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Friday 6 September 2019

At The Perth Mint Today

Well. Well.

Yes, I went there today, you know, to just have a look around at what was really going on, 'on the ground there...'

Fewer Chinese tourists. LOTS more Indian, Sub-Continent tourists. LOTS of group tours of people ranging from the standard local pensioner group tours to obviously foreign tourists, mainly middle-age with a few younger but mature couples added in. Well-off. No question about it.
This was an evening function from a while ago, but they do this
kind of thing every now and then.

The Perth Mint is housed in a very old and fairly grand set of buildings, with extremely well-kept grounds around it featuring courtyards and gardens. But it is a combination of very high tech, advanced modern architecture and design inside, somehow blended in with real old school metal banking facilities - and it has the feel of a gold bank and throughout the whole of my own personal experience of the place, the staff are absolutely outstanding. To some extent it may seem a bit odd to say this, but they (executive, management and staff) are friendly. They never seem to portray being under stress at all and for me going to the place is a cure for anxiety.

As has been the case several times in the past, there are lines of minted bullion bars in particular, for which you are going to have to wait according to the official advice, up to a month for physical delivery. You can fix a current price though, over the counter. And I know that waiting times are often not anywhere near as long as a month - they just ring you and let you know when the material is available for you to pick up. It likely means they are managing production according to a filled order batch, I presume; that's what it feels like to me. And that does not mean there isn't a strong demand right now pulling shelf stock out - there absolutely is. There is a stated 'run' on various popular lines, smaller bullion bars but also the kilo bars, and particularly in silver, whereas with gold you can more regularly get what you are after on the spot. But even there, not always. Precious metals are definitely in fairly powerful demand; and this is very evident from the visible numbers of people continuously going in and out of the dealing counters area. You won't be queuing in a long queue, but you might be shepherded around a bit while they get a slot available for you.

This is a bank. A real bank. With real money in it.

And everybody loves it and you get a good feeling when you go to the place.

Did I buy anything? Yeah, I bought some silver.

It is feeling like evening, in the economic world...

Wednesday 4 September 2019

The Aerospace Industry Aliens

A shout to one of our friendlies:

...It's like, an 'old school' broadcaster with up-to-the-latest data and facts.


Okay, so this is the 'out there' article.

And it's really a very complicated subject. 

One of the biggest issues is the apparent total lack of any credibly objective, repeatable 'experience' or 'experiment' that demonstrates any engagement by (Earth) human-kind, with any other sentient beings from elsewhere.

I say 'apparent' because anything that does really exist in public records, is obscure, argued over, or actually actively suppressed by arms of government for very unclear reasons.

When Steven Spielberg was just about to release 'Close Encounters,' NASA wrote the studio a 20-page official letter, strongly advising against release of the movie because it was 'dangerous.'

And you can imagine what effect that had! I think they released the movie even quicker and with an expanded marketing budget.

What I'm going to try and do, is cut down to the barest minimum core details, leaving out extraneous personal commentary as much as I can (gulp, that will be hard).

Hughes Aircraft and also Lockheed of around the late Fifties in particular, had a moderately large-ish 'band' of engineers and technicians who all claimed to be in regular contact with ET 'beings.' 'Close Encounters,' was based on 'stories' from these people, given a veneer of 'cover' by the Project Blue Book people, and apparently, badly written by Hollywood screen-writer Paul Schrader. 
People like colored light

The center of 'activities' related to such ET encounters, was in Landers, Southern California, and not Nevada or Groom Lake or Jushua Tree River National Park.

For whatever reason, there are and have been, numerous 'festivals' and gatherings in all of those other places - or very near them - that mimic what the Hughes Aircraft people were doing.

The most important, or significant, 'thing,' that was shown or presented in Spielberg and Phillips' movie - was not the CGI mother-ship, or the little grey aliens, or any of that, but - it was the musical score by John Williams. He inverted some of the melody lines from the Disney 'Pinocchio' movie's 'When You Wish Upon A Star' and these notes were used as part of the aliens' communication means, with the movie's 'scientists' who had gathered to try and engage with this advanced intelligence.

