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Monday 28 September 2020

If You Don't Catch It...

 ...You will miss it.

I hope you have all been paying attention thus far.

Because there are key things going to turn up here that you will have to 'slightly' decipher.

Now I'm no cryptographer so I don't mean really decipher, I just mean interpret for your own benefit.

These things are designed to benefit.

People mistake this kind of 
thing for a depiction of ritual;
it is a representation of mechanism.
Muslims should note the 'exposed shin...'
They will understand the reference.

Firstly, a military division is anywhere from 10,000 to 25,000 troops.

People often 'reckon' that if they had but just one 'genie in a bottle...' According to the Book of Kings one single angelic being slaughtered 185,000 people in just one night. A respectable tally.

Bill Gates would appreciate those kinds of numbers, seeing he and half a dozen other other acolytes of the now departed (2017) David Rockefeller would like to decimate the population of the planet. And it is rather difficult to see now how they will fail to achieve their plans...

I think what the members of Antifa and the apparent 'liberal' Left do not appreciate however, is that their masters literally are trying to kill them off as one of the potential game-plan ending scenarios.

Just how manipulative master psychologists can be, though, can be seen if you watch on-line the 'last will and testament' as it were, of that young guy who carried out the attack a week ago in Paris as a response to the latest Charlie Hebdo cartoons - you will see him crying in emotional response to 'insults to the prophet' and then his appealing to his 'moderate' Imam to see just how faithful he is now that he axed a half a dozen by-standing members of the Parisian public...

There are 14 million Uighurs in China, and around 200 million Muslims in Pakistan - they can all easily be used to enact some violence somewhere, by master manipulators. Admittedly, the Uighurs could have justification! But the Turkish people (82 million) have no justification at all. Iran's 82 million can be added to the Turkish population when it comes to pursuing military violence in the Middle East.

I think you and me are going to require several divisions of invisible 'Djinn' agents to protect ourselves from the catastrophe which is more than just 'close at hand' now. No, we are actually already in it at the start, and things will go downhill from here.

Since when ever in past human history, did the humans on the planet suddenly come up with a miraculous solution of authentic peace at the last moment?

My friends, Stephen Fry posed the right challenge to 'God,' he just didn't comprehend one of the possible answers though...

I mean, no shepherds out in the fields created 'bone cancer in children' that Fry sheets home to a monstrous Universal Divinity - if, as he says, such a Being actually exists in the first place. This is a thing, Stephen, we did ourselves, through our toxic metal-infested atmosphere.

Well, political leaders have had a few thousands of years now convincing everyone they are not in need either of genuine Divine Providence or certainly not, of Divinely-instructed agents. It's all haram, brothers and sisters! ...As the Ali-bhais all phrase it.

...There are many divisions of unemployed Djinns these many centuries gone now! LOL

You want to meet an advanced ET Alien person you need to have your own mindset in some decent order. Gary McKinnon says he saw the photographs in the NASA secured files. I don't have such pics to show you.

Well, actually I could do...

What's the point of it when you can take your own photographs and convince yourself though, rather than try and work out if my pics are photo-shopped!

Get your mind straight first. If you've been paying attention you will know how (to do it).

Tell me you 'caught it,' right - it's only small, I know, but it's there...

Don't forget, these kinds of things are purposely designed for most people not to 'see' them. Certain elements are made smaller proportionately than they really are, and certain others made bigger to distract the uncritical eye.

There will be no real 'warning.'

Spies Like Us

This is a post intended expressly for our 'John Smith' a certain gentleman 'out in the field somewhere' right now.

So this will have meanings on one level for some of us, and greater meanings for certain others of us!

Anyway... ...on the one hand I promised someone that I would come up with the deepest scan of all the available literature and procure for all of us, the best 'knowledge' on 'genies' and maybe how to send them on missions to get money and stuff. LOL

Gee I felt a bit like NASA hacker poor Gary McKinnon for a while.

Gary unearthed the so-called 'Disclosure Project.' As you will recall, I hope. The UK blocked his extradition to the US eventually.

Well I haven't been searching through any unauthorized government files at least.

All the same, I shall insert right here, something that Smithy will find quite interesting, I'm sure. We know about this place, right, John Smith? We've been there, surely? ; )

Criminals just leave their fingerprints all over things, don't they, John Smith?

I think I'm going to wreck the joint now though. Just metaphorically speaking, you all understand.

