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Tuesday 28 September 2021

A Weak Grin Over Here

I have to make an admission. Not that I like doing those kinds of things; it is simply not in my standard nature.

What I have been trying to do over recent weeks is not inflame passions and desires for expensive junk.

And believe me, I could!

Imagine you know what a Mandela Effect is...

You might imagine that you are immune to the kind of thing. Forget it. How it happens is very very sneakily, creeping up on the inside of you while you are totally unawares.

But it isn't the only thing I have been avoiding.

I have been also avoiding going even anywhere close to talking about what we are doing here underneath the basic radar. It is far too risky, and dangerous, to open up these particular subject areas.

The whole law of markets and marketplaces is that you do not go around foolhardily pointing out where the 'value' is because all that does is damage your own opportunities. Whilst no one is, or not many are, looking, you get a fairly free go at things.

And there are already a few people in here with a financial interest and so it is just not fair to them blurting out stuff too early and/or unnecessarily.

But where that places me and the couple of other people who contribute behind the scenes, is that we are left, well, really quite lost, in a sense, looking around at what the rest of the world is doing (to maybe showcase that here in the meantime) - and, hey, it is doing not very much!

I mean how many times came you say 'the government is running citizens over with tanks.' They do it all the time. Ain't new.

If you go look at the 'high end marketing literature' circulated to the industries involved there, all you will see are the sorts of phrases like this: 're-inventing the meaning of luxury in the world of climate change...'

Real quality Dry Pink Gin

Well it ain't actually been 're-invented' yet. Were that true, Richemont and LVMH would be making profits which they are not and besides they don't publish real or public figures anyway.

Cary 'Fcuk-You-Naga' totally did 'f-up' the Bond franchise and that will lose a billion dollars right now. So, he never 're-invented' anything there either.

I actually know where the White Rabbit is, I don't need to go chasing down rabbit holes pointed to by losers like Fukunaga.

Who will ever even remember his name ten years from now?

Bet you can't name the stupid Drama Center London plant in the Tim Dalton Bond flick who was the 'Bond Girl' in that?

Not off the top of your head.

'Expensive junk' comes into its own at the right moments - which is not now.

If you are actually for real making money you do not do 'expensive junk.' And the reason for that is expensive junk is always mis-priced. It is not in an actual 'price setting' kind of marketplace in the first place. It exists for rich people and stupid people, or rich and stupid people, to buy.

And the very last thing you want to indulge while you are actively swashbuckling around, is the exercise of being stupid.

Now I can be stupid same as the next man. It's fun. Everyone should try it every now and then. It is highly therapeutic.

This is, the 'White Rabbit,' in Moscow.

Except not now!

...Bet you can still remember Ursula Undressed though, right?

All churches, all religions, and Hollywood movies used to, and politicians think they can do, and advertising companies believe that they manage to, conduct - as you all know - what is called 'enhanced arousal.'

Technically, in the Vedic ideas, they say that Vishnu, when he gives you (well, not you exactly, but some chosen person) 'enlightenment,' he makes you two things.

Those two things that he guarantees you to achieve, are: 1. 'happiness' and 2. 'wisdom.'

Now there are plenty of people in the world who want to deny you, nay, who will deny you if they could possibly do so, happiness.

Wisdom they themselves have not any at all, and better for them that they never saw the day that they were born... the saying goes. For sooner or later they string their own selves up on a tree and throw themselves off a short step.

And that is how it goes.

You see the world is run by depressives. They dress themselves up as any old thing, but never that.

They are not actually 'happy' themselves.

This is where the hopes end. Don't you want to
go, where hopes end?

I'll tell you what 'happy' is. Do you want to know what I think about it?

Well I'll tell you but there are many who will not like this. Just look at that thing in the Gospels where it clearly says 'and then many turned away from him at that point.'

Truth comes in many kinds of disguises but then, it still is actually, the same thing after all.

And what that means is people don't want to hear it.

So I'm going to tell you the truth now, and many will not like this.

'Happy' is when those you are actually genuinely attracted to, like you. I mean, as in they like you as you are. Money is a self-defense mechanism, and one that doesn't work - except most people all think that it can work; it cannot work.

