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Wednesday 18 August 2021

Magical Spells From Ferdowzi

At the present time there are more and more and ever more things about which we cannot speak just now.

Yet, my desire and wish has always been, to impart to you some small lamp with which you may feed the darkness of the night from its light, and through which your feet will find safe steps in which to walk.

With this clearly in view, I shall now explain to you some secrets of the Persian poet, Ferdowzi.

The Sacred Scribe, the Praise-worthy
One. Ferdowzi.

I heap praise upon his name! For he is praise-worthy indeed. He is ever-living and cannot see the corruption of this world - for at first he descended from the world above, and to thence has he returned, possibly... ...forever more.

Hear now, the words of Qasem Ferdowzi Tusi ('Ferdowzi' is a name that means 'he that has come from Paradise'):

'From suffering man becomes free. The drop of rain, because of going through the confinement of a shell, becomes a pearl.

'If your wealth has not remained, your head remains in its place. Once the cup becomes empty, it will become fully again.'

See you now, a great door before you. Behind which all the treasures of the world are laid, upon the cold ground, ready to be picked up, by whomsoever is fortunate enough to know and to understand the way of the opening, of those great and austere doors, which are guarded by a mighty Captain of Ifreet.

It is related, by Mustafa the son of the third cousin of Mirza Shah Akbar, the student of Ali Abbas Khan the Magnificent - a true and strong narration, upheld by many learned scholars - the following:

...that one day, Ferdowzi was in his bath, when a great king conveyed to him a thousand coins as his promised reward for the making of a grand poem filled with magical spells; yet the king deceived upon his own word, and substituted silver coins for those gold ones that he had promised, where upon learning this, from his servant of the bath, he bestowed the whole entire lot of those thousand silver coins to the servant, and merely laughed, himself, remaining in his bath to enjoy its warm waters.

For such are the great joys and treasures of the place from which Ferdowzi has come, and that is his home, that he regards the treasures of this world but a trifling thing, even greatly to be despised.

But to you, oh listener, dim the lights that are in your inner rooms, and harken now to these mysterious spell-words of Ferdowzi, and learn them well, as you peer into the flame of your solitary oil lamp to make out whether it is an imp in there only, or mayhaps, it is the claw of the Saena imr'ul qais! The eagle of the Mighty King of Heaven!

For where the body is, there the eagles gather...

Say these words then, and await the creaking open of the mighty iron gates of the treasuries of the unseen world.

Ifa-ta-ya! Sim Sim!

Sameena watana!

Say, say these words. Read! Read! Read!

Fifty whole bucks, apparently!

For no sooner than that the light of thine own Earthly lamp fails thee in thine inner room, but that the light of the Barzakh opens unto thee...

Seek you minstrels of heavenly abodes?

Desire thee maidens covered in Turkish silk and adorned with jewels, whose arms are like scented amber, and whose limbs are warm and luxuriant?

Crave ye the delights of such otherworldly company, whose merest whispers into your ear provoke the racing of thine heart?

For who can composed even one verse like unto these?!

My friends, see you Truth but only the one time, and you cannot come back from there.


Tuesday 17 August 2021

Qasim Nanautavi

(This is going to be a long one, sorry).

Taliban are Deobandis. 

Oh dear. So what is that... A Greek word?


'Theo - band.' ...Or, if you go to the Persian, to the 'Shahnameh' of Ferdowsi, it is about some 'hero' who bound ('band' in Farsi) the 'dewa' (IE demon) and used it (the demon) for his own purposes... Which is maybe not what the Deobandis want to say that they are doing, except it's what I would say they are, and then, if I said that to 'the team' I would get thrown out of there. Which I don't want to be... You know, because after all - science. And there's no 'Djinn.'

Armchair quarter-backing right here,
about the Taliban.

Oh no brothers! Alhumdulillah! Everything is Arabic! God is Arabic! 

Actually, alhumdulillah, I'm glad you asked. We have received council approval and we are building a masjid here in Manhattan and we just need you to donate another 3 million dollars. That is all we need...

'Masjid' - place of prostration.

So did Jesus 'pray?'

Show me the word 'prayer' in the Bible. As applied to what Jesus ever did.  

He never 'prayed.' He threw a tantrum once though, which has been mistranslated, misquoted and taken out of context (I am using the standard phraseology that you will always hear from Muslim apologists)

He... threw... a... pros-euchomai. Tantrum.

