Till it isn't stupid...
I realize though, that this place is intended for only those with enough fire-power in their intellects to be able to handle the necessary sarcasm which hides a number of things.
If you have the requisite fire-power in your intellect, you will place your treasure where nothing can get at it. Where your treasure is, there shall your heart also be.
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This is not 'liminal space.' Hehehehehe. |
And, as for him who built his house on the shifting sands, the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.
Ominous words, my friends.
You know when David Icke says that Wernher von Braun's secretary said that von Brown said the shadow governments would manufacture a fake ET Alien invasion (as you can see, this is an authentic chain of narration) - just how does anyone imagine that 'invasion' would be so convincing that the public would all accept that the thing was a serious threat at all?
Well okay, at the moment, they are not having to mount this faked 'invasion,' because of the comparative results they are procuring via the pandemic - which you will grant, is real enough and many many people are dying. Just what exactly they are dying of is another question, but they are dying all the same.
But I guarantee you, there will never be a 'faked ET Alien invasion' without some serious and deadly activities by 'ET Aliens.'
Never really thunked of that, didya??
What? Did you imagine - 'Oh look Martha, little white flying lollies.' And that would be it?
And then everyone would simply just grant massive global martial law powers to some unique un-elected central authority in Brussels?
Why even now, people are installing apps on their smart phones with which to make contact with ET Aliens.
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This is also not 'liminal space' although they like to say that it is. |
Tell you how long after we put out the narrative about some HK China spy people releasing the virus, before it 'actually happened' - or at least, the MSM picked it up and the globalists ran with what was already afoot.
Frank Plummer had just run away to Kenya where he was Gareth Williams'd a few months later in February 2020.
So it was a year and a half from when we first put the thing out.
The virus was already out there, but then, here's the thing, see. Everyone believes there is just one 'virus.' There is not, there are two completely different viruses.
Anyway, don't worry about that. It's not important.
What's important is that you factor in the high risks that Turkey will provocate and create a literal war between several proxies - and Saudi Arabia. And this is something going on in the background to what the globalists are seeking to do all by themselves on the incorrect assumption they are making that there are only two players on the field: themselves, and you.
There is not; there is - themselves (Shaytan #2), and Erdo-Khan (Shaytan #1).
Xi - is in with the 'Shaytan #2.' But him and them think they are 'Shaytan excluding all other shayateen.'
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How you really drink cognac, is you rest it sideways into a tea cup of hot water, and twirl the glass around, and then drop a spoonful of also warmed honey into it. |
See, 'you' - you are not a big thing in their equations. You, they already have you beat.
You are just 'cows' and/or 'sheep.'
And yes, the JOOOZ have been clinging onto these new chapters of the Quran that they found among the Dead Sea Scrolls which prove that Muhammad was a real prophet...
You didn't know?
Oh yes. You know the chapters called 'the Chapter of the Cow,' and 'the Chapter of the Camel,' and 'the Chapter of the Sword?'
Well there are these others they found proving Muhammad was a real prophet: they are called 'the Chapter of the Nano-Bots,' and 'the Chapter of the Chemical Laser Beam Cannon.'
I mean, miracle of miracles! How could anyone from the Dark Ages, have known of such things?! The only reason these chapters were not included in the past, was because people previously didn't know what the words meant, they did not know how to translate them - because they didn't have the words and concepts to make sense of what was written down there.
Yeah yeah oh yeah - 'Aleph Lam Mem;' stands for 'Alkool' (chemical), 'Lazrrrh' (laser), 'Meme' (which is the ancient high-class Arabic way for saying 'Beam'). But you have to be an authentic Arabic scholar to know this.
What - do you disbelieve??
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This is real liminal space! |
People believe mostly garbage, see. And when it comes to actual clearly verifiable reality - or even just plain testable hypotheses, they absolutely never go down that road to see what they know they will be uncomfortable with finding down the end there.
There are real ET Aliens, and they can sure as eggs kill you. As easily and as quickly as look at you.
And there are totally faked things too that miscreant actors do with a hidden hand, so to speak, but their motive is easy to read. They want power over you and they want rules for you which don't apply to them because they have 'special rules' for themselves.
This is the test you should apply to whatever you hear about 'some kinds of wild things happening:' if a very prominent political leader or cult personality gets killed by an 'ET Alien' well then, that did happen. But if only a low-life like you died, then it ain't true.
And shaytans do not sacrifice other shaytans. So they will not kill one of their own to make things appear oh so real. They will kill you.
And that will prove that it's fake.
And if you think this stuff is not going to happen well then, it is bound to sound extremely silly of course...
...Until it stops sounding silly at all. By which time it will be too late for thou.
It's already a loss of live for both Shaytan teams. Sheeps and Cows are alive.
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