Well I mean there are plenty of people who are not going to like that, especially not hearing it from an arrogant * such as me - but there you are, though, and you can run around in circles as much as you want but there is no amount of money or 'success' as the world wants to define it, that will give you that result absent of the mystical power, as it were, of 'Vishnu.' Yeah maybe you can be 'on the job of finding wisdom' by spending money - so hey, let's have the money; that ain't the issue.

But still that is not ultimate 'happy.' Ultimate happy is when you get to go up to the Elysium space platform with all of your girlfriends too, alongside, and you all remain there for a long long long long... ...and so on.

The Rob Roy.
But in Welsh, the 'Rhi Ben.'
And the leader of damned souls
is called 'Coch Rhi Ben.'

And then, down below, in this pathetic human place, the disasters masquerading as intelligent, sapient beings, all mill around, doing what they always ever did. None of them actually liking any other one of them, but all nodding furiously about how they have... ...sci-ence to back their idiocy up.

You don't have science.

I have science. And why? Because I can so walk on water and you cannot and what's more never will you be able to.

'Who killed Cock Robin' is an ancient Welsh occult myth about a red leader of the damned souls.

But there are still, people right here who will want to argue with me about that.

Well, but to argue, you either need to have the shield and the buckler that can defeat the arrows that can be cast...

These things are not funny jokes at all. They seem funny to the misinformed.

Played this before, here, but still good, and, we are trying to 'steer clear' of the wrong stuff.

Monday 27 September 2021

No Elites In Our Dystopia

In ancient times, it really was the case that mathematics - well, more particularly geometry - was a cult thing. 

You could not be a member of the Pythagorean school in ancient times, unless you conformed to a whole litany of idiotic rulers and regulations of 'the order.'

Imagine you are a futuristic detective,
looking for clues.
'How to make a million bucks,' for example.

And even then, it took a set - and quite large - number of years before an initiate were introduced to the really core proofs.

A cult is a thing which - and Wikipedia for some reason, is no longer espousing these elements of definition - is a group of people who are devoted to some person, usually, but in addition to some ideas that person holds and promotes to the cult members; but there are different rules for the rank-and-file members as compared to any 'rules' that pertain to the leader, or leadership. 

To be brutally honest, I frankly think Wikipedia has eliminated that aspect about 'different rules' because it would simply make all politics and governments nothing but cults now - which of course, they are.

It is neither a stretch of the imagination to be able to see, nor is it an accident, that Kamala Harris dresses like 'Secretary Delacourt' out of the movie 'Elysium.'

Both in the case of the Pythagorean cult, as well as in the cult of modern politics, it is not that deep inside of either thing, there is not some tremendously important significant item, usually a structured idea of some kind.

The geometry of Pythagoras can do a lot of things, and the exercise of state power by criminal elites who sit atop and are in control is also able to do a lot of things - but still they are both cults.

Looking for clues, or coffee,
and it's raining.

There is nothing being said here in these pages that is in the nature of a cult. They can get you up in a piece of hardware, right out into the Oort Cloud Belt, if need be - that is, physically get you up there. If you are even slightly overweight it may actually feel better for you unless your peristaltic muscle system is not working as it should be doing, normally.

No doubt William Shatner will be under very careful medical supervision all the way from now until the date when it is scheduled to blast him off into space on the Blue Origin platform.

And, his body will be under constant monitoring during the rocket's launch and all the way as he goes into orbit and then returns back down to Earth.

The human body is meant to be optimally functional here on the planet, not in rockets at high G-force or in space at virtually zero gravity.

Just what the US Air Force imagined it was doing not disclosing from very early on, the incidents with UFO's (they were uniformly being called just 'UFO's' back then) in 1967 in Montana and a couple of other locations where there were nuclear missiles - I do not know (well, I do but they are silly reasons to do with the Cold War and not much else at all).

And although the media tends to suggest that it was a nuclear missile site engineer, technician and military commander-operator - Robert Salas - who went public about the incidents, in fact it was an internal military and government decision to cautiously 'reveal' the matter, subsequent to which Salas then confirmed that it had indeed happened.

What I'm saying here is that you can take it as read that UFO's are physical, material objects in which there are real living beings - and that might or could, include you.

There is no reason why it could not include you; at least not technically, nor for any other reason (would you be absolutely prevented).

There are some subtle - and they are very subtle - questions about safety but that's about it.

Okay let's take it the next logical step here...

