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Saturday 19 October 2019

Communication Out Of Control

If you read here for a mild and diverting form of entertainment, that's good. Because life should be fun, shouldn't it?

At the same time every now and then, possibly as a fore-runner to some outrageous thing or other that appears to me at least, likely to emerge on us all from the orange-y haze of the distant horizon - I will post some 'structural exercises' for the way minds can operate, although they seldom do.

You know everyone you run into is going to say they are all-too familiar with politics and political communication and even just plain basic human communication. And you can't blame them; if you go by sheer quantity of information that would be classed as political debate, or political expression, or just discussion between people on disputed ideas -, then modern people are nothing if not highly experienced.

Okay but so that is, as usual, not exactly the way I would view things...

I want you to consider any polyhedral object with faces, edges, and vertices:

And then, I want you to take any current subject matter featured in the news - brexit, or the Kurds in the Northeastern corridor of Syria, whatever.

Now I want you to imagine two people, represented by two separate polyhedral objects, and that the target of a period of communication, is the adjoining of two faces of the separated polyhedrals such that they are 'sharing the same surface' or 'surfaces' (IE being formed by the same points in Euclidean space; in this case of the surfaces, they would be simple two-dimensional 'areas.'

So... They - the two people - begin as relatively 'far apart,' and each is represented by a polyhedral. Now in normal terms of energy flows, like charges repel. But in this type of process, like surfaces attract because they aim to actually share geometric space as points-of-flat-area-in-common. 
People assign measured value to their ideas and beliefs

And this would all be perfectly functional, and always be capable of being resolved as a structural, or geometric problem of dynamics and organisation - except that two other things must be applied to what people do in communication: they place a term, or a word label, requiring a definition, onto each surface they are intellectually conscious of as something they are seeking to have communicated - and agreed upon by others.

Additionally, they assign inside themselves, inside their emotional networks - inside their memories, neural nets, nervous 'vertical energy' systems and so on - 'strengths' of belief or feeling, and strengths of volition, and orders of priority.

Now here's the problem - you cannot easily get by common human convention any guarantee from any other human these days (or maybe at any time in history with few exceptions) that the 'term' they applied is actually the same as the term you have applied to your surface desired to be communicated, and nor can you get any up-front insight into what definition or definitions they applied, or an agreement that the both of you will use the same terms and definitions or that these need to be standard definitions and usages of words. 

It can even be the case that one person is advancing a face or 'facet' of an argument, and deliberately blurring the facet - as the Japanese say, employing 'haragei;' a dance of diaphanous silkiness in front of your eyes.

Every behavioral psychologist will tell you - 'oh but this is something the human race has devised as an evolutionary common practice that serves the social group as a whole.' 

No it hasn't.
Spa salts...!

This is a process entirely outside of what humans are purpose-built to do and to achieve as an intelligent communicating species.

And you know of no example of what human beings would be like, or what society would be like, if it did the opposite thing to what it currently does in this graphical metaphor of ours depicting 'communication.'

So now you... When you go out into the streets, or to your work, or simply talk with those around you, your family friends and the people who are physically around your space - how are you going to interact with them now? 

Are you going to be all technical in your head and start to closely examine everything?

Well, hell you should.

And don't be afraid of that. Oh yes a lot of people will stop liking you and many will stop talking to you at all.

And now I'm going to lay on you a very big secret. Your eyes are deceiving you most of the time and they can see, as in literally see optically, much more than you have seen up until now. But by social habit, the human race has been 'trained' out of 'registering' those optical inputs in the conscious brain (they may be there subconsciously).

It is the case, and we must acknowledge and accept it, that we need to, we are required for various reasons of necessity, to engage with people we might not really want to, once we can 'read' them with our re-established optical capabilities. And yes, you can buy these 'augmented reality' glasses which help by using computational algorithms that detect biometrics; and that will also have the same or similar outcomes.
Marshall McLuhan

I assure you, everybody you know, almost everybody you know, is marching 'up' a conceptual hill in their subconscious minds, and for absolutely no end purpose whatsoever, with zero true objective in intellectual space, as it were. They have no knowledge of why they have composed the polyhedrals in their minds and in their 'word forms' of communicated language. They have no understanding of the energy systems and structures of intellectual space, be it human or any other one. 

And the value benefit to you, of being able to 'see' this, is that when you see a different individual - you are then 'seeing' someone whose intellectual objectives are clear, whose conceptual planning actually exists, and who definitely achieves and attains, what they set out to achieve and attain, although what they have targeted are regularly quite strange things and very different to what the bulk of humans seek. Now there are also many very wealthy people too, whose money and material substance remains with them for a long time, often for the whole entirety of their lives. And yet too most of these people are 'accidents;' they are accidentally wealthy and only ever materially wealthy, because the world is very vast and filled with physical value and material substance and through many varied causes these individuals have money come to them. And that's okay. It's pretty sad but it is what it is.

The Sky Is Open...

Thursday 17 October 2019

Aerial Silk Hammock Yoga

So, they invent something new - or kinda new - every year out in L.A.

Don't they?

