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Wednesday 13 January 2021

Number One

The Larch.

The... ...LARCH.

Wood from larch trees is distinguished from wood from other conifers by being on the one hand a soft wood but waterproof and durable. Siberian Larch is also a very dense wood as well as strong.

Although a soft wood, larch wood is also quite heavy. Thus, considering its rare combination of soft to work, but dense, heavy, waterproof, strong, and durable - wood from the larch is unique.

It is also very high in calorific density and therefore makes one of the best fire-woods available and one of the few soft woods genuinely useful for this purpose.

The Larch.

A mighty fine tree providing a mighty fine timber.

Siberian Larch forest in Spring

Siberian Larch forests would seem quite pleasant to walk through in the Spring, it would appear, from photographs.

I have not, myself, been through any Siberian Larch forests, either in Spring or at any other time of the year - although I have, unfortunately, been through a Russian Birch forest on the apron of Winter and that was rivaled only by many stiff and rapid walks through St James's Square in London in the middle of Winter and many a night's walk down an Austrian Alpine road from a nightclub where I was playing in a duo - along with another young fellow from Khancoban, New South Wales (which is in the Snowy Valley, as you would know).

I must say, interestingly, I always found St. James's Square by far the most bitterly cold place, as the winds pierce somehow right through even multiple layers of clothing and there are little to no windbreaks presented by any of the trees there, which are spread far apart. Indeed, why it should even be called 'St. James's' anything I'll never know, since the statue there is of William III.

It is of course, in, the district of St. James, but the park originally belonged to Henry Jermyn, the Earl of Albans, and not really King James at all.

In fact, St James's Park was never ever originally known as that at all, but rather, it was Pall Mall field.

Siberian Larch forest in Winter

St. James's Square is sparsely lined with Plane trees, which like the Maple, are completely leafless in Winter, making the bitter winds all the more unimpeded through the park.

The English Plane tree is of course though, not a Maple, but a Sycamore.

...So. No Larch trees though, at all - in St. James's Square.

The Larch

The Larch is a tall, coniferous, type of pine tree - growing to almost fifty metres in height. Most conifers are evergreens however the larch is deciduous, dropping its needles in the autumn.

Cedar trees - the cedrus (which is often termed the 'true cedar') - are evergreens.

Larch branch

Larch trees are grown mainly for timber and they have few other uses at all, even though they are usefully waterproof without treatment. All the same, they are not recommended as building materials in free standing walls close to wet ground because they are susceptible to rising damp and all of the attendant problems associated with that.

There are numerous trees called 'cedars' but these range across several different species - although all of them have aromatic wood. Cedars contain a lot of inflammable oils in their needles and bark and are consequently regarded as a fire hazard in summer. 

The Eastern Red Cedar, is really a species of juniper native to eastern North America.

Certain kinds of Chinese cedar are highly favored in China for coffin manufacture, and consequently they have almost been over-exploited out of existence.

Eastern Red Cedar

Real Chinese cedar coffins these days are highly-prized, luxury items much sought after by wealthy Chinese.

Korean chests, are also made from cedar wood. 

Camphor wood is also from an evergreen tree, but this is actually a type of Laurel tree, not pine.

Monday 11 January 2021

The Surge

I guess for me and my 'friends...' LOL

...well -, they encourage me to think this way, okay. Hell I don't think like this on my own. Because, I usually read academic journals and all that good stuff they (mostly) all do down at Richmond or Boston Tech Supplies or wherever you 'Lacan-ites' and Roland Barthes devotees all congregate these days, behind your screens and whatnot. I kind of, well parallel you, Kitty.

Anyway, for my friends and me, we think that too many people are in love with technology. This is really the main reason that y'all want to meet and greet with the ET Aliens - basically to grab their technology and to kill people with it once you get it, who are against your 'ideas' and 'philosophies.'

In the dark, in a fog, ten miles off...

And that is also partly why you're not going to get anything but much more interestingly, you are not going to get any 'major scale demonstration,' either... far as you know.

You see, what happens after you see it anyway? As one person recently admitted himself, 'there is always going to be someone who will game the thing.' Immediately people will all suddenly 'behave themselves' and like the snakes they all are, their real intentions will be beneath the surface - hidden to absolutely no one with half the intelligence of any of my friends, but covered over nonetheless.

So that is not going to happen.

I'll tell you what is going to happen though.

Of course, groups like today's huge 'soup plate' CIA are very misunderstood not only in the broader public's mind, but in fact, within large chunks of the organization itself.

'La Cantarella...' ...not what you think.

It was the gay Oscar Wilde who really first insulted someone by referring to his intellect as akin to a soup dish - it was not Irving Stone, whom Wikipedia credits for saying the same kind of thing.

Today's CIA is full of gay people. John Brennan is gay.

So here - if you're really all that smart, here is what is about to go down. It won't happen all at once, and in fact, it will just seem like sequences of phenomena. And sequences of phenomena, are, not necessarily anything about 'cause and effect,' right? They're just happenstance. Mind you if I named names, some people reading and monitoring would rush around like chickens with their heads cut off!

Not to worry.