Gives you ultra-health; makes you
young again.

You see, if and actually it is no longer an 'if' at all but a straight out fact of life - 'if' there are UAV's piloted by living beings, who are in touch with a handful of human or human-hybrid people here, then for a very long time now, those people have been going up in those craft and 'doing things.'

But what I'm saying now is - that could be you. There is no reason why not.

This is not a cult thing.

I mean hey, sure there will be those turning stuff into cult things but those are not the 'real thing/s.'

There are safety issues and there are dangers, but then, there are those things with driving a car down the road.

Twenty years from now we will have quite a lot of air-bikes flying around cities.

Fifty years from now there will be people living on platforms in space orbiting the planet. No question at all.

Seventy-five years from now they will be able to 'transit' your sense of yourself (your 'consciousness') into a machine brain. 

Now what that means is you are never going to die. According to that schema.

That is the trajectory of things right now.

They think they know, but they don't know.

I have never - here - said to anyone, well I simply won't open up the discussion with you because you are locked out of anything for some gratuitous reason. What I have said is that there are dangers both to the person individually and to those others around him/her if they get too deeply into this area.

Money and advanced technology meet 'head-to-head' though in a way, because it becomes clear no sooner than you have introduced anything spectacularly new, that there is much politics involved.

Technology that can fly around and quite clearly in a coordinated way disable nuclear missile launches, can just as easily extract gold from leaves or from seawater or from the ground. Where's the problem? There is no problem.

Arabic legends of Suleiman the Magnificent present him being brought liberal piles of gold and gems by the Djinn.

But he was explicitly denoted as 'Solomon the Wise' and not just 'the Magnificent' or 'the Great.'

We have a massive problem here on this planet and it is a problem which will not be solved by politicians at all -, nor by judges, nor doctors, scientists or anyone else.

The problem is like this - give you just one single 'magic'ed up' ounce of gold the one time and your brain will automatically shift gears to thinking 'how much, how many, how many people, how much personal power...'

Hunter in the snow...

It will never not even the one single solitary time, stop to think, 'hey but who?' 'Who is this that has been doing this all along, and for how long, and what are they like themselves and how do they think and what is it they think is the responsible, right thing to do?'

Ah but, my friends, in any case, you would not be 'the only animal in the woods' here.

Do you get that?

Do you get, that at some time, before anyone gave you a 'heads up' on this like this - there already has been history?

You think you 'might' throw your lot in with the 'future according to the present trajectory.'

And you may think that this trajectory is natural. It is simply something in accordance with the development, the evolution, of Mankind.

Pythagoras was not really running a cult. 

He knew something you don't even know that clearly today, right now today, 2021.

And has to do with the 'bit of machinery' shown in the movie 'Elysium.' The ones up next to the paragraphs above. You think these motifs are there in movies like this because - accident, right?

There is no one here on this planet that has this kind of technology. And they will never have it.

Not unless they steal it. And that isn't going to happen.

The soldier of counterpane.

Because THAT is the reason not everyone gets to go up in the UAV's.

Some of you people are really stupid. Hey, so am I, I'm not slinging off at 'you,' particularly.

Professor John Mack, were he alive here today right now, would be ninety-five.

And that makes some of the people I have posted very very recent pics of, um, seventy.

Got the picture yet?

Yeah go on. Keep on thinking 'no way...'

There's 'us' and there is 'them,' see.

And you have to be very very certain which side you want to be on now.

Sunday 26 September 2021

It Always Sounds Stupid

Till it isn't stupid...

I realize though, that this place is intended for only those with enough fire-power in their intellects to be able to handle the necessary sarcasm which hides a number of things.

If you have the requisite fire-power in your intellect, you will place your treasure where nothing can get at it. Where your treasure is, there shall your heart also be.

This is not 'liminal space.'

And, as for him who built his house on the shifting sands, the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.

Ominous words, my friends.

You know when David Icke says that Wernher von Braun's secretary said that von Brown said the shadow governments would manufacture a fake ET Alien invasion (as you can see, this is an authentic chain of narration) - just how does anyone imagine that 'invasion' would be so convincing that the public would all accept that the thing was a serious threat at all?