He 'really desired,' something, and -, threw a tantrum about it.

Anyway, back to the Deobandis.

That's how you can tell a real cognac, dude.

Mualana Muhammad Qasim Nanautavi, formed what is today called 'the Taliban.' Taliban does not mean 'students;' it means guys with tulip-colored bands on their heads.

Nanautavi (1832 - 1880) comes from the standard (I want to use a swear-word here but I shall not), er, sophist school of people, basically same as those who brought ancient Athens to total ruination and what you have in Washington today. They'll sell your mother as long as it lines their own pockets. They cannot sell their own mothers - not really, anyway - because they sold those all off a long time ago already. 

Using the skills that are the stock-in-trade of all sophists, he, Nanautavi, went on public debate/fights with British and Indian and all kinds of 'thinkers.' Hindus, atheists, other Muslims, everyone...

If you go to Wikipedia - which is basically a propaganda platform and tool of whoever has the money and the energy to go and manipulate the thing - you will find the following (let us read, and laugh together):

On 8 May 1876, Muhammad Nanautavi came to a 'Fair of God Consciousness' held on the estates of a prominent Indian 'Zamindar' (wealthy land-owner), where he stated the position of Islam, and where a priest explained the Trinity in a strange manner (I'm just using the exact wording in Wiki here), saying that in a line is found three attributes (even this word is heavily Islamically-biased because it is a word straight out of hadith language and not any Western philosophical text)...

Anyway, back to the 'three attributes:' length, breadth, and depth. (And Wiki goes on then...) ...the said Maulawi Sahib confuted it promptly.

Whereupon thousands of Muslims raised a huge cry and the whole thing descended into a scene of violence and bloodshed.

You know, with the swish 'bug out' kit,
I want the hot girl who cleans the car,
you know, the one that goes with the kit, right?

And that pretty much, began what then became the 'Rebellion of 1857' characterized as the 'Indian' Rebellion, which was not 'Indian' at all - which was in fact the Muslim Rebellion, and then the Battle of Shamli and general war and all of this, 'civil' and every other kind you can think of -, and which has basically not ever stopped since.

The Taliban never stopped 'fighting' and they fought with everyone, included themselves as you will recall when the Lion of Kandahar (there's actually dozens of these in history) Ahmad Shah Massoud fought Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and a whole bunch of others (so-called 'war-lords' whereas in fact they are better termed 'war-idiots') too, while apparently fighting the Russians as they departed anyway...

So, that's what that's all about.

And if you can understand what it is all about, well you're a lot smarter than me.

Now I'm really really struggling to get to you who come here very foolishly, I suppose, and read all of this -, well it must be absolute worthless nonsense... ...but hey, maybe not though, because I have to tell you, that going on the 'analytics' we are actually getting way more views and reads than all of the CNN vids on Youtube over several months together!


I'm so stupid though, I cannot manage to 'monetize' for you yet. 

Shame. If only I knew really, how that all worked. Maybe I need some geniuses like the Taliban and someone like Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanutavi to teach me - you know, 'success.'

Or maybe Joe Biden, maybe. He's amazing. He's a success even though he's the biggest lunatic failure you've ever seen in your life.

Guys like me are just livin'
in the past, see.

Oh. I'm so grateful and looking forward to this new world coming, where such lunacy will be rewarded when the super advanced ET Aliens, right, will give Joe and Kamala and whoever else nails their colors to that flag, that Black Flag of Khorasan twisted up with the red flag of Beijing - 'shared agency.'

Okay seriously, I just almost choked laughing.

Here we are, trying to gather a few things together to help a few disabled kids and their parents and carers, and mess about with very stoopid but fun 'ideas and propositions' about little blue/gray skinned (The Shauaniya, as the Navaho call them) not-Earth people coming here in their fancy little glowing thing-ys, for what reason (they are doing that) I'm sure I cannot say.

I mean seriously, do you think, for instance, if, instead of the Taliban leader, we had the same or even anywhere near the same 'platform' do you seriously think I could not 'evidence' an Alien or several including their 'flying-around' things?

If I couldn't do that, I would have to shut up. People would say - and they would be entitled to say it: 'you're a jerk. Shut up and go away.'

What we would like to do,
is have some to sell, and one for 
everyone who has sent money. That's 
the plan.