Here we have some pics of the latest thing: silk hammock yoga.
Everything looks pleasantly 'mauve-ish' once the blood flows
down into your eye-sockets

And I must say, as long as I don't have to do much except lie there and shut my eyes and 'concentrate on my in breath, and on my out breath' - then yes, sign me up.

I have often swayed slowly in a hammock at night, looking up at the Orionid meteorites shooting across the sky, and listening to Tchaikovsky through my wireless headphones with the volume pretty turned up high.

Somehow I don't think this is exactly what they all have in mind out there in the rich women's fitness studios on the West Coast.
I could do that...

Wonder what Mark Zuckerberg does to 'stay fit...'

I am utterly not convinced about these recent press stories about how Facebook's digital currency proposals 'are not getting the backing' from some 'major financial institutions' like PayPal and Mastercard and Visa and similar.

Well. See. These are NOT major financial anything anymore - they are has-beens tacking onto the trailing air-streams flying off the latest cyber-space technology. What deal was put to them by Facebook? Was it something like: 'give up?'

Let's just see what happens, yeah?

I can tell you this though - the network of users that FB has compared to the whole entire lot of all the rest that 'pulled back' from supporting Zuckerberg's latest adventure -, and here's the real key; the velocity of discrete units of platform use, is the difference between a gigantic iceberg, and a twig.

Zuckerberg = iceberg. All the rest = Titanic. 

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Sounds Silly, But...

(A quick aside: there has been a lot of progress regarding the Utility Token we have formulated. It is already silver-backed and will continue to be after a broader if still quiet launch to key 'closed groups').

Anyway... Back to the saga.

My problem with going too far too soon is that, well, what am I actually expecting people to do? Leave their jobs, their normal roles, and go up to some cave like an anchorite? And what - contemplate their unique new knowledge...?

The whole reason for why any of us does this 'let's make a whole bunch of money' thing is that there is then and only then, some kind of justifiable reason for going to 'yoga nidra' practice with all those women and wives ex-Cali or literally just off the private jet from Cali.

If we all had the bank account balance that gave us nothing to do or to think about that was either new or all that demanding, then yeah sure, we might have to go indulge all those silly little oddities of modern/post-modern Hollywood-imaged Western urban culture - like drink stevia-sweetened decaf with useless friends and talk about 'Joker' and why white men are angry. 

Supposedly wealthy, or rich people - are bored people. And that's just the plain fact of it. They're not all that entertaining or interesting to talk to when you get down to it. 

We're not rich people or wealthy people over here.

We are para-wealthy. Wa-a-a-ay beyond the merely materially wealthy. Don't think I cannot do that trick with the water.

For one thing it isn't a trick.
You start with simple ideas, simple structural ideas..
I think this is by Walter Gropius, btw.

And don't think for one second I cannot convey the process of doing it to you. I'm sure I haven't heard that many sane rational people claim to be able to do the kind of thing so I am imputing that you cannot either, yet. So hey! Something ridiculous but new. Stop you from being bored for a while at least.

To paraphrase JFK, today, we stand on the threshold of... well... of something, anyway; lord knows what it is or is going to end up being.

What is all this talk about?

Technology, man. We are on the very threshold of the up-taking of new but quite available, technology. People have discovered things, you see. There have been new discoveries made. I can move blocks of stone with my mind now. Oh yes yes. My now long since retired one-time (ex-)boss used to claim to be able to do something along similar lines - and he was the absolute very last last ever person you would suppose to indulge that kind of nonsense talk. Because it's silly, see. It's really really silly stuff. Isn't it?


You start with simple ideas, and you spend some considerable time turning them over in your head, and from there things grow, you see.
'Intelligent fabric' fashion/design

So today right now, there are some Tel Aviv companies making all of this 'intelligent fabric' using nanotechnology and other advanced structural materials, and using microcircuits integrated with the fibers and optical tubules and all kinds of things we have mostly never even heard of yet. But there's software that goes along with the physical technical aspects - software that analyses what people are thinking, what their biometrics show second-by-second. You can see from the fabric glowing in the shadows of a darkened nightclub, what they are thinking down to very discrete logic literal words and idea forms, what the neural network harmonic resonances are in wave-forms and frequency strength - and you can transfer ideas to them and they back to you across quite large distances.

Monday 14 October 2019

Just Showing Power, Not Taking Over

One of the fascinating things to me, is how backwards the cultural life of modern human beings has slipped over recent decades.

And it's partly a consequence of self-willed simple-mindedness. And you can't 'lift up' those who themselves actually want to fall down. Even if you're very strong you'll be working against inertial mass going in an opposing direction.
That's not a Russian Sable dyed black, it's probably
a black diamond mink.
...Unless it's a Russian Sable dyed black. ; ))

In these pages I never post what I consider is visually deficient for the mind to look at - even if it could be looked at for information purposes; yet I still never post these things. And the same goes for sound and music. Which means although I will describe something now, I will not link any actual examples; I will, by contrast, post the exact opposites.

I say that 'dumbing-down' is only partly a consequence of people's own deliberate intentions to reside always in mental laziness - because what is also true, is that there has been a consistent systematic regime of audio-visual lies fed to everyone through the mass media. 

