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Saturday 10 October 2020

Empty Places, Empty Spaces

I really want to just post things that take readers away from the wasteful, repetitive, superfluous and emotionally-taxing present atmosphere of the combined public media worldwide. But in order to do that, it is necessary to explain to those who are feeling quite unsettled by what they see all around, that there really is a way to get out of that quicksand.

One of the problems with attempting to penetrate the morass of too-much-information and locate 'solutions' is that this is an immensely difficult thing to do because the human race has a set of specific and typical, flaws in how they behave...

Lake Baikal

Humans have this unfortunate habit of pulling hard towards 'group-think' as a mistaken expression of a social imperative, and so you are going to encounter 'common popular' views and perspectives, which end up becoming taken for actual legitimate hard 'truth,' whereas these are just parroted narratives that may or might not, be true at all.

I could, take your mind by visual cues, to some faraway place where there are not large masses of people - and from that theoretically 'empty/clear' place, introduce some highly unexpected and new ideas, useful for re-populating the brain space with almost magical functions. This I would do if I were arrogant enough to suppose I even had such things to give!

But let me go back to the thing I had at first said - there is 'group-think' and it is to be found everywhere, from physics and science, to religion and social-political theory.

I would like to take a well-known saying that comes from the Bible, and it is appropriate to our times -, and it is this one: 'No marvel, for Satan disguises himself as an angel of light...' It's from 2 Corinthians 11:14.

Now... Now...

Does this mean Satan looks like something made up of light? As in, literally an 'angel' who looks bright and shiny?

All the translations say this.

All the modern preachers teach it like so, too.

Baikal in 'daylight.'

And this means that if you saw something, something made of light, a 'Being of Light' let's say - even like those ET aliens on 'Close Encounters,' who were able to alter the 'color' of their bodies, of their skins, and could glow or shine glaringly from some internal source - this could be, something Satanic... ...if you go by the meaning in the translations and what preachers say.

But I tell you this is impossible. Light is a certain monolithic (in a sense) specific thing - all light is made up of the same 'substance' or quantum energetic components. 

What the Bible actually intends in the passage in question, is able to be seen by simply looking at the immediate prior sentence, upon which the opening words of the key sentence are predicated: 'for such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ.'

It doesn't say 'such people are made up from fake flesh and blood...' IE, 'masquerading' as flesh and blood.

A mind fundamentally antithetical to your well-being, but that describes to you they are going to 'enlighten you' or lead you to some kind of illumination, is a false messenger (Aggelos/angelos) of light. It CANnot 'disguise' itself as actual light and thereby trick you.

Things are not disguised by light, they are illuminated by light.

Now the reason I am saying this to you is in case you ever find yourself in any situation in which you literally 'see' (I mean this in the literal sense) a light, or lights in some context that is other-than-the-normal. This will not be a sign for you to get scared about anything, rather, quite the reverse.

And I'm not talking about any kind of aerial phenomena that will, you know, shoot across the skies and make everyone's head spin. No no no - not at all!

I mean, well, just you, alone... Let's say, like in one of those chapters of that 'Q Disclosure' book we linked to a while back, you went to some 'hanging silk cocoon swing meditation' rooms, and during the course of some kind of 'process' you started to 'see things.' Not as in hallucinate, but actually see.

Or maybe you are driving down some back road, late at night...

...I just deleted a couple of paragraphs that went right in here previously, because I figured, hmn, on second thoughts, this is too much like 'strong drink!' LOL

Right now, all you need to do is to calm down, and relax - everything is under control.

What you need is clear pure water. The heavy stuff - do you really need that? Even if you do, a bit of water first is not going to go astray.

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