Well okay, at the moment, they are not having to mount this faked 'invasion,' because of the comparative results they are procuring via the pandemic - which you will grant, is real enough and many many people are dying. Just what exactly they are dying of is another question, but they are dying all the same.

But I guarantee you, there will never be a 'faked ET Alien invasion' without some serious and deadly activities by 'ET Aliens.'

Never really thunked of that, didya??

What? Did you imagine - 'Oh look Martha, little white flying lollies.' And that would be it?

And then everyone would simply just grant massive global martial law powers to some unique un-elected central authority in Brussels?

Why even now, people are installing apps on their smart phones with which to make contact with ET Aliens.

This is also not 'liminal space' although
they like to say that it is.

Tell you how long after we put out the narrative about some HK China spy people releasing the virus, before it 'actually happened' - or at least, the MSM picked it up and the globalists ran with what was already afoot.

Frank Plummer had just run away to Kenya where he was Gareth Williams'd a few months later in February 2020.

So it was a year and a half from when we first put the thing out.

The virus was already out there, but then, here's the thing, see. Everyone believes there is just one 'virus.' There is not, there are two completely different viruses.

Anyway, don't worry about that. It's not important.

What's important is that you factor in the high risks that Turkey will provocate and create a literal war between several proxies - and Saudi Arabia. And this is something going on in the background to what the globalists are seeking to do all by themselves on the incorrect assumption they are making that there are only two players on the field: themselves, and you.

There is not; there is - themselves (Shaytan #2), and Erdo-Khan (Shaytan #1).

Xi - is in with the 'Shaytan #2.' But him and them think they are 'Shaytan excluding all other shayateen.'

How you really drink cognac, is
you rest it sideways into a tea cup of
hot water, and twirl the glass around,
and then drop a spoonful of
also warmed honey into it.

See, 'you' - you are not a big thing in their equations. You, they already have you beat.

You are just 'cows' and/or 'sheep.'

And yes, the JOOOZ have been clinging onto these new chapters of the Quran that they found among the Dead Sea Scrolls which prove that Muhammad was a real prophet...

You didn't know?

Oh yes. You know the chapters called 'the Chapter of the Cow,' and 'the Chapter of the Camel,' and 'the Chapter of the Sword?'

Well there are these others they found proving Muhammad was a real prophet: they are called 'the Chapter of the Nano-Bots,' and 'the Chapter of the Chemical Laser Beam Cannon.'

I mean, miracle of miracles! How could anyone from the Dark Ages, have known of such things?! The only reason these chapters were not included in the past, was because people previously didn't know what the words meant, they did not know how to translate them - because they didn't have the words and concepts to make sense of what was written down there.

Yeah yeah oh yeah - 'Aleph Lam Mem;' stands for 'Alkool' (chemical), 'Lazrrrh' (laser), 'Meme' (which is the ancient high-class Arabic way for saying 'Beam'). But you have to be an authentic Arabic scholar to know this.

What - do you disbelieve??

This is real liminal space!

People believe mostly garbage, see. And when it comes to actual clearly verifiable reality - or even just plain testable hypotheses, they absolutely never go down that road to see what they know they will be uncomfortable with finding down the end there.

There are real ET Aliens, and they can sure as eggs kill you. As easily and as quickly as look at you.

And there are totally faked things too that miscreant actors do with a hidden hand, so to speak, but their motive is easy to read. They want power over you and they want rules for you which don't apply to them because they have 'special rules' for themselves.

This is the test you should apply to whatever you hear about 'some kinds of wild things happening:' if a very prominent political leader or cult personality gets killed by an 'ET Alien' well then, that did happen. But if only a low-life like you died, then it ain't true.

And shaytans do not sacrifice other shaytans. So they will not kill one of their own to make things appear oh so real. They will kill you.

And that will prove that it's fake.

And if you think this stuff is not going to happen well then, it is bound to sound extremely silly of course...

...Until it stops sounding silly at all. By which time it will be too late for thou.

Friday 24 September 2021

The Aliens' Gift Of Salt

This is a post that will be revisited in a variety of ways over many coming months. Unless the FBI closes us down, of course. But that would okay too, because they would have to come crawling with a whole bunch of bags of cash money.

But for now, for right now this minute, I shall simply draw attention to the 'anonymous' comment in the immediate prior article, regarding 'the vax.' ...Which is something I don't believe I have even hardly ever mentioned before.