Now to this very moment that you are reading this, there never has been, any serious attempt to depict complex music in geometric forms - in terms of potential alien communication - and yet, all notes, being measured frequencies, have equivalent plane geometries made by the sum of internal angles of whatever geometric shape you are looking at (or, as in this exact case example we are considering - hearing).

Nobody has ever, depicted the notes Williams scored, as a set of geometric shapes. But that is what they actually are.

Later on, some time in the future from here, somebody will do it, and then the whole controversy will rage on, on the public surface all over again.

...As I say though, I'm cutting directly to the chase here.

The mostly Hughes Aircraft UFO 'coterie' were of the view that human sense-tangible material things, were on one pole - a negative pole - whereas quantum energies that were nonetheless highly organised, integrated, and active and dynamic, and possibly intelligent, were on the opposite, and positive pole of 'Universal everything.'
Temple of Baalbeck - and colored lights

And this arrangement of reality, would definitely tend to make it almost never the case, that some intelligent viewer at one pole, would be able to 'see' what was going on at the other pole.

Which accounts for why the broad mass of the public at large, and certainly all of their governments and government agencies and public institutions, are never able to 'see' what is 'on the other side,' so to speak.

And for 'us' - and for all of you, I presume - we are indeed living here and now in the material physical present on this Earth. And we want to make a bunch of money and have a lot of stuff and have a good time and show off to those bewildered crowds around us, and we don't need to consort with advanced aliens in order to attain all of that, do we.


Anyway. Back to the 'chase.'

In case you do want to slip the cigarette paper adhesive of masked reality, you have to just 'rustle rustle cigarette paper' as the sports coach I once worked with used to advise his running forwards... case you do, just remember, that all of your neural networks are visible with technology, and, therefore, stuck fixated mindsets are easily seen, and interesting mindsets are also just as easily seen for what they are.

Again, there are no academic papers on this, but generally speaking, people - humans - are not that aware of how our neural (synaptic) vesicles restore themselves almost continuously. People do talk about dopamine but dopamine is not really a pleasure chemical the way everyone thinks - it is a 'cleaning fluid' type of thing which then allows for other signalling to move efficiently.
This is actually where 'the Watchers' descended, but rebuilt by the Romans
with the original stones; who (the Romans) credited the story as real, or real enough, anyway.

When you lie down very very VERY quietly, eliminating as much sensory input as possible, and just waiting, you 'might' if you are very self-aware and observing, 'feel' or notice the vesicles being re-stocked; 'filling up.' What they are filling up with is stuff that you have become habituated to use most commonly during your active time - in other words, what your body has adapted to doing, as it determines, what is most successful for your personality and character, and this becomes a 'trained-in' pattern of neural network firings relying on the stores inside the most used vesicles and vesicle systems. 

You can 'prove' this by having someone drop something heavy and loud without warning, at some unknown exact point after you have 'shut everything off' and are lying down quietly; you will feel a sudden 'drop' (IE a 'spilling over') sensation, followed by all the vesicles re-charging again.

It is highly possible, that your neural network habituated pathways, are trained not to see anything suspicious or out-of-character with what is regular and consistent.

Frequency harmonization, along these vesicle lines, is done most palpably with human senses, through complex music - I would say, specifically certain types of classical music, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Grieg, Chopin for some good examples.

Very advanced intelligent 'aliens' would probably not be so interested in your average, and rather dull and predictable human being. Not, if they are very insistent on staying entrenched in their irrationally restricted fixations.
Alcohol - and colored light

...I think it would prove interesting to 'ask' what it is, that an extraordinarily advanced intelligent, and likely not terrestrial, 'humanoid being' is interested in, and then taking things from there. Rather than any of us telling them that we are interested in them; of course we are, obviously, because we want stuff! More stuff, better stuff; their stuff.