What film is this scene from?


That'll help you if you know.

Still in all, I doubt whether too many even at the 'thinner air' parts of anywhere you know, serious, will be able to piece together enough of the puzzle to comprehend that the surge is on.

The day any of you morons scratching your gay academic heads out there, feel it inside your guts when you are listening to a stone killer, will be the day I... ...oh boy, I could drop a phrase right now but I'm not going to.

It's all about the day after, not about the day that you think you achieved some pathetic little 'victory.' And the day after that and the day after that.

This is the End Game, not just the Big Game.

What do you reckon? Which giant falls first...?

Sunday 10 January 2021

Gays For Christ



I could take a very cheap shot and just say that Ferdinand de Saussure and Roland Barthes were gay Freemasons...

And I will do that, take the cheap shot and say it.

Saussure, 1857 - 1913, and Barthes 1915 - 1980 were easily more influential than Goebbels in procuring for the world of academia and politics, this basic strategy of political semiotics and 'scientific' propaganda in which, as Goebbels supposedly said: 'the truth is the greatest enemy of the state.'

That Freemason literally worships the Devil, this we know from all of the 'ex-Freemasons' who tell us so - but what is the particular evil of gays?

God killed them at Sodom & Gomorrah, right?

Does not God approve of pink Lamborghinis?

Well, actually - no. 

The destruction of Babylon and later, Sodom & Gomorrah, were for the same reason:

"The inclination of their hearts was only evil continually." It doesn't say anything about people's sexual proclivities being the actual reason for the 'wrath of Jehovah.'

I'll be even more blunt - it wasn't even Jehovah that actually carried it out; it was a couple of 'beautiful-looking' strangers with pepper spray or something that 'sent the men at Lot's door blind.'

When people say 'agency' it should be remembered that the two beings in the Biblical narrative, were intending to spend the night out in the public square. And the final decision to destroy the place must have been left up to them - since, let's say, in the wildest of all possibilities, they had have been treated so decently 'in the public square overnight,' that they may have had to restrain themselves from such fun with the photon torpedoes or whatever they might have had.

The ordinary human people, though are not anywhere near as decisively cautious and careful in who we obliterate - we slaughtered at least a quarter of a million people in 1945 at Hiroshima and Nagasaki and realistically, it was a lot more than what we are proud to admit in Wikipedia.

You cannot in honesty say that a gay person like Elton John 'does evil continually!' He preserves and curates very important art works, he sings and composes amazing music, he is a very hard-working stage performer, he gives a lot to charities quietly, and isn't known for 'raping good-looking young strangers wishing to spend overnight down in the town square unguarded.'

How about really wild fuchsia then?

So it isn't a logical proposition to hurl being 'gay' at Roland Barthes or Ferdinand de Saussure as any kind of 'sin.'

The Cratylus doesn't do the things that Saussure's written lectures all do - the Cratylus simply presents three main hypotheses and lays them out without actually dictating which of them is the only one that is true or real about the history of human speech; whereas Saussure dictates very assertively, particular things off of sweeping presumptions about race and the way people said things without the slightest bit of proof and evidence for any of it. We do not have recordings of how primitive man made sounds, nor do we have any such thing for any later time either, up until the modern times of Marconi.

Saussure is grossly racist.

And he is a major sophist.

Superficially you might say he is a product of the blooming of the post-Enlightenment era, but I choose to pursue the occultic path as far as Saussure goes: he is a Babylonian demonic personality. If this kind of talk was good enough for Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley I don't see why you shouldn't allow it for me...

As you will recall, Babylon's eventual fate, was to be confounded by a prodigious incapacity of speech...

But what that really means is not that they were not able to make sounds, or for those sounds not to be intelligible, but that their 'magical occult' ability to employ semiotics and perverted meanings of words... ...was destroyed.

I mean sure, one can always choose to rather get back up onto a bicycle with a broken wheel because that is what one is used to over a long time and have adapted one's life and lifestyle so to do. Instead of using a brand new shiny bicycle that you have never seen before...  

Today's media and all of modern academia have the magical ability to lie and get away with it and be believed.

Right now there are no 'two beautiful strangers out at night in the town square' and certainly no photon torpedoes issuing forth with flames of supernal fire, either.

Anosmia - real anosmia - is the inability to sense what Serge Lutens is saying.

You know, the average Muslim, or at least, the standard Islamic narrative (which 'has holes in it' by the way, in case you haven't heard the scholarly ruling of Sheikh Yasir Qadhi last year) believes that the angel Jibreel (Gabriel) does all of this mass destruction and retribution and slaughtering stuff; but that is nowhere suggested in the Torah or the Bible. Gabriel is just a deliverer of messages from 'on high.'

New Age Christianity, or progressive Christianity, is uniform in its agreement that God is a God of Love only, and that all followers of those ideologies must not ever indulge angry sentiments and only be forgiving at all times and not seek destruction and all of this other action-packed drama.

Of course, this type of Christianity also accepts that gays and so on are not specifically condemned by God. The overall idea is that somehow, by just focusing on 'nice stuff' all the time and forgiving everyone always, you can attain 'apotheosis,' I guess.

