In ancient times, it really was the case that mathematics - well, more particularly geometry - was a cult thing.
You could not be a member of the Pythagorean school in ancient times, unless you conformed to a whole litany of idiotic rulers and regulations of 'the order.'
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Imagine you are a futuristic detective, looking for clues. 'How to make a million bucks,' for example. |
And even then, it took a set - and quite large - number of years before an initiate were introduced to the really core proofs.
A cult is a thing which - and Wikipedia for some reason, is no longer espousing these elements of definition - is a group of people who are devoted to some person, usually, but in addition to some ideas that person holds and promotes to the cult members; but there are different rules for the rank-and-file members as compared to any 'rules' that pertain to the leader, or leadership.
To be brutally honest, I frankly think Wikipedia has eliminated that aspect about 'different rules' because it would simply make all politics and governments nothing but cults now - which of course, they are.
It is neither a stretch of the imagination to be able to see, nor is it an accident, that Kamala Harris dresses like 'Secretary Delacourt' out of the movie 'Elysium.'
Both in the case of the Pythagorean cult, as well as in the cult of modern politics, it is not that deep inside of either thing, there is not some tremendously important significant item, usually a structured idea of some kind.
The geometry of Pythagoras can do a lot of things, and the exercise of state power by criminal elites who sit atop and are in control is also able to do a lot of things - but still they are both cults.
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Looking for clues, or coffee, and it's raining. |
There is nothing being said here in these pages that is in the nature of a cult. They can get you up in a piece of hardware, right out into the Oort Cloud Belt, if need be - that is, physically get you up there. If you are even slightly overweight it may actually feel better for you unless your peristaltic muscle system is not working as it should be doing, normally.
No doubt William Shatner will be under very careful medical supervision all the way from now until the date when it is scheduled to blast him off into space on the Blue Origin platform.
And, his body will be under constant monitoring during the rocket's launch and all the way as he goes into orbit and then returns back down to Earth.
The human body is meant to be optimally functional here on the planet, not in rockets at high G-force or in space at virtually zero gravity.
Just what the US Air Force imagined it was doing not disclosing from very early on, the incidents with UFO's (they were uniformly being called just 'UFO's' back then) in 1967 in Montana and a couple of other locations where there were nuclear missiles - I do not know (well, I do but they are silly reasons to do with the Cold War and not much else at all).
And although the media tends to suggest that it was a nuclear missile site engineer, technician and military commander-operator - Robert Salas - who went public about the incidents, in fact it was an internal military and government decision to cautiously 'reveal' the matter, subsequent to which Salas then confirmed that it had indeed happened.
What I'm saying here is that you can take it as read that UFO's are physical, material objects in which there are real living beings - and that might or could, include you.
There is no reason why it could not include you; at least not technically, nor for any other reason (would you be absolutely prevented).
There are some subtle - and they are very subtle - questions about safety but that's about it.
Okay let's take it the next logical step here...
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Gives you ultra-health; makes you young again. |
You see, if and actually it is no longer an 'if' at all but a straight out fact of life - 'if' there are UAV's piloted by living beings, who are in touch with a handful of human or human-hybrid people here, then for a very long time now, those people have been going up in those craft and 'doing things.'
But what I'm saying now is - that could be you. There is no reason why not.
This is not a cult thing.
I mean hey, sure there will be those turning stuff into cult things but those are not the 'real thing/s.'
There are safety issues and there are dangers, but then, there are those things with driving a car down the road.
Twenty years from now we will have quite a lot of air-bikes flying around cities.
Fifty years from now there will be people living on platforms in space orbiting the planet. No question at all.
Seventy-five years from now they will be able to 'transit' your sense of yourself (your 'consciousness') into a machine brain.
Now what that means is you are never going to die. According to that schema.
That is the trajectory of things right now.
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They think they know, but they don't know. |
I have never - here - said to anyone, well I simply won't open up the discussion with you because you are locked out of anything for some gratuitous reason. What I have said is that there are dangers both to the person individually and to those others around him/her if they get too deeply into this area.
Money and advanced technology meet 'head-to-head' though in a way, because it becomes clear no sooner than you have introduced anything spectacularly new, that there is much politics involved.
Technology that can fly around and quite clearly in a coordinated way disable nuclear missile launches, can just as easily extract gold from leaves or from seawater or from the ground. Where's the problem? There is no problem.
Arabic legends of Suleiman the Magnificent present him being brought liberal piles of gold and gems by the Djinn.
But he was explicitly denoted as 'Solomon the Wise' and not just 'the Magnificent' or 'the Great.'
We have a massive problem here on this planet and it is a problem which will not be solved by politicians at all -, nor by judges, nor doctors, scientists or anyone else.
The problem is like this - give you just one single 'magic'ed up' ounce of gold the one time and your brain will automatically shift gears to thinking 'how much, how many, how many people, how much personal power...'
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Hunter in the snow... |
It will never not even the one single solitary time, stop to think, 'hey but who?' 'Who is this that has been doing this all along, and for how long, and what are they like themselves and how do they think and what is it they think is the responsible, right thing to do?'
Ah but, my friends, in any case, you would not be 'the only animal in the woods' here.
Do you get that?
Do you get, that at some time, before anyone gave you a 'heads up' on this like this - there already has been history?
You think you 'might' throw your lot in with the 'future according to the present trajectory.'
And you may think that this trajectory is natural. It is simply something in accordance with the development, the evolution, of Mankind.
Pythagoras was not really running a cult.
He knew something you don't even know that clearly today, right now today, 2021.
And has to do with the 'bit of machinery' shown in the movie 'Elysium.' The ones up next to the paragraphs above. You think these motifs are there in movies like this because - accident, right?
There is no one here on this planet that has this kind of technology. And they will never have it.
Not unless they steal it. And that isn't going to happen.
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The soldier of counterpane. |
Because THAT is the reason not everyone gets to go up in the UAV's.
Some of you people are really stupid. Hey, so am I, I'm not slinging off at 'you,' particularly.
Professor John Mack, were he alive here today right now, would be ninety-five.
And that makes some of the people I have posted very very recent pics of, um, seventy.
Got the picture yet?
Yeah go on. Keep on thinking 'no way...'
There's 'us' and there is 'them,' see.
And you have to be very very certain which side you want to be on now.
Was there ever a mythic figure as compelling as Capt. James Tiberius Kirk? Achilles, and Hector, and all of their company could scarcely match him in his heroic qualities.
ReplyDeleteYet, his demise was mundane in ST: Generations.
There is now an opportunity for Mr. Shatner to redeem him.
But I suppose it would depend on whether our Overlords even take an interest in these things.
Hope that bloody thing is safe!!
ReplyDeleteI've seen Shatner at several sci-fi conventions over the past few years, and he is very curious about what happens when one exits. I just hope his curiosity isn't satisfied before he can experience "First Contact."