...Moving along back to the amazingly stupid subject of genies: modern-day Muslims, especially due to the on-line, YouTube propensity for Imams and 'Ustadz' to be damn boring echo-chambers of fanciful nonsense, believe a range of nonsense about 'the Djinn' and imagine that it is some kind of exclusive 'revelation' derived from Islamic teachings and the Quran itself.

'Djinn' - the whole subject itself - well pre-dates the Islamic era however. It can be traced all the way back to Babylon and Assyria. 

Once again, the subject appears inside the Christian New Testament albeit thoroughly disguised by the pathetic translations that have been made through the centuries.

All rulers of ancient early Persia and Babylon, each had individual powerful non-human agencies working with them to accelerate their attainment of power. 'Geni' in the original languages meant a being that was 'Divinely expert.' 

The main reason religions like Islam try to deny both access to, and power and control over, such let's say 'dimensions' of intellect - is that once you have no expertise you cannot wrest power from someone that holds power over you...

Christmas is coming - pine cones and
fir trees, and green things.

And so the teaching basically is, that dealings with Djinn, are forbidden. But they are clearly not forbidden in terms of any of the previous history - Solomon used them, so did Cyrus the Great, literally an official 'Messiah' but with a narrowly-defined commission from God Himself; the latter Islamic writings try to manufacture a justification or 'legalistic substantiation' for such dealings by specific individuals by saying it was 'by Allah's leave...' But why, why was it in those instances but not any others?

The key aspects of having dealings with such slightly-different-to-human (because the Assyrian texts relate that you cannot tell the difference between a king and a Genie; albeit both are different to 'ordinary' humans because they are dressed and comport themselves ornately... That is the word used: 'ornately.') are the following: 

There is an understanding that such 'expert beings' have undergone some kind of 'Divinely directed' training and also a disposal of their baser ego (they have been immersed in the absu, in order to gain the rank and the role of a genie: as it pertains to powers given to the king then, this is depicted by a kind of special carrying container of 'holy water.' Next, they seem to have a ritual attachment to pine trees (this is similar to certain Greek mythology) and they dispense the 'holy water' to the king via a 'pine cone' held in their hand. Superficially, this appears like just some kind of a ritual but these things never are that simple. Where the idea of genies being somehow 'made' from smokeless fire comes from, is that after the pine-cones are immersed in this 'holy water' they are later on used to make ritual fires - from which the invisible forces come and deliver things to the gifted ones. 

...And this is also quite similar to descriptions of making sacred fires using woods and incense and burning smoke to God in the Hebrew Old Testament. Abraham did this lots on his various mountain top altars.

Thus, we have lived for many many centuries after the first few generations of Christianity, and then after Islam, without the aid of these 'expert agents.'

The bad guys in the movie just like to 
start wars - for profit. The 'spies' are 
just ordinary people trying to do good.

I think, meaningfully, things would be a lot clearer certainly, if people were able to actually see such 'folkloric' beings in the first place -, since then they would all have the clear-cut ability to make informed decisions as to whether they wished to participate with such beings - but if no such beings can be seen, physically, then of course, no rational intelligent person would go to the extent of messing around with silly pine cone rituals and crystal clear fresh water (such as the water the man with the alabaster pitcher was carrying to the rich man's upper chambers) on the strength of fairy tales told to children about how to procure expertise in the acquisition of wealth and power.

I am reminded of today's livestream presentation by Lionel Nation (to do with the up-coming election), in which he clearly said he did not believe in Satan or genuine 'demons' and so on, although clearly, there were people, especially politically-minded ones, in the world, who, in his words 'were not intending to do anything really good...!'  

The fact though, that you cannot see Satan, is not really a scientific cause to dismiss the idea altogether that there is such a Being. After all, young Gary McKinnon uncovered that NASA certainly does have photographs of a silver cigar-shaped object with geodesic glass domes top and bottom and no seams anywhere. And that they have engineering projects derived from non-human, non-this-planetary sources technology provided to them by god-only-knows as far as you and I are concerned. 

Thus you cannot, as a general rule, see any alien beings nor their vehicles and 'craft' either. But it is no longer safe to presume so floridly that they do not exist.

'God of Fire' cigars. Okay, I suppose.

Should we send a few invisible genies down back of that London place, John Smith? What do you think? Not to 'attain' anything of course, although perhaps if they brought back a few cedar wood boxes of something or other, that would not go amiss either. After all, we require some cedar spills to draw the flames from the fires made from the pine cones and the needles. 

