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Tuesday 13 October 2020

We've Been Here Before, Folks...

I seriously had this (pic below) on my computer, right here on the desktop (page) for the last several weeks, and I ended up not posting it, because I figured god if I had, then people would ask me for money!

Besides, just for right now, it's better 'that you don't know.' Don't know everything, at least.

But 'we've been here before' - kind of. We've talked about Capote and Breakfast @.

We've done that.

We've talked about Jan Ludvik Hoch... Too...

Who? I hear you say.

Guys there's so much - so much that you don't know, that your government has never told you. It's not all simple stuff, either.

In some ways I feel sorry for Ghislaine - she was born into the shadow Nazi network. She knows how it all operates, but she never started it. It's difficult to blame her, exactly, when no one would have the gall to point fingers at, um, Harold Wilson, or Edward Heath. Yeah there's wild rumors. So what? There are tons of 'indie' journalists who carry on and on about 'pedophile networks' and lost kids and so on but they are also a lot more dishonest than you know. So my suggestion is don't put anyone up on a pedestal who you think is some kind of hero for truth and justice... They might claim to be 'Amazing' and they may even repeat stuff like parrots too...

The broad media consists of tricksters, or people laying traps.

And then there's the odd handful of honest people too. There's those.

More than a whole day has gone by and not one single media talking head anywhere on the planet has pulled out the comments Judge Amy Coney Barrett launched at the media and the world of the geniuses who hold themselves above you and who all want to tell you how to think.

Coney Barrett is a Roman Catholic and there she was, bright as a button, butter wouldn't melt, high-pitched little girl-wife's voice: 'Breakfast at Tiffany.'

She said.

I heard her.

You did too.

This is one super-dooper really smart person.
It scares me there are all of Hope and Kellyanne, and
now, this one! All in the same country, at the same time.

...Just as an aside, was a book written by Capote for his relative Marilyn Monroe. W-a-a-a-?

You heard me.

I was going to deal in this article about the question Rob raised about whether I could or should re-post what was deleted just a bit earlier. And I was going to at minimum fence around it as close as possible. Next time, next time.

Coney Barrett's words have forced me to get this up ASAP.

There is no 'Q' right now otherwise the Tiffany's pic would have gone up a week ago already. There's no plot, there's no scheme, there's no 'counter-'anything. Things are on-track and it is unlikely there is going to an upset unless y'all get complacent and stay in bed all day when you should go out at least the one time to the ballot box.

But after that, ah well, well, well now.

This is a time for Gore Vidal and Truman Capote to both wake up from their graves and get over here quick smart.


Saturday 10 October 2020

Empty Places, Empty Spaces

I really want to just post things that take readers away from the wasteful, repetitive, superfluous and emotionally-taxing present atmosphere of the combined public media worldwide. But in order to do that, it is necessary to explain to those who are feeling quite unsettled by what they see all around, that there really is a way to get out of that quicksand.

One of the problems with attempting to penetrate the morass of too-much-information and locate 'solutions' is that this is an immensely difficult thing to do because the human race has a set of specific and typical, flaws in how they behave...

Lake Baikal

Humans have this unfortunate habit of pulling hard towards 'group-think' as a mistaken expression of a social imperative, and so you are going to encounter 'common popular' views and perspectives, which end up becoming taken for actual legitimate hard 'truth,' whereas these are just parroted narratives that may or might not, be true at all.

I could, take your mind by visual cues, to some faraway place where there are not large masses of people - and from that theoretically 'empty/clear' place, introduce some highly unexpected and new ideas, useful for re-populating the brain space with almost magical functions. This I would do if I were arrogant enough to suppose I even had such things to give!

But let me go back to the thing I had at first said - there is 'group-think' and it is to be found everywhere, from physics and science, to religion and social-political theory.

I would like to take a well-known saying that comes from the Bible, and it is appropriate to our times -, and it is this one: 'No marvel, for Satan disguises himself as an angel of light...' It's from 2 Corinthians 11:14.

Now... Now...

Does this mean Satan looks like something made up of light? As in, literally an 'angel' who looks bright and shiny?

All the translations say this.

All the modern preachers teach it like so, too.

Baikal in 'daylight.'

And this means that if you saw something, something made of light, a 'Being of Light' let's say - even like those ET aliens on 'Close Encounters,' who were able to alter the 'color' of their bodies, of their skins, and could glow or shine glaringly from some internal source - this could be, something Satanic... ...if you go by the meaning in the translations and what preachers say.