And then of course, we have the Ethics question, and the Ontological question, and whether there are 'demonic' entities and so on, and whether the Western Christian or similar belief systems have anything to say about all of this.

The main reason, in my estimation, and I said I wasn't doing personal commentary here, but still - the main reason 'Occultism' persists as an avenue of very great interest, is due to the very fact that palpable, tangible effects and experiences are much more readily achieved through 'negative-negative' frequency flow effects. 

It is much MUCH harder to comprehend through the human senses matched to the standard human intelligence habits (in the extended brain), what it is Tchaikovsky is really trying to impart. 

Tuesday 3 September 2019

So, Silver

What did we say here?

'Silver Dirham' - a relatively new oud-based perfume;
pretty decent too. Shame there's no 'nitro-musk' in it. NM was banned
by the European IFRA regulators and so you can only get Nitro Musk
in Middle Eastern and Indian fragrances these days. Shame... ...because you
can really blow up planes and buildings and back-packs and stuff with Brut 33 original,
if you know how to remove one or two of the added carbon atoms in the base molecule.
'Silver to rise soon.' Was the label attached to our Wednesday, 3 July article: 'Started This Silver Fund.' Price then was around and sometimes even less than 15 bucks in Aussie dollars which have since slipped even further, as the GBP slides freely.

So what are we going to do? It's in a profit and you never go broke taking a profit (or so old Geoff Cambridge, my most ancient stock broker mentor used to say).

And part of the design of what we are doing here is getting a digital utility token off the ground, backed by various hard value and liquid components. Silver being one of them at the moment.

We can sell some, and we can buy some more, too - because, we have a stream of money from elsewhere and right now I am unable to think of anything better to spend the cash into.

What do you guys think? We've made about 30% all told, inclusive of the currency movements - in less than sixty days.

How Long More For The New Technology

See, some of the stuff I would tell you, does not 'comply' with standard modern folklore - even though that 'folklore' has absolutely zero historical authenticity whatsoever...

I know that a lot of people do 'believe' in the standard current 'space drama' narrative about there literally being 'fallen angels' or something, who led everyone on Earth astray - I mean this is, generally speaking, the actual underlying 'theistic nature of Evil' belief structure of more or less ALL of modern Western Christian, um, eschatology(?), would you call it that; probably yep.

Anyway, 'Haram' means 'forbidden' and 'Amon' means 'hidden - and so 'Hermon' (as in 'Mount Hermon') means 'forbidden and hidden.'
What does this do...?
- What does it actually, do.

'Forbidden' means you can't go there; or you're not supposed to go there unless invited and accompanied by some knowledgeable 'guide.' 'Hidden' means you're not going to 'find it' anyway, if you go looking on your own.

It doesn't mean it is bad, or it is a bad place or that there are bad beings there.

Masjid al Haram is simply the Great Mosque in Mecca.

The Book of Jude - which references this infamous damn 'Book of Enoch' specifies what beings are bad, and it doesn't say 'fallen angels' or anything about 'fallen angels.'

And so if you are in that mob that thinks there was ever a 'deal' done between super-advanced but evil 'ET aliens' and the US government or even the Russian government as well, to hand over some 'advanced technology' just so that 'they' (the space invaders) can keep some live humans underground somewhere and suck their blood or something, just forget it; it's idiotic nonsense.

What is not nonsense, is that the human race has benefited from some quite remarkable leaps forward in technology over the last few hundred years, and with an increasing surge over the immediate last fifty years or so. And these leaps have definitely altered the entire 'way' of the human race, virtually across the entire planet.

But have we just now also seen a slowing, maybe even a sudden grinding halt...?

Are people becoming bored with what was at first the novelty of iPads and iPhones, and the internet?
And what does this do?
Is it coming soon? Can we have it?

Are these things failing to deliver on whatever it was people thought 'they' (the 'things,' the technology) promised?