And I'd have to do that.

Okay okay, but let's take a step back a little.

What if, what if, we managed still, yet in all, to actually pull a few things together and help a few really sorry families and kids and stuff.

Well then, do you think, under those circumstances, I could not 'evidence' any of those things just for you?

See, at this point I don't have to throw a tantrum, and anyway; not you and not me - we are not 'Jesus.' And no one is planning to 'crucify us' just yet - as far as I know.

So hey, maybe just sneakily, I could organize something, just for thee.

'For in those days, as in the days of Elijah, know you not that there were many widows who besought the help of God, but at that time as now, only one of them did Elijah go to, and give the lamp to her alone, which never ran out.'

Got to keep things a bit quiet, though.

Which is why I thoroughly recommend a really good set of over-the-ear headphones for this. So that other unsuspecting people around you are not going to hear it. You're just never going to 'get it' anyway unless you have that. And even then, it will take two, three, maybe even more hearings to follow the flow...

Monday 16 August 2021

Many Different Worlds

In another place that cannot be named, I am having a discussion with some 'learned scholars' -  and there, I was endeavoring to explain, that the 'Barzakh' idea, coming from the 'Golden Islamic Age' book by Ibn 'Arabi whose title I will talk about presently (one of our earliest 'limited ten series' Digital Dirham NFT's is named after him, Ibn al 'Arabi) - involves a literal physical place, which is part-way between this material world, and another world.

The (occult) explanations that people have today in the standard Islamic narrative world, come from their reading of the word and its occurrence in the text 'al-Futuhat al-Makkiya' (The Meccan Illuminations).

Quite pretty, you have to say...

The problem is, though, that this text, like so many others that have been through the hands of various Islamic re-printers, has been completely messed around with.

The original book was never called 'al-Futuhat al-Makkiya,' but 'al-Barzakh al-Futuhat,' which has a completely different sense of intended meaning...

'Barzakh' is an intermediate place, literally a piece of land between two waters - this is where part of the name for 'Bahrain' comes from.

So, here, in this place where you are reading, we go by my idea...! LOL

There are many different 'places' in this world, upon this planet Earth.

There is no commensurable connection at all, between the people who are 'at the top,' for instance, in Afghanistan, and let's say - you.

You are not going to 'fly away' any time very soon with your vehicles loaded to the gills with cash money. In any case, even if you had all that cash money, where would you go that would be all that  completely different to where you already are right now?

There would be 'people' in both places - here where you already are there are 'people,' and 'over there' there are still 'people.'

If you want to go some place special, you want to go to the 'Barzakh.' Or, to put it more accurately, into the Barzakh. The 'Barzakh' is -, that place 'viewed' for us by old Stanley K., the movie master.

A famous 'restoration' of an old Cartier tank watch.
Worth an amazing fortune now.

There is such a place, and it is a place of retirement from the insanity of the exterior human world, though not yet actual 'heaven above' (in fact it exists right here on this Earth), but where its sojourners are inducted there in a process, into serious learning, that cannot really be attained out in the external human world.

The people in the Barzakh al-Futuhat (The Illuminated Place, or 'the place of opening to the Illumination') wear 'masks' in the sense that you cannot really tell who they actually are. It isn't that they specifically are 'wearing masks' as such, of course.

The people of the Barzakh are not dead, and they never will be dead, for they are not 'of the doomed and the damned...'

Now it's not as though I was speaking only with Muslim scholars about this, because in fact, in this particular group there are dyed-in-the-wool Kentucky Christians(!), and complete atheists and academics. 

But I will tell you this much - in every single case (and we had cameras on them when we were not physically present), when they were discussing the text among themselves, every single imaginable 'rationalization' and 'justifying' of a prior held belief was given by each person. Nobody changed their view or their mind because of anything new that they had heard, and what they were given was new to them.

This is a so-called 'tonneau' style, not a
'tank' style.

The subject of women and sex arose in the whole thing, and one lady, actually went back to the thing about Timothy in the Bible saying that 'women should be silent' in the ceremonial area (I mean, she actually said 'in the church' and that is categorically not what it says in the text but -, doesn't matter)...

...Her 'justification,' cleverly, was that 'back in those days' the women stayed outside, and they used to shout into the place, where the men were, and all that Timothy was trying to say was for them not to do that.