Salt steam room.

Not sure why anyone would bother. It's not a big deal to me, frankly!

In fact, I think I am on record here as saying that we are well aware of a massive number of genuine cases of Covid deaths in South Africa. So I'm not personally a strong supporter of totally messing around with this pandemic as though it were not a real thing; it is a real thing 100%.

It's almost like there are people who are paranoid about all kinds of stoopid things.

No one is even going to read any of this stuff here.

But for the tiny rest of the world who does come here, and to other places like this one - here is something that will take your head, and shake it clean off your shoulders, and then re-fit it back on, just for the heck of it.

The Aliens' Gifts Of Salt

Believe me, it is well worth reading that and absorbing it - you don't have to understand it necessarily, just 'absorb' it so that when what happens on the world stage, does happen - as it will - you won't be left going 'WTH??!' 

If we didn't post this right away, then afterwards people would say, hey you knew, why didn't you say?

And beforehand - before anything 'happens' - like, right this second, people who read it will say: 'Aw this can't be right!'

Nic for Chopard. Quite angelic, really.
Not that I'm saying real angels are blonde or red-y-blonde
with white skin and who wear tiaras and stuff.
Tom? What do you think here?
Humans, they get old though, right. They don't stay 
young like this forever. Reminds me of the 'Malcolm
in the Middle' episode and Lois saying: 'If I were ninety years
old, suffering dementia, and sleeping 22 hours a day...'
Some of you will know what that means.

So -, our batting average right now, as all of you know is 1. 'Russian Propaganda Spy Story' (detailed the release in HK of the virus before anyone had ever even heard of it). 2. Q Disclosure - Rainbow Bombs (detailed the 'Havana Syndrome' technology before anyone had ever even heard of it).

Anyone want to bet against the third thing now?

You'll be putting up a million bucks, and I will give you a soggy wet bus ticket if you win within the next sixty days.

How about that, what's remaining of anyone in the FBI with a single working brain cell left?

...Although, you probably need two brain cells to fire together, right, before even one 'connection' can be made in there.

Hey and don't come knocking afterwards. Not this time, because, well, you know why not. ...Those of you who know why will really know why not. I mean not unless you're such a thrill-seeker you fancy the odds of infinity-times-death to nothing.

You might still score a 'money-back' result though - that would be where you are left in so much pain you'll want to die but you won't be dead.

Chopard 'happy snowflake' watch for ladies.

So, hey, go for it. Why not? What have you got to lose?

Is that a challenge from me? Sounds like.

I remember one of the favorite sayings of Paul J. Keating was: 'got the cross-hairs on you.' And then the other one: 'I'm gonna do you slowly..'


Well it won't exactly be me; I'm just a nobody with some access and some analytical capabilities - same as plenty of others have. Taxi drivers, Uber drivers -, FBI senior people too.

You (FBI guys) all know what's going on, what's afoot. And a foot is twelve inches and twelve inches is a ruler, and Queen Elizabeth is a ruler, and she rules Britannia and Britannia rules the seven seas, and the seas are full of fish which are running about and dogs run about after fire-engines and fire-engines are red, and Russia is red, and that, is why fire engines are red.

Yes I know, I should not be so jocular about things. Can't help it.

What do think, Karin? Nice interior design?
I like it. Totally my style...
Not really Chicago though, I know.

...If you are forced into the position of just being a consumer of propaganda from the MSM, or, similarly, the whole social ethos is one of being spoon-fed, at a certain point you are going to feel frustrated inside with no tools to fix the situation. Some of you older people will have the tools. But in all events, you cannot just sit around whining about the Fed pumping limitless free lives into Wall Street, or the Beijing CCP doing the same thing. You'll drive yourself crazy.

The key is - as Jesus said - what are you even going to do if Santa Claus brought you a million bucks? Spend it unwisely on your lusts.

Christmas time, the snow is falling - you'd buy a 'happy snowflake' watch but then, they are for girls, right?

No! They have 'em for men as well. LOL

See? This is power - this is the power of knowledge. You won't get this on 'Robb Report' these days.

You have to spend your million bucks wisely.

And... you have to be wise to be able to do anything, wisely.

You have to have a set of tools that you can use every day. 'Mind tools.'

Hey none of us are totally immune to foolishness. That's why we have to be vaxxed against foolishness.

