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Tuesday 13 October 2020

We've Been Here Before, Folks...

I seriously had this (pic below) on my computer, right here on the desktop (page) for the last several weeks, and I ended up not posting it, because I figured god if I had, then people would ask me for money!

Besides, just for right now, it's better 'that you don't know.' Don't know everything, at least.

But 'we've been here before' - kind of. We've talked about Capote and Breakfast @.

We've done that.

We've talked about Jan Ludvik Hoch... Too...

Who? I hear you say.

Guys there's so much - so much that you don't know, that your government has never told you. It's not all simple stuff, either.

In some ways I feel sorry for Ghislaine - she was born into the shadow Nazi network. She knows how it all operates, but she never started it. It's difficult to blame her, exactly, when no one would have the gall to point fingers at, um, Harold Wilson, or Edward Heath. Yeah there's wild rumors. So what? There are tons of 'indie' journalists who carry on and on about 'pedophile networks' and lost kids and so on but they are also a lot more dishonest than you know. So my suggestion is don't put anyone up on a pedestal who you think is some kind of hero for truth and justice... They might claim to be 'Amazing' and they may even repeat stuff like parrots too...

The broad media consists of tricksters, or people laying traps.

And then there's the odd handful of honest people too. There's those.

More than a whole day has gone by and not one single media talking head anywhere on the planet has pulled out the comments Judge Amy Coney Barrett launched at the media and the world of the geniuses who hold themselves above you and who all want to tell you how to think.

Coney Barrett is a Roman Catholic and there she was, bright as a button, butter wouldn't melt, high-pitched little girl-wife's voice: 'Breakfast at Tiffany.'

She said.

I heard her.

You did too.

This is one super-dooper really smart person.
It scares me there are all of Hope and Kellyanne, and
now, this one! All in the same country, at the same time.

...Just as an aside, was a book written by Capote for his relative Marilyn Monroe. W-a-a-a-?

You heard me.

I was going to deal in this article about the question Rob raised about whether I could or should re-post what was deleted just a bit earlier. And I was going to at minimum fence around it as close as possible. Next time, next time.

Coney Barrett's words have forced me to get this up ASAP.

There is no 'Q' right now otherwise the Tiffany's pic would have gone up a week ago already. There's no plot, there's no scheme, there's no 'counter-'anything. Things are on-track and it is unlikely there is going to an upset unless y'all get complacent and stay in bed all day when you should go out at least the one time to the ballot box.

But after that, ah well, well, well now.

This is a time for Gore Vidal and Truman Capote to both wake up from their graves and get over here quick smart.


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