies: is it the person, is it the situation, is it some mysterious information they have but they themselves could be unaware that it is important to you.

Well this is a good example of the dragonfly metaphor.

In Chinese folklore, dragonflies are symbols of fleeting wonderful moments - like some idyllic few afternoon hours in summertime, when there is a little cool breeze, quiet stillness over the brook, no one around, not much to trouble you on your mind, and a gleaming bright dragonfly flits by and hovers over the water briefly.

For you the moment is fleeting. It came, then it went.

But for the dragonfly, it was ages - because their optic nerves and their brain, operates at super-fast speed and everything to them is as we would see it in slow motion.

...And that is how you should assess every situation in which you think something 'mysterious' is transpiring.

Okay so you missed it this time.

But there will be a next time and a time after that too.

Trouble is, as humans we see things move only seemingly very slowly - there is no instant connection between the unjust act and its resolution in Cosmic Time.

Nothing happens, nothing happens, nothing happens, then too many bad things happen all at once - then the Genie with Three Wishes turns up right at that moment and interposes themselves in the midst of that whole bunch of nonsense that wants to demand our immediate attention, when in the back of our minds, it's the Genie that counts - and we know it.

But then, the Genie is gone.

Layered Turkish Delight Pavlova.
Are you looking, JES?

What is the lesson of the dragonfly?

It is that you must be able to switch on or off, the super high speed 'seeing' and thinking aspects of your mind and of your senses... order to get to the idyllic summertime hazy lazy moments at all.

Your mind must be like Bruce Lee, flowing like the water, fast like the wind.

Oh, Grasshopper. Sorry, Dragonfly.

Everything we do here is enchanting. It's all about enchantment. We are in the business of enchanting the whole entire Universe and bending it to our will. Isn't that so?

Tuesday 7 December 2021

The War Technique Of Socrates

Tucked away, hidden away in one of (well, it's broadly speaking, in several, but...) the books of Plato, you will see a rather silly statement as to the 'meaning of life.' That is, your individual personal life.

Socrates says it's about the ability to make war.


But not just any kind of war - in some sense, this is similar to the way Mohammed Hijab tries to get around the concept of 'jihad.'


This should be part of any self-respecting
'bug out' kit. See - the storm clouds gathering
in the background there?

Actually, nah - Socrates means, literally means real war. In fact it's much much worse than that. He says it's about taking the money off the drones and committing the queen bee(/s) to the flames.

Okay, a casual reader is not going to see any of this - they will just see explanations about drones making honey and stashing it away, and the rulers encouraging all of these drones in the first place, but then, thieving off them in aggressive ways but in certain political systems such as democracy, allowing the 'de-honeyed' drones to stay alive, which leads to them 'growing stings' which in the long run ends up causing total destruction of the whole of that society anyway.

In the exact next paragraphs though, Plato writes about Socrates trying to explain how the making of war - really, the art and effective capability to, make war - is the absolute and ultimate object of the intelligent life.



Oh yeah yeah. It's that. That's what it is.

JES? Are you looking?

When will 'Doomsday' come -, is what we have been seeing people ask on that other, private board this week, just after the stock market flopped a bit then 'made a come-back' and thus disgruntling all the bears.

Doomsday for all the drone bees is when the dragonflies are around.

Don't forget, drone bees are greedy little things, whose greed is inflamed by the 'queen bees' who centralize control of everything - and the queen bees are in fact just as greedy as the drones too.

They're all greedy. And their greed knows no bounds.

The dragonflies are not greedy because they have a never-ending supply of sustenance.

It's all there, right in front of them, laid out before them, as they hover about.

The bees, you see, have their heads down, staring at the flowers and the pollen and the nectar - while the dragonflies hover up above them, just behind their heads.

...It is not as if the dragonflies do not 'sense' what the bees must be thinking; the bees only have droning and nectar on their minds all the time. It is evident from what they do, from what their constant behavior is. They are aware of nothing else at all.

Fair enough though, dragonflies don't live in the 'mansions' of the drone bees.

So, you won't be getting to live in some abandoned McMansion when the fires or the floods come.

Pretty brutal though, all of this - because the dragonflies are literally going to eat, the bees. Not the honey. After all - we don't eat money, do we. We like money, but we don't deify it, we don't worship it. Yes we deify 'knowledge' but not just any 'knowledge' - which is the distinction Socrates makes about it; he says there must be a certain kind of knowledge and understanding that attains, reality and truth rather than sees things at large. He's not even accepting 'evidence and proof' in a certain way. He even says certain people at a certain stage give up the use of their sight and their other senses in order to accompany 'truth.'

The rest like puppy-dogs rejoice in pulling and tearing at all who come near them (Kamala Harris?).

'And when they have (the puppy-dogs) made many conquests and yet also received defeats at the hands of many, they violently and speedily get into a way of not believing anything which they believed before, and (because they affect society at large since they have stolen rulership) everything that deals in real knowledge and understanding is apt to have a bad name with the rest of the world.'

Super advanced, super intelligent people, attain through guile not force, even though they certainly are able to exert force.

The answer to the question 'when is this famous Doomsday' - is: it is when you become a dragonfly and learn all the techniques entailed, and apply them.

So is it true or not, that volcanic lightning causes huge storms and deadly flooding elsewhere around the world from where the volcanic eruption was?

I mean, at minimum, if it is true (which it is), then for sure you know that, following large scale volcanic eruptions, there will be a series of massive deadly floods some place.

So, if we posted, say, a year ago (or maybe was it just a few months?), articles about 'blue lava...'


What would make sense about having 'bug out bags,' is something for if or when there are sudden catastrophic natural events like major flooding.

All these things must first come to pass.

Double 'LOLz.'