Yeah all right. Whatever.

After a while we came back in and I said, well okay we'll take a few of you to the 'Barzakh' and everyone thought 'oh he's pulling our legs like he always does to make some weird outlier point again.'

You cannot change human beings' pre-existing commitments to ignorance, bad ideas, utter foolish nonsense that comes from other stupid human beings.

And you think I'm being outlandishly foolish myself or exorbitantly arrogant, right? But you are not Stanley Kubrick. And for you, you may be imagining that he just came up with ideas because he is 'creative.'

And there is absolutely no way that such a position that you currently hold, is ever go to change inside your head unless you witnessed, as reality, any such a thing that Kubrick (in this very well-known, obvious example) was depicting in fiction, well - as more or less, fiction; except nobody does believe it was fiction. What they all do is turn the thing around, into a 'conspiracy narrative' about the Illuminati or the Reptilians or the Rothschilds or whomever else.

But then, one also has to keep in mind what I said - if we go by what my view is - not even the people inside the Barzakh 'know everything.' They are still learning.

No, correction - they are the only ones who are learning. 

Hey, watch your step, right?

You start learning and you enter the Barzakh yourself!

Saturday 14 August 2021

The Austere Teachings

I remember back in the Eighties, when times were different, let's face it -, but still though, the underlying structures and dynamic forces of financial and economic success were exactly the same ones then as they are now...

I remember that the worst thing that entrepreneurs did back then (others did it too, though less obviously), was to let early 'success' go to their heads.

Aaaah. Night out in the Hampton's
for the rich kids. Literally is a private
music festival in the Hampton's with a
celebrity DJ.

There were a few older people around me back then and they forced that insight onto me - and so, neither shall we permit that kind of thinking now. Since we ourselves have all become the older heads. Am I right?

So I'm really trying to find rather stupid things to post here as 'accompanying pics!'

...Nothing that will inflame foolish desires to do rash things. Well I mean we can do 'rash things' but just not too soon. Because then that would be foolish and rash.

Remember, when you look even at the iconic screen 'dumb blonde' - Marilyn Monroe - she was not actually dumb, was an avid reader and very intelligent in reality. Her personal friends included the top leading writers and intellectuals of the day - Sidney Skolsky, for instance. Sidney basically 'discovered' Marilyn and sent her to Howard Hughes for the necessary backing of 'substance' as well as the cinema and studio 'know-how.'

Skolsky recognized that Monroe had some super important 'key' ingredients. These were really, the vital ones, and they were not her 'vital statistics.'

Simple 'dress watch.'

And so, although we might act 'dumb' but still we shall not be rash.

There's no denying, is there, that it's easy to spend half the night ensconced in your brand new Lamborghini, feeling quite cossetted in there, while at the same time let's say -, you 'have no friends.' But -, you totally feel very happy. And I've been there. It's almost a better kind of 'happy' too! 'They' don't want to know you, but, er, they are not the ones with the swish car!

So it's really a complicated thing, 'moralizing' about money, or success, or 'how to get on with people... One is ever in danger of sheer hypocrisy.

It resolves like this: '...who listened to sweet sounds and gazed upon fair colors, but would not tolerate the existence of absolute beauty.'

The crucial thing there is the 'would not tolerate.' I mean how come 'they' would not even tolerate?

So you have to ask yourself, what is it about the proposition itself, that certain people, well it is in fact almost all people (you will find), absolutely reject and detest (no, hate is the right word)... Certainly it is the 'something absolute' - but also it is the thing which you have, or may have, or might have, and that they will never have since they deny its very existence in the first place.

Very simple soup - 
consomme with fino sherry. The
sherry is in the soup, as well
as in the glass.

You see the matter is not 'if,' or 'whether' there is such a thing as 'absolute anything;' it is that people start out denying it anyway before that are even in a legitimate position to adjudge. ...Even before they have experienced sufficient of life and of ideas, to be able to say with any real thorough background that such a thing is possible because they are able to assess from degrees of variations that they have seen and from many examples of them.

There are people too who, having arrived at 'a certain age' will readily let you know oh that for sure but they have had plenty of experience, probably more than you too (this is a kind of fundamental intended insult of course).

They will never permit you to call them intolerant and closed-minded, because after all, they are merely asking for 'proof and evidence' from you or from the Universe - and is that really so much to ask?