I wonder if this is just the sacred ritual? Some kind of run-of-the-mill seduction by cigar and alcohol, after all? Intergalactic, no doubt, but in many other respects... Culturally ornate, certainly.

Sunday 27 September 2020

To Escape The Problems

The Greeks made a clear distinction between the word 'sign' and the word 'symbol.' A sign is something in nature, that you could produce a meaning from - and this was very much a large part of the reasoning behind so much of Aristotelian texts (or writings attributed to Aristotle or to his students at the Academy in his life and even closely thereafter).

Whereas a symbol is something from culture - man-made - through which we convey an already established meaning to someone else: much as you would throw someone a ball, and then expect them to 'catch it.'

This is called 'the Treasury.'

You can 'observe' a sign in the world of nature, in natural things, but what actual meaning such observations can amount to is subject to your own producing a meaning from those indicators, from those markers; you can interpret such things.

...Now sometimes you can have a very ancient text, and people translate those texts down through the ages, from the standpoints of the total available knowledge of the time. Even at the precise time in which the texts were composed, the people around then would only be able to perceive what was being said from what they knew; they can only 'catch the type of ball they already believed that ball to have been...'

So you really cannot have someone from some vastly superior advanced civilization, even though they appeared superficially 'anthropic'(!), say something from their own knowledge base and yet have the effectively, relatively primitive mindsets of the Earth humans really understand what was being said.

And would we have arrived at anywhere near to the point that we can re-visit some things and adjudge them slightly differently today?

Maybe not quite yet. And I don't want to disturb anyone's sleep at night...

What do you see?

I could tell you a terrible shocking thing about some writings, very commonly known ones, that would instantly twist your head off your shoulders! A very exciting proposition, I'm sure. 

The explanation will not have radically altered what it is people generally do believe, about what these texts convey. But it will totally change what the expectation is, namely, what you can 'look out for,' and what you will see, and what the value to you personally is, of that very subtly nuanced new meaning.

We have to understand something - put things into the real duration of everything that we are aware of as a whole unique species with our own particular recorded history of civilization. Our history (as a genuinely civilized human culture) doesn't really go back all that many thousands of years. I don't really think we can credit things like the Hindu 'Dwaraka' story as anything like being part of our present iteration of 'human culture.' Despite there being meaningful archaeological evidence for its real existence.

The major cultural and religious texts from around 500 BC present things as a kind of a 'chess game.' People and families and 'houses' are set up on two specific 'sides,' as it were. This is so for Homer as it is so for Valmiki. There is, inside these basic formats, a further expanded narrative concerning 'escape.' In the case of the Greeks and the Egyptians it is about the Olympians escaping the Titanic Serpent, and in the case of the Hebrews, it appears as the 'escape from Pharaoh.' I have my very strong doubts though, that the Hebrews are telling it truthfully and honestly - same as, much later on, the Arabs then convert that flawed Hebrew basic narrative from the stolen shaky footings provided, and manufacture an even more 'Chinese whisper' fairy tale!

There are three 'types' of human character established in the 'Chess game' narratives:

1. Those who tend towards 'Goodness' as the primary motivator;

2. Those whose focus is on responding to their Passions, which they must meet with ever-increasing fervor from point to point, and which leaves them permanently unsatisfied thereafter;

3. Those who live in Ignorance and Chaos.

For those who despair at the way of the world, we need but look at every story of power right through the ages of human history - there never was a time when, following some seeming 'revolution' the courts were then ever next peopled by honest brokers! Or by morally decent lawyers. Athens murdered Socrates, Rome murdered Caesar, then next they did the same with the complicity of Jewish lawyers and judges and 'kings' to some 'Jesus of Nazareth.' The sense of despair is well-founded.

When have things been different?

There's something to escape in!

Which judge is going to toss out the Assange abortion? And when?

If you have a 'conservative' Catholic judge appointed to the Supreme Court of America, then what you are getting is someone who, 100% guaranteed, cannot read and understand high Greek. Which means they will not likely be able to 'read' the semiotics against the clouds of the sky.

And that is not necessarily a bad thing of itself, but if you desire to escape the problems that are indeed at hand, then you will follow what I am posting here, and very closely too, over the coming few months.

This week I came across a YouTube video claiming to list 'the most important Royals of Europe.' And then it opened right up with which of them was the most long-lived, and which had the most material 'power.'