But I tell you this is impossible. Light is a certain monolithic (in a sense) specific thing - all light is made up of the same 'substance' or quantum energetic components. 

What the Bible actually intends in the passage in question, is able to be seen by simply looking at the immediate prior sentence, upon which the opening words of the key sentence are predicated: 'for such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ.'

It doesn't say 'such people are made up from fake flesh and blood...' IE, 'masquerading' as flesh and blood.

A mind fundamentally antithetical to your well-being, but that describes to you they are going to 'enlighten you' or lead you to some kind of illumination, is a false messenger (Aggelos/angelos) of light. It CANnot 'disguise' itself as actual light and thereby trick you.

Things are not disguised by light, they are illuminated by light.

Now the reason I am saying this to you is in case you ever find yourself in any situation in which you literally 'see' (I mean this in the literal sense) a light, or lights in some context that is other-than-the-normal. This will not be a sign for you to get scared about anything, rather, quite the reverse.

And I'm not talking about any kind of aerial phenomena that will, you know, shoot across the skies and make everyone's head spin. No no no - not at all!

I mean, well, just you, alone... Let's say, like in one of those chapters of that 'Q Disclosure' book we linked to a while back, you went to some 'hanging silk cocoon swing meditation' rooms, and during the course of some kind of 'process' you started to 'see things.' Not as in hallucinate, but actually see.

Or maybe you are driving down some back road, late at night...

...I just deleted a couple of paragraphs that went right in here previously, because I figured, hmn, on second thoughts, this is too much like 'strong drink!' LOL

Right now, all you need to do is to calm down, and relax - everything is under control.

What you need is clear pure water. The heavy stuff - do you really need that? Even if you do, a bit of water first is not going to go astray.

Monday 5 October 2020


It's more than a little amazing that someone like Pierre-Simon Laplace ever even existed at all, much less that he lived in the mid-18th to the early 19th Century, well before all of our modern instrumentation that allows us so much greater insight into physics.

In fact, without Laplace, doubtless we should not at all have physics knowledge, particularly quantum physics, as far advanced as it now is on the planet.

When considering what is going on with this 'Disclosure Project' of NASA's, but hmn, no, let's say, more, what's going on with the ET Aliens themselves... ...we are required to look at certain material facts about dynamical systems, such as our own sentience as human beings, is (one of those).

Laplace is responsible for the idea that the material Universe is 'deterministic' by the regular (rules/physics laws-based) nature of matter and energy. There have been augmentations to this original 'Laplace model' of things - firstly that there is also the presence either of an underlying 'chaos' or that chaos is at least present as one 'principle' that contends with all other principles; and secondly, that we now have a proposition that 'measurement updates' alter both the forward as well the backward-looking conclusions (the CERN basis of research). So, let's just say here, that I am not a theoretical physicist and I have the most meager perception of all of this - but, we know things are 'complex,' they are not straightforward in the sense that there are only a small number of things going on in terms of matter and energy, once those relationships are looked at in the entire dynamic Universe as we can see it.

Bringing this back down to a practical example - if you bought a brand new Ferrari SF90 Stradale tomorrow, mostly likely the dealership would not let you drive the thing out of the show-rooms until you had completed a few laps on a track being trained exactly how to handle the machine!

Even were you to purchase the very latest Corvette, which is only available as a fool-proof automatic transmission vehicle, the same thing applies - the power, the instrumentation, all the technical systems, regardless that the cockpit has the most ergonomic design of anything around right now, demands a high degree of skill and training to be able to fully and safely manage the power involved.

If you happen to be an F-35 pilot, then you will know that your helmet alone, costs around $500,000 and integrates the most data-rich technology hardware and software resources within the fitment itself, and is fed by an array of external active electronics that is simply mind-boggling - the funny little 'horns' on both sides of the helmet around where your temples are, are 'sensor fusion' features.

Any civilian air-traffic controller knows that around a major hub the radar will give you a massive number of signals of things flying around the boxes, in and out, round and round, at varying altitudes - an untrained person will see only a swarm of points; virtual chaos.

...One of the readings taken continuously of F-35 pilots, is the current G-Forces experienced, and the physiological responses and reactions to those.