Well, but look - the Universe is a whole damn lot more intolerant and closed-minded than you or I and especially 'them.' In terms of the standard ways people think.

The 'austere teaching' is - you do what the Universe tells you to do, not the other way around. You can 'imagine' all you like about the 'Law of Attraction' but trust me it ain't happening.

One of the 'austere' teachings is: 'we don't break the rules,' That is, the real rules.

We are poor, and we are stoopid, and we have nothing to show anyone, and nothing to teach anyone. Because we know nothing and everyone else always knows better, let's certainly agree on that.

Simple simple buttons...
...and cuff-links.

We are not ensconced in our furs or our Lamborghini - and we are miserable because the world is a terrible place on the whole. And we still have few friends.

Okay we have some friends... And they're not all miserable like us.

You know, funny thing - those friends will be friends, um, absolutely, and outside of time itself.

I know some of you don't believe in God. Find the 'God of Friendship' though, and you will find God.

Friday 13 August 2021

Breathing Underwater/Hybrids

Well if you are above water, or so you think, it can be just as impossible to draw oxygen into your lungs...

The fact is, everyone actually is underwater now.

The US Navy one time actually had deep divers and even space pilots go into these programs that adjusted how their bodies were used to achieving good levels of oxygen into their bloodstreams. They even conducted 'temporary' gill emplacement surgery experiments in some subjects.

Bruichladdich - 'Black Art' 26 year old,
single malt. ...Is mentioned somewhere
interesting, we cannot talk about just yet.

Depending on external pressure conditions, these people demonstrated seriously viable capabilities of actually breathing water, and even absorbing oxygen through the skin. The thing is not an unknown phenomenon at all in the animal kingdom anyway.

Still, we are talking about highly fit and healthy and very strong individuals of an extraordinary athletic type, and in the peak of physical condition.

Hopefully, you yourself do not need to know about, or to train for, actually leaping into some ocean any time soon and trying to breathe the water in there!

There are relatively very few places on the planet now, where the water is all that naturally good for you without some additional processing anyway.

Actually there are so many physiological parameters involved in enabling such 'out there' human capabilities. Temperature, 'softness' of the water, pressure, heart rate, heart rate stability. There are highly complicated and multi-area 'windows' outside of which the real genuine physiological effect cannot be enabled successfully.

Mostly, the conditions on the planet are very amenable for the inhabiting by organic, and especially human (plus humanoid) life here.

Kristina Sky. Top DJ. Works the Egypt 
scene with Roger Shah.

Even so, there are so many more conditional windows, that super advanced beings need to be in place, for them to survive, or perhaps to put it more accurately, to feel at home sufficiently enough to stay here long enough to carry out what their plans are.

...Now this is all on the extremely 'out there' hypothesis, that there really are such beings here, and that they are here for some particular reason.

Nevertheless, you can always apply the 'backwards focus' analysis techniques; which are, namely, to consider how to 'de-code' from exactly known and already evident facts.

For example, if you are able to observe threshold changes to any system, in terms of what would otherwise be that system's 'stasis' conditions - then you can say by back-analysis, that something has interrupted the previously existing conditions. And then you can seek to 'de-code' what those interdicting events or matters were, and you can even reason out what the inevitable conclusions are.   

On the one hand, you might suppose that human patterns of behavior are so broad (across all of the cultures over the whole planet), that there is no way to tell that any particular thing is 'outside of' what could be said to fit into how humans behave.

And there are no peculiar physical 'effects' that happen with human beings that can readily be detected, which could be tested for, that would clearly show something so highly different or unusual, as to definitely mean that here was something that human physiology does not or cannot do.

I mean no one's skin lights up and/or glows in the dark at all, never mind for exact specific reasons!

Supplies coming down,
hidden in the Perseids.
But you don't believe me, do you?

However, if there are such people whose skin really does do that, you would expect them to hang around together and display that kind of characteristic where it is safe for them to do it.

This video clip down below will not be liked by some people, due to this idea around the place that certain kinds of dance routines are 'demonic'' because they are reminiscent of the 'heka' magic system of the ancient Egyptians.

But I am going to run it anyway. Additionally, face masking has been a thing in the EDM dance fraternity since long long before the current situation. 

People often ask, well who are these hybrids? What do they look like? Ah don't worry about that. Seen one you've seen them all.