And so we will now begin to see the decline and fall of edifices raised up on the promise of what technology could supposedly deliver.

These 'edifices' are social, and cultural, and economic.

...But there is still new technology yet to come.

You will get it. At least you will if you stay around here, and watch and think carefully.

And you will survive and thrive through the mess that is now starting to brew and will soon enough spill over into - well, into everything and into everywhere.

'Fallen angels,' eh. I think not.

The Book of Jude specifies who the problem is.


Monday 2 September 2019

Al Uqsur

Al Uqsur is the Egyptian for what we today call 'Luxor.'

Luxor is in Thebes, and is the place at which Plato said Hermes founded his city, and provided Mankind with the necessary modern ideas for it to establish actual 'civilization.' 

If you search 'the Courtyard of the Kings' in virtually all the search engines, they will take you the 'Temple of Ramses.' And this is not actually 'the Courtyard of the Kings.' ...And this is just the beginning of the deceptions that will be offered to you by so-called 'scholars' and historians, mostly modern, but certainly including some old ones as well from thousands of years ago.
Courtyard of the Kings

There is a problem about Egypt of course, namely, we simply have inadequate, or highly unreliable 'information' of its true history.

As far as the relatively uncontested narrative is concerned dating to authentic Egyptian inscriptions, the god Amun, established Al Uqsur - 'Amun' meaning 'the hidden god.'

In terms of comparative accounts, the Hebrews supposed that certain 'heavenly' identities were present on Mount Hermon, and they did all kinds of things, mostly not that good according to the Masoretic traditions. The ancient Greeks also held a similar version of the story, and they too, suggested there was a group of such beings who established their dwellings in a mountain in Syria, but then, some titanic maleficent force turned up threatening to literally destroy them - as in kill; even 'the gods...' And consequently, they 'hid' themselves in artificial mountains in Egypt, disguising themselves as forms of terrestrial animals, the leader of which was an eagle.


Strangely enough, you will find this same account in the Christian Bible, except it is almost never underscored that there was an antecedent account, that we today call 'mythology.'

You see, the words used are the same words: 'eagle,' 'uqsur,' 'temenos,' 'oiketerion.'

'Uqsur' means a palace, but 'al uqsur' has the implication of a grouping of palaces. 
The Temple of Hatshepsut

Now how is it actually possible to 'kill a god' - a being who presumably, by very definition, is eternal and cannot 'die.' Well, the titanic being seeking to 'kill' them, was itself something from out of some indescribable place before time itself began ('primordial') - or at least, this was how it was 'billed.'

The leader of the gods in these accounts, sought the advice of some other 'ultimate' divine identities - the Moirai - who assisted him to vanquish the titanic entity. It is literally the case, that the primordial being, is chaos - a preternatural force that is not constrained to behave according to physics, to laws, to nature, to predictability along any set rules at all; it does not obey 'the gods.'

It is part of hypothetical existential 'thoughts' in that it is, the opposite of all things.

Is it really possible to destroy, 'the (theoretical) opposite of all things?'

You can constrain it. I have not yet seen a logical proof to any surmise that it can be fully destroyed.

L'uqsur-fer...' ...means, assistant in the palaces.

There is nobody anywhere in any 'lodge,' masonic hall, or secret conclave of the Illuminati, who will tell you that.

It is difficult, I understand, to get good help these days.

There is literally no point telling Rabbinical scholars that 'malak,' or 'melek' does not mean 'angel' or 'king' - 'm'el-aig(yptos)....' Because they know better, don't they. I mean it's their language, isn't it.

Winged, as an eagle. Divine, of the 'Els.'

'M' just means '(hu)man.'

King is 'ji-n-si-b-ijwys-t.' 'N' is 'of' and 'b' is 'and' and 't' is 'all.' And that is on ALL the hieroglyphics. And that is not disputed by anyone; but they never talk about it either.