Advanced, truly advanced sentient beings from elsewhere, were they to enter our planet, or even station themselves off somewhere in the Lagrange points away from satellite traffic, are still going to be very mindful of what is going on down here, and they will have machines constantly monitoring an amazing amount of data, and these streams not only being channeled through 'data fusion' systems all the time, will also be subjected time-to-time to decisions about why various algorithms are being selected to manage the data fusion involved.

Some of the categories of data 
involved with the F-35 helmet 'sensor fusion'
and data fusion capabilities.

And if and/or when, actual piloted craft enter our atmosphere, they will have beings inside them that are able to withstand simply enormous G-Forces, and read the data fusion streams intelligibly at all force and EMF conditions, and transmit sensor fusion information back to some centralized control.

Your body, as it is right now, may not necessarily be capable of sitting in one of these things and going anywhere too very fast!

Your body and your mind together is 'a Ferrari' that is unimaginably advanced, my friend.


Friday 2 October 2020

Why We Stay Here

Now I am going to relay to you exact words that I personally heard, which were then translated to English from let's just say, 'a foreign language...' And they are these with no explanation: '...waste of time.'

This place, where we all live, consists of a very large number of people, each one of whom is suffering from an incurable terminal physical condition...

...that condition is called 'life.' And it means death. Every moment that you live, your physical being is flowing away, dying. It does not return.

How much joy you can get personally - again, moment-to-moment - out of this place depends on many things, one of which is the positive balancing of good emotional instigators compared with those instigators of bad feelings. The latter is pure toxic lethal evil; it literally has no reason to even exist in an absolute sense. It isn't something that is necessitated because it is 'part of the whole.' It isn't, as Stephen Fry charged, some invention of a monstrous 'God;' it is though, a necessary part of total Universal material cause-and-effect - we, created bone cancer in children, we did it through our lifestyles and our chemicals and metals and electrical fields.

Very ancient traditional concepts about these things depict Cosmic poisonous snakes -, in the case of Krishna, biting him and turning his body blue up to his neck, in the case of Shiva, he is already materially dead, so the snakes are powerless over him and coil around his neck and shoulders, in the case of Athena, she holds the snake covertly behind her shield (not a lot of people know that! lol ...but it is recorded in the mythology). 

For those women among us here who read these articles and posts - it is substantially easier for you to make contact with advanced ET alien beings; but understandably, what one sees in the records of the past, reflects the standard of the technology and technical understanding of the day - we have digital formats now with very high resolution images possible, and considerably advanced technical knowledge of mechanism, of machines, and actual scientific processes. There are detailed technical descriptions of how to 'make contact' but these are not generally available to males in the cultures in which such records exist, in the Indian and Chinese and Japanese literature these matters are categorically designated 'secret' teachings and are conveyed in so-called 'Twilight language.'


'Sky-goers' (Sanskrit - 'Dakini') are on the whole female, with only a very rare number of males allowed to do that. Why, I don't know why.

Sure we want, oftentimes, to have something material and physical take our side and do something for us. But we need to first comprehend which things we seek that are, truly, just a waste of time, and which things are valid, or important for our emotional benefit and sense of well-being. Powerful, super-intelligent beings are about 'life,' and they don't waste a lot of time about death, or on eminently dying things.

It might be the case, as suggested in the Gospels, that you might be 'regenerated' or literally 'restored' as a physical human being just the same as you were when you were running the anchor leg of your college athletics team... ...somewhere along the line in the future.

I will guarantee you though, from what I know (and I do know a few things pretty accurately), that it will never ever happen if what is inside you is just a 'waste of time.'

So don't ask for special material events to redress the perception of injustice... ...real justice has already happened.

Of course if you want something to help your own unbelief, well that's a different matter. All things are possible in that direction.

I myself am looking forward, ahead to somewhere between the 21st November and the 13th December when I shall be attending local performances of 'The Nutcracker.'  



Thursday 1 October 2020

Q Goes Into Seclusion

No doubt you will have noticed the relative absence of any truly 'hot' Q cryptic releases of anything at all, really, recently.

Senator Lindsey Graham US senior senator from South Carolina, in his recent questioning of James Comey, made it quite clear that 'people must be held accountable, people must go to jail...'

It's all starting to get a little hot in the kitchen, believe me, even for career Mafia front man James Comey.