But this disallows God from owning any amount of the dark, in which case, 'God' is not really 'God' at all, but a limited form of supernatural thing.

'Evil' is not the dark, not darkness.

'Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot...'

'Whose hearts inclined to do only evil continually,' is when people simply must just get up onto that 'bike with the broken wheel' at every turn and at a cost even to their own self-honesty.

Evil is assiduous intent to create a lack of clarity in others' minds that you want to take advantage of.

I came across some views that claim to have researched it, and conclude that only 7% of the history of Mankind covers times of peace, and that the rest of the time Mankind is at war.

Well maybe Man was created in the image and likeness of God but this is evidently a mirror image: God is only 7% destructive.

But He is destructive.

How's your sense of smell these days? First time, these beautiful strangers messed with people's vision...

'Lot - bar the door behind thee.'

Saturday 9 January 2021

New Exercises In Crawling

Here is an exercise for which I will provide the answer by the end here - but, you should 'Google Search' it first before consulting the answer below (which in any case I might simply provide in the comments section later):

From where, does the phrase 'a horse by any other name' come?

Google Search, please.

Most casual observers regularly say, when it comes to ET's - where are the official sources claiming they exist?

Walt Disney and Wernher von Braun

Try the following - 

Jack Parsons - problematic, but still (Jet Propulsion Labs CALTECH - aka NASA)

Russell Targ (the world's historically leading primary researcher into lasers and masers)

Dr David Hawkins (the Manhattan Project)

Christopher Mellon (DIA)

Michael Collins (NASA astronaut)

Edwin Aldrin (NASA astronaut)

...really, you can go on for pages, and categorize those listings into those who say they know for certain, and those scientists who say they believe on account of the statistical probability and so on.

What you will very soon encounter, however, when you look into any or all of these people, is that they spend just as much time and energy talking about 'god' and 'religious beliefs' and meditation and 'mind matters,' you might say - as they do actual hard metal shiny disc-shaped objects with little green people inside them.

And I'm going to tell you why that is.

Early August 1945, the United States government, led by President Harry S. Truman, dropped the nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Hiroshima bomb was dropped August 6, and the Nagasaki bomb on August 9.


Beforehand, all of the chief scientists, chief technicians and chief engineers began compiling a letter to Truman, indicating that they were not in favor of dropping the bomb on civilian populated areas first, but recommended a detonation high overhead as a warning.

Edward Teller, the man most responsible of all for the successful manufacture and functioning of the nuclear weapon, refrained from adding his name to the letter, having been encouraged by J. Robert Oppenheimer to leave the decision in the hands of the better-informed political leaders in Washington...

Afterwards, Teller said his decision not to sign was a mistake.

Dr David Hawkins' role in the Manhattan Project, was as a highest level communications liaison officer between all of the scientists, many of whom were notoriously difficult to relate to when it came to 'normal' other people, and exhibited some irascibility even at the best of times anyway. Hawkins was a mathematician of some regard among the top-line serious professional mathematicians but his main game was psychology.

Later on, Dr David Hawkins owned one of the most successful and lucrative commercial psychology practices coast-to-coast in the United States, and that was even after he went into virtual retirement from that to concentrate on 'meditation.'

Much later on still, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, there were a set of incidents, which dovetailed into vague concerns that had been being voiced by a number of high-placed scientists and some military people as well, that they had been contacted by ET Aliens and told outright that there were to be exactly no future actual using of any nuclear weapons whatsoever and that if it were ever attempted again, there would be the most dire consequences - literally carried out by ET's against whoever was trying to use nuclear weapons.

Veda Naga

The series of incidents, consisted of warnings that nuclear secured facilities would lose all electrical power, even from the localized backup sources, at a specific time - and that is what eventuated. It is from that that sprung quiet inquiries as to how real such warnings were and whether or not they really had come from Extraterrestrial (IE Alien Intelligent Being) sources.

The moral dimension regarding the uses of nuclear weapons was already a driving force behind the widespread interest that so many of those who had worked on the Manhattan Project, as well as other top secret mainly weapons research programs - had begun to show in things like Eastern moral philosophy and Buddhism and all things 'Good versus Evil/God versus 'not God.'

Dr David Hawkins has interesting available work out there, which goes into this subject of 'I versus other I,' but his work also shows a lot of his own pre-commitment to Buddhist philosophy and ideology, really.

Dr Steven Greer, prominent ufologist.

Dr Steven Greer, who is not specifically from an actual CIA or military project or program (although he also has had some 'near-to-fully-official' involvement in related official research, at least, since his projects at moments received CIA and Military funding), has a very strong interest also, in meditation and the moral dimension of ET Alien encountering.

Now, here's my point - if you are unable to find out where the statement I outlined in the first paragraph above came from, and let's submit that neither will the whole entire information resources of the CIA itself either be able to say, and the whole panoply of US academia, then - what is the point of any of you pretending you are even close at all to being able to engage with ET Aliens because you are smart enough to?

You are not, smart enough to. Yet.

So, what's the answer? (And why is it important, of course...).