Lady Catherine Brudenell-Bruce

In Greece, they have this group of people called the 'Autochtheones' - which on-line is regularly written more as 'Autochthonous' (indigenous). But in the minds of traditional and learned Greeks this means those who were descended literally from out of the Earth itself as 'surrogate Mother,' when Athena cast the semen of her would-be rapist Vulcan (well, okay whatsisname in the Greek) onto the ground from off her thigh, and who survived the Flood of Atlantis, and who all bear the name 'Erectheiones' somewhere in their full names. Erech, as you know, being the original name for Uruk, where Abraham was from, and he was definitely part Canaanite, that is, from the half-Serpent man 'Canaan' - 'Agenor' in the Greek.

Now I don't know where this all places the daughter of the current Earl of Cardigan, but I do know she is a very fine trance music singer, who goes under the name of 'Bo Bruce.'



Friday 25 September 2020

The Warrior's New Weapons

Anyone who has grabbed one of these 'latest latest' technology golf clubs into their hands recently, will realize that we are a long way up the track from the day when 'woods' actually were made of real wood.

You watch all these new kids shredding up and down the guitar neck and you think 'OMG' how do they do that - but then what you might not realize is that this is much the same kind of thing as with the golf clubs. These are not the same kinds of instruments that you played when you were a teen. There's nothing about them that is the same - not the strings, not the fret-boards, not the necks, not the use of hand-laid composites, not the pick-ups, not the active electronics, not the guides, not the... ...not the anything at all.

The feel is totally different. The weight is different, the balance in your hands is different.

Around about the Fifth Century BC, two great poets appeared on the planet - Homer and Valmiki, the latter being responsible for virtually all of Hindu sacred writings, albeit they have all been meddled with by other writers, added to, redacted, modified, deviated from, and expanded for centuries since Valmiki. The Ramayana is a huge book, many times greater in length than Homer's Iliad which is already a big text.

Whereas today, you will readily find Hindus getting all hot under the collar whenever they are derided by the monotheistic Muslims, no Greeks give a damn what people think about the Odyssey or the Iliad as literally holy, that is sacred, texts. Sure there is this fake Right Wing movement in Greece today which pretends to want to 'go back to the old religion...' They have as much real knowledge about any of it as cows do about the grass on the moon they find there when they jump over it.

This is the Greek sacred writing, what it says - 'And then Athena, when she entered her quarters in Golden Olympus, and as the rays of the Aurora of Dawn shone all around her palace, she let the robe around her shoulders fall to the ground, and her xyston, which clattered, sending fear through all the other gods when they heard it.'

Athena is able to hurl her xyston across galaxies...

Does anybody know why there have been
so many 'escorted' military flights near the 
Barents Sea recently - still happening, too...
LOL. Not me, 'I know nothing.'

In the Hebrew texts, there is plenty of argument still today, about what an 'ephod' is, that David wore around him when he danced crazily around the tent in which the 'Glory of the Lord' was present. An 'ephod' is an aegis, not anything else.

In battle, it is used, much the same way that Lorenzo de' Medici used his cloak to deceive a member of the Pazzi Family once who was attempting to sneak up on de' Medici to assassinate him -, twirling it around him as he swung, disguising his own sword beneath the billowing folds which disarmed his assailant. In battle the aegis is employed to distract the opponent, but also as a form of subtle armor too, because it is made up of strips of hard goat-skin in between other softer fabric and velveteen on the outside.

Today, the modern warriors have the aegis radar air defense system.

And for a strike weapon the Germans have the IRIS-T missile. Iris, of course, also has a mythology meaning, being the messenger of the Olympian gods as well as the goddess of rainbows.

Notwithstanding that indeed there is exertion and kinetics in any battle, and throughout any war, the outcome is always determined by another factor, or another element beside the clashing of instruments of physical harm: as David and others are continually told - 'Not by Power, and not by Might...'

An IRIS-T missile is about $455,000 each.

Cherry Blossom color - it's Spring
down here.

A top-of-the-range golf set is going to cost you at least $2,000.

And if you want someone to beat out a Phrygian mode war accompaniment to your war-like escapades, then that will set you back around $7,000 minimum for that piece of instrumentation.

Plato of course, is infamous for having written that the modern typical pop/rock musical mode of Myxolidian turns people effeminate..., you might want to genuinely consider engaging a military drummer around your corporate offices.