We can probably thank Edward Bernays and his interfering with the 'United Fruit Company' in the CIA-orchestrated overthrow of the Guatemala government in 1954, for the CIA's avid obsession ever since, with designing the mindset of the public via mass public entertainment for its own political purposes.

By today, everyone has already forgotten about that movie that crashed all box-office records last week, you know, that thing, that, what was it called...? Yeah, that one. About all the angry white men everywhere.

Now that's actually quite a funny concept to me, except that I myself had the personal experience of walking through a city mall not long ago with my company's young(-ish) engineers, and holding my hands across them and whispering: 'hey that's professor Germaine Greer.' Only to be greeted with the ripostes: 'Who's Germaine Greer?'
Only post pretty things around here!

Well, Germaine Greer 'made love' to that 'entitled' angry white man, one time - you know, the talent-less Jimi Hendrix.

Today, if you search on YouTube 'music for sex' you will be fed a long list of tracks all featuring fairly ordinary sax music, over-drawn and rigidly repetitive drum and bass lines - in fact incredibly boring 'Latin-American' musical parodies rather like 'elevator music' but with the same drum patterns over and over and over.

The reason I have been talking about early modern architects is that in context of their day, their work is very hopeful - even though now, because these ideas have been parodied many times and copied beyond the human scale, they are symbols of dystopian imagery.

I don't think even if advanced aliens did land, and were able to overpower human opposition, they would be very interested in 'taking over' completely...
Any hope left? Not if the asteroid hits...

Now I know that we all want to make money, so that we may have the luxury of standing back, and casually making these objective observations of what we see of the world around us today - and so we will, too - but for just these last remaining few moments before it all hits, I know that at least quite a few of you here will be wise enough to pick up on some clues...  
This month, it will be from the Orionid radian - unless it's
and artificial shooting star.


It's a sedate track, but has some well-placed off-beats and
down-slipping minor colors.

And this is not so sedate.

Saturday 12 October 2019

What Happens When... walk with me?

Well, today, some people asked me for spare change, a church begun by the one-time Wimbledon Ladies Tennis Champion Margaret Court stopped me in a city square and asked if they could 'pray over me,' and an enormously wealthy Brahmin-looking local Indian doctor in a drop-top Aston Martin waved at me and smiled while stopped at a set of traffic lights.

Poor, hopeful, rich.

All normal. Nothing unusual out there among the human race -, at all.
As you well know - the 2019 Aston Martin Volante convertible

So just glossing briefly over what's happening with our silver-backed Utility Token (a couple of new guys came in from the Middle East again following some more on-line activity there), it's time to dive deep into the more interesting stuff:

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. 

...Changed his name, adding the Dutch form of 'van der' to his mother's maiden name 'Rohe.' He didn't use the German 'von' because there were at the time legal restrictions due to the implication of aristocratic ancestry - and I think, there may be still such restrictions. It happens to be that the maiden name of my own grandmother was 'von Warburg' and you will note that although the American banker Paul Warmburg claimed to be originally from a Venetian family he never used the 'von' title - which casts some doubt in my mind as to what he could have really been.
Seagram Building, NYC (Mies van der Rohe)

The Germans still to this day prefer to say 'von Farnburg' - meaning 'from a far place' - for the 'von Warburgs' who took up residences literally in a mountain with a similar sounding name 'Warberg,' the 'berg' part meaning snowy or a high place. And so there has always been duplicity about the names employed, remembering that after the fall of the Serene Republic, those Venetian families who moved into not easily accessible parts of Europe were still having to evade marauding gangs even in high mountain castles.

So why are we talking about Mies van der Rohe?

Because we are talking about the movie '9 1/2 Weeks' and those van der Rohe and also Le Corbusier design artifacts featured in some scenes in there, and also about suits by Pal Zileri.


Oh yeah.

'Pal Zileri' - who make incredibly good high quality fabrics and then design them into top notch modern suits mostly for men - is named after the 'Palazzo Zileri' designed by the famed designer of so many Venetian galleries and courtyards and 'palatial' buildings, Andrea Palladio. An Italian Renaissance poet - Trissino - gave Andrea the surname 'Palladio' after the artifact which Diomedes and Odysseus stole from Troy without which the Greeks could never have defeated the Trojans.
Le Corbusier design house Perriand LC4 chair

Oh yes. The 'Palladium' was a small statue depicting Athene and her human friend Pallas and probably Hermes as well, of which all ancient Greek writers used the following exact words: 'on the safe-keeping of which the safety of the city was thought to depend.'

There are a lot of these types of things, in various cultures - there is the Kursk Root Icon (which is supposed to be in New York City, I think, these days...) and there are rocks from space inside the Kaaba in Mecca, and there are similar anthropomorphic 'stones' in the Hindu cult of Tara-Tarini (Sanskrit meaning 'crossed' or 'star-crossed'), to say nothing of the infamous Temple of Artemis meteorite stones at Ephesus.

Poor, hopeful, rich.

You think any of these human beings actually knows what is going on?

The Christian-type people told me Jesus died for my sins. And that is why He died; according to them.

But I tell you, He died because human beings couldn't damn well see what they were looking at.