The Blue Gin cocktail lounge, Monaco.
Bit intimidating for women, those too slim statues!

People are very much aware that even if a US President (Commander-In-Chief) gets too far up into the faces of those usually faceless men who are the major parasites in any great Empire since the Dawn of Human History of Civilized Mankind, he can get shot and killed by those who have completely penetrated right inside all of the key institutions, and the Deep State creatures will cover every trail back to the main criminals.

This does not mean to say that in the modern world today, ethical people are unaware of the problems, and totally incapable of doing anything. But what they know is that you have to be exceedingly careful and arrange some 'strategic timing.' And then, even after some kind of major exposure and interdiction of serious top-level treachery and criminality, it will be absolutely necessary to tighten up on internal processes and procedures and maybe 'make some law' too - for this latter of which, you will need clear-cut public understanding of the moral necessities entailed. Otherwise, the mainstream media, which is owned by very malevolent interests quite opposed to the concepts of open democracy, will turn the morality on its head in front of the public's eyes, and twist things to make it appear that what is being done is 'bad,' instead of vitally necessary and good.

Where Judge Arbuthnot buys her
shoes and handbags. Nice. 

This statement that we have all heard quite a lot over recent months and years - 'but the vast majority of the rank-and-file serving men and women...' Yes, funny how the (members of the) 'rank-and-file' somehow never get to ascend like shooting stars to those great heights like 'top lawman' Comey; and I could name half a dozen others all over the place whom I know personally (I don't know James Comey personally), but frankly, some of those, despite the fact they are literally from prominent Mafia families, are not altogether bad souls at that. Well, they went to Harvard and wherever else, and never spent a day in the back alleys themselves - that was their fathers and their uncles.

I have been holding off for months saying anything that could be construed as talking about an assassination before it happened. But I have consistently said that if you saw some ducks suddenly disappearing beneath the water without much warning...

Oftentimes in a trade or business negotiation, such as for example, the Julian Assange situation, it is possible to come to an arrangement of mutual satisfaction and benefit. But the complication with Assange is that the public does not actually know who is really on trial and who is being held for ransom. The public assumes it is the US government that is holding out to have him extradited to face some kind of prosecution - and that is the surface reading of it certainly.

The public assumes the loudest voices in support of Julian Assange and his release are certainly not those behind the scenes of power in the US, least of all, the rank-and-file and now, also senior levels of various arms of Intel in the American government.

But the practical reality, friends, is that Mr Julian Assange is not before any Congressional Inquiry, and he has not been before any court in the United States other than a virtually ex parte hearing held in Richmond, Virginia. The practical reality is the United Kingdom establishment is holding Julian Assange today on the pretext of an extradition hearing.

Here's a clue for you to consider... ...a person, who is wanted in the United States for various hearings and inquiries, is Prince Andrew and see if you can get him 'extradited' (impossible, of course) to the United States. Julian Assange is a hostage all right, but not the way you might suppose.

A circle is closing in, but not on Julian Assange, whose life and safety currently depends on the caution as well as relative silence with which 'certain people' proceed now.

When you see the ducks all disappearing, know and understand whose hand is beneath the dark waters.

One of the younger faces there, 'John Smith,' is our friend -
Yenal Gunay.
The others obviously include Erdogan and Prince Andrew.

Things are nothing like what the public thinks they are. 

You know, just a silly aside, and quite gratuitously, if officers at the FBI and elsewhere sought insurance against the inevitable heat once the law-breaking was found out, would it have ever crossed the minds of any of them to stick a knife - metaphorically speaking of course - into the backs of people like James Comey and John Brennan, and their co-conspirators across the pond involved very closely and deeply with MI6, even in the so-called judiciary there, or any of their running dogs and lackeys in Australia. Not a question, you will note.

When the Armenians whack Erdogan, the hurt will be felt all the way into the heart of the City of London(-istan).

Sometimes, we cannot say things openly until after something happens, so as not to place a particular person in the way of greater harm and danger than they already are - but it is not as if people are not aware. Which means, the pay-back is going to be a bitch.

This is real life, it is a material world, in that we live physically, materially, right here, in the middle sometimes, of really quite impressive evil.

Who knows, what the eventual outcomes will all be?


The Lord never spoke to me last night so not me. But I did speak to him though, and I said, 'let loose the dogs of war, if not the Bull of Heaven since that already got slaughtered that one time way back...'