Try reading what the link posted takes you to. Think about what you read there with your rational mind. And when you come up with a decent argument against what it says in there - come and tell us. 

But if you can't come up with one, well...

Thursday 23 September 2021

I'm Not Complaining

I know what's ahead.

It's fine by me.

There is absolutely no possibility at all, that what I already know is going to happen - will fail to happen.
See, most of you still don't get this...
But you will. Next article, I promise to explain.

The underlying issue is to do with what human psychology permitted the 'up wave.' What that was, was a social phenomenon - and I'm not going to canvas it here, except to say that it came about due to the exhaustion by success, of a generation of mostly males, post-WW II.

Earlier today, this morning in fact, I was watching the face of a young girl, sitting in the driver's seat of a new car, with her father in the passenger seat. They were in the driveway out, of a new car dealership.

The faces told amazing sociological stories. 

I was far too young, not anywhere near driving age - even though I could drive a car - when my father bought my eldest sister a sports car; it was effectively a street-legal racing car. I won't say which one, but it was the big thing at the time, the big 'pony car' fashion statement, but it was nonetheless very very fast.

We were all part of the 'buying experience' and it was just very cool for me to be driven to school by my sister in her incredibly amazing sports car every day!

I had so much 'stuff' from my parents there was never any question about envy or anything like that - that was a ridiculous idea. Besides my eldest sister is significantly older than me.

For me, there was a book to read while she was having to 'deal with the traffic!' LOL

...That's literally the way I saw it at the time.
The martial artists have a saying:
There are three mountains... One mountain is bigger
than the other. But they all still mountains.

And by no means are we talking about some weak kid here, with his nose in books only - at the time I was playing in the highest grade of Australian Rules Football alongside guys who later became the winners of the state's highest, and then the national highest, football awards. Literally at that level with a good deal of success. ...When I observed other teams go out with an express view of sending one particular slightly senior player to hospital so that the Eastern States' professional league scouts would miss seeing that player the two weeks ahead they would be there (supposedly incognito) - and he got concussed twice in a row - I realized it was time to step back from the racket.

Here is a good saying, and it does come from the Bible: 'what you ask for you don't receive because you want to spend it on your lusts.'

Well, we all have 'lusts' of one kind or another - the Bible equally says that 'Elias was a man subject to the same lusts as all of us, yet...'

It's the 'yet' you have to work on uncovering what that is all about in that famous text.

Tomorrow things will not be the same as today or as yesterday.
Next article... blow your mind.

You may think following the stock-market as it Crashes over the next seven months, is 'what it is all about.' But you cannot know that anyone will actually pay you, even if you did hold a spread of short positions that made 'liquidity.'

See what I'm really trying to say is the same people who gunned for this talented kid who was at the age where he could be picked up into a valuable contract - are the same people...

...that are not the politicians running your life; running those people's lives.

Politicians never have the *'s to actually personally go out and knock anyone out. They are snakes that attack from the rear - always.

The mistake they are making is believing something has changed since we all played football together.

Nothing has changed, it is going to a bloody mess and I will certainly not be 'picking up any pieces' for anyone afterwards. Nobody gave me that job and I have no moral compulsion thinking about doing it either.

If you're out there on the playing field, lying, dying, bleeding - well you are just going to bleed out and expire.
I love Dystopia. Learn to love Dystopia.
It is literally where all the fun is.
It is Paradise on Earth.

Oh I'll be at the riots all right. But not right in them.

I don't have a 'bug out bag' because I am not planning on, nor expecting to, run away anywhere.

I'm not 'fleeing' anything. This is what I came here for.

This is what my life is about.

I do carry around a First Aid kit though.

And I have done for a year at least. They are not expensive. Go get yourself one.

Be a good person. LOL

You know, some of you kids out there who I know read this place sometimes - and otherwise spend your days and nights glued to 'Cyberpunk 2077' - why don't you live the reality of dystopia; since you think you know what it's all about.

Look if you really knew your way around 'Dystopia' like you all think you do, boy you could make a bundle of money right now.

Dystopia is not 'tomorrow,' mate. It's right here now, today.

(My friend Cristina wrote this and sang this. I forgot to include her in the people to thank. Because she was not there. But still I should have included her name in that list. Apologies):