...Now I'm not sure exactly how my dropping the thirty buck Japanese Prera transparent fountain pen I bought the other day onto the floor of Athena's private quarters will go down with all of the other occupants of that rather glamorous and slightly snobby place too, but why don't you try it around where you are, and see if it sends shivers down anyone's spine. It won't of course

That's what makes it so serious of a weapon.

Wednesday 23 September 2020

Why Did David Dance?

So the thing we have in all of these 'ancient texts' is a whole series of complex events, intertwined, and sometimes running parallel - and the accounts are there because they mean something, except who really gets what they mean for certain...

This guy 'David ' - King David of the combined Kingdom of Judah and Israel, he goes stupid one time, and dances (and the modern popular 'South Park' version that too many people have, is that he danced naked...) around this tent where there was some 'Indiana Jones' thing happening inside there.

And his first wife, Michal, derides him afterwards and says he humiliated himself not only in front of his own 'soldiers' I guess you could call them, but in front of slave girls. To which he ripostes that he intends to 'humiliate himself' even more, for those slave girls... 

People commonly- especially the Campbell's Tomato Soup Christians - never really quite work out the different strands in the whole story there. The accounts of this 'King David' are virtually completely secular, and carnal; earthy. He 'picks up' Bathsheba after he sees her bathing nude, he 'arranges' the 'disappearance' or 'death by obvious likely mortal peril'(!) of Bathsheba's husband, he dances wildly to the point that the 'upper echelon of society' there laugh at him, and he encourages 'God' to give him a lot of material things.

Everyone in the modern Tomato Soup arena thinks he danced around or in front of a tent in which was this notorious disappeared 'Ark of the Covenant.' In fact, the Ark of the Covenant was still some ways off, being brought to where he was.The tent was where God was hanging out for the time being.... And, indeed, this God already mentioned to David, 'did I ever chide you people for never having built me a house? I found you in particular, in a sheepfold, I hung around a mountain, in a bush, crossed a desert and a sea with you guys running away from Pharaoh, was out in the fields with you and you never heard me complain one time - so why are you trying to build me a house??'

And then, much later on, the prophets of this combined 'Israel and Judah' mob, 'no longer saw the angels of God in the tent...'

But they did before that. Apparently.

This is an actual place in Oman, and
it shows actual Hojari Frankincense
trees, which are quite different from the
small scrawny bushes in Somalia 
from which a lot of commercial 
stuff comes these days.

Why was David dancing?

The Ark hadn't got there yet.

I don't think that people know, that for a good long while, David was working literally for the Philistines, and that was after he killed Goliath.

No, he was dancing because he'd worked out something; something no one else there had realized.

And the whole of his life - in the standard narrative - is all about earthly, material successes. About his, David's material success. His conquests and his amorous liaisons.

'The Jews' are at minimum two different things: one, the House of Israel, and two, the Tribe of Judah. And they are two completely different things - for one thing Bathsheba was not a Hebrew person, and the whole line of 'David' is riddled with Egyptians, Canaanites, even these weird 'Amalekites' (shape-shifting sorcerers!).

It isn't the Jews that God in the narrative says will cover the whole Earth and consist of a vast number of nations...

It is the House of Ephraim. Now who the hell are they?

Anyway David was dancing wildly, because he was wildly ecstatic... ...about something. Something seriously useful to him. He was no fool. He knew exactly what he was doing, and why, up to a point at least given the context and that, well, he was pretty much, just a peasant out there, 'in the sheepfold.'

Along with this stupid thing, we shot out there,
a song with lyrics: 'back out in woods among the
Evergreens, a little country boy... ...he never
ever learned to read or write so well,
but he could, et cetera.'

This 'God' though you know - and I shouldn't really stick it in inverted commas; I'm just doing that to be a nuisance for the sake of the fighting between the rationalistic atheists and the earnest believers among y'all - this God, He has this habit of being around places that always, and I do mean always, exhibit certain atmospheric conditions. In the case of Mamre and Abraham, it was right beside the Terebinth trees - and if you've ever had the occasion to experience what it is like being anywhere near this particular kind of pistachio tree, it's a strong strong anti-bacterial plant, with a very very medicinal resin present. Bit like, you could say, the anti-bacterial hand-wash they have been using down at the Rave Music Festivals now for oh, I'd say, a good ten years or more.

This clip below is not too long, actually, it goes into an ad towards the